Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, November 26, 1897, Image 3

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Competitor Prisoners
leased From Jail.
There Are Four of Them General
Isfuctlon Expresned in Madrid
Political Circles.
Washington, Nov. 22. Minister
Woodfoid has telegraphed the state de
partment that the Spanish, cabinet has
notified him that the queen has par
doned the Competitor prisoners. The
state department announces that the
Competitor prisoners were turned over
to Consul-General Lee last Monday,
jmd will be sent by him direct to New
York today.
It is not doubted here that the prison
ers are liberated on such conditions
s were imposed in the case of former
prisoners, that is, that triey wih not re
turn to Cuba. It is singular that the
men should have been for days in cus
tody of General Lee without the fact
having become generally known, but
it is supposed that secrecy was observed
in order to secure departure from Ha
vana without exciting trouble from the
extreme conservative Spanish faction.
There were four prisoners, namely,
Alfredo Laborde, the captain of the
Competitor, a native of New Orleans;
William Gildea, the mate, a natural
ized citizen, Oua Melton, who claims
Kansas as his native state, and who
went on the Competitor in the capacity
of newspaper correspondent, and
Charles Burnett, of British birth, but
who claimed the protection of the
United States government by virtue of
his sailing on an Amenoan vessel.
The conditions under which the Com
petitor was captured off the Cuban
coast, while engaged in landing arms
for the insurgents, have been often de
scribed. The defense of the men was
that they were forced into the expedi
tion against their will by the insurgent
party on board. They were tried by a
naval court-martial, before which they
could make only a poor showing, prin
cipally because of their ignorance of
the Spanish language, in which the pro
ceedings were conducted, and their
conivction and the imposition of the
death sentence was not a matter of sur
prise. At that point, however, the case as
sumed diplomatic importance. Our
government, through its consul-general
at Havana, Ramon Williams, and
through Minister Taylor, at Madrid,
interposed an energetic protest against
the execution of the men, claiming
they were improperly tried, in view of
the guarantees held out in the famous
. dishing protocol. This protest caused
the removal of the case to the higher
judicial authorities at Madrid, by
whom a new trial was ordered. The
Spanish government, however, did not,
and has not yet, conceded that the
(lushing protocol applies to such cases.
To admit that would, in the opinion of
the Spanish authorities, greatly stimu
late the fitting out of filibustering par
ties in the United States.
The new trial had- been ordered by
the Madrid supreme court, on the
ground of irregularities in the original
trial, and by concession of the sound
ness of the objections interposed by the
United States. It was to have begun
last Monday, and it is thought would
have resulted in the imposition of the
death sentence again. This, however,
would have provoked an explosion in
this country, according to the anticipa
tions of the department officials, that
would have been hardly less violent
than the feeling caused by the famous
Virginius episode, so to them it is a
matter of satisfaction that the Spanish
queen has cut the diplomatic tangle by
the pardon of the men before the sec
ond trial.
Senor Dupuy de Lome had a long con
ference with Assistant Secretary Day
today, and it is believe! the Spanish
government is about to voluntarily re
move another troublesome factor from
the field of negotiations, in revoking
the decree made by Weyler, prohibit
ing the exportation of tobacco from
Cuba. This "prohibition has worked
hardships on American cigar-makers,
and np to this time all efforts of the
state department to secure an amelior
ation of the harsh conditions of the de
cree have been unavailing. The rea
son set up by General Weyler for the
order was the necessity of keeping in
Havana the supply of tobaoco necessary
to run the domestic cigar factories,
and thus, by giving employment to
workmen, keep them from drifting
away into the insurgent ranks. It
was a matter of common report, how
ever, that another potent reason was a
desire to cripple the Cuban cigar-makers
in the United States, from which
the insurgents drew funds.
Reports that come from Washington
are to the effect that the new crop of
tobaoco that will be ripe in February
- next is of excellent quality, and
amounts to four-fifths of an average
Signaled for Assistance.
New York, Nov. 22. The steamer
Megantie, from London November 4 for
this jiort, anchored outside the bar this
forenoon, signalling that she was dis
abled and in need of assistance.
