V 1 HOW TO FIND OUT. ill a bottle or common placs with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours ; a swliment or settling indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stairs linen it isevidenceof kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the hack, is also convincing proof that the kidnevs and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot. the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in relieving pain in in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it. or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Koot is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have th best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention, Oregon City Ooukikii and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. ! F. C. GADKE, Plumbing and Tinning. JobbiuR )f All Kinds II .SjlPciillfJ-. Wilson 4 Cooko'i Old Stand it, OKKIiON CITY OREGON. JAMES MURROW, 'Decorating Paper Hanging, Artistic House Painting And Kalsoming. .Leave Orders ut Ely Bros., on Seventh Streei B OrtKon :ity, OreKoii BOLTON DAIRY ;j CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor i Oregon city, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measim !j given; delivered to any j part of the cily. , Try Koltun Dully and be Cnnvncvri J W. if. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY, OREGON $r3Jol Printing at th( Courier Office. l DR. KESSLER, TiiU uid ot.e tinned peelnllst, of HI. Louis, well known by his long restdeneo mill him. cnwfully priu'ttra In this city, eoiillniie to neivssfiilly front nil klndi o( clii'onlo a ml private dl-i'nwa TDrr TDriTMrUT forf he poor who cull t liLtl 1 tlfjul Ultlfl 1 III Jiermiu Hi tliu oilier Aery iitloiiiuoii BLOOD AND SKIN III110 ThIiiih. Tumora. Tollers, Mrioini n"il oilier I111 ni ill U'H of the blnntl Ihoroiiulib nidli'iited, Io'ivIdlc llni system In n Hrnou. pure mill healthful Rt hi n. DnrilMHTIflWT treated hy nn old Oiriiitin nilLUiuil 1 lulfl remedy. Thin remedy wnt i.r.'M-,iicl I,, lr, Ki'sm'I'T hy ft friend In Herlm. It Inn never (ailed, fllfl HflDrQ l'l(,ei's, Oiineora, rte., tren'ed, nu ULLI uUlmu iiiiri i'i'ni'K how hum nirii'ii'd. KIDNEY AUD UBINABT COMPLAINTS. patnltil, illitU'iili , too irttmnt, mil K y or hunt urine, it ti 11 1 11 r. I dlsoharises, omviully treat. 'd, Piles, rlieiiiiuilsin anil liuinulKiit treaud hj our new remoi.tc. Take a cl"i r hnttln at bedtime nd nrlniitr III Hie huttle. net Hsldo llllil IimiK Hi It In Mil monilnu. II it m cloudy, or him n rloinly net lllnir In It, you linvp mmiu kidney or btudilil dlwafce. TJPF WMJM removed In twi'iity-ronr Iioiip Hu b tlUniUH x worms 111 window al oi llee l.'i tn.u eel long. BDFITU CTIWL'IJ We meet, iiernonn eer DrifjAln UllltVO day whin hi'eul h ni ll tnKl II i tltuiiMiini, Thin coineii Hum i n Imrh m either lh nose or sli.miieii tin am he I'Miiiilned. It ran be euied before lie nnml liiini-K heetiutea Involved. VRTIX'P ATM ,r '"" if Ironhledwllh night IUUIIU Hit) It enlist o.is,ehiiuailiindin i. ptmplt-i,, iiiiMiiiihii.a, uvor on to snel.-ly. sinpidm-ss leftimleiie.v. loss ol energy, mi'i I'lliiin unit wli-.'oiindeiiee, which d tniv yon M your I1111nn11.nl hiiiI uliv luli'ly it .Hi ..i, lor kiiiiIv, hi NlneH or niurrlii'te - If you no llriMilll rl. il nu may know the i'ii'iiv 1.1 aiiillietr.iit.il. MirDLE-AGED MEN !S..r!'.,iTw'"'; we.K, iii'h.iiu UaekH and kidneys; Imiii'i I.11I11111I nrlnailoii and aediniiiil In inn.- lm puleury or weakness ol sexual organs, mat o' h.