Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, November 19, 1897, Image 2

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Oregon Gity Goarier.
A. W. CHINIY, Publisher.
"Interesting Collection of Current Events
In Condensed Form From
Both Continents.
Political excitement is intense
Brazil and martial law is in force.
Koon Sang, a Chinese prieBt, was
killed by highbinders in San Francisco.
3. R. Sovereign, the recently retired
master workman of the Knights of La
bor, has declared his intention to run
ior prebident of the United States in
The blue and gray have met again on
common ground. Military triumphs
were honored at Orchard Knob, Tenn.,
Monday, and monuments to the
achievements at Chickamauga and Mis
sionary Ridge accepted.
Secretary Alger has requested the
secretary of the interior to instruct Al
askan officials to gather about 800 head
of reindeer from the government herds
for use of an expedition for the relief of
tne icebound whalers in the Arctic. It
is expected that the Bear, which is
now at Seattle, will be ready to Bail in
about ten days.
A. J. Sage, a well-known rancher,
living a few miles below Sand Point,
Idaho, was Bhot and instantly killed
while out hunting. An old acquaint
ance, named John Snyder, who went
out with him hunting, and who became
eparated from him for a short time,
seeing what he supposed to be a deer
moving among the trees, fired at it, and
upon reaching the spot was horrified to
find that he had shot his friend dead.
Rev. Myron V. Reed, pastor of one
of Denver's leading churches, during
his discourse Sunday created, somewhat
of a sensation while discussing the kill
ing of the Uto Indians by deputy game
wardens in Colorado recently, by de
claring that he intended to see that
Warden Wilcox and his deputies are
tried for murder. He also denounced
the preuohers who have remained silent
in the matter.
Fifty-two families have arrived in
North Yakima, Wash., from Polk
county, Miunestota, to make new
homes. Muny have already selected
lands along the Yakima valley canal,
west of the city, and otherB wi,ll locate
in the vicinity of the Moxee artesian
wells. The colony is made up almost
wholly of French people, and they will
La the means of bringing many more
settlers to Yakima county if their ex
perience proves satisfactory.
The state supreme court of Montana
has sustained the constitutionality of
the inheritance law passed by the last
legislature. ' The law imposes a tax of
6 per cent on bequests to any benefici
ary, not a relative, where the estate
amounts to over $100. The tax on es
tates directly inhorited.where the value
of the estate is over (7,500, Is 1 per
cent. It is estimated that the decision
will yield the state $40,000 from es
tates already in process of settlement.
The Wyoming supreme court has de
cided that foreign-horn citizens must
be required to read the constitution in
the English language in order to voto.
One hundred and fifteen Finns, who
voted the Republican ticket at the re
cent election in that state, could not
read the constitution in English, but
their votes were accepted, as they could
read it in their own language. The
decision will put the Democratic can
didate in oflloe, and settles an import
ant constitutional question.
The labor troubles which have been
brewing in Randsburg, Cul., for some
time culminated Wednesday, when
about 100 members of the miners'
union went in a body to the Roxie
mine and peremptorily drove superin
tendent Clarke and live men out of the
camp for working below the schedule
of the union.
A new industry has started in
Owensboro, Ky., with 100 employes.
It is to utilize cornstalk cellulose for
. lining battleships. Materials for mak
ing an imitation of silk and for making
onlluloid are among the products. Pa
per is another product. W. W. Gibus,
of Philadelphia, is president, and the
stockholders are Easterners.
The owners of the German ship Po
trimpos, stranded at Long Beach,
Wash, have bought two 10, 000-pound
anchors of the United States warship
Vandalia, which was wrecked at Samoa
several years ago, and will ship them
from San Fruncisco at once, for use in
floating the Potrimpos next mouth. It
is expected that the ship will be put
into deep water in less than a month.
A remonstrance against allowing
Chinese coal miners to bo imported
Into the state for the purpose of min
ing coal at Wilmington and other towns
in place of the striking miners, will bo
placed before Governor Tanner in the
nmo of the United Mineworkets of
Illinois. The governor will also bo
asked to co-operate with the secretary
of the miners' federation in keeping
out the coolie labor. Secretary Ryan
says if the Chinese come bloodshed
will surely result. If Governor Tanner
refuses to interfere President McKinloy
will be appealed to.
