TY 16th YEAR. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1807. NO. 26. OREGON .. --mEtk f i SlSiPP'Svit' II1! kwn AIR-TIGHT HEATER, We keep a full assort ment of nil kinds and sizes. Air tight. Do not need any recom mendation. Once in your housn you will never lie without. Oorae and inspect - our im mense stock. Prices from $3.75 and up. BELL031I & liVaVU, Houset'iirnltther 8, OKKGOX CITY - OKKGON CIRCUIT COURT. Kellogg vs. Bous and SinithHsss vs. LlebeThree Indictments for AlartinOther Transactions. The chief case in the circuit, court hist Thurday was thatof Francis E. Kellogg, vs Fletcher Bogue and wife and Edwin Smith, to set aside a deed irom the Bogues to Smith. The instrument pnunril Art itt'ruQ i luiiil lno I'm nvnt.t" valued at $U00, anil it hud been executed j Henry Richer, the former offense being I The grand jury Tuesday returned a not i tnie bill against Robert Gardner, M. J. Walsh ami beorge Austened, charged with stealing liquor valued at $100 from the w.nehouse of the Electric hotel, last June; also, a not true bill against riemeiu.' B.irth.who was held for steal ing to circular saws from G. J. Ernck sun, last June. Two indictments were reported agihist Charles Thompson, one for ' larceny by stealing a mare," valued at from Mrs. U. A. Muecke, and the other lar ceny of a gel .'.ing of the value of $50 from ) ...THE LEADING PHOTOGRAPHER... I V MAIN STREET. NEAR COURT HOUSE, OREGON CITY. OREGON Furs! Furs! ) : MOST STYLISH FURS AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES AT... S. SILVERFIELDj Leading Furrier 143 Third Street PORTLAND Furs! 1 OREGON I Not How High 7V But how low can we make the price, is the question 'we ask ourselves when marking our goods for sale. That's what makes ours an . ever-panding business, it's a potent advertiser; it tells the story through the purse in thousands of homes, only to be retold in countless others by appreciative money savers. CHARMAN tV SON, Dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Call, at the Picneer Store of Ciiarman & Son before buying elsewhere. The Germania Market. Is the cheapest place in the city to buy t t t t t FJRST-CLASS FRESH MEATS ... Seventh Street, Near Depot, Oregon City. Paul J. Sciiolz, Prop. t t t t BEE -HIVE iw jE INAUGURATE SATURDAY, NOVEM BER 13th at rattling sale of over 1 THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS' WORTH of samples bought from one of New Yc k's largest jobbing hou-e. We bought these goods at 50 cents on the dollar and our customers can rely on getting some of the BEST BARGAINS!- We have ever offered them. The line consists in part of the following : . Ladies', Gents' and Children's Underwear, Fascinators, Knit Hoods and Shawls, Ladlss', Genii' and Childrens' Hose, Ladies', Gents' and Children's Silk and Woolen Mitt ins and Gloves. In fact, it is a metropolitan line and must be hustled off in short order. Special prices made in our t,hoe department ,,dyrir.g the1, sale. i mm m m , ...BEE -HIVE... Oregon Citv. Or. A II Cauiield ftlock and tiled for record within 45 minutes niter plaintiff had taken a default judg ment against the Bogues for $02 in the justice court, and while the justice was making a transcript to tile with the county clerk. The plaintiff alleges that the deed was fraudulent The defense claims that the $:;Oileoiisiderati. 11 named in the deed was a sum owed the grantee on a loan that had heen out-lawed, hut which, owing to the roving habits of the grantee, the grantors hud no previous opportunity to pay. It is claimed that the land in dispute was the homestead of the Bogues, and as such was exempt from execution, and that such exemption fees the transaction lrom attack on the score of fraud . J udge McBride took the matter under advisement. An order for a writ of review was grunted in the case of Christian Muralt vs. Clackamas county, and the mandate was served on the county court Thurs day. The controversy is over the amount of damages to be awarded the plaintiff by reason of a change in the location of the Lynn road, a few miles up the Aber- nethy creek. The viewers brst appointed bv the county court awarded Muralt dam ages to the amount of $175. The court deemed that award excessive, and reject ed the report of the viewers. On the same petition the county court appointed another set of viewers, and they awarded Muralt but $15. Their report was ac cepted and the road was ordered opened. Muralt based ins application tor the writ of review on the allegation that the county court exceeded its jurisdiction when it appointed the second set of viewers on the one petition. J udge Me Bride unhesitatingly agreed with that view of the case, and ordered the county court to pay the $175 dam iges or ab indon proceedings under