Seven Chinese Deported.
San Francisco, Nov. 22. The steam
ship Coptio, which sailed today for the
vtriem, amen iirm.j dw whuchd, in
cluding seven who were deported.
These men came here about a month
ago with certificates to the effect that
they were merchants, members of a
well-known firm in Chinatown. The
firms, however, repudiated the claim.
In Meriden, Warwickshire, a stone
cross on the,village green marks the
geographical center of England.
The Attorney-General's Promotion Fully
Decided On.
Chicago, Nov. 22. A special to the
Tribune from Washington eays: Attorney-General
McKeuna's appoint
ment as associate justice of the supreme
court to succeed Justice Field, has been
formally decided upon by the president
and heartily approved by the cabinet.
The succession to the department of
justice is still open. The president's
private files contains letters from all
over the country suggesting names,
including those of many men who have
hitherto not been mentioned publicly.
Judge Waymire, of California, appears
to be in the lead thus far. A number
of letters from New York suggested
John H. McCooh It is stated that
were it not for geographical considera
tions, -John S. Runnolls, of Chicago,
would have been favorably considered.
It was deemed impossible, however, to
have two cabinet officers from Illinois.
This same attention to political survey
ing has prevented the active considera
tion of Julge Nathan Golf, of AVest
Virginia, who is too near Maryland to
receive consideration. It is believed
the president will not eee his way clear
to leaving the PaciSu slope out of the
cabinet, and iri that event Judge Way
mire is like'y to be the man.
The state department has officially
notified Charles Page Bryan of his ap
pointment as minister' to China, and
lie is expected to come on immediately
and qualify. Foreign ministers file no
bonds, and hence a recess appointment
is ample. Thev receive no commissions
and formal instructions on being con
firmed by the senate, and not being
bonded, are not forced to wait for confirmation.
Inspector Velasquez' Confession Head
Ht Their Trial.
City of Mexico, Nov. 22. A pro
found sensation was caused today in
the course of the trial of the police
officials oharged with the murder of
Arroyo by the production of the confes
sion of the late inspector-general of po
lice, Velasquez. It is a most remark
able attempt at self-justification, and
states that a mob of common people
lynched Arroyo. Velasqueai said that
no direct orders for Arroyo's killing
were gvien, but that the populace, al
ready strongly wrought up by the as
sault upon the president, were urged
by suggestions to commit the deed.
Said he:
"I thought I was doing right in or
ganizing a popular manifestation to
avenge an attack on the president, and
give birth in the people to a profound
conviction that punishment for such an
act would come swiftly in the form of
lynching, or whatever it may be
He went on to show that others be
sides himself thought summary ven
geance should be dealt to Arroyo.
This confession, in the light of the evi
denoe, is seen to be full of misstate
ments, and in no case would it hav
prevented Velasquez' prosecution, for
the government was determined to
punish the crime. The prosecuting at
torney today in a strong argument
pleaded for the execution of a death
sentence on all the prisoners except
Assistant Chief of Detectives Cabrera
and one minor prisoner, who were not
directly implicated in the tragedy.
Fifteen Million Dollars' Worth of Trop
erty Destroyed.
London, Nov. 22. One of the most
disastrous fires in London's history
since the great tire of 1666, broke out
in a large block of buildings lving east
of Aldergate street and between that
thoroughfare and Red Cross street, just
after 1 o'clock this afternoon. The
flames were fanned by a strong wind
and fed by highly inflammable stocks
of Christmas fancy good.) and flimsy
drees materials of every description,
that filled every floor of the six-story
building in the old street. Conse
quently, the conflagration gained head
way with surprising rapidity, and was
soon far beyond the possibility of being
checked on the spot.
For four hours and a half the flames
had their own way, and it was only
after more than 100- engines had
worked an hour that the chief of the
fire brigade sent out the signal that the
fire was under control.
: At 11 o'clock tonight the fire is still
the scene of great excitement. Fifty
engines are playing upon the ruins;
wagons are hurrying up, and tons of
water are pouring into the fiery debris.
