OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W. CHENEY. Enteredin Oregon City poBtoflice as second-clans mattor SUBSCRIPTION RATES. If paid in advance, per year J One year 2 00 Blx months 1 0 Three mouths 0 f""The date opposite your address on the paper denotes the time to which yon have paid. PATRONIZK HOMK INDUSTRY. OREGON OITY, NOV. 19, 1897. Go to Baum & Brandes, 145 'First street, right on the Oregon City car line for your lunches and dinners. We make a specialty of ladies' and merchants' lunches; try them, only 25c. Agency for Mailland's candies. IN ONE YEAR. NO CURE NO PAY. That is the way all drttsirlsts sell GROVE'S TASTKI.KSS CHIUj TONIC for Mahir'ia, Chills and Fever. It is simply iron and quinine in r asteloss form. Children love it. Adults prefe at o bitter. nHineatliipr T in ics. Price 50c. 'o ale by C. (J.-Hiintlcy, Druggist. The people have spoken in thunder tones of disapprobation that cannot be misunderstood. New York, which gave Mr. McKinley a majority in November, 1890 of near 300,000, within one Bhort year repudiates his administration and goes democratic by near 100,000! Ken tucky, which gave him her electoral vole, now piles up 25,00' democratic majority ! Ohio, which was counted for him by near 50,000, is now saved by a inoBt desperate scratch after deluging the state with an unlimited corruption fund. Maryland's 39,000 majority was nearly wiped out. New Jersey, which strayed off into a republican wilderness of utter darkness, has returned to within hailing distance of her father's house. Old Virginia has rolled up the heaviest majority for democracy ever cast by the grand old mother of states In Pagan Republican Massachusetts, the land of the Hoars and Beast Butlers, the republican majority has been re duced one-half. Nebraska, the home 1 of the great apostle of democracy, Bounds the death knell of Hannaism and pro claims unswerving devotion to the cause ' of the people. From every quarter of the Union comes words of good cheer thai the people are once more being aroused to the fearful peril into which treacl erous and corrupt leaders have brought th country, and the assurance that they will stand by their riglns, and their liberties, bequeathed by the fal hers of the revolution ; and when the great battle of the ballots is fought, the ene mies of free government and a free p-o-plo will be overwhelmed, "foul ith dis honor, and black with defeat" from which they can never again rally. Two Millions a Yeiir. Whet) people buy, try, and buv aaain, it means they're satislid. The people of the United States ar now hiving Cafcarets Candy Cathartic at the rate of two n,i lion boxes a ear and it will be three million but rrf S'ew Years. It mentis merit, proved, that Cascaretn are tl e moft delisfhtful bowel regulator for everybody the yeur round All drug gists" 10c, 25, 50c a box. cure guaranteed. OASTORIA. Tit fie-linilo la en emy vtappra. Impure Blood Rheumatism, Kidney Troubles and Sick Headache the Results Doc tored foi Years Without Relief. 'My blood i ' of order, and I be gan, taking Ho... j &ii-aaparilla. It has puiilied my blooJ and relieved me of rheumatism, kidney trouble and sick headaches. I have been afflicted with these difficulties for years; I am now able to do a good day's work. Rheumatism has troubled me since I was a child, but I am now entirely well." Miss Pheobe Bai ley, Box 445, Pasadena, California. ' I have suffered from the effects of Im pure blood, boils, pimples, etc., for five years. I have tried various remedies with out relief and finally purchased six bot tles of Hood's Sarsaparilla. The boils and pimples have all disappeared since i began taking this medicine. I am now entirely cured." Louis Thomas, 1412 11th Street, Oakland, California. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best -1n fact the One True Blood Puri fier. All druggists. $1, six for $5. Get Hood's. BUSINESS change; TO CURE A CoLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brnmo Quinine Tablets. All diUKgli-ti refund Hie money if It fails to cure, c u Ai r: I are purely vegetable, re nOOU S PUIS liable, beuettciaL &a. A gentleman went into llolman's to buy some wall paper for his parlor and looking through the many samples found some patterns that were line, de cided upon one. "What is the price of that paper?" " cents per double roll." "I'm afraid that is too cheap." But when it was explained how and why it was sold so cheap, he took the paper and was highly pleased. Dan Willians has added tohis stock of groceries and provisions a full line of feed and hay. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free. Corner Seventh and Center streets Hood's Sarsaparilla iH prepared by ex perienced parinaciuts who know precisely the nature and quality of all ingredients used. Don't Run Any Risks about health Avoid coughs, colds fevers, pneumonia, and all other similar ailments by keep ing your blood rich and pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla. LOCAL SUMMARY. NO'IT E OF EXECUTORS' SALE BY GIVEN THAT T1IK VOTICR H II Hit iiiideisiijiied as execntoriif the lHt will and Tim Rev. John Adams, New Milford, I'l., says: "l'ostal savings banks, in my opinion, would be a particularly good thing for the country places. Take mv own town, for instance New, Milford. We uro Bi:c miles from Rockford, where there are savings bunks, but our working people cannot nffoid to take the time to go there, and consequently havenoother place than an old stocking or the chim ney to put their little savings. When these people are saving any money it is particularly necessary that they should have a perfectly safe depository and this would be afforded by the government postal savings I mil. s. ' Tun editor of the Semi-Weekly Spasm will have no one to abuse now that Air. Aieserve has leased his paper unless he abuses his old friend, J. R. Ileeglo. Ho seems to delight in "stabbing his friends in the back.'' In this connection we wish to say that the Enterprise under the management of Air. Vuservo has made a good Hhowing, much better than the finances permitted, and we are sorry to sou hint leave the business. It would be too b.id If Oregon were to become a "silver statu" like Washington, where stato taxes have been reduced, state warrants are at a premium, and legislative expenses and appropriations were reduce 1 nearly one-third. Oregon politicians could never stand that, hut the peophi would not shed te.irs to have just such a dose administered and kept up for about ten years until the pro ducer got caught up with the tax gatherer and warrant-scalper. Tiik editor of the Oregon City Enter prise complains that out remarks "often times have two meanings." If his had one meaning it would be a decided im provement on their present character. Astoria Herald. It was a lakota editor who wrote "the price of this paper is not increased by the lingloy bill, but we w ish to cor rect the misapprehension of some our subscribers who appear to think it was iilneed on the free list." Tiik Salem Journal says: Senator ico. U. Bi'ownell, a Clackamas county lawyer, who is said to be training for a race with Tommy Tongtm next spring, was a Salem visitor Sunday, F.mtoiii.u. rooms are called sanctums because of the scriptural language used therein when the editor opens a letter supposed to contain money and linds a pile m. Ex. i Tiik next V, S. senalo stands as fol lows: 4") republicans, 31 democrats, 4 silver republicans, o populists, 3 gold democrats, 1 independent, 1 vacant. Tiik $10(0 appropriated by the Sound Money League to convert Oregon will not go far toward a killing bimetallism. 1 testament oi .Suminl Strlle. deieasoU. dun been nuilmrl.i'il. bv order of the ennui court ol (Maekiimas eiu in v. Orcann, made on the Hill day of "ember, A I) 1W, to well either at pililtc or Dilvtn sale the f.illowliiK described real nrimnrtv bolonuinu lo sttid cslHto: Itruliiiilnti at a nolnt til nds wp-I, of the south east comer ol the I'. L.C. of Win. Mutlook in township 2 s nub, range 2 east of the n illmn tte MiTiiliiLii. sltuiili'd In the county of Claikiinias. state of Oreiioii, and riinninv thence westerly on the Hon til boiimlary Hue or sul.l 11. L el. inn a rods: thence northerly and at rlmit angles to last line St) rods; thence easterly at right angles to last line 40 inns; iheiiceMiuilieily at right angle lo last line. ID r. ds: thence westerly at right ugies