Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, November 12, 1897, Image 7

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yijj. must be nailed on so as to keep the ens" j I , UM c J CSaT J"U-
,' f i Dosts from belnz twisted.
yffl i Hiast reset before a fence can e
Feeding; Fen for Hogs.
Where hogs are fed near the house or
ham, the fowls are apt to go among
them and eat a large portion of the
feed. An Indiana farmer has solved
she problem by constructing a feeding
pen so that the hogs and pigs could go
ta and out at pleasure, but fowls of all
kinds were excluded. In the Orange
Judd Farmer he tells how It Is made.
Build a feeding floor several Inches
above the surface of the ground and
Inclose with a tight board fence sur
Moaated with pickets a foot or more
long. Make one or more openings near
the ground for the hogs and hang a
door, a, from the top so that It will
swing pretty freely either way. Lentil-
Milk as Food on the Farm.
T every city resident one of the ad
vantages of living In the country is that
those living there can easily secure
fresh and pure milk directly from the
cow. It is a most valuable fowl pro-
duet, whether used directly as milk or
cooked in custards and cakes, In the
various ways that milk and cream can
be used. Probably most housewives
who have lived in the country find
when they remove to the city that the
absence of the best milk and cream
which they used to have in abundance
was a stronger handicap to successful
eooking than anything else. At the
wholesale prices that are all that milk
producers can get for milk it is a muib
cheaper food than any other that comas
on their tables. If farmers ate more of
their milk product they would be better
off physically as well as financially.
What they then sold would probably
bring as much as does the larger por
tion that they sell now. '
straps or hinges that work easily
wfll answer. The hogs will soon learn
to g back and forth, but fowls will
ot eater. If there are two sixes of
hoes, make a partition and in it con
struct a small swinging door just large
manga to admit the smaller pigs.
A Good Old Rotation.
Tha six-year rotation so long followed
tn tbte section, the Shenandoah Valley,
has some strong points in its favor.
The crops during the six years are in
hi srder: Corn, followed by wheat,
the ground being harrowed and the
wlteat drilled in. Immediately after
She wheat Is cut the next year, the
grormd Is plowed thoroughly, prepared
hy harrow and roller, and sowed again
wheat, this time accompanied with
about a bushel of timothy to six acres
and the same quantity of clover In the
party spring. Then three crops of hay
are Mowed, making the six years. Yery
fte four crops of hay are made.
I have not couuted the second crop f
lover usually cut and hulled for seed
ke first season. Since Western seed
generally can be bougut at low prices,
many think It better to pasture, or cut
Mils second clover for cows. It will be
noticed that this rotation, running six
years, calls for plowing only twice dur
ing that time, and gives three crops of
i.ay. which we think pays better than
ther crops. Farmers who follow this
Id-time way are not getting rich, but
hey are probably holding their own
about as well as others who follow
newer and shorter plans. Try all and
hold fast to that which Is good. Is not
a bits motto. American Agricultsrlst.
Heppner, Oregon, has a unique musical novelty in the character of a ladies
brass band, made up of the maids and matrons of the most prominent families in
the town, whose social standing is pitched with the bon-ton. The band was or
ganized a year ar, and was to be a self-supporting organization entirely. As soon
is organization was perfected ways and means were canvassed by which funds could
be ransed for uniforms and instruments. It was decided to give a concert, which
proved a grand s.iccess financially, at which the band made its first appearance
in public. The Audience mildly enthused over their playingit was so much
better than was expected. The Ladies' Band was a success. Then when the pres
idential campaign opened they were at once in demand. The Ladies' Band became
the fashion, and no candidate ever thought of making a speech in their neigh
borhood without first having secured their services as an attraction. Their popu
larity led them li.to church socials, picnics, etc., until now they are famous
throughout the entire Northwest.
