HOW TO FIND GUT. ill a bottle or common glass wi h urine and let it stand twenty-four hours ; a sediment or settling indicates an un healthy condition of tho kidneys. When urine stairs linen it isevidenceof kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidne.vs and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in relieving pain in in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realized. It stands tho highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best, gold by druggists, price fifty cents and one "dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both scut free by until, Mention Oregon City Courikr and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Oo.,Binghamton, N". Y. The proprietors of tins paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. F. C. GADKE, Plumbing and Tinning, JuLbtltRof All Kinds a Specially. Wilson Cooke's Old Stand ORKliON CITY, OKKGON. JAMES MURROW, Decorating Paper Hanging, Artistic House Painting And Kalsoming. Leave Orden at Ely Bros., on Seventh Street Oregon City, Orenon. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor OreRon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city. Try llolton DHlry uikI lie Conduced' W. II. YOUNG'S Liverv & Feed Stable Cor. Main and 4I1 St. OREGON CITY, OREGON f!???SJob Printing at the Courier Office. DR. KESSLER, Thla old one armed apcelnllst, of Ht. Louis, well known ly hl Ion residence anil mie eessfullv practice In this city, continue to successfully treat all kinds of clirouio and private (llMOiisvs FREE TREATMENT '.uZK uX" every nllnriiooit BLOOD AND mNIiKW lllilc ialnis, Tumors. Totters, Kra a nnd oilier luipiirllli-s of Ilia IiIimhI llmrouitlily Nitilli'titi'tl, bmvliiK Hid system lu a uroutf, pure u lid limit liful state DTJrTTlUT A TTCIW treated by nn old (Ionium linbUlUullijlu remedy. This remedy was onscnied In lr. Keaaeler liy n friend In Peril 11. It has never lulled. (11 Tl OflDrO Plooia, Cnncorii. etc., Iron'ed, no U LU uUllLlJ dllfi'lcncc how Iiiiik aireeled. KIDNEY AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. puinliil, dllllcull, Inn irniieiil, milky or l'l V urlnti. 11 mil irl dlscliarires. carelully treated, Piles, rheuuisllKiii a. id neuralgia treated by our new remedies. Take a olrr liullla at bedtime and urinate In I lie luil lie, set nslde mid InoK al It In Hie niornliur. II it is os lias a cloudy set In It, you have aoinu kidney or bladder uisciim'. IIHTJP WflTlM removed III twenty-four hours HUD WUnillH-e worms III window at ol tlee lo toil., icel long". nnmmiT nmmuct Wo meet, ncmuria everv DliLnltl UllMo day whom biviiili smells so Imd It Is dismisiltnr. Tills comes Irom l it' li.rHi 1.1 en her i li nose or sti.niiicli do and lie examined. It can be cured before the liones liecoiues Involved, VfinXlP MrM ,f u ie troubled wlllinlnht 1UU11U IIIL'H ciiilsM.iiia.csnuusiiiiKiiimiis plumbs, tmslilulncsa. livers 011 lo siH'lely alupldncss, despondency, loss of enorny, am I'lllou and seli-eoiilldenoe, which d inv you l your uiiiiihood Hud abs"luli'ly unlit jnii for business or luurrlaite- If y..u aie tlnifc wllieti'd you may know the cause, tin and he ir ateil. MIDDLE-AGED MEN :,r;,i,!,!i,.e,n:;,i: wei.k, iieli'iot backs and kidneys; lirqueiit, piilnlul iii'liialloii ami sediment In ii'lnei I in potency or weakness of sexual organs, and oilier iiiiinlslnkiihlo iiiiii of nervous debility and I'iciuHiure decHy, Many the of this dlltleully, litnoraiil. ol III. cause. The moat uliailnule cases ul this cliaracier treitled. TjnjW imp diseases. Cl'cet, Oonorrliea, In fill till U liiiiiiullotu. lMsehai'Ks, HI riot it ret. Weakness of Organs, byplitlls, llydruuula Varicocele and kindred U-ouliles treated. Consultation Free to All. Ofkiok llouns: From 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Call or uddross J. Henri Kessler M. D. At St. Louis Dispensary, . 