16th YEAR. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10,' 1897. NO 30 1 Ssaa A Sof and Warm Bed r u fl p u O J -1 UI a is a rare treat to ouf.care-worn iy. A good bed in ii y lie p us , ovar a bad cold quick and so extend our life. You owe it to yourself and family to pay a little attention to this important fa et. Our heavy blankets for $2 a piece would make a suitable Christmas present. A large rug, 2)x5 feet, in fronVpf the bed, is a good match. You will do well to inspect our mammoth stock complete iii all lines we cany. or Pleased With the Photograph When you pick up a picture of yourself you are naturally critical. You wonder how the photographer made it so good or how he made it so bad. When you think of the difference between our photographs and those you get from others you Bee wherein lies the beauty and attractiveness of nur pictures. We give them a finish you will appreciate. (heneVj Leading Photographer New Store New Prices AND Wo Are After Trade 11 First EL Furs! Fiirs! S- SILVERFIELD-- -rtw li IIAWU (I Furs! I J)(J JIESTICS Merino Vran'nnri Pants. Ilia: Bargain at ....M)o eticli ll'nion Suit-, sucliasyou pity $1 ami $1.25 fur 20yda Good Bleached Mnslin for... ,..$1 OOj eleewbprt. Our price 75c suit Yard wide Bleached Muslin, Lonsdale 7c yd. Fine All-W-mt lhiUnSuUri,nmlviiW$2..ow $1.50 suit Lonsdale Cambric 10c yd. Silk Vttf, lormtT prl" 3-1.50. now 82.00 each Good Fast Color Calico.- 3SC yd! In Missi's' mid rhtldreu' Uiidorwunr we have Better Grade Calico 4Jc yd everything and at prices that will make you our Best Grade Calico ;c yd customers. Best Grade Apron Check Gingham oc yd BLACK SILKS MEX'S FURNISHING GOODS flrmt vhIum Uio, 7o. 85c and 81 .00 Men's Good Heavy UncliTslitrts and Prnw. In lliem t!i re Money Stivur.s. IX BLACK DRESS GOODS The above Lines are not a lot of cheap tttuff, but rtlglll'ir TRADE WINNERS, Outing Flannels, Good Selected Goods 5c yd HOSIERY LndieB' lOe Cotton Hose now...., ....... ......5c pair Butter Grades HSc. Sc. )t)c yil The 15n ami kind now 10c pair Canton Flannel Bleached or Unbleached 5c yd Ladies' Woul RifotW Hose, the 2"w value, now loc pr Heavy Gradeg tic,?, Sc, 10c yd Ladies' Fine Cotton Hose, usually Buld at JVe Crash Towling, Twilled 4c yd and Hie, now 2!f pair All Linen 'fowling h,Vyd We also have all the flue giadei at equally low Metier umdoB 7c, so, juc, Wc ya prices. Bleached Table Linen, the beat )ou have ever Children 'a Wluter H"8e from lie to 36c a pair. 160-inch Sacking, usually sU I at $ our rnce seen for the money 25c yd Heavy and Better grades at 35c. 50c nnd 05c yd 72 inch Fine Linen Damask, euch as you see elsewhere for 81 and (fl.25. Here 75c yd Bed Table Damask - 15c, 2lic. 25e, 35 yd Big Line of Towls at prices that are sure to sell them. Bee Them. Cheviot Shirting, heavy winter goods 8 He, 10c yd BLANKETS. ln-4 Gray or White BUnkets. the Dollar value 60c pr Very Ltrge and Heavy uray uiananis, some Stores net 83.50 for them. Our price S&25 pair Kitra Heavv and Extra Larue Blankets 82.50 pair Ail-Wool Fine Grade Gray Blankets 83.00 pair Oregon Mottled hxtra Larite Blankets. Kegular 6.5 . Va ne 14.00 pair Also Fine Crude Blankets at 85, $0.51! to 810 pr MOST STYLISH FURS AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES AT... Leading Furrier M3 Third Street., PORTLAND OREGON The Gkrhanu Market.. ' Is the cheapest place in the city to buy t t t t t FIRST-CLASS FRESH MEATS . m Seventh Street, Near Depot, Oregon City. " " Facl J. Scholz, Prop. t t t Our Hosier are nil Httrimins ee our Hue of Babies' l mchetted Silk and Wool Cans and Jackets. Th.v are Beauties and Chkap Also see as on Tarn o Mmnters and oroeneieo Shawls. These are Drummer's Samples and at Half rnicu. LACE CURTAINS At 9o, 7oc, 81 and up to 812.50 per pair. DRESS GOODS Nli'e Line of Small Cheokn. soleudid Koods for school wear, sek I rku loc yarn A Big Assortment of All wool Novelties in correct stmctiss and mixture, Winer mires nsk 35 and 40 cents p yard for them. ers We have the newest and most doslralile line in the ciiy, ami Die sniHlluess of the piioe will surprise yoi', Jusl see them. 45-lnch Sa king, all wool . 