Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, December 03, 1897, Image 7

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The AVlieelburrow.
The vlllace resident soon comes to
find the wheelbarrow a very Indispeu
sable article. The cut, which is from
the American Agriculturist, shows
how one Village resident extemporizes
a hay rack out of his wheelbarrow
when desiring to get into the stable two
or three hundred pounds or so of hay.
Narrow strips of board are lightly tack
ed to the surface, as shown, and the
hay cart Is ready. It will surprise any
one to see the large quantity of hay
that one can thus easily and quickly
wheel away from his grounds to the
sold In the fall in pits. This Is especial
ly Important for the potatoes required
for seed. While the ground was si. .1
frozen we covered the potato heaps
with straw, so as to keep it frozen as
louj; as possible. I'otatoes that can be
kept from sprouting until planting time
produce much the best crops. Ex
change. Care of Grain Drills.
The grain drill is quite too expensive
to be allowed to remain out of doors ex
posed to the weather when not in use.
It should be carefully cleaned rroiu nit
dirt, and those especially with a fertil
izer attachment should be scoureu iu
take off the rust from use, and then
coated with grease to prevent the air
from getting to the metal. Most grain
drills rust out rather than wear out.
They are used, even where fall grain
Is sowu, only a few days in the spring
and fall, and ought to last a lifetime
with few repairs, If they are properly
sheltered when not in use.
Feeding for Milk.
Feeding the cows to increase the flow
of milk should uot entail additional ex
pense If the farmer uses judgment in
tinnincr the various foods. If
grain, linseed meal and other concen
trated foods are given In excess, the dl
gestion may be impaired, and if hay is
mostly given the animals win ue com
belled to eat large quantities of it to ue-
cure the desired nourishment. I'oous
should consist of both concentrated and
bulky substances, regulating the pro
nortlona according to the couuitions
and circumstances.
Caretaker is a word adopted into modern
use and means one who takes care of, and
is very generally applied to those employed
to take care of things committed to tueir
keeping. The way some people have of
taking care of themselves is very suggestive
of the need of a caretaker. The human
bouv to such is a mansion tilled with pre
cious tilings uncared for, where thieves
niav break in and mst doth corrupt. Pains
and aches are thieves, and the body lets
uncared for to their spoilage will be robbed
of all its comforts and despoiled ol its peace
of mind and happiness. It is a .happy
thought to look upon St. Jacobs Oil as a
carelaKer, to employ ii a wo.....
against such intruders. There is hardly
an ache, ironi a tootnucue i a
that it can't take care of and effect a cure.
and pains the most violent are conquereu
bv its use. its oince as a luremui
prevent the spread of aches and pains into
u chronic stage. Keep a bottle of it in the
handiest place anu be assured oi guuu
and comfort.
There are more than BOO ordained
women preachers in the United States,
not including the numerous preachers
of that sex.
stable. This arrangement Is also use
ful for getting In fodder corn from the
garden. Let the stalks first be piled
cross-ways of the bottom strips. Then
the other way.
t upplemcnting Ensilage.
There are all kiuds of ensilage, vary
ing, of course, with the material put
Into the silo. There Is no magic in the
silo to add to the nutrition of what is
put into It, though it may add to the
nutritive value by making it more di
gestible. Much of the ensilage from
corn fodder Is deficient in nitrogenous
forms of nutrition. It needs to be sup
plemented, not necessarily with richer
ensilage, but preferably with dry food.
Instead of trying to ensilage clover.
which is difficult because It heats so
rapidly, It is better to cure It and feed
three to five nounds of good clover
hay to all animals whose main ration
Is corn ensilage. If clover cannot be
had, use wheat bran or oats. Both
linseed meal and cotton-seed meal may
be given with good results to animals
fed on corn ensilage. If possible some
straw or hay should be, given with
these to Increase their bulk and pre
vent them from compacting In 'the
stomnch. Com is not a good supple
ment to corn ensilage, as It also Is so
largely carbonaceous, But corn and
oats ground together and fed with cut
hay or stray make a very good supple-
mentary feed.