1 1.1 9Jni YAMHILL BTRECT. Portland, OltKUON. LITERARY NOTES. Thr Akt Amateur for November is a strikingly handsome and attractive num ber. The color plate, "The Grand mother," by the well-known American artist, Walter Satterlee, shows us the head of an old peasant woman. Such a character study as this will be hailed with delight by all artstndents. In the eight pages of practical working designs are a carved chair back, paper knives to be executed in pyrography, fern centre piece and doileys for embroidery, and many motives for China painting, with full directions for carrying them out. In the body of the magazine is an able article on the work of the late Sir John Gilbert, by Montague Marks; there is a long account of the life and woik of Walter Satterlee, with six illustrations, all beautifully reproduced. Practical notes on essential oils, siccatives and varnishes furrrsh much useful informa tion to the painter. Color effects in pen sketching, fiiuire painting, drawing .with lead pencil, tapestry painting and plans painting are all "treated of. China painters have a great treat in store for them in the illustrated article by the celebrated teacher, Franz A. Aulish, also in those bv Mrs. Anna 13. Leonard and 0, E. Brady. 1or "tl10 House," are two charming 'interiors- library aiu a moorish smoking room, xhe coior i scheme and proper furnishing are given .'...;n, i, ,, n., u'pi.n n,;i,i,o0 vwlu cawi iMf 1110 nmicn o Page" we have an easy article on draw ing, with two excellent illustrations. News of the latest exhibitions, art notes ceramic hews, etc., are givn. Price 35 cents. (TjiU Art Amateur, 23 Union SuuAhk, Nkw Yobk.) THE niCKS 1893 ALM.VNAC AND PAPER. We are informed that the 1808 Almanac of Prof. Irl R. Hicks is now read v. and iudniim from its past history, it will not be many weeks in muling its wav into homes and offices all over America. It is much larger and finer than any previous issue. It contains 116 pages, is splendidly printed and illustrated on line book paper, having the finest portrait ever given of Prof. Hicks, it can no longer be denied mat the publications of Prof. Hicks have be come a necessity to the family and com mercial life of tins country. Ills journal, "Wokd and Wokkb, aside from its storm, weather and astronomical features, has taken rank with the best literary, scientific and family magazines of the a ne. I'o not believe Hearsay ana reports. See th" Hicks Almanac ana paper for yourself. You will then know why they are so popular. They are educators of the millions, and unrivaled safeguards to property and human life. It is matter of simple record that Prof. Hicks has foretold for many years all great storms, floods, drouths and torna does, even the recent terrible drouth over all the country. The Almanac alone is 25 cents a copy. The paper is $1.(10 a rear with the Almanac as a premium. Send to Word and Wohks Pub. Uo., 22ul Locust St., St. Louis, Wo. EMBOSSED IN GOLD. To buy and reproduce famous paint ings involves an expenditure that could hardly be borne unless, as in the case of Tiik Yoi'tu'b Companion, the enterprise is sustained by tho approval of more than live hundred thousand subscribers. Tim Companion's Souvenir Calendar fir 18U8, series of charming figure-pieces, faithfully copied in colors and embossed in gold, is recognized as one of tho richest and most costly examples of this form of art. Yet every new subscriber receives it without additional charge. Moreover, the paper is sent free to new subscribers every week from the time the Bultscripthm is received until January, iwis, mid then for a lull vear to January, 1899. 