Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, December 10, 1897, Image 5

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    Great Special Sale
Capes, Jackets and
Russian Blouses
Garmsiits o! Every Grade and Quality
This is the place to buy Sealette Capes. We have them in all lengths, '
22, 24, 2(i, 27, 28 and 30 inches long. Extra sizes in stock now. made
expressly for large ladies. Full sweep, silk lined, fur trimmed.
3?Special prices for the HOLIDAYS.
Black Mohair, full sweep, taffeta-lined, corduroy binding.
price 1.3o, SJ1.4U, $1.50; worth fJ.&U and $3.
147 Pieces of Fine Diagonal Suiting, all new colorings, extra heavy
cloth, double warp, warranted all-wool every fiber, stranded value for
4ie and 50c yard. This week for 29c yard, or $2.03 suit of 7 yards.
The best bargain ever shown in Dress Goods in Fori land.
At the exclusive Cloak and Dry Goods House of the Northwest.
Mcailen &' McDonnell,
Cor. S1 & Morrison,
To Portland
In order to enable our numerous friends and
customers to pav us a visit and examine our
NEW STORE w'ith its entirely NEW STOCK
we have concluded to give them an opportunity
of doing so free ol cost. Our plan is this:
Any one visiting our store from Clackamas
county, and making a purchase amounting to
ten dollars or over and presenting a copy of this
advertisement, will have the amount of his or
her fare to Portland and return refunded by us.
To assure those who are not acquainted with our
house we beg leave to say that we have hut
and that the lowest and all our goods are
marked in plain figures.
Our stock is entirely new and has been carefully
selected by our Mr. Ben Selling, aud we will sell
Third and Qnk Streets.
John Daly was down from Macksburg
Tuesday. '
Additional news items on first and
fifth pages.
Mrs. F. F. Fisher has returned from
her Eastern trip.
A surprise party was given Men Greger
son on Saturday evening.
Born, on December 4th to Mr. and
Mrs. Hiram Schraeder, a son.
Miss Anna Banter, of Barlow, was an
Oregon City visitor Wednesday.
Fortune & Brown opened a roller skat
ing rink under the Armory on Saturday.
May & Nash have opened a barber
shop on upper Seventh street.
llemember the Red Men give the
most successful masque ball of tho sea
C. G. Huntley on Wednesday moved
into his now residence on Washington
Mrs. S. A. Chase left Monday for
Calfux to vNit her son, who is business
manager of tho Gazette.
The Sunday Mercury says a girl died
in the hospital In Portland, without the
knowledge of her relatives, who live
in Oregon City.
Mrs. Luella Holland, t of Salem,
mother of Leon Holland in Harding's
drug store, came down yesterday to par
ticipate in the minstrel aggregation at
Shively's hall tonight.
When buying your Christmas meats
lemember tlat the old established shop
of 0. Albright keeps nothing but the
best. If there is any veniso'i or bear to
be had h will li.ive.it for you.
E. I . Davidson has purchased the
confectionery store of George Ifeddeway
on Main street. Mr. Ueddewny will do
V te his time to painting and l.is store on
upper Seventh street.
J. M. Lawrence has accepted a position
on the Daily Oregonian in Portland and
now M. E. Bain, of the Press, is
temporarily filling the position of cor
respondent to Oreuoniun and Associated
James Neely, aged 97, died at the
residence of his sister, Mrs. Munson,at
Park place Monday. The funeral services
were conducted by Rev. Oberg Tuesday,
and the interment was made in Mountain
View cemetery. The deceased was un
married, and had another sister living at
Wheat is now quoted at 09 cents per
bushel in the Portland flouring mills in
this city.
Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Bellomy, of
Kentucky, have arrived and will spend
the winter with their son, B. S. Bellomy.
The Glee Club of the university of
Oregon will give an entertainment at
Shively's hall on Thursday evening
December 30th. Particulars next week
Rev. F. C. Butler and wife, of St.
John, Wash., a brother of Rev. Dr.
Butler, arrived in the city last Monday
to visit with the Dr. for a few days.
