OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W. CHENEY. Hntoredl Oregon City postofflce as second-class matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES. It paid In Advance, per year . 1 50 n yer , 2 00 Kix months .- 1 00 three months 6o )""l'he date opposite your address on the paner denotes Ihe time to which you have paid. PATRONIZE HOIK INDUSTRY. OREGON CITY, NOV. 25, 1897. GAVE UP THE FIGHT. Henry Watterson, editor of the Louis-vlHeCourier-Journnl, it appears I rora the following, deems useless to attempt to maintain the gold democracy organiza tion longer against such odds. He says : "The gold democrats of Kentnckey will certainly not emhroil and embitter their lives by a prolonged struggle against such odds to save the countiy and the j)iirty from the abyss of the revolution to which the preachments of men like Mr. Bryan of Nebraska and Henry George, 4o say nothing about Senator Tillman ari'l Gov. AlU-eld, are hurrying all who follow their lead. What the rest can istand, ecnn stand. Weare democrats, rot republicans, and if it be the desting of the country to become the sport and prey of the professicnal, partisan politi cians, swinging the pendulum from one to the other dizzy height of radicalism, we shall go with the organized fools rather than theorganized knaves ; though we do not want to go with either." IX A SUTslWLL. TSew York, New Jersey and Kentucky cast fifty-eight electoral votes for Me Kinley, one of Kentucky's votes going to Bryi n. New York, New Jersey and Kentucky all went democratic last week. Had MeKinley been a candidate last week instead of last year the popular -vote in these three democratic states would certainly have been cast against dim Now, deduct these 58 electoral votes from the 271 which Mr. McKinley re ceived, and there are left 213. Add these 5S votes to the 170 of Mr. Jinan and he would have 234. That is a majority of 21 in the elec toral college. In other words, the democrats do not tieed to gain another state. They need only retain these three New York. New Jersey and Kentucky and they will elect the next president. N. Y. Jl mill. I'd it A I, HANKS IN A CAMPAIGN. In themxth IlliuoisdiHtrictacmnpaign lor congressman is i'i progress to fill the vuca.icy mused by the death of Con recsiniin Cooke. The sentiment for poHtnl s.tvings b.inki 1m ho strong in Chicago tint both party platforms pledge the candidates to work for them if elected. In a recent speech Henry S. .lioutell, the republican candidate sai I: "The people demand that congress at its next Kt'Nttion tdiull provide lor the eftalilii-htiii'iit of postal savings banks under the control of the postoH'ice do .piirtment , and a measure looking to this end would have my hearty support. Postal savings banks have given satis iuction to the people where er thev li.ivo been tried. Their existence in ail arts of the country is a constant invitation to thrift and economy, and wherever thrift and economy p evail poverty, ignorance mid crime disappear. The establishment of such a system of agencies for the reception of the smallest deposits would be in exact accordance 'With th principle which should diaracteiuo all our legislation namely, the protection of the weakest. If wo protect the weakest, we protect all." Tiik newest and most assertive ad aninistrution organ warns the president to give no support to fecrctiiry Chile's plan of currency reform. It tells him that any meddling with "the money of the. people" will wreck his administra tion. This tuny be called the specula tive, iiond syn lic itiu r, Wall street view. The currency is "good enoi!t;li" for tfold corners, treasury raiding and g:imhliiiK operations. That our cur rency system with its nine kinds of money, is in u chaotic condition, which may easily become dangerous, experi ence abundantly proves. Tlio republU can puny by its platform nnd by the words of the president is pledged to re form U. ifuuit is not untteii upon any plan. Itdocsnot know w hat it wants A Pkmoi'iutiA member of tlio Ohio legislature says bo will not enter into any combiiiatiAu to defeat llanmi. He thinks tlAt "llauna in the senate would do niore to bring about democratic sucivss in