For Apple Choking.
The treatment for apple choking
utlined and Illustrated Is said by a
correspondent of the Orange Judd
Farmer to prove ef
fectual and never
cause Injury. Fig.
1 Is made of -Ineh
round Iron, the
ends being 5 Inch
es apart, the frame
12 Inches In length
from the small
loops at the end to
the handle. The
w ii ring unir i.-u-
1 f ter Is 3 by 5 Inches
FI0 l fig. 2. welded to the side
pieces, i'ut a small cord through the
end loops, slip the ring Into the cow's
mouth and fasten the cord over the
head. Turn the handle down under
t,o low which 'Will onen me mourn,
Exercise for Cows.
The cow which Is bearing young or
giving milk Is not naturally a rrisuy
animal. We never believed that she re
quired much exercise. Most times
when we have turned tuem out wune
nieimin2 their stables, Instead of run
ning about, the cow will be seen cud
dled close to the stack to shelter herself
from cold winds. It Is still worse when
rain is falling. -The cow then needs
shelter rather than exercise, and can
keep warm standing still In her stable
better than she can while water Is be
ing evaporated from her skin. Ameri
can Cultivator.
la what chronic inactivity of the liver Rives
rise to. Bile gets into the blood and imparts a
yellow tint, the tongue fouls, and bo does the
breath, sick headaches, pain beneath the riRht
ribs and shoulder blade are felt, the bowels be
come constipated and the stomach disordered.
The proven remedv for this catalogue of evils
is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, medicine long
,,,i n,f.,iniih recommended .and sovereign
i.(nf chills and feyer. nervousness and
rheumatism. .
In the period 1882 to 1894 the crim
inal record in the German empire in
creased 22 percent, or 12 per cent more
than the population.
Securing Early Lettuce.
The outdoor crop of spring lettuce
mav be made several days earlier by
sowing the seed In some sheltered place
late In fall. It Is not likely that if sown
now any of the lettuce will come up
this fall. A few leaves scattered over
the bed will keep the seed from Injury,
and It will sprout and grow with the
first warm weather In spring. Almost
every one has seen self-sown lettuce on
the beds where It was grown and went
to seed the previous year. It Is much
more forward than spring-sown lettuce
can be had In the same locality.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. y & (,Q Q
We, the undersigned.have known F. J. Cheney
for the last 13 years, and believe him penectlv
hororable in "all business transactions and
flniincially able to carry out any obligations
made bv their firm,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. .
Wai.tmng, Kinnan 5i Marvin, 1
Wholesale Uruggisis, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taten internally, act
ing directlv upon the blood and mucous sur
faces oi the svatcm. TeKiimonials free. Price
7oc. per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Hall's Family fills ar, the best.
A man who is fond of figures affirms
that in battle only one ball in 85 takta
My doctor said I would die but Vise's
Cure for consumption cured nie. Amos
Kelner, Cherry Yulley, 111., Nov. 23, '95. ,;
Try Schilling'! Best tea and baking powder.
Janan is about to send a lot of experts
to this country to teach the people how
to make tea.
"King Solomon's Treasure," only Aphrodlslacal
nunc known. tHee Dictionary.) M.00 a box.
r O. Box
weeks' treatment. Mason Chemical Co.,
747, Philadelphia, Pa.
The speed of the fastest Atlantic
eteamer is now greater than that of the
express trains on Italian railways.
Banish the Curry-Comb.
The curry-comb is an Instrument of
torture that should De uanisneu. in
some stables a great Improvement up
ou it Is a large wist) of straw, twisted
tight, tied Into a knot, and pounded
flat on one side. The flat side Is used
In grooming, after being slightly damp
ened. It Is much better for the skin
and hair than the curry-comb, re
moves dust well, and gives the animal
a irlossv. healthy coat. Brisk rubbing
with soft woolen cloths is excellent for
giving the hair a silky, glossy appear
ance, and is an excellent thing ior tue
Full-Planted Trees.