-r uunilsi likable siuus ol iiervoua il loll mid I'teiuaiuie ile,.,iy, Many die ol nn illNleuliy, Ik mini nl ol IIih mine. The m.i ohMimiie euea til this eliarueier treat, d. PRTVATP ''l"""""". Oleet, Conorrhea, In I lUliilU rlanialloiii. lilM'hai'iieii. Mil.'luiv, Weaknem ol Orpin", S'ihlli. Ilvdrovul VuriuoiM'le and kindred Irouhlea Irvatvd. Consultation Free U Alt. Oi'ku r IIourb: From J A. M. to 8 T. M. Cull or iidJivwi J. Henri Kessler M. I). At St. l.ouls Dlspensnry, ta- 830t V4MHILL STRICT POHTLAMl. .... Oltn.oV KAC1NG IN MOSCOW. The Bone Ron Not Side by Side, but In Oppoaite Directions. It 1b a racing day iu Moscow. The course is swept free from snow and fol lows the wocded shores with red paint ed railings ou each side. On one side is a stand, with seating room for sev eral thousand people, and a special box, with tent haugiugs, for the governor fiencral, surmounted ty the imperial ragle in gold. In front of this box, low er down, you see the prizefefljeonsistiug of gold and silver cups, vases and oiua meutal pieces, all in Russian style and taste. A bell rings, the course is cleared by mounted gendarmes and the competitors in due order take their places iu front i f the stand, but not side by side, as they always start from opposite sides of the course, with heads also turned iu opposite directious. The usual race course hum and noise of the bettiug men are heard and increase iu volume as the bell rings the second time. They are off! And the fascination of rapid motion, opeu air aud streuuous exertion throws its spell over the assembly, high , and low, for trotting is certainly the most fashionable aud beloved sport iu Russia. You caunot recognize people just yet the great fur collars are raised and reach over the fur caps, leaving ouly red tipped noses, beneath which appear never missing cigarettes. The ladies' heads are almost entirely cov ered by woolen wraps, so here agaiu you can ouly guess who is who. To a stranger not investing his money in bucking his opinion as to winners, the game might seem monotonous enough, as the horses do not finish side by side, but in the way they started. Yet the Russians think differently, and, besides, are t bere not plenty of vodka aud caviare to be had betweeu the races? , Single horses are pitted against each other, drawing light little sleighs, iu which the driver is seated very low down aud far away from the horse, ow ing to the long shafts intended to give the horse perfect freedom of actiou. A whip is not used,"but ou the reins are metal buckles over the quarters, which are employed iustead, and almost all horses run without bliukers. Sometimes a horse is attached to the sleigh ou one side of the trotter, who is betweeu the shafts. He is the pacemak er aud gallops the ' whole course, whereas, it need uot be said, the trotter must uot break. Theu follow pair horses, harnessed, aud lustly troikas with three horses, sometimes foui abreast. Troikas are very barbarously gaudy and clumsy things to look at, but exceedingly comfortable all the same. Budmiutou Magazine. DurinK the trial of a case tne otnt duy in England the jndgo took out his pipe and began smoking. If an Amcr ican judgo should do such a thing, 1'hu Saturday Review would see in it on evideuce of American boorishucss. E7. "Is it hard to learn to write short hand?" "No. Anybody can learn it. And aft cr you have got so you can write it, why, all you have to do is to go to work and learn to road what you huvo writ ten. "Chicago Tribune. There are said to ho over a thousand women in New York who, in one way or auothcr, make their living by their pens. . 