Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, November 19, 1897, Image 1

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    18th YEAR.
NO. 27.
I ,f t 1
A Soft and Warm Bed 1
ia a rare treat to our care-worn q
body. A good bed may help us W
over a bud cold quick and so
extend our life. You owe it to !;9
yourself and family to pay a K
little attention to this important ft j
fact. Our heavy blankets for $2 Eg
a piece would make a suitable j
( hristmaa present., A large rug, 5
2)x5 feet, in front of the bed, is W 5
a uood match. You will do well
to inspect our mammoth stock
complete in all lines we cany. '4
) a (
1 ' r
ma srweer, aieaw court
Furs! Furs!
Leading Furrier
143 Third Street..
Mr. Jack Carlysle will return to
Canada 011 Thursday of thi s week. Mr.
Carlysle has resided' in this town for the
last ten months and has made a host of
friends, who wish him a safe journey
and quick return.
Howard's mill has been running night
and day for some time past, but will run
on day work only after this week because
the bottom has "fallen out of a portion of
the road. Howard's flour is to well
known to need mention and with another
"good roads" county commissioner
would run night and day the year around.
The long talked of side walk in Mulino
is about to materialize. Enough has
already been subscribed to build nearly
a mile of walk three planks wide.
The Mulino literary society is 111 a
flourishing conditi m and are giving free
entertainments every Friday evening to
crowded houses. Everybody cordially
invited io attend.
Mr. Manning is home again after be
ing two week's on the grand jury.
Albert Neukirchner moved into town
last week and is hauling flour for
Pete Sager is building a new residence
south of the bridge. .
Mr. McCord is buiimnga new residence
east of the bridge and our new black
smith, Mr. Thayer, will Boon build a
new residence. He is a No. 1 workman
and the people are fast finding itout.
Mr. Bowman moveU into nis new
house a few days ago.
A new general merchandise store win
be opened on or about December 1st in
Mulino. Something we have needed for
some time.
Mr. Bocue starts with his family (or
Yaquina Bay on Thursday of this week.
! ;n . e r si:... l.
miss miner 01 uregon vay, wnu m
teaching our school, is giving uood satis
faction and will probably be employed
lor the spring term.
Mrs. Mary Howard, who has been on
the sick list, we understand is improving
November 11. tweeim.
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolute! Pur
, r 4.,........ T - ... "
jNot How
The people of Rural Doll are enjoying
the beautiiul weather alter the shower.
V. Haskins and his mother are at
Hubbard at present visiting ut Mr.
Mrs. Sax of McMinnville has bought
the Tlusley farm and things begins to
look different around since grandma
has gone.
Philip Ogle made a trip to Barlow
Dick Austin has oeen improving tne
looks of his place by cutting down some
trees in trout 01 Ins bain.
There eeems to be a clock thief 111 this
vicinity as well as a hat.
J. R. Lawler has moved on the Wise
mantle place near Macksburg.
Ole Kilo has been grubbing out some
of hia stumps.
We would like to a k the correspondent
of Redland- Haven't you anything left
to talk about but Linn's I
November 15. Dew Drop.
5 jSV W
l St n
5 Zfl y
But how low can we make the price, is the
question we ask ourselves when marking our
goods for sale. That's what makes ours an
ever-paneling business, it's a potent advertiser;
it tells the story through the purse in thousands
of homes, only to be retold in countless others
by appreciative money savers.
at the Pioneer Store of Charman & Sox
before buying elsewhere.
The Germama Market.
Mrs. Humphrey went down to Port
land Tuesday of last week to visit a week
with her niece, Airs. Wood.
The remains of Mr. Shepherd of
Arthur's Prairie arrived at Clackamas
on the overland Saturday evening. He
went to visit his brother in Iowa about
two weeks ago and died while there.
Funeral services were held at his home
Sunday at 11 o'clock by Mr. Gray. He
was intered at Damascus.
Frank Saudis and Tony Foster took
the contract to build Mr. Davern a new
barn and commenced work last Monday.
.lamer" Hoot and family moved to Port-
land last Mond.tv to send his children to
school. Mr. Hoots is one of the United
States grand jurors. He is an old eetler
here and will be greatly missed.
