HOW TOJ1ND OUT. fill a bottle or common class wi'h urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a Bediraent or settling indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it isevidcneeof kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order, WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-ltoot. the great kidney remedy fultills every wish in relieving pain in in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary paesaues. t corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you Bhould have the best. Bold by druggists, price lifty cents and one dollar. Vou may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention Ohkoon City Codhikk and send your address to Ur. Kilmer & Oo., Bingham ton, N . Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. F. C. GADKE, Plumbing and Tinning. Jobbing of All Kinds a iSpoialty. Wilson 1 Cooke's Old stand ORKtiON CITY, OREGON. JAMES MURR0W, Decorating Paper Hanging, Artistic House Painting And Kalsoming. Leave Orders at Ely Broa., on Seventh Street, Oregon City, Oregon. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city. Try Holtou jiiiliy ami be Coiivncetl W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY, OREGON Job Printing at the Courier Oilice. DR. KESSLER, Tills old one armed specialist, ofHt. Louis ell known by tils long residence iiud sue rwslully oni'-llce In this city, continue lu ocieruii,y treat all kinds of chronic and prhiile diseases FREE TREATMENT KK,r,r I'MTJ Hill)' IKMMl FLOOD AND SKIN Ill ic liiim. Tumnl's. Tellers, Kcaoiiiii noil 0H1, r Impurities ot 1 lie iliiiniuKiib rlliilli llti d, leivlnit llm system In it mimiI pur- nod healthful stale. PPrilWHTIQM r-'iti'd by an old (hnuiiu l 11 JjUlfUll lljlfl remedy. This wn pr. M oic.l 1.1 Ur. Kess. I. r by a frlei.d In lierlin, has never failed. Pin VnRr ''i''1'1'". Cancers. cle tion'ed. no VUU UUUUU iiiir. reiice linw Iiiiik uir.ete.l. KIDNEY AND URINARY COMPLAINTS 1',. 1 nlnl, .11(11. 'till., tun 11. .p.. lit. mill, y ur lilim., mi'ii irl discharges. cnreHillv I rented. li", rliciiiuatlsui and neuralgia treaied by it... now r'Mi,'i.ifn. I'i. lie a il rr Ixitlln t bedtime and urinate III Hie ImltlK, set Hsl.lil ami lima, lit It In II.. m.iruliiu. II it is cloudy, or lias n set lima In It, you have s.uiiu kidney i.r bbi.l.l. i iiiM'tcc, WAPP WnrjM removed In twenty-four hour I 111 U II C1U11 Hoe wurnii II. e l,t tti.i.i eel Ionic. PPPATII OWlVtfO Wo meet, persons even lUlUUlll UHilftD day whose I. r- iuh smells so i.s.i II IsilisnnsiioK, This com. s from en lii.ri. 01 either III., nose ur stomach Co and ' Miiiiloe.l. II, en 11 be cuied before IU i.iisul bones becomes Involved. YnnWfJrrN lf .voimmliiiiililcd with night iuuuu JUUPI emis,.iiN,eMiausili.;.liaii , plllipl. s, bimlitulliess, livers on lo society pMipiooes.., tieRptintteitey, toss ot en. rev, am- cue. 11 an. 1 s. n.eontiiieiiee, whiolul pnv., your Utlllllmod Nil. I libs,, lull ly II III ,".iiu., i.iisiiiess or marriage it y.m an I b is mil el, .1 you may know I lie cause t.i and l.e iri Hh .l, a 'Mnn rjnrn v,v there nr.. I llollsu ltd .11I.I..I Jl.ll UIjU JlULiU 111 DM ol you ir.mi.le i.cll'oit luicko and kldnevs; li. .iiei l, I'i'tiiliil iirloiillii.i mid sedlni. iil in u In.., im (oien.y or weakness o( sexuiil uruiios, iiml . In r iiiiiulstakiilib. simn ol nervoo .1. Uih Slid pielnaluie decay, Milliv die ,. the iiilll. idiy, iKiiiiriiul, ut llin eause. Tin' m,i ulisilnale cases ot tills cliaracu r treul. il. . PDIVHTP discuses. Oleet, (lonoirliea. In i t In ' U ll KhiiihiIoiis. lMseliaiites, sii letur.1 . ,.