Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, November 26, 1897, Image 2

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    Oregon Gity Goarier.
A. VT. CHENEY, PwblUhw.
Comprehensive Review of the Important
Happenings of the rast Week Culled
From the Telegraphic Columns.
A dispatch from Hawarden cays that
Mr. Gladstone, concerning whose
health an alarming rumor was widely
circulated, is in his usual health, and
Sunday morning walked to the village
church, where he attended services.
Passengers on the steamer Mascotte,
which has arrived in Tampa, report
that Engel Pasee, who betrayed Gen
eral Castillo to the Spaniards for
$5,000,- was captured by insurgents on
his way to Cienfuegos, court-martialed
on a drum-head and hanged.
A great fire broke out at Melbourne,
Australia, and in a very short space of
time did enormous damage. It is esti
mated that the loss will reach 1,000,
000, while the trade in soft goods has
received a serious setback. Hundreds
of employes of all sorts have been
thrown out of employment.
Changing its name and principles the
American Railway League has become
full-fledged political organization.
Horeaftor it will be known as the Rail
way Employes and Telegraphers' Polit
ical League of America. Its object is
to deal entirely in state and national
politics, chiefly on legislative lines.
A big masonry wharf, having a front
age of 300 meters on the river Tagus,
opposite the custom-house in Lisbon,
suddenly subsided and completely dis
appeared in the riverbed. The wharf,
which was recently constructed at a
oust of 50,000, rested on mud. For
tunately, no one washuit in the col
lapse. '
The hostility between the Christian
socialists and the social democrats,
whioh exists in all parts of Austria
ami frequently leads to sharp collisions
between the rival partisans, has result
ed in serious rioting at Gratz, the capi
tal city of Sitira, and the seat of im
portant cotton and woolen manufac
tories. The official programme for the re
ception of 1808 at the White House by
President and Mrs. MoKinley has been
issued. All of the events, excepting
New Years' reception and the public
reonption, will be by card invitation.
Only those invited will be given an op
portunity to be present at least once
during the season. The avoidance of
excessive and dangerous crowding will
add to the attractiveness of all the re
ceptions. The theosophists of San Francisoo
are taking very active interest in the
fate of Durraut. It is a tenet of their
faith that capital punishment is wrong,
and they are getting up a petition
praying Governor Budd to stay the exe
cution und to commute his sentence to
life imprisonment. The petition was
prepured by Dr. Jerome A. Anderson,
president of the San Francisco Theo
nphlcal Society, and it has already re
ceived a number of signatures.
The commission appointed to revise
the oriminal code of the United States,
in the partial report which it will make
to the president and congress, will
present a oode for oriminal justice in
Alaska. The commission is authorized
to do this in the act which creates it as
a territory. At present the laws of
Oregon are made applicable to Alaska,
and these will be revised, codified and
amended by tl e commission to suit the
present conditions, and will be sub
mitted as a paitial report for the basis
of legislation hy congress.
The final aoty upon the part of the
government in the rut ideation of the
treaty adopted by the recent universal
congress was taken Tuesday, when
President MoKinley signed the formal
convention or treaty and Secretary of
State Sherman had the government
seal affixed. Postmaster-General Gary
had already signed it. The treaty
takes effect January 1, 1808.
At a session of the Knights of Labor
council, at Louisville, it was voted
unanimously to set apart the last Sun
day in June as labor memorial day.
This day will be observed by all the
district assemblies in the United States.
It was expressly stated that the day
hould not bo regarded in the light of
a holiday. It was fixed upon Sunday
so it eould not be made n holiday, with
its attendant festivities.
