Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, December 03, 1897, Image 8

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ill a bottle or common glass wilh
urine and let it stand twenty-four hours;
a sediment or settling indicates an un
heal! hv condition of the kidneys. When
urine stairs linen it isevidenceof kidney
trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate
or pain in the hack, is also convincing
proof that the kidneys and bladder are
out of order.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy
fulfills every wish in relieving pain in
in the back, .kidneys, liver, bladder and
every part of the urinary passages. It
corrects inability to hold urine and
scalding pain in passing it. or bad effects
following use of liquor, wine or beer,
and overcomes that unpleasant necessity
of being compelled to get up many times
during the night to urinate. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Swamp
Root is soon realized. It stands the
highest for its wonderful cures of the
most distressing cases. If you need a
medicine you should have the best.
Sold by druggists, price fifty cents ami.
one dollar. You may have a sample
bottle and pamphlet both sent free by
mail. Mention Oregon City Courier
and send your address to Dr. Kilmer &
Co., Binghamton, N . Y. The proprietors
of this paper guarantee the genuineness
of this offer.
Plumbing and Tinning.
Jobbing of All Kinds
a Specialty.
Wilson Cooke'i
Old Stand
Paper Hanging,
Artistic House Painting
And Kalsoming.
Leave Ordera at Ely Bros., on Seventh Street,
Oregon CRy, Oregon.
CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor
Oregon City, Oregon
Pure Milk and Full Measure
given; delivered to any
part of the city.
Try lloUon Dairy and he Convnvvri'
w. 11. YOUNG'S
& feed Stable
Cor. Main and 4th St.
Job Printing at the
Courier Office.
Thin old one armed apeclnllat, ofHt. Loula,
well known !y till loin residence unit auo
ciMMtiillv practice In thl city, continue 10
n.-ihi1 v treat all klnda. of clironlo and
n.ivata disease
every itiicrnonii
Sore. HiMitM,
bun Tnlnis, Tuiiioin. 'It'll em. lCoacina) imd
ihiT Imimrlilca or Ilia hliHid thoroughly
raillruli'il, leaving the system III elruiij;
pure and healthful Hate.
DuTlTM HTI!M -',tHl liy an old (ionium
tlOliUlllullulll reined. . Thin remedy was
nrcsciiied to Dr. Kcssclcr liy a frleud In
ilerllu. It him never tailed,
ft? TI OnnPfl Vlivm, Ciineern. etc., trea'ed, no
UL1J uUflLlU illnVrence how Ioiik aftVi'ted,
I'liinliiU diniciiit, loiiirniiiciii. iniiayor im
urine, iiiim uri.l illscliaruc a. CHrollill.V tri'ttl
I'll. riK'iiiiial Ikiii and nt'iiral(iu treated by
our new reluct. lea.
Tnke a rl"i r untile at bedtime and urinate
In the Imltle. net aside mid IihiK at it In I lie
iiiiirnliiu. II il ik cloudy, ur hit a cloudy sel
tllntt In It, you have a,.nio kidney ur bludd,
IIUTVP tllnDM removed In twenty-four hnur
Huh IIUUlllH.'H worm In window at ol
Hi v 1.1 1,1.1a 'CCl loil.
nnnimit CimiTlC1 We meet iioranna even
DlUiiiln Ul 1 n IVk) day whose limit h smell.
mi limi 11 m ill-uiiMiiiir. This coiiiea liinn I'll
Imrh 01 ell tier ill nose or sit. lunch llo aiitl
tie examined. II t-H i lie ciucd before III
nasnl Ihiih'm becomes Involved
VnilVP IffM ,r aie troubled with iiIkIii
1UU1IU 111 till ciiiis,dia,eMiitiiaiiiigdi'iiius
pimple, hitsiitiilncNs, aver on to society
Slupidlics despondency, IommoI energy, Hill
billon and K.lt-,iiiitl,lciice. which d priv yon
M your iiihiiIiimkI and Hha'diitcly unlit iu
for Miiilv, business or liiarrlugo- II ymi an
Ihns ailliet. d Von niny know Ihe cause
and be ir nli'd.
IrinniP ifiPn MPXTHiere are thniixiiinl'
iHirULD-AUIiU lltlill ol vouiroul led AMI
vii .tK. in-li ny liio'kh anil klilneyn; li'i'oui'i.t
1111I11I11I 1 1 1 1 1 1 t.t I 1 and nedlun'iil In uMne; I111
IHileney or wciikiiCNH ol aexuul oriianN, tin
in hi r iinniiNl 11 Itn bin mKli ot iivrvou di bili
and I'li'iiniiurii deeay. Many die ol I In
dutifully, litnoranl ol the eiuiNe. The m,ti
iilwilnnb1 1'asea ul thli cliaracier treali d.
nntTT imp dlaeaiiea. Oleet, Oonorrbeii, In
f till ill U IbiiiiHllom. lilmdiaivea. Kli leluri'k
NVeukiiiHM of OrKiin, hyiditlia. Ilydrucole
VariUHN'le and kindred tntublea I rented.