( ,,,,.,, r ,,i,jliM, Hv.ln.eelM j i uoe. .en i,it io mrid I Miblos tleitleU.!.. it 'on f ree, to All, on i ree io . Fivni a I ... 1 1 .... 1. I J Orf'i. K 11 JU118 A. M. to 5 CPU i'.,ll .... .11 ... . .n. vuii hi iiimiCM J. Henri Kcssler M. D. At St. Louis IMsptiiigary, 230 VAWHILI 8TRECT. t'OKl'l.ANiJ. - ... OltKUOtl, 1 COUNTY FINANCES. Semi-Annual Reports of the County Officers. CJ.KUK. Maims Allowed Kowl and bridge Pall per Criminal account Circuit Court.. " " Justice " .. Stationery 10,752 47 2,o:rt 85 X 10 1,273 60 375 77 Court house and jail.. 400 10 Clerk's salary and help 1,152 5ti HherifV's salary, help and b'd prisoners .:M 77 Recorder's salary 750 00 School Superintendent osj 76 County Treasurer 5 ,0 0;i Assessor 1,552 in County Judge 'tioo 00 County Commissioners 313 60 County Surveyor 7ti ;ounty coroner Expense 14 a 05 Buililis Circuit court 279 00 District Attorney 305 00 Reporter Circuit Court 200 uu Insane account m 711 jury circuit court 1,176 5! bounty on wild animals 1.12 oO Money refunded ou taxes ltf,i N2 indigent Soldier fund Ml 00 Armory 00 fruiting account 779 25 Attorney's feu., , 120 Oo Teachers' Examination 07 50 Experting Hooks HO 50 fr-'cliool llblrict I'lals 225 00 Boys and (in la Aid Society 51 00 Cross vs (.iinuiig..,. 15 ;,7 Hoad Master 232 00 Reform School 14 ou Damages 50 00 Totul amountcluinisaU'd anddrawn $2,487 83 Outstanding unpaid County warrants on the With day of September, 18!)7...,fll2C,538 10 Estimated Interest accrued thereon 18,086 40 Total amount of unpaid County war rants with interest ?144,C24 66 . Sl'MMABV. Liabilities To warrants drawn on the County Trcs urer.anrl outstanding and unpaid $126,638 16 To estimated amount of interest ac crued thereon 18,086 40 Total Liabilities $144,624 56 Resources By funds In handsotCounly Treasurer applicable to navmentof Co. war'nts 813.28') fili By estimated unpaid current taxes ap olicahle to DavmenlCn. warrants. lhiM V). Onll 04 By uncollected Tax Liens 1K'.i5 10,893 44 " 18114 4.277, 46 ' " " ' 18U3 8,660 83 1 " " " 18112 4,i)83 61 ' " " " 1801 and prior 110 report Total Resources, exclusive of County property ( 64,013 92 Total Indebtedness of County (144.624 56 '1'r.tul Uauitiimi.D r. i mO iui v.u ..auui uvo. ....................... ............ t,U.U m Net Indebtedness 0,610 64 TREASURES. General County Fund- Balance on hand last report I 4.876 SO To received from Slierirl'. 63,s8 sa - couuiycierK, nucorner 2,2au 7U ' " " " " delinquent Ta 227 93 Miscellaneous 242 86 71,471 U By amount paid out on County warrants 5H,185! 09 uamnce ueueiai iuna ou nana.... 13,29 65 71,471 64 County School Fund- To (!ssh on band last report , . .$ 685 07 iieeeiven irom countv senoui mnn.. !fli'm hi " Stale Hchool Mouey 4U 21,633 711 By amount paid on school supt. war'nts $20,635 38 tiy Ual. sciiool Iiind on hand. WHO OU Hupt. warrants. 