Consul Duester, at Crelfeldt, Gor
many, reports to the state department
at Washington a discovery made there
which it is said revolutionizes the
methods of illumination. It is an in
candescent gas lamp. Single jets of or
dinary size can emit a light of much
more than 1,000 caudle power, and tine
print can be read at a distance of 100
feet. The inventor says the cost for a
light of 1,600 candlepower ia only 4 lt'
cents per hour, while that for an or
dinary electric light of 40 candlepower
ii 14 ouDts per hour.
Gordon Highlanders Great Charge at
Dargai Ridge.
London, Nov. 17. The newspapers
of this city have received graphic details
by mail of the recapture of Dargai ridge
by the Gordon Highlanders, on October
20, during which the regiment exhibit
ed remarkable dash and courage. On
Wednesday, October 20, General Biggs
sent the second division to dislodge the
tribesmen from the Dargai ridge. The
position was a very strong one, the
enemy occupying the summit of a pre
cipitous hill. The top of the hill could
not be reached except by a single path
along which the attacking force, first
consisting of a Ghoorka regiment, the
Derbyshire regiment, and the Dorset
shire regiment, were obliged to climb
in Indian file, while three batteries
shelled the breastworks of the hillmen.
Dargai ridge, from the direction of
the assault, presents a frontage of about
a mile, the left end of which is sheer
rocK for 200 yards. In spite of the
difficulty of the ascent, tlrs movements
of the British troops were fairly well
covered, except in the case of a low
dip, or small valley, from 100 to 150
yards wide about half way from the
summit of the cliff.
As the Ghoorkas, supported by the
Derbyshires and Dorsetshires reached
this fire zone, tho tops of the cliffs
burst out into flame, for 1,000 tribes
men had reserved their fire until that
moment. Though decimated, the
Ghoorkas struggled across the dip and
reached the shelter of a few rocks,
where they lay down under cover of
the oliffs. But the others could not
follow, and the enemy, with true mili
tary instinct, reserved their fire.
Though the remainder of the Ghoorkas,
the Derbyshires and the Dorsetshires
appeared on the fringe of the dip, yet
to step into the fire zone was to court
death. But the Dorsetshires again
tried to advance to the support of the
Ghoorkas, and 13 men struggled into
the open space, only to drop before the
far side had even been reached. Then,
reluctantly, the senior officer signalled
down to the main body of the British
that the passage could not be made.
At this juncture General KempBter
ordered the Gordon Highlanders to the
front.. The time Lad arrived for des
perate action, for it wus then 4 o'clock
iu the afternoon, and the dead and
wounded were lying thick on every side.
But the Gordon Highlanders had yet to
be reckoned with. Rapidly forming
his men and after his now historic
speech "Men of the Gordon High
landers, our general says that that posi
tion must be taken at all costs. The
Gordon Highlanders will take it" r
Colonel Matthias, commander of the
Highlanders, dashed out at the head of
his gallant regiment, and in a moment
they were across, carrying everyone
with them in their onward rush, storm
ing the ridge with a resolution that was
resistless. When Colonel Matthias
gave the order to advance, he and his
officers led into tho open, the piper fol
lowing, striking up "Cock of tho
North," and with a shout the leading
company was into the tire zone. A
stream of lead swept over, through and
past, the bullets churning up the dust
which half hid the rushing bodies.
Piper Findlates, blowing his loudest
and best, was among the first to show
the way across that deadly stretch of
ground, and when, after traversing but
a few yards he was laid low by a Bhot
through both legs, he managed to prop
himself and continued, with unabated
energy, to play "Cock of the North,"
animating his comrades by the familiar,
stirring music of his pipes. But the
fire of the enemy was most deadly, the
lending line men melting away, and it
Beemed that the Gordon Highlanders
would bo annihilated. More men,
however, sprang into the passage und
the leaders struggled across the center.