Consultation Free to All.
Oi'KU K llouitg: From 0 A. M. to
8 P. M. Call or uddross
J. Henri Kessler M. I).
At St. Louis Dl.tpensary,
POUTLAND. .... OKt.wi
A birthday supnt-c party was given to
Miss Katie A. Manning on Saturday
evening last by her many friends.
About (0, well furnished wbh refresh
ments and muHic for the occasion, came
about 8 o'clock and took her completely
by surprise. She soon rallied to the
situation however, and all' were made
welcome. (James and dancing with D.
0. Ball as violinist and Prof. Eueene
Ogle as organist, with the ' assistance of
several amateurs, made 12 o'clock come
almost too soon, when refreshments were
served in abundance ; and all retired,
voting it the most social party of the
season and wishing the prime movers in
the affair to repeat in the near future.
The Salvation Army visited our place
on Saturday and remained until Mon
day morning. Several meetings were
held at the grange hall and even the
sn.all boy was in attendance. Mr.
James brought out the Salvationists
and just as thev were entering Mulino
with music in full blast the king-bolt of
the wagon broke the horses and forward
wheels went on and the balance of the
wagon and load were left very suddenly
to consider the necessity "of another
"good roads county commissioner" in
this section. No bones were broken,
however, and after scraping off several
inches of mud (more or less) they retired
with remarks that were not very
complimentary to our road master.
The Mulino literary society have
changed their meeting night from Fri
day to Saturday evening.
Claude Howard has bought the
Mulino sawmill of McOord & Co. and
will commence logging this week. The
mill will soon be running on full time.
Only three and one-half miles to con
nect this great Molalla country with
Oregon ( Uy and yet the roads are pro
nounced impassable and all loaded teams
are laid off. If Oregon Uitv wants the
trade of this section they had better act
m6re and talk less, for eoods can be
bought as chean in Canbv and the
merchants there are already alive to
me situation.
November 29. Twkedle. ,
Oregoti is herself again and we are
having plenty of rain and snow. Fall
plowing and sowing is all over in this
D. H, Mosher and L. Mosher went to
the mouniains hunting last Friday.
no lor me neer.
Mrs. Mary Mcfjrath is buildine an
addition to her house.
Rev. Morehouse is holding meetinirs
at the M..E. church, which will lust this
week. Everybody invited to attend.
B. F. Linn got down about 250 thous
and feet of logs duriug the recent high
Several of our young folks attended the
dunce at Logan Thanksgiving night and
report a good time.
E. Liiduaii of Hoir Hollow makes
frequent trips to Redland of late.
Bill Bonney and G. Armstrong have
built a wtwinill in our burg and ate
running it 111 lull blast. Give them a
TheOceo'a brass bund resumed practice
last buiiduy and will practice every Sun
day afternoon at Mr. Randall's place.
The dance at Linn's mill on November
24th was a grand success. There being
It) numbers out and a good lime was
The wedding bells will be ringing in
our burg soon. How about it Jim?
1 see in the Rural Dell items the cor-
respondanco in regard to Linn's name
icing used so much. I think you used the
name Crocker agreatdeal in your items,
but I hope it viill not make any trouble
in your church and Sunday school.
Nov 20 Old Redlanukk.
Tim weutliiT iliiriiiK tlio lnist wci-k litis
lii'cn clu'ir und cold.
Some) of I ho fiil llio'S nriinnil here linvo
not t?ot their spiiils ilug yet.
TliuiikRuiviiiu paused vurv uuietlv in
tins tifililioi'lioocl.
Tlio L'nnvou t'teek delmtinir society
whh nrpiinizeri on tlio loth with lieit
riilnier piesnlent mid Hurt Honney vice
lirenident. The (society meets "every
Weiliiecduy evening The qneHtiun (or
liiHt iiieetiiiu was, "Kesolved, That
Hornets Hre of More Benefit to Man
Than ("little." With I ronton Yedder
lor the nllirimitive ami Mrs. O. (iorhett
tor the negative. The judues decided in
fuvor of the iiHirniutivr.
Miss Ellen Botinev is home from Tort
land 11 a visit.
Several of the younir friends of Miss
Nellie Hoi r I it rn aspi'iuliled at the home
ol lu-r mother hn-t Saturday niht and
(fiive her a iileasnnt siii'iirise. They
danced till the vuu unall lioiiroflflV
CO. Ilnhhard is in 1'ortlund nt end-
inn court.
There was a Pticllinir school last nitiht
1 ml there will he another Jiecetnlier 10th.
I 01110 one and all.
