Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, November 26, 1897, Image 5

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Announces a Great Sale of Fall and Winter Dress (foods.
The finest collection of Novelties ever exhibited in the
Northwest. . Several lines of
New and Stylish Weaves
at 20, 25c, 37c, 45c and 50c per yard.
Novelty Pattern Suits
in Red and Green, Navy and Green, Red and Black, Brown
and Black at $3 50, $4.50, $5.50, $6.75 $7.35, $8.75 a Buit. ,
Gorgeous Colorings
Latest and Newest to Date
New Seperate Skirts in Black and Colors, Roman Stripes and
Checks, from $1.50 to $9.
See us on all of the above goods. It will pay you.
Mcaiaen k McDonnell,
Cor. 3d & Morrison,
To Portland
In order to enable our numerous friends and
customers to pav us a visit and examine our
NEW STORE with its entirely NEW STOCK
we have concluded to give them an opportunity
of doing so free of cost. Our plan is this:
Any one visiting our store from Clackamas
county, and making a purchase amounting to
ten dollars or over and presenting a copy of this
advertisement, will have the amount of his or
her fare to Portland and return refunded by us.
To assure those who are not acquainted with our
house we beg leave to say that we have but
and that the lowest and all our goods are
marked in plain figures. .
Our stock is entirely new and has been carefully
selected by our Mr. Ben Selling, aud we will sell
Third and Oak Streets,
BEN 5ELLIN0, Manager
Patronize home manufacture and buy
Patent flour made in your own town.
A Good School. Attention is called
to an advertisement, in another column,
of the Holmes English and Business You wil fiml thia combination in
College, of Portland, Oregon. This patent flour: High color even granu-
Institution has probably educated more iation good strength
young men and women lor business,
"You can't make a silk purse of a
sow's ear," but you can make good bread
of Patau t flour.
Great reductions on
at Miss Goldsmith.
all trimmed hats
and found them employment, than all
the schools of that kind in the North-1
west.; Miss Holmes, in addition to be
ing assisted by an able corps of six
teachers, gives her entire timo to the
Xip building of the school and everything
that can add to tho students advance
ment and comfort is provided. The
school maintains six departments,
namely: Three years course in English
branches, a course in book keeping,
penmanship, shorthand, typewriting
and telegraphy. The Holmes college
is a Christian insti ution and has at
heart not only the mental but tne moral , rj0l.RIKK office for 50 cents per 100.
and the physical welfare of the students i
intrusted to it care. The principal has
given much thought to ihe homo lifeol
students and is able to provide safe and
comfortable rooms ut a low cost. The
past years of business depression has
impressed upon tho minds of all the
necessity for practical education and
never in the history of the country has
the work of the thorough bunnies col
lege been so much appreciated as to-day.
Fine trimmed hats at low prices at
Miss Goldsmith.
New veilings at Miss Goldsmith.
Assorted patterns of stamped pillow
shams at 20c a pair at the Racket Store,
opposite Oharman & Co.'s drugstore.
Teachers' monthly report cards at the
Church Notes.
The following themes will be pre
sented from the pulpit of the Cungrega
tional church next Sabbath atK):3ila.
1 in. "Christian Liberality;" at 7:30.
"Young People and Amnseint nta,"
being the sixth in the seri-s to young
people. . Young people's meeting at o :3J
p. m.
Hall's Lecture.
"America in the 20th Century is one
of the most interesting lectures by one
of the most eloquent orators of the day.
It will be presented in the Congrega
tional church, Wednesday evening, Dec.
1st, under the auspices of the Y. M. O.
A. Admission 23 cents; children 15
' Miss Rose Scheeland, of the LaMode
Parlors, 349) Morrison streets, Portland,
between Seventh and Park, has the
finest line of millinery goods kept in
the city. Don't fail to see her elegant
etock when in Portland. It Is a veritable
batar within itself.
Ask your grocer for Patent Flour.
To Curn C.MiMtlptiClon Forever.
Tke CnHcaretx (.'aiidv Cathartic. 10c
or 25c Jf C. (.!. C. Iiiiltocnre, druggists
refund money.
KducntH Your It 1 With Oinuaretn.
Candy Cathartic, cure coitMtipmion
forever 10', 25c. If CO. C. fail, drug
gists refund money.