to last hue, IK roils: thence southerly 4 roils to the place ot l tunning. Also beulnnliia In the south lino of Win Mat- loi k l. L C. where the same Intersects the center line of the Oreii n & 0 iliroriila Hal I road true rouoiou thence easterly traciior said II. L. C line 2117 feel: thence south 135 fuel; thence westerly 2i-4 feet to a nolnt In the center line the u. & i Knllroail truck U'.i'i feet south of the nlnce ol beginning; thence northerly along the center line of the t). t:. lUllroad track W'i feet to the place ol lie-louliiK. save nmi eveept one loiiriu nere deeded liv H.iiintel sirlleauil wllelo I.IVomiy refolded on pag" 21.1 of book o, re ords ol deed of fliiclcainnr. county. Also lots 1 anil 2 of block live of Mar-lillel i now Chickiiiinu, as shown by the recorded plats thereof. Therefore, bv vir'ii'i of s.ill order of sal ronit. 1, the nid executor ol the Inst will am: lesliiinent.fi e said gunnel Slrlio, d, c 'as will from and lifter llie "ill day ol Heeeiiiln A. II. IM7. nroeeed to sell at private sale, the nbove uV'MTibed real nvo'KVly helollgClil lo 'til l eniiile as sbov.'deserliied. bids for sumo will be .received bv Ihe lxeii,ior at his reMdciiec in Cl.tckunuts, or lv the uuorney (o. suit! Kxocuior, Lester I'. smilli. ut Ills iilliee ou Main street, Or iron i; tv. won, lulled this 21-t day ol October, A. I , KsT, ut Oregon thtv, Ureiion, JOHN T. ST it IT K, Kxeculor. I.KVTFU I'. SMITH, Attorney lor e.slale. NO I ICE 0 SlIERIEE'S SALE. PlltSi'ANT TO AN KXWU'iTUN ISSUHI) out of Ihe rirciilU'ollr! of the Slide of tlregnii, lor t:lui'kiiiuas t'oniy, ol dale Noveiober Dili, Is!i7, upou a decree of ion-closure duly r. niiered in said t'ourton November '.Mh, 1 S'.i7, ill the case of The Alliance Truit t)ompan, I.d.. lalnti'r. vs. I., l'lielps, II. S. l'hclps. Nellie K. Slllllll, It. C. Smilli, Kuiinie S,iiins, William Miuires, Addle Smlih, John Smilli, Venlle Hews, John Hews, U. II. Smilli, as administrator ol the estate of John Uiow. deceased, and Kotln liild Brothers, a corporal ion, dcteiidnnts, In favor of the plalulltl and against Hie defendants, I will, at U o clock in the forenoon on the lKtli day of liecen.bcr, so7, th front doom' tliecmrtoouso In Oregon Cilv, Oregon, sell at puldie iiiicuon lo the highest bidder lor cash In hand ihe premises in said decree ol foreclosure deaorihed, ncinv situate In I'l.ickaniai t'ounlv. Slate of Oreiren. to-wil: llculuiilug ill a point six (i) chains and 11 fly (.'all links nnrih anil twelve(12icliains and sUlyuloe (,il) links east ol tile a uthwest i orio r of seel Ion tvveniy llin e i'JIl) in township three (11) south of lauge 1hrce(:ijcit of theWillauiette.Meri.lian.riin- nlnu tin north 111 T (Ml) chains, thence north sixty six degrees iiiii' ) thirty minutes (ill)') wesl lifle'en (lo) ehiilns and tlily (.si) links, thence north lllty one ilegrecs (M) west lifiy-nine (Ml) chains aiid twelve (12) links, thence west eight (S) chains ami seyeiuv-llnee i7ll) links, thence south one hundred and fourteen (III) chains, thence east (IHi chains ami tlity (ill) links, Ihcucc norm twenty (20) cliulns ami lillv el. links lo Ihe Place ol beuliiulug, eouialuiUK I'OO seres more or less; to sallfy lllc sum ol IN7.2li Willi interest from ruivcuihor mil, Iwi7. at the rale of 10 per cent per Milium, and f lV.'fv lie with interest (mm sumo date mi percent per annum, and voli.Hl) as iiiiorncvs' lees; uiih mien i men name dale at s per cent per annum; uji i, I oiled Males gold coin, and the ei sis end dloii-emenls ol sold soil, Inxed at pel ..e. mid lliu t.usta o( ami 1 1 1 : i said writ. il. W. iiilACB, slierllT- r I'luck imas County, Or. liateil, November lull, ISH7. Ooque feather brasa, Miss Goldsmith. For best groceries at cheapest price go toMarr& Muir. Justice court blanks 15 cents per dozen at Courier office. The cheapest and best line of crockery in Portland is at Haine's Tea Store, 288 Morrison street. Fine new line of umbrellas and canes at Burmeisters & Andresens's Jewelry store. Inspect those adjustable window screens at Beiiomy is uusen s. iney are certain', y the right thing. Furniture upholstered and repaired at the Oregon City Auction . Customers can leave orders for bottled