That the world is coming to an end sud
denly at a given time is not what is re
ferred to. There are different kinds of sen
sations, as very many people know who
feel shavp twinges of pain in the big nerve
of the tbigh. Sciatica is a very painful
se-isntion, and the torment of it makes one
think something is come to an end. But
just at the iirst sensation or twinge is the
best time to use 8t. Jacobs Oil. The less
nain the. more easily it is cured, and the
Oil prevents its development by soothing
tne nerve. At any singe, it win cure.
Sanitary Reform of Bombay.
The Indian government has formnlat
ed an important scheme tor the sanitary
reformation of Bombay City. The
control of government and municipal
lands will be vested in a nominated
body, which will be empowered to lay
new streets through crowded localities
and to erect dwellings at low rents for
the poor. The scheme involves an ad
dition to the municipal rates of not
more than 2 per cent.
Hew Destroyer of Fruit.
Re-enforcements to the seventeen
year locusts, the gypsy moth, the
hrowntall moth and all the rest of the
busy array of fruit
destroyers are to
be found In vast
1 Quantities i i the
"San Jose scales.
The San Jose scale
takes Its name, not
hb sah Joss scale from the locality
to which It confines Its depredations,
nt to the one in which It first ap
peared. Since It made Its debut In Cali
fornia it has shown an Impartial fond
ness for every part of the Union. Flor
ida has not been too warm for It and
Massachusetts has pleased. New Jer
soy has not escaped and the Pacific
oast as far as British Columbia has
appealed to It. The scale, though ap
pearing only recently, has evidently
went several decades In preparing to
descend upon the world. It Is a micro
scopic Insect, which pierces the green
bark of the tree with Its proboscis and
sucks the sap. It has, doubtless with
an eve to this age of germicide solu
Hons, rendered spraying an Infested
tree useless, because It has a scaly cov
wing which remains on the bark of the
tree or the skin of the rrun ana wuicu
acts as an armor against such weapons
as washes. Fruit Infested by the scale
Is unmarketable.
Turnips Among: Corn.
There Is no crop grown so easily and
with so Mttlo cost as late-sown turnips
In a field of well cultivated corn. The
shade of the corn will keep the turnips
from growing much until the corn !s
est. Possibly also their growth will
be checked by the demand of the corn
roots for plant food. But in the Indian
summer that follows the first frost the
turnips will make rapid growth, as
tfcey will then have all the land for
their own use. The turnip will endure
a pretty heavy frost, and grow again If
warm weather follows It. But in onr
slimate turnips cannot be left hi the
ground all winter as they are In En
gland. A Milk Strainer.
One correspondent of the American
Agriculturist seems to think that a
wire screen In a milk strainer is not de
sirable, while an
other asserts that
If rightly placed
It will lie found en
tirely satisfactory.
In the illustration
is shown a strain'
er, with a wire
screen in the fun
nel at a, just as in
an ordinury strain
er. The bottom
should be four
Inches In diameter.
Place a piece of
muslin over the
neck at c and slip
the collar b over It,
A perfect strainer
Is formed. The
cloth must be kept
perfectly clean. Each time the strainer
is used remove the cloth and wash It
thoroughly, scalding in boiling water.
Renew frequently, for It Is less ex
pensive to get new cloths thnn to run
the risk of tainted milk. Also scald the
wire screen at each washing and care
fully scrub the tin portion.
.1 1 ' ',
Important Branch of the Government
of Which the Fnbl'c Knows Little.
The work of the I'nited States Fish
Commission is perhaps as little under
stood by the people of the country gen
erally as any branch if the govern
ment While It Is not adlvlsion of any
one of the nine great departments, it is
created by the President if the United
States, its officers are appointed by
him, and the work It Is accomplishing
Is of great Importance to seeral Indus
tries of the country.
In order to supply the demand for
food, fish culture must be resorted to In
every thickly-populated country, for
with the utmost protection the demand
Is always greater than the sujply un
less nature Is aided In Its production of
fish. Benjamin Franklin and other
prominent Americans were strog ad
vocates of fish culture and practiced
the transplanting of fish In the closing
years of the last century, but It was
not until the early 50s that mucl) at
tention was given to the matter it the
United States. At about this time the
scientific men of the country began to
investigate the American streams, aid
they were not long In discovering that
they were being rapidly cleared out.
