Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, November 12, 1897, Image 2

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    Oregon City , Courier.
A. W. CHBNJBT, Publisher.
OEEGON CITY.. ........ ...OREGON
fatmreatlng Collection of Currant Events
In Condensed Form From
Both Continents.
Three men were burnod to death in
fire at Hot Springs, Ark.
- Marshal Blanco has extended a full
pardon to all rebels in Cuba.
Steps were taken at a mass meeting
f miners held at Marquette, 111., to
continue the coal strike throughout the
A rumor has reached Simla that a
vative officer and 85 Sikhs belonging
t the Kurram column have been inter
cepted by the tribesmen in a rayine
and slaughtered.
Two men met death in Southern Or
egon. One was struck and hurled
irom a trestle by a train on the South
ern Paoific, the other was run over by
-the same train while switching in the
yard at Grant's Pass. . .
A Naples dispatch says Mount Vesu
vius is in great activity. A mass of
lava ia pouring out from the Artio de
Oavello crater, which opened in 1S95.
Two wide streams are flowing down in
the direction of Vitrova and Iliano del
A terrible famine is raging in the
province of Archangel, Russia. '. Many
-Jiava already died of starvation. The
people wander about reduced almost to
ekelotons, the heads swollen to the size
f baskets. The only means of subsist
en ce is tea. ' ' '
The chamber of commerce of San
Francisco, has sent the following mes-
sago to President McKinley: "In the
name ot humanity and patriotism, the
ham be r of commerce of San Francisco
respectfully urges upon you the prompt
dispatch of the revenue cutter Bear to
the Arctic, under command of Captain
Healy, with discretionary ordera, fully
equipped and provisioned, to rescue
ever 400 men imprisoned by iae near
Paint Barrow, and with authority to
im, if necessary, reindeer, at the gov
ernment station, to facilitate the land
ing." The United States supreme court has
affirmed the decision of the lower oourt
in the case of the interstate commerce
eoramiasion against the Alabama Mid
- land and the Georgia Central railways,
nd others. The case arose out of
charges by citizens of Alabama that the
companies were disregarding the long-and-short-haul
clause of the interstate
o-mmorce law. The point at issue was
whether, when there was competition
between railroads and water transpor
tation, the roads must tile lower rates
with interestate commerce oommmis
ion, and it was decided in the nega
tive by the oourt.
The anarohists of New York cele
brated the 11th anniversary of the con
viction of their comrades in Chicago,
at public meeting. There were
abewt 600 anarchists in the audience.
Jofaann Most presided and spoko of the
"canaille of capitalism," which he said
congratulated itself that the social
qvestion had been squoluhed, and that
peace and order prevailed. He wanted
to tell the political bandits that "the
anarchists were not gathered to mourn
r to shed tears, but to sing a song of
triumph, for the future was not far off."
lie called the government a cowboy
government, with apologies to cowboys,
nd tickled his hearers by saying only
ne homb was fired in tho 11 ay market,
nt it did excellent execution.
The monthly statement of the public
debt shows at the clost of business Oc
tober HO, dubt, less cash in treasury,
amounting to f 1,030,608, 901, an in
srease for the month of $8,441,188.
A section of scaffolding around the
Wabash building in St. Louis, recently
partially destroyed by flro, gave way,
carrying night workmen into a mass of
debris. Two were fatally injured and
four soriously hurt.
During a lire at Hornnt's dyeing and
cooritig establishment in Philadelphia,
Pa., a large can of benzine exploded.
Thirteen llreinen were seriously burned.
It is feared some of them may lose
their eyesight. The loan by tire was
The Sparta stage was held up by two
masked men three miles from Baker
City, Or. Tho highwaymen had a
lantern, which frightened the horses,
and the coach was capsized. The driver
prabbed the mail sack and reached Ba
ker City safely.
Attorney-General Fitzgerald, of Cal
ifornia, submitted a motion to tho su
preme court at Washington, to dismiss
r affirm in the vane of W. II. T. Dur
rani. The case involves the proceed
ings against Durrant for murder. The
case was taken under advisement.
