OREGON CITY COURSER By A. W. CHENEY. Entered in Oregon City postofflce as second-class matter SUBSCRIPTION RATE3. II paid In advance, per vcar .... 1 SO Ouu year 2 00 Six months 1 00 Three muuihg . ... 6rj fV-The date opposite your address on the paper denotes the time to which you have paid. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. OREGON OITY, NOV. 12, 1897. A vouno German at Berlin attempted, with his sweetheart's consent, to estab lish a kissing record of in 000 kisses in 10 hours. They scored 3750 in the third hour, when their lips became paralyzed and both were rendered unconscious. . New Jersey glass factories report that "the demand for pu tent medicine bottles was never heavier; the orders for pre scription bottles never lighter," and an exchange says "the explanation is easy. The patent-medicine men advertise. The other medicine men do not." It is not often that a defeated c.mli date has held the attention of the peo ple like Bryaii is now doing. Wherever he goes immense crowds flock to hear him. But it is not the personality that attracts the multitudes. It is the prin ciples he represents, which will be again contested at the polls in 19;)'). Men die but principles never. Jacksonville Times. The republic of Guatemala has simultaneously suspended the payment of interest on the internal debt and ' called for a fresh loan of $1 ,500 000 for war purposes, to he subscribed for at par. The financial policy of Guatemala is not wholly original. Wo believe it was Mr. Toodles in th play who declared that it was against his principles to pay the interest and against his interest to pay the principal. The Orange Judd Farmer in its final estimate of the w heat yield of the United (States says that there will bo a total yield of wheat of 589,000,e00 bushels of wheat of which 373,530,000 are of winter and the balance spring wheat. The spring crop in Minnesota and the Dakotas has proved disappointing, the aggregate being only 129,000,00') bushels. The shortage is in a measure counter ( balanced by the good yield in Oregon, . Nebraska and Washington. The corn crop is short, also owing to the drouth .of the past two months. The outcrop is 100,000,000 bushels more than last year. Last Monday, at Washington, 1). O., the supreme court affirmed the decision of the circuit court of California, refus ing a writ of habeas corpus lo Theo dore Durrant, under sentence of death for the murder of M'ihs Blanche Lamont of San Francisco, in April, 1S95. Tl e case has attracted attention throughout tho entire United Slates, ami this de cision permits, tho law to take its endive with the condemned man, and Ihiir.ini may therefore bo hung without delay. Durrani is not tmrpi ined and when he was untitled of the supreme court de cision he did not display any emotion, anil remarked that he did not expect anything else. A Good School. Attention is called to an ndverliiemeiit, in another column, of the Holmes English and Business College, of Portland, Oregon. This institution has probably educated more young men and women for business, and found them employment, than all the schools of that kind in the North west, Miss Holmes, in addition to be ing assisted by tin abiu corps of six teachers, gives her entire time to the up building of the school and everything that can mid to the students advance ment and comfort is provided. The school maintains six departments, namely : Three years course in Em.di.di branches, a course in book keeping, penmanship, shorthand, typewriting and telegraphy. The Holmes college fa a Christian iustiiution and has at heart not only tho mental hut the moral and the physical welfare of the students intrusted to it care. The principal has given much thought to ihe home life id students and is able to provide safe and comfortable rooms i.t a low cost. The past years of business depression has impressed upon the miu. la of all the necessity for practical education and never in the history of the. country has tho work of the thorough busines col lege been so much appreciated as to day. A gentleman went into Hotmail's to buy some wall i a per for his parlor ami looking through the many samples found some patterns that were tine, de cided upon one. "What is tho price of that paper?" " cents per double roll." "I'm afraid that is too cheap." 