Miss McKee, of Oakland, Cal., who
has been visiting in this city for the past
two months, left for her home Thursday
evening. She was accompanied by her
Bister, Mrs. N. R. Lang, w ho will remain
in California sometime.
Ernest Hickman, who recently re
turned from Juneau, states that Russell
Case, formerly with Charman & Son in
this city, has charge of the grocery de
partment in a largo mercantile establish
ment, and is getting a salary of $125 per
month. Thomas Campbell is a bar
keeper in the Franklin hotel. A Bean,
who formerly resided here, has a one
third interest in the gambling privileges
of Juneau.
Midwinter, campmeeting at the Salva
tion Army hall beginning December 13th.
18D7. Dr. W. D. Williams, rector of the
St. Paul's church, will preach Monday
evening, December 13th ; Rev. Butler
Tuesday evening, Rev. Ware Wednes
day evening, Mr. Johnson, Y. M. 0. A.
secretary, Thursday evening, Rev. L. M,
Rugg Friday evening'. Services com
mence at 8 p. m. A cordial invitation
ii given to ull. Commanding olficer,
J. E. Osborne, ensign.
Mrs. Margaret Davis IIugheB, wife of
Edward Hughe", died at Beaver Creek
on last Sunday of paralysis. Mrs.
Hughes was highly esteemed by a wide
circle ol acquaintances, and was 59
years, six months and 23 days at the
time of her demise. The funeral took
place on Tuesday and the Bervices at the
were followed by services in the Beaver
Creek Presbyterian church, conducted
by Rev. A. J. -Montgomery, and was fol
lowed by Rev. D. W. James with a ser
vice in the Welsh language. Besides
her husband the deceased left one son
and two daughters. She wag born in
Wales and came to Clackamas county
from Wisconsin in 18".
II. S. O. Phelps, of Oanby, was in the
city Tuesday.
Chris Kocher, of. Marks' Prairie, was
in town Tuesday.
H. A. Waldron was down from New
Era precinct Tuesday.
A girl for light house work is wanted.
Apply at Courier office.
R. L. Ringo, of Highland, was an Ore
gon City visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. Celia Will, of Aurora, was visit
ing relatives during the week.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart in
this city Sunday morning, December 5th,
a son .
William Carroll, of Olympia, was visit
ing the family of J. G.Pilsbury during
tho week.
Come and see the holiday goods. We
will save you money on every purchase
at tho Racket store.
On the Rth County Clerk Dixon issued
a marriage license to Christmas Kester
aged 22 and Henry Gurther aged 42.
Myrtle Degree of Honor Lodge gave a
very pleasant party at Willamette hall
on Thursday evening, December 9th.
O. N. Davidson, of Mayger Columbia
county, was visiting friends hero on
Monday. He was a former resident of
this county.
Three great papers, one year, and four
wonderful bo"ks, almost free. Read
"Klondike Gold is Coming" found in
another column.
Bert Greenman, of the government
hatchery on the Clackamas, has been at
home for a few days on account of an at
tack of malarial fever.
Miss Caroline Eichhorst and Fred
Exley, both of Portland, were married
at the Congregat;onal parsonage Monday,
Dr. T. W. Butler officiating.
D. L. Feaster, an ex-poiice olficer of
Salem, was in the city Monday night.
He has been at Spokane for several
months and was on his way to Salem,
J. R. Marks was down from Marks'
Prairie Wednesday. He is now as
sociated with W. S. Hurst in the prod
uce and commission business at Aurora
In ordering your Christmas pastry re
member that the old established bakery
of Gibson & Lindsey is prepared to
furnish yon with cakes, puddings, pies,
etc., cheaper than you can make them
C.C.Redman, an employe of Wells
Fargo & Co., at Portland, was married
to M. J. Ashley, of this county, on last
Monday. Hie ceremony took place at
the court house and Judge .Hayes
In buying serviceable Christmas pre
sents you should not forget that McAllen
& McDonnell of Portland have the best
line of dry goods, cloaks, etc., in the
city. They are square dealers and you
make no mistake in doing business with
them .