The people of Canton turned out in
largo numbers to welcome President
McKinley upon his arrival home. Ho
was escorted to his residence by tlio
Canton troop, where ho was waited
upon by tho Commercial Travelers' As
sociation and a large delegation of
workmen from Duobor Heights, most
f them from the Duobor watch works.
It is expected that a t witty or con
vention between the United States,
Russia and Japan will bo formally
signed and executed at tho state de
partment during tho present week,
carrying out tho proposition before the
Itt'hring tea conference for a suspension
f pelagic sealing. The present under
standing is that the signing of this
document will ooour within tho next
few days. ; It will represent the com
pleted efforts of the conference, and,
with the signing concluded, the confer
nee will adjourn.
The Premier and President to Have a
Washington, Nov. 10. The authori
ties here have been advised that the ar
rival tomorrow of Sir Wilfred Laurier,
premier of Canada; Sir Louis Davies,
minister of marine in the Laurier cabi
net, and other officials of the Domin
ion, is to hate an important bearing,
not only on the Behring sea settlement,
but on all the pending questions which
have been soucresof international com
plication between tho United States
and Canada, namely, the passage of
the alien-labor laws to and from Can
ada, the North Altantic fisheries ques
tion, the presence of many Americans
in the Klondike territory belonging
to Canada, and in the mining regions
of British Columbia, tie fisheries
trouble along the Great Lakes, the
bonding privilege granted Canadian
railroads, the controversy over the
rights in Fraser river, British Colum
bia, and in Puget sound, and also the
question of a reciprocity arrangement
between the United States and Canada.
There is direct and definite informa
tion that Sir Wilfred comes prepared
to take up all these questions, and if
possible include them in one general
settlement whereby the constant fric
tion they have engendered may be over
come. Un some ot tne.se subjects ne
will confer with President McKinley,
and on at least one of them, that relat
ing to alien laborers crossiug the bor
der, he will suggest such mutual modi
fications of present restrictions as in his
opinion may be of material advantage
to the thousands of Americana now in
the Klondike country, and at the same
time will be of advantage to Canada
along the eastern borders.
" The essential features of Sir Wilfred's
mission - were communicated to the
officials, and are given out by per
sons fully advised of the premier's
plans, and it can be said the sugges
tions that the decks be oleared of exist
ing disputes between Canada and the
United States mot with tho favor of the
administration.' .. '. ' '
Kir Wilfred Laurier and his associ
ates will urge strongly that the labor-
immigration q uiHtion be settled, and
on this point will confer with the pres
ident. Under the premier's direction
the Canadian parliament passed an
alien-immigration law last spring, by
which oontractois of American labor
would be debarred from competing in
the work on the Crow's Nest pass rail
way, a government undertaking in
Western Canada. On the other band,
it is claimed by the Canadians that
6,000 Americans are in the Klondike
territory, belonging to Canada, and
that 10,000 American contract laborers
are working in the mines of British
Columbia. The United States immi
grations laws, it is asserted, are ad
ministered with harshness along the
Canadian border, and are a daily source
of irritation. Sir Wilfred therefore
will suggest that the cause of irritation
be removed on both sides, and it is un
derstood that he is prepared to offer a
repeal of Canadian restrictions in the
Klondike and other regions, if the ad
ministration of the American law is
made more lenient.
In this connection theoo-operation of
the United States is desired in plans of
the Canadian authorities to make an
easy route to the Klondike. The pro
posed route is by boat from Fort Wran
gel to the Stickeen river, which is in
territory belonging to the United
States, and up the Stickeen via Teslin
lake, to the Yukon river and thenoe to
the gold fields. As the Stickeen river
is on American soil, it is desired to
overcome any possible controversy, al
though the treaty of Washington is
said to make the navigation of the river
free to Canadians and Americans alike.
The need of this route under tho put
rongue of the Dominion is felt by the
Canadian premier to be imperative, in
order that 10,000 Australians can reach
the Klondike in the spring. A total of
16,000 colonists are expected to head
that way.