Thousands of people are trying to pene
trate the cordon maintained by 1,000
policemen, reinforcements for whom
were sent up when at 5 o'clock an in
crease in the outbreak led Commander
Wells to make a requisition for more
engines upon the outlying stations.
The scene must occupy the fire brig
ade for several days, especially in view
of the grave danger of the collapse of
the shells of buildings, which fall now
and then with a loud crash.
The latest advices indicate that
nearly 100 warehouses have been de
stroyed, while the loss will probably
exceed 3,000,000.
The historio church of St. Giles has
been much damaged, the principal
damage being to the roof, the old win
dows, the baptismal font and Milton's
Evidence of Steady Growth
and Enterprise.
Office of Downing-, Hopkins & Co., ChicaRO
Bimrtl of Trade Brokers, 711-714 Cnamber of Com
merce Building, l'ortliincl, Oregon.
From 'All the Cities and Towns
the Thriving Sister States
Tfovel Suit That Has Been Filed Against
a Wall-Street Broker.
New York, Nw. 22. The Journal
and Advertiser says J. It. McMurray,
formerly of St. Paul, has filed a suit
for $3,000 damages agrinst Edwin Bar
bour, formerly of Virginia, and now a
Wall street broker.
It is alleged that McMurray arranged
with Barbour that in return for ad
vance information of the supreme
court's decision in the Bell telephone
case last May, Barbour should buy or
eell 1,000 shares of Bell telephone
stock, and in the event of a profit, give
McMurray two-thirds and retain one'
third for himself.
. McMurray alleged that on May 8,
18&7, he gave Barbour the information,
whioh he says he obtained from one of
the clerks of the supreme court. On
May 10 the decision was handed down
and Bell telephone stock went up.
Barbour, McMurray alleges, refuesd to
pay for the "tip," saying he did not
use it. Hence the suit. James R
Keene, McMurray alleges, got the same
"Up" and paid lnm $10,000 for it.
Santa Fa Kobners' Big Hani.
Santa Fe., N. M., Nov. 22. A mer
chant from Grant, N. M., where the
recent robbery of the Santa Fe passen
ger trian occurred, stateB that fully
$150,000, if not more, was secured by
the robbers. About 100 pounds of gold
coin was taken, according to the state'
ment of Fireman Abel, given the mer
chant half an hour after the robbery,
and "then they piled into their sack
bundle after bundle of paper currency,"
the fireman added. United States
Marshal Foraker admits that at least
$35,000 in gold was secured by the rob
bers, and an unknown amount of green
Monterey, Cal., Nov. 22. A lum
bor shed, on which was piled 1,000
feet of lumber, collapsed this after
noon, falling upon the team driven by
William Garner, whose back was
broken in two places.
Uncle Sam's Relief Fund' Feeds Thou
sands of Cubans.
New York, Nov. 22. A special to
the Herald from Havana says: In every
town in Cuba where there are American
oitizens, groups of starving ihlanders
gather every day in front of the houses
of those Americans and beg for the
crumbs that fall from the tables.
That Americans have anything on
their tables from whioh crumbs could
fall is due to the relief fund of $50,000
appropriated last spring by congress.
Consul-General Lee has drawn so far
about $25,000 of the total amount and
has distributed it to the consuls in
Matanzas, Cienfuegos, Sagua, Santiago
and elsewhere. These consuls buy
provisions and distribute weekly rations
to distressed Amerioans.
There are 1,400 Amerioans on the re
lief fund list. Of these about 250 are
American-born. The others are natur
ah zed citizens and their families, who,
having their citizenship papers properly
registered at the diffetent United States
consulates, are entitled, if in distress,
to the same relief as American-born
According to a statement made by
Consul Baker, who is stationed at
Sagua, about 10.000 people are being
kept alive in Cuba by these rations
distributed for the support of 1,400,
Neighbors gather around the front door
of the houses of American citizens and
beg a share of the food that comes from
the consulates.
Consul Brice, of Matanzas, reports
that since July 1, 27,000 persons have
died in his district. As he was cross
ing the publio square one evening late'
ly he saw a man fall to the ground
within a few feet of him, and, hasten'
sing to his Bide, found he was dead.