Win. Teiuit rstetof 1 il Intiiook is apiin
i'l our miili-l.
Misscfi Ellen and Nellie Bonney were
the gnosis 1 f Mrs. Ilnhhard last nitiht.
Miveml er 7. Ai.imiomk.
Thi hi
limit Il ot
It v Ihe W, 11, t'oi.lvcy Company, the largest
iiiililUhers and iiiauulnclurcrs of bocks in I lie
rnltcd Slab s. Him si line of ncu holiday and
other sulwcripllnn hooks on lie matket
Also ngcnls wauled for "11IK SI1.VKK
SI 1 1-..' the hilcsi Hint b. si lent b,ik .mi die!
silver iicsi Ion by the great silver lenders.
Exclusive Territory.
Lnryfst Cnmniisslors.
Prices Delnw Competition
Write al once for 1 In ulnrs rud spei tal terms,
sliiung your choice i f Icrillorv,
.ill IVi'iboru M.,1 IIKAiO
Regular December meeting Held on
Wednesday Evening.
Saloon license of Z. O. Woods renewed.
Communication from water commis
sion with $100 to apply on their debt of
$40n0 to city filed.
Recorder's report showed license fees
received t) amount of $407 andwanunts
issued to amount $526.
Street committee was ordered to place
five incandesent lights between head of
fceventh street and Elyville and to cor
fer with P. ti. E.Oo. in renard to nettnit: r,
1 A U I'll 1
v.., ' leiver iignis auu more 01
Ihatn 1ft. Hw. '
W'Vlll IIIC llj'.
Street committee ordered to have
Abemethy road from Main street, to the
Portland road opened and kept in repair
and were instructed to confer with U
A. Harding in regard to grading 10th
street from Main to Singer hid road.
Liquor license ordinance as amended
and ordinance authorizing purchase of
rock for improvement of lower Main
street passed and were signed by mayor.
The committee seemed to be in favor
of putting electric lights in Kansas City
and Falls View, which looks like political
T F Ryan, recorder .... $ 25 00
OE Burns, chief 60 n0
E L Shaw, nightwatch 60 00
O Babcock, street work 83
C H Dye, prosecutor 2 00
P Hemelgarn, meals jail 9 80
L Dickelman, work on streets. . . 16 85
Wilson & Cooke, supplies 9 94
Enterprise pub notice dog license 40
Press, pub ordinances, etc 10 00
P U E Co, lights, claimed $174.45 170 05
m . .
Probate Matters.
Petition of It. D. Wilson, administrator
of estate of Matilda D. Holt, granted
further time to file inventory, as matter
has not bien settled by supreme court.
Albert Harrington, administrator of
Isaac Stormer estate, ordered to
disirute $388.42 in accordance with will.
E. E. Oharman, (J. A. Harding and
0. H. Caufield, executors of estate of N.
O. Walden, ordered to pay assessment
on stock of Josephine Mining Co. held
by deceased the sum of $140, and G. A.
Harding, trustee, $05.
.1. E. Hedges, executor of estate of
Ellen J. Hedges, ordered to distrute
$225, $45 to go to each of the following :
Mary J. Jacobs, John B. Hedges, Wm.
A. Hedges, bilbert L. Hedges and Frea
It. Hedges.
W. H. Cooke, executor of estate of
Mary E. Winston, reported collections
of $4(12.72 and balance on hand of $233,
$200 of which was ordered distributed
equally among following six leg.itees:
Julian J., John R.atid PercyO. Winston,
Ann E. Chalk, V. C. Demet and Jesse
T. Cooke.
Permission given Gracie D. McComb,
administratrix ot Jacob S. McOomb, to
loan $1900 for five years al eight per
cent to J. A. lhayer.
0. A. Gengleback, John Robins n and
W. S. Ruiiyon appointed appraiser of
oHtate oi Samuel Shepherd.
Report of appraiser of estate of N. 0.
Walden tiled. Some $25,000 in eorpora
tion stocks was appraised at $10,740, two
promissory notes at $1010, lite insurance
at $4000, real estate in county $9405, in
Portland at $2")00, lifth interest in
mines $1500.
Question Discussed by Clackamas
County Teachers.
The Clackamas County Teachers' as
Hoc.iatioii heltl its regular monthly meet
ing Saturday ntl lackainas, ami was one
of ,the jiuiKt iiiU-rehtiiitj: gatherings of
teachers heM for some time. Eorty-two
teachers were in atteiblance anil tlie
exercises were of unusual interest.
County Suiierinteinlent Starkweather
presided. At the morning session
"Oliliiwtions of School hoards to Ap-
1 licants for Positions," was thoroughly
discussed hy Alex. Thomson, A. 0.