In the matter of reciprocity, the gen
eral purpose of tho negotiations will ho
to give the United States the benefit of
the minimum clause of the , present
Canadian law in exchange for the 20
per cent reduction allowed under tho
Dingley law. The desire of Sir Wil
fred and his associates will be to con
fine the arrangement to a few import
ant articles, allowing time to develop
its usefulness and extend its scope. On
the part of Canada the articles likely
to bo proposed for reciprocity are coal,
lumber and barley. On the part of the
United States tho articles likely to fig
ure are coal, oil, oorn, railroad and
electric supplies, machinery of all
kinds, agricultural implements, native
woods, watches and clocks, cotton and
certain forms of iron and steel.
Kllef for the Whaling Fleet.
Washington, Nov. 10. Thore was a
conference at the White Houho today
attended by Secretaries Gage, Long
and Alger, Commodore Melville ami
Commander Dickens, of the navy, and
Captuin Showalter, commander of tho
revenue servioe, to consider moans for
relief of the American whaling fleet
said to be icebound in Behring sea. It
was decided to send tho revenue cutter
Hear to the relief of the whalers.
Orders have been issued to put the
Bear in commission for tho voyage,
and Captain Showaltor says she will
be ready to sail as soon as she can bo
provisioned, which will take but a
slioit time.
Peullentlary for Life.
Gladwin, Mich., Nov. 10. Ben
jamin Nunn and Roy Nuun, father and
son, were Imth sentenced to lifo im
prisonment in the state penitentiary
today. Their crime was murdering
Curtis Wright.
Killed by a Train. ,
Chicago, Nov. 10. Alderman Henry
Ludolph, of the 16th ward, was run
over and instantly killed by a Chicago
& Northwestern train this evening.
Bullitt's Plan Laid Before the
Monetary Commission.
National Bank Notes to Take the Place
of All Other Kind of Currency
Other National News.
Washington, Nov. 9. The monetary
commission is receiving, in answer to
its invitation, many interesting propo
sitions for reform in the banking and
currency systems of the country, and
among these is one from John G. Bul
litt, of Philadelphia, which, coming
highly indorsed as it does by financial
authorities, has commanded great at
tention and study. Mr. Bullitt's plan
touches every branch of the problem be
fore the committee, and its provisions
in outline are as follows:
That all outstanding currency obliga
turns', amounting to about $800,000,
000, shall be taken up and canceled,
being replaced according to business
exigencies (under thedireotion of a currency-board
commission, composed of
the president, secretary of the treasury
and controller of the currency), by 8
per cent bonds. There is to be but one
kind of currenoy, namely, national bank
notes, redeemable in gold at the bank
of issue, and a seleoted bank of reserve,
and these notes are to be issued gradu
ally to replace United States obliga
tions as tho latter are retired. These
notes are to be secured by a doposit of
15 per cent in gold in the treasury, by
16 per cent in gold in the bank vaults,
and by a first lien upon all the bank's
assets, as well as by a special provi
sion giving the government the right to
assess all national banks, when needed,
to make good the notes of a defaulting
bank, the notes of which would then
be redeemed by the government A
taxis to be laid upon the banks to
cover the expenses or too currency
board, and the balance held to secure
redemption of notes in gold; but if
this exoeeds 110,000,000, the surplus
may be covered into the treasury to pay
interest on United States bonds and
for general purposes , This tux should
be of 1 per cent, or 1 per cent per
annum, as the commission shall elect.
Power should be given to banks, under
permission from the currency board, to
inorease the note issue when there is a
demand caused by an unusual financial
emergency, such increase to be subject
to a tax (to be determined from time to
time by the currenoy board) upon the
notes while in circulation, the tax
upon the notes to be at a rate which
would put pressure upon the banks to
take up the notes when the emergency
had passed.
Silver and subsidiary ooins should be
redeemed in gold by the United States
government when demanded. These
amount to about $100,000,000. No
notes should be issued for less than $5.
National banks should be constrained
to exchange notes now out for new
issues by surrendering notes as they
receive them.
Customs demands and taxos of all
kinds due to the government should be
payable one-third in old and two
thirds in bank notes. This is necessarv
to supply the government with the gold
required by it to pay interest upon
United States bonds, redeem silver,
and for other purposes.