'i no popular price of The Companion, $1.75 a year, and the character of its ontents, make it a paper lor every household. Exceptional attractions are irondsed for tho lit'y-two numbers to be issued during 18!8. The Kt. Hon. W. K. Gladstone, tho Hon. Thomas B. need, Kudyard Kipling, Lillian Nordica, John Itiirroiiirlia. W. I). Howell's ami Max U'h'ell are prominent in the long list of I'lnineiu conineni coniriouuirs iiuuuni 111 The Companion's announcement, which will he sent free to any one addressing Tub Youth's Companion, 205 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. Kvt lyliedy Hays No. Casearels Candv (Jathanic, the most woiulcritil meilictil discovery of the aire, olcHsant and refresliini; to the Inste, act uently and positively on kidnevs, liver anil bowels, cli ansiiig the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, lialniual ciiiiHiipiilion and biliousness. l'U-iise buy and liy a box of C- C. C. to- dav : 10, 25, 5U eenlB. Sold and Kiiaran- teed to cure by nil di-nis's. LUATIVE BHOMO QUININE TABLETS Muvo llii) bowels gently, relieves the I'oiikIi, cures lliu fevcri-h coiidillnii and lleiuluelic, iiuikliiK It the liert and uuiekest rcuicily Inr CiiukIis, C', and l.a (iilppe. Cures lu one day. No cure, no pay. I'-lcc. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. Tiik Bkst Sai.vk in the world foi Cuts, Hiiiiai-f, Sores, Uleeis, Salt Uheiim. Fever Sores, Teller, Clispind Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin KrupliuiiH, and positively cures Piles, or no pay mpmed. It is niiiiiiiiitee.l lo (live pel feel naliHlaeliun or money re lindeil l'liie '.'5 eel, IS tlbi. For sale bv CI1111 111:111 & Co. WASTKH-I'hM'HTWOKTIIY AND ACTIVE Itenllpineiior Indies lo travel for respniisllile, csliiMli-lit'.l luiiisu in dr. u'nll. M 011 1 III y t?i and esieiiM'S. Position slesdv. Itefercnee. Kiu-Ium' si ll itildr. skciI slumped envelope. Tin liniiihiLm leinpsiiy, lii-.t. Y, ( liicsao. TO CURE A COLD IN ONf DAY T.ikii I.hxhiIvc llioino IJiilnlne Taldi Is. All iniul.-lfc refiiml theinoiiey if It (nils In cure. J.ic I A lot in t.ludstono for $00 cash; op-j posite building foi merly used 11a a depot ! and waiting room at junction of tracks lniUi e ut Col i.iKii ollice. Liwe I I.Ike biliousness, dysiiepskt, liettdaclie, constl IKitlnii. sour stomach, Indigestion are promptly cured by Hood's rills. They do llielf work easily nnd tlionmghly. Host Hfter dliinor pills, snoeuts. All drmrglsts. IP i 1 1 S 1 I'reiwred by C. I. HikhI & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pill to tuke w itli Hood's Sursapurilla. rlSBsi floods1 REALTY TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. Mariah McGarvey to Flora E Critten den, 10 a in H Johnson claim, (deed of correction) ; $1. . F E and C M Crittenden to Mariah McGarvey, 10 acres in II Johnson claim ; $1. Wm and L M Stevenson to James New land, tract in sec 4 2 s, 2 e ; $:'5. Phebs Gilber (by admr) toJ Newland, 32 a in sec 6, 2 s, 2 e ; $lJ30. W II Bucker 'by slier) to Mary J Robinson, lots 11, 12, 13 and 14, blk 33 1st add Oswego ; $50. Frank It Wright to J II Wright, e 4 of bw l4t sec 32, 4 s, 2 e; $1. J W Hill to B Wester Morris, ne M, sec 34, 7 s, 3e;$00l!. Mary A Perry to David Mansfield, lots 3 and s rj of 2, blk 7, Apperson's add Paik Place; $300. David