Mr. Zeek, our blacksmith, was attend
ing court at Oregon City the first of the
week as a witness.
Miss Cora Johnson took dinner at J
0. Paddock's last Sunday.
Mrs. Wheeler, Sen., the evangelist
from Northern Iowa, is holding a series
of meetings at Sunnvside with some
Mrs. Cook is on the sick list this week.
Mr. Manning resigned the superin
tendency of the Congregational Sunday
school and Mrs. Deacon was elected to
till the vacancy. Mr. Manning expects
to move to W ashington soon.
Miss May Johnson led the Epworth
League last Sunday evening. A good
deal of interest was niamlested.
Milo Thomson went to the mountains
last week to enjoy a week's hunt.
Frank Foster was home on a short
visit last Sunday. Frank is one of the
employes of the Cliff House of Oregon
Nov. 17. X
monthly Reports of School Districts
In the County.
and Lue
Is the cheapest place in the city
to buy t t t t
Seventh Street, Near Depot, Oregon City.
Paul J. Scholz, Prop. t t t t
BER 13th at rattling sale of over
of samples bought from one of New Yoik's largest jobbing
home. We bought these goods at 50 cents on the dollar
and our customers can rely on getting some of the
We have ever offered them. The line consists in part of the
following :
Ladies', Gents' and Children's Underwear,
Fascinators, Enit Hoods and Shawls,
Ladies', Gents' and Childrens' Hose,
Ladies', Gents' and Children's Silk and Woolen
Mittens and Gbve3.
In fact, it is a metropolitan line and mur.t be hustled off in
short order. Special prices made in our shoe department
during the sate.
Caufield P.lock
Oregon City, Or
The weather U fine, although the snow
waa flying Saturday. Farmers have
all their fall plowing done and most of
the grain in.
Quite a number of the young folks at
tended the wedding dance at Preaster s
on last Wednesday night and all present
from this vicinity report a line lime.
Frank Whilenian is working in Ore
gon L'ity at present.
Wm. Stone, Mr. Murdock and Allen
have purchased a new seeder.
Mr. Hickman has moved on the
Johnson place.
M. ShoHz has rented the James place
and moved on it a few days' ago.
Kev. AV. D. Morehoii'e is the new
minister appointed for the M. E. church.
B. Noyer is working for B. F. Linn,
who is logging of late.
Mr. Mclntyre has moved on the Plow
man place.
Potato digging is about over with in
this vicinity uud a good crop is reported.
Church at tlia M. h. cliurcli every
first ami thir 1 Sunday. Prayer meet
ing every Friday evening.
P. P. Linn and L. Mosher returiei
from Eastern Oregon last week. They
report plenty of work and grain the
lient for years.
W.E. Howell had the misfortune to
cut hi ler last Fri lay which will lay
him up for several weeks.
E. Evenson has left for California,
where he has secured employment in
I the mines.
Miss Milda Linn spent last week visit
ing relatives in t.urrinavillo.
Report of school taught in district No
U lor moniii enuing ivovemoer o, iotx
Num ber days taught, 20 ; pupils enrolled
15; average attendance, 14; visitors, u,
pupils neither absent nor tardy, James
rseukircnner, ii.ni ma insKeep, nay
Kirbyson, Clara Hayhurst, Clarence
Evans and Tom Evans.
Gkutrudb Rice, Teacher
Following is the renort of school dis
trict No. S 1 for the month ending No
vera ber 12;
Nuinherof pupils enrolled in principal s
room 32, in primary 27, total fit) ; general
twera:Jh during month 48. Those who
were neither absent nor tardy during
the moii'h are: Athleen Hutchinson,
Laura Cinther, Rosa Meyer, Calla llorn
schuli, Ralph Meyer, of the principal's
room, and Nellie Moelinke, Irene
Moehnke, Elsie iSluhin, Lottie Horn
Echuh, Alvm Uornschuh, Freddie
Bolilauder, Lydia Hornsohuh, Jacob
(irossmiller. "Visitors present during
the month were: Christ Hornschtili,
John Moehnke, Lawrence Uornschuh,
Henry Steiner, Henry Uiiither, William
Hettman, Steye liutciiiiiuou, Ernest
Cinther, Elnora Ginther.