Then, with a second cheer, the troops
streamed across and the enemy, seeing
that the barrior had been swept away,
left their loopholes and fled precipi
tately. Piper Findlates has been recommend
ed for the Victorii; cross. Captain
Robinson, of the Ghoorkas, also acted
with the greatest gallantry. After
leading his men across the tire zone to
cover, and finding it insufficient, he re
turned over the death trap alone, and
was mortally wounded .while louding
the second rush of Ghoorkas.
Bad Accident to a Russian Wedding
St. .Petersburg, Nov. 17. A terriblu
accident has occurred near Bielostok,
Russian Poland, resulting in the death
of 80 persons. A wedding party wait
returning from the church to the housti
of the bride. All were in one wagon,
a huge vehicle, drawn by eight horses.
The road along which they drove
crossed the railway track on the level,
and the driver, either through careless
ness or ignorance of the train schedule,
pushed his swiftly moving horses upon
the crossing, just as the express wui)
coming up, The locomotive struck thu
vehicle squarely, killing many mem-,
bers of the party outright and maiming
others so that they soon expired in
frightful agony. Not a member of the
party escaped.
Rear Admiral Alexander Golden
Rhiud, U. S. N., is dead at his home
in Sew York oitv. Ho had been con
fined to his bed for five weeks.
Guerra la Safe.
Washington, Nov. 17. The state de
partment has finally re (used the appli
cation of the government of Mexico for
surrender under extradition proceedings
of Jesus Guerra, who was one of
Garza's lieutenants in his attempted
revolution some years ago.
One of the lazy farmers of Utiea,
Neb., has a rocking chair attachment
connected with his harvesting machinery.
Strong Effort Will Be Made
to Secure Its Repeal.
Sufficient Number of Senators and Rep
resentatives Fledged to In
sure Its Abolition.
Washington, Nov. 16. A strong
effort will be made during the coming
session of congress to secure the repeal
of the oivil-servioe law. The support
ers of this movement say that they
have had promises from a sufficient
number of senators and representatives
to co-operate with them to insure its
success, provided that all those mem
bers who have heretofore favored the
repeal are still of the same mind.
Thomas R. MoKee, the journal clerk
of the house of representatives, who
has long been a bitter opponent of the
existing law, and who has taken paint
to ascertain the views of many of the
members on the subject, said today
that he was confident that if the oppor
tunity ottered for a direct vote on the
question of repeal, it would be carried
by a large majority.
"While it is not true," said he,
"that I have been engaged in making
a canvass of the house on this matter,
it is true that I have talked with a
great many members about it. I am
convinced that for suoh a proposition
my own state of Indiana would give its
entire 13 votes, and I believe that Ohio
and Illinois are just as much opposed
to the law, As for the Western states
I do not believe that they will furnish
a single vote for the retention of the
system, and in the South, both Demo
crats and Republicans, with only a few
isolated exceptions, would welcome its
abolition. It is purely an Eastern in
stitution, and it is entirely unrepubli
can and un-American'.
"It was originated by the college
professors and educators of the East,
especially of New England, the center
of our educational system, for the ex
press purpose of providing easy and
comfortable berths for suoh of their
graduates as were not physically able
to stand the strain of the professional
life for which they were trained,' or
who found the professional ranks al
ready well filled. The manufacture of
college graduates went on so fast that it
became necessary for the professors to
find some outlet for the young men
whom they were turning into the
crowded fields of law, medioine and
theology. So they turned to the gov
ernment and, witli Dorman B. Eaton at
their head, himself a life-long educator,
induced it to require of applicants for
government positions a preliminary ex
amination, which, in many cases, they
knew only men fresh from the oolloges
could pass successfully.