Mansfield to Mary M Purcell. lot 3 and s of 2, block 7. Apperson's add park place ; $10 ). K Goucher to Elmer Cooper, one third of nw of sw sec 9, t4 s, r 1 e; $1. United States to Wm Meman, so , sec 26, 4 s, 4 e ; patent. Sunset Ld Co to Hannah M Chancey, fractioim. Joisanu , at, bunset City; $175. Francis Spoor to D C Latotirette, lie 14 of tlw lot 1, sec 30, 5 s, 3 e ; $1. Gladstone K E Assn to W II Kelly, lots 11 fittd 12, blk 57 Gladstone; $2ob Chas II Moll to Efiie B Holl, 61 acres in D Moll claim $5. J Eiuwl to Frank Sweitzer, 14.72 acres, sec4,Ss, le;$100. (ieo V llolcomba to A E and Royal B Holcomb, 32 acres and another tract in Isom CrantteW claim ; $8,im0. EF Riley to Ottis Hlancey, sw sec 11, 3 s, 1 w; $1. Robt J Bentel to Mary A Lazelle, 7 a in M Brown claim ; $50. U 8 to O Harris, 8 )4 of nw and n of sw )i , sec 30 2 s, 6 e ; patent. Holm Wetxler to A C Wetzler, sw M of se sec 29, 2 s. 3 e, and zb acres in Geo Crow claim ; $lldU. F T Barlow to Annie Michael, lot 2 hlk 30. OreeonCitv; $500. Wra Wadhams to 0 E Ladd, n of tract 31. Pruneland ; . J R Abbott to John Weismandel lots 1, 2 and 3, sec 15, 4 s, 1 e; $1100. J U Fehler to E Dodge, 30 acres in Chas Waller claim : 70. Marv Rvan to M J Bmitn, lots 6 ana East Portland, and 25 acres in sw corner nf sec 33. Id. 2 e; $0,236. J N Machette to Geo S Batty & Co tracts 57 and 58 Pruneland ; flOtiO. M J Rings to J W Smith, 12)$ acres in w M of nw )i of nw sec 2b, 4 a, 1 e fio3. R Confer to TF Ryan, M in lots 1 to 6 and 9 to 16, blk 7, Oswego, and 50 acres in S J Trvon claim ; $700. M 0 Hiddleson to Wm D Hiddleson lots 1, 2, 2, 4. and ne of sw M, and H acres and Roadway sec 34, 2 s, 2 e; ifi Louis Rothacher to T W Foster, 89.41 acres in John Foster claim, 2 s, 4 e; $1 C W Bayes to J Bell, the 0 W Bryant claim, 2 s, 1 e; $30(10. J W Marsh to J W Cox, lots 2, 3, 4, 5 fi. and e K of sw V,, sec 30. 4 s. 2 e ; $')00 11 0 Allen to Ella Schwing, lots 5 and fi. Ii k 2. Windsor: J2.94. O K Shannon to Rosa E Shannon, blk R4. Shannon's add: 200. . E Mclntvre to Frank Strickott, 21 acres in sec 35, 1 s, 2 e ; $400. An Apnea!. By the kindness of the publisher 0 this paper I am permitted to appeal t the krenerously inclined in behalf of th Good SKinaritaui hospital, Fori land. in a. nro'estant institution, bupp nod al must wholly bv charity, and its doors are open to all without reieMiiee 1 1 sex. creed or nativity ; people of many nationalities and of vuiiuus creed yearly avail themselves of its benefits. Gifts of any description are gratefully received. We therefore hen to solicit fruits, vegetables, poiutnes and produce of everv kind ; alsuoUl linen for ba tillages and anything which I lie exigencies of a hospital would suggest. Your donation may be brought to the church Tyanksgiving Day and on any day before, or they may lie left, t any of the following stores: Messrs. Grace & Co., Ely, V. Harris or Stokes, Canemah. Transportation lines will deliver them at the hospital free of charge. An nfTViint,' ill be taken in St. Paul's church Thanksgiving morning for the hospital; also at the chapel in Canemah nexuStinday Blurnoon. We have had a bountiful harvest. Let not fullness lead to loigetiulness. We shall please God by iraniforining the praise we feel into kindness and benelactions which others shall enjoy. "O hiolhcr man, fold to thy heart thy brother Where pity dwells the love of lioil Is there; To worship rlKlitlv Isto love each oilier, Kacli smile a h in u.cseli kindly dcud aproyer.' Yours Respectively, Wm. D. Williams, of St. Paul's Episcopal church. O-A-OTOXT-iyV.. lit fao llmlli ti n irr signature Of rfpr. We have received a line ot silver plated ware, which will ba glvt-i to our patmns, The quality is a I extra coin silvor plate 1487 Wm A. Roger. We solicit you to Inspect the same at the store of I Seilino CASTORIA For Infants and Children. thi ho- liHlll llguturt Are You .usiceil? If so, send in your sub.