1 Leeuwenhoek and Humboldt both say that a single pound of the iiucst spidei webs would reach around the world. TO CURE A Com IN ONE DAY Take Laxative llrutno IJilhilne Tahh la. All Druggist relutld the money 11 It tails lo cure. Uc Bucklen's Arnica Salve. ' Til K Tikst Salvk in the world lorCnts, Rr'itHf-s, Sires, Ulcers, fait Khetiin, Fever Sores, Tetter, C'hBiitd llai.ilx, Cliill'lait h, Corns, and all Slun tC i ii I . t it iirt , add positively cures I'lles or lm liny rt (iiiieil. It. is iiDaiiiiiteetl it jive pel feet sal iHlHftion or mopey le iliiilt ii 1' I 1 1 '. f 1 1 I it- j 1 1 In v . I'm sale hv Chin iii.iii it Co. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. tU lit ilmlli lljiur tutj 8lTV-KillTll V K.Alt. THE Country Gentlemen The Best of the A br' cultural Weeklies. Inllisprpsthle to AM Country Residents YVh wish to Kei p en with the tirrts. Terms Rcfluced for 1898 Single Siihseriiti m, Two lloi I Alia, I'lllir StlllH l iptitillS. Sl-VKN' 1 II.AKS, Six Sul seiipliiuis, Nisk lhn i.Ai.h. ICF 111 I InilUCenielltK (which Will he ln'.cl hv mad ou application) to pcimiun rais in liir-ji r chit.: i'JT l' t HUT all Ihe rest oi this j ear to V ruth iher lor IV"; himI A I'UKMH M KUK KVKKY BKADKU. 1' will he seen that ice ilill'i recce hetween Ihe e.i "I the I'ul'MIIY liliVI 'I.K.MAN mid that of ether nui lenhunil wieklles may rvadliy he udiiceil, hy in i. k 1 1 M Ui small ciuh, to less than a Cent a Week! 1898 8K KOK Si'MIMKN t'OI'IKH, W i a h will he nislled KKKK. and see whethct ll. s uotii.oiiH ilitletecee iu cost houid (.rew-lit von I) ivn.u Ihe hesi, VVIial seeouul would oii hi k- ,n m',-i it ilttUrii.ee Iu h lyiiiit iiiliIiciiii or .'ll Address " ' (Kilt k SOX, A tmny, Nm Viak, Our Neighbor!. Our neighbors generally are the peo ple who have houses near to our own. that nearness varying uecoiding to the size of the difctiict and the uuuiLercl householders of the same social rank at-' ourselves. Iu town the y live iu tht same street; iu upurtmeuts thty are cu the same corridor; iu the couutry tht j are separated by a field culyora gartiei. wall; in spurs ly tenatitid plucrs they are at a dietance cf a mile or two miles, or it may be six. Aud the ueighLor pai excellence is the one who lives close alongside of ourselves perhaps iu tht other half of the semidetached housi where we have our home or jui-t acrot the road and cpposile, not to ihe t-i(!e This is the (.euiral idea of a tjcigliUi. aud when we use the teiiu vi lartl;. menu augLt else. But iu point cf fact we have Leigh bois wherever we turn men and worn en to whom we me bouuil to rt;i.rin such, service of kindness us comes inlo the possibilities cf the titt.0 aud place. It is not only domicile aud the r.ites and taxes which uiuke us neighbors. It is not enly whiu ve live divided Ly'i party wall cue from the other at tht foot of the hill, or htauding face to fact across thd road, when we can signal cm goings out and our cciuiugs in tiud Li helpful aud ueigliborly iu the matter oi the garden roller and the prihirviu( pan. It is uot only when we kuow alj the family history, and how our friend! and neighbors are impeccable us to then grandfather and without the crocket lines of a scuudal across t lit ir ii.uiii) escutcheou. It is vet unefmiy to Li iutimute, uor even to