tha International character of the prob lem and In the desire of reaching some wise and practical solution of It. The British government has published a resume of the steps .taken jointly by the French ambassador in London and the special envoys of the United States, with whom our ambassador in London actively co-operated in the presentation of this ubject to her majesty's government. This will be laid before congress. Our special envoys have not made their final report, as further negotiations between the rep resentatives of this government and the governments of other countries are pend ing and in contemplation. They believe that the doubts which have been raised In certain quarters respecting the possi bility of maintaining the stability of the irlty between the metals and kindred Uesllons may yet be solved by further IKotlations. Meanwhile, it gives me satisfaction to late that the special envoys have al lady demonstrated their ability and flt fss to deal with the subject, and it is to be earnestly hoped that their labors may result in an international agreement which will bring about recognition of both gold and silver as money upon such terms and with such safeguards as will ecure the use of both metals upon a basis which shall work no Injuries to any class of citizens. RECIPROCITY. Kesotlntlon Peutllns With Euro pean) and American Government. In order to execute as early as possible the provisions of the third and fourth sec tions of the revenue act approved July 14, 1897. I appointed the Hon. John A. Kasson, of Iowa, a special commissioner plenipotentiary to undertake the requi site negotiations with foreign countries desiring to avail themselves of these pro visions. The negotiations are now proceed ing with several governments, both Euro pean and American. It is believed that by a careful exercise of the powers con ferred by that act, some grievances of our own and of other countries In our mutual trade relations may be either re moved or largely alleviated, and that the volume of our commercial exchanges may be enlarged with advantage to both con tracting parties. THE MERCHANT MARINE. Government Should Foster This IiUiiKiitNhiiiK Industry. Most desirable from every standpoint of national interest and patriotism is the effort to extend our foreign commerce. To this end our merchant marine should be Improved and enlarged. We should do our full share of the carrying trade of the world. We do not do it now. We should not be laggard any longer. The inferi ority of our merchant marine is justly hu miliating to the national pride. The gov ernment, by every proper constitutional means, should aid in making our ships tnmllfar visitors at every commercial port of the world, thus opening up new and valuable markets to the surplus products of the farm and factory. SEALING tllESTION. KrKOtlatlons In I'rogrexii for Preser vation of the Herds. The efforts which have been made dur ing the two previous administrations by my predecessors to secure better protec tion to the fur seals in the North Pa cific ocean and Behring sea were renewed at an early date by this administration, and have been pursued with earnestness. Upon my invitation, the governments of Jiussla and Japan sent delegates to Wash ington, and an international conference was held during the monthB of October and November last, wherein it was unant mously agreed that under the existing regulations this species of useful animals was threatened with extinction and that an international agreement of all Inter ested powers was necessary for their adequate protection. The government of Great Britain did not see proper to be represented at this conference, but subsequently sent to Washington as delegates the expert com missioners of Great Britain and Canada, who had during the past two years visited. the Frlbvloff Islands, and who met in con f erence similar commissioners on the part of the United States. The result of this conference was un agreement on the lm jjortant facts connected with the condi tlon of the seal herd heretofore in dis pute, which should place beyond contro vcrsy the duty of the government con cerned to adopt measures without delay for the preservation and restoration of the herds. Negotiations to this end are now in progress, the result of which I hope to be able to report to congress at an early day. INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION. Recent Eventi Strengthen the Preal dent's Views. International arbitration cannot be omitted from the list of subjects claimlnt our consideration. Events have recently erved to strengthen the general views on this question expressed in my inaugural address. The best sentiment of the civil ized world is moving toward the settle ment of differences between the' nations without resorting to the horrors of war. Treaties embodying these humane prin ciples on broad lines without in any way