-crl to the tlon National Horns Music JCUMcl AM) Th s Is a monthly irolleit up In the be-l possible style, r.aen issue contains 17 puges of vimmiI mid inslruineiiliil music ol Ihe latest and best ( oinpo.iilloiis. 5ubscr!ption only $i per year. The liiuslc you get III the 12 luimliers would 'est you Miami Mum at usual retail races chica9 Book & News Co ieud UK' lor sample copy. 1", WhIiasIi Ave., (. IIH'AiIU. i i n-nnmTCntMti 1iimnmMiiiirnillllllill"itiil"nlntmiiii.mni i.TTTT'T rT-r;alr!J I 11 fj iglgllll .fYVege table Prep aration for As slmilatiiAg UieTood aiidliegula tir the Stomadis andBowels of ProfflotosDigeslion.CheeTful ness and Resl.Contains neiUier Opiutri.Morpliiuc nor Mineral. Not Nakcotic. 15 M pumpkin Surd" . ilx.Sntna JtorfuU Salts -Anist Seed Jiifterniiitt . VarrnSted - tianswi -Jiigrrr Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convutsioiisjcverisli ness and Loss of Sleeh Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF VHAPPEB. m! ...The Most Desirable Suburb... ADJOINING OREGON CITY AND T is all within one mile of the center of the city and is con nected by an improved plank road. Healthy location, fine j view, Rood air, soil, water and drainage and a first-class public school adjoining. With all the advantages of the city and but a 15 minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this a very desirable place of residence and bound to grow in popularity. Choice Lots ready for the garden from $100 to $150 on easy monthly installments with liberal discount to home build ers. Call on or address. T. L. riUKMAN, Trustee, MA0D RESTORE li"tlie lioirori'.i kld-icvannd t:uM:, BEFORE aho AFTri I' M ilH. i M. lH till' W II V Miy" A 1.00 a hox. six I als. A wriKt-1 " ...'.. "u,,.i .,,.,! Address U1VOL MEBRISK ., GEO. A. THE NEW YORK WORLD Thrice-a-Week Edition 18 Pages a Week 156 Papers a Year Tor One Dollar Published Every Alternate Suinlity IJuy Fxcept Tim Thrlcc-a Week World Eilitlon uf Tils N'kw YoK Woblii la tlrnt among nil "weekly" n up iT ill ul zi', frci)liencr ot publication, and the tichiie, accuracy and variety of Its content. II has all Hie merlie "( a $0 daily at tho nrice nf a dollar weekly, lis political news In urimipl. coin- lei, accurate and impartial an all Im read- will totlfy. Ills Hguinsl tne monopolies aim iur tlie people. It prima the news of all the world, having special correspondeiH'C from all Important news polios on UH mooe. luinB urnunni ihimh.iiii-, stories by great nuihors, a capital humor pngo, (Miniplete markets, department for the lions, - llolil unit women s worn auu umer Bpui;ii uv parlments ol unusual tuterest. We offer this ttnequaloil iiewsp ipcr uiul Tiik Coihikk tojjfther one yenr for (H.S5. The reculur suliscription price of tlie two piipers is f :.5.i. For Over Fifty Y An Oi.i and Wki.i. Triki) Kkmkdy Mrn. W inxliiw'H Sootliiiik! y ri 1 1 ban lieeil ii-hiI (or over til'ly veai-H lij' mil li.iliH ul iiioiIihim for tlit-ir rlii'nlren while teething. with pelfitt flircess l suiiilier. lhn fliil.l, Miileim the ifllmi hIIuvh nil ptiu i nieK wii'il rolifl, and in Ihe'heKl leineily for llini rhu'H. I -pleacnnl to Ihetxhle. Sold l y I'miik" n every p.irt of tli Wmld. "I 1 1 v live celllr' H ll'illlrt. 