"It is a fact that President McKinley
is now having as niuoh trouble in satis
factorily filling the 300 or so places he
has to give away as Grant did to dis
pose of 200,000 places. There is al
most as much eagerness and strife
around the White House today over
little $600 position as there used to U
over the appointment of the minister to
Germany. This shows that the desire
for office it still as strong, and it is a
natural desire. Representative Gros-
venor made a strong point when he suid
in his speech that the right of a man
to participate in the affairs of the gov
eminent in other ways than by merely
casting his ballot was one that could
not be constitutionally taken away
from him. The heads of the govern
ment department should have the right
to make the appointments of their sub
ordinates, and they should be held re
sponsible for their actions. The presi
dent would then have less of his time
wasted on small matters of patronage,
and after filling the larger and more
important offices would then be able
to devote himself to affairs of state.
"That there is a strong sentiment in
the country at large in favor of the re
peal of the law I am sure, and I am
satisfied, also confident, that the senti
ment will find expression in congress
during the coming session. The only
recent vote that has been had upon the
subject which gives any foundation
upon which to base a calculation as to
the result, was had towards tho close
of the last session of the 54th congress.
A proposition was made by Mr. Brosius,
of Pennsylvania, to extend the opera
tions of the civil service law in a cer
tain particular. The question was as
to the consideration of the bill, and it
was defeated by a two-thirds majority.
While this was not a direct vote it
afforded an indication, if not of the
strength of the repeal movement, at
least of the weakness of the supporters
of the civil service system.
"It is my opinion that if nothing
else is done, the civil service commis
sion will be abolished with all of its
cumbrous machinery. In its stead a
departmental examination to determine
the fitness of applicants for appoint
ment in the government servioe will be
substituted. This would be very
proper, so far as the Washington de
partments are concerned, but I would
not require even this in offices outside
of Washington, and I would limit all
office-holding tenures to four years
each. The civil servioe commission
costs the people now $150,000 a year."
A number of others have spoken in a
similar strain recently.
Confessed to Drowning His Child.
Kansas City, Nov. 18. At Livesley,
Mo., the trial of William Carr, who
confessed to drowning his '8-year-old
daughter in the Missouri river, was be
gun today. No defense was attempted,
the lawyer appointed by the court urg
ing that the state hasten the prisoner's
fate. Judge Broadus reserved his decision.
Hawaii Anxious to Have the Tending
Treaty Adopted.
New York, Nov. 17. A dispatch to
the World from Honolulu, dated Octo
ber 28, says: ' Sanford B. Dole, presi
dent of the provisional republic of Ha
waii, and Chief Justice Judd are anxi
ous to have the Hawaiian annexation
treaty adopted as eoon as possible. Said
President Dole to the correspondent:
"The people will never again submit
to a monarchy. In fact, there is no
one sufficiently enjoying the confidence
of the people of the islands to conduct
the affairs of state under a monarchy."
"Why do they not desire to continue
as an independent republic?" he was
"As the islands are so far away from
other countries, and as the Asiatio pop
ulation is fast increasing in numbers,
it is a serious question if they are left
alone whether the republic could sur
vive with the willing consent of the
foreigners. Besides, if the United
States has constantly to protect the
islands under the government at pres
ent, why should not the United States
take them altogether?
This is a great, country lor com
merce. It is the natural land for
American ownership. To all intents
and purposes it is an American colony,
anyway, so far as business, capital and
industry is concerned, and it should be
a part of the body politic of the United
Chief Justice Judd said in an inter
view: "During the reign of King Kalakaua
there were two cabinets, so dissatisfied
was tho state of the kingdom. The only
branch of tho government that was not
disturbed was the judiciary. The res
toration of the monarchy is an impossi
bility. There is no material to make
a monarch of.(
"Nor can we hope to maintain a re
public independently.' We must
look to the United States. We have
come to the turning point, and we
must either become Asiatic or .inglo
Saxon; we are within the zone of
American influence, and to assume re
sponsibility for us, they ought to have
something to say about how our affairs
are directed."
The news that has readied here from
San Francisco that Samuel Parker, a
prominent native leader, and heretofore
a strong royalist, has declared in favor
of annexation, has created quite a sen
sation among the natives, who are still
opposed to annexation.
A Reindeer Train Will Oo Overland to
Point Barrow-
Washington, Nov. 17. Secretary
Alger has requested the secretary of the
interior to instruct Alaskan officials to
gather about 800 head of reindeer from
the government herds lor use of an ex
pedition for the relief of the icebound
whalers in the Arctic.