Imperiling our Interests or our honor shall bave my constant encouragement. THE PARIS EXPOSITION. Arguments for a Liberal Appropri ation by Congress. The acceptance by this government of the invitation of the republic of France to participate in the universal exposition of 1HU0 at Paris was immediately followed by the appointment of a special commis sioner to represent the United States In the proposed exposition with special ref erence to the securing of space for an ad equate exhibit on behalf of the United States. Tha special commissioner delayed his departure for Paris long enough to aseer- tain the probable demand for space by American exhibitors. His Inquiries de veloped an almost unprecedented interest In the proposed exposition, and the lnfor niatlon thus secured enabled him to Justi fy an application for a much larger al lotment of space for the American section than had been reserved by the exposition authorities. The result was particularly gratifying in view of the fact that the United States was one of the last coun tries to accept the invitation of France. The reception accorded our special com mlssloner was most cordial, and he was aiven every reasonable assurance that the United States would receive a consid cratlon commensurate with the propor tions Of our exhibit. The report of the special commissioner at to the magnitude of the coming expo eltlon and the demand for space for Amer lean exhibits supplies new arguments for a liberal and Judicious appropriation by congress to the end that an exhibit fairly representative of the Industries and re sources of our country may be made in an exposition which will Illustrate tha world's progress during the 19th century, Ths exposition Is intended to be the mos Important and comprehensive of the long series of International exhibitions of which our own at Chicago was a brilliant example, and it Is desirable that ths United States should make a worthy ex hibit of American genius and skill, and their unrivaled achievements In every branch of Industry. TUB NAVAL ESTABLISHMENT. Armor for New "Warships and Mora Drydoeks Needed. The present Immediate effective fores of ths navy consists of four bsttle-shtps of tbe first class; two of the second class a ad 41 other vessels, ranging from armored cruisers to torpedo-boats. There are under construction five battle-ships of the first class, 16 torpedo-boats and one submarine boat. No provision has yet been made for the armor of three of the five battle-ships, as it has been impossible to obtain It at the price fixed by congress. It is of great importance that congress provide this armor, as urtil then the ships are of no fighting value. The pres ent naval force, especially in view of its increase' by ships now under construc tion, while not as large as that Of a few other powers, is a formidable force; its vessels are the very best of each type; and with the Increase that should be made to It from time to time in the future and careful attention to keeping it in a high state of efficiency and repair, it is well adapted to the necessities of the country. The great increase of the navy which has taken place in recent years was Justi fied by the requirements of the naval de fense and has received public approba tion. The time has now arrived, how ever, when this increase to which the country is committed should for a time take the form of increased facilities com mensurate with the increase of our naval vessels. It is an unfortunate fact that there Is only one dock on the Pacific coast capable of docking our largest ships, and only one on the Atlantic coast, and the latter has for the last six or seven months been under repair and therefore incapable of use. Immediate steps should be taken to provide three or four docks of this capacity on the Atlantic coast, at least one on the Pacific coast, and a float ing dock on the Gulf. This is the recom mendation of a very competent board ap pointed to investigate the subject. There should also be ample provision made for powder and projectiles and other munitions of war and for an Increased number of officers and enlisted men. Some additions are also necessary to our navy yards for the repair and care of the larger number of vessels. As there are now on the stocks five battle-ships of the largest class, which cannot be completed for a year or two. I concur with the recom mendation of the secretary of the navy for an appropriation authorizing the con struction of one battle-ship for the Pa cific coast, where there Is at present only one In commission and one under con struction, while on the Atlantic there are three in commission and four under con struction, and also several torpedo-boats authorizes in connection with our general system of coast defense. NEEDS OF ALASKA. Existing; Conditions Demand a Change in the Laws. The territory of Alaska requires the prompt and early