1 1- VHllie In ciilctlhihle. He aiire Hiid nsk h.r Mr WnihowV Ssoothiiiu .Syrup, itnd lake n. nlher kind. I'uusel'old foils. The mich'iil (irerkn h'lievtd Mull "I t" 1'i'lill'i'K were the (f (In who Hitemled in the wolhir. niid pri'mienty of the hen ily 'lht weie wisliipeil iif limi: eh"l. pula in tvery '"inie Th IioiihI.hIiI (,'od of to-day in lr. Kiini'd New lisi''v i ry. 1'or roiiniiilioii. emujlia ro'ils mid lor nil iilli'fiioi s ( 'riiniHt. Chest ami'tfs il is uiMilimhle, It has h.-en li led fur n ipiitrter of u ceiitniy and i ifue.riiiiteeii to fine or iiioni y r. turned. No hollst'hiild sin ll'd he Willi IP t'df Ijocd mi yel. It is pVHfMht lo lake and e g ait and sure n nndy lor old and nut! Y ree liial hotth s ut Chii'inun n u rnyslore . l.n't.liu nzeoli'M.dl CLIP f THAT THE FAG-SIMILE SIGNATURE -OF OIT THE WRAPPER CP WEBX BOTTXj'JE of CaBtorla la ptt c? la onu-jlze bottles only. It li not lold ia bulk. Dst't "o anyone to lell yon anything els on tho plea or promlte Wat n la Jnat a good" ana Bwor oij y" poao.1' - Bea that jou got 0-A-8-T-0-B-I-A. 0! PRACTICALLY (lianiiiin Bros. "CUPIQENE" I ThlsrreatV? MtaMe JViUillzfi-.the pri'scriu- lion of a fnnio'w French piiytildaii, will qnlc&ly cure you ol all m r vous or disi-useH nl rb'.' acnittve c,ri::iim. such m l-itntManbcod, Itisiomiilu. I'.ilnaln iljj J". ct.femlMiil JOiuiwious, Ni'ivons l'sblllty, Pimnli's, UnatiK-s to Mu.'1'v. l',s)imijii;u,' Drnlns, VrirlrtMle and ConitiliaUoa. i 1 1 I '-'' ly 0;-.y . ' ni!n. I rnii !nktk; .r!;iol.icy. k;iirr.oto:uusUiiiUvi:r, (be - i'1nry oiuns 01 u,ii iuiiLri-k-s. k'n 41 ii.Miltn.tnt. ' 1 " i iTi. :ir an. I tenllinoiiiulll. HAKI'Ni. I'H'ti." I " f"n i'v MEN! be ci canf be cured f If vnn mfier from anv of the ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, DR. JORDAN CO., . ,1051 Market St Ett'd I8BZ. Yonnf men and middle Bleed men who are suffering I from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex cesses in maturer years, nervous ana rnysicai ltebllitv.Impoteuvy ,l'tl Manhood in all its complications; Spermatorrhoea, Proaltstorrnwen, wonnrruu-a, rrrqua-ncy of tlrluiKIng, cie. By a combination of remediet,of great curative pow r. thi, IWtnr has sn arramred his treatment I that it will not only afford immediate relief but A permanent cure. T he Doctor does not clairn to T I perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent I in his specialty lHneasen Of Men. J Kypnllia inorouglliy eniuiraveu uuiu system wllhoiitnslng Jlfrenrjt iviuv man mmiviiiir to na will re-r , celve our Aone opinion of his complaint, A 1 U'eioUtiuaraiKeeo POSITIVE CUXEin f every eaie we undertake, or ortu One TnOUMana iroimr. Consultation r ana stricny private. C1I AKOES VERY REA KY KSASVUABhtS. Treat- mrnt personally or by letter. Send for book. TUe IMlllo HOiihy of MarriagCi' fret. (A valuable book for men.) VISIT l.K. JOKIIAJI Great Museum of Anatomy i the finest and largest Museum of its kind in the world. Com and learn now wonueriuny you i are made; how to avoid sickness and disease. We are continually adding new specutteus. I VATALOUL'tS i'A'iJK. Call or write. 1051 Market Street, San Francisco, CL l' u pi ' 6 a I. n ninCiiViicK Ji li- a. pni. i i l ! ll., I Im IN . 1 Sl.Ytl ' I . biree - . . k Ul tin in. i i in i , i ( i i in ,i'U HMll i ii i.e ne.iki I I.. U-. Mt.Vl:U; i s' 'e.t' I on ihe it sii er I, inlets. 1 r.c:. Hill I : t ( i f bim lor . hi fcs 1 1 cw LinvjiPiuion . 1. til : p -i 111 terms, 'ill. 