Strange, J. V. Gray, Mrs. A. H. iVells,
11. S. Strange, J. C, Zinser and others.
Prof. J. W. Gray, tirincipal of the
Pariqilaee school, aipetided adiscussion
on "Suggestions on Teaching Current
Events." He thought newspapers
should he introduced iu the puliiic
schools in order that pupils should be
come versed in new scienliliodiscoveries,
etc. ; that pupils who read newspapers,
advanced more rapidly, slid were more
proficient iu their studies than those
who did 1101 keep themselves informed
on the current topics of the day through
the medium ol ihe press.
MrB. Wells objected to the introduc
tion of newspapers in the school room.
rrot iinser, ot tlie Uregon city schools
favored the posting up of clippings from
niaganiiii s or leading newspapers, so
that the attention of the pupils would
he intensitied to a particular topic ; that
pupils did not have time to read every
thing in the newspapers, besides there
was much that they-should not read
In the afternoon Prof. U.S. Hunter
of the .Vilwaukie schools, real an in
structive paper on ".Miuio in the I'uhlic
At the roll call, each teacher respond
ed with some histoiical fact concerning
tlie early history of Oiegon and other
sections of the country, t.ot down in the
text hook. This proved a very inlere-t-
ing feature ot the nathennv.
Prof. U.S. Strange, principal of the
Willamette Falls echini, delivered an
a lilress ou " iiow Geography Shoiil I he
Taught iu the Public Sell. ail."
,.rs. V(.h, Miss Annie Kennedy and
K. II. ilabbert were elected members ot
the assoi i.itimi.
Tlie ladies of ' lackanias served a
splendid dinner, lor w liich resolutions of
th inks wcie presents I l y Prof, T. G.
tiicy.aiid iiiiiiiiinnnly adopted.
Til,, nt.vt ti tin-' i.f tlio association
will he hell at Mihvaukie in January.
Moe the b'iMcis sinily. ndlives Uih rouuh,
cures lie fcwri-h cotnlliion ami lloidai'bi.
lnnkhuf II the in el mid nii'.ekcst ri nicdy for
Coiiehs, Oolds, and l.a (liippc. Cures lu one
dav. No core.
A farmer came into a store the other
day, iu a near by-town, to sell a loa I of
tine apples. He was offered 5He a box.
A traveling man, whowas standing close
hv lema ked to the (.inner: "If you
bad those tipples in New York you
eon Idget fl.fiOa box forthem." "Ya aV
replied the farmer, "an' if 1 had a pail
of water in h 1 I recoil 1 could get 10
cents a tilnss for il " And the drummer
collapsed. 1
li n
asy to Take
asy to Operate
Are features peculiar to Hood's Pills. Small In
size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man
said: " You never know yon
have taken a pill till it is all
over." 250. 0. 1. Hood & Co.,
r ..,,. '
IUKllcwla JUd33.
The onlv Dllls to blke with iInori-9 Sarsanarllla.
. Oflice in Oiegon City Bank Block.
Okegom City, - i bkg'jm.
Civil Engineer & Deputy County Surveyor
Will be al Court Houe on each Sat nrd
and ou regular session days of
County Court.
Opposite P. o., Okeook City, Or.
Geo. C. BnowNKU.
J. U. Campbell
Caufield Building
Oregon City, On
Attorneys at Law,
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate Law Specialties.
OFFICE : Commercial
Bin Bulldln
Notary Public and Real Estate Broker.
Leading Insurance Agency op Clacxam
Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Hade.
Drawing of Legal Documents a Specialty
Office on east side of Main street
Between 6th and 7th.
The Commercial Bank
CAPITAL $100,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business
Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes eo
lectlona. Buys and sells exchange on all points
In the United States and Kurope and on Hong
Kong. Deposits received subject to check.
Bank open from 9 A.M. to 4 P. M.
President. Cashie
Mill Feed, Lime, Cement
and Land Plaster.
Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable
On the Street between the Bridge and the
Double and single rigs and saddle horset a
ways 011 baud at the lowest rates, and anorra
also connected with the barn for loose stock
Any Information regarding any kind of stock
promptly attended to by letter or person.
Express and
(Established 1S66 )
Parcels delivered lo all parts of the city.
old Reliable Drugget
I ViWt IT,, ,.
MlU uU 11 J I
Old Santa Claus...
The wonderful attiaction of our
holidi.v goods and low nrices push
the old man aside. We boast oi our
hargaiiis for I 'hristni is buyers .No
matter how poor tlio stocking, we
eaii till i . You a ee) cordially invited
to come and see what we can do fori
you. The prices 011 all of our goods
tire extremely io .
I Bazaar"
! )l Oregon City
In the Circuit Conrt ot the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
M. E. McCarver, Plaintiff, va. Eliza Coleman and
Thomas Coleman, Defendants.
