Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, November 26, 1897, Image 1

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    rv Library
16th YEAR.
NO. 28.
! - ' . tvfi ,
L ""jrrU
Furs! Furs!
Leading Furrier
143 Third Street...
Not How
But how low can we make the price, is the
question we ask ourselves when marking our
goods for sale. That's what makes ours an
ever-paneling business, it's a potent advertiser;
it tells the story through the purse in thousands
of homes, only to be retold in countless others
by appreciative money savers.
before buying elsewhere.
The Okrmama Makket
Is the cheapest
to buy t
Seventh Street,
Paul J. Scuolz,
BER 13th at rattling sale of over
of samples bought from one of New Yoik's largest jobbing
1joiic . We' b iight these goods at 50 cents on thedollar
and our customers can rely on getting some of the
We have ever offered them. The line consists in part of the
following :
Ladies', Gents' and Children's Underwear,
Fascinators, Knit Hoods and Shawls,
Ladies', Gents' and Childrens' Hose,
Ladies', Gents' and Children's Silk and Woolen
Kittens and Gloves.
In lact, it is a metropolitan line and must be hustled off in
short order. Special prices made in our shoe department
during the sale.
U! CaufielJ Mock
Soft and Warm Bed
la " i treat to our care-worn
r- . A good bed may help ua
. r a bad cold quick and so
. xtend our life. You owe it to
yourself and family to pay a
little attention to this important
fact. Our heavy blankets for $2
a piece would make a suitable
( hristmas present. A large rug,
2)x5 feet, in front of the bed, is
a good match. You will do well
to inspect our mammoth stock
complete in all lines we carry.
CALL and
Furs !
place in the citv
t t t t
Near Depot, Oregon City.
Prop. t t t ' t
Oregon City, Or
w. Guaranteed (
The case of Cassius U Barlow for emt
bezrflement occupied nearly all of laa-1
week and was decided on Saturday morn-1
ing in favor of Barlow by the jury. I
Ohas Thompson plead guilty of steal- j
ing a nuue from Mrs I! A Muecke of
Aurora and was sentenced to three years
in the penitentiary. j
Mrs Gantenbein va 0 C Mfg Oo, dis
missed, settled out of court
Oregon City vs Mrs Paquet, city en
joined from collecting lt'J3.4S costs.
Court adjourned on Saturday till Jan
uary 12th. The judge will dispose of a
few cases December 20th
The trial of E E Martin for forgery
wfts set for April term of court.
The following cases were Bet for Janu
ary session C Pfyffer, for practicing
medicine without a license ; Troy, for an
unnatural crime ; Thielnianns, for selling
liquor without a license; U W Stricklin,
for assault will a dangerous weapon,
and Charles Lescor's second trial, for
shooting a man at Olackamaa
The appeal to the circuit court in the
matter of R N Bradley, was reversed by
Judge McBrlde. The matter in dispute
was a $; tine.taxel against Unidley,
who was a militiaman, by the court of
discipline tf Company F. He refused to
pay and Justice Schuebel committed
him to jail, from which he was released
on habeas corpus by Judge Hayes. He
will now have to pay or serve his
Ll W Howard vs M Reinstein, judg
ment for $61.44 and costs of $55.
W A Hedges vsE Parker, confirmation
of saie.
Laura M Welch et al vs J N Howiett,
confirmation of sale.
C W Porter vs Fred Bluhm, confir
mation of sale.
John Young vs Mary Young, divorce
on grounds of desertion
Geo-Mock, adm, vs M 0 and YSGard,
judgment lor $04.55 and sale of 2 acres
in Hsher D LU ordered. 1
0 V Vonderohe vs Win Shirley et als,
confirmation of sale. '
A E Latourette, trustee, vs Josephua
Thompkina et al, judgment for $20.44,
$100 attorney fees and costs and sale of
b'4 acres in Thompkins D L C ordered.
W S Ford vs Cora J iiibbs et als, re
port of referees on division of prop
erty confirmed.
Maggie F Risdon vs Wm. Ris Ion, di
vorce 111 ground of cruel treatment.
Maude M Hamilton vs VV R Hamilton,
divorce on ground of des rtion.
J H Moody vs Co, judgment for $32.85
and costs of $21.50.
Minnie McKean vs Jennie Melcher,
judgment for $(lti0 and costs and sale of
320 acres in sees 29, 30, 31,32, tp 2 s,
r 1 e, ordered sold.
Joseph Muindl vs A W Schwan, judg
ment for $(.)0.f5 ami costs and lots li and
12 of block 15 in Willumet.e Falls
ordered sold. ... .