40c yard 25c each Heavy Perhv Ribbed Slnrls, only "ceauli Heavv kibbed Kluecucl Siilils and Drawers, big ban-uln 60c each 75 per cent Wool Shirt and llrawers.ste litem " 3e wh or $1.25 ma KxtraUeavy Wool shirts and Drnwefa. See litem. o.ic eaon or 9 i.a sum 5S-inch Sai king, all siwdca. fine goods 60c yard pine All wool Twits, Coiide Shirts and $1 25: 75c j aid FLANNELS Navy Blue, Gray and Brown. All Wool 9-oun( FlumteU. Ililiera ask 45o for theill. Our price 35c yd Good Heavy White Shaker Flannel 5o yd Better Grade 7!,cand 8)4c yd LADIES' UNDERWEAR Jersey Bibbed Vests 2nc eachl Jersey Bibbed Vests and Pants, Fleeced 2oc each Jersey Bibbed Vests and runts, cpsciai value at 35c, 40c, 50c each Oca Pkic 42in.h Pouipudour Suitings, In Black aud nl,tra. Huiiilimmn designs. Helling all over town at 50e yard. Our Price 35e yard Just received an elegant line of Pattern huits. No two alike, nne fashiouabie gKHl. rang' ing in price from 83.U0 to 15 a suit Don t lull to gee us on uress uouus: cau ouve you at least 50 per cent on .hem. FANCY SILKS Beauties, at 25c, 85c, 40o. 50c, 65c and "5c per yard A beautiful line of fancy weaves In REMNAXTS Wh hfiva nlr,irlv innHo e bit of R. inilnntN nf both Co'ton and Wool tiomis. We will close them out til half unr already low pricey LADIES' CAl'ES and JACKETS Perhaps you have been vaitii, g for the Into SALhs on these good". if so, n.iw i ymirl chnnoc. We were noted vt the low price e askeil tor these goods, bill now you will bt astonished at the (Inures we quote YuU. Our $6.50 Rid 87 50 lines ol Cloth Capes, Imutlsomcly trimmed aud ol excellent material, wrre cheuji at old price, now 84 50 unit t . Our $9 nnd 810 lines go at 86.50 and 87.50. We were proud ul the values at the old price, Just see them at the new Our IMush Capas go at the following figures: ' On r $11.50 Cape now $4.50! 25o yard our 8H 50 Cape now . 81.MI iOur 810 Cape now $7.60 our Sit) Capo now $.in HrHwer.t. seams all bound. French Fuil-h 75o each Fine Sanitary All Wool Shirts ai!d Drawers, lull lluisn. !Oo each or xt.o suit Uoj'hI Kibbedall wool Bblrts and Drawers. Same as some alore ask the loval price of $1.50 for. Our Price 81.00 each Extra, Heavy All Wool Fleeced Shirts and Drawers', Regular Klondlkorsjl 50 each. We also In; ve a Hue of Silk and Woul Underwear Dial we si ll ar less than manufacturers cost. MEN'S OVER SHIRTS 20 1. 25c, 8 c, 40c, 50o and 0o. You can't buy them elsev here for 40 per cent mora. Our Dollar Grade of Overshirt, Aie money Savers. See them. MEX'S OVERALLS Heavy Wlvited, 40e pair. MEN'S WORK PANTS flood at 8100 and 8125. Our line of Jackets were appreciated attheoldl rwiV'T lTSIW Till? tll'I'ftltTTTX rice, what will the new prices due for them 1" 1 UL- ul 1 uul einambnr thev are NEW tiOODS and correct tTV Til MTV A .1A11KRT OR CAFE. Also Big LlneJ)rummer'8 Samples of Capet atul Jackets at nrh Kemember they are NHW tiOODS and correot. styles. Beautifully trimmed and Hue nnisneu. 1 Our $6 Jacket now $3.50 Our $7.50 Jacket now 84.00 Our $w.50 Jacket now ... 5.50 Our 810 Jacket now .. 8H.IHI Our $12 50Jnoket now 87.601 Our815 Jaoket now ... 