State of Oregon, County of Clai k imaa, ss.
erce and an execution, duly issued out of
and under the feal of the above entitled court,
in Ihe above emitted cause, to me duly directed
and datid the 1st day of December, 117, upon a
judgment rendered and entered In said court on
the Wih day of November, )H'7, in favor of
M. K. McCarver. plaintiff, and against Eliza Cole
man and Tlumms Colemnn, defendants, for the
sum of SG'.ltUO, with lnlerL-st thereon at the rale
of 10 per oent ner annum from 'lie 20th day of
Novemner, ianv. ana me inriner sum 01 uiuu.cu
as attorney's fee, and the further sum of 810.00.
costs and disbursements, and the eosts of and
upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of
the billowing described real property situate lu
the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to wit:
Beginning at a point 6.1 chains north o the
northwest comer of the noitneaat Va. of the
northeast of Beolior 4, tow nship 2 south of
range 2 east of tne Willamette Meridian, iu the
center ol the couutv road lending from Milwau
kle to Phillip Foster's and running theuve sumh
2.1 89 chains to the southeaHi corner of the north
west lA of the noflheiist i of said teclion 4,
thence west thirty links 10 the ei.st boundary of
the D. L. C. of W. T. Mullock, deceased, Ihence
north 22 degrees west 6.40 chains lo tha noitheast
comer of said Matlock claim, thence suutb 08
dogrefs west 8.45 chains, Ihence north 24. SO
chains to the center of said county road, thence
east oil Ihe line of said road 10 chains to tha
place of beginning, continuing 22.00 acres In
Clackamas county, state of Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue ol said execution,
judgment order and deoree, and In compliance
with the commands of said writ, 1 will, ou Mon
day, the 3d day of January, lulls, at the hour of
2 o'clock p. in., at the front door of the county
rouit house iu the city of Oregon City, In said
county and slate, sell at public auction, subject
to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S
gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and
interest which the within named deiendants or
either of them, had on the date of the mortgage
herein or since had in and to the above described
real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said
execution, judgment order, decree, interest,
costs and all accruing cosls.
ii. W. GRACE.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Or., Dec. 1st, 18a;.
undersigned as executorof thelat will and
testament 01 Samuel Strite. deceased, has been
authorized, by order of the count court of
Clackamas county, Oregon, made on the lHth
day of October, A D. 1SD7, to sell either at public
or private sale the following described leal
property belonging lo said estate:
Beginning at, a point til rods west of the south
east corner of the v. L.C. of Wm. Matlock In
township 1 south, range 2 east of the Willani tte
Meridian, situated In the county of Clackamas,
state of Oreguu, and running thence westerly on
tne soma uounuary line 01 sain u. b claim n
rods: thence northerly and at rignt angles to lust
line HI) rods; thence easterly at right angles lu
last line 4U runs; tiicnce tuuiuerly al right angles
tu last Hue. 40 r.ds; thence westerly at right
angles to last line, 18 rods; thence southerly 4u
rods to the place ef beginning.
Also beginning in the south line of Wm Mat
lock D. L. C. where the same intersect the eeiiter
line of the Oregon & California Railroad traca:
running thence easterly tracing said D.L. C.line
zui ieei: tnence soutn iaj leet; tneuce westerly
2ii3 feet to a point iu the center line the O. & C.
Railroad track UDJ feet Bouth of the place of
oegiuiiiug; mence normeriy aiong tne center
Hue of the O. & C. Railroad track 9u!; feet to the
place of beginning, save and except one fourth
acre deeded by Samuel Strite and wife to Livosay.
recorded on page 215 uf book 35, records of deeds
of Clackamas county.
Also lots 1 and 2 of block five of Marsliricld,
now Clackamas, as shown by the recorded plats
Therefore, by virtue of said order of said
rourt. 1, the said executor ot the last will and
testament of ti e said Samuel Strite, deceased
will from and after the 7th day of December,
A. D. 187, proceed to sell at private sale the
above described real property bclunglng to -ald
estate as shove described. Bids for same will be
received by the Kxecutor at his residence iu
Clackamas, or by the altorney for said Executor,
nester r. sinitli, al his omce 011 Dam street, Ore
ami City, Creon,
Dated this 21st day of October, A. D.,1887, at
Oregon City, Oregon,
JOHN T. STRITE, Executor.
Lissi tu 1-. SMITH, Attorney lor Estate.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon
ior tne uounty ot uiacKamas.