attention of congress. The conditions now existing demand a material change in the laws relating to the territory. The great influx of popula tion during the past summer and fall and the prospect of a still larger immigra tion in the spring will not permit us to longer neglect the extension of civil au thority within the territory or postpone the establishment of a more thorough government. A general system of public surveys has not yet been extended to Alaska, and all entries thus far mude in that district are upon special surveys. The act of congress extending to Alaska the mining laws of the United States con tained the reservation that it should not be construed to put In force the general land laws of the country. By an act approved March a, 1S91, au thority was given for entry of lands for townslte purposes, nnd also for the pur chase of not exceeding 100 acres then or thereafter occupied for purposes of trade and manufacture. The pur pose of congress, as thus lar expressed, has been- that only such rights should apply to the territory as should be specifically named. It will be seen how much remains to be done for that vast, remote, and yet promising por tion of our country. Special authority was given to the pres ident by the act approved July 24, 18117. to divide that territory into two land dis tricts, and to designate the boundaries thereof, and to appoint registers and re ceivers of said land offices, and the presi dent was also authorized to appoint a surveyor-general for the entire district. Pursuant to this authority, a surveyor general and receiver have been appoint ed, with offices at Sitka. If in the ensu ing year the conditions Justify it, the addi tional land district authorized by law will be established with an office at some point in the Yukon valley. No appropria tion, however, was made for this pur pose, and that Is now necessary to bo done. The Military Post. I concur with the secretary of war In his suggestions as to the necessity for a military force in the territory of Alaska for the protection of persons and prop erty. Already a small force consisting of 25 men and two officers, under com mand of Lieutenant-Colonel Randall, of the Eighth Infantry, has been sent to St, Michaels to establish a military post. As It is to. the interest of the government to encourage the development of the coun try and Its duty to follow up its citizens there with the benefits of legal machin ery, I earnestly urge upon congress the establishment of a system of government of such flexibility as will enable It to ad Just Itself In the future to the needs at tendant upon a greater population. Relief for Starving; Klondlkers. The startling though possibly exag gerated reports from the Yukon river country of the probable shortage of food for the large number of people who are wintering there without the means of leav ing the country, are confirmed In such measure as to justify bringing the matter to the attention of congress. Access to that country this winter can be had only by the passes from Pyea and vicinity, which is a most difficult and perhaps Im possible task. However, should these re ports of the suffering of our fellow-cltl-sens be further verified, every effort at any cost should be made to carry them relief. INDIAN AFFAIRS. New Regulations for Five Civilised , Tribes Are Imperative. For a number of years It has been ap parent that the condition of the five civil ized tribes In the Indian territory under treaty provisions with the United States, with the right of self-government and the exclusion of all white persons from within their borders, have undergone so complete a change as to render the contin uance of the system thus Inaugurated practically impossible. The total number of the five civilized tribes, as shown by the last census, is 45,484, and this number has not materially Increased, while the white population is estimated at from 200,000 to 250,000, which, by permission of the Indian government, has settled In the territory. The present area of the Indian territory Is 25.504,546 acres, much of which Is very fertile land. The United States citizens residing In the territory, most of whom have gone there by Invitation or with the consent of the tribal authorities, have made permanent homes for them selves. Numerous towns have been built. In which from looo to 5000 white people now reside. Valuable residence and business houses have been erected In many of them and large business enterprises are carried on In which vast sums of money are em ployed, and yet these people, who have Invested their capital In the development of the productive resources of the coun try, are without title to the land they oc cupy and have no voles whatevtr In ths government of tha rations or tribes. Thousands of their chl.urcn who were born in the territory ara of school age, but the doors of the schools of the sec