Au immense claim, embracing
7.uin,uuu acres of Ian. I in the North
west, including the cities of Minneapo
lis ami St. Paul, has been brought be
fore Commissioner Hermann, of the
general land ollloo, ami the assistance
of the government in securing official
data is called fur. The claimants are
O. H. llolloway, of Holland, O., and
A. (limit, of Momoe, O. They are
making an examination of the general
land office records with a view to scour
ing copies of certified paper, which,
they assort, will establish their title
to the lands claimed by them. Their
ancestor, through whom they claim
title, was Jonathan Carver, an English
man, a well known explorer in the lust
Bishop Doan, in his annual address
to the clergy of the diocese of Albany,
N. Y., in speaking of the relations of
America to England in the Lambeth
conference, was very intense in his con
demnation of what is called "jingo
ism. Speaking on t be subject of in
ternational arbitration, he said tfie
spirit of hostility, so openly expressed
on this side of the water, was present,
though latent, in England, and we
should be careful how we arouse this
fueling to active hostility.
JBlonco Trying to Buy Over the Insur.
gent Leaders.
Havana, Nov. 24. General Pando
started for this city by train last Satur
day, according to official announce
ment, to take charge of the campaign
against the insurgents. He was "ac
companied by all his staff, and was es
corted by a company of artillery.
It is stated on good authority, how
ever, that Pando has been commis
sioned by Captain-General Blanco to
enter into communication with the in
surgent leaders, with a view to arrang
ing for peace. This statement is based
upon accurate knowledge of all the
facts. Pando first secured the release
from confinement of Damien Caballero,
who had been imprisoned for acting as
a spy for the insurgents. Pando fur
niched Caballero, who is god -father of
Rabi, the man looked upon as being
the backbone of the insurgent govern
ment in the province of Santiago de
Cuba, with a considerable sum of
money and caused him to be attended
to Manzanillo, where a good force was
placed at his disposal. Pando's peace
emraissary was also furnished official
documents empowering him to act in
behalf of the Spanish commander.
Pando instructed Caballero to offer
army General Rabi high rank in the
Spanish army and a largo sum of
money to be distributed among the
other insurgent leaders of that part of
Cuba, and in addition, a large amount
of money for himself in the event of
his succeeding in arranging terms of
Although Caballero has not returned,
confidential advices reaching Spanish
officials here seem to indicate that he
has so far been unsuccessful. It is un
derstood that Rabi replied that he be
lieved the successful ending of the war
in favor of the insurgents was ap
proaching, that the Cubans, with the
aid of the United States, will gain
their independence, and therefore he
desires to continue fighting the Span
iards until the final victory is won.
Caused by Spontaneous Combustion A
Narrow Escape.
San Francisco, Nov. 24. The Call
says: The coal bunkers in the United
States battle-ship Oregon caught fire
Sunday evening from. spontaneous com
bustion, and for over eight hours the
crew worked with a vengeance to
smother what looked like a costly blaze.
There were over 250 tons of coal in the
vessel, and prompt action alone saved
the ship and fuel. The fire is supposed
to have started from water leaking into
the coal bunkers. This would eventu
ally cause a torrific heat from accumu
lating gasses. Luokily, the fire" was
discovered before it had gained much
An alarm was immediately given,
and orders wore issued to remove the
coal from the vessel to the wharf.
Steainpipes were attached and connec
tion made with the lower part of the
vessel in an attempt to smother what
fire might have been in other parts of
the ship. The men went to work with
a will, but the tusk was larger than had
at first been supposed. The work was
done with difficulty, as the smoke hin
dered the men in their attempts to
quickly put it out.
During the whole night after the fire
had been discovered, the entire crew
labored in removing the smoking and
blazing coal, and it was not until day
light that the men were allowed to
leave their work. The warship will
be drydocked within a fow days and
properly righted, after whioh she will
be coaled and her ammunition placed
on board, after which she will be ready
for action,
Senate Will Kill the Currency Bill.
Denver, Nov. 24. Congressman
John C. Roll, of Colorado, stopped off
a few hours in this city on his way to
Washington, where he goes to attend a
meeting of the appropriations commit
tee. Speaking of the probable action
of congress at its coming session on the
financial question, lie said:
"I think a bill will pass the house
practical. y as recommended by the ex
ecutive, und it will then go to the sen
ate, where it will be abandoned by that
body and an appeal will be made to the
people that they must make the sen
ate Republican before any remedial
legislation can be obtained."