As fall rains are coming on some care
Is needed to trees lately planted. Very
often the earth used to fill around the
trunk sinks away, leaving a hollow,
which carries the rains down among
the roots. As these in newly planted
trees are dormant during winter, this
! water does them much injury. It Is al-
wavs best to draw up earth around
newlv planted trees. This Is a protec
tion against attacks of mice if the earth
Is closely compacted. The earth should
be pulled away from the trees lu the
Grain Cheaper than Hay.
If given with enough hay or straw or
cornstalks to distend the stomach,
graiu Is better feed than hay, because
more enslly digested, in tue coarser
fodder so much of the nutrltlou goes
i. nnn then be held without to sustain animal heat or the processes
nuu mo -"" . . . I ..... n !.. nn
further trouble. If the apple is not iar or digestion, iuiu TOulraiu,Ci, nun.-
down, It can be retnoveu witu me u.tuu.
Th now cannot bite or throw her head
-,, ,1 if tlie handle Is held firm. If
the nnnle is too far down to remove by
iinnd. take a rubber hose, Fig. 2, start
Is left to make flesh or mint or rats.
The knowledge that some grain with
hav makes cheaper nutrition is not
half so widely extended as It ought to
lie. If It were, there would be a better
'I suffered for eight years, and
eould find no permanent relief until
one year ago. My trouble was Change
of Life. I trd Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetabla Compound, and relief came
almost immediate
ly. I have taken
two bottles of
th Vegetable
three boxes
of Pills,
and have
also used
the San
Wash, and
must say I have
never had any
thing help so much. I have better
health than I ever had In my Ufa. I
feel like a new person, perfectly
strong. I give the Compound all the
credit. I have recommended it to sev
eral of my friends who are using It
with like results. It haa cured me of
several female diseases. I would not
do without Mrs. Pinkham's remedies
for anything. There is no need of so
much female suffering. Her remedies
are a sure cure." Mrs. Eixa. Kbinbk,
Knightstown, Henry Co., Ind.
By the way, the leading druggists
,.11 ,m that the demand for Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable uompounu
simply beyond their power , of under
standing ; and, wnat is oesi, ui
does the work promptly ana weu.
through the ring and push the apple demand for grain, and it would sell at
clear down Into the stomach.
Fnrm More Intensively,
Kxnerlence and necessity force
changes In methods, that would not
occur but for the .f allurb to secure profit
where no difficulty previously existed,
In England, where the system of farm-
Ino- Is on the Intensive plan, dairymen
are abandoning pasture. They are dis
covering that mere food can be grown
on the pasture land than can be se
cured from the grass and hay, and that
bv i succession of green crops they can
derive better foods than can be
had from grass. There is more labor
reoulred. but the products are larger
and the profits greatly increased. Hoot
-rr,i:i and soiling enable the English
to imv hi-.'h rents, mid the methods
thev a'dont are the result of years of ex-
lerlence. In this country dairymen
will find It to liieir advnntage to grow
greeu food as well as gias, and utilize
v roots as wed also, as a protection
nanlnst drought and unfavorable condi
tions. To meet low prices for farm
products the crops on every acre must
be larger and also utilized In the best
fctorlnn Roots in Pita.
The proper way to keep all roots Is In
out-of-door pits, and ns much as possi
ble excluding air from them. Boine
kinds of roow. as turnips, rutabagas
.n.i i!-rnt. do not easily freeze, but
11 are inlured by exposure to the air.
When we grow potatoes largely we al
,h Ktored most of what were not
better prices.
Plant Watering.
Watering Is the most important oper
ation lu connection with plant growth.
