Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, December 03, 1897, Image 1

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18th YEAR.
NO 29
A Sof and Warm Bed
is treat .to our care-worn
h . A pood bed may help us
jr a had cold quick and so
. xteud our life. You owe it to
yourself and family to pay a
little attention to this important
fact. Our heavy blankets for $2
a piec9 would make a suitable
Christmas present. A large rug,
2J-2X5 feet, in front of the bed, is
a good matoh. You will do well
to inspect our mammoth stock
complete in all lines we carry.
tn -
With the Photograph
When you pick up a picture of
yourself you are naturally critical;
You wonder how the photographer
made it so good or how he made
it so bad .
When you think of the difference
between our photographs and
those pon get from others you see
wherein lies the beauty and
attractiveness of our pictures.
We give them a finish you will
Leading Photographer
Furs ! Furs !
Furs !
Leading Furrier
1 43 Third Street.,
Not How
But how low can we make the price, is the
question we ask ourselves when marking our
goods fur sale. That's what makes ours an
ever-panding business, it's a potent advertiser;
it tells the story through the purse in thousands
of homes, only to be retold in countless others
by appreciative money savers.
at the Pioneer Store ok Charman & Son
before buying elsewhere.
. The Germ am a Market.
Is the cheapest place in the citv
to buy t t t t t
Seventh Street, Near Depot, Oregon City.
Paul J. Sciiolz, Prop. t t t
Fancy Dry, Goods, Notions,
Gents'F urishings
Wc call your attention to the f;ict that we
lead in LOW PRICES. Iking in bet-
ter position than ever before to secure
ial Bargains!
All goods marked in plain figures and
guarantied to be as represented. We are
not selling cheap shoddy goods under the
pretense of having been bought at auction
We will treat you right and sell you goods
at right prices.
Cau ield Block Oregon City, Or
New Store New Prices
7e Are After Ymiv
Merino Ves's and Pants. Bi Bargain at .....Kto each!
i'niotl filllt-. SIM'll HH Villi TUV A! ulul fil A f..r
elapwhni'. Our price 7,-,c sulti0m,t "it'" 6".o, b. 8."o and SI .Klj
Fine AII-W'Hil Uliitiii8uila,i'TOlvaliif2ni)W tl.ftOsuitj 111 II"'m "1 re '"
20 jds Good Bleached Mnslin for $1 00
lard wide Bleached Auiglin Lonsdale 7c yd.
Im.,.l..laP.m1,.!. U, II. V . , j.. . r 1
,U.,D,..C n...ui. ,, w ju. oiik hmiiii'i Mli'e Q-i.ou, now ...V1MJU each: wr rtl tiif lrr.-.?t? iuin(
Good Fast Color Calico yd1 In Misses' and Children's Underwear we havei -'-"ltJl UHUAX
Hetter Grade Calico 4o ,vd everything mid at prices that will nwke you our! We have the newest mid most desirable line
Best Grade Ulico............ .... oe yd customers. :in the city, a. id the unalliifss of tile or oj will
Best Grade Apron Check Oinithaiii..... . Jo yd -surprise you, JusUee luem.
. u. n.r. WV sua , JIUXIKKY - -jii.ln,.h Sii.kl.nr nil u,.,.l
40o yard
V nulr'!"0!1 ll'kil".1' sl..1iles. line iioods 6in: yardi Fie All wooi 1 wite, Conde Shirts and
"'"."'ioc TOiriW1I,u c '.'5 I'rawers, seams all hound. French
7 jc J Tin d
reirular Trade Whors.
Outing Flannels, Good Selected Goods 5c yd ladies' 10r) Cotton Hose now.
Better Grades lUfcc, 8c, )(Kj yd The 15c and ' kind now loc pairirVT' p' , '
f?Mtiton Vlunne Hlnun.lied Ar 1 'nhlonottu.l fui vA T ...il.i Ur I OH.I...J II .i.-.n. t.. ,c. ..UT rritf
.. . . . . ......... ,n ju untii.iD ..i.u. i.iuuu uuati, uic HT aiiie, now joepi'
Heavy Grades iW.'o, Hike, lOo yd Ladles' Fine Cotton- HusivUMially sold at 3nn I
Crash ToWllnir. Twilled 40 Vlli nnil 4n nnw 9-,n nut,-!
All Linen Tuwlitig flUcydl We also have nil the fine grades at equally law' w l" al"'ily made a lot of R mnants of
out i.o.i'ts. e will eioffl
aireii iy low prices.