With reference to the admission of
new Western states, Congressman Bel)
"There will be no more Western
states admitted into the Union while
the Republican party has control ol
either house. The speaker told me
last year that ho felt great responsi
bility for having taken an active part
in admitting the Western states. He
said the power of the Western senators
was unjust, and had been greatly
abused, and was, in fact, checking the
development of tbo country; that he
thought it was a grievous wrong for the
Western senators to stand in the w ay
of the progress of the country. Many
senators will probably oppose the ad
mission of tlnifo territories because ol
this impression.
"Hawaii will he annexed."
I.uetgrrt'a Trial Went Over.
Chicago, Nov. 24. The second trial
of Luctgert, which was to have begun
today, went over until tomorrow at the
request of the defense, who will ask for
a change of venue from Judge Horton.
Another Trial Trip.
San Francisco, Nov. 24. The United
States gunboat Wheeling is expected to
go to sea today to complete the trial of
her machinery and other details of her
construction. She will bo away several !
days. She behaved well on her trip to j
Honolulu, but the navy department's
requirements call for a further trial. j
It is expected that when the 1800 !
season opens there will be cogwheel
railway from Chamounix up the Mon I
Goluchowski Gravely Warns
Europe of Danger.
Competition of American Nations Fright
ens the Powers of the Old World
A Battle for Existence.
Vienna. Nov. 23. Count Goluchow
ski, the Austro-IIungarian minister of
foreign affairs, in his annual address
yesterday before the Austrian and Hun
garian delegations, when making an ap
peal to all Europe to take advantage of
the present era of peice and to join
closely for the vigoror defense of con
duions common to Eii.opean countries
as gainst "the crus),ing competition
of irans-Atlantic nations," said:
"The turning point has been reached
in Europe which callb for the unremit
ting attention of the governments.
The great problems of material dam
age, which become more pressing every
year, are no longer matters for the fu
ture, but require to be taken in hand
instantly. The destructive competition
whioh trans-oceanio countries are carry
ing on at present, and which is, in
part, to be expected in the immediate
future, requires prompt and thorough
counteracting measures if the vital in
terests of the people of Europe are not
to be gravely compromised.
" We must fight shoulder to shoulder
against a common - danger, and arm
ourselves for the struggle with all the
means at our disposal. Just as the
16th and 17th centuries were absorbed
by religious wars; just as the 18th cen
tury was marked by the triumph of lib
eral ideas, and just as the 19th century
has been notable for the appearance of
great questions of nationality, eo will
the 20th century be for Europe a period
marked by a struggle for existence in
the politico-commercial sphere. Euro
pean nations must close ranks in order
to successfully defend their existence.
"May this be "realized everywhere,
and may the epoch of peaoeful develop
ment we now confidently anticipate be
employed in collecting our strength and
devoting our services chiefly to this
Speech Excited Great Interest.
London, Nov. 23. The Berlin corre
spondent of the Daily Chronicle says:
"Count Goluchowski's statement,
with reference to the struggle with
America has excited the most wide
spread interest here. It is believed
that before he made public so remarka
ble an enunciation of policy, he had
the consent of the other powers, with
the exception of England, and spoke as
the mouthpiece of those governments."
The Vienna correspondent says:
"Count Goluohowski's appeal to Eu
rope to unite against the trans-oceanio
countries Is regarded rather as a pla
tonio desire than as a concerted pro
gramme. Thus far, no practial attempt
in that direction is intended, at least
not by Austria."
Che too Stirred I'p Over the Coolldge
Crescent City, Cal., Nov. 23. There
is much excitement in and about Chet
co as the result of the killing of young
Coolidge by the Van Pelts, over the
townsite.qne8tion. Coolidge, senior, a
capitalist of Silverton, Or,, has offered
a reward of $500 for the arrest and con
viction of the various members of the
Van Pelt party, principals and . acces
sories to the murder, and several par
ties are out from Chetco and Gold
Beach patrolling the roads and trails.