UHK) than any other man the republicans of Ohio could send to represent them in that body." It is rather hard on Ohio and on the senate to purchase party advantage at such a cost, but there is no doubt that lliuina in the senate is a big and shin ing example of latter day republicanism would be worth more to the democrats in UHXHhan a hundred ordinary stump speakers. An article in the Press attacks the .churches la-causo their Dells are rung -on fc'umlaT. The editor of that sheet ! while looking for a new locution illicit 1 move to some country town where there , . ' . . are HO Churches anil Where the atmosphere is more congenial. The gold democrats did not cut-much of a figure in the late elections. In fact they mustered hardly a corporal's guard anywhere. It is somewhat of a mystery where they have gone, as the decreased republican vote shows that they did not vote with that party. They have either seen the error of their ways and joined the ranks of democracy or stayed at home. v W. J. Bryan thinks that ''taking the result of the recent elections as a whole, he voices the sentiments of democrats, populists and silver republicans when he says the fight will be continued with even more earnestness until the gold monopoly is broken and the money trusts are overthrown." Tub Oanby Independent says all the Oregon City papers are owned by Mr. Morey of the P. G. E. Co. We would like some evidence of the ownership. Everything owned by Mr. Morey is sup plied with elec ric lights. We have none, a luxury which the other papers are supplied with. A majohity of the populists, democrats and silver republicans seem to be in favor of a union of forces for the spring campaign in this county. Articles ou the subject from all standpoints will be gladly received and given space in the columns of the Courier. Theke'b a whole lot of silver repub licans in Oregon who are saying: If you democrats and populists don' t stand together in this next election, don't talk any more about reform. Salem Journal. Wb would think Mayor Oaufield 9 self-constituted would be proud of h organ, ihu f ress. We have received a line ot silver plated ware, which will be givtn to our patruns, Ihe quality Is a 1 extra coin silver plate 1487 Wm A. Rogers. We solicit you to Inspect the same at the store of I. Selling. Fascinators, all colors, 20, 25, 35 and 45 cents at the Racket store. SHERIFF'S SALE.. In the Circuit court of the State of Oregon lor tuo Counly ol Clackamas 1). W. James, I'lulutlir, VB Wm. Ohlenkamp y and ' ' ' John Dull Ike, Defendants, j Statu of Oregon, County of Clickainas, n. BY VIRTUE OP A JODUMuNT OKI) Kit, decree ami an execution, duly issued mil ol mid under Hie seal of the aliove. emitled court, in liid above entitled cituse, to mu duly directed anil dmed the iMih day of November, HOT, upon aiudinm-nt rendered and entered in said court on the l day of November, 1SD7, In favor uf 1). W. James, plaiullll, and aKiuusi Win. Olilen kiiim, and Juliu pithlke, defendants, for the sum of $100 00, with Interest tliereou at the rate of eluhl per cent per ami'ttn from the ninth day of December, 1S1U, anil the further sum of 412.3 (10 as HUomey's (ee, and the further rum ol fi'.J.Ol), costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, co'TWiiHUriiug me to muse sale of the following described real property situate in the county of ClaekaitiHs, state el' Oregon, to-wlt: B ginning st a pointon thttsecMon line between sections '21 and '22 In township 3 south, range 'i east id the Willamette Vi'crldlmi, far enough south of the quarter src.iou corner on said tine su ilmi h line running east Iron) suoit point Heron the donation l,ni, claim of K. A. Wnrsli.iin lo the west bouti-iiny oi the donation laud cluim o Lorenzo A. Kirk will include one hundred and twi n y Hcres of tint part of S'lid Worsiinin dona tion laud cinliii ! log norm of ninth east and west line, exclusive of 75H acres heretofore bold and conveyed by Imihc l'arr to P. 8ctiil.ui. Now therefore, hv vimn if sail execution, Judgment order and decree, and in compliance vvhii flic einnmaiMls of said writ, I will, ou Sal unlay, the 'iHili d;iy of HeoeriDer, 117, t Ihe honrofooc o'eloik