His body was nothing more than I
skeleton. Such incidents occur daily
all over the island where people are
herded together.
General Blanco's orders to allow the
paoificos to cultivate land outside the
military lines would diminish suffer
ing if the people had the strength and
the implements with which to work,
but they have neither and Weyler'g
scheme to exterminate the Cuban peo
ple is rapidly proving successful.
. Several thousand boxes of apples. were
Bhipped from Coos bay early last week.
The real estate transfers in Umatilla
county for one dav last week amounted
to $7,000.
An Astoria paper says that Clatsop
county warrants are likely to be at a
premium within 30 days.
This year over 700 cords of wood
have been shipped from Brown's spur,
north of Dallas, to Portland.
A number of settlers bound for the
Coos bay country passed through Rose
burg last week, in covered wagons.
Wallowa county cattle have been
nearly all bought up, but there are a
good many hogs left in the county.
Linooln county's outstanding war
rants and the interest thoreon amount
ed to $25,079, on September 80 last.
Stock in Baker county is reported to
be in excellent condition, and the loss
this winter promises to be unusually
Travelers over the McKenzie road, in
Lane county, report from two to seven
feet of snow on the summit of the
A band of 1,000 head of cattle was
driven through Vale last week on the
way to Ontario, whence they will be
shipped East.
Harry Watters killed a bald-headed
eagle in the sandhills near Murshlield
last week. The eagle measured nine
feet from tip to tip.
The financial statement of Gilliam
county shows that on September 80 hist
there were outstanding warrants and
interest amounting to $24,201.
Several elk were seen in the vioinity
of Emigrant' Springs, in Umatilla
county, recently, but as it was the
closed season, they were not molested.
Fishermen in the vioinity of Rainier
are of the opinion that the light run of
salmon in that section is caused by the
heavy blasting along the shore, where
the Astoria railroad is being built.
The treasurer of Coos county has ad
vertised that he will pay all county
warrants indorsed prior to November
4, 1891. Interest on fuch warrants
ceased November 15. This call will
reduce the couunty's indebtedness
about $3,000.
The 800 Angora goa ts recently sh i pped
from Boise, Idaho, to Pendleton, will
be wintered near Pendleton. It is said
to be the intention to Bhip them to the
Klondike in the spring to make mutton
for the miners. They are hardy and
nimble animals, and can more easily
be driven over the mountain passes
than sheep.
The work of taking spawn is now go
ing on at the Mapleton hatchery. Over
500,000 eggs have already been placed
in the hatching troughs. The sum ap
propriated for operating the hatchery
this year is not nearly so large as it
should be, but the work has been at
tended to closely, and considering the
expenditure a great number of salmon
fry will no doubt be turned out next
There will be 13 miles of American
rails laid on the Astoria & Columbia
river railroad begining at Gobi. The
No decided changes have occurred in
wheat values during the week. The
market has been principally noted for
the absence of general speculation and
i the presence of several arguments that
apparently warrant an advance. Crop
advices in America, while showing an
improvement in condition of the grow
ing crop, most certainly indicate a de
creased area seeded. The news from
the Argentine crop has been sensation
al. General frosts have occurred, but
the extent of the damage, if any, is
only a matter of conjecture. The exact
facts cannot be ascertained for some
time yet. Reports from Russia assert
the rye crop to be very short and the
oat crop poor. The export demand con
tinues unabated, mid in excess of our
weekly surplus. It is a matter of re
cent history that export countries are
liable to sell more than their available
surplus of breadstuff's and be forced to
become importers. This is evidenced
in the case of Australia and the Argen
tine during the past year, and should
our export clearances continue at the
present rate it is entirely possible that
American supplies may be likewise ex
hausted. Reoeipts at primary points
are large, compared with last year, and
visible Btocks continue to increase.
When the high values are taken into
consideration together with the large
crop produced last year, it is a matter
of surprise that the primary receipts
are not much larger. Advices from
the northwest indicate that the move
ment from first hands is decreasing.
Export clearances of wheat and flour
for the week were 6,653,791 bushels.