Men's Good Heavy U. dcrshlrts and Draw
era ' . . ffi.i each
Heavy Perhy Klhhed Sh iris, only ....4oceaeh
Heavv kliihcd Fleeced Shias and Drawers,
bin barualn Duo each
75 percent HolShirl and Drnwers,siethem
not eacn ori.- sun
Extra Heavy Wool Murts and Drawers. Set
them. caoh or f I '25 suit
All Linen Towllng flUcydl We also have nil the flue grades at equally lowi We have already
Better Grades 7)r, 80, 10c, 12jao yd prices. -boih t o'lon and W.
Bleached Table Linen, Hie best )ou have ever Children's Winter Hi-se from 5c to 35c a pair. itnem out at hulf 0U1
seen for the uionev. 2fc vd
Heavy and Better grades at 35o. 50o and boc vd
72 inch Fine Linen Drimusk.such as you see
eisewnere torvi ana yi.o. Mere 7-tc ya
Bed Table Damask Iflc, 2(io. 25o, 8V- yd
Big Line of Towls at piit.es that are sure to sell
them. 8eeThi.ii.
Cheviot Hhii tiog, heavy winter goods 8Ho, 10c yd
10-4 Gray or White BUnkets. the Dollar value 60c pr
very liHi-ge anu tleavy ury uianaets, some
Stores iri't S3.50 for tliein. Our mice f.25 natr
Extra Heavy and Extra LHrs Blaukels..,...a2.50 pad
All-wool r ine tir-iue uray isianKets..
Oregon Mottled Kxtra Large Blankets,
5.60. Value I4.IX) pair
Also Fine Grade Blaukvta at.......(5, (6.50 to 110 prl
Navy Blue, Gray and Brown. All Wool 9-ounce
Flannels. Oihers ask 450 for theul Our
price ..........35c yd
Good Heavy White Shaker Flannel 5o yd
Better Grade u ....Vc and 8)c yd
Jersey Ribbed Vests ....2(ic each
Jersey Ribbed Vests and Pants, Fleeced '25c each
Jersey Ribbed Vests aud Pants. Eueclal value
at 3.)C, 40c, 50c each
Our Kimlnl-V are till Itui-irl.iti
See our line of Bab'.es rocbetted Silk and Wool: LA DIES' CAPES II lid JACKETS
CT"L .!"l TJ!yrS.l'ie" J'?.'Jl,1it!i Perhaps you have been waiting for the Int.
Shawl. The-., a Dromm. .l'.fl .:SALhS '"..l" (?"ds. If so. now 18 your
Half Pbi-b.
will be
;asked lor these goods, but now you
jastotilMieu at me nitures we quote Vou.
Our l.5) and tT50 lines ol Cloth Capes,
handsomely trimmed aud of excellent
' material, were cheap at old prioe, now
i f4 5u and f i.
!Our U and 10 lines go at td.50 and 47.50.
were proud of the values at the old
price, just see them at the new
correct shades aud mixtures. Other stores jour Plush Capes go at the followiug figures
ask 115 aud 40 cents pel yard for them. iour Bj-W Cape now (14.S0
Oua. Price 25o yard Our 88 .si One now ."... M):
42 inch-Pomp ndonr Suitings, in Black aud iour 10 Cape now 7.50
union, nanasome uesigns. seiuug u our f 18 Cape now fV.il
"lZliit ,,"r TuCJ;:-" s,,-,' y,rd 0'" H'" o' "W we appreciated at the old
Jurtrelvdan .legan line of Pattern Suits. ;D,ice.what will the new price, due for them
Te7p., ,,l,mon"u,,, TOHf; m .llit H. mmuber they are NKW (lOODS aud correct
ing tk price from ......3.U0 to l a Sllit: . u...,,,,.' H trlmin.il and Hue Hnlahed.
Dout fall to see us nu Dress Goods can save i" ' " " "
jrotlea.-t&0per oenton diem. Our fi Jacket now :i.50
v'lli ei."V in iw ,, f"t-w
.Our .50 Jaoset now ... 5.M
llur till Jacket now 88.00
Beauties, at 25o, 5c, 40o, 50o, 65o and "5o per yard, i iur iu 50 Jaoitet now 7.50
' A beautiful line of fancy weaves in OurJ15 Jacket now .. . 110 00
At G9c, 75c, 1 and up to (12.50 per pair.
Nice Line of Small Checks, splendid goods for
school wear. Krb Tnru ' liie. Tard
eo.oo uair A a u lanr nmnl nf An. worn. Nnn. m n
Finl-h 75oeaeh
Fine Sniyjiary All Wool Shiits and Drawers,
full flinish. VOc each or 1.T5 suit
Royal Ribbed all wool tjlilrts mid Drawers.
Manic as some siore ask the roval prie
id II. 'fl for. Our r rice il.OOeach
Kxtm Heivy All Wool Fleeced Shirts and
DriTweis, Kecular Klondlkersll 50 each.