1UH when it was explained how and w hy it was sold so cheap, lie took tho paper and was highly pleased. Pan William has added to his stock of groceries and provisions a full lino of feed and hay. Goods delivered to all parts of tho city free. Corner Seventh and Center streets If you feel week, dull and discouraged you will find a bottle of Hood's Sarsapa lilla will do you wonderful gwd. Go to Bautn & Brandes, 145 iFirst street, right on the Oregon City car line for your lunches and dinners. We make a Bpecialty of ladies' and merchants' lunches ; try them, only 25c. Agency for Mailland's candies. NO CURE NO PAY. Thnt Is the way all linguists sell GROVE'S TASTKLKSS CHILL TOM; for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It Is simply iron and quinine In r asteloss form. Children love It. Ailulls prefe at o bitter, nauseating Tonics. Frioe Sue. Fo ale by C. U. Huntley, Drugitlst. Two Million a Year. When people buy, try, and buy again, it means they're satisfied. The people of the United Slates are now buying GafC irPtg Candy Cathartic at the rale of two tid lion boxes a year and it will be three million bef re New Years. It means merit proved, that Cascarets are the most delightful bowel regulator for evhiybody the year round. All drug gists 10c, 25, 50c a licx.cure guaranteed. OASTOniA, lit fae- It m wy wrapper. TO CURE A COLD IN CNE 0AY Take I.axsitlvo Ilromo Quinine 'lY.ble.ls. All diuuKist's refund Ihe money II it fails to cure, 25c NOTICE Oe EXECUTORS' SALE. VOTICK H HUB' ' Ull'll'lsiirneil Its t BY ttlVKN THAT TUB xccntorof ihe!rt! will and ! testament oi .Stumi'l .-trite, de'-eased, has been i uuthnriiied, by order of the counts' court of CUieknm.s county. Oregon, mmie on Ihe loth day of October, a 1) lW, to sell either at public or iriV"te sale the follmvinn described real property ocIiiiiuIuk lo sum cnut'-: Jii'innuinK ai, a point ui roils west ol 1 lie south east corner of the I1. I. C. of Win. Matlock In township 2 south, murc 2 east of the Wilbim tte Meridian, siiintieil lu llie county or Clackamas. state of Oreuuii, and ruuuluit thence westerly on tiie hoi i til boundary line of xald D. L. claim 22 rods; thence niirlherly and at ririit angles to last lino, 40 r. dsi thence westerly at ritrht angles to last line, IS rod: thence southerly 40 ruds to the place of b. ginning. Also neinnning in tne soutn nue oi wm Mat lot k It. i. C. where Ihe same Intersects the center line of the Orel! n 4 California Railroad trac: running thence easterly tracing said ).L. C.line 207 feel i thonee south 133 feet: thence westerlv 2U3 feet to a point In the center line the 0. & i!. Kail mud track O'.i'i ted. roiith of I he place of neginuing; tnence northerly a'ong the Ciller line of the O. & C. Kailrrmd truck 0H feet lo the place ot be.'liiniui;. save i.ikI evecpt one fourth acre deeded liyS;nnuel striiciiml wifelo Ltvosnv, recorded on p-'ge 215 of book ;, re ords of deeds of Clackani'in county. Also lols 1 and 2 of 1.1. cT; Ove of MarshAeld, now Clackamas, as shown by the recorded plan thereof. Therefore, by virtue of said order of said rourt, I, the said executor ol the last will and lestameiit i-f f e said Siimnel S'.riie. deoeased, will from and ufler llie 7t.li day of December, A. D. proceed to sell at private sale the above described Hills for the same will be received by the Executor at ids residenoe In Clackamas, or by the aliorney lor said Executor, Lester P. Smith, at his ollice oa Main street, Ore g ni Cilv. I re'-ou, Dated Ibis 21-t day oi Ootober, A. P..1&S7, at Oregon City, Oregon'. JOHN T. STRITK, Executor. I.ESTKR P. SMITH, Attorney for estate. Gambrinus Cold Storage Griessen & Hallver, Props. Best WLzes, Liquors and Cigars Elegant Family Rooms. ORHliOX CITY - - OREGON Go to GALLERY Uo-to-Oat; Pictures !