The legal-tender quality of gold and
silver should remain as now provided
by law, and they should bo the only
legal tender, exoept to the extent of
two-thirds of customs duties and taxes
duo the government, which should be
payable in bank note, as above sto-ed.
Confer upon the currency board the
power to regulato the issue of bank
notes from time, in lieu of the govern
ment currency retired, and to author
ize new banks and branch banks to be
established, when and where, and with
such amounts of capital, as the board
may deem proper and expedient, with
power also to increase the amount of
note issuo by the banks required for
the normal conditions of business bf
tho country shall grow in population
and business expansion. As banking
capital muy be increased by the crea
tion of new banks, the currency board
should have the power to adjust the
note issue, whether normal or extraor
dinary, betweeen the new and old
banks, no distinction being drawn be
tween them. The 15 per cent gold
upon the note issue deposited in the
government treasury, and the 16 per
cent kept in bank vaults, should be
counted as part of the 25 per cent re
serve on deposit in national banks.
Tho system of clearing-house certifi
cates adopted by the banks in the large
cities in times of panic should be legal
ised, They have proved to be most
salutary, and there can be no better
evidence of the needs of such a system
than the fact that it has been estab
lished by voluntary consent in times of
London, Nov. 0. The British steam
er Harwood has arrived at Gibraltar,
with her machinery out of ordor. She
was last reported at Savona, October
23. A dispatch from Flushing Bays
that tho British steamer SU Cuthbert,
Cuptatin Fitzgerald, from New York
for Antwerp, is ashore at Paradumark,
Two Hunted to leath
Halifax. Nov. 9. The residence of
GeorgoTullock, about three miles from
Halitax, was burned last night. Miss
Mary Walker, sister of Mrs. Tullock,
and a 4-year-old child were burned to
Fatally Crushed.
Pittsbttrg, Not. 9. Three employes
ot Jones St Lkughlin'l steel works were
caught between a car and shifting en
gine thin morning, and crushed so bad
ly that two of them wU die.
"Concentration" Dying Oft By Tens ol
Thousands In Western Cuba. ' 1
New York, Nov. 9. A special from'
Havana says: Weyler has gone, but
his purpose to "exterminate the breed"
of the Cuban patriots is being fulfilled.
Staravtion is killing the "concentrados"
by tens of thousands. Hunger is doing
what Spain's 200,000 soldiers cannot
accomplish. The frightful sufferings
of those who survive cry out to the
mercy of the civilized world. The phy
sicians of Havana are now forbidden to
give "starvation" as a cause of death.
A correspondent in the town of San
Domingo writes:
"A multitude of sick fall and die in
the streets here, and lie until, after , PPomtea to investigate ineagncu.
having served as ignominous spectacles tural possibilities of Alaska, have sub-
for some hours, they are
hauled away in carls used for garbage to
the dumping grounds. Most of these
bodies are thrown into the fields to be
eaten by the birds and dogs."
The"birds" of which this correspond
ent writes are vultures.
Both the newspapers which support
ed Weyler and those who opposed him
are now forced to tell the half the truth
about the starving "concentrados."
Here are some whole truths niado un
deniable. Since Weylor's proclamation driving
the country people into the towns was
issued, half the rural population of
Western Cuba has die i. Half of those
who survive are so weak, so emaciated,
that the flickering spark of life in them
will surely soon bo extinguished. They
cannot survive, although Blanco, tho
governor-general, has ordered that ser
vioe rations be issued to them, rations
suoh as his soldiers get. The lives of
the other half of the survivors Blanco
will save.
Photographs of starving children
speak louder' than any words. , These
photographs are taken at Ouanabacoa
within an hour's travel of the palace
here. Komember that with natural
affection intensified by suffering the
parents of these children have given to
them every morsel they could scrape
together. Tho mothers of these child
ren deny themselves ft.od, refuse to eat
the miserable scraps of meat and bread
that they may keep life in their child
ren, , The children's legs were like
pipestemB. One could oount their
ribs. Their joints, made dispropor
tionately large by emaciation, seemed
immense. These are ' not isolated
cases. There are thousands and thou
sands like them.