T LOharnian et al'vs' Paul J Scholtz.de
fondant allowed lol slaughter two cattle
pei- week.
School Land Bo ird vs W T Barney e als
confirmation of sale for $7V;i.
A E Latourette, ex, vs li P Elliot etals,
judgment for $1080, $150 attorney fees
and costs and sale of lot 3 ami 4 of block
45 of Co add to Oregon City ordered.
M 0 Georg va Kenworthy, judgment
for $712.25, $75 attorney fees and costs
and sale of ID acres in sec 2'J, tp 1 8, r4 e,
F E Kellogg vs E A Smith et als.riedd set
a i.Ie and sale ordered of 45 acres in e c
17. tp o s, r 2 e.
J P Ludlam vs E W Paget et als,
judgment for $383.87 and costs an d sale
of 24 1 acres in sec 3(l,t 1 s, r 5 e -ordure'
State v tay, Witness W. Pruden e
Stratum et al va Oregon Cityetal,
defendant's answer overrule I and" nlain
tiff given till January tilth to reply.
J SKirkley vs Vina Kirkley, divorce.
Gracie D McComb appointed admin
istrator of estate Jacob S VleOomb, who
was killed on ihe west side by recent
breakwater accident. The estate valued
at about f.'iO.i.
Mary Story appninte 1 administratrix,
of estate of George Huroovich, another
victim of the west side accident, value
of property is $100.
Court permitted Airs. Gracie McComb
to accept $2000 from Portland General
Electric Co in full for damages covered
by death of her hiiBband.
Probate Hatters.
The will of S.tmuel Shejiharl, of
Arthur's prairie, whodied at Moquaketa
1.1., November 7, was filed Saturday.
The estate consists of money and certifi
cates of deposit of the value of $12,00 1,
and the bequests are as follows : To his
Ron, Walter S., $2000; to his dauuhter,
Mrs. Sarah Gray, tl'UO ; to the son. the
Rev. Samuel, of Moquaketa, la., $8 0;
to the daughter. .Mrs. Jano Forsliay,
$800; to the Oegnn Home Missionary
Society (Congregational!, $35 0; to the
Congregational Home M-ssiun Society,
$100 1; to the American b ard of c uii
inissioncrs for foreign missions, $50 ; to
the Baby Home, Portland. $VI0 ; to the
Ladies' Relief S ciety, Portland, for the
Home, $500. The sons, John, George
and William, had been provided for be
fore the dale of the will, which was
December 5, 1805. Jlivid B. Gray of
lortland and A. Mather of Clackamas
are named as executors of the will
without bond.
A Cievir Trick.
It certainly lo 4m like it, hot there Is
really 111 iriok hIm hi 11. An body chii
try it h ban Laiee Buck mimI Weak
Kidney" Malaiia or m rv hh iroubU.
rtf mean In run cure hine-clf light
Hway by lakum Klectrn: Ibtter. 'lid.
tneilieii.e lone" up the le le t-VHlem,
uelH km m Htimulaiil in the Liver il'el Kid
1 1 y-i, ixM hi..' d pnnlier hihI uere t mic
Iti-ureM f'niiHt pat it ill , lleai'tt'le-, Fninl
bitf Spe'U, Slefp'eMiieH. a id MelH-i
I'holv, Ic ix pmelv veetHble,H mild
laxstive. and renioreM me t-yitj to n
iiuiuial vmor. Try Ehc rie P.iiierg And
lie ei.iv;iMT,t that they Hre a miracle
i rker Kv-tv onttle gmrn nt rd. Oidv
5th; lioltleHt CtiarniaiK'ii C 1.'-diugstore
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Co.
Eben Mclntyre to Frank Strickrett,
2 tracts hi sec 35, 1 s, 2 e ; $400.
John Bayse to 0 T Tooze, 71 acres in
J R Shaw claim ; $l'i00.
P G E Co to Baptist church, 11 acres
in D Burns claim ; $1.
F G Porter to Uolton Ld Co, parts lota
2, 7 and 8, Bolton ; $1.
H S Gibson to Jas Gibson, jr, ne of
ne l4, sec 84. 3 s, 4 e;$750.
Wm Bnnow to Mrs S E Andrews, nlv
Jlotl, blk 14, Barlow; $tio.
U 8 to Jas Parker, 8 of bw J-4', lots 3
and 4, sec IS, 1 8, 0 e; patent.
U 8 to A Parker, se sec 18, 1 s, C
e ; patent.