Farm produce and hides and fur
wanted at tho Reliable Clothing House,
Schwartz & Michaels, proprietors.
Try a sack of I'nimt Flour and you
will never regret it. It sells itself.
Wantkd. $300 or $350 for two or
three years, irood security. Address
"Security," this office.
If you want a nice steak, roust or boil
call at Albrig. t's shop anil get some of
his cold-storago meat which is acknow
edged by all to ba superior to the meats
commonly sold at butchers' shops. He
also keeps on hand a full stock of lard,
hams, bacon, etc., made by himself and
warranted purest and wholesome. Re
member the old established shop on
M i: -,.
Christmas is coming and every one of
us likes to get a little present whether
of value to us or not, but if 'we are the
giver it lays decidedly in our hands to
stretch our little expenditure for some
dear one as far as possible in the region
of usefulness. Take for instance toys
they are for a day and your gift Is for
gotton. But if you buy a rocking chair
of Bellomy & Busch it is a present for
all time ; by a little extra care it may be
serviceable for their children's children.
Born, on Saturday to the wife of B.
F. Swope, a girl.
Mrs. 0. O. Huntley is lying quite ill
of rheumatic fever.
Born on Monday to the wife of Frank
Turney, a 10-pound boy. .
Grand spectacular masque ball by tne
Red Men Christmas night, the 25th.
Remember the Red Men give the
most successful masque ball of the sea
son. Mrs. Held, of George, was seve ly in
jured last week by boinu knocked down
by a-calf.
The entertainment given by the
Woodmen Circle on Monday was well
The Star mail service from Clackamas
to Snnnyside will be discontinued No
vember 30,
J. A.'O'Dell of Salmon bought in nine
coyote scalps on Tuesday and received
$18 trom county.
Jas. A. House was discharged on
examination for insanity before Judge
Hayes last week.
Mrs. W. H. Conyers of Clatskanie has
been visiting her daughter, Miss Mary
Conyers of the Enterprise force.
A iirst-elass family horse with harness
and top buggy for sale for $5 J. Inquire
at Couhieh office.
The little child of Clarence Purdom of
Grant's Pass recently swallowed a,
straw and choked to death .
It is said that there will be a complete
change in the employes of the Enter
prise under the new management.
S. M. Wiley, formerly baggage master
t S. P. depot, wi 1 be married this week
to Miss Dollie Field of this city.
Dr. Wallens has returned from a pro
fession visit of a month at Spiingwater
and can be found at Dr. Welch's office.
Grand Btreet parade by the Red Men
Chris mis day between the hours 12
and 1 o'clock. Something entirely new.
U. B. and E. 0. Walker, aged 15 and
12 years respectively, Bons of H. B.
Walker, were committed to reform school
at Salem last Thursday.
The Oregon City Manufacturing Co. is
building an addition on the north end
of its pullery 31x71 feet besides two dry
ing chambers oti south end.
Mrs. Rebecca Flitcroft wishes to have
the Courier thank the many friends
that assisted during the illness and
death of her late husband.
A citizens' convention will be held at
Weinhard's hall o.i Monday evening
to nominate men for mayor, treas
urer and four oouneilmeui two from
each waid.
E. G.Caufleld, the present incumbent,,
and Dr. J, W. Powell will run for mayor
of Oregon City next month. H. E.
Straight will probably he the only
candidate for treasurer.
Licenses to wed granted by county
clerk on 2ith to Letfta Vinson and F. A.
Newman, on the 23d to Rose A. Wagner
and Homer A. Kruse and to Marie A.
White and Adolphus Willey.
Dr. W. E. Carll, a member of the
school board, has purchased for the two
school building disinfecting ovelis for
pencils and penholders, which are to be
treated each time after being used.
Mrs. Gracie D. McOomb has accepted
$2000 from Portland General Electric Co.
in full payment for damages claimed on
account of the death of her husband in
the recent accident on the west side.
The suit of Amos L. Love joy et al.
against the Willamette Falls Electric
Co. for ownership of Alicrnethy island
was decided in the state supreme court
on Monday in favor of the company.
There will be the usual services in the
Baptist church, conducted by the pastor
next Sunday jjt 10:31 a. in. and 7:30 p.
m. Subject of morning sermon "The
Bible in Revivals " Evening subject
Peter Snyder Flitcroft, aged 02 years,
2 months and 19 days, died Monday
evening of hemorrhage of the brain.