D. W. James, Plaintiff, 1
vs. 1
Win. Ohlenkamp
and 1
John Dahlke, Defendants. J
State of Oregon, County ot Clackamas, ss.
decree and an execution, dnlv issued out ol
and uudertheseal of the above entitled court, iu
the above entitled cause, to me duly directed
and dated tlie 24th day of November, is'J", upon
a judgment rendered and entered in said court
ou the 3d day of November, 18117, lu favor of
i. v. James, pialulilt, and against Wm.onien
kamn and John Dahlke, defendants, for the sum
of 120U.U0, wim Interest thereon at the rate of
ei!lu per cent per annum from the ninth day of
December, ih:i', and the timber sum of im its
attorney s fee, and the further sum 01 'JJ.0O,
costs and disbursements, and the costs of and
upon this writ, Ciiirmaudlnii me to maae sale ol
the followiiiK described real property situate iu
the enmity of Clackamas, slate of (ireiinn, to-wit:
a uinunia ut a iHiiiioiiiiicM.C!ioiiilue. uclweni
Sictiuns 21 and .?2 in township UMiuth, rni'ire 'i
east 01 tlio Wlliaiuelle me. ull.n., far eu iiikIi
south of the quai u-r s e ;wu corner on said line
so iiihi a 1. ne 111 1 1 u j j is: east iro.u s'.icn poi.il
aero s the ibinattoil biiiil clmlu of K A. Worhiuu
Lo ti e ui st boon isi o Hie dmialloii laud cbilul
0 Lereiiii A. Kirk Will liielu.i hundred and
I weii'v acres id l,m pari td' s ml orsaaiu dona
tioii land efiliu lylua uoriii ol's'i.di eiisi and west
lint), exclusive 01 lbs acres beretnfure sold and
uioed by KiiHe I'arrtu r.Sciiilai .
Now Iherefme. bv vinu .' if said execution.
judgment order ami decree, and iu compliance
wnli the commands of said wnl, I will, on Sal
urda, the '.'Hih day of December, lsn7, at the
hour of one o'cloek p. 111., at the frontdoor of
1 lie couniy court lu uso In the cily ol Uregon
City, in siitd county and stale, sell at public
Kin t on, subject to redinintiou, lu Ihe highest
bidder, for V. S go'd cum, easn iu h lid all the
naht, ti'le and Interest which the within iiauu-d
fcnibiuts or either 1 1 them, had on lb' (lute ol
the mortgage herein ur since hud iu or to tlie
above ib scribui real properly or any part there
nt, t s itlsly said execul Ion, Judguie.it order, ue
c.ee, iuteresl, coats and all a crui. g coats.
U. W liKAl
Sberilfef Cbicknmas Ci.uuly. Or.-eon.
Dated, Oregon City, Or., November 21th, DD7.
Gd to...
Gambrinub Cold
3 Cj age
tiriessen & Hallwyer, Projw.
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Elejaiit Family Rooms.
geiiilenuMi 01 Indies to travel for responsible
eslublishcd house in Oregon. Monthly its) and
exiK'iiscs. Position s.' adv. Reference, rit
elose self adilivssed stamped envelope. The
Dominion Couiptuy, Depl. V.Chicago.
emrtllUl.ei huiM in OrHL'oii. Monthly A.ou nml
t'Xp'nin. l'iiin ftlt-Mtlv. Ri,lenno'. ttuvKe
iiclf-4iMroi-l stmifl i-iivfloj. Tht lomlniuh
Chlldrcp. Cry far
In the Circuit Court 1 f the tate ot O.egon, for
tne uounty ot 1,1 tcKamn".
A. E. Latourette, Executrix of the Will of L. D. C.
Latourette, Diceasxi, Plaintiff, vs. E. P.
Elliott, LUile'li. Klliott, Thomas Charman,
Frank Welch. Margarcll Barrett, J. J. look
and C:iarles Albright, Jr., Defendants.
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss,
cree and an execution, duly, issued out of
and under (lie seal of 1 neab ve eutbled court, in
the above euiiiled cause, 10 me duly directed
and dated the 27th day of November, IW, upon
a judgment rendered and ent -red lu said court
on the 2'lth day cf November, 1817. in favor of
A. h. Lalouictte, Executrix ol lue will of L. D
C. Lalnuretto deceased, plaintiff, and against
E. P. Klllnti, Lilliu ii. K.lii-t , rhoiua Charraan
trunk Welch, Margarctt B.irrett, .I.J. ''00k and
Chai Jes Albright,, Ji , ilefi udants, for the sum of
Jliisli.i 0, wnli b L-rest tliereo'i al tlu rate of 10 pee
cenl. per annum from the 20th day of November,.