Large sales for export have been made
during the week, partly the result of
apprehended damage to the Argentine
The local speculative condition of the
wheat market is very unsatisfactory.
There is an absence of general specula
tive interest due partly to high values',
but more particularly to the small
stocks and the presence of more or less
manipulation in the market. A large
short interest exists entirely out of pro
portion to existing stocks. There is
nothing in the general situation to war
rant any decline. The result of the
Argentine crop seems to be the determ
ining factor regarding future values.
Until the result is definitely known it
seems that present values will be fully
maintained and probably advanced.
There has been a decided improve
ment in the cash demand for corn,
both for Eastern account and for ex
port. The government report, estimat
ing the crop yield at 1,892,000,000
bushels, is not credited by the trade
and entirely unwarranted according to
private advices.
Kelsay Porter Died on the Gallows at
Union, Oregon.
Union, Or., Nov. 22. In the gray
dawn of. an approaching day, while
most, of the citizens of Union were Btill
sleep, Kelsay Porter, murderer of the
Maohe family in Pine valley, January
1, 1896, expiated his crime on the gal
lows. Including the sheriff's jury of
12 men, about 50 people witnessed the
sxeoution. It was carried out with dis
patoh. Seventeen minutes after Por
ter left the jail door to mount the scaf
fold, his body was in the coffin, which
was waiting to receive it beneath the
It was about 5 o'clock this morning
when Porter was aroused and told to
prepare for the trying ordeal before
him. Realizing his last moments had
really come, he displayed nervousness.
After dressing in a suit of black
clothes provided for him, he ato a light
breakfast, the first meal for several
days. The appearance of his religious
adviser had a reassuring effect. Rev.
Mr. Shields passed an hour in the cell,
preparing Porter for his death, reading
Scriptunl passages to him, and closing
with a fervent prayer for the con
demned man.
Porter, in refusing to see press rep
resentatives, stated that all he had to
say would be spoken on the gallows,
but before leaving the jail, he changed
bis mind, and from the time he passed
out of the door of his cell, mounted
the scaffold and was hurled into eter
nity, he did not speak a word. He
was assisted to the platform of the
scaffold, by Sheriff Phy and Deputy
McLaughlin, who helped him up the
steps. Rev. Mr. Shields and Deputy
Shoriff Giffen were also on the scaffold.
Porter was plaoed directly over the
trap, his legs and arms pinioned and
his wrists handcuffed. While this was
going on he became slightly unsteady.
The black cap was placed over ins
head, the rope adjusted about his neck
by Sheriff Phy, and at 6:55 the trap
was sprung and the body shot down
ward, dangling at the end of the rope.
Death was instantaneous, the neck be
ing broken by the fall. Twelve min
utes later three attending physicians
pronounced Porter dead, and the body
was cut down and plaoed in the wait
ing coffin.
. The crime for which Kelsay Porter
suffered the death penalty was the
killing of the Mache family Benja
min Mache, his wife and 17-year-olil
boh, Benjamin in Pine valley, Union
county, January 1, 1896.
English rails were not sufficient to com
plete the track. This new consignment
is on its way from the East. The rails
re of the same weight and size as
those laid, 75 pounds to the yard,
5-inch base, 6 inches high and 2-inch
ball. Tracklaying at the Goble end of
the line will begin when the new rails
Foolish Act of a Boy.
Ashland, Or., Nov. 22. The right
hand of Harry Clawson, aged 18, was
badly shattered by the accidental dis
charge of his rifle, near the California
line, yesterday. Calwson had been
hunting, and had stopped, leaning on
his gun. with hia hand over the muzzle,
when in some manner the weapon was
discharged. He was brought to Ash
land on a late train last night, and it
was found necessary to amputate the
arm near the wrist. ,
Later Reports of the Great 8toruv-Dara-age
Was Great.
Portland, Or., Nov. 22. The fall in
temperature has been the salvation of
many sections of Oregon and Washing
ton, as it turned the heavy rain to
snow, and it soon ceaBed.
All reports agree that the storm
which has just blown over was the
worst in years. Rivers are swollen and
are overflowing their banks, doing
great damage to property, Railroad
traffic is impeded. Telegraph wires
were blown down and business serious
ly interfered with in some places.