'v. : t K Y CtiriiPNV, :;.. iVi ltorn t I1ICAOO i i)r prjji s Crecro bakirz Powder mi n.'o ei ?m rruca. l:M; TO THE EA T GIV8 THK CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUT El S VIA VU Rreat Wnrthem Oregon Short Line SALT LAKE DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS CIT1 CHICAGO -SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN 01TIE8 OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 iron DAYS. SAN FRANCISCO For foil details call on or addresf W. H. HURLBTJRT, Qen'l Pass. Agent, Portland, Ol, Trains arrive and depart from Portland follows: LeHve for ihoEnst via Huntington daily,9:00 p.m. Arrive from Fust " " " 7:H0p. m. I.e.ive for the Et via Spokane dully. 2;lW p.m. Arrive from East " " " 12:60p.m. Stenmirs monthly from Portlund to Yokohoma and Hong Kong; via The Korlhern PaclliO; Steamship Co., in connection with 0. K.& N. For further in furmat ion call on 0. R. &N. Aiient, F. E. DONALDSON, Ore tin. City, Oieiiim. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. ExpressTralnt Leave Portland Daily. South. North. 6 00 p.m. I I,v I'ortlinid Ar 9:ill)A.K 11:52 p. M. I I-v OreEon City ' l.v 8:40a. k 7:4..M. Ar San Krancisco Lv 8:00 P. M The above trains stop al all stations betweor Portland and 8alem, Turner. Marion, .letter. I son. Allianv, Tanireiit, Kliedds, Htilsey, ilarris- biinr, Junction :lty, Irving. Euijene, Crevell, CoUHge (irove, I irtil us. ' auil all siatluns inim It oBc burg to Ashland, inclusive. UOSEBURO MAIL DAILY. S:0a.m. pLv I'orllniiil - Ar4:S0P.ll 9:27. m. Lt Oregon Cily l.v I :Wt p.m 5:20 P. M. I Ar Roseburg l.v I 7: 0 t. H PININfi OARS ON OUI'EN KOt'TE. PULLMAN HUPWr &Lt.RKR8 AM SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS' I Attached to all Ttiroupli Trains. WchI SI, I.' JMvlsiini, ! lttnevli I'OliTl AMI mill ( (II: VAI.I.JS i MAI1.TKAIN UAll.V I KXCKI. SUNDAY.) ! 7:80 A.M. I l.v I'ortlfliid Ar!5:60P,M j 12:15 J'. M. I Ar rorvullii. l.v 1 1:06 P. M I t Allianv and 'iori'nlils ''onnflct with train i of On go:i Central & Eastern R. K. gtl'KESS TRAIN IIAII.VIEXCEI'ISDNDAV.) I 4 NIP. M. I 7 ill) P. M I 8. oOP. M. t.v Ar Ar Portland Mi-M inn vllle Independence Ar 8:25 A. Jl Lv 6:Wi A.M Lv 4:50 A.M IHreet c.inlit eiUm at Ssn FranciKCO wllb Oeoldenlal anu Uriculnl and Padtlo Wail sieiimship Lilies for J AN ANU CHINA. S.iiling dates on applic .thin. Rales mid tickets to eastern points and Kurope also .IaPaN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA, cuii be oliluiued from l;. 10. ll'JVIi, A cent, Oregon City R. KOKHLfK. C. II. MAKKHAM, M aiiKge. r .v P. Agent Portlund, Oi. Portland, Or. (K-O IE A ST VIA LIBRARY CAR ROUTE Keen I c Line. Meals Dining Car, a la ' Carte I Rock Ballast No Dust TIIK AI.'-RAIL KOUTR K001ENA1 MlNIXU DISTRICT TO VIA SEATTLE AMI SPOKAKK. Shortest and Quickest Route I TO ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, CULUTH, C 1! 3 X 10 A Nil ALL POINTS KAST. TltriMih I'lilme null Tn'irint Sleepert, lii a I in iiml l.ilirnrij tibumation f 'llfH, "t li VM 1C AM) t I M KY lM-:yi'ALED In form i t u cull on or !"..r th-ki'ts mid full ailuriss A. P lilNNIM'ON. ' I'. ,t ' . A 1 1 i lli iio, Oregou Mt.Yrs ti. . P. A.t Seattle. DR. PEFFER'S ROYAL-TANSY. PILLS. 1 ' NEW PISCriVERY. NEVEH FAILS. A new. reliscle end safe relief for suppressed, eif-ismi''. srunty or paiu fnl menstrilHi ion. Now um1 by over UO.OIIO I.APlts. lnslirorales these organs, bt AilK or UANUKKOrs IM- Itations. i"i isir l-ox, small bos U. rsiwid in phiiu tjonii ,f la sIhtiiiis lor f.ii Llculiira. PhrrLIl UttilOiL AStill. CUicago, UL p. 7 I j l Ih'iCON I II Y "I RA fv Ft hT ATlCN CO 'S Str. Altana Will Uake Dully Trips Iielwecn OREGON CITY o PORTLAND LmVii.' Po.lllll f r rnli:lil alia ' I ill l,ili i : 1 1 . . mid Oregon ..uywl il. I . 1 1 p. ul. I