Plants grown In rooms are penentea
by an Immersion In water at the same
temnerature as the room for about ten
minutes once a wcck. unter suoum
never tie given before nced'sl, neither
should plants lie allowed to necome
surface-watered. Italu-waier Is the
best for all purposes. '1 lie best time
for watering plants during Cummer is
the evening, but In winter morning
should be chosen for the work
applies of Home Radlnh. '
Any one who has even a small piece
of ground may keep suppueu witn
horse radish. Once planted It Is not
easily eradicated, ami there Is more
likelihood that there will be too much
of it rather than too little. It Is good
from the time Its leaves are cut by
frost until the new shoots put forth In
spring. It Is hard uigging irozeu
ground, so a supply for home use
should be dug each fail, it is mucn
better and stronger If grated Just be
fore It Is to lie used.
Fall Plowlnif in Ridge.
If land without sod Is fall plowed It
should be In ridges, with a dead furrow
so placed that It will carry off the wa
ter. Otherwise the fall plowing may
leave the land so wet that It will take
a long time In spring before teams and
harrows can be put on It.
,.V1 ll ,k.t .rene, In TOUT bcV
.ur.Tr:.in;v.,nrki.itiey.H'i" i
do something for yourself, lor these W"'"1
are serions indication, ol a grwii i ',"
the most vital funcilnns. '.et br. handeu
Electric Belt at once. It will euro you.
153 Wait Washington St., Portland, Or.
PLe.uu iiciiiiim I'm fvinef,.
Bobert Hichens, whose "Flames" pro
duced a momentary sizzle as it dropped
into the ocean of fiction, has written
another novel. It bears the title, "The
Miss Violet Hunt's novel, "Unkist,
Unkind!" named after a phrase from
Pee-le, is shortly to appear. The same
Is true of Mrs. Mannington Caffyn's
"Miss Becher," a social study.
James Otis, the Industrious maker of
Juvenile tales of adventure,' sen out
two historical stories for boys this sea
anii. Thev nve called "The Boys of
Fort Schuyler" and "The Signal Boys
of ;75."
J. Edward Newberger of Chicago" Is
the author of a thoughtful pamphlet
ou "The Development and Growth of
Interference by the Federal Courts In
Controversies Between Master and
James Schoulur, having finished the
manuscript of his "Constitutional stud
ies," has turned his attention to the long
promised sixth aud concluding volume
of his "History of the United States,"
embracing the period of the civil war.
It is hoped that this will be ready for
publication next year.
Ernest Daudet, with the untiring lit
erary activity that distinguishes him,
Is at work on several books. 1 he nrst
to a,ppear iu all probability will be a
volume dealing with the Due d'Aumnle,
and consisting largely of personal rem
iniscences, M. Daudet having been ou
intimate terms with the late Duke.
Emlle Zola's "Paris," announced as
among the forthcoming publications of
the current season, will not appear In
book form until early In 181)8. The
translator has entered Into an agree
ment with one of the leading London
weeklies for its serial Issue In 'Great
Britain. The volume will be slightly
shorter than "Ixiunles," and will be
divided Into five books, each of five
chapters. Mr. Vlzetelly says: "It will
probably come as a surprise to the crit
ics and readers of M. Zola's more recent
works. It will be a genuine novel, with
no dissertations and no digressions.
From llrst to last It will be brimful of
life and action, at the same time pre
senting a klaeldoscopic picture of all
classes of the Parisian community at
the end of the nineteenth ceutury.
A friend who has recently visited S.
It. Crockett at St. Andrews, says or
him: "He has two type-writing ma
chines of unusual size and strength
that Ue had made especially for his own
use at a cost of $500 each, and he
works ou these at lightning pnee. But
that Is not nil-he will carry on a gen
eral conversation wWh a rpouiful of
people while he Is writing out a story
on the machine. Now, 1 have nearu
compositors talk while setting type,
but they were merely copying, whereas
Mr. Crockett was writing out original
matter. Usually he works alone, be
gliwilug nt about 0 o'clock In the morn
ing, and wheu he comes down to break
fast at 9 he has 5,000 words written
out. lie seems to be Inexhaustible
nnd Is certainly Indefatigable. He Is
six feet four inches tall, weighs 280
pounds, nud Is as nimble as a cat."