Windsor Ld Co to Alice Olds, lots 1,
2,3,4, blk -A," Windsor; $200
John Town.-end to Lizzie Townsend,
lots 1, 2, blk, 2, Parker Hill add; $50.
R Livingstone to Mary Willard, 25 a
Hecter Campbell claim ; $1250
John Wright to Mary E Wright, w J-4
of sw l4, sec 32. 4 8, 3 e; $1.
Ben Bachman to Win Chenyworth,
160 acs in I M HoHer claim ; $300.
. A L Parker to U S, 8e sec 18, 1 a, C
e; valuable.
P H Miirlay to Wm Pauhlman, n l of
nw M and sw 4 of nw , sec 30, 3 s, 3
E Frennett to Lewis Stisnhauser, lota
12, blk 3J, Oswego; $325.
U S to P C Jubb, lota 1,2, 3 and 8,
sec 24, 3 s, 3 e; patent.
0 & 0 R R Co to Mary Williams, land
blk 10, Oregon City;
M J Williams to C Hartman, same as
lasi; $860.
W H Davidson to M E Davidson,
102.67 acr, sees 9 and 10, 6 s, i e; $100
E P Wells to Oorless, J- int in 40 acrs
in Delasmutt claim ; $150.
Asa O Wells to James Corless, 40 acra
in Delasmutt claim ; $150.
Teachers' Meeting.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Clackamas County Teachers' Association
will be held a Clackamas next Satmday ,
November 27th. The following complete
p ogram has been prepared :
Music Local Talent
Song. , ."Battle Hymn of the Republic"
"What is Composition Work"
Miss Annie Hieeinbotham.
"Obligations of School Boards to Ap
plicants for Positions as Teachers,"
Discussed by the association
"How Much Geography Should be
Taught in the Primary School" ....
Prof. H. S. Strange.
"Mu8icin the Public School"
Prof.'S. E. Hunter.
Roll Call Each teacher to respond
with an important historical fact
not mentioned in our text book.
"Suggestions on Teaching 1 urrent .
Events" Prof. J. W. Gaav
flontlily Reports of School Districts
In the County.
Report of Oak Grove school, district
No. 1)3, for the month ending November
Number of pui ils enrolled 36, average
daily attendance 31, total number of
days present (120, cases of tardiness 3.
Those that were present every day with
out being tardy during the month were:
Eva Graves, Ivy Graves, Ross Eaton,
E 111 m a Da m m , G eorge Da m m , Co I u m bu e
Cox, Fritz Stear, Emma Stear.
The visitors during the month were:
Messrs. L. Heni,. Wm. Heniz, Clyde
Evans. John Welle, F. Klnigler and
Cohvan Fisiihr, Teacher.
Redland school report, 2d month :
Number days' taught20,attendance 63(1,
absence 12, average belonging 32,
average daily attendance 32, timeB tardy
13, number of different pupils tardv J.
Roll of Honor Maude and William
Stone, Mary Kamuscher, Minnie Evans,
Cassie, Ora and Fre l H ilcox, Wallace
Belshaw, Louis, Dora and Marv Mur
dock, Thomas and William Berkey,
John and Chaa. Stiebritz, Anna Rich
ardson and Lewis Evans.
Lonzo Parish of Highland visited our
school during this month. Patrons ami
others interested in education will bit
welcome visitors at our bcIiooI.
Ciias. RuTiiKKi'OKD. Teacher.
The Great -bt Discovery Yet.
W. M. Repine, editor Tiskiiwa, I I.
"Ohief nays : "rtHwmi't keep House
witlumt Dr, Klllg'H New Discovery lor
coimumiiiuui. i-uiiglut tout coIih. Ex'
perimeiiieil with mny oilier, tun never
g'U, iIih ini remedy mild we r.-ed Dr.
King's New DiM-oivi . No other
remedy can lake Us place in oil r home,
as in it we have a eei iiini and mre cure
lor couifhs, ei 1 1-, lioiiiiiiigenu j.i, eic "
It IH Idle to expernni in Willi oilier
ivim die-, even ii hiey ir.i uige l oil t on
a. ju-i bS vf mil h Dr. Ki'iii' New Dim
covei v I'ney are nol a- iio..il, bei-HiiHe
HiiM reihedi li i-m lecor I .11 ciiima mid
b niileM is truarunieed. It never lad to
sa'i-ly. I'nal h title ire i ut Co inn in
Vt Go. 'm ill IliX hlore
A Mir Tliiuif foe Vim. t
A irH'iHHi'iinii in k ti ii-ii von cannot. . .