We also have a line of
Silk awl Wool Utulerwear
l'hat we sell ar less than manufacturers cost.
20 i. 25c, 8 is 40c, 50o and 'Wo. Yon can't buy them
eiser ueru mr u per vent mora.
Our Dollar Grade of Overshirts
Ale money Savers, See them.
Heavy Rlvlted, 40e pair.
Good at 1 00 and II .25. '
AUoBlg Line Drummer's Samples
of Capes ami Jackets at
orie-linlf price.
Come in and see for yourselves.
Courteous treatment whether you huy or not.
No trouble to show goods.
emember the Number
i II l l " x;: -
FIB5ST f., Between 'Sforrison ami atnltill
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and dsllcloua.
Abiolutely Pur.
ihjvai RAKim eowoes en., new vom.
Church Notes.
Next Sunday morning Bibhnp Morris
wiil conduct service" tirnl prt-acli in St
Paul's church. Kev. Dr. Williams in (he
evening. Divine service and se'inon in
chapel at Ounemuh next Sun-lay at 2
p. m.
"The Transfiirininir I'ower of Mind,"
at 10:30 a. in and "t nurtchip and the
Choice of a ifu" at 7:80 will ho the
uhjeutH at tliu Ciinre.ational church
next piahlmt'.i.
Uelitfious Hervii'e.i h usual in the
Methoiliot church on Sunday, Decenilier
5. Topic a the evening service,
"Politics " tiool Singing. A cordial
welcome to all.
Furnlthsd Every Week by Clacka
. mas Abstract & Trust Co.
United Slates to Louis Behren, s of
nw sw ?4 and w of se 14, sec 13, t 4
s, r 1 e; patent.
Iiohert lieutel to Edgar Waldron, lot
2. Kuetel tracts, Milton Hrown claim ;
L O Shoemaker (by slier) to John
Everhurt, lots 6 and 6, Jjlk 4, l'arkplace J
John Deliar to Ivi Dellar, 20 acres
in sec 2"), 2 s, 2e; $1)00."
Louis r Merkhng to Louisa J Ugle, n
of ne 4', sec 23, 5 s, 1 e ; $5. .
0 W McCown to Louisa J Ogle, n )'
of n sec 23, 5 s, 1 e J $5.
M S li Lawton to John Harrislierger,
6 acres in A F Hedges claim ; $7"i0.
United States to Christian l'ugh, e xt
of se l4 , sec 32. 2 s, 5 e ; pntent.
Uniied States to Knud l'ugh, nw M,
sec 4, 3 s, 5 e; patent.
James Parker to- United States, e
of sw t-4 and lots 3 and 4, sec 18, 1 s, 0 e ;
benefit of act of congress.
(Jims holds to (J K l!olds lots 1 2 and
3 in I fractional blks 113, 1 15, 117 and
118, Gladstone; $1.
Mugif'e Witts to K W Zimmerman, s
53 acres of ne sec 21, n s, I e ; $1(1 '.
M N Huffman to S O Downing. tH)
acres, sec 18, 1 s, 3 e ; $1.
Sam'l K Mintliorne (by slier) to II
Sander, lots 23 and 24, blk 70, Minthorn ;
Kr.inklin Dotuhty to Lyd'ut A Young,
ii w of ne '-4 and ne '4 of nw H ol sec
31, 3 s, 2 e; $22J0.
Christmas is coming and every one of
! us likt-8 to get a little present whether
I of value to us or in, but if we are the
' giver it lays decilcdly in our hands to
stretch our little expenditure for some
aetr one as lar as piHmnie in ine region
of usefulness. Take ior instance toys
they are for a day and your gift is for-
gotton. But if yuu buy a rocking chair
of llcllomy A litiHch it is a present for
1 all time; by it little extra care it may be
serviceable for their children's i hildien
I ilKil JJf
Great reductions on all trimmed hats
ut Miss Uoldsmith.
Fine trimmed hals at low prices at
Miss Cio'dHinith.
Assor ed patterns of stamped pillow
shams at 20c a pair at the liacket Store,
opposite Cliarmau & Co.'s drugHtore.
Wantkd. $300 or $'Jo0 for two or
three years, yno.1 security. Address
"Security," this othce.
If you want a nice steak, roast or boil
call at Albrig. t's shop and get some of
his col 1-storagu meat which is acknow
edged by all to btf stlorior to the meats
commonly sold at butchers' shops. He
ulso keeps on hand a full stock of lard,
hams, bacon, etc., made by himself and
warranted purest and wholesome. lie-tnemU-r
the old established shop on
M street.
CM)iie feather brasa, Miss Goldsmith.
Jlontlily Reports of School Districts
In the County.