Gen. Lew Wallace lias been silent
since the publication of his "Prince of
India." The announcement of a new
book from h'.s pen Is, therefore, news
Indeed. It Is called "The Wooing of
Malkatoon: Coin modus," and contains
... .. i ... i r
wo poems, with l..usiraiions uy r. v. i
PuMond and J. R. Wegueiin. "ine
Wooing of Malkatoon" !s a love story,
he scene of which Is lu the orient.
The hero, a chivalrous youth, while on
the chase, meets his fate. Acting under
conditions mKsed by the maid s fath
er, he goes forth Into the wor.d to do
and dare that which will secure him
her hand. "Comniodus" Is a play
founded upon a dramatic Incident In
the time of Rome's greatest power and
glory. Maternus, a slave who had lib
erated himself, gathered about him a
band of freebooters that flnal.y reached
Rome, Maternus being slain after a
vnin attemixt to kill the Emperor and
capture the throne.
Perfection of chrystauthemum cul
ture Is to have them retain their leaves
healthy as long as possible. If the
plants lose their leaves early the bloom
will be small. Sometimes the lighter
leaves ore attacked by a parasite fun
gus which causes them to drop off
early. On the first appeorance of the
pasnslte the leaves should be synngea
with copper sulphate solution. Some
times these attacks nre encouraged. by
allowing the leaves to become wenk
for want of good food, for, although it
Is not Impossible for fungus pnraslte
to nttnek healthy vegetation, It is also
true that they attach themselves more
readily when the plant Is weak. Man
ure water, or a surface dressing of
manure, Is the precaution to bo taken
nirnlnst this result. Again, leaves are
says " It is worth a great deal to us to have
you try Schilling's Best baking powder
and tea."
Money-back says "We have a great
deal ot confidence in your good faith and
rs Best baking powder and tea."
Schillings Best baking powder and tea are
.because they are money-back.
What is the missins word?-not SAFE, although Schilling's esl baking
powder and tea are safe.
Get Schilling's baking powrV- or tea at your Rrocers; take out the
ticket (brown licket in every packa; baking powder; yellow ticket in the
tea); send a ticket with each word to -ss below before December 31st.
Until October 151I1 two words allowed for every ticket; after that only one
word for every ticket. . e .
If only one person finds the word, that person gets f 2000.00; if several bnd
h, $2000.00 will be equally divided among them.
Ever, one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard
creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one
envelope will receive an 1S9S pocket calendar-no advertising on it. These
creeping babies and pocket calendars will be UUTcren from the ones offered in
the last contest.
Better cut these rules out.
The toothache exonsa for absence
from duty does not work in the post
office service in Switzerland. They
have government doctors to pull the
offending molars. -
One of the most curious results 01
the investigations made by doctors ill
the Russian jails is the statements that
each group of criminals has its own
peculiar color of the eye.
Egypt's population, according to the
census just taken, is 9,700,000, an in
crease of 2,900,000 sinoe 1882, or about
42 per cent in 15 yeaia.
' Japanese officers' who fought in the
late war against China have petitioned
their government to erect a monument
to the memory ot the horses that fell
in battle.
ill tfiirn Bvrnn. no-culled,
light colored mill ol heavy body, Is mai
clue-one. "Tea tiimlen In-ipt" i mn!
Sunar Cane and 1 strictly pure. It is
nmially verr
is mad from
made lrora
(or sal
bv llnit-clHusirrocerii, In cans uniy. aaiiuiau
tured bv tlie Pacific Coast WVitur Co. All sen.
nine "'I'm inn(i have the maaulao-
uirer'i name lithographed on every ean.
A pound of the finest spider web
would reach around the world.
I, DR. SAMUEL, PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was tli originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same
tliat has borne and does now Sip , on everV
bear tlie fao-simile signature of 0tityx7&C&4S wrapper.
This is tlie original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been
used in the Iwmts of the mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at Vie wrapper and see that it ia
the kind you have always bought ySJy JlS" onn9
and has the signature o f 0Z7-cU wrap
per. No one has authority from vie to use my name except
The Centaur Company of which Chas. II. Fletcher is
President. t .