Funeral services were held at Maple
Lane school house on A'ednesday
D. II. Glass has resigned his position
as salesman in Huntley's postotfiue store
and has accepted a position with
Michaels Bros, clothing store. Ira L.
Hoffman will have charge of tho post
office store now.
The Seventh Street Bakery (on the
hill) ha some of the finest holiday cakes
in its show window that has been wen
in Oregon City for a long time. Mr.
HenningH, the now proprietor, is pre
pared to make all kinds of Christmas
cakes, pies, etc., on short notice at very
reasonable prices.
Besides other vegetables of all kinds
F. I. Andrews will have 12' KM) or 15000
heads of lettuce and about 7000 stalkB of
celery for the Christmas market. The
cider and vinegar made by him is tho
best in the county and he has over
75000 gal Ions of puro cider vinegar for
The following officers were' elected by
the Woodmen on Tuesday evening: II.
S. Strange, consul commander; E. ID
Cooper, advisor lieutenant; E.J. Maple,
banker; J. K. Morris, clerk; A. R.
Doolittle, escort; Claude Bacon, inside
guard; J. Shadle, outside guard; L.
Stout, manager, Drs. Oarll and Paine,
physicians ; F. Betzel, musician.
Tom Smith, who was injured in the
accident on the west side, is able to be
Ernest Rands, A. M. Kersham, Jack
Blount and Fred S'ie vers returned Wed
nesday evening from their summers'
surveying trip in Idaho.
The teams of Co. F. and O. C. A.
Club will play football at Gladstone
Park Thanksgiving afternoon at 2
o'clock. Admission free.
The W, P. & P. Co. gives a turkey to
each of its employes on Thanksgiving
eve this year as usual. Over 240 large
turkeys were disposed of in this way.
Meade Post No. 2, G. A. R., and Re
lief Corps No. 18, will hold a camp tire
at Willamette hall, Tuesday evening,
November 30. The old songs of the
war will be sung. A good program of
recitations and other exercises will be
given," followed by refreshments. Ev
ery one is invited. Admission 15 cents.
A Companion For All Ages.
A gentleman who used to read The
Youth's Companion when a boy, and
reads it with the same interest now that
he is a middle-aged man, was asked the
other day if he had not outgrown Tie
Companion. "I don't believe," said he,
"that I can ever outgrow it. I find in
it not only the cheery, hopeful spirit ol
youth, but the wisdom and experience
of age. I like it just as much as when I
was a boy, though, perhaps in a different
way. But .1 know that it is the same
Youth's Companion wiih which I grew
up, for mv boys and girls like it as well
as ever I did. It is a good paper to grow
up with." .
The Youth's Companion will contain
the best thought of the best thinkers of
America and Europe during 1898. It
will print serial and short stories of
absorbing interest, and true tales of
adventure. The va ious departments of
the paper will be a current record of
the best work that is being done in the
world. Present readers of The Compan.
ion who renew their subscriptions, and
all new subscribers, owill receive free a
beautiful illustrated calendar, printed
in twelve colors, ami embossed in gold.
It is the richest and costliest calendar
ever sent to Companion subscribers
New subscribers will receive The Com
panion every week from the time the
subscription is received until January
1808, and then for a full year to January,
An illustrated prospectus of The Com
pan ion for ,1898 may be had by ad
PkkBy Mason & Company,
205 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass.
When in Portland urop in and see our
immense line of Christmas Clunas,
Everything new. Haines', 288 Morrison
Btreat, Portland.
The statements of those who hae
beeu cured by Hood's Sarsaparillft prove
(Ka nL,. m.ttnt- nf fl.Iu rviitliMnn Oaf
only Hood's.
m i' i 1 1
Ladies', gents' and children's under'
wea? flflJ hosery, all prices at the
Racket store.
"( Two MI1II.5W4 H VMW;
When people buv, try, iUli) Mi aVaitl,
it means ihev're h iiisilnil fnt) p-crpie
of the United States are nmv b'lylng
CatcirWs Candy Oalhaitie at the ia'e of
two million bi'Xi-s a e ir an I it will be
three million b( r.i No IVars. It
means merit p-nved, that Cacuret" are
the mlt deliiblful bowel regulator In r
eveiylmdy the y e h r round All drug
gists 10c, 25, 50n a linx.cn re guaranteed.