tnat petition lor a change of location. The grand lury Thursday evening re ported not-true bills against Jim Kerns, who was held for assaulting I. M. Parke, and O. W. Allen, who was held for as saulting 11 eimm Lee, a gun being the weapon alleged to have been used 111 each case. Bruce Minkler, charged with larceny in having solen a horse in East Portland last August, pleaded guilty to the charge, and was sentenced to pay a line of $60 or go to jail for 2) days, lie has already been nearly three months in lail.aml lie will continue there until his term shall be completed. Mrs. A. 0 Orim was granted a decree of divoicefrom P. H. Crim.on the ground of cruelty, and Sarah J. Dhkerson got a divorce irom 0. L) J)ickerson because of cruelty and failure to support, there be ing no appearance on the part ot tlie defendant in either case. The grand jury reported a not true bill in the cane against Otis Shelley, Clarence Williams and Allio Brayton tor indecent exposure. August Krause Saturday niea a su x against the Oregon Iron & Steel Co. He alleges that he has a farm of bottom land on Rock creek, a email stream that flows into the Tualatin, and that since the de fendant built a dam across the latter stream, in 1888, Rock creek has failed to drain his land as formerly, winch has caused him damage to the amount of $1000, which he seeks to recover, and lie also wants an injunction to prevent the defendant from maintaining the dam. The jury that went out Friday night to deliberate on the case of Charles Lescor, charged with assaulting Charles Kuadarmel, of Clackamas, with a danger oub weapon, stood nine for conviction and three for acquittal on the first ballot. There was 110 change during the night, and the next morning the jury came into court and asked for additional instruc tions as to what constituted a reasonable doubt, and where the line separating justifiable defense from unjustifiable as sault lay. Judge McBride gave the desired instructions, but they did not help the jury any, and at 10 o'clock it reported that it could not agree. It still stood nine to three. There being no probability of a change the jury was discharged. The Stricklin boys, who reside near Marquam, have had considerable trouble with their neignoors, especially wun jui ton Shively, and two of the cases that have resulted irom the uncongenial rela tions were in court Saturday. O. VV. Stricklin, who was indicted here a year ago for assaulting Shively with a gun and also for carrying a concealed weapon, was recently located near Albany, w here he was teaching school, and he wag brought answer to the indictments against him. He pleaded not guilty, and, in default of $150 bail, went to jail to await further action in the matter. His brother, J. O. Stricklin, was tried on a similar charge last fall and the jury disagreed. Satu day an equity suit, brought by Shively aga nst J. Strick lin, that practically asked lor the can celing of a contract which the latter held for a hopyard on the land of the former, was heard. The contract was for five years, three of which have passed. Fail ure to cultivate the land or harvest the crop, according to contract, as well .as failure to pay satisfactory, are alleged, lie plead not guilty and the trial which will take place at the February term of the circuit court. A bail of $Ki released ! the deieildaut and he has his school near Albany to resume teaching. Threw indictments were against E. E. .Martin, exdeputy county clerk. 1 wo ol purglury, in having alleged to have been commited Seplem her 30, a' id the latter October 15. The ri '.rii l of the damage case of Mrs. Elizabeth 1 ess vs. the Oregon German Baking Ojmrany and Theodore H. Lie lie was be;: uu nefora Judge McBride Tues day n. .rning. In 1803, her husband, Christian Hess, was in the employ of the bakery company, and was susoeoted of stealing money from the concern. The arrest of himself and his wife, at the instance of Liebe. followed, and Hess was so wrought up by his trial that he shot Liebe and committed suicide in November, 1893, leaving a long letter fully explaining his action. Liebe re covered. In 189.1 Mrs. Hess brought this action for $2i. 00 damages lor malicious prosecution. A change of venue to Clackamas county was granted, and the case was heard here three wars ago, the jury awarding the plaintiff $9500, wnicn was cut down to f'JZoO by the court, No decision at this writing. EDWARD HUGHES COR. FRONT &. TAYLOR STS., PORTLAND, OREGON Everybody 8y So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, tin most, wonderful medical diicovery of the age, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of 0. C. C. to day ; 10, 25, 50 cents. Hold and guaran teed to cure by ull druggiBts. LAXATIVE BR0MQ QUININE TABLETS Move the bowels gently, relieves the Cough, cures Ihe feverish condition and Headhehe, mnklng U the bent and quickest remedy for Cough. CoIiIb, and La (irippe. Cures In one day. No cure, no pay. P'lceiKa. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tub Bust Salvb in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sires, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re- unded. Price 25 rents per to. For sale by Charman & Co. A Sure Thing for You. A transaction in which von cannot lose is a sure thing. Biliousness, sick hea aclie, wrred tonirne. fever, piles ami a thousand other ills h re cm used hy con st I nation snd sluggish liver Ca-eHrels Candy Cathartic, the wonderful new liver stimulant anil intestinal tonic sre bv all druggists' guaranteed to cure or money relunded C. C. ( . are a sure thing. Try a box to-day; l()c. 25fl, BOo Sample and booklet free. All druggists CASTORIA For Infants and Children, TITANTKD - rtirsTWORTHY AND ACTIVE gentlemen or Indie to travel for reminiisitile. eHtahlinhed house In Oregon. Monthly fiiA and expenses. Potation steady, Reference. Kneltme self-addrissed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. 1, Chicago. TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY Take Laxative llroino Uulnlne Taliletn. Al Druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. 2m Hnauty li llloml. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beaut)' without it. CascnreU Candy Uatliartio clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all linourf.ies from the body Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Uascarets beauty for ten cents. All drnggis's, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 2'ic, TiOc Good Times have come to those whom Hood's Sarsapar ilia has cured of scrofula catarrh, dyspepsia, rheumatism, wea nerves, or Borne other form of impure blood. Hood's Pills are the only pills to take with Hood's Barsaparilla. Fa-yandyet e llii:ient. Royal make thr food pur, wuolesom and delicious. FQVDER Absolutely Pur ROVAL BAKING POWOFR Crt., NPW VOBK. REALTY TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. Mary J Hammer to A J Haninior, sw M, of ee 4 and s ,lj of sw see 30, 2 s, 6e;$l. Peter II Miller to Otto H Miller, e li ;n . .. i.-.. ..: i . . ' kruiouimmiw a will Lllill til n 1 t I AA I ! Scrofula is the advertisement of foul blood. It may lie entirely driven from the system by the faithful use of Hood SarsaparilU, which thoroughly purifn the blood. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, biliousness. of nw X, sec 24, 4 s, 1 e; $100 Peter II Miller to Otto 11 Miller, 20.84 acres, sees 33 and 34, 3 a, I ej $1000. Windsor Land Company to Matthias Klinger, lots 0 and 10, blk 17, Windsor; $150. Charles Holmes to Jas W Partlow, lots 1 and 8, blk 31, Caiiemah ; $300. (4 W Jackson to A Tracy, 11 acres and 4 rods in G W Jackson claim ; $3D.' B O Miles to II J 87, 4S, 4'J, and lots 10 lots 1 to5,b k 05, Minthorn ; $1. William Russell to W E Johnson, 2 acres in Holmes claim ; $1. W E Jo.inson to J A Thayer, 2 acreB in Holmes claim ; $1100. Amanda tioetz to J R N Sellworxl., a )a of Crow claim ; $50. Orilla Taylor to J UN Sellwood, 8 of Crow chiitn ; $50. George Bunnell to J It N Sellwood, s )i of Crow claim ; $50. Chas T Bunnell to J R N Sellwood, s of Crow claim J $5 i. J R N Sellwood to Viola Sellwood, 2 acres in L Whiteomb claim j $1. Harvey Willis to Mary J Funk, n ol ne M and nw und lots 1 and 2, fee 30, t4s,5e;$l. United State to Josh Coyne, n of nw , sec 14, 4 s, 4 e ; patent. C Minsinger to Caroline Min-inger, se l4 of ne H ne H of no j no )i of ne Vt and sw J4' of ne t , sec 20, also nw )( of sw Vi and sw of nw yA , sec 21, 2 s, 0 e ; $10iH). Win Davis to C I) I.atoutette, lot 8, blk 9, Sunset j also e i of se M of bw , sec 28, 3 , 3 e ; $800. John II Epler to A L Xickcreor., tract in sec 15, 3 8, 1 w ; $50. 1) M Flanders to Nouali Jackson, 7.60 acres in scc 5, 0, 31 und 82, t 2 und 3 8, 2 e; $1000. Crescent School Report. Number of days taught, 20; enrolled, 25; day8 attendance, 400; days absent, 86 ; averago daily attendance, 20 ; times tardy, 1. The following were neither absent nor tardy during the month: Allie Rey nolds, Chester, Bnrney and Myrtle Card, Alverta and Alvin Kraeft, Katie Meindl, Bessie Reynolds, Carrie Gard and Norma Gard. Patrons are cordially invited to visit the school and note our progress. Fbbd J. Mkindi., Teacher. To Cure Catarrh Do hot depend upon snuffs, inhalants or other local applications. Catarrh is a constitutional disease, and can be suc cessfully treated only by means of a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla. which thoroughly purifies the blood and removes the scrofulous I taints which cause catarrh. The