beer, porter, steam beer or keg beer at Knapp's Bismark saloon. John G. Wil helm, pioprietor Sellwood brewery. Get your picture frames made at the the Oregon City Auction House at very prices. Prescriptions carefully compounded Q. A. Harding's drua store. For- the best shave or hair cut to be had go to P.G.Shark'sshop. Shaving 10 cents, Dr. W. Wallens is now associated with Dr. J. W. Welch, dentist, in Wil lamette block. The most reliable goods at lowest living cash prices are kept by the grocery store of Marr & Muir. With a little cost one's rooms can be made as good and blight as new Call at llolman's and see styles and pattern all up-to-dato 18D7 goods. Seventh street, near bridge. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain crowns Hnd bridge work a specialty. OlbYe in Barclay building, orner Alain and Seventh streets. Before furnishing your house call at Young's second hand store and he will fit you out for less than one-quarter of what new goods would cost. 0. F. HENNINGS has purchased the Seventh Street Bakery of Ja cob Kober and the new management is pre pared to furninh you with Bread, Cakes, Buns, Etc., at very reasonable prices. C. F. HENNINGS, 7th St. Bakery Bank of Oregon City. OI.DRST BANKING HOUSB IN THE CITY Paid Up Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $20,850. resident, - - - Chas. H. Cauflied Vice-president - Gko. A. Harding Cashier, .... E. G. Caopield K General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received 8ubect to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available Security Exchange Bought and Sold. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available In Any Part of the World. McKITTRICK'S SHOES , Beat the World! J. Phillips, Proprietor Goods Called For and Delivered Steam Dyeing & Cleaning Works LADIES' AND GENTLEMENS' CLOTHING CLEANED DYED AND REPAIRED IN BEST POSSIBLE MANNER Oifice, Foot Morrison Street, - - Portland, Or. "Works at Mechanics' Pavilion,. 325 Second St. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, San Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. THE BAZAAR! i ii Galvanized Tubs, 60, 75 and 90c. House Brooms, 15, 17, 20, 25 and 30c. Toilet Paper, 8 for 25c. Tooth Picks, 6c. Black Boards, 35. 50c and $1. Hand Lamps, 20,25, 30, 35, 40,45, oOc. China lea Pots, small size. 17c. Graniteware, Glassware, Crockery, Woodenware. L. A. PATTERSON & CO... "Bazaar" 1 Oregon City Oregon ((( Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OK KG ON, On the Street between the Bridge and the . Depot. Double anil Mingle rigs aud saddle horse a ways on hand at the lowest rates, and a or rre also connected with the barn for loose stock Any Information regarding any kind of stock promptly attended to by letter or person. HORSES ROOOHT OR SOLD ...GO I-G. H. BESTOW & CO. FOR DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PEICES EVEB OFFERED FOR FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Shop Opposite Conirreiratlonal Church, Main Street, Oregon City, Ore. for CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS go to RECK&RB FETC!LS CASH Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill. Main St., Opposite Caufield Block. Two Shops, - Oreoon City, Orefjon. J. W. BING & CO. Importers and Dealers In ' JAPANESE FANCY GOODS Ladies' and Gent i' Famishing Goods, Etc. Great Sale this week 1 Oorae and see our prices and bargains. 288 Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. JOSEI'H KICE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, nillee in Oiegnn City Bunk Block. Ohkcoh City ( bkoom. i I UEt). i. II HIDING, DEALER IN IP DRUGS 3i StaiJard Pat. Msdicinesl n'.i. t II h til l Window Olass. PrUKriptiitm .4!i"itel fhimpDuiulf IMRIMNIl'P ni,l"CK . C. II. ISOM, Civil Engineer & Deputy County Surveyor Will be at Court llouie on each 8,it nrd ami ou reifulsr nesslon days of County Court. J. W. WELCH, DEIsTTIST, WILLAMETTE BLOCK, OiMiisrra P. I)., Okeuom City, Oiie. The Commercial Bank OF ORFGO CITY. CAPITAL $100,000. Transacts a General Banking Bnaines Loans made. Bills discounted. Mikes ci lections. Buys and aell exchange on all poinU In the United'ftates and Kurope and on Honp Kong. Deposit 8 received