The greatest damage is reported in
Washington, though Oregon is not far
behind. The Chehalis and Newaukum
rivers are higher than for years. A
considerable portion of Chehalis il
under water. In Oregon Newport and
Yaquina suffered mostly.
At Newport, fences and outbuildings
were blown down, a portion of J. K,
Weatherford's cottage unroofed, allow
ing the rain to damage the interior,
and the heavy seas injured '.he bulk
bead along the water front.
Lightship 67, which was anchored off
the mouth ot the Columbia river, went
adrift and was only saved by the heroio
work of her crew.
At Yaquina, besides the wrecking of
the custom-house and the blowing away
of the records, the wind slightly dam
aged the Oregon Central & Eastern
Railroad Company's warehouse, ripped
the shingles off the depot, workshops
and roundhouse. The cribbing along
the O. C. & E. bay. track was badly
washed by the rough tide.
Part of Salem is under water.
A carload of apples grown on Orcas
island was shipped from Seattle to
Omaha 'last week.
The state road commission has fin-
!ahed its work for the winter, and the
working crew has been discharged. -
The Hon D. P. Thompson, ex-min
ister to Turkey, delivered a looture on
Turkey in Walla Walla, last week.
M. L. Weston has 5,500 head of
sheep in Prosser, Yakima county, and
he expects to winter them on Snipe's
The six salmon canneries of What
com county will all be more or less ex
tensively improved and enlarged dur
ing the next five months.
The clerical force in the land com
missioner's office, in Olympia, has 200
leases of sohool lands to be made out
on returns from county au litors.
Government surveyors say that with
a little work the Snake river will be
navigable from Pasco to Riparia, to
which latter point boats are now run
ning on the Upper Snake.
Suit has been commenced in the
superior court of Chehalis county by
the Northern Pacific Railway Company
against Chehalis county fortho purpose
of having the taxes against the lands
of the company in that county declared
not a valid lien.
Richard Brown, a logger of Jefferson
county, has just finished cutting a
cargo of spars, valued at $18,000, which
will be shipped to New York on the
bark Olympic.
Three cars of stock cattle and one of
beef cattle were shipped from Chehalis
last week. The stock cattle went to
Yakima. Another carload was driven
in from the Salkum country. Dealers
say that stock cattle are becoming
scarce. The hog market has slipped
down a little, $3.75 being offered now,
and farmers are holding.
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 74c; Val
ley and Bluestem, 76 77c per bushel.
Four Best grades, $4.25; graham,
$3.50; superfine, $2.25 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 84 85c; ohoice
gray, 82 33c per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $19 20; brew
ing,$20 per ton.
Millstiffs Bran, $15 per ton; mid
dlings, $21; shorts, $15.50.
Hay Timothy, $12 12.50; clover.
$1011; California wheat, $10; do
oat, $11; Oregon wild hay, $910jer
Eggs 22 ls 25o per dozen.
Butter Fancy oreamery, 5055o;
fair to good, 4045c; dairy, 3040o
per roil.
Choese Oregon, HJo; Young
America, 12)c; California, 910o
per pound.
Poultry-r-Chickens, mixed, $1.75
2.50 per doezn; broilers, $2.002.5O;
geese,' $5 6; ducks, $3. 00 4. 00
per dozen; turkeys, live, 10 11c per
Potatoos Oregon Burbanks, 35 40c
per sack; sweets, $1.40 per cental.
Onions Oregon, new, red, 90c; yel
low, 80o per cental.
Hops 8 13c per pound for new
orop; 1898 crop, 67o.
Woo) Valley, 1416o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 712c; mohair, 30
22o per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, $2. 50 2. 60; dressed mutton,
So; spring lambs, SjjC per pound.
Hogs GroBS, choice Jieavy, $4.60;
light and feeders, $3. 00 4. 00; dressed,
$4.505.00 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $2. 75 8. 00
cows, $2.25; dressed beef, 45o per
Veal Large, 4Ji5o; small,
6o per pound,
Government Has Abandoned tha Itoat-
Kallway Schema.