I -.a S'lle ll.iini. H I . . , h ' e-H. Hick lie,l
scle, furred loiitfje. lever, pil-M 1111.I a
It OUMHIld oilier lIU HIV CHIIMelMlV Coll-
el I ihi lull mid Hliiifiriidi livir C,l-enre'a
Ctndv ('aiiiMril,:, Ihe oinlerlul new
iiver MtiiimiHiit hicI in'eiiiial tonic ure
liv nil ilru,'i;iiM ifin rnileeil to cur or
money leinn lol t'. t! r, re a sure
'loin-. Try a b .x t -d .y; 10c, 25 ', fiOc.
Saiiiplea'iil booklet free. All druggim.
Weak Nerves iiidh'uiedcficient blooil.
Nervous people find rely-f l.y purifying
and enriching their blood with Hood's
Sarsaparilla, the great nerve tonic.
Hood's Pills are the only pills to take
with Hood's Sarsup 'rilla. Cure ull
liver ills.
ll to
t tt
Postal Banks Needsd.
At a recent meeting of the Indiana
Bankers' Association at Indianapolis
Mortimer Levering of Lafayette, recogn
ized as one of the best financiers in
Indiana, made an address on postal
savings bank in which he said : "The
government i 'n a position to manage
this thing through its present nostoflice
system, and will 8 arcely in.srease the
expenses of thai ilep 1, tinent, while it
will enhance l!io accumulated wealth of
the people thn ughout th.j whole United
Mates. It wn thought that building
and loan uiso i.uions would care for the
savings 01 the masses, but people have
become auspicious of them. It is well
known that lawyers in Indiana are milk
ing as iLin li H Ui a vear out of
these institutions, and ofh'cers are mak
ing much money out. of them. We all
know that trust ciuuimiiies are not
organized as eleemosynary institutions.
We want a system of savings banks that
are for tho poor people. What greater
pride coul I a man have than ti think
himself adepositornf the United StateB?"
Schaol FatiJ Aaprt'oitnsnt.
Fdlowing ia a partial apportionment
of the county school fund made by
Superintendent Sun k weather last week.
Each district receives $')0 and $3.20 per
capita of school children this year.
Last year the apportionment was !f50
and $3 per capita.
Dlst. Clerk's Name and P. O. Chll. Amt
1 T K A t'itllwood, Milwaukla 13a ? KM 00
S N Blnlr. Hunbard 71 M5 20
5 W A Hedges, Oregon City 134 IcO 80
4 F W UutoliiiiK, I'arkplaee 76 V0 00
A FJ Hiding", Marqutra 65 61! 00
6 T B Donaldson, Needy 43 61 60
7 G J Currln, Curiiiisville 88 105 GO
i elms Tracy, Lognn 61 78 20
5 E P Cuppa. Clackamas m 62 40
10 A Engle, MoIhUa 21 25 20
11 AL Larktm, Meadow Brook 46 55 20
12 P E Linn. Leon w 7U 20
13 H Walkley, Salmon 17 20 40
1 Andrew Giaham, Viola 51 , 61 20
15 Henry Hughes, Heaver Crock 88 105 CO
16 J T Drake, Marquam 63 75 C
17 AD Bumetie, Eagle Creek 6i 78 00
H Geo Koehler, Cai.by 71 85 20
111 T G Jonsrud, Kelso 04 76 80
2.1 J J Olbson, Miioksliurg ' lnl lm 20
21 Geurge Speei., Oregon City 42 60 40
22 G H Kobblns. Monitor 29 34 80
23 C K Wagner, W'ilsonvllle 70 84 00
24 W,L B Cornell., Bprlngwater 81 117 20
25 8 M Ranisby, Mnlulla 21 26 20
26 F M Osburn, Damascus 67 ' 08 40
27 N W Richards, Oregon Ulty 87 104 40
28 Dora Thlewvn, Mllwaukle 70 84 00
29 Frank Jugitar, Cams DO Ins CO