suoioeitocneuK. Bank open Inn 9 A.M. to i P. M, D.C. LATOflRKTTK, F. K. DONALD30K President. Oashle H. STRAIGHT, DEAI.SB IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Teed, Lime, Cement and Land Plaster. C.KO. C. Bbownei.i.. .1. U. CAMI'BEM. BROWNELL & CAMPBELL, ATTOKN FYS AT LAW. Caulleld Building Orenon City .On- "lip Ilk Winter Shoes I HARRIS' GROCERY. Kmh Stock of Firsi-Class. Depot for HAY and FEED THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES GROCERIES Willamette Block, Oregon City i h'V (.'VHP' ,c.V C. N. GREKNMAN, V tlmir nortli o( l', TIIK HONKER Go to... DAVIDSON'S GALLERY Up-to-Date Pictures Ex press, anil Drayman r (Estnblislied ) Parcels delivered In all parts of llie city. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties. Hood's I'llls tiro jirffoly vi'tfetulilo niul do nut (iitrgu, pain or nrit. All drug-gtdtH. Gambrinus Cold Storage (.irit'twn & Ilitllwyer, rrojj. Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. KU'tfiint Family Uoonis. OKKuOS CITY OIIKGOX OFFICE: Commercial OREGON CITY. Bitk Bulldln OREGON. scrcmd , O., have just rtvt'ived a tiim iuw line of HEN'S WINTER TANS. Oall ami ww tlii'in. Wo have ndded a lirt i'lasn shot'inaktir to our uHtahliidimont and aro prepared to do all kinds of rupairintt at reasonable rates, t t t KRAUSSE BROS' SHOE STORE. Two loorn North tt TostolUort Winter Shoes! SECOND-HAND STO R Ess SECOND-HAND FURNITURE SECOND-HAND CARPTES SECOND-HAND STOVES SECOND-HAND TOOLS SECOND-HAND HARDWARE SECOND-HAND WAGONS SECOND-HAND HARNESS SECOND-HAND SADDLES SECOND-HAND PLOWS SECOND-HAND CULTIVATORS SECOND-HAND TRUKS ALL TO BE AT THEj SEEN Til OS. F. RYAN, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker. I.KAUINII INSI'RANCI AdKKCY CofNTV. or Clack am WANTED TRI'STWORTII Y AND ACTIVE RPinlemen or Indies to travel for responsible eslHlilislieil hone In Oreson. Monthly 05 and expenses, rosillnn steady. Keferenee. Kn elose self addressed sUniped' envelope. The Dominion Cumptny, Dept. Y.Cltleago. Money to Loan. Alnlraets of Title Made. Drawing of U-xal DiKiuinei.is a feudally Olllee on east side of Muln street Helween 8lh anil 7lh. OREOON CITY, OREOON. WANTED-TRI'STWORTII Y AND ACTIVE " nenllemm or ladles to trarl for responsitil, eslablialied house in Orecon. Monthly t6!M and expense!. Tosition steady. Reference. Knclos si'lf-sddressed stamtwd envelop. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago. OREGON CITY AUCTION HOUSE Opposite Postofllee. jTProduc6 Taken in Exchange. t"Oome in and see our prices before buying elsewhere. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE pontlemen or lailiea to travel fur responsible, estnbllslieil house In Oregon. Mifnlhly I5 and expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago, A Good School. Attention is called to an advertisement, in another column, of the Holmes English and Business College, of Portland, Oregon. Thia institution has probably educated more young men and women for business, and found them employment, than all the schools of that kind in the North west. Miss Holmes, in addition to be ing assisted by an able corps of Bis teachers, gives her entire time to the up building of the school and everything that can add to the students advance ment and comfort is provided. The school maintains six departments, namely : Three years course in English branches, a course in book keeping, penmanship, shorthand, typewriting and telegraphy. The Holmes college is a Christian institution and has at heart not only the mental but the moral and the physical welfare of the students intrusted to it care. The principal has given much thought to ihe home life oi students and is uble to provide safe and comfortable rooms ut a low cost. The past years of business depression has impressed upon the minds of all the necessity for practical education and never in the history of the country has the work of the thorough busines col lege been so much appreciated as to-day. Miss Rose Scheeland, of the LaMode Parlors, 349 Morrison streets, Portland, between Seventh and Park, has the finest line of millinery goods kept in the city. Don't fail to see her elegant stock when in Portland. It la a veritable bazar within itself.