Take Laxntlv Dromo (J'llnlnn Tnblotn. AM
druggist! ri-funil the money If It latin to cure, 26c
i i i iinn im
Burmcister & Andresen's
i i i i i i 1 1 1 i i i i i i
and Hat "Dept." 'f'
Random Wool, heavy and strong, with double-
suicnea seams, per garment coc
The King, in dark gray, very desirable and warm,
-worth $i.oo, special value 7SC
)) T T7! r T tlT I i .. .... i
very rine ooir. rieece wool, aouoie stttcnea,
wiui pearl buttons, worth lno. soecia
value $i.2? I
Very Latest Fedoras. $1.25, $1.50, $2 and $3
Very Latest Derby. . . .$2.50, $3 and $3.50
A D Cv - i 4 lt A Morrison ((
1 1
That every day our store is filled with buyers
from every part of the city, regardless of distance?
-s- There must be some reason. People especially
ladies don't go out of their way to buy unless
there is a reason.
IT IS BECAUSE we have established a reputation for abso
lutely fresh goods especially in the line of table
4- delicacies, and our customers are sure of a
superior article and then the prices are right.
Men's and Boys'winter caps (or 20 and
2 cents at the Racket store.
Go to Bautn & Brandes, 145 First
street, right on the Oregon City car line
for your lunches and dinners. We make
a specialty of ladiea' and merchants'
lunches; try them, only 25c. Agency
for Mailland'a candies.
That Is the wav all trititfrlKtu Hell GROVF'R
TASTKI.KSS CHILL TOSH; for Miliaria, Chllln
Hii'l Fever. It In almply trim anil qiilnliiH In r
iisU'lmx form. Children love It. Ailu Itn pref"
Ht o bitter, natiMpathig TotitcH. Prloe 60c. Fu
1 by C. 11. Huntley, liruntflkt.
Iteauty. I lllniiil.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. CaseiirelN Gundy
Cathartic denn ycur blood mid keep tl
clean, by stiirinu up lite insty liver and
hiving all imtmriiiHM from the hody.
Hegin to-day to banish pimple, holla,
blotches, blitckheadf, and lliat sickly
bilious complexion by taking (,'m-cnretM,
beauty for ten cenln. All drnggisls
satitdactioii guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 60c,
Don't fail to see the new fad in Bul
garian work at the Racket store.
For Over Fifty Years
As Oi. i) and Wui.L'TniKi) Rkmkoy
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing ryrui Iihk
been lined for over fifty year by mil-
lioiiH of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect nucceHS it
HimiliHi, the child, toftens the gunis
allays all pain, nnm wind colic, and i"
the best remedy for Diarrhtea. Is
pit asaut to Ihe tanle. Sold by llillggio
n every part of the World. Twenty
five cents a bottle. Its value ioin
calculable, lie sure and ask for Mrs
Window's Soothing Syrup, and tsku no
other kind.
Kvoryb.xljr Sy No.
Cascarets Candv Cathartic, the most
wonderful medical dixcovery of the age,
pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act
gently and positively on kidneys, liver
and bowels. chanHingthoentiresystem,
dispel colds, cure headache, fever,
habitual constipation, and biliousness,
'lease buy and try a box of O. C. C. to
day ; 10, 2"), 50 cents. Sold and guaran
teed to cure by all druggists.
A lot In Gladstone for $'J0 cash J op
posite building formerly used as a depot
and waiting room at junction of tracks.
Inquire at Ooi'kikb office.
The Place to Buy Youv Shos,,,
Dfinili ad ounr oTnnr
ruruLHn ofiul oiunc
03 Third Street, Uetw een Pine and Oak, PORTLAND
BABY SHOES , , a5c
land).,, from 1.25 up.
It will pay you to bring this advertisement with you.
Be sure to remember the Poi'ulab Siiob Store,
n rt RURNc;
Tea and Coffee
Along with a FIRST-CLASS Stock of
At cash prices. See us and save your money.
180 Front St.,
Portland, - Oregon
$2.50 to $5
Pays you to see us for
In fact lor everything; in our line.
Worsted Dress Suits $10 and $12.50.
Same kind are retailed elsewhere for $2.fl0 to $5 moro.
Curnnr MorrUnn and
Second btroata,
Portland, Or.