Washington, Nov. 22. The probabil
ities are that a boat railway will never
be constructed at The Dalles. Chair
man Hooker, of the river and harbor
committee, has made an examination
pf the rapids, and has interested him
self more or less in several matters
which will require appropriations oom-
ing from his committee. Mr. Hooker
is very reticent about expressing his
views, but there were other members oi
the river and harbor committee with
him on his Western trip, and the press
correspondent has been able to learn
that the boat railway plan will not lie
approved in the next session of con
gress, and that the committee on river
and harbors will not taken favorable
action for any improvement there that
doea not have for its object a differont
plan than either a boat railway or a
portage railway. It is very probable
that what will be done is the authoriza
tion of a survey to be made for con
struction of a canal and locks, and
whioh will secure the passage of boats
of about four feet draft. It is assorted
that boats of greater draft than this
cannot operate successfully above ths
dalles, and that boatB of tbis ciratt can
go far up the Columbia rivor, the Snaks (
and the Clearwater. If these boats
could plr between Portland and tb
farthest points on the rivers named, a
great deal would be accomplished,
freight rates would be regulated, and
the wheat of Eastern Oregon and
Washington and Idaho could be trans
ported to tidewater at a small cost. It
is the general belief that a canal and
locks of the kind contemplated could be
built at an expenditure of less than
$1,000,000, and also that they oould be
pushed to completion at an early day.
It is not known whether the Oregon
delegation will accept such a plan a
this, but the general understanding is
that it will be offered by the members
of the river and harbor committee whe
visited the Columbia during the past
Seattle Market.
Butter Fancy native creamery
brick, 27o; ranch, 16 18c.
Cheese Native Washington, 12j-B'o
California, 9l9o.
Eggs Fresh ranch, 80c.
Poultry Chickens, live, per pound
hens, 10c; spring chickens, $2.60
8 00; ducks, $3.603.75.
Wheat Feed wheat, $23 per ton.
Oats Choice, per ton, $1920.
Corn Whole, $22; cracked, per ton
22; feed meal, $22 per ton.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton
122; whole, $22.
Fresh Moats Choice dressed beef,
teers, 6c; cows, 5c mutton sheep,
6c; pork, 7c; veal, small, 7.
Fresh Fish Halibut, 45c; salmon,
B4c; salmon trout, 7 lOo; flounders
and sole, 8 4; ling cod, 45; rock cod,
5c; amelt, 2a4o.
Fresh Fruit Apples, 5075o per
box; (teaches, 76 80c; prunes, 8540c;
pears, 75c $1 per Ikix.
Han Franelseo Market
Wool Nevada 1 1 13c; Oregon, 13
14e; Northern ll14o per pound.
Hops 10 14c per pound.
MillHtuffs Middlings, $2022; Cal
ifornia bran, $10.00 10.60 per ton.
I Onions New red. 7080c; do new
lilvernkin, $1.85 1.50 percental.
I Egga Store, 18 20c; ranch, 41
43c; Eastern, 2728; duck, 25c per
Three Men Are Drowned In White
Horse Rapids.
Port Townsend, Nov. 93. News
reachod here tonight of the drowning
of two men belonging to the party ol
Colonel Will E. Fisher, of San Fran
cisco, in the White Horse rapids No
vember 4. No details of the acoident
were received. Neither could the names
of the drowned men be learned.
Accompanying this news was the in
formation that Frank Anthony, ol
Seattle, was drowned at the Bame place
October 29. Anthony's boat capsized.
His two companions, Murphy and Hep
burn, were rescued by the Canadian
mounted police.
Heavy snows are reported on the sum
mits of the passes leading into the in
terior. Travel is becoming difficult
and dangerous, yet peoplo are still go
ing back and forth over the mountains.
The lakes and rivers in the interior ar
more or less frozen. On the Skaguay
trail the snow is fully three feet deep.
It is live or six feet deep on the Dyes
A Nog-Killing Secretary.
Lincoln, Nob., Nov. 23. Secretary
of State Porter was fined $0.20 in the
police court today for violating the
health ordinance by butchering Logs
within ths city limits.