50 KstelU UnukcM, I'arkplaee 3o 42 10
31 s 0 Young, Damascus 41 50 40
ii C N Laikiua Cliiiaes 57 08 40
51 G R Miller, Highland - 79- 0120
34 I I) tiiylnr, Oregon City 23 207 60
35 O W Itnbblm M.ilalla U8 117 6a
36 T 8 Stipp, Aldlalla 82 88 40
H7 M l,oi,g, Oswego 811 4ii 80
18 J K Grliilile. Aurora . 56 07 'JO
!W J H Forroler, Eagle Crek . 48 57 t.0
40 Win Thuiuignii, Needy' ' M ,. 10S (!0
41 F Poll ku, sin fiord 87 M4 40
42 J W B illy, 1,'herryville 33 no 00
43 W B l.a ion, Oregon City M 112 80
41 J A Richey, Hurlon 40 48 (0
4i E K Andre, Bullruu 81 87 20
4i II B uns, faulty 44 62 0
47 C B Hall, Oswego 242 2U0 40
41 Ueo Howard, Oregun City S53 421 10
40 G II Wise, Milwaiikle 112 134 40
60 II F Gibs . li, Engle Creek 47 66 40
51 John H'lliinmb, Orugou City 66 67 20
5i Then Kiieiinecker, Klrwood 29 84 80
53 p Gabriel, Meadow Brook 16 19 20
61 A M Vinvurd, C'aiiby 40 48 011
55 E C M Her, Molalk 41 4H :0
56 II F Uoylus Wllhuit 15 18 OU
57 J 0 schml.lt, lieorgu 48 67 60
5 K II urn in ott, Highland 46 65 20
59 ' J F Waohtiii.ni, Hubbard 56 67 20
('0 W L White, Aurora 80 86 1 0
61 J L Vusbiirg. Oregon City 5i 66 10
62 M i s 4 H Mi Cown, Oregon City 1105 13.'6 00
63 II Waldron, New Era . 58 69 60
61 E P DudiiiKU, Clackamas 115 134 00
65 11 J ThouiHK, A ilhult 42 64 40
60 A lnlph A.icll'iir, Marmot 48 bl 00
67 li Merholt. St-.flord 42 50 40
61 J A English, Currlnsvlllo 42 fO 40
69 B C Lcliiiid, Nw Era 82 38 40
70 W V Myers Oregon City 24 28 80
71 b E JoliiiMin buiin.vsido 80 103 VO
72 W E Bnniiey Cultou- 44 62 tO
71 Uio II llinwii Nea Era 61 73 20
74 'J MJ ariiBWi. th Needy f,4 1,4 10
75 W M Mime lleillniiil 54 114 0
70 A Alii'.erni.ii Monitor 76 M 0(1
77 J V ll:lleiny I'kiiiii.ciu ',7 02 41)
78 O ll'lny or riprlngwater 24 2H 10
79 J J Miller Aurora 16 19 '.0
80 EiiilloiieiiiherUeaverCreek 112 13140
81 L 1' Ilunm Canity 01 75 10
82 All.nh B.ik. r Wilsonvlllo 49 .'Hl
83 Cl-Hgb, Dover 26 31 20
81 F Krlekwin Miillni) to 4;) ;0
85 f 1111,111 Ely 411 48 01)
86 D K iMmlc CUnby fill Oi
87 J II I l.-ii km y, V illn it 20 21 (0
18 H i. llulliiiHii, Leon 16 19 20
89 j e llurileniii.v, llurlon 83 39 (t
90 J T Kvaila, .Mllllno 83 89 60
91 ll KhiiA'hinii, Needy 84 40 80
92 I. II Vmler, Si edy 4.1 54 (K)
'.it O II Wrlunt, Liberal 41 49 2(1
91 C W Itichey, Logan 87 4 1 40
95 J T Grace, (.larks 87 44 40
96 N Christen li, New Era 39 46 Kl
97 Will Hiiuer, Harlow 40 48 00
98 1 V Triilluiger, t'nloii Mills 22 20 40
99 II C Clrli h. U'lits 6s 6.1 m
I'M) A I' I imIiI, Mherwood lit lit 40
Ull Mrs Miiry Manning, Clarkus 84 I 40 80
102 E W P.ilne, .Miilluo 80 1X1 00
103 A V Davis, Mariiiam 11 16 Wi
101 CC Miller, Leon 13 15 00
lo'i Olio Olson, Oregon City Ml 104 oo
IM Mrs M L Wllmul, Fulton 48 61 60
6 i () Jul" , Orient ' 47-U1 M 40
111 1 I, Knme, rliill'ird 34-19 40 Ml
15 Jim Olson, sycamore 29-54 31 80
23 I. en 8111IU1, Aurora 2-85 2 40
in a n iiciiry, I iihimiiii ji-ib 1.1 ai
30 W F Young, Hlierwood 21 12 'H so i
84 iH llofl'maii.shcrwiHn 20 17 24 00
1 63 II Vt'skuMd, A'ms 21-4 25 20 !