810u0 one-half price. Come in and see for yourselves. Courteous treatment whether you buy or not. No trouble to show goods. NNEDY'S Remember the Number Remember the number 167 First Street; Bet ween Morrison & Yamhill, PORTLAND A MIGHTY ft SACRIFICE mmi mm m iiiiiiimiii m " I THE BEE-HIVE'S ENTIRE STOCK MUST GO IN 30 DAYS. Biktmday Pahtv. Tliere were no oil I maiils at the gathering at the M. E. church Friday evening styled a "birth day party." Eacli guest was expected to bring a quantity of coppers correspond-; ing to the donor's agu on their last i birthday. This gave them the nrivilege of listening to an excellent program, musical and literary, and a reserved seat at the chicken supper. The church was crowded, and the prog am was as fob ! lows! Instrumental solo, Miss Oral Sptinglur; recitation, Miss ISoneita Ralston; recitation. Footsie Olson J recitation, (ieneviove fjapen ; solo, 0. A. Miller; recitation, Mrs. O. H.Ohlson; Vical duet, Mrs. O. F.Olson and Mrs. H. Oberg; duet, Arden and Mare'ta Hickman ; Solo, Miss May Case; recita tion; Miss Mabel llollenbeck; quartette, Miss May Case, Miss Aas, Mrs. 13. B. Doolittle and Mrs. 0. F. Olson. WE SHALL INAUGURATE SATURDAY, DECEMBER A GIGANTIC &. BONAFIDE CLEARANCE SALE Of our Entire Stock. The ENTIRE STOCK must positively be closed by January icth. What rrmains after that date will be removed from Oregon City, Cost will be no guide in this GREAT SALE - As the stock must be tinned into money in 30 clays. The people of Oregon City will never have another opportunity to buy NEW, FRESH and DESIRABLE (jOODS so much below actual value. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS' WORTH OF HOLIDAY GOODS- Had been ordered before we decided on this move and they are included , in the Slaughter. Avail yourself of this, the Golden Opportunity, to make One Dollar do the work of Two. THE BEE-HIVE. Oregon City - CAUFIELD BLOCK, Oregon Motukk Goosb Pkhsideo. Mother Goose and nil hertime-honore 1 melodies were presented at the Congregational church by the Junior Endeavor society last Friday evening in a way that brought out the applause of the lare erowd of auditors present. The entertainment was under the immediate d. rectum and management of Mr. W. K, White, the junior superintendent. The numerous actors in the spectacular display of Mother (ioose character, appeared in costume and sustait'C I their parts with good grace. Prizes were awarded to members of the audience, who identified the greatest number of characters re presented. The big shoe, filled with cliildien ; the march and doll drill by 10 little girls, u solo by the little 3 year old eon of Mr. and .Mrs. J. Hoake.and a duet by Misses Ivy and Katie Marks, were interesting features of the entertainment. POPUMBT CENTRAL CoMMlTTEg MuKTO. Pursuant to call a meeting of the J Clackamas county people party com-, mittee wits held at Justice SchuebePs' ollice last Saturday afternoon. Steven Hutchinson, of Highland precinct, pre-1 sided most of the time, but the meeting ; was called to order by Chairman J 'Hen. 1 A resolu ion was passed asking the county court to give the ni)iiliHts a rep resentation of one judge and one clerk on each of the precinct election boards to be ' appointed in January. The matter of ; the use of Coos county "differential" ! place of making nominations at ptim-i aries was referred to the clubs for do- 1 cisiou. A committee was also appointed j to draft form of constitution for people's ' party clubs. Sensational charges were I made by J. D. Stevens, formerly a popu I list, agaipst John C. Young, chairman I of the state central committee. Mr. Stevens declined to produce his proof at It is time, but announced that he would do so at the next meeting. The corn, mittee will hold another meeting on the first Saturday in January. Social ami Kntkktainmknt. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A., gave the members of the association and their la ly friends a pleasant reception and social Wednes lay evening. About eighty tiuests were present, and after the excellent m tinical program, social games, etc., were in order, ami refreshments were served. The musical prog'tim w is as follows: Ladies Quartette, Miss May Case, Miss Aas, Mrs. H. M. Doolittle and Mrs. 0. F. Olson ; solo, J. W. Lodcr, guitar solo, Miss May Case; vocal solo, Mrs. J. V, tiruy; vocal solo. Claude Adams; vocal solo, Frank Confer with guitar aceotnpmim jilt by Miss May Case; vocal solo, Mrs. W. 15. Wiggins. A lloi'VAHO CoruTsiui' On last Fri day Charles H inch.of Sew F.ra precinct, I was arrested on the charge of the seduc-1 .: 1 :..., I;..-:.. I." 1 .... t .. r,, . .,1 ..(I linn 111 .fiinn jujaiu .i'.i. 1..., v.. Molalla. and Justice Scbueliel sei the date for hearing of the same on Tuesday, December 7th. Uauch was In" years old, and Miss Uoadarmel only l"i, and it was alleged that the offense had been com mitted during hoppicking time. When the time arrived for a hearing of the case, the defendant presented a marriage license to the justice, who disposed of one case on the dcket by a marriage ceremony. The parents of both of the young )K!(ple bad given their written consent, as they were under age. an I they ob'ained a license to wed, which j effectually barred tiny further criminal ; proceedings. I (iUANOK FlHK iNStlltAN'CK ASSOCIATION. A meeting of grangers and others of the lower Columbia district of the Fire Association meet at' the county court room Monday afternoon. Slate lecturer, J. Casto, presided, and Frank Jaggar acted as secretary. About 4 ) chares of the anxociation were represente I, and Dr. J. Casto was re elected a director for this district. The affairs of the ansocia. tion were found to be in a prosperous and satisfactory condition. The mem Itcrship and field of operation of the as sociation isconlined to Western Oregon, and the fire risks include only farm houses, bitrns school buildings and churches. Come and be convince I of the extra low prices on holiday goods at the Hacket store. Royal male th food pun, wholesome and deliciout. POWDER Absolutely Pure imvAi sakiwi wiwof n ro,, Nfw vomt. Caufle'd Ejected. : 2(1 Ward. 22!) Iu3 Plur ality. 172 2(15 617 00 00 mi l!H 23 17 i 9 117 Following ii the result of the vote for city ollkers 011 Monday ! 1st Mayor Ward E. Ci.Caulleld m i. W. Powell 142 City treasurer II. K. Straight, 2.')2 0 tiiticilinen Jo in Itittner 1-4 Itudolph Koernor V? i 4 1). Latouretto 1HI II. O. Stevens US (ieorge Itrotighton . . . Fred A. Met .ner Arthur W. Milln S. ti. Walker Lust year K. (i. Oatilleld's plurality was 3011, with a total vote of !"); this year it was I7'i, with a vo'e of lii!i. The fight was le' wet n the I'.ryan or silver forces and the republicans and gold demoerats, although a largo num ber of Ilryan men voted for Mr.i 'aulicld 0 1 personal ground a id o:i his pas . good administration of the i ity al'fai s, rightly claiming that he deserved a second term. If the Press had kept still he would have received a much larger vote. The report that Dr. Powell was in ftvor of bawdy h u et and gambling Is without foiinda- ti Ily was no more in favor of them than the successful candida'e for mayor, w'.iich is prove'! by tint fa-.t that his last rtco was male on a moral wave platform. Hand crochet skirts, beautif.il colors, for ffl.05, at the Packet store. Kheumati.sm is due to lactic acid In the blood. Hood's SarsaparilU neiitra lilies the acid and completely cures the aches Mini pnins of iheiiiiia inn. Ie sure to t?et Moo I'm. Mood' Pills Hre citsv to tike, easy to opi-nite. Cure Indigestion, biliousness.