It is expected that the Bear, which
is now at Seattle, will be ready to sail
in about 10 days, and within 20 days
thereafter will reach some point on the
northern sound, where a large party
will bo engaged for the trip overland to
Point Barrow.
The herd of reindeer which will be
killed for food, if needed, will be driven
overland, and it is confidently expect
ed that the herd will reach Point Bar
row and the imprisoned whalers before
the middle of February.
The country through which the herd
will be driven is said to abound with
moss, upon which the herd will feed.
It is said the scheme for the relief of
the whalers is perfeotly feasibe and
will be attended with little' danger.
No apprehension is felt regarding the
outcome of the enterprise.
A Valuable Discovery.
New York, Nov. 17. William A.
Eddy, the kite experimenter of Bay
onne, N. J., made an interesting ex
periment Saturday night. He is satis
fied that by means of observations
taken at various altitudes, indications
of approaching' thunder storms and
other meteorological data can be ee
cured. About 200 feet below his kites
a thermometer was hung, and near it
a collector of electric sparks. The re
sults obtained Saturday night led Mr.
Eddy to believe that the electric con
dition of the air shown by the varying
height of the collector when the first
spark is drawn may reveal the approach
of storms in even a cloudless sky. In
particular he thinks it will prove ad
vantageous in determining the approach
of local storms.
Father and Daughters Insane.
San Francisco, Nov, 16. A pathetio
icene wus enacted in Judge Carroll
Cook's courtroom today, when John
Durr and his three daughters Kate,
Theresa and Sarah were adjudged in
sane, and committed to the Ukiah asy
lum. The family has been living for
many years in a little flat at 172 Clin
bin Park, renting the basement floor,
on which money they have existed.
Recently, they had been unable to col
lect the rent, and were on the verge of
starvation when their condition was
discovered. The family was at one
time very wealthy, the father being of
the firm of Kennedy & Durr, who, in
early days kept a largo dry goods store
st Third and Howard streets.
Mushrooms generally consist of 90
por cent water, but the remaining 10
per cent, is more nutritious than bread.
Holly Springs, Miss., Nov. 16. At
Ashland, 20 miles west of here, W. H.
Harrison, editor of the Ashland Regis
ter was stabbed to death last evening
by J. L. McDonald. The men had
some words aobut a notice iu the paper
of an approaching lecture, McDonald
oharging that if Harrison had been a
Methodist instead of a Baptist, the no
tice would have been more extended.
Harrison replied through his paper in
a way to incense McDonald, and the
tragedy resulted.
Condemned Murderer Given
Another Lease of Life.
Supreme Court of California Hears
Petition and Grants a Stay
of Execution.
San Francisco, Nov. 15. William
Henry Theodore Durrant will not be
hanged at San Quentin tomorrow morn
ing, after all, the supreme court of this
state having granted him another
respite at the eleventh hour.
Up to 4 o'clock this afternoon, when
the news was flashed over the wires
from Sacramento that the oourt now in
session there had granted a writ of
probable cause, and had instructed
Warden Hale not to carry out the exe
uution of Durrant until further orders,
there was apparently no further hope
for the condemned murderer of Blanche
Lamont, as his attorneys, Messrs. Diok-
inson and Boardman, had made a futile
effort to secure another writ of habeas
oorpus in the United States circuit
court, and had not even been granted
permission to appeal from that decision
to the supreme court of the United
Meanwhile, however, Attorney Deu
prey hastened to Sacramento and ap
plied to the state supreme court for a
writ of probable cause for the purpose
of staying the proceedings against his
olient, upon the prounds that no official
knowledge of the action of the supreme
oourt of the United States in the mat
ter of Durrant's appeal from the decis
ion ot the federal court had yet been
received; that the superior court had
acted too hastily in sentencing Durrant
to be hanged tomorrow, as the law re
quired that he be given at least 60 days
of grace, and, consequently, that the
pendency of another appeal in the
supreme court affecting the condemned
man is of itself sufficient cause of a stay
of execution.