1807, and the further sum of 15(1.00 as attorney's
'ee. and the further sum of flo.00, costs and dia
bursemenis, a, id the cosls ol und upon tills writ,
commanding me to make sale of the f dlowiir?
described real propeity situate in the county of '
Clackamas, slate of Oregon, to-wit:
Lots three and four iu blook forty-five ot
comity addition tn Oregon Cily, all of fractional
block lettered D lu county uddii.lon to Oregon
City and lot three lu block three iu Mt. Pleasant
addition to Oregon idty sccording lo the T. Pfc
Kuuiiall subdivision of snld block, ad according'
to the olllcial maps and plats on hie In the otllce
of the Recorder in Clackuwias county, state of
Sow. therefore, by virlue of said execution,
judgment order and decree, and In compliance
with the commands of said writ. I will, on Mon
day, the lid dsy ol Jauunry, 1808, al the hour of
one o'clock p. m., nt Ihe front door of the connlv"
court boue In Ihe city of Oregon City, in said
county and stale, sell al nubile auction, subiect
to redemption, to the higlicsi bidder, for U. fe.
gold coin, cisli in hand, all the right, title and
Interest which the within named defendants or-
cither of ttiein, had on the date of the mortgage
Herein or since uau lu or to the above described
real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said
execution, judgment order, decree, interest
0 jsts and all accruing costs.
u. w. uhai;k,
Sheriff of ('laetiamas County. Oregon,
Dated, Oregon 'Jiiy, jr., Nov. 2HU, 1W.
In the Circuit Court of tne nute of ureg on, for
tne uouniy 01 uiacaamas.
Jacob Spangler, PlalutilT, vs. Z. 6. Gard and
lit leu II. Anderson, Defendants.
State of Oregon, County ot Clackamas, ss.
erce and an execution, dulv Issued out ot
and under the seal of the above entitled court,
iu the above entitled cause, to me duly directed
and dated the Mill day of November, 18t)T, upon
ajuaginent rendered ana entered in saul court
ou the first day of November, DOT, In favor of
Jacob spangler, plainllll'. and against Z. 8. Gurd
ana He len o, anuerson, deienaants, lor tne sum
of (301.60, with interest theieon at the rate of Id
per cent per annum Iroin the first day of Novem
ber, lwi7. and the further sum of v0 as attorney'
lee, and the 1'urllier sum ol Hf. 00, cosls and dis
bursements, and the costs of and upon this
writ, commanding me to make sale of the fol
lowing described real property situate In the
county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to wit:
beginning at the northeast corner of the D. L. C.
of Ezra Fisher and wife In township 1 soutn of
range 2 east of the W. M., running thence
along the nurth boundary of said claim
north 81 degrees west 4.26 chains to corner of
C. Welch's land, thence souih 28 degrees 10 min
utes west H.70 chains to the noithwest corner uf
two acre tract of land owned by M. O. Gard,
thence along the north side of said two acre
tract south til degrees 60 minutes east 4.33 chains
to the northeast comer uf said two acre tract,
thence nnrth.4 feet, thence southeasterly Uchains,
more or less, to a point on the east line of said
claim, which point is 20.23 chains south of the
northeast corner of said claim, thence north 20.28
chains to the place of beginning, containing 14
acres of land, nirfre or less, also a strip 20 feet
wide and described as beginning at a puint4feet
north of the northeast corner of said Iwo acre
tract and running thence south 28 degrees 10
minutes west along the cast side of said two
acre tract B.fiJ chains tu the centir of the couniy
road, them e along the center of said road east
erly 20 feet, thence north 2S degrees 10 minutes
east 15.5- chains, thence west 20 feet lo place of
beginning, Clackamas county, slate of Oregon,
Now, therefore, by virlue of said execution,
Judgment order ai d decree, and tu compliance
wltii the commands ot said writ, 1 will, on Mon
day, the 3d day of J miliary, 1(.8, at the hour of
one o'clock p. m. at Hie front door of tlie county
court house iu the city of Oregon City, 111 said
county and staie,sell al public audiou, subject to
redeuiption.to the highest bidder lor U.S. gold
coin, cash inliaiid,all the right, titleaud mleiest
which the wiilnn named "eieiidiints or either of
them, bad 011 tlie date of the lining, me or since
had in or 10 (lie above described reai property or
any pait thereof losaiisl'y said execution, judg
ment order, decree, inleroBt, costs and all accru
ing cosls. U, W. GRACE,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Or., Nov. 2!lth, 18D7.
In the Circuit Court uf the State of Oregon, for the
Couniy of Clackamas,
Minnie McKean, Pialuiiff, vs. Jennie Metcher
and Henry Mclcher, Defendants.
Stateof Oiegon. County of Clackamas, ss.
cree and an e&ecution, duly Issued out of
and under the seal of tr e above entitled court.