They expressed grave fears that the
coast waters might alRo become deci
mated of their finny Inhabitants. Steps
were very soon taken by the different1
States to prevent such a catastrophe;
In 1805 Massachnsetss appointed the
first fish commission; In 18U8 New York
appropriated $1,000 for the same pur
pose. Gradually the other States have
followed suit until now almost every
one has its fish commission, and since
its first appropriation New York has
spent over $350,000 for this object. In
1870 Frof. Balrd, then of the Smith-
sonian Institution, fitted up a station
at Woods' Holl, on the southern coast
of Massachusetts, at his own expense,
and maintained it for two years, mak
ing many valuable demonstrations of
what could be done with a hatchery.
The ponds for fish culture at Wash
ington are not far from the Washing
ton monument on the mall, and they
are one of its most attractive features.
Rare specimens of fish are brought and
careful experiments are made to accli
mate them, and here, too, are hatched
vast quantities of the eggs of the fish
of commerce, which are sent to the
various stations all over the country.
Duck Farming 'In Virginia. .
; One of the largest and decidedly the
best equipped duck farms in the United
States Is located at Rlverton, Warren
County, on the Southern Railway.
John W. Morgan four years ago com
menced raising ducks at Rlverton on a
small scale, and his business has grown
until the output this year Is about 5,000
ducks, and he Is enlarging his plant
and expects next year's output to ba
about 15,000 ducks. , Mr. Morgan's
plant occupies two acres of ground, and
this area he will Increase. The plant
consists of an incubator house, a feed
room, a brooder house, home for em
ployes, a wareroom, yards with shelter
for the ducks and water supply outfit,
Including bath ponds, with running
water for the fowls. The proprietor Is
now adding to this plant. In the busy
season there are fed to this farm 125
3V&-gallon buckets of mixed feed each
dny. This farm marketed many thou
sands of ducklings the past season, a
large number weighing 7 to 8 pounds
per pair at seven weeks of age. Alex
andria Gazette.
oft the
Hipie Journal, and of
Ctrl Who Shams Religion.
RuthAshmore, writing of the "Shams
Modern Girl," In the Ladles'
the sham that
Is Vorse than all others the religious
Bbai," says: "She Is the one who Is
most conspicuous In speech and some
times In work; but In her heart her re
ligion Is simply a means to a very
earthly end. She is prominent In the
Sunday school, because she thinks she
can in that way become acquainted
To Cure Female DIG Soma Trua
Reasons Why Mrs. Pinkham
is More Successful Than
the Family Doctors.
ministers in the drink, the food, or some other
guise, but the poison of malaria shortens the
Uvea of in riiios. Therein a safe and certain
'anticline. Hosteller's Stomach Bittern, which
not only fortifies, the sysioin against malaria,
but roots out its seeds when they have germin
ated. Dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatic,
liver and k.dney trouble are conquered by the
A Minneapolis genealogist reckons
up four billions of persons oetween
William the Conqueror mid one of his
desoendants now living.
Economy: save io cents on
a package of "cheap" baking
powder and eat the cake.
You couldn't do better for
your doctor.
i Schilling's Best money-back
powder is at your
A woman is sic!c 6orao disease pecu
liar to her sex is fast developing In her
system. Sho goes to her family physi
cian and tells him a story, but not the
whole story.
She holds somothinir back, loses her
head, becomes agitated, forgets what
she wants to say, and finally conceals
what she ought to have told, and thus
completely mystifies the doctor. .
Is it any wonder, therefore, that the
doctor fails to cure the disease? Still,
we cannot blame tho woman, for it is
very embarrassing to detail some of
tho symptoms of her suffering, even to
her family physician.
It was for this reason that years
ago Mrs. I'inkham, at Lynn, Mass.,
determined to step in and help her
sex. Ilaving had considerable ex
perience in treating female ills with
her Vegetable Compound, sho encour
aged the women of America to write
to her for advice in regard to their
complaints, and, being a woman, it
was easy for her ailing sisters to pour
into her ears every detail of their suf-.
fering. Over one hundred thousand
women were successfully treated by
Mrs. Pinkham last year. Such are th
grand results of her experience.