Joe Alvin, a half-breed, Buspectod of
being one of the Van Pelt party, has
been shot and probably fatally wounded
by a posse.
E. C. Hughes and Sink Van Pelt
have been arrested here by Sheriff Fer
guson at the request of Sheriff Turner,
of Curry county, Or., as suspects in the
Coolidge shooting, but both protest
their innocence and say they can prove
an alibi, They have offered to go to
Chetco without requiring the sheriff to
wire the governor of California for a
The Diamonds Were Greased.
New York, Nov. 23. An attempt to
defraud the government was prevented
by the United States appraiser todav,
when an importation of 200 or 300
karats of small diamonds were invoiced
at about 124 per karat. The diamonds
had evidently been put into a solution
of resin and grease, thus dulling their
color to such au extent that the dia
monds appeared to bo of little value.
When washed in alcohol and hot water,
the appraiser of the diamonds found
them of fine quality and exceptionally
well cut. The duties and penalties
upon this invoice will now amount t
more than $4,500; whereas, under a
correct invoice, less than $1,000 would
,tve been collected.
The Boat ( part.
Good Ground, L. I., Nov. 23. An-
drew Foley, William Wells and Oliver j
Wells were drowned lust night by the j
upsetting of a eatbout in Shinneeoek !
bay. When the boat was found today j
the bodies of two of tho men were eii- j
tangled in the rigging. i
Brazil, Ind., Nov. 23. A train on
the Chicago & Indiana ooal road, car
rying 600 miners returning from work,
was wrecked near Coal bluffs this
morning. The train ran over a horse,
throwing one car and tho caboose from
the track, and both rolled down the em
bankment and into a ditch filled with
water. Twenty-six miners were more
or less hurt. Three of them suffered
injuries that probably will prove fatal.
The fatally hurt are Ashury Rummell,
Uii8 Hubert and Guy Askerman.
The Competitor's Crew Out of the Jaws
of Death.
New York, Nov. 24. The steamer
Saratoga, from Havana, having on
board the released men of the Competi
tor crew, has been reported entering the
harbor. The men are: 1
Captain Alfredo Luborde.
William Gildea.
Ona Melton.
William Keavitt.
Charles Bernctt, an Englishman.
The five men were in fairly good
health and excellent spirits on reaching
quarantine. Captain Laborde suffers
somewhat from paralysis, which he
contracted during his long confinement
in the Cabanas fortress. Joseph A.
Springer, the United States vice-consul
at Havana, was also a passenger on
the Saratoga. Mr. Springer declined
to talk for publication.
The released men wore the clothes in
which they were clad at the time of
their capture, on April 25, 1890, at
Berracoa, San Catalino, Cuba.
Another happy passenger on the
Saratoga was Julio Arago y Quesada
the young Cuban insurgent who was or
dered to be shot by H'eyler, but was
pardoned by General Blanco, a friend
of the prisoner's father.
The six men who had escaped the
fate of the Virginius captives were
greeted upon their arrival by an enthu
siastic crowd, who gave them a hearty
welcome, but the poor wretches were
too weak to respond to the cheers which
had been given in their honor.
Alleged Object of the Proponed Smelter
New York, Nov. 24. Representa
tives of several silver mining and re
fining works of the United States and
Mexico will meet in New York tins
week to form, if possible, a combina
tion agency to control the price of sil
ver futures.
The price of silver for future deliv
ery is always less than the price of
cash silver, and the smelters want to
equalize prices. It is suid that the
smelters hope by their combination to
stiffen the price of silver and eventu
ally reduce the output, although they
deny the report that they intend to
form a silver trust.
Among the works to be represented
at the conference are the International
Metal Company, of New York; the
Omaha & Grant Smelting Company, of
Omaha; the Mexican Smelting Com
pany of Monterey; the Phildelphla
Smelting & Refining Company, of Pue
blo, and the Guggenheim Smelting
Company, of Port Amboy, N. J.
The Sebastian lulernegntlahle Mileage
Book ill Great Demand.