The program Friday afternoon was as
follow s :
Recitation ."The Empire Given"
Hugo Hanson.
Recitation ''A Small Sweet Song"
Lydia Uornschuh.
Recitation.. "A Gentleman"
Ralph Meyer.
Recitation "A Sad Story"
Athleen Hutchinson.
Recitation "Parody 011 Hiawatha"
Willie Bohlander.
Recitation "A Little Girl"
Lottie HornBchuh.
Dialogue "Meaning of the Colors"
Elmira Ginther Delia Bluhm
Laura Ginther.
Reading.. .. "A Receipt for Courtship"
Willie Uluhtn.
Recitation "The Witnesses'"
Minnie Bohlander.
Recitation "How the Duchinan Killed
the Woodehuck" R Ginther
Concert Recitation .. ."Be the M atter
What it May'1 Irene Moelinke
Annie Grossmiller.
Recitation "We Are Seven'
Ethel Cummins.
Recitation "Sue and the Birds"
Hazel Ginther.
Recitation "The Best That I Can"
C'aiU flornschiih
Recitation "The Giannner Lesson"
Nellie .Moehnke.
Recitation "The Flowers"
Elmira Ginther.
Recitation "A Small Boy
Alvin llornschiih.
Recitation "The Jame.-town Flood"
R isi liullard.
Recitation " hen Santa Cl.tus Comes'
Tr-ssio 1 uiimiiiis.
Recitation "Teddy's Thought
Arthur 'loriischuh.
Reritation .. "The Contended Little
Squirrels" Elmira Ginther
Recitation "A Song 01 Chr.stmas"
Freddie Bohlander,
Remarks by . K. F. Ginther
Cl ising Song. ."America". .. School
We respectfully invite the public to
visit our school at any time ami note
our progress.
RoHKirr Ginthkh, Principal,
Romk liiu.i.AUi), Assistant.
Cases Disposed of During Past Week
by Judge flclirlde.
Risdon vs Risdon, oivoive.
Alice M Colu rn vs John
Fisher, dismisse I.
John Dol.in vs L, Millers el hi, judg
Nelll" B Neff vs .1 J Neff, divorce.
Saml Steber vs D C Howell, for
defendant. '
Assign ment of E M Atkinson, sale ot
lots to Maria White toBatisfy mortgage
Fred Jenser vs r 11 ami a jonnson,
Saml Steben vs J M McGe'chie, judg
ment lor 71 .70 and coils; amount sued
fo- $176.
Geo Palniateer vs T J Inglish et als,
sheriff to tile amended execuli"ii in sale
Perlina Stovall vs Win Stovall, divorce
on ground of cruel treatment.
Fred G'nber vs B E Hawly et nl.
sheriff's sale confirmed,
H Miley vs P I Garrett, judgment for
1 173 tH) and costs.
J S Kirkley vs Vina Kirkley, divorce
V U Harding vs W T Whillock, iudg
incuts for ttiail mid $W attorney lee and
in second eaie lor l2iK).'.'7 and $110 at
tomev fees and s.de urdcre I.
T Charm in & Sim vs W P O'Connor,
iudumeiil for $13 .;;! an I sale or .civil
T" Cha'iuan vs P A Mamuain et a!,
judgment lor $23!) 11ml sale ordered.
The following jurors were drawn in
case of state vs l assins IJ Barlow,
indicted for embezzlement: Henry
Meletel, Eli Williams, A ! Parker, 11 S
Gibson, J N Harrington, Thomas Gilibs,
Clay Green, Jus Myers, Scott ( arter,
Nile O McLaughlin, i lleattie and Jos
T Charman vs "enry and Harry
Conrlright, sale cmflrined.
J S GiIihoii vs t IJ Wiuton, iiismissed.
Fret Weise vs aui J E.ipcrson,
Fret. VeisevsH Epperson, dismissed.
J L Bailey vh i W Grace, dismissed.