( TP, $1000.00 To the person who will send us (be largest number of sub scribers to the l.Ainns Home .Iiu un.m. between now and April ir.tb, lWtf. This is in addition to a liberal commission paid for every subscriber secured. shall divide ft I. fit).) uniting 141) agents who do the best wiik for us between inn it ml Ap il 15ih, lSi8. Our I'acilie Coast Manager will be pleased lo see those tl 'siving to take up the work. Ad troiNS W. fl. DANIELS, Cliif House, Oregon City, November Kith and 17th, TIK(VHT!S IVlll.lSlltNtl Co., Hula. It'll. hia. MEN ! beci can be cured If you lutTcr from arty of tha ill of men, crime to the oKlest Specialist on the Pacific Coatli DR. JORDAN A CO.. A t105 MarkotSk Eit d 1852. f ' Youitff men and mtdtlift 1 from th effects Jt youthful iiulwcretioiiorx- csm in maturrr veir, Nrvoui and Physical aurtl m l ll w ha are ktitteniiff inallitKCompliratintiii; NMriHntori'll(rn, trotlrrtiri, 4Jmtorrliu, Ulert, Irrtiiii Mtv r IMitnltiiir, fir. ily a T comluiutiun of rrmediei.ol urc.il curativauow- M r, tho Doctor hat to arraheil hit treatment i unt it w ill imt only att.nl immediate relief but M permanent cure. The 1oUt de not claim to perform miraclei, Imt in well-known to ba a fair a and Miliar Ptmician and Sum urn. nre-enunaut i in hit pe Lilly IHacaMi'M of Men. ,vthiua thnrmiKiiiveninirHtiHlIroiUflia avt'in wttlumt using JlrrMr M t:W.HV NAM annlvhtir tn m fill ffr F I Olve our A(hwI opinion ot h!ifN)niplntht, , ftvry ouf MHttrrtake, r forfeit Ou 1 onMiltntion rRKK ann ttrlrtly private. CHARiiKS VERY RKASOSAKLR Treat , inrnt iwsonallv or hv letter. Send foe book, " The lhilONOthy of miurriaxe free. (A valuaUa book tinmen. VIWIT 1R. jOKIANH Great M iwmhu of Anntoinv tha fiut and largest Museum of it kind in the world. Com and leun how wonderfully you ara made; how to avoid tii-knes and disease. vt are continu.illv adilnic new tiwcuuent 1U TA LOul'ti MKK I'all or writ. 1051 Mark Street, San Frarciiro, Cat 1iT fT 1 1 M wc wm un 4 m n Marvelous. Effects System Broken Down and Hope Al most Abandoned Health Re stored by Hood's Sarsaparilla. "For fifteen years I have suffered with catarrh and indigestion and my whole system was broken down. I had almost abandoned any hope of recovery. I pur chased six bottles of Hood's Barsaparilla and its effects have been marvelous. It has made me feel like a new man. I am able to sleep well, have a good appetite, and I have gained several pounds in weight." James Wilder, Oroville, Wash. "I had a scrofula swelling on one sidei ot my neck and ulcerated sores in my nostrils, caused by catarrh. I also had small, itching sores on my limbs. I bought three bottles of Hood's Sarsapa rilla aqd began taking it and the sores soon healed. My blood is purified, and the scrofula has disappeared." O. D. McManxis, Mission, Washington. Hood's r,ira Is the best in fact the One True Wood Purifier. Hood's Pills cure nausei! biliousness. , indigestion, 26 acuta. LOCAL SUMMARY. Coque featber brasa, Miss Goldsmith. For best groceries at cheapest price go to Marr & M uir. Justice court blanks 15 cents per dozen at Courier office. 