have been iutro duced, for the obligations of i.cii,Hii liuess to he strict aud strong ci wherever we cau renuer a service, shov a courtesy or do a kinduess we have cm work cut out for us iu the way of dun to our neighbor, aud he is our neigh bo; who stands in need, great or small, oi such help as we can offer. Philadel phia Times. LAXATIVE BBOMO QUININE TABLETS NCnva thfi hnWelH uentlv. relieves thff ' Olltfh. cure the feverhh condition and lieadneli. tanking It the bent aud quickest reinedy lot Cutighs. Oolils, and La Grippe. Cures in un d-iy. No cure, no pay. flee; Liver Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti pation, sour stomach, Indigestion are promptly cured hy Hood's fills. They do their work easily and thoroughly. Hest after dinner pills. 29 cents. All druggists. Pill Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Till to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. AGENTS WANTED! FOR JUVENILE HOLIDAY STANDARD SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS. II y Iho W. n. roukey rotrpnny, Die hirgen pnhnsherft and niaiiulHCturers ot tun k in th. IT,, I, ..,4 u I'll,.. hi lit, It i.l imtv h. llll,!,- .111.1 other Kiilcriilii'ti l ooks on ll:o niaiket A'n-o Mtrenta wanPd to ' I1IH i-II.VKP -IKK. ' the Inlot anil lies' text Look on tin Diver qU' Siion hy llic ureal silver ie.ders. "xcluslve Territory. Largest Commisslors. Frlres Delnw Compiiititir Write at onee for t Ireiilnrs nd k pet-iu I t 'lins italnia your choice ot lerrllorv. W. . CONKEY 'f MFAW, IUl-Kl Itei iborn M., H tr,fJ WANTKH i'KI's'lH'dltTtlY AM) ACTIVi ti -i. lie, m e . Iti.lt .. ir.u'el loi tei.on.ll.l Klnhil'lied heiic iu iiriu..!!. Monthly tftij am jipi'tis,., Poviticn -tt'H.lv. Itefercnee. hne'os. ell ii'lilr. s-imI miiiiiii dei.v lope. The Ii .lulnmi v'e.ni mi .. . . t.... , l hleiitjo. TRAD3 MARKS) COPRICHTS Ao. Anynne wnrtlnji n kft'li ami dowTtpttnn may quU'kly tutt'Mi l iln. ti vm, wl'etliiT iin lnvi?iitnm la tnnh,tllv pute'itiihlo. ('t)iinnunl'tlniin utrtcUy cni.itia'iitil. oiilt-Ht imeiicy tnr MH'itnnu imtuuu ai Arm ticrt. W'c huvo u Wnnhiimt'm ullU'A. fit on i h tuii'ii tlirui.Mh Munu A Co. rucutrA tier, if .1 , :ili. .t".iti-., pirtci-t ( .rcalitlon of any c ! .1'' h.iiru.il, neeklv, terms tfixn a year! I i t'.y itc'iitiM. iiefiMien ouph-s ami HAND hoolS OS 1 .11 tSTK soul lion. Aodrest MUNN h CO., t tlcoiiilwiit, Nc York. If you iutTer from any of tht ills of men, coma to tha oldest Specialist on tha Pacific Cotut, DR. JORDAN k CO.. JOB I Market St Eit'd 1852. Voiinir men and middle flit I'd mtn who are kttlirrinir 1 from the elTectiot' youthful intHscrctions or ex cse in mniurrr yens, Nrrvotn and Physical it'Oiui ,iiitMiuur,v,i.fft nniiiHMMi innlliuomipli.Mtniis; Ni4kriita1urrlHi'K, fritkiHiorriMrji, tJoitorrliwH, Irfqucnrr of 1 rliiatlna. ei. 1W a cvmtiin.ii iou of rnnediea, of curative pow er, the loctor has ariHtied his treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but permanent cure. The lUxtor d not claim to lwrforra mir:u les, but is well-known to be a fair and square Physician and urjjeon, pre-imitC4U in his ftperijivneanrii of Alrn. ny ftiuiia thnrikUKhlv ertiilioutHt from tne vMrm w itliont usiiiK NfreHr.ii KII.UV 11.41 Himli'lhtf tnlMWlllro- h e wimumrantcra wnin t, claa in r ftrry fn v mlertake9 or forfeit Ou i ThotiMHiid Ito.lnra. f lomultation vKKK and strictly private, 1 CHAKUKS VKKY RKASOKAhLE. Treat- f nirnt person:llv or hv letter. Send fir book, A '1 hit IMilloMniiliv