The matter was partially argued in
chambers, and later argued before the
full court and taken under advisement.
Shortly afterward the court announced
its decision, granting the writ applied
for, in which all the justioes concurred.
Shortly before midnight, Attorney
Eugene Deuprey, of counsel for Durrant,
arrived from Sacramento, having crossed
the bay in a steam launch. The pur
pose of this trip was to make personal
service on Warden Hale of a certified
copy of the order of probable cause
issued by the supreme court at Sacra
mento. The precaution was taken that
there might be no pretext for executing
Durrant tomorrow. The warden was
asleep, and was deaf to all efforts to
arouse him. Captain Edgar accepted
the service and agreed to deliver the
documents to his superior in the morn
ing. Warden Hale had stated in the
evening that he was in doubt as to
what course to pursiie. He said that,
in any event, he would delay the exe
cution until the latest legal limit of
time noon tomorrow but that he had
been advised that he should proceed to
hang the prisoner, as he had received
no personal service of the stay of execu
tion. However, he finally decided to
act on the following dispatch, received
from Prison Director Devlin, of Sacra
mento: "Supreme court made an order and
has stayed all proceedings until furthei
orders of the court. Accordingly you
will postpone the execution."
After reading this, Warden Hale said
he would retire, and there would be no
hanging in the morning. No further
developments are expected tonight.
A Rich Strike Has Been Reported Near
the Passes.
Skaguay, Alaska, (per steamer Far
sllon to Seattle), Nov. 15. Rich gold
discoveries are reported on the Clin
tock river and branches of Hootalin
qua, some running as high as $40 a
day to the man. There has been quite
a rush to the new fields, which will be
prospected during the winter.
The Canadian government has re
called a number of customs officials
who have been stationed
,. 8 ,
bouse, between Lakes Bennett and
Tagish, and the British Columbia au
thorities have also reduced the num
ber of provincial police who have been
stationed at Lake Bennett and Tagish
house, since the great rush to the Klon
dike country began last July.
Deputy Collector of Customs Fred
W. Davey, who has just returned from
Tagish, said to a press correspondent
that duties had been collected during
the season on 400 outfits. Each outfit
represented from four to seven men.
The duty collected on each outfit aver
aged $60, and the total amount collect
ed aggregated $25,000. Duties were
levied upon everything belonging or in
any way apertaining to an outfit, even
the clothes that a man wore were not
exempted. Several cases of attempted
smuggling were detected, the goods be
ing confiscated in most instance.
Travel down the lakes has practical
ly ceased, and Mr. Davey says that
hundreds of people will be caught in
the ice and foroed to go into winter
quarters wherever they may happen
to be when the ice surrounds them.
Philadelphia Naturalisation Frauds.
Philadelphia, Nov. 15. United
States District Attorney Breck has sent
to Washington for assistance in running
down the naturalization frauds which
were recently unearthed in this city.
Mr. Breck has also notified Secretary
Gage that the frauds have assumed gi
gantic proportions. While Attorney
General McKenna may not personally
take part in the trials, some member
of his official staff will be here when
the defendants appear in court-
Murderers of the Sploer Family Strung
Up by a Mob.
Bismarck, N. D.f Nov. 16. Alex
Coudol, an Indian half-breed, and Paul
Holytraok and Philip Ireland, full
blood Indians, the first of whom was
sentenoed to death for the murder of
six members of the Spicer family last
February, and had just been granted
a new trial by the supreme court, and
the latter two self-confesBed accessories
in the murder, were taken from the
county jail in Wood county last night
and lynched by a mob.
The lynching had apparently been
cooly planned, and was carried out
without a break. Sudden and swift
retribution was meted out. Williams
port, where the hanging took place, is
about 40 miles from this city, and off
the railroad. The news of the lynch
ing was received here this afternoon.
The men had been in the custody of
Deputy Sheriff Kelly. They were
taken from him by the mob and hanged
to a beef windlass several yards from
the jail. Their bodies were left hang
ing during the entire day, the coroner
not having arrived, and no one else
.olunteering to out them down.