Report of Crescent, school for the
month, ending November 2ith.
Numbeuof days taught, 1U; enrolled,
22; attendance, 178'-$ ; aiisent 15; tardy,
4 ; average daily attendance, 19 ; visitors,
13; neither absent nor tardy, Hugh
Huldleson, Alverta ami Alvin Kralt,
1 larence Yach, Burney. Carrie ami
Norma Gard, Katie and Frank Meindl,
Allie and bestle Reynolds.
rrionds of education are cordially
invited to visit the school and note our
progress. Fhkii J. Mkinui,, Tkaciikk.
Fiigle Creek school rejHirt for second
month; Number days taught, 19; at
tendance, (i") ; absence, Utl ; average be
longing, 37; average daily attendance,
32; times tardy, 8 Hoi I of honor:
Charles (larger, Oren and Homer Hallow,
Pleasant Douglas, Waller Glover and
A rin I n In rollaid.
VI itors: H. B. McArthnr, Nellie
Linn, .las. Lino, H. Bellow and Mrs. J.
J. Judil. Patrons and others interented
are cordially invited to visit our school.
G. T. McAhthuk, Teacher.
KcjHirt of llazcli.i school district No.
31, for the second month, ending No
vember 2'lth :
Those who were neither absent nor
tardVH.ro Grace vVliiiu?i, J'"lorence aud
Mark Haves, Lyunetle Annes, Klmer,
Milton Karl aid arroll Shipley, Kthel,
Blanche and U'slie vs bitten. Pearl Long,
Willie and Henry Nagle.
Visitors present 'vere Mesdamos Ship,
ley, l.orey, White, Walling, Childs,
iiiller, Whitten, Day, Long, Najlo, Bor
land, Hays; .N.'h-w-h Addie Whitten.
Llizabe h'llaines, Miss Nida and John
. Matrons and those interested in edu
cational work are, invited to visit the
A rii a D. Tiiomi'sos, Teacher.
The followiug named pupils in district
No H7. Barlow, were neither absent nor
tiiruv during Hie month emling -Noveiii
Iier2iilh: Dollie Kendall, Ia-iiu Scog
gun, Kmma Set.ggan, Leroy Parmenter
ami Ciimhiiis lull. nolo unrulier en
rolled, 23 ; average daily attendunce, 18,
Patrons and friends are kindly invited
to call on the school and note our pro
gress. Wll.l.lAM Hankins, Teacher.
To fJur ;miatliatliiii F irivif.
Take CaxcaietH I andv ('Htliartic. K'r
or 2)c If C C, C. f .il t'i nre.diuggisis
reluud money.
Kducat Vuur ItuwN Willi (;its-ar t.
Candy CmIIimiIic, cure c.ii.iiiKHon
fnrevrr I0e.2o; If C.C.C tail, drug-
liihtH rt'filMd iimn 'V
New veilings at Miss Goldsmith.
A gentleman went into Holiniui's to
buy some wall paper for his parlor and
looking through the many samples
found some patterns that were tine, de
cided upon one. "What is the price oi
that paper?" " cents per double
roll." "I'm afruid that, is too cheap."
But when it was explained how and why
it was sold so cheap, lie took the paper
and was highly pleased.
Dan Willians has added to his stock of
groceries and provisions a full line of
feed and hay. Goods delivered to all
parts of the city free. Corner Seventh
and Center streets
For best groceries at cheapest price go
to Marr& Muir.
Justice court blanks 15 cents per dozen
at CoiiKiKH office. .
Fine new line of umbrellas and canes
at Binnshtera A An Irosens's Jewelry
Imped III ish alj ntabh window
itcreeuit at B.'llomy A linen's. They
are Crfilrtin.y the ru'u ihlnj
Customers can leave orders fur bottled
beer, porter, steam beer or keg beer at
Knapp's Bismark saloon John G. Wil
helm, pioprietor Sellwoisl brewery.
Prewriptions carefully compounded
(1. A. Harding's drug ntore.
For the best shave or hair cut to
laj Inid go to P.l i. Shark's shop. Shaving
10 cents,
Dr. S0 Wallens is now associated
withD , J. W. Welch, dentin, hi Wil
lamette block.
The most reliable goods at lowest
living cash prices are kept by the grocery
siore of Marr Si Muir.
With a little cost one's rooms can be
made as good and bright us new, Call
at Holman's aud see styles and pattern
all up-to-date 18'.)7 goods. Seventh
Street, near bridge.
L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds
of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain
crowns and bridge work a specially.
Office in Barclay building, corner Main
and Seventh t reels.
Before furnishing your house call at
Young's seconddiand store and he will
fit you out for less than one-quarter of
what new gmsls would c int.