Chicago, Nov. 24. The new form of
Internegotiable mileage ticket is prov
ing very popular. The Sebastian ticket
was placed on sale November 15, and
25,000 tickets were printed, as it was
thought this would be sufficient for the
demand that would be made. This
number is exhausted, however, and an
other 25,000 has been ordered. The
Wenirn roads declare that they will
reduce still further the rates between
Chicago and Northwest points if neces
sary to maintain their traffic against
the competition of steamship lines and
Southwestern railroads doing business
at Gulf ports. It has become a serious
matter for some of the roads, and they
have been seen during the last three
months a very large amount of tonnage
go through the Gulf of Mexico, which
otherwise they would have handled.
Postmaster-General's Proposition Ue
eelvlng Many Indorsements.
. Washington, Nov. 24. Postmaster
General Gary is receiving many letters
regarding the postal saving bank propo
sition strongly urged by him in his an
nual report. Many people throughout
the country have written, commenting
on the projected radical extension of
the postal service, and have submitted
some suggestions calculated in their
opinion to make the correspondents in
dicate a rather general commendation,
and some well-known economists and
financiers numbered among the postmaster-general's
friends, who have
heretofore opposed measures of this
character, have in letters just received
given a qualified indorsement. Postmaster-General
Gary expects some leg
islation by congresfe on this question,
possibly at the next session, and free
discussion of it throughout the country
will reuder material assistance to this
Money Paid Over.
Washington, Nov. 24. Tho treasuiy
received today from tbo reorganization
committee of the Union Pacific $13,
645,250 in cash and turned over to the
committee that amount in bonds,
which have been on deposit with tho
government in the sinking fund of the
Trouble hi t'rugtiay.
New1 York, Nov. 24. As a result of
the attempted revolutionary movement
in Montevideo, Uruguay, gars the Her
ald's correspondent there, five promi
nent army officers have been arrested.
Many arrestsof civilians and politicians
have also been made. The Herald's
correspondent in Rio Janeiro telegraphs
that a commercial crisis is imminent
Exchange is falling.
Moonshiners Captured.
Hot Springs, Ark., Nov. 24. Deputy
United States Marshall, with a posse
of 13 men, has arrived in the city with
15 illicit distillers who were captured
in Scott county. The officers destroyed
four stills and about 4,000 gallons of
whisky and beer. The officers got the
drop on the men and captured them
without trouble.
Senator Chandler Talks of
Work Before Congress.
Prospects for Hawaiian Treaty Good
Cuban Question Depends Upon
President's Attitude.
Washington, Nov. 22. Senator W.
E. Chandler, of New Hampshire, in an
interivew regarding legislation at the
coming session of congress said:
"Senator Lodge proposes pushing the
measure looking to the restriction of
immigration and demanding its passage
without delay. Bills proposing to bar
the undesirable foreign element from
entering this country are now pending
in both the house and senate, and
there is no doubt that the two houses
will be able to agree upon a bill. The
house measure lays restrictions on what
are called "birds of passage," but the
senate bill does not. The class refer
red to is that which lives along the
northern and southern border lines of
the country, and embraces Mexioans
and Canadians who work daily in the
United States, but who live in their
native countries. This part of the
bill, in my judgment, eventually will
be omitted, and the senate bill, which
applies to immigrants from European
and Oriental countries, will be passed.
"Some action, I believe.will be taken
looking to the relief of the Cuban in
surgents. Of course, the Republican
policy will largely depend upon the
president's message, but, my opinion is
that he will leave the entire matter to
the judgment of congress.
"The prospects for the ratification of
the Hawaiian treaty are excellent.
The Republicans will stand by it to a
unit, and many Democrats will do like
wise. I think the necessary two-thirds
vote will be secured;
"As to financial legislation, especial
ly as to the revision of the. banking
laws, I cannot see how any such legis
lation can be passed."
For the Land of Gold.