The assistant mayor of Havana says
that there are 15,000 concentrados in
this city. Bagged, thin and starving,
these people are huddled in the public
buildings. The hospitals are all full
as the graveyards. Certain not more
than 90 per cent of the deaths among
the ooncentrados in this city are re
ported. But from these official figures
it is easily learned that the death rate
among the children of the ooncentrados
in hospitals and public buildings is 90
per cent; among the adults oo per
cent, and the death rate in tho smaller
cities and towns is even largor.
The absolute fact is that in Havana
the conditions are five times better,
more favorable than anywhere else in
Cuba. Yet the Spanish officials' re
ports prove that 1,778 persons died in
Havana during the month of Septem
ber last, and 2,278 during October.
The Supreme Court Declines to Inter,
vene to Have Htm.
Washington, Nov. 10. The United
States supreme court today affirmed tho
decision of the circuit court of Califor
nia refusing a writ of habeas corpus to
William Henry , Theodore Durrant,
under sentence of death for tho murder
of Miss Blanche Lamont at San Fran
cisco, in April, 1895.
The case has attracted attention
throughout the whole United States,
and today's decision permits the law to
take its course with the condemned
Chief Justice Fuller announced the
court's decision, but made no remarks
save to cite a few authorities on which
the court based the decision.
The decision of the Durrant case was
in response to the motion of Attorney
General Fitzgerald to dismiss the case
or affirm the decision of the court be
low. The chief justice, indulged in no
comment whatever, merely remarking
that the order of the circuit court was
affirmed on the authority of the deci
sions of the court in previous cases.
Attorney-General Fitzgerald was
present in the court-room when the
opinion was rendered, and said it would
insure Durrant's hanging.
- The News at Ban Francisco.
San Francisco, .Nov. 10. The news
that the United States supreme court
decided not to interfere with theexeou
tion of Durrant spread quickly over the
city today and crowds of interested
people read the announcement eagerly
from the newspaper bulletin boards.
The decision was not unexpected here.
District Attorney Barnes, who conduct
ed the sensational trial, the result of
which was tho conviction of Durrant
for tho murder of Blanche Lamont, was
much pleased with the decision of the
supreme oourt. It paves the way for
the execution of five other murderers
who have been sentenced to death, but
whose execution has been deferred
pending a decision in the Durrant case,
Down a Mine Chute.
Leadville, Colo., Nov. 9. Joseph
Hatcher, recently arrived from Mis
souri, was fatally injured in the Chip
mine this morning. He is a partner in
the lease, and was in an upraise when
he made a misstep and foil through the
chute 50 feet. He cannot live.
Killed by a Falling Home.
'. Vienna, Ind., Nov. 9. The house of
Bud Doley, a farmer near here, fell
down this morning, killing him and a
man named Parks, and there children.
Commissioners Evans and
Killin Submit Reports.
Enough of Certain Crops May Be Grown
to Sustain a Considerable
Washington, Nov. 8. Dr. W. H.
Evans and Benton Killin, oommission-
Agriculture Wilson. The reports agree
that while comparatively little agri
culture exists there, it is possible that
enough of certain crops and animals
may be grown to sustain a considerable
population, provided proper methods
are pursued.
While Director True, of the division
of experiment stations, does not regard
us feasible the establishment of agri
cultural experiment stations there he
believes that experiments may be car
ried on in a number of lines with great
The two commissioners spent throe
months in investigation on the south
ern coast of Alaska. They report that
the cultivated areas in Alaska are con
fined to small kitchen gardens, : in
which are grown many of our earlier
and hardier vegetables. Stockraising
is carried on to a very limited extent.
The possible extension of .- pasturage
and gardoning are quite considerable.
What agriculture will be m Alaska
will be subsidiary to fishing and other
industries, according to Mr. Killin's
special report. , Fishermen will locate
on Alaskan lands and make homes. At
the present rate, Mr. Killin says, the
salmon will soon be destroyed. They
are being fished for in the spawning
waters to such an extent that they have
no opportunity to propogato. The hali
but and herring will last forever.