There are 71,000 more woman than
men in the state of Massachusetts, and
this excess is all in persons over 14.
grocer's. .
A SchiuW & Company
I San Francisco
A daguerrotype of Louis Philippe,
taken in 1840 by Daguerre himself, has
been presented to the Oamavalet mu
seum in Paris.
' Government Seed Shop.
Last spring the Department of Agri
culture distributed, at a cost of $130,
00, enough seeds of all kinds to plant
an area of 355 square miles, or 227,200
acres. Now, If there were some way of
finding out just how many acres were
actually planted with these seeds, and
how much the crop produced therefrom
Is worth In cash, we would probably
ava a better argument than we can
produce now In favor of knocking the
Government seed business on the head,
Many a musty old humbug has been
suffered to exist simply because it was
hnposeIble to corral It with figures.
Orchard and Garden.
Fruit trees or plants will not take
care of themselves.
Grapes thrive best In well-cultivated
and well-drained land.
Having the orchard trimmed oy
keeps the trees bearing well.
Cherry trees must be grafted early
If good results are expected.
Choose young, thrifty trees, with
good roots and straight, clean tops.
Annual pruning largely avoids the
necessity for removing large limbs.
No fruit repays judicious pruning
and trimming better than the pear.
Make quality rather than quantity
the principal aim.
All trees that have roots or tops
bruised or mangled should be discard
In, setting out a tree, snve some of
the top soil, especially to put around
the roots.
It Is not a bad plan to plant trees
along the roadside the whole length of
the farm.
Nectarines and apricots can be
grown anywnere itiai me pcacu or
prune will thrive well.
Mulching prevents the enrly flow of
inn bv preventing the ground from
warming up too soon.
Aurlcoltural Note.
Keep the wagon well greased.
fim in feeding of cows lu summer
helps the fertility of the soil.
Itemember that you were once a boy
yourself, unless you are a woman.
Fresh top-dressing of pastures Is an
iusult to stock If It Is turned on tbem
A new variety not suitable to your
soil and climate Is worse than an old,
Inferior variety that Is.
"Mary had a little lamb," and her
father sold It, but the money he got for
it did not pay for the InjusUce he did
We ere asserting In the courts our right to the
exclusive use of the word "CASTOK1A," and
" PITCHER'S CASTOR1A," our Trade Mark.
I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of " PITCHER'S C ASTORIA,"
the same that has borne and does now bear the
fac simile signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on
every wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S
CASTORIA " which has been used In the homes
of the mothers qf America fur over thirty years.
Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that it la
tkt kini yo have altvays bought, and has the
signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the
wrapper. No one has authority from me to ase
my name except The Ceutaur Company of which
Chas. H. Fletcher is President.
March t, t$97- SAMUEL PITCHER, M.D.
A St. Louis paper is marvelling over
the ease of a septuagenarian whose
white hair turned blaok in a fingl
night recently.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for nr
case of Catarrh tnat cannot be cured by Hall's
taiarrn uure.
F. J. CHENEY i:o., loiedo, o,
We. the undersigned, have known K. J. Cheney
for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly
hororable In alt business transactions and
nimnclally ahle to carry out any obligation
made by their Arm, . .,.;
West & Tmmx.
Wholesale Dni joists, Toledo, 0.
Waldino, Kinnan & Marvin,
' Wholesale Drum?is:s, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, act.
ing directly upon the blood and mucous stir
facet of the system. Testimonials free. Fries
75c. per bottle. Hold by all druggists.
tiairs f amily mis are me uesi.
Broken Down Men
Men Who Have Wasted tho Vital
Power of Youth Who Lack
Vigor Can Be Cured by
This Is an appliance which Is known all oral
the world for Its wonderful tonlu Influence up
on the waning vitality of men and women.