FD N inton vs J S Gibson et hI dis
S 11 Howard vs G G Shadinger, dis
A KuappvsG Owens, judgment,
for $rlt mid costs. I
P F M Co vs J kolicr, $11.0 1 received
on garnishees. 1
State vs 11 J Lawler, not-true lull hy
grand jury.
Dan Kimble vs Alary U' ler, judgment
for $75 and xule of lots 111 Milwaukie-ordered.
E lies vs T II Liebe and O tt B Co, 1
jury verdict tor $tt)U0
State vs y u sarver, ina-iruo phi uy
grand jury.
Iluliiuin ir vs u ltecker et aLimeriit s
Bale contiriiied.
II M White vs R II White, divorco on
ground of cruel treatment.
W. K Hubbrrd vs S E Jones, sale con
firmed. S E l'aiiiei vs W O Avery an I Jos
Knight, judgment lor $77 and costs.
Geo T Wood vs J 11 Moore et als, judg
ment for $l.'47.5j.
Melinda E 1I11 I vs J 0 Hull, divorce.
Rosenthal Feder oi Co vs E J .Vc
Kittrick, dismissed.
J A Sager vh W P Atkinson, dismissed.
ITruynorvs F Marshall, disinisHed..
F C Berks vs il H Vorpuiil, dismissed.
Mrs V U Harding vs J LSwallord,
vv liunnngane et a! va N P Hansen et
al, dismissed.
Alliance Trust o vs L Phelps et ul,
iiidgmeiit f .r $IH7.2H and $;!72i.t'l
A 1 rust CO vs U 11 covey ei ais, sine
A Trust Co vs .1 U Howard, sale con
The report, also expresses the opinion
that the county board of equalizavion.
erred in reducing the assessed valuation
of the Portland ieneral Electric Co., the
Willamette Pulp & Paper t'p, and the
Crown Paper Co.
During the term the grind juiy re
turned into court 17 indictments and
eight not true hilis, and it examined into
10 complaints, upon which no report
was made.
The usual visit to public jails and coun
ty offices was made, and the UBual com
mendation appears in the report.
T Charman vs 0 P Dix and J II Jesse.
Oswego SavingB Bank vs Ed Dupiua,
et al.
Jos Bickncr vs John Kekol et al.
Jos Bickner vs L M Frunett et al.
N O 1 T Co vs W H Burghardt et al.
J B and W A Oleland vs V 0 Kuohl."
T Charmiin V8 Eugene Ford.
T Charman vs Walter Ford et al.
T Charman vs W and F Ford.
Fred Jenser vs P H Thompson.
A t 'lark vs C II Moll.
A Krause vs 0 I A S Co.
FT Barlow vs C Huth.
M H Flanagan m G S McOord et al.
Risdon vs Risdon.
Report of I'nion Hall i-ohool, district
!5c. Everybody invited.
There will be a inarqiierade ball at ' No. 81. for the month ending November
Linn's mill. November 24th. Tickets i ) 8i)7 :
I NiimU r days taught 20, days present
I first week ., second week 110, thir l
we.-k 124, fourth week 155, total for the
month 474; times tardy 0, absent 3,
vhitors 12, number in school 31 ; pupils
neither tardy or absent were Mike,
AVabie and Louisa I uritiger, Mary and
Fred Molzan, Ru toll and Mary Mraije,
Kose'and Anna Fauton. M iry, Joe and
Gens, Slahel uiul 1-cwin
A Sure Tlnutf tr Von.
A transactiiui in which ymi cannot lese
is a sure tiling. Biliinisne-is, sick head
ache, furred tongue, fever, pilfg and a
thousand other ills mv esused hy con
stipation and sluggish liver Cancan-la
j, 1.. .1
liailOY vHiliaruc, low wuriorion urn ., u'i'l
'iiiur Iti.nitai.t uiul iiilHMlinuI Lollil! urn ""V 1 "'"IIMH
hy all dru,'git guarsnteed to cure or
money iciuulel t!. C. C. ore a sure
Miss Anna Midhin formerly of this
place. Im now of for; Ian 1, is visiting
friends and relatives lu re.