Timber will not go into the market
until the yellow fir, or Douglass pine,
of the Pacific coast, is exhausted, as it
is superior to the Alaskan spruce or
hemlock. Alaskans will not feel the
want of agriculture, as freight from the
coast agricultural districts by sailing
vessels is very cheap. It now costs
but SO cents a day to provide food for
miners at Turnagain arm, the most re
mote part of Cook inlet. He says that
the agricultural department can do
nothing in experiment stations in Alas
ka, but it can furnish information.
Mr. Killin says that from the conn-
try will be drawn sailors for the mer
chant marine and navy. It oan be
done, he thinks, by granting to every
American citizen who shall establish
himself in a home for five years on the
public lands and who shall engage in
some occupation on his own account for
the same period, 20-acre tracts of land,
with about 600 feet of water front.
The latter will make it possible for
boats to be landed and nets to be drawn.
The timber of the 20 aores would
bnild a boat, a bouse and furnish fuel.
As fast as the timber is taken off the
land, small fruits and green vegetables
can be grown and grass furnished for
the domestic animals. Grasses grow
to great perfection. Little was seen of
the cultivation of cereals and small
truits. Berries abounded, though prac
tically no attention is paid to their cul
tivation. As to the country from the southern
boundary to Kodiak and Long island,
and from the Pacific to the Alaskan
mountains, the climate is extremely
wot, but not cold. The winters are
very long, and the feeding period will
be at least seven months. Cereals
will not ripen, and the vegetables will
not mature.
Forfeited His Life In an Attempt to Es
cape at Salem.
Salem, Or., Nov. 8. Otto Krahn,
a eonviot in the penitentiary here, for
feited his life this evening about 6
o'clock in the desperate attempt to es
cape. He was employed in breaking pig
iron in a shed near the foundry, and
shortly before the hour for marching
the men buck to their cells, adroitly
improvised a ladder by nailing several
cleats on a pine plank which served as
a track for conveying iron pipes to a
trench being dug between the prison
and the insane asylum on the north.
Placing the plank against the north
wall of the yard, in plain sight of the
wall guard, Jay McCormick, son of J.
II. McCormick, of this city, and in de
fiance, of tho guards' repeated warn
ings, he climbed to the opening and
sprang to ine ground, neeing liKe a
deer toward the asylum. As he leaped
from the wall, the guard fired low,
hoping to check him by wounding him
in the legs, but missed. The second
shot pierced Krahn's body from the
shoulder to tho right side, and he fell
dead in his tracks. 80 feet from the
It was McCormick's first day's eerv
ice at mo penitentiary. mis was
Krahn's third attempt to escape. He
was a German, 25 years old. Ho was
sentenced Irom Multnomah oonnty in
January, 1893, for eight years for as
sault with intent to commit rape.
Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 8. The bill by
Mr. Oliver, of Burke county, to make
the birthday of Jefferson Davis a legal
holiday in this state, was adversely
reported by the general judiciary com
mittee in the house of representatives
here today, and Mr. Oliver called up
tne measure and moved to disagree
wun tne committee, in an earnest
speech he aeked the house to honor the
hero of the lost cause. The report of the
committee was disagreed to by an al
most unanimous vote.
Secretary Alger's Reply to the Klondike
Relief Committee.
Boston, Mass., Nov. 9. While in
this city today to visit his son, who is
a Harvard student, Secretary of War
Alger was seen in regard to the matter
of the request of the merchants of Port
land, Or., and the Chamber of Com
merce of that city, asking his official
assistance in sending supplies to the
Klondike, through the co-operation of
the war department. Secretary, Alger
stated that his department is waiting
to get a report on the matter from Cap
tain Kay. When last heard from Ray
was at Fort Yukon, and was going to.
Dawson City. The secretary has or
dered reindeer to St. Michaels, hoping
that there are stores of provisions thero
He added:
"We should have a report soon. Un
til that comos, I cannot do anything,
as I will not know the true condition
of affairs and cannot tell just what
steps it is best to take.