In the above elilllleil cause, tu me duly directed
ami dated tlie 2,tli day ol November, 1S1I7, upon
a Judgment rendered and eiilen d lu said court
011 the 20111 day of November. 18D7, In favor of
M'linle McKean, pbiuuiii, ami against Jennie
Mt Idler and Henry Mclcher, dtfenoauis, for tha
sum uf tGuUOO, w ith Int. rest thereon at the rate of
10 per cent per a Minn Iroin the 20th day of No.
veuibcr, 1SU7, aud the further sum of 7o.0i as
attorney's fee, and the furiher sum of i3l).00,
costs aiid distmrsena ins, and tne cosls of and
upon this writ, commanding me tu luuke sale of
the following described real proptuy Bllnate iu
llip 1 oniilv of (Muekrinias. kIhIh ot Oreiroll. to-wil-
Tlie west i uf soul 11 nest k of the southwest )t of
section at, ine west . 01 noriuwesi oi ine
northwest of section 82. the east W of south-
ea-t of the ootl:ea-l of stvllnn 30, the cast
i,j of northeast 't of Hie northeast t of section
Hi, all In township 2 south ol range 1 east of the
YY illametlo Meridian.
Now. therefore, by virtue of said execution.
judgment order and decree, and in compliance
Willi ine coiuniauiis 01 sain writ, t win, uu Mon
day, Iheltd day of January, lsns, at the hour ot
one o'clock p. in., at the trout door of the county
court house In the city ot liregoa City, In aaid
countv and state, sell at public auction, subject
lo redemption, lo the Ingliesi bidder, for U.S.
gold coin, casn in bund, all the riiihl, title aud
Interest which Ihe within n nied defendants or
either of them, bad on the dale of the mortgage
herein or since had in or to the above described
real properly ur any part thereof, to sslisly said
excciilieii, judgment order, decree, interest, costs,
and all acciulng costs.
Sheriff of Clm kamas Couniy, Oregon .
l altd, Oregon Cily, Or., Nov. 2iilh, ls:i7.
out ol ihe Cliciill CuuK i tne Stale of uregon,
lor 1 hiikauina only, ol naie, ISuvenilier Dili, 1MI7,
upon a deiTe if inrrclosure duly rt ndered 111
said Court ou November iuih, lH'.i7, in Iheonse o(
Tne Allianve Trust C uuoanj, Lu.. plaintl i, v.
I.. I'bclps, 1. s. I'belps. .Nellie h. Suiiih, K. C.
sniilli, Kiuuije Sipilus, William ro, 11 ires, Ad, lie
Siiiiin, John Smith, Ver ie Hews, John Hes,
h. C. smith, as adint, il liaior oi the estate of
'John lliow ileeee.nl and Roili' liild Bruihers, a
eorporrtiioii, dt'lemtaiits, 111 iavor of the piaiullff
and against tlie defendauis, f will, at 11 0 clock
in Ihe lorciiotiu on Hie sh day ul Decerr.ber,
ls'7.at the fioiit dis.ro: tnecouiti oiise ill oregou
I - ii . tncgoii, su.l el public ai.c.ion 10 the highest
' bidder lot l-a-ll 111 llano he premises IU said
(buiec ol for, closure desciloeil, '-eliig silliale in
1 bckaniaa Ciiiiui, Snue uf Oiegon. to-wit:
llet mini, g al a (siinisi.x (il) chains an . liliy (."1O1
puke 11 1 Tin hi., I mcl;l'-' ctinln- and slxiy nine
lllii) liiiKseasi i lite s iiuiiaesi coriierof acetitiii
luelity-tlllcr fJ3) 111 10W1 ship llllee l3 M.lllll of
langc tlirce'oei.st ol Hie i'iliaineiteMerl liaii,ruu
miia tbetiee nortli Hi y ifib cu uns, thence north
sixiysix degrns ,Ikii iliiny inlnules ,.10') west
tilleeii Sb') hi.b and buy (.'iOi links, thence
1 1, nil ttny one ilegrces (,'il 1 1 t-l till) -nine l.Mi)
cha'lis slid Iwelve (l-'j ill k, lllellee west t ight
() 1 hallis slid 1. Velilj ll lte t7;l) lllik, Ihence
,ouili tne hundred h.,i1 lenrietii ,1 14 1 mains,
li.eiice ii-l (4S 1 lie ins hi n li t ( li) links, Ibeiice
lunin Iwi lily I'.ej elii'liisi.iu Inly o'b iinl s: llirnea
easi luetiii i-in chains and nfix I 0, chnlns to tlia
place id ijtuii.iiiiig. iinielini i i' scrisnmre or
less; lo ssii'iy H e sum of 4s7.2li with Inlcrest
fr 111 uv iiiocr uih, lst'7. at 101- line of lu per
cent per annum, aril (..7-ii till with Interest Irom
same dale IS per ci 111 per annnm aid Clioti)
as siioriieta lecs;lih inter, si firm same dale
al s er 11 lit lr sui.uiu; sli i, l ulled Slates
gnlil coin, und the c. sis Hint di. burst incuts of
nil. I soli, taxed at (Ul and Ihe tosls uf aud
tiisjti said w rib
II. W, (if.ACE,
Mierlfl of l lackain.is I'nunlv, Or.
Dated, X.ivcmlH-i li kl, 1W7.
Pitcher's Castorla,