nf UlRi'Hriu.v'' fix. (A vjihulJe book for men. J A vihit nit. joKiiAum T Groat lusouin ot Anatomy f the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the world. Come and lenrn how wonderfully you w are made; how to avoid sicknett and disease. Ve are contmiullv addina now iameus. r CATAlOiiVK fkKK iHUorwrU 1 05 1 Market Street. San Francisco. CiL f Hoods .,iM- 80 YEAR8' jSSiSLp EXPERIENCE HI I Vegetable Preparationfor As similating the rood andReuIa ting true Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digestiort.CheeTful ness and Rcst.Contains neither Opium.Morphine norJfineral. Not Narcotic. fiuye afOIdl3iZ'MUJPinMIl Pumpktn Sad" j4lx.Sama Jto Julie SJll Aiujt Seed Jti OubmaitSoiai Sugar . , Xfiutayreen tlatvr. Apeifect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jeverish ness and Loss OF SLEEtf Tac Simile Signature cf NEW "YORK. EXACT COFf OT VHAPPEB. 23SlMNaSiW I 1111 SOUTS 05E(50 dYYY ...The Most Desirable Suburb... ADJOINING OREGON CITY AND T is all within one mile of the center of the city and is con- nected by an improved plank road. Healthy location, fine view, good air, soil, water and drainage and a first-class public school adjoining. With all the advantages of the city and but a 15 minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this a very desirable place of residence and bound to grow in popularity. Choice Lots ready for the garden from $100 to $150 on t-asy monthly installments with liberal discount to home build- ers, Call on or address. T. L. CIUKMAN, Trustee, iwmMrCTi MANHOOD RESTORED ism v lit! " r SLrUnU AND Mr I - n k!fiinvRTHl t'io rUPIIEXlFJ utrengthenaanO fe?tort8FmRU weak ortfana. The rfauon puflcrprs are not cure'l hv Jmoiorn It herttuse nlnpty pr cpnt are tronbten with ProataflllM. CUPIDKNEfn tin mil y known bN. A written (runrantep. given and money rF-turnea 11 rix nnxen aoen not 1.00 a box, bIx fVj r $r.(X), by mull. tSond for Faicic circular and testlmoitlala. drtresi DAVOI W 1 1IC'IT. CO., P. GEO A IfOi i n Without WirrEREMT MOOtUS , rw ( Miners rAYORITE WNCfCSTCK AMMUNITIM. VSDBY I! i2SWI5i' ii ti'iii feWlKCHESTER4?EPEATlNG ARMS 6 V4 Husb; BANDS Should r.ot bd jermitud by thtir Wiws ;i:il Mothers tn ;j.o uninsured. Insurance is a c ish api raistnifi t ;md financial ackiuwli'dgc ment f a vahnl le life. H. C. COLTO.V, Elaiajcr Massachusetts Mutual Life 'Hi an i oi: Uiiiml.tr f ('ninttiTe TO iTLAM) fC i !u- u . I li.u, THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE op IS ON THE WRAPPER OP EYEET BOTTIjE of f1a.fnr1iL 4. yv rn in nTlA-ltza liottlei OnlVa It HU net Bold la balk. Don't allow anyone to nil yon anything eleo on tno plea or pronuat vutt it is "Just ai good" and "will answer vnrjjnt pose." r Be that yon get O-A-S-T-O-E-I-A. Thele- 11 n PRACTICALLY ' Cliarniaii J5ros. 'lilock "CUFIDENE" ThlatrrpftLVt'.tfjihla VltulisM'r.thc DresiM-lu- ttonoi ti famouH French phyalcltin, will quickly cure von of all ner vous or diKi-UMea of the generative orpins, nucb 114 Lost Manhood, iisomnla, 'tuns in tne jiitcK.betumul Ji.ujiii8lnns, Jrrv(iu lbllltv, imr-U's, UnfltitPS9 to Marry, Kxlianslintr Drains. VHrlpoiple aiid - Const I natkm. It stops nil Iosrph by (lay r nifjnL rievcnis quick 'sx. Ufas 01 diwl.ar.TO, r.i.ich if rtotehPrkPd pRfl to Sperm tor rha'a and li-fntrv nrrraiiHof Jill imuiiritlea. rrmpriy to cure without un upt-ratiun. fiiKiO tMi Imonl- O Box 2076, Ban Fnticiaco, CaU For W HAKDlNCj. Irniht, Oieon City rvi HNIIIKH Ukino Alono a AUt