Its touch Is the touch of life. Warmth and i.
ergetio health follows its application within
ten days. A permanent cure ot an weakness
restoration of new life Is assured In the long
est standing cases within VO days.
Pr. Randen will send yon a book upon this
subject, with valuable Information, free. II
possible, call and see his famous Hell. Try it
and regain your manhood. I -He haa a new
charm to those who wear 11. (Jail or address
tl3 West Washington St., ForiUnd, Or.
i'lfiue mention thil Viper,
All Eastern Svrun. so.' alien, nanallv ver
light colored and of heavy body, Is made from
glucose. "Tm Gariitn Uripi" is made from
ugar Cane and Is strictly pure. 11 is lor sale
by rtrst-clasH irrocers, In cans only. Manufac
tured bv the I'acikic Coast BYRUf Co. All gen
uine "Tm Garden Iritis" have the manufac
turer's name lithographed on erery can.
It is said that the flesh on the fore
quarters of the beaver resembles that of
land animals, while that on the hind
quarters has a fishy taste.
"King Solomon's Treasure," only Aphrodlslacal
Tonic known, (ttca lilctlnnary.) 1,'i.uo a box, a
weeks' treatment. Mason Cbeuilcal CO., P. U. lies
747, Philadelphia, Pa.
Vegetable, Grass
and Flower
Bulbs and Roses.
Fruit and Shade
TreesJ Spray Pumpsj Bee Supplies
j Fertilizers j Catalogs Free
"Ancient" coins, inany of which an
tedate the Christian era, are made in
large quantities in London, and tind
sale all over the world.
HU UUMiluouiii
Send for Catalogue flnnilTfl
lMl. W
I I believe Piso'i Cure is the only medicine
j that will cure consumption. Anna M.
! lloss, WlUianisport, I'a., Nov. 12, 'Oft.
Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder.
Mas, wikhi.ii'! Sooihiko Hratil- Simula always m i
I ased forchlldmn ti-ettiliif. It somliM lh ehlM.wfft
a mi th giims, allavn sll ttln. our lri .-otlo.Aiid Is S
I the hnt rmrwH tor itlarrlioe. Twenty At watt a a
botl. It la tho heat of all. 4M4aaat kJ
N. V. N. t'. o.4a, '7.
"I XT II EN writing tn advertiser!, pi
IT mention this paper.
! Fall Bet Pot -
' It Is not generally considered a good
fc m to set posts In- the fall. ' No mat
etr bow well' the soil ' la comparted
iV'tind them, rains will sink down In
The matter of a national fltjh commis
sion was brought to the attention of
Congress and the President many times
before anything was done about It, but
in February, 1871, Congress passed a
Joint resolution which authorized the
appointment of a commission of fish
and fisheries. Prof. Balrd was ap
pointed and entered at once upon his
duties, and his efficient service won for
himself the title of the "first nsh cultur-
lBt in the world," and placed the Amer
ican fisheries In the front qf nil others.
At the present time there are stations
located all over the country.
The headquarters of the commission
Is at Washington; It occupies the old
ante-bellum arsenal In that part of the
mall which is designated as Armony
square and Is a plain tall brick build
ing without a suggestion of exterior or
namentation. The basement Hoor Is
filled with aquaria In which Is running
water and growing plants and Inhab
ited with all kinds of fishes; the west
part of this floor Is finished like a deep
grotto and the hanging vinos anti
mosses over the glass cases, In which
the fishes are swimming, make the Illu
sion perfect. It often happens that the
fars In which fishes for propagation are
sent to the stations over the country
re standing on the side tracks near the
building and when this Is so It Is very
Interesting to see the manner in which
the fishes are carried from place to
The government owns two steamers,
the Albatross and the Fish IiawK,
which are fitted up magnificently for
the purpose, and which are used ex
clusively or deep sec explorations.
the child. They are manned with men or Known
"Got cheated In a farm machine that scientific attainments who have aaaea
I boneht of a farmer's supply house," Immensely to tne store or me w
says a farmer. Buy of a reliable hom knowledge of the Inhabitants
dealer next time. Read our ads. I -priny oeep.