Register Moores, of the Oregon City
land ollice, has received notice of t he ap
proval of school land selections covering
G384.C4 acres in this district. The selec
tions were made to cover the deficit
caused by tho creation of the Cascade
limber reserve, principally.
The Salvation Army will have a very
interesting time Saturday evening, De
cember 18th, at 8 p.m. Character of
meeting will be the four seasons, spring,
summer .autumn and winter in character.
After meeting a social will be given.
Everybody is cordially invited.
P. A. Worthington, of Western Ore
son, hits been appointed chief clerk by
U. S. Marshall Houser. After January
1st, Mr. Worthington will succeed L. O
Driggs, of this city, who has held down
that place foi the pat 12 years through
all the varying administrations.
Jacob Kurtz, of Marquain precinct,
who was arraigned in Justice Schuebel's
court Monday on a charge of perjury,
was acquitted. W. L. Jenkins was
arrainged on the same day for stealing
goods from the Oregon City woo'en mills.
He was fined $"0, in default of which he
was sent to the county jail for 25 days.
Miss Clara Miller, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. G. II. R. Miller, and Erni st
M. Foster, of Vancouver barracks, were
married at the' residence of the bride's
parents at 7 ;. m. Saturday evening De
cember 3rd. Only a few relatives were
present at the ceremony, ami Rev. H.
Oberg, officiated, Mr. and Mrs. Fowler
left the same evening lor their future
home at Vancouver.
A party of Clackamas county people
left Portland on the steamer Geo. W.
Elder Sunday night for Alaska. They
were Frank Wright, of Canyon Creek,
Frank Yacli, Albert Hodges and J. W.
Reevas, the latter recently from Texas.
They took along a complete outfit if
supplies, sleds, etc., and expect to reach
Lake Bennett by January 1st. The
party have an outfit of tools and expect
to engage in boat building.
A warrant was issued out of Justice
Schueljel's court for tho arrest of F. M.
Robinson on a charge of kidnapping last
Monday, but his whereabouts have not
yet be(en discovered. Mrs. Robinson
wae granted a decree of divorce from her
husband at the November term of the
circuit court and was awarded the cus
tody of their minor child. Since the di
vorce was obtained Mrs. Robinson Jias
been living in Oregon City, and left the
child with her parents at Milk creek.
It is alleged that Robinson has taken
possession of the child unlawfully.
Ft., miM "SMfWHWHll
Something watches, clocks, sterling silverware
Roger Bros. Silver Plated are,
f()l' Tl Sterling Silver Novelties, Canes, Umbrellas, Gold Pens, "Sl Lowest
I Gold Spectacles, Musical Instruments, I
IV Silver Mounted Purses, Silver Manicure Sets, Rings, PfiCCS
Everybody Link Buttons, Studs, Breast Pins, Earrings.
The Oregon City
D. W. Smith visited Salem last Friday.
Mrs. Chas. Burns is slowly recovering
from her illness.
O. W. Robbins, the Molalla merchant,
was in town this week.
Mr. S. M. Paquet is home from a visit
to her sister at The Dalles.
The regular December session of the
county court began Wednesday.
Miss Lou Ware, of Brownsville, is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. E. L. Shaw.
Miss Josephine Clark, of Spokane, is
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. T. A.Pope.
E. E. Charman has been confined to
his home for several days with illness.
viiss Addie Hughes of Salem visited
her aunt. Mrs. M. P. Chapman, during
past week.
Miss Bertha Barin, of Portland, was
the unest of Miss Vera Pilsbury the first
of the week.
Miss Imogene Harding, who has been
confined to the house with tonsilitis,
has recovered.
The University Oregon Glee Club will
appear at Shively's hall on Thursday,
December 30th.
Mrs. J. C. Read, accompanied by her
two children, Treston and Nettie, left
for the East Monday evening.
8. M.Ramsbyof Molalla has decided
to spend a largo part of the time this
winter in Oregon Citjfc with his family.