Rev. Dr Willian s held services at
the i Impel lust Sun. lay. lie holds serv
ices every two weeks and tlia C.ineinah
people should take advantage of the
good oppo limit V to attend.
The Canemali literary society has
been holding regular meetings every
Friday evening, with uppropiate exer
cises The exercisus for 1'iiday evening
will be a diwussiou upon the subject
' Resolved, That Country Life is Pre
ferable to City Life " The respective
sides have he'en chosen and and the
discussion will hobitli interesting and
November 10. Phookkss.
William Bowers. Frank Freeman and
Elvii: May, will leave for Calilornia this
week, where they expect to join the
U. S. navy.
Mrs. I'aiiuer, who has been on the
si. k list for Home lime past, is now up
und has almost fully recovered.
The Canemali Minday school is pro
gressing nice y ami is doing good work
under the supervision of Mr. Heckart us
The Oaiieinah literary society is mak
good progress with baniuel L. Stevens
as president and Thos. Linsey as secre
tarr. Interesting exercises ure held
every Fri. lay evening and the public is
cordially invited to attend.
November 17th. Puocihbich.
A very pleasant time was enjoyed Fri
day evening at this place by the young
people. The occasion was a reception
tended to Kev. Brady and his bride,
liuito a number of young people came
out from Portland and a good time, de
spite the inclemency of the weather,
was had. Singing and rocitations were
in order.
E mer Jones has the lumber in sight
for which to erect a new barn.
Mrs. Webster of Pleasant Hill has a
sister mid brother from the East spend
ing the w inter at her home.
Mrs. Win. Blobst of tt ilsonvillu has
rctu nod Irom the East to her home.
I Mrs. Brohst arrived ai her old home in
im,...lu in in. in to He. her f ilhers'
IIIU' . I'l"""" J...-V " - - -
I M S Co vs VV S Monk .sale confirmed, lant days on earth an 1 a. tend theftineral.
A P Barlow vs I Veane. judgment for j Mr (jrocket of Portland was u guest
(1345.01. , ! among the Hood Yiewites Sunday,
D C Ely vs J G Fehlcr, dismissed. I ljHII1,,an,i family are spend-
llTlinm vs A htowasiers, sale con-.. ... ... .... i, ,,,!
oik o ....... i , -
1 11 ... It'.. ...I ..f I .r.i..t..li
Monteeth vs M Monteeth, , ' , ' - . ,.
There is a new nam erecieu on uiu uiu
Allen place, now owned by Mr Nickle
sou of Portland, a son in-law of 1). II.
l 1 1 ll...iri'i. vs John Ivenworthv iillg-1 Harms of Wilsonville.
,m;nt. ' Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Baker have gone
The case of the state vst'assius I'. I to I alitoruia to spend the winter.
Barlow for embezzlement has been tak- j jir ull, jrBf l(0I1ry Baker are spend
ing lip Unit) ol coun lor mil een aim itij a Ii-W wm-ltH with .Mrs. linker s par
S J Dickerson
C D Dickerson,
wages $48 a mouth.
D. r .
Wahnkh, Teacher,
thing. Try a bos t m!v ; Mc. 25c, f.Oe. j
Samplea id booklet (r.e. All drugg sis. . Agk your Krooer Jtr patent Flour.
cost the county about $IOi)0
The grand jury Friday presented its
final report, and was discharged by the
court. Outside of the usual features of
such reports, this grand jury severely j
censured the engineer and the foreman
in charge of the removal of the bulkhead ,
at the elec-ric station on thewestside of :
the river through the accidental break- j
iug of which two men lost tneir lives
Ocloljer ;0.
euts, Mr. and Mrs. UlUer, ol tins piace.
Miss Cora Moore is home a few days.
Miss Dodson has returned toher home
in McMinnville, after a lew weeks' visit
Willi Miss Belle Jones.
Mr. Moore purchased a fine team out
of a band of horses recently. Mr. Ed
Baker also Ikiuglit one. Mr. Wo.id and
Mr. Abson baker did the same. Money
is plenty, horses soon will tie.
Nuvtinber 15th. Ax.vv.