with some people She would like to
know. She Is ever rendy to get up and
express her creed at the prayer-meeting,
because she thinks that her ability
will be recognized. , She rustles Into
her pew, kneels for a long time, and
then settles herself coinfortably-to
look at the congregation, She consid
ers It respectable to go to church. Be
yond that she gives no thought. She
forgets that, unless religion is of the
heart. It Is of no value. She has never
understood that It Is not the loud
prayer, nor the wordy prayer which
makes an Impression on Jod, but that
It Is the slucere cry from the soul a-
peaung to mm to which He listens.
The religious shar.i can usually give
you a description ef all the costume
worn by 'her sot' :u church. She can
tell you of the amount of money put In
by each member as the plate u pissed
along. She goes to church to obscrra
the outward, visible sign, and never, in
any way, troubles lirrnelf alsmt the In
ward, spiritual tfraoe."
We lead and originate
fashions la....
Cor. Second and Stark Sts.
II cure you ot fits
imla, IndlKestioii.
.nd stomach troubles
of all kinds. Price. 11. On receipt of same we
will deliver It at your iiranatu press odice free
of charge.
....FRANK NAU....
Portland Hotel Pharmacy,
Sixth and Morrison street.
of the
A Carious Superstition.
Among the superstitions of the Sen
eca Indians was one most beautiful
one: When a young maiden died they
Imprisoned a young bird until it tint
began to try Its powess of song; and
then, loading It with caresses and mes
sages, they loosed lis bonds over her
grave, in the belief that It would not
fold Its wing nor close its eye until It
bad flown to the splrlt-Iand and de
livered Its precious burden of affection
to tbe loed and lost one.-8t. Nicholas.
Women may supersede men In msny
pursuits, but the field in which a brln
d'.e cow grazes Is barred to tus female
la red.
How to Restore Lest Manhood and .
' Parlect Development, v
This great work, plainly written by a hiirh
medical authority, stiowa how manly vigor
can be regained and obstacles to niarrlane
removed. It la modern work for men who
aufler from nervous debility caused by over
work, youthful indulgences or later esceeses.
It points out how to be cured of nervousness,
despondency, Impotency, at home, without
Intertonn with business. ,
.Tl LIT' bonki ntllled "COMPLETE
Jrill be mailed free, In plain, sealad wrapper,
to the address of any sincere Inonirer by the
R.f ,M w'w 1 ' ""!""'' Niaxara Btteet,
Buftalo,N.V. KoC.O.D.achemeinodeceitlu!
1 fLrMrspu r
I I Beat cjaa kyraaTTaMaaOuoat, Datl I
Mate money by sueensfnl
speculation In CIiIcsko, We
buy and sell wheat un mar.
Kills, fortunes hava lieen
made on a small rn-itlnnlnK by tradinifln In
lures. Write for full tiartli ulars. Heat ( rtn.
erence Riven. Several years' r ierlnnoaon I he
Oncaxo Hoard of Trade, anil a thormiKlr know,
ledne of the business. Send for our Iree refer
ence book. limVNINO, HOI'kliNH fc (Jo..
I'hlesao Hoard of Trade Hrokers. Offices tn
Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wash.
base em jk wsj
We carry the most complete tine of ilymnaKlum
aim ainietic i,ooos on the coast,
beud for Our Athletic t:ataioRue,
SIS-SSO Market St., In ITranolseo, Cal.
Yields double the amount of any other Rraaa
for hay or pasture. Will stand the dry season
and grows as vigorously In September as la
June. It grows on dry hills where nothing else
wuisrow, 11 solves mi proeieni 01
In the iKirlhwut country, pries 20c
Address all orders to M. J. SHI
Moteuw, Idahrt.
V4Ta--.y til !
( tksM, VMlsjtn m4
vtMrtsUM hMJNLMI.1..
K I Br, A at SM
tJWg.. ClrouJtrfrMlVr tt,sfK
ftr auasitr lift.