1 The cheapest and best line of crockery in Portland is at Haine's Tea Store, 288 Morrison street. Fine new line of umbrellas and canes at Burmeisters & Andresens's Jewelry store. Inspect those adjustable window screens at Bellomy & Bosch's. They are certain', y the riishc thinjr. Furniture upholstered and repaired at the Oregon City Auction. Customers can leave orders for bottled beer, porter, Bteam beer or keg beer at Knapp'e Bismark saloon. John G. Wil holm, pioprietor Sellwood brewery. Get your picture frames made at the the Oregon City Auction House at very prices. - Prescriptions carefully compounded G. A. Harding's drutf store. lor the beat shave or hair cut to be had go to P. G. Shark's shop. Shaving 10 cents, Dr. VV. Wallena is now associated with Dr. J. W. Welch, dentist, in Wil lamette block. llie most reliable goods at lowest living cash prices are kept by the grocery store of Marr & Muir. With a little cost one's rooms can be made as good and bright as new. Call at Holman's and see styles and pattern all up-to-date 181)7 goods. Seventh street, near bridge. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain crowns and bridire work u specialty. Office in Barclay building, corner Main and Seventh streets. Before furnishing your house call at j Young's second hand store and he will tit you out for less than one-quarter of what new goods would cost. JOSKl'H RICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ollice in Oiogon City Bank Block. Okboom city, .... ( beoon. C. H. ISOM, Civil Engineer & Deputy County Surveyor Will bo nl Court IIouso on each Rat urd and on regular session days of County Court. J. W. WELCH, DENTIST, WILLAMETTE BLOCK, Opposite P. O., Oukuom City, Oh. (Iko. C. Bhownxi.l. J. V. Campbell BROWNELL & CAMPBELL, , ATTOIINKY8 AT LAW. Caullflil Bulltll.iK Oregon City ,Or C. N. GREENMAN, THK IMONIIH and Drayman C (established lsi;5 ) rarcels delivered lo all parts of the city. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE: Commercial Bint Bjltdln OREGON CITY, OREGON. Til OS. F. RYAN, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker. I.KAIIISH iNSl'RANrR AilKKCY CotSTV. Of ( l.Al KiHi Money to Iian. Abstract of Title Made. Drawlnir of .ei;al I'oounients a .peeially Oftlee on east side ol Main street Between 6th and till. OKKO.ON CITV, . OREUON. business change; O. F. HENKIN'GS has purchased the Seventh Street Bakery of Ja cob Kober and the new . management is pre pared to furnish you with Bread, Cakes, Buns, Etc., at very reasonable prices. C. F. HENNINQS, 7th St. Bakery Bank cf Oregon City. OLDEST BANKING HOUSE IN THK CITY l'ald Up Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $20,850. resident. - - Chas. H. Cauflied Vice-president - Geo, A. Harding Cashier, .... E. G. Cabfield A General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants bought. Loans Made on Available Secuntv Exchange Bought and 'told. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available In Anv Part of thi. worm. Telegraphic KxchangeSoldon Portland, San Francisco, Chicago and New York. , Interest Paid on Time Deposits. TUP RATA API i hi. unLnni i 1 Galvanized Tubs, 60, 75 and 90c. House Brooms, 15, 17, 20, 25 and 30c. I Toilet Paper, 6 for 25e. Tooth Picks, 5c. Black Boards, 3o, 50c ami tl. Hand Lamps, 20,25, 30, 35, 40, 45, HOc. China Tea Pots, small Bize. 17c. Graniteware, Glassware, Crockery, Woodenware. L. A. PATTERSON & CO... "Bazaar" Oregon City - - Oregon ((( Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge and the Depot. Double ami sinvlo riurs and saddle horses a iays on hauii at the lowest rates, and a qorra also connected with the barn for loose stock any information regarding any kind o( stock promptly attended to by letter or person. HOUSES BOCfHIT OR SOLI) I I ii 0E0. A. H UIDLNG, OBALRR IK IP DBTJGS IS Stailird Pat.Ntedicines P lints, Ills an 1 Window Ulass. I Prescription AminxMu r'omiouaitert. HAROIN'o'e BLOCK. The Commercial Dank OF OR KG ON CITY. CAPITAL $100,000. Transacts a General Banking Busines. Lfmii. made. 1111b iliseounled. Mnkes co turtlnn. Bnyn and kcIIs exohaiiRe on all point In tnc I'tiuod Mtutes Him Mimii ami on Hon Kong. Deposits received .ubteottonheck. BHiikopnii Irw 9 A.M. to 4 P. M. D.C. LATonRKTTE, F. E. DONALDSON President. Casliie H. STRAIGHT, HKAI.3K IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Fee J, Lime, Cement and Land Plaster. Winter Shoes! KRAUSSK BROS., geeond k tluor north of 1'. 