tions are shut against them and what education they get Is by private contribu tion. No provision for the protection of the life or property of these white citi zens is made by the tribal governments and courts. The secretary of the interior reports that leasing Indians have ab sorbed great tracts of land to the exclu sion of the common people, and govern ment by an Indian aristocracy has been practically established, to the detriment of the people. It has been found impos sible for the United States .to keep its citizens out of the territory, and the con ditions contained in the treaties with the nations have for the most part become Impossible of execution. Friends of the Indians have long believed that the best Interests of the Indians of the five civil ized tribes would be found In American citizenship with all the rights and privi leges which belong to that condition. The Dawes Commission. By section 16 of .the act of March 3, 1S93, the president was authorized to ap point' three commissioners to enter Into negotiations with the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Muskogee (or Cret k) and Semi nole nations, commonly known as the tlve civilized tribes in the Indian territory. Briefly, the purpose of the negotiations was the extinguishment of the tribal title to any land within that territory, now held by any and all such nations or tribes, either by cession of the same or some part thereof to the United States, or by allotment or by division of the same in severalty among the Indians of such na tions or tribes respectively as may be en titled to the same, or by such other method as may be agreed upon between the several nations and tribes aforesaid or each of them with the United States, with a view to such an adjustment upon the basis of Justice and equity as may, with the consent of the said nations of Indians so far as may be necessary, requisite and suitable, enable the ultimate creation of a state or states of the Union which shall embrace the lands within said Indian ter ritory. The commission met much oppo sition from the beginning. The Indians were very slow to act and those in con trol manifested a decided disinclination to meet with favor the propositions sub mitted to them. More than three years ago the commission affected an agreement with the Choctaw nation alone. The Chickasaws have refused to agree to its terms, and, as they have a common Inter est with the Choctaws In the lands of said nations, the agreement with the latter nation could not have been made with out the consent of the former. April 23, 1897, the commission effected an agree ment with both tribes the Choctaws and Chickasaws. This agreement, It is under stood, has been ratllied by the constituted authorities of the respective tribes or na tions or parties thereto, and only requires ratification by congress to make it bind ing. on the 27th of September, 1S97, an agreement was effected with the Creek nation, but If is understood that the na tional council refused to ratify the same. Negotiations are ytt to be had with the Cherokees, the most populous of the live civilized tribes, and wiih the Semlnoles, the smallest In point of numbers and ter ritory. Tne provision of the Indian appropria tion act approved June 10, li96, makes it the duty of the commission to Investigate and determine the rights of applicants for citizenship in the five civilized tribes, The commission Is at present engaged In this work among the tribes, and has made arrangements lor taking the census of these people up to and Including the 30th pf the present month. Should the agreement between the Choc taws and Chickasaws be ratified by con gress and should the other tribes fall to make an agreement with the commission, then 6ome legislation must be had by con gress which, while just and honorable to the Indians, shall be equitable to the white people who have settled upon these lands by Invitation of the tribal nations, Hon. Henry L, Dawes, chairman of the commission, in a letter to the secretary of the Interior under date of October 11, 1897, says: Individual ownership Is not In their (the commission's) opinion absolutely es sential to any permanent Improvement in conditions, and the lack of it is the root of nearly all the evils which have so grievously atillcted these people. Allot ment by agreement is the only possible method, unles3 the United States courts are clothed with the authority to apportion the lands among the citizen Indians for whose use it was originally granted, I concur with the secretary of the In terior that there can be no cure for the evils engendered by the perversion of these great trusts except by their resumption by tne government which created them. QUARANTINE LAWS. Appointment of a Bacteriological Commission Also Recommended. The recent prevalence of the yellow fever In a number of cities and towns through out the