Grand street parade by tho Red -Men
Christmas day between tho hours 12
and 1 o'clock. Something entirely new.
It would take too much space to quote
prices on the large stock of ladies' em
broidered handkerchiefs at the Racket
W. P. Johnson, vice-president of the
Willamette Pulp & Paper Co., is up from
Oakland, Calif., looking after the big
mills here.
The new officers of Company F are,
Dr. L. L. Pickins, capiain ; W. A. Hunt
ley, 1st lieutenant; Fred Metzner, 2nd
lieu tenant.
Miss Hattie Phillips came down from
Salem Monday, having been called to
her home at Clackamas by tho illness of
her hister, Miss Annie.
Miss Mary Dolan, who is now a nurse
in St. Vincent's hospital, Portland, re
turned Monday after a ten days' visit to
her mother in this city.
Miss Cornelia McCown, who has been
in a Portland hospital for several weeks,
returned homo Wednesday evening.
Her condition is considerably improved.
Canby's new city olfieers elected last
Monday are: H. Le mayor ; George
Knight, treasurer; James Evaiis, Geo.
W. Knight, Adam H. Knight and W. W.
Weed, coiincihnen.
The windstorm Tuesday night played
havoc with tho incandescent electric
lights for a few momenta. Twodynanios
at station A anil one at station B were
burned out during the gale.
D. E. Kenworthy, ft one time in
business in this city, but recently from
British Columbia, will open a restaurant
and confectionery store at the old
Wheeler stand on Saturday.
The new officers of the Presbyterian
Y. P. S. C. E. are: President, Miss
Alice Roberts; vice-president, Miss Jane
Luelling; secretary, Arthur Ilolden
treasurer, Miss Elinor Williams.
"Patent" flo'ir, manufactured by the
Portland Flouring Mills Co. of Oregon
City, is giving excellent satisfaction aud
can now be had at any of the grocery
in the city. The sales are constantly
A teachers' drawing class was organiz
e 1 at the Barclay school building last
Saturday, by Miss Knox, teacher of
drawing in the Portland public schools.
The class already numbers 13 and will
meet twice a month for instruction,
Thomas Purman,a native of Germany,
appeared at the county clerk's office
eariy Monday morning, and wanted to
take out his final citizenship papers at
once. As he had never declared his
intentions to be come a citizen, lie was
permitted to file his first papers.
J. S. Risley, of Oswego, was in town
Saturday. Mr. Risley has alout 200
acres under cultivation and his men are
so busy plowing that he has not bailed
his hay crop yet, He is holding his
hops for higher prices, having gold
several thousand pounds of contracted
hops for 8 cents though.
Furnishing Goods
and Hat "Dept."
Random Wool, heavy and strong, with double
stitched seams, per garment 50c
The King, in dark gray, very desirable and warm,
worth $i.oo, special value 75c
Very Fine Soft Fleece Wool, double stitched,
with pearl buttons, worth $no, special
value $1.25
Very Latest Fedoras $1.25, $1.50, $2 and $3
Very Latest Derby $2.50, $3 and $3.50
A (3 C . V 1IA MnrvUon
The Place to Buy Your Shoes...
OS Third Street, Between Pine and Oak, PORTLAND
land) from 1.33 up.
It will pay you to bring this advertisement with you.
Be sure to remember the Poi-ulak Shoe Stork.
D. C. BURNS...
Tea and Coffee
Along with a FIRST-CLASS Stock of
At cash prices. See us and save your money.
. 1
1H!) Front St.,
Portland, - - Oregon
253 Morrison St., near Third St ,
We guarantee a saving of 25 per cent on all shoes bought of us.
Largest stock to selectjlroni in the city.
We pay your expenses and this is
is the way we do it. Will sell you
$7.50 and $8.00.
$15 (
Holiday Goods
Bring Your Boys
Klondike Outfitters
Same Kind for which Competitors
ask $3 to $4 mor
L V .
G'urnor MorrUon and
Mnronil ktrnot,
D4 n A Clmn
ruiidiiu, ui e. '