New York, Nov. 22. A dispatch to
the World from London says: London
capitalists seem to be resolved to share
in the big profits anticipated by a rush
to the Klondike next spring. The Van
couver & Northern Shipping & Trading
Company, which is building the new
Canadian Pacific railway, with a cap
ital of $7,500,000 subscribed by six
shareholders, today purchased the old
Cunarders, the Bothnia and Scythia,
and two Cape mail steamers, as the
nucleus of a fleet to run from Van
couver to Alaskan ports, commencing
March 10. Both ships are chartered
for freight by Lipton, the millionaire
provision merchant, for the voyage
out, and he is said to have a scheme
for building a new town to be called
Lipton ia, near Skaguay. This enter
prise is understood to be the result of
the visit to Skaguay of the Hon. James
Burke Roche, who has just returned
Two Mew Counterfeits.
Washington, Nov. 22. The senret
service announces the discovery of a
new counterfeit $10 silver certificate,
and alBO a counterfeit national bank
note. The silver certificate is a photo
graphio production, printed on two
pieces of paper pasted together. No at
tempt has been made to color the back
of the note, which is a shade of brown,
instead of green. The Beal is colored a
bright pink. The note is badly print
ed, and the lathe work is blurred and
indistinct. The national bank note is
on the First National bank of Joplin,
Mo., series 1882. It is also printed
on two pieces of paper, and the silk
fibre in the geneuine is imitated by pen
and ink marks.
Turks Living on Bread and Water.
London, Nov. 22. The Vienna cor
respondent of the Daily Telegraph says:
Pecuniary embarrassments have reached
an acute stage at the Yildiz Kiosk.
Salaries of ambassadors are left unpaid
for months. Since the departure of
Galib Bey, Turkish ambassador at Ber
lin, another Turkish envoy has written
Tewfik Pasha, the Turkish foreign min
ister, declaring that he has sold every
thing ami lives almost entirely on dry
bread, adding that he even fears he
will be unable much longer to borrow
that. A third ambassador has written
to Tewfik Pasha saying:
"All my means are exhausted, and
I cannot even buy a pair of gloves when
obliged to appear anywhere."
Murderer Klertrocuted.
Columbus, O., Nov. 22. Alfred J.
Frantz, the murderer of Bessie Lytic,
of Dayton, was electrocute! in the an
nex at the Ohio penitentiary at 12:24
this morning. Ho took his place in
the chair at 12:18 without an apparent
tremor. The first shock did not cause
death, and the current was applied
again three times before life was pro
nouncd, extinct. On August 27, 1890,
Frantz murdered Bessie Lytic, a young
girl whom he had betrayed. Her body
was thrown into the Stillwater river.
Frantz made an allged confession, in
which he claimed the girl had shot her
self while they were out riding, and,
fearing he would be charged with mur
der, he had thrown the body into the
Peru Wants to Arbitrate.
Washington, Nov. 23. The Peru
vian minister, Dr. Egulgerin, was
among Secretary Sherman's callers to
day. He came to talk over the last
demand of our government for a settle
ment of the McCord claim, and he has
now, in return, proposed arbitration in
the case. This proposition is not ac
ceptable to our government, and the ne
gotiations continue.
A pound of the finest spider web
would reach around the world.
Both Motermen Killed and Several
Others Injured.
Baltimore, Nov. 23. Beoause Theo
dore R. Myrick, a mo tor man in the
employ of the Baltimore & Northern
railway, disobeyed orders, the officers
of that road say, there was a frightful
head-end collision this morning on the
line, in which Myrick was killed and
W. F. Horner, motorman on tho car
which was going in the opposite direc
tion, reoeived injuries from which he
died about half an hour later. Tlw
two conductors and passengers who
were on both cars were more or less in
jured, although the injuries of none of
them are supposed to' be dangerous.
Those seriously hurt are:
Conductor Thomas Ewing, aged
and Charles Snowden, colored, aged 2tk
years. Ewing is suffering from a
slight concussion of the brain, and is
badly bruised on the head, face and '
body. Snowden's cheek was laoerated
by broken glass, and he received several
outs on the head. His chin was cut to
the bone, and there is a deep gash in
his neck. Both of these men are at tho
hospital, and both will reuover, unions
complications develop.