"In the matter of the request of tho
Portland Chamber of Commerce, Ihavo
no authority to act in such a case.
Congress is the only body that can ,
place the forces of our departments at
their disposal for such a thing. If
anything in the way of army transpor-
tation, if we had troops there, I could
act on my own responsibility. As a
oitizen,I will do all I oan, but officially ,
l ean do nothing without tho uuthori- .
zation of congress."
Operators Will Attempt' t,
Break the Strike.- . - .-y, '
Chicago. Nov. 9. The Times-Herald ....
says: Chinese coahniners are to take
the place of Americans in the Northern
Illinois district. An attempt will bo
made to break the strike , that exists,
and 800 skilled coolies have been picked
for the work. They will all bear aruiH.
live in a gattling gun equipped stook
ade, and be guarded by 100 former
Chicago policemen. An agent of the;
Chinese Six Companies was in Chicago
laBt week and made a contract with tho
Wilmington Coal Company to deliver
the 800 Chinese in the Wilmington
Braidwood districtt. The first consign
ment of 200 will arrive next Tuesday,
and others will be on hand as soon a
provision can be made to take care of
them. Arrangements for an additional
1,000 Chinese miners have been made,
conditional on the success of the first
Elaborate preparations have been
completed to take euro of the first 800
Chinese and give them ample protec
the Pastor Advocated the
Election of Low.
New York, Nov. 9. The chorus.
choir of the People's church, of which
Rev. Thomas Dixon, jr., is pastor, con
sisting of about 40 singers, refused to
eing today out of sympathy with Pro-;
feasor Agramonte, their leader, becauso
the pastor last Sunday advocated the
election of Seth Low for mayor. Pro-
icssor Agramonte is a Cuban and a
member of the junta here. His son has
been in a Spanish prison in Cnba for
two years. The Cubans say that Seth"
Low was opposed to any intervention
of this country in Cuban affairs, and
has stood against the cause of Cuban
liberty since the outbreak of the last '
Mr. Dixon, in his sermon today, said .
that he sympathized with ProfesBor
Agramonte, and had advocated voting
for Low last Sunday only because he
stood the best chance of election against
Tammany. . He was opposed to Low
personally. ' ,
Nitroglycerin Magazine Blew Dp With
Fatal Results. n
!few Martinsville, W. Va., Nov. 9. .
At Pine Fork today William Conn.'
of Cuba, N. Y., drove to the nitro-,.
glycerin magazine with a two horso '
wagon to get 13 gallons of nitroglycerin
to shoot some oil wells over which he
has supervision. "' While he was inside
another two-horse wagon with two men
in it, who have not been identified,
drove up. Before these strangers
alighted the magazine blew up with a
report heard 10 miles away. The only
thing found that ever was human was
a piece of a man's foot. All else, hu
mun beings, horses and the wagons,
were as if they nad never existed.
Where the magazine stood was a deep,
yawning cavern. Windows were broken
in every dwelling within a radius of
half a mile. '
Fifteen Thousand Mile Ride.
Philadelphia, Nov. 9. Charles
Campbell and William J. Nixon, of a
local organization, today left this oity
on a tandem for a 15,000-mile ride.
Tbey were esoorted as far as Wilming
ton by about 300 local riders. Tho men
ride as the result of a wager that they
cannot complete the distance in one
year, and on their return show $1,000,
the start to be made without any
money, and with the necessary clothing
that can be carried in a traveling-case.
They are required to visit the leading
Southern cities and to be in Indianapo
lis at the national L. A. W. next year.
The men expect to earn the $1,000 by
selling bicycle sundries.
Reached Cuba Safely.
Havana, Nov. 9. The long-expected
dry-dock built in England, and spacious
enough to accommodate tho largest
iron-clads, arrived here today. It
corased theAtlantio without damage.
General-Fund Warrants Called.
Olynipia, Wash., Nov. 8. The stat
treasurer has called in general-fund
warrants Nos. 18,671 to 19.230 inalu-V
mi vh i nit nn h mini n 1 1 hit lit uvivuvvi i
and maturing November 19. '