57 E A M i:oue, Bullevllle IV.i.1 16 fill
,62 It Haycock, Hiiltorlllu 8915 46 WI
j 70 I'. Cnle. VVIII.blirg 30-10 Hi Ott
'73 T K Miles, Heat s Mills 16-116 111 21
83 F L Itugg, Grenbam 26 7 HI 20
Royal makes tbe food pure,
wholenime and delicious.
Absolutely Pur
Rain and mud.is the order of the day.
Mr. Dowell and Mr. Keiton nf P.irt.
land wore in this vicinity last week or
AiisM Lntt.ie Kreiiiiiiin nf l.Ma'Anil I
- ....... . - ... 1. V....V, iir
Btiiyint? with her ijranduureijta, Mr. ami
M .... I,!.. I .... 1: -..1 1
.inn. uia, uiiu ttiieiniiii school
Miss Urace liorbett was thettuestoC
her sister, Mrs. P. E. Bonney, last
Mr. Carlson, who has been in Cali
fornia working for the last three months,,
returned home this week.
Mini NelllH (iiittheru nf fln.imn Hil.p
came home on a visit this week.
J. Gorbett and eon, Walfer, were in
town on business one day last week.
Prof. Wilson nave ua a lecture oa
health last Wednesday night.
E.A.and It. Wright of Slayton were
the ue8ta of J. H. Wright last week.
U. S. and E 0. Dix made a flying
trip to Oregon City last week.
Spelling school Filday night waa not
very well atiended on account of thej
November 13. Alphonbk.
Clackamas Products.
Following is the amount of the dif
ferent products of Clackamas county aa
returned by the assessor:
Wheat, bu.... 2:00,0 ;0 $ 140,100
Oats ouu.uOO , Ki5,0lK
l-otatoea 500,0 0 00,001)
Apploa 175,000 45.0o(
I'runes, plums. SO.OO'i 22 00O
Hops 11)8..... '1 '01,0 K) 125,00ft
Butter..:....; fturfl 0 " ' 75 000)
Wool -70,001" 8,000
Hay, tons 3", 0 300,000
Total value If!)70,000
A gentleman went into Uolman' to
buy some wall paper lor hia purlor anil
looking through the many samples
found some patterns that were fine, de
cided upon one. "What is the price o
that paper?" "cents per double
roll." "I'm afraid that ia too cheap."
Hut when it was explained how and why
it ws sold so cheap, he took the paper
and was highly pleased.
D.tn Willians has a dried, to his stock of
groceries and provisions a full line ot
feed and hay. Uoo.Ih delivered to all
parts oi the city free. Corner (seventh
and Center streets
Coque feather brasit, Miss Goldsmith.
For best groceries at cheapest price go
to Marr A Muir.
Justice court blanks 15 cents per dozen
at Co ni ne 11 nflico.
Fine new line of 11 n'iriilliis and canes
at U mn.iistora A An IrcHons's Jewelry
Inipeet tha adjiHtabN windowr
Mcieeua al IJ llo'iiy & Ililscli'd. They
ate c ! lain. y 1I11 n'u tiling.
Furniture upholstered and repaired at
the Oregon City Auction,
Customers can leave orders for bottled
beer, porter, Htenm beer or keg beer at
Knapp'g Itismark saloon John G. Wil
lielin, pioprietor Scllwoori brewery.
Get your picture frames made at the
the Oregon City Auction IIow-o at very
I'rom-riiitioiiK carefully ivnii) udeil
1. A. llaruiugV rlriti; store.
F01 the best shave or hair cut to
lie had go to l'.ij, Shark'sMhop. Shaving
10 cents,
Dr W, Wnllei N now asa iiateil
with I) . ,f . W. Wlc'l,ileiili-it, 11 Wil
laoiette lilnck.
The most reliable goods at lowest
living ciimIi pricesarekeptby the grocery
'ore of M:irr A Muir.
With a little cost one's room can be
made us good and bright as new. Call
at Hobnail's and see styles and pattern
all up-to-date 18.17 goods. (Seventh
street, near bridge.
I, I,. I'ickeiis, dentiHl, dees all kinds)
of dental work, (told cruwnn, porcelain
crowns hihI bridge work a specialty.
Oll'h-H In Barclay huilriin, comer Main
U'nl Hevenlh 'trwts.
Ilefore furninbiiig your house call at
Young' cecoiiri-haiiil store and he will
fit you out for lew than one-quarter of
what new goods would cost.