CAUIBIRS iwau iittTe rnr- Hunters TO THE EAST GIVES TEI CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL E,OTJTE S VIA Great Nrt'thRrn VIA Oregon Short Ling SALT LA K Denver! OMAHA AND Railwfv SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL KANSAS Clli LOW KATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS FOR.. SAN FRANCISCO for fvrtl daUili call on or addresi W. H. HURLBURT, Gen'l Pass. Agent, FobIxand, Oi, Trnlna nrrlve and depart from Portland fnllowi! , Leave fnrilid Kastvla llmilliituniiBllyiOOp. m. Arrive from KM " " . ' 7:K0p. m. LeHve for tliv Kasi via Spokane dally. 2:00 p. di, Arrive fioin l'.at " " " V2:60p. m. Steamer monthly from Portland lo Yikohctra and Hoiin Koiin; vim li e Ncnlurn 1 acn c Sti'amsliip Co., In connvetlon Willi O. U.& N, For further inliirniHto.n chI) on O. It, & N. Aisent, F. E. DONALDSON, Orign. City, Oregon. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THE SOUTIIEKX PACIFIC CO. Kxpresi. Train? Leave Portland Pally. fnmh. North. 0:0ip.M. Lv Portland Ar :R0a.m 0:Ii2p.m. I I.v Orpiron Cltv Lv 8:40 a m 7:4hA.M. Ar Wan KraiiMKio Lv 8:00P. M Thf above trains stop at all stations between Portland mi l Salem, Turin. r, Marion, .left. r. son, Allmtiy, T.ingniit, Slujitil', Halsry. Harris, buri!. Junction I Hy. lrvlnir. KiiKene, Creswell, t'ollane (iriive, liriilns, mid ail aiationa from Koneuurg to Aslilund, ini'liiMve. ROSSBUKO MAIL DAILY 8:30a.m. .I.v Portland Ar4:S0PW 9:27 A.M. Lv Oreon city Lv R:8BP.M 5:20 P. M. I Ar Hosctiurir I.v I 7: 0 v M DINING OaKS ON OilPKN ROUTE. PHI. I. HI AS HVrFKT sl.f.KIKk ANP SEC0ND-CL A5S SIFlPINf! CARS Atlai'lii'd lo all ThroiiKh Trains. .i ,.,. Hlvlslnn, Hpfwerli 1'iM'Ti AM Hint C'Olt VALL19 XAll.rKAIN DAI! VIBXCKl'l SUNDAY.) 7:30 A.M. II v Portland Ar I V50 P. M I2:1SP.M. I Ar rorvallit Lvl1C6P.M l Albanvand 'Mfaliis cunnpcl with train of Oregon Central & Knatern R. R. SXPRRSf. TB .IN DAILY (KXCKl'l SUNDAY. 1 4:W)P. M. Lv Ar Ar p. rtland M-Minii vill. Int'.p.'iiitein.e 8:25 A. M S:Ni A.M 4:!0A. M 7. Ml P. M 8:S0 P. M. Illr.inl. in, ii,,.,' I l.in , Uun Vpaxnlm. ...til. Om ldenlal ami Orient il ami I'lieillo Mall moumwliln r.lliMH f..r .1 1M AVI, CRIlIi 8 illlng dates on applic lion. Rates and ll 'kcts to eastern points and Kurope also .1 A PAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from ' i K. E. ll'Ji Ii, A item, Oregon City R. KOEHLhk. C. II. MARKHAM, Mansxei, All.' f AP.Axent Portland, Hi. Portland, Or. VI I LIBJ?AFiY CAR FJOUTE AmlUnrM Sei'iile Line, Meals Carte TIIR Al. -K.MI. I'OfTR TO KOOl'KSAl -IMINO lUSTRICr VIA 8 I.ATTLK AXu 81'OKANE. Shortest end Quickest Routs TO ST. PAUL, , MliVNEAPGUS, rjUiUTH, C IDA 10 AM) ALL HUNTS EAST. Thrmifih 'i'"r- -,.i fnvrift Sleeptrt, Jiiiiiinj iiml l.ilrinji DIihi nation i 'il rn . sKIIVIfK AM) M I M HV IM OlALED For tlrketa and fn'l tiifnrinpi'rn call on Ot aduriM . A It. c ihMHloN, P. T. A.. I ortlinid, On iron or, R r. mVl-Nti. ii. W.p. A beattle. ROYAL-TANSYPILLS. NEW riSCOVERY. NEVER FAILS. A nen, reliuhl and nut relief for HijTef. rwiiv, ttcantT or paiu f'll pit-nstruHtifi't. fiow immJ by over lto,hi,Q I.ALIKH. luvmorHtea them orR-inn. ItiMAhB or DANOKROrtg IM. ITATinH, rr tox, amull box 1. Jrei'rtid in tWiln wrtiiuwr. ttnrf tump ht I rtUulnni. v - i m .-.i i. mm . u -rnirx ORtcoN City traimjportaticn ccs Sir. Altona Will Uake Hi Hy Trip Ili lween OREGON CITY.ho PORTLAND Lea nnt' Ponlmd fur Sali-ni and Way. b.lid iiiui hi a n , mid Ounii II y at i l ul .: p. in.