About 40 men were concerned in the
lynching. They rode into Williams
port on horseback late at night, and
tethered their horses a short distance
from the city, that they might secure
them again as speedily as necessary
after the deed was done. The jail is a
substantial stone structure, and was in
charge of Deputy Sheriff Thomas Kelly.
Since the confinement of the prisoners!
there, so great has been the fear that
they might escape in some way, that
one man had watched the prisoners alL
night. Last night Kelly was on watoh.
There was a meeting 'Of the lodge of
Woodmen in a building near the jail,
ahd as Kelly was a member, he expect
ed to meet some of the members of the
lodge after the meeting had adjourned.
To while away the time during the
night hours,' he was playing solitaire
in front of the cells in which the mur
derers were confined. About 2 o'clock
there was a rap on the outer door of
the jail, and Kelly rose quickly and
turned the key In the lock, thinking:
that the persons he expected to meet
had arrived.
No sooner had he opened the door
! than the mob crowded into the corri
dors. All of them were masked, and
the leaders carried ropes. Kelly at
once realized what the mob had come
for. The lynchers were quiet but de
termined. The lead?r presented a re
volver at the hoad of the deputy sheriff
and told him they wanted his prisoners,
and demanded Unit he opeu their cells.
Kelly demurred, but saw that resist
ance was useless, and unlocked the
door. Two of the prisoners were con
fined together, and the other in a separ
ate cell. They had been aroused from,
sleep by the entrance of the mob, and
sat up, half awake and trembling in
terror. Holytrack and Ireland were ,
pulled from their beds, ropes were fast
ened about their necks, and they were
dragged out on the ground, after being
told to prepare for death. ,
The men were then dragged to a huge
beef windlass, which had been erected
1 to suspend carcasses of slaughtered
j beeves, and were strung up on a cross
beam. Cudol was the first man to be
I hanged. It is reported that he was.
asked before be was hanged whether
I Blackhawk and Defender had also been
concerned in the murder for which he
1 was about to be hanged. He answered
in the affirmative. The rope, which
had been fastened about his neck, was
j then thrown over a crossbeam, and he
was suspended in midair. Holytrack
and Ireland were treated in a like man
ner and the mob then quietly dispersed.
Museum Watchman Severely Injured by
an Anaconda
Philadelphia, Nov. 16. A huge an
aconda on exhibition here today severe
ly injured Samuel Masher, the museum
watchman, and crushed to death a
valuable trick pony. The pony was
tied to a feed box alongside the ana
conda's cage. Masher saw the reptile
had worked one of the boards of its cage
loose and had stretched out a short dis
tance. He pushed the board to, believ
ing the anaconda would pull within its
oaaa attain Tnatoail If U'rlivt-lafl mit
! and wrapped itself several times about
Masher. The latter screamed for help,
and the pony, frightened by the big
reptile, began jumping about. This
saved MaBher's life, for the reptile un
wound himself from him and com
pletely encircled the pony. Masher
fell to the floor unconscious. When a
number of employes reached the scene,
the snake began to unwind itself, and
appeared to be getting ready for the
fight. The men kept aloof until a lasso
was obtained and the snake finally
made secure. Several of Masher's ribs
were broken, and he was taken to a
Marching on Havana.
Key West, Fla. Nov., 15. Riano, in
Havana province, has been attacked
again, the insurgents making no effort,
however, to enter the town. The in
surgents - were under Juan Delgado.
The' Spaniards made no resistance.
Calixto Garcia is said to be marching
toward Havana through Matanzas prov
ince with a largo insurgent army, many
large guns, and plenty of ammunition,
arms and dynamite.
London, Nov. 16. The Rome corre
spondent of the Daily Chronicle says:
Baron von Bullow, the newly appointed
German secretary of state for foreign
affairs, in an interivew with the pope,
has warmly complained against the
sympathy of the Vatican with th
Franco-Russian alliance and its hostil
ity to the triple alliance. He declared
in the name of Emperor William that
if the Vatican persisted in such a policy
the German government wonld retali
ate on the Roman Catholics.