0., have just received n line new line of HEN'S WINTER TANS. Call mid nee tliein. We have added a tirst-eliiss shoemaker to our entalilishiiieut. mid are prepared to do nil kinds of repairing at reasonahle rates, t t t t t KRAUSSE BROS' SHOE STORE Two iMorw KorlU nf 1'ostollU'rt Winter Shoes! WANTED TKl'STWORTH Y A X II ACTIVE (tenllemeii or ladles to travel for responsible eslablished house In Oretiiiu. Mouihlv bj and exiH'iises. Position sttadv. Kefereiire. En close self addr'ssed stamped envelope. The liomiiiion I'uuiptny, lepl. V. I'lucaso. WANTEFI TRt'STWORTIl Y AND ACTIVK Kentlemon or ladles to trav.l for rrsmii.ible, established house in Oreuou. Menthlv i no and exiienses. 'osllion steady. Reference. Kiirlos. sHlf.ddreael stamped envelope. The Pouiinien Company, lept. Y, Chicago. McKITTRICK'S SHOES Beat the World! Fine French Millinery ...Miss A. S. Jorgensen... . ATA T.ADIES OF OREGON CITY ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND ATA 291 Mcrrison St. Met. 1th J. Phillipb, Proprietor Steam Dyeing & Cleaning Works LADIES' AND GENTLEMENS CLOTHING CLEANED DYED AND REPAIRED IN BEST POSSIBLE MANNER Office, Foot Morrison Street, - Portland, Or. Works at Mechanics' Pavilion, 325 Second St. ' ..GO TO... G. H. BESTOW & FOR DOORS. WINDOWS, fOULDINC and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PRICES EVER OFFERED FOR FIR8T-CL&SS GOODS. Sliop Opposite Conirrellrttlonal Church. Alain Street, Oregon City, Ore. for CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS go to RICHARD PETOLD3 CASK M4RKETQ Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill. Main St., Opposite Caufiekl Block, Two Shops, - J. W. BING & CO. Importers and Dealers In JAPANESE FANCY GOODS Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc. Great Sale this week 1 Come and see our priees and bargains. 2K8 M'HKlilnirtnn Stmt, PORTLAND, OREGON. 1 $ $10 Every Day Can Be Made fcy Agents, To nrove It. we rlvn a for umi r,.m nti ...i. .... ..... and another 80 in thiw days. One ajtent in Indiiina sold 16 copies in two (lavs An sSJn? in South Carolina sold 4a copies in three .lav,. One agent in t'eoii ia wUl it k twn?i.. Ail agent in Central Georgia sold a copies in ten ya. WtenByonWnsW?r tliroff inlwion we allow afrents. and the immenra p. pule of this wonderfTbooU and tI . tk y'tl'V"Jicl?. P1"9; Fc: Jn''ee: one agent n. . lo.2S in ten days' sellinS B. F. HAYNES PUBLISHING" COMPANY, Nashville, Tenn. SECOND-HAND SECOND-HAND FURNITURE SECOND-HAND CAHPTE3 SECOND-HAND ST0V33 SECOND-HAND TOOLS SECOND-HAND HARDWARE SECOND-HAND WAGONS SECOND-HAND HARNESS SECOND-HAND SADDLES SECOND-HAND PLOWS SECOND-HAND CULTIVATORS SECOND-HAND TRUKS ALL TO BE SEEN AT THF-a OREGON CITY AUCTION HOUSE Opposite Postoffice. fJaProtliiee Taken in Exchange. 0otne in and see our priees before I)"u'1 thi Wlh da5r ot October, wo?. uuing eiaewncre. & 5th, PORTLAND, ORE. , Goods Called For and Delivered - . Oregon City, Oregon. ES. THUNDERBOLTS," SAM JON the latest, find frrandpst liook liv this world-wldo rclcbrltv now out ami for hale exclusively ly subscription. Tha en y buck given to the public by Sara Jones in ten venrs. Kilned liy Ifev. 1!. F. Illiynes. Imroductiou liv rtislion loseph s toy, cf tho M. E. Church, South. oitOprfoi 122 Kiilcndid illustrations. A bonanza lor agenta. Most rapidly, easily selling book of tho age. AGCINTS WANTED. Send Sff Cents for Agent's Outfit, and 10 Cents lorO-ip 70-page, Illustrated Catalogue of Bibles, Albums, Etc. WONDERFUL SALES. ..OF THE. GAMBRINUS GOLD STORAGE... I'XDKR NKW MANAGEMENT OF Griessen k Halhvylcr .ox SATURDAY, NOV. 6. COUNTY TRKASURER'S NOTICE. I "AVE NOW IN MY HANDS FUNDS applicable to the payment of all warrants ' j endorsed prior to July 11th, Ism. I Interest will" ce.se on the above warrai ; after the date of this notice. i JACOB SHADE. Treasurer of Clackamas County, Oregon. AU palabaDiti..7 KSo.' fain I'll