great ! number of testimonials from those who i have been cured of catarrh by Hood's Sarsaparilla prove the jineqnulled powor I of this medicine to conquer this disease. If troubled with Cularrh give Hood's once. The Monopoly Breakers. There is a hot time in this town since the Reliable Clothing Store has opened. You can now buy clothing, boots and shoes with $10 more than you could 10 days ago with $2'.). You will find cloth- i ing, boots and shoe stores cards stuck j out ut reduced prices. Who did it the RidiuhlH (.'lm li i nif Mlitr.1 tlwtitfk. uih Minthorn, blk. 20 j n;rTunr ,lulromil((, Hon waht & . to 24, blk 04 and i .., ,. u Tt... . .o : -aiL.iini I'lVj'Oi AMU llCllv'Dw 111 ' Oregon City for clothing, men's furnish- ' ing goods, boots and shoes. . Main street,' .'' between 5th and (Uh streets, For Over Firty Vea AsOi.danii Wkll-Tkiki) Rkmbdy. Mrs. WinHliiw'g Soothing Syrup has been n-ed for over filty years by inib lions of rnol hers for their children while teething, with perfect success it son he the child, (oltens the gums returned to I II"J'" 811 PH,. enies wimi conn, ami is me hem reineoy lor iiHrriiien. in lili-Hcant to tlie iHhle, Sold by Druggis returned ' n 'VHr.v I"'' ,'" Woild. Tt nty ,,, i live t'eiils bottle. Its value l in i... i'.,.i;,.i !...., ...... .:, I calculable. Be sure and ask for Mr .ini! "raised" the face of ' vv "IH"W Soothing Syrup, and take no county warrants and indorsed the county older klml. trviianrer'a name on the back, and one for uttering the forged warrants. At his I We have received a line of silver plated trial vn etineBday he plead not guilty to ' war(!i which will be givti to our patroni, the three to''V" The quality is a I extra coin silver plate him, and aked the court toll his bond, I ' ' J and it was placed ai $10 0, for which 1487 Wm A. Roger. We sollolt you to sureties were provided. j Inspect the same at the store of I. Selling. Free of Charge tu bulfjriri. Cut this out and lake it In your driit gist and get a sample bottle tree of Dr. King's New Dtxcovery, for Consumption, Coiitilis and Culds. They do not ask you lo buy define trying. This Mill nhiiw yi.it lb" gnat merits of this truly woi:irrhil remedy, Mini show you vtliat can lie acciimpliiilied by the regular hizm bottle, Hit- is no experiment, u'nl would be oisHhtPHis to Ihe proprietors, did they not know it wouhl invariably cure. Many of the best physicians are now iihiiik it in their practice wi.h great icmiiIik, and are telynig on it in must sever ci'S -s. 1 1 is guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Clianiiaii & lo.'s drug stole. Regular r.ze, 50c and f 1. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Notice is hereby given thai the regular quarterly examination for teachers will . lie held at the court house in Oregon City, beginning ut one o'clock p. in, Wednesday, November 10, 1807. , H. G. Stakkweatiikii. County School Sunt. Dated October 28, 1807. i i tm -' The Coming Woman who goes lo Ihe club while bur husband , tends the baby, us well us the good, old fashioned woman who looks after her ' home, will both at times get run down in health. They will be troubled with Inss of sppethe. headaches, sleepless-ne-H, fait. ting . r di..v spells. Tlie most wonderful remedies for-these women is Kb cttic Hiileis Thouwindsof Hullerers Iriiin Lame Back and Weak Kidneys rise up und tall it hleitee I. It is the inidiciue fir women. Female com plaints and Nervous tumbles ad kinds are sunn lelieved by ti e ute of Klecllic Billers. Delicate women should keep Ibis remedy on liulid to build up the system. Only AOe I er bottle. For vale by Charnian & Co., druggists. 0RILGQN CITY TRANSPORTATION CO 'S Str. Altona Will liuko Dully Trip 11. Itvcen OREGON CITY n. PORTLAND LcovliiK I'orllmid fur Kali'iu anil way liinlhiK : lr a nr., ami Origiui 1 liy al ationl S i. in. Miss Rose Scheelatid, of the LaMode Purlors, Aiorrison streets, Portland, between Seventh and Park, has the finest line of millinery goods kept in the city. Don't fail to see her elegant stock when in Portland. Iy Is a veritable bazar within itself. WANTKH-TKIIKTWoRrilV AMI ACTIVE yiMiilniit'ti or Imlir tu travi'l (nr M'.iioiimIIiIi-, enlitlilmlicil lioimt In Oii'Ki'U. Mutillily 4M mill ex H'Iik-m. I imiiIihi mi iiily, Iti li ri'i.ci'. Kncl. MI'll-Hii'trCKM'll Hi,l III ift l'IIVI'ltlIV. '1'ilU i'OIIIOliuil Cuuiaiiy, iJiiit. Y, ( Iiivuuii. If you went a nice steak, roast or boil call at Albrig. t's shop and get some of his cold-storagu meat which is ucknow edgeil by all to be superior to the meats commonly sold at butchers' shops. He also keeps on hand a full stock of lard, hams, bacon, etc., made by himself and warranted purest and wholesome. Ru meinlier the old established shop on Main street.