p.m., al the frontdoor oi the county court lu.u in the city of ongon City, in sunt county and stale, sell at putilic au lion, subject to redemption, to the lugliot hidiicr. lor II. S gold coin, ca-ui in li ud all Hie right, title and Interest which the within named dt feiidauls or either of them, had ou tliiMiateof Ihe mortgage herein or since litid In or to the above tit neribed real properly or ioy part there in, to Millsly said execution, Judgment order, ile cieu, interest, costs and ull aecrutug costs. li. W. liKAi K. Sheriffof Clackaina County. Orecon. Dated, Oregon City, Or., November '2 Mi, 1MI7. Go to... DAVIDSON'S GALLERY Up-to-Date Pictures "secSShd" STORE second-hand furniture second-hand ju pte ssco:jd-h.nd stoves second-hand tools second-hand hardware second-hand wagons second-hand harness second-hand saddles second-hand plows second-hand cultivators second-hand truks ALL TO BE SEEN AT THE- OREGON CITY AUCTION HOUSE Opposite Puntottlce. Produee Taken in Exchange. )Como In and see our prices before uuving ciscw ncre. .. liTAN I KO TRCSTWOR 1 11 Y AND ACTIVE 1 i pmillcmpii or Imlii-ii tu travel lnr (!.. hmUI,.. , Tv','! .'."','l'J.!.""1,.T '" !'"',"" , ''",lhlr "' i exiH'iic. IVultlon atvmty. Reference. KncUwn ell-mlilre.nltiiHHc envelop. Ttie fVmmtuu I Cmn v- VMa- Impure Blood Rheumatism, Kidney Troubles and Sick Headache the Results Doc tore foi Years Without Relief. ''My blood w 'it of order, and I be gan taking lla-- . Sarsaparilla. It has puiined my blooJ and relieved me of rheumatism, kidney trouble and sick headaches. I have been afflicted with these difficulties foe years. I am now able to do a good day's work. Rheumatism has troubled me since I was a child, but I am now entirely well." Miss Phbobb Bai ley, Box 445, Pasadena, California. " I have suffered from the effects of im pure blood, boils, pimples, etc., tor five years. I have tried various remedies with out relief and finally purchased six bot tles of Hood's Sarsaparilla. The boils and pimples have all disappeared since I began taking this medicine. I am now entirely cured." Louis Thomas, J412 Uth Street, Oakland, California. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best in fact the One True Blood Puri fier. All druggists. $1. six for J 5. Get Hood's. uAi r:il are purely vegetable, re HOOd S FllIS liable, beneUclaL 25o. NOTICE OF EXECUTORS' SALE. VOTICB H HEttUBT GIVEN' THAT THE i' undersigned as executorof the lat will and testament ot Samuel sitrlte, deceased, has been authorized, by order of the countv court of Clackamas county, Oregon, made on the 16lh day of i ictobcr, A u . ls'.iv, to sen either at public or privete sale the following described real property oeiougmg to saiti estate: Beginning at. a point 61 rods west of the south east corner of the u. L.C. of Wm. Matlock in township 2 south, range '2 east of the Wiilamotte Meridian, situated In the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, and running thence westerly on the south boundary line of said 13. L. claim 22 rods; thence northerly and at right angles to last line HI) rods; thence easterly at right angles to last line 40 rorisi thence southerly at right angles to last line, 40 rods; thence westerly at right angles to last line, 18 rods; thence southerly 40 rods to the place of beginning. Also beginning In the south line of Wm Mat lot k D. li- C. where the same intersect the center line of the Oreg in & California Railroad trae; running thence easterly tracing said U. L. C line 207 feet; thence south 18-' feet; thence westerly 2t8 feet to a point in the center line the O. & li. Itallroad track 'M'4 feet south of the place ot beginning; thence northerly aong the center Mliie of the O. & C. Railroad traok 9!)Ji feet to the place of bediming, save snd except one fourth acre deeded by Samuel Strlleand wife to Llvcsay, recordeil ou puge 21A of book 3d, re. ords of deeds of Clackamas oountv. Also lots 1 and 2 of block Bve of Marshfteld, now Clackamas, as shown by the recorded plats thereof. Therefore, by virtue of said order of said rourt. I, the said executor ot the last will and testament of t' e said Samuel Strife, deceased, will from and after the 7th day of December, A. D. 18'JT, proceed to sell at private sale the above described real nronertv belonirine to said estate as sbove described. Bids for same will be received by the Executor at his residence in Clackamas, or by the attorney for said Executor, Lester P. Smith, al his olHce on Main street, Ore iron Cltv. Creon. Dated this 21st day of October, A. D., 1887, at Oregon City, Oregon, JOHN T. STRITE, Executor, LESTER P. SMITH, Attorney for Estate. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. PURSUANT TO AS EXECUTION ISSUED out of the Clrouil Court of the Slate of Oregon, lor Clackamas Coiity.oi uate Nevonmer vui.is'.i, upon a decree of loreclosure duly rendered in said Court ou November 20th, 18D7, In the case of The Alliance Trust compiiiv, lo., planum, vs. I. Phelps. U.S. Phelps. Nellie E. Smith, R. C. Smith, Kaniile Stjulies, William Squires, Addle Smith, John Smith, Verdlo Hews, John Hews. K. 0. Smith, as administrator of the estate of John Grow, deceased, and Rothchild Brothers, a corporation, delendants, In favor of the plaintiff and against the defendants, I will, at 11 o'clock In the forenoon on the 28th day of December, 1807, at the front doorof theoourthoiise In Oregon ity. Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash In naii'l 'he premises in aid deoreeof foreclosure described, tieiinr situate in Clackamas County, Slate of Oiegon, to-WII; Heiriuniiig al a point six (li) chains an i llfly (.i0; links north Hud twclve(12icloilus and sixly nine Hi li links east of the soul invest corner of a -i-tioii tweiily-tliiee (23) in lownsliip three (3) south of faiige lureelUjeast of tiievv iiiaiueiteAieri iiau,ruu iiluir thunee north Hi' y (fiOi eh mis. theuo- north sixty six degrees (0ij tuirty minutes .30') west fifteen (to) elislns and (illy (0) links, thence north tlilv-oiie degrees (51 5 ) we.-l tlfty-niue (Stl) chains and twelve (12) links thence west eight (8 chains and seventy-three t73) links thence omth one hundred and fourteen (114) cnalns, thence cast (-is, chains anil tl tv ( 0) linns, thence north twenty (2) chains and li it y irai.i 1 1 ilka; thence east twenty (40 ch ins ait-l lifty ( Hiciiiiins to the place ol beglnulut;, coutinniuu ctHi acres mote or less; lo Bstisl'v the sum of 487. 2(1 with interest ti0i Miveniher nth, lsti7, at the rate of 10 per e'iit per annum, ami :725d0 with interest rom same ttate at 8 percent per annum, and 8300 W) as attorneys' fees; with Interest from same da' e at 8 per cent per annum; all in Untied States gold coin, ami the costs and disbursements of said suit, taxed at $31 35, and the costs of and upon said writ. 0. W. GRACE, Sheriff of Clnckamas County, Or. Dated, November 2 Id, UD7. JOSEl'lI RICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oillce In Oicgoii City Bank Dlock. Okkhum City, ( beoon. C. II. ISOM, Civil Engineer & Deputy County Surveyor Will bo ill Court Home on ench ft urd anil 011 rciiiilar hckkIoh clnyg of County Court. J. W. WELCH, IDEZLnTTIST, WILI.AM KTTK BLOCK, Or-inam P. 0., Oiikooh City, Ori, Quo. C. Bhownku.. J. U. Campbell BROWNELL & CAMPBELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CaullcM iiiill.lliii! Oreiion City, Or C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE: Commercial OREGON CITY, Bin Bulldln OREGON. Gambrinus Cold i Storage Oriessen & IlMlhvyer, Props. Bast Wises, Liqnors and Cigars Elegant Family Rooms. nTi--nv --'TV 4 BUSINESS change;- 0. F. HENNINGS has purchased the Seventh Street Bakery of Ja cob Kober and the new management is pre pared to furnish you with Bread, Cakes, Buns, Etc., at very reasonable prices. c. F. HENNINGS, 7th St. Bakery Bank of Oregon City. OLDEST BANKING HOUSE IM.THB CITY Paid Up Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $20,850. resident. Cms. H. Cauflied Vice-president Geo. a. Harding Cashier, E. G. Caufield A General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants bought. Loans Made on Available Secuntv Exchange Bought and sold. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available in Anv Part of th. worm. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, 8at Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits )No Use for I Old Santa Claus... The wonderful atti action of our holiday goods and low orices push frhtt niii man nairlu W hrtaufr nt rne I bargains for Christm.is buyers No matter how poor the stocking, we can fill i. You ave cordially invited to come and see what we can do for you. The prices on all of our goods are extremely low. L. A. PATTERSON & CO... 1 "Bazaar" Oregon Oity . - OregonJ Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON OITY, OREtiON, On the Street between the Bridge and tht Depot. Double and single rigs and saddle horsts ways on hand at the lowest rates, and a eorrp also connected with the ham for loose utonr Any Information regarding any kind of itord promptly attended to by letter or person. HORSES RODOHT OR SOLD PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FILLED -BY- GEO. A. IIAKD1XG m m THE- Old Reliable Druggist MK1MCINE AT CUT KATES The Commercial Bank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL $100,000. Transacts a General Banking Busines.. Loans mills, lilts discounted. Mukes Co lection). Hiiyn mid ell exchange on all point! In the United stfttcp and Kurope and on Hong Kong. Deposits received nublecttocheck. Bank open from t A.M. to 4 P. M. D.C. UTOURKTTK, F. K. DONALDSON President. ' Cashle H. STRAIGHT, DEAL3R IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement and Land , Plaster. Winter Shoes I T'RAUSSE BROS., second il.inr north of P.O., have just rtwived n tine new line of HEN'S WINTER TANS. Ottll ami see them. We have a'kleil a tirst clasa shoemaker to our establishment nml are prepared to do all kinds of repairing at reasonable rates, t t t t t KRAUSSE BROS SHOE STORE Two Doom North ot t'ostoltlcn Winter Shoes! WANTED-TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE ircntlcmen or Indies to travel (or rcmionsihle estublislied honne 111 Oregon. Aloiithly (i mid exiMHine. Position niemlv. Ketereiice. En close sell ddre8ed nuiupcil pnveloie. The Dominion Cutnptujr, Dept. Y.chlcigo. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE rentleman or Uillet to trvl (ur rmrmnnlble, etuioiisiteu nouae m ureiron Monthly 66 iX) and exiHMises, Position ateadv. Rcfcirncc. Enrlon I rat m m m HI ti hi .iwldiirwiwdrotwlenvek.!) Th DomiuivD McKITTRICK'S SHOES Beat the World! Dr. A. A. Barr Hare Your Eyes Examined Consultation Free J. Phillips, Proprietor Steam Dyeing & LADIES' AND GENTLEMENS' CLOTHING CLEANED DYED AND REPAIRED IN BEST POSSIBLE MANNER Office, Foot Morrison Street, - - Portland, Or. Works at Mechanics' Pavilion, 325 Second St. , ..Go TO.., G. H. BESTOW & - FOR - DOORS. WINDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PBICES EVER OFFERED FOR FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Simp Opposite Conitreeiitlonal Clintcl', Main street, Oregon City, Ore. . for CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS go to RICHARD FEXZOXDS CASH MARKETS Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Main St., Opposite Caufield Block. Two Shops, J. W. BING & CO. Importer and Dealers In . JAPANESE FANCY GOODS Ladies', and Gents' Great Sale this week 1 Come 888 WiiKlilngloii 8tret, HARRIS' GROCERY s. Fresh Stork of Firot-Clncs . si lic)ot. Tor li.ty Hnil FEED HOLIDAY GOODS. A. N. WRIGHT, thejowajeweler. Port,and, 0r. Til OS. F. RYAN, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker. Leading. Insurance AnniicY or Clackahi Cocntv. Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Hade. Drawing ol Legal DocumcuU Specialty Office on east aide of Main atreet Between 6lh and 7th. OREGON CITY, OREGON. Scientific Optician, formerly of Minneapolis, has charge of the Optical Department for A. N. WRIGHT, the Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. Goods Called For and Delivere . Cleaning Works Hill. Oregon City, Oregon. Famishing Goods, Etc. and ee our prices and bargains. PORTLAND, OREGON. THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES GROCERIES Willamette Block, Oregon Cily $ -PPOTICAU1 I .6 yampi 5t LADIES' PURSES the latest LOUWELSA WARE new FINE CUT GLASS WATCHES and DIAMONDS Cull Htid Inspect frm- C. N. GREENMAN, HK PIONIIR Express and Drayman (Established 18t) Parcels deltTered lo all parts of the city.