6,922 24 Balance on hand 1,096 10 29,633 78 slmill'F. Dr- Amt. rec d In coin and currcnov till 3l 91 Ami. reo'd In county warrants 17,0tiS. 09 lulal 1128,387 00 i;r Amount paid countv treasurer MI1.31H 111 County Warrants 17,0s oil Total 1,287 00 REALTY TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacks mas Abstract & Trust Co. Geo Iltiolm to Wm Scott, nwlj of (5 s. 2 : li()t(. . , h Ui ohh to C arrie Richards, so of se 4, sec 8, i s, 3 u; $8(10. U K liloonicr to Nechoht8 Storey, tract in hlk 4, Diirnall's add ; $11.10. Jitines Hodges to Mary Garrison, lots 5 and , hlk 12, Canby ; $('.5.!t5. Mattie L Mnnning to Albert Notz, 19a acres, Isom Ouutield (Jliiim ; $Ki'j0. F U Goodridge to S R Harrington, g interest in a tract, sec 3, 2 8, 2 e; $101). S R Harrington to Goodridge, same tract; $H0. K S Fish to J A Rohrdi, n ' of ne M, sec 11,5 s, 1 e; $tiuo. Richard Glasspool to M E Burns, lot 10, hlk (I, (ireenpoint; $1. . Peter Heater to Carl Breekman, 20 acres, sec 1!), 3 8, 1 w ; $150. J L Sv, a fiord to J W Grout, pint of blk 7, Holmes add; $1000. Lillio Kopp to V, Dodge, timber on 30 acres in Ohas Walker claim ; $40. Peter Taylor to John Taylor, ne H of nw 4, eon 30, 5 s , 1 e; $300. Kdnu Tavlor to Jolin Taylor, ne of nw )i, see 30,5 s, 1 e; $100. Sitml Matthews to Ruth S White, lot 7, blk 23, Oanby;$40. Jitnu Baker to John llatton, 170.30 acres in II. Baker claim ; $1. Mary Leonard to l) S Leonard, e Jg of nw '4 , sec 3.', 5 s, e; $1. Geo W Lents to W J Miller, w of n H of se '4', sec 8, 2 s, 3 e ; $1. Ada L Lents to W J Miller, one eight Interest in 11 t of se '4, sec 8, 2 s, 3 e, $")0. Frt e of Charge to Suff-mrs. ("ot this out and take it to your drnu git and git a sample bottle lite of Ir King's New lliscuvei) , for Consumption Coiiulm and Colds. They do not auk yon to buy define trjing. This will show you the gnat merits of this trills wonU iliil iciii.ilv, and show you what ciin he accomplished by the regular size bolile. lliH is no experiment, and would be iiihHstrnilM lo the proprietors, did they 11.. I know it wouli! inxuriuhly cure. Many of the best physicians are now in-big it in ihtdr practice wiih greal results, and are relying on it in iimr-t severe1 ecscs. It is guaranteed. Trial hollies Ine at Charmim A t 'o.'s drug stole. Iu eulni' sie, 50c aiuj $1. The Coming Woman who g"cs to the club while her husband tends the bul. v. us well us !he ieod. old fiisliioiied w. 1111111 who looks after her liolne, ill both at times get 11111 down ill lu'iihli. Ileywill he tr., ill. led wiih l.'is of Hppeli'e. hi'Hiliiches sleepless ness, hiii.ting 1 r dizzy spells. The most woni eilul remedies for these won on is F.! ciric BiiteiH. si.H'.teis Irom I. Hiiie Hack and Weitk kidneys rife up and call it bleso I. It is the niiilicine f r women. Female eoin plaints and Net veils inmhlesol ad kimis are soon iclieve.l by the Use of FUetlic I'.illets. Helii tlte women should keep Ibis remedy on hand to build up the system. Only ,'iOc per holt'e. For sale by CI in man & Oo., drugsisis. OASTOniA. Tit ti limlli llM Ulrf tlfutan V For Over Fifty Years. An Old and Well-Tried Remedy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing riyrtip has heen used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soo lies the child, softens the gums allays all pain, cities wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Drupgis n every part of the World. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value is in calculable. Be sure .and ask for Mrs Winsow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Kverybody Says So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most wonderful medical discovery of the atte, pleasant and refreshing to the tame, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, elf ansingtheentiresystein, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of (J. 0. C. to day ; 10, an, 50 cents. Nub) and uuaran teed to cure by nil druygis's. LAXATIVE BR0M0 QUININE TABLETS Move tlio bowels gently, relieves the Cough, cures the feverish condition and Headache, musing It the best and quickest remedy for Coughs. Colds, and La Grippe. Cures in one aay. fo cure, no pay. floe 200 Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Outs. uruisee, Mores, Ulcers, Salt Kheuin, Fever Sores, Tetter. CiihdoccI Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all .Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed lo give perfect satisfaction or money re- nnded. Price 25 cents per bn. For sale by Charmm & Co. TO CURE A COLD IM ONE DAY lake Laxative Broino Quinine Tubleta All Druirglsts refund theinoney if it falls to cure. 25c lieauty Is lllood. Clean blood means a clean skin. No heBiity without it. Cascarets Otndy Cathartic clean your blood and keen it clean, by stirrinx up the lazy liver and flrivinuall impurities from thn hn. v. Begin to-day lo banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by takina Capcarets. beauty for ten cents. Al drnctfists. satisfaction guaranteed, Klc, 2c, oUc. Scrofula is tha advertisement of foul blood. It may be entirely driven from the Bystem by the faithful use of Hood's Sarsaparilla, which thoroughly purifies the blood . Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, biliousness. 25c. A Sure Thnm for You. A transaction in which you cannot In8 is a sure thinir. Biliousness, sick head ache, furred tongue, fever, piles and t. thousand other ills are caused by con stlpation and sluggish liver Cascareb Uandy Cathartic, the wonderful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonic ar by all druggists guaranteed to euro oi money refunded C. C. l are a sun thing. Try a box to-tiny; 10c, 2oc, BOc Sample and booklet free. All druugists. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. he- l n every wrppf. WANTED I'RUSTWOltTHY AND ACTlVIi Keullenieii or ladies lo travel for responsible, established bouse in UriKou. Monthly fi') ami expenses, l'ositiou steady. Reference. Knelose B..ll.U.lllr,'Rl.a K.U1lll..l l,t.Ui.l,.,.u 'I'l... Ik Cinpany, Uupt. V, Uhicauo. BARONIAL PARKS. The Eituut of Nome Which Surround tin llouaei of Kiil'UsIi Noblemen. An article in The Coruhill Mugazim ou the cost of maintaining couutrj houses coiitnius some extremely inter esting particulars about the size ol noblemen's parks. One hardly likes, the writer says, to guess the cost of re puirs to tha loose stone wall around Bnduiintcu pi:rk, high enough to pre vent a deer leupirg it and iiicloaiiiR U8u deer. At WclLeek there are 10 1 milet; of iron fencing around the three dcei parks. Thoreshy park is 13 miles around. Though the deer have heen ren:oved or destroyed in 110 less thau 50 parks since J8G7 there ure 404 deer parks and paddocks in Knglaiid and Wales alone, nud 8 of there areovir 2,000 ue.res. Suvernnke is 4,000 acres. Thero an muuy over 1,000 acres. The urea Inn an additional iutt'-rest frr tho owner, becauHe the bigger tho park the mere gates and lodges and roads it needs, and paik rouds, scept tow n roads, tire the dt im st iu this u utitry. In parks like Etidge, with 2,500 acres; Knowtli v, ii,0t:0 acres; Ban. hiiui, 2,254 ticn s; Tattou, 2,000 acres, nud others of lit size, ti e n.ilnigii el roads, nnlt ss the ir iicmUrs were Upt down, would rival those of a parish. The lowest number by which n gr-nt house and its purilcu parks and acus soties tan be sincd and kept up is tro:i 60 to 00 inen. (If llu fi great l.i,u:.