March 8, 1897. ' ,7
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute
which som; druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies
on it), the ingredients of which even He does not know.
"The Kind You Have Always Bought"
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You.
Walter Baker & Co.'s
Breakfast COGOA
Pure, Delicious, Nutritious.
Costa less than ONE CUNT a cup.
Bo sure that the package bean our Trade Mark.
TraH- Mark.
(CiUbllthed 1780.)
Walter Baker & Co. Limited,
Dorchester, Mas
h it Vroni;?
Get it Right.
Keep it Kiijht.
Moorx'. RorUd Kerned wllldolt. Three
done, will niftk you feel teller, (iet it from
your druRglnt or ny wliolele drug taoune, or
iroin Stewart & Holmci Prog Co., Seattle.
Thounnntla of happy men pronounce thie
work the menn-iof ilielr plivKicnl lU-iitinn.
It trivet the )aci scientific fuuiKoiicerning
toM,iiMit1y w,.,.k,n...l l.y nllowl.m the ffd,r-,b,,1Seor.,l.nowBir.Mhoaof.t.
to Heroine urn - """u,l lamin lunei.t n itn r.n ti iuv vn; r,
Kill lit
fiiltlvntorn can partly guard npilnst
thin. On the othi'r linml, BtiiKiinnt wn
tpr tu the wirth In uIho Injurious. Thin
monriK tluit, to have hpnlthy phute. the
)otn or boxeH lu which they ore Kro .vn
Hhould he no nrninued tlirit the water
Man. WiSmLw HniuaHynr J..uia a"""T J
I th. b nm. lor amrrtaoe. TwiJ "
fholtl., it I. thr hwt of 11. (t A
I I Beet Comb BTrapTTauM Ocuo. WII
I 1 ta rue. Bold Irr dmrta 1 1 .
ran pans
readily away.-MePhau'i
Coelly FUe Teeth.
A Madrait uVntlut, It lit announced, re
ceived a Bum of 700 for supplying HU
HltthnpBH the Nizam of Hyderabad
with a row of false teeth.
Some women go vlnltlnj on mljfhty
light provocation.
It Du nn out H 1 .eatmmit lor ell ex-
eewc-ii ar.ti ee!'! di-.Utrment. i
It ahow. hour to cure nervoutneathope
lcR.ncua, dMpnndc:icy.
(Jp.ec. py 'f "IOMPI.HTR MANHOOD
AN'li 1 uW V) ATTAIN IT" at-nt frre, in
j li-in m rapper, neelrd securely, totheaddrea
i Uiiy sincere Inquirer, by the Krle MuUical
Company, 6 Niagara bt., Bullalu, N. Y.
BASE Bill JM ttSlK?
We oerry the moil complete line o! 'ivmnaiium
and Athletic Gown on Ine Coaul,
beud lor Our Athletic Catalog-tie.
tS-atO Market Bt., Ban Vrancieee), Cel.
Send for Catalogue nil
Wnfiilnrii P.hrkpxnn
I W m m eea i
180 FRONT 5T
Portland. Or,
f .r treeing and loeallnir Hold or Barer
Ore. I'Wt or biirle-il treMiire.. M, V.
ruHLtK, Uui W7,oulUli.,lou,Couu.
Make money by eurceHliil
peculation lu Chicago. We
buy nud Nell wheat on mar.
mm. KurlimeD have been
made on a .mall IbkiihiIiik ny traoinim iu
tnree. Write lor lull (.articular.. Iiel ol ret.
eretioe flven, Several yearn' experience on the
ChiraKO Itoerd of Trade, and a thoriniKh know
ledae ol the buine. Bund lor our tree refer
ence book. DoWNlNU, HoHKlN ft Co.,
Chicago Hoard ol Tradb Hrokera. Oilieee la
Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Waiin,
m." r..Cll
WHKN writln, to ed.erlieere. lee
Mention tul pap.r.