Miss Emma Hurt Acting Temporarily at
Erimoiiston, N. B. V
Washington, Nov. 23. For what is
believed to be the first time in the his
tory of this government, a woman is
acting as one of its representatives
abroad. Secretary Sherman has ap
proved the request of J. Adolph Guy,
consular agent of the United States at
Edmonston, N. B., for two weeks' leave
of absence, and appointed Emma Hart
to act as consular agent during his ab
sence. Miss Hart will probably have little
business to do during her term of office.
It is said at the state department that
if she takes in more than $20 the offi
cials will believe the natural gallantry
of New Brunswickians has caused them
to abandon other agencies and consul
ates and secure the service of Mis
Hart in transacting their business.
Collision on a Mexican Road.
Denver, Nov. 23. A special to the
News from Nogales, Ariz., says: Last
night, near Casita, a station on tho
Senora railroad, in Mexico, a passen
ger train collided with three oars which
had got away from a freight train
ahead and were running down a heavy
grade with great velocity. The engi
neer of the passenger train, George
Parker, was instantly killed, the fire
man was so severely injured that' he
has since died, and the express messen
ger, J. D. Milton, was injured, but not
seriously. Four cars loaded with or
anges were demolished and a locomo
tive was wrecked.
The I'rbana Fiend's Work.
Urbana, O., Nov. 23. This city was
thrown into a fever of excitement to
night by the report of huother attempt
ed assault. The victim is Emma
Groves, an elderly maiden lady, who.
lives with her sister in West Ward
street. About 6 o'clock this evening,
as Miss Groves stepped out of the back
door, she was seized by a man, who
threw his arm around her neck and
held her firmly. Miss Groves was bad
ly treated ana painfully injured. The
assault was committed at about the
same hour and in the same manner as
that perpetrated Friday, and it is be
lieved by the same porson.
Austrians to Be Deported.
Baltimore, Nov. 23. Forty-eight
men trom the interior of Austria, who
were arrested last week in tho swamps
of Mississippi by United States inspect
ors, on the charge of violating the alien
labor contract law, were brought here
with their leader, Jaban Pokjo, anil
locked up in the immigrant house of
detention at Locust point. They will
be sent back to Bremen on the steam
ship Munchen, of the North German
Lloyd line, in a few days. The men
arrived here September 8, and were en
gaged in cutting barrel staves.
No Sign of Aniline.
Tromsoe, Tromsoe Island, Norway,
Nov. 23. The steamer Victoria, which
was fitted out by the governor of Trom
soe, under instructions from Kin? Os
car, to search for Professor Audree, tho
missing aeronaut, and his party, which
left here November 5, has returned
from Spitzbergen. She brings no news
as to the whereabouts or movements of
Professor Andree, although exploring
parties landed 10 miles at various
points on Danmand's islo.
Mother and Daughter Perished.
Topeka, Kan., Nov. 23. Mrs. M. A.
Trigg, aged 62, and her lO-jear-old
daughter Ethel lost their lives in a fin.
that destroyed their residence in West
Eleventh street this morning. A smi
escaped with a broken leg, jumping
from a sooond-story window. Mrs.
Trigg had escaped, but returned to savo
her daughter, and fell exhausted at her
bedside. Her body was burned to u
crisp. The girl was suffocated.
General Ordway Dead.
New York, Nov. 23. Genoral Albert
Ordway died tonight at the Hoffman
house. General Ordway and his wifu
returned from Europe last Wednesday.
Next day, the general was taken sick,
and continued to grow weaker ami
weaker, until 7:15 this evening, when
be passed away.
Blockade or Constantinople.
London, Nov. 23. Tho Constanti
nople corrspondent of the Daily News
says: "I am able to assert on the best
authority that the powers are discuss
ing the advisability of a naval demon
stration in the Dardanelles or a block
ade of Constantinople, if the sultan
does not yield to the demands of tbo
powers with respect to autonomy for
the island of Crete, and especially in
the matter of withdrawing the Tuikiali