(s there are not ht-s tl nn lino in KpgliMid, Walt 8 i.i'd t :.. ,! 'i p, ... ,,f t,r ,. niiignituiln lime 11 ieuitum sti.t' 1 f f.(i nen. Tl'ose t f it'ccce'-d ifiri .'ve, sonio of tin 111 very l;.rge i.iul tpl( i:i,!t houMs, almost ir i;cite nucl!::g t'e first (iimeiihions, 1 11 1 It y ficin 1H) ta 10 or 1 To ineu. I.'iyei.d il.i-t.. mo the ef the tirt-t 1;.:; t:i:i;;U', it:;! pi,, ahaiutiiiiiing Ik r.i ',('( 10, in ( p,, , ,,M not Chaidw.iitli liitue tl:i;n (it'll 1. c:j m tho performance if work, other tliun industrial or agricultural, in the ttrv ice of tlie owm r OASTOIIIA. Tie he els e Meet 1 eit Wfpefc tlguturt ex Children Cry for Pitcher's CistorlL. 1 SVodofAlilfPrpnnrAtinn for As similating UieFood nndRegula ling trie Siomachs and Bowels of Promote s Digeslion.ChccTful- ec anHT?p;l"rnnfains npllhpp llv. 1 .s . , . Opium fMorptone norMiiiaal. ROT IAIiCOTiU, .Pumpkin Seed" jfruse Seed JVnpemiint -Jh Caftonatt Sod ApctTect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions, Feverish mess and LOSS OF SLEEK Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OT WRAPPER. lieew-LL'g ...The Most Desirable Suburb... ADJOINING OREGON CITY AND TT is all within one mile of the center of the city and is con nected by an improved plank road. Healthy location, fine view, good air, soil, water and drainage and a first-class public school adjoining. With all the advantages of the city and but a 15 minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this a very desirable place of residence and bound to grow in popularity. Choice Lots ready for the garden from $100 to $150 on easy monthly installments with liberal discount to home build ers. Call 011 or address. T. Ii. riI.lK.UAN, Trustee, asagnmStWsaag mm RESTORED tion of n faa.fjus vinia or cJif-t iscs BEFORE no AFT'i eflTi f rfnirhrni uni! rm-Cnron atmull Inte rn tvi Tlio reason Pii'TorrH nro !uc curr'l Vv Jx.cUirfi Is beouusp nfnoty pfr cent nro trtinhlM wlfli ProftlntiiflM. OU PIDKN E in tMon,y known nrnt-ri y to euro wliliout un opcrution. fHhiOiHRilmoni K A wrlupti puMriinfe'iiRlvpuan', mm.v rpiuruwl u' s'x bixp tifwa not eilect a ermaiifiit'juro, 1,00 a bos, six fur IfH.W, by mult. tSend for FitKKcirculnr and leaitmonlals, Adrtresa 1A VOI4 IBKIilU'STB -., p. C- Mo: 2070, Ban Francisco, Cal Jr Sale V GEO A HAKUINU. Dmiht, Oieiron City XmSw'0 ' Klondike Yil, ir.V'Jr'Vl J ' from 5J to So Thiv are tui I JO pirrEREMT MOOEUS -S- AUU CAUBEftS FROM Pi TO SO TmEY ARE TUP. Mwfbs 1 v- rAYORITc WNCfSTR AMMUNITION, USED BY If vou tuffer from any of the I illt of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacilic Coast, DR. JORDAN & CO.. ,1061 Market SL Ett d 1 852. ' Vonnir men and middle , Hired llion who are sutlerintf 1 from the effects of youthrul indiscretion, or ex cesses in m.lturer yeiirs. Nervous and I'hvsiral Ieblllt.v.liiiitlrilP.T.I,Ml Mnnli'io! inallitsimpllr:uiillis; tolMTIIIHlorrlHI'M, lraf tieirrliivn, Jiii4rrliul, Ulect, , i re quiav.T a rinnliiiir. tir. it,' a