South has resulted In mttVh dis turbance of commerce and demonstrated the necessity of such amendments to our quarantine laws as will make the regula tions of the national quarantine authori ties paramount. The secretary of the treasury, In that portion of his report relating to the opera tlon of the marine hospital service, calls attention to the defects In the present quarantine laws, and recommends amend ments thereto which will give- the treas ury department the requisite authority to prevent the invasion of epidemic diseases from foreign countries, and In times of emergency, like that of the past summer, will add to the efficiency of the sanitary measures for the protection of the people and at the same time prevent unnecessary restrictions of commerce. I concur In his recommendation. In further effect to prevent the Invasion of the United States by yellow fever, the Importance of the discovery of the exact cause of the disease, which up to the present time has been undetermined, has been obvious, and to this end a systematic bacteriological investigation should be made. I therefore recommend that con gress authorize the appointment of a commission by tho president to consist of four expert bacteriologists, to be selected from the medical corps of the marine hos pital service, one to be appointed from civil life, one from the medical corps of tha army and one from the navy. THE BOXD-AIDED ROADS. To Protect the Government's Inter est la the Kansas Pacific, The Union Pacific railway, main line, was sold under decree of the United States court for the district of Nebraska on November 1 and 2, this year. The amount due the government consisted of the principal of the subsidy bonds, $27, 230,512, and the accrued Interest thereon, $31,211,711 75, making the total indebtedness $58,448,223 75. The bid at the sale covered the first mortgage lien and the entire mortgage claim of the government (less Interest). The sale of the subsidized portion of the Kansas Pacific line, upon which tha gov ernment holds a second-mortgage Hen has been postponed at the Instance of the government to December 16, 1897. The debt of this division of the Union Pa cific railroad to the government, Novem ber 31. 1897, was the principal of the sub sidy bonds, $6,303,000, and tha unpaid and accrued interest, $6,626,690 33, making a total of $12,929,690 33. The sate of this road was originally advertised for Novenr 4. For the purpose of securing tha most publla notice of tha event, It was post poned until December 16, and a second advertisement of tha sals was made. By the decree of the court, the upset price at tha sale of tha Kansas Pacific .must yield to tha government tha sum of $2,500,000 over all prior Hens and charges. If no uther or better bid Is made, this ium Is all that the government will re ceive on its claim of nearly $13,000,000. The government has no Information as to whether there will be other bidders or another bid than the maximum amount herein stated. The question presented, therefore, is whether the government shall, under the authority given It by the act of March 23, 1S94, purchase or redeem the road in the event that a bid Is not made by private parties covering the en tire government claim. To enable the government to bid at the sale will require a deposit of J900.000, as follows: In the government cause, $500,000, and In each of the first mortgage causes, $200,000, and in the latter, the. deposit must be In cash. Payments at the sale are to be as follows: Upon acceptance of the bid a sum which, with the amount already deposited, shall equal 15 per cent of the bid, the balance In installments of 25 per cent, 30, 40 and 50 days after the confirmation of the sale. The lien on the Kansas Pacific, prior to that of the government on July 30, 1897, principal and Interest, amounted to $7,421,088 11. The government, therefore, should It become the highest bidder, will have to pay the amount of the first-mortgage Hen. I believe that under the act of 18S7 It has authority, to do this, and In the absence of any action by con gress I shall direct the secretary of the treasury to make the necessary deposit, as required by the court s decree, to qualify as a bidder and to bid at the sale a sum which will at least equal the prin cipal of the debt due to the government, but suggest, in order to remove all con troversy, that an amendment to the law be Immediately passed explicitly giving such powers and appropriating in general terms whatever sum is sufficient therefor. In so Important a matter as the govern ment becoming the probable owner of the railroad property, which it perforce must conduct and operate, I feel constrained to lay before congress these facts for Its consideration and action before the con summation of the sale. It is clear to my mind that the government should not permit the property to be sold at a price which will yield less than one-half the principal of its debt and less than one- fifth of its debt, principal and interest. The government, rather than accept less than Its claim, should become a bidder and thereby the owner of the property. and I submit this to congress for action. CONGRESSIONAL LIBRARY, Recommends That Oonnrress Con- tlnue to Develop It. The congressional library, provided for by the act of congress approved April 17, 1Mb, has been completed and opened to the public. It should be a matter of con gratulation that through the foresight and munificence of congress the nation pos sesses this noble treasure-house of knowl edge. It is earnestly to be hoped that, having done so much toward the cause of education, congress will continue to de velop the library in every phase of re search, to the end that It may not only be .ne of the mbst magnificent, but among the richest and most beautiful libraries in the world. THE CIVIL SERVICE. Room for Further ' Improvement, Which Will Be Made. The Important branch of our govern ment known as the civil service, the prac tical Improvement of which has long been a subject of earnest discussion, has of late years received Increased legislative and executive approval. During the past few months, the Bervlce has been placed on a Btlll firmer basis of business meth ods and personal merit. While the right of our veteran soldiers to reinstatement in deserving cases has been asserted, dis missals for merely political reasons have been carefully guarded against, the exam inations for admittance to the Bervlce enlarged and at the same time rendered less technical and more practical, and a distinct advance has been made by giving a hearing before dismissal upon all cases where incompetency is chnrged or a de mand Is made for removal of officials in any of the departments. This order has been made to give the ac cused his right to be heard without In any way impairing the power of removal. 'which should always be exercised In cases of Inefficiency or Incompetency, and which is one of the safeguards of the civil ser vice reform system, preventing stagna tion and deadwood and keeping every employe keenly alive to the fact that se curity of tenure depends not on favor, but on his own tested and carefully watched record of service. Much, of course, still remains to be accomplished before the system can be made reasonably perfect for our needs. There are places now In the classified service which ought to be exempted and others unclassified may properly be Included. I shall not hes itate to exempt cases which I think have been Improperly included In the classified servlceor Include those which, In my Judg ment, will best promote the public ser vice. The system has the approval of the people and It will be my endeavor to up hold and extend It. I am forced by the length of this mes sage to omit many Important references to affairs of the government with which congress will have to deal at the present session. They are fully discussed In the departmental reports, to all of which 1 Invite your earnest attention. The estimates of the expenses of ths government by the severul departments should have your careful scrutiny. While congress may find It an easy task to re duce the expenses of the government, It should not encourage their Increase. These expenses will, in my Judgment, ad mit of a decrease in many branches of the government without Injury to the pub lic service. It Is a commanding duty to keep . the appropriations within the re ceipts of the government snd thus prevent a deficit. WILLIAM McKlNLKY. Executive Mansion, Dec. 6, 1897. Prof. Walter T. Scbeolc, a scientist of Railway, N. J., lins sounded what lie claims li tbe death knell of the mos quito, and It Is to be hoped for tbo sake of a long suffering people tbat bin claim la correct. Living ns he does la New Jersey, famed In the funny pnper as the borne of the largest and most warlike members of the mosquito tribe, he has bad ample opportunity to study the Insects, and at the same time plen-. ty of Incentive, In the shape of attacks from the pests, to work toward their destruction. It Is well known that mos quitoes breed on the surface of tbe wa ter In swampy places, and the profes sor's Idea Is to kill the eggs while still on tbe water and before they are hatch ed. To do this he throws Into the wa ter a small quantity of permanganate of potash, and when this dissolves It Instantly destroys the life In all the, eggs lying on the doctored water. lie baa made experiments Id his laboratory and found tbat with one small pinch of 'permanganate be ran kill all the mosquitoes In a 1,000-gallon tank of water. On this basis, be says, two or three ounces will be sufficient to treat a ten-acre area. If the professor knows what be Is talking about, tbe exter mination of tbe annoying Insects should ot be a very difficult matter. ' A model bus bind lets Ms wife bar her own way, even when be know If la not good for her. USBAND and Sons Should not be permitted by Mothers- to go uninsured. cash appraisement and finaucial acknowledge ment of a valuable life. H. G. COLTON, Manager Massachusetts Mutual Iifc 312 and 313 Chamber cf Commerce PORTLAND fKJP" Write me for Rates. souts QgK&oy eiTY ...The Most Desirable Suburb... ADJOINING OREGON CITY AND IT is all within one mile of the center of the city and is con , nected by an improved plank road. Healthy location, fine view, good air, soil, water and drainage and a first-class public school adjoining, i With all the advantages of the city and but a 1 5 minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this a very desirable place of residence and bound to grow in popularity. ' . Choice Lots ready for the garden from $100 to $150 on easy monthly installments with liberal discount to home build ers. Call on or address. T. L. C1UK5IAN Trustee, CffrWJim. Bi to so Thevars rwp I' mm - FAVORITE'- ' mmm tn'Jm ' WlNCfESTCR AMMUNITION" V5D BY ' JPRTR 'ri-CShtt wyboiv sold eviHYwimr Ifr.jptxfiVWtQ iWlKCHE5TERREPE AT1NG rRMS 6 SS! TO THE OIVE8 THE CHOIOE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT KQRTHEFN II. SHORT LINE. VIA VIA SPOKANE, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL SALT LAKE, DENVER, OMAHA AND AND CHICAGO. KANSAS CITY. I.nWKNT HATKN TO AM. HAHTtiltN t 11 IKH. . Trains arrive slid depart from Portland ae foilowa: li-nve for the KatvlaHuntliigtondaM,():Vn. Arrlvwfrom Kaat ' " ' livave inrtiiM hunt via npokaiie anily, zwip.m. Arrive from I'.sal " " " Vi.lAip.m, Ocean gteemera Leave Portland Every t Dayi SAN FKANCISC0. PtPBinen Monthly from Portland to V'okoliama snl Jlongj Kong;, via the Northern I'adllc riteamnhip Co,, in con nection with the U. H. St N. For further Information rati on 0. It. A N. A Kent, F. E. DONALDSON, Oregon City, Oregon. W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. PMaenger Agent, Portland, Oregon w ANTP.D THCHTWORTII V AND ACTIVE gentlemen or ladlea lo travel for reaponatble patablialivd liotiae In Orrgiiu, Monthly p,& and eipenitea. Pnalllnu au-ady- heferenee, Kn clone aclf eddreaaed atnmped envelope. The Dominion Com p my, Dept. Y. Chicago. WA NTED TRIJHTWORTH V AND ACTIVE gentleman or ladlea lo traval fur re.pnnalhle. hnuae In Oregn. Munlhlv t no ami eipeaaee. Pualllun ateady. Kefemicii. Incloaa ail-aaoraaei atam pen envelope, llic Dotolllkin Company, Dept Y, Chicago. their Wives and Insurance is a PRACTICALLY A PART OF IT; Charman llros.' Block EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route , OK THB ! SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. ExpreasTrsIni Leave Portland Daily. South. I I North. fliOOF.M. I L? Portland Ar :;ku. Ki'iP.H, I I.V Ori'KOIl City l.T I R:40. 7:4fA.H. Ar BauKrauoiaco Lv t:lK). The above trnlna Hop at all alatlona betwrsr Portland and Salem. Turner. Marion. J e Her eon, Albany, TaUKiit, Kheilda, Haliey, Harris burn, Junction (Jlty, lrvlnx, Kiigene, Crcawail, Cottage Urove, Drain., aud all aiallous iwm Koaeuurg to Aahland, inclusive. . KOSEBUHli MAIL DAILY. 9..1CU.M. . L? Portland Ar4:3fir. :27a.ii. Lt Oregon City Lv t.iOr. u. I Ar Koaeburg Lt I 1: 0 DINING CARS ON 00 DEN ROI1TK. eVLLUAH BUrFET HLMEPUKS SECOND-CLASS SI-EEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. Wet 8 Id a Dlrlalnn, Between roilT LAND and COIIVALLIi MAILTKAIM DAILYt KXCKPTBUNDAT.) 7:30 A.M. I Lt Portland Ar:M)P.lf 11:15 P.M. Ar Corvallla I.V I I 06 P. M At Albany and Cnrvalila onnneoJ. with train of Oregon Central & ttaalern K. K. 1 IXPHKHS TRAIN D A ll.Tl EXCEPT RUN DAY.) i-MP, M. 7.80P.M. 8.30 P, M. Lt Portland ArR:2ftA.U Ar McMlnnvllls Lt 6:MA.M Ar Independence Lr:.r0A.M Direct connection at flan Eranelaeo with Occidental end Oriental and 1'aclftn Mall Weaniabip Llnea for JAPAN AND L'UINA. Balling datea on application. Rntea and ticket, to ea.tern points and Ruropn alao JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AL'8'IKAI.IA, can be obtained (rom E. K. 110 Vl, Agent, Ores; City S. KOEHLER, O. II. HARKHAM. Manager, Aaal. .. T. ft P. Agea-l Portland, Or, Portland, Or. OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CD'S Str. Altona Will Malta Pally Trlpa Between OREGON CITY . PORTLAND Leaving Portland fur Halem and way laudliiga at MA a. m and Oregon City at about 3 p. m. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE JiA. Tainr Marks Designs rffff f COPYKIOHTS AC. Anrona Mnitinf a ikMrh and rtetjcrtiMlon mmf Qtilctilf M!riNiri our opinion fret Iittititr n Invmitlim i prnhahly iMitwifuM. ( oiiiiiiunlrta, ttf-ru-irh'tly mfMm.tll. on l'itt-it ttnt frMi. OMftit MKitriff fur wurinif iiAimits. t'nttiii Ukn throuffb Mumi A to, rocoiva wpeeuu none, wit nnui cMr, u tin Scientific Jlmericam t ntir K-imitifln Journal. Turin, f.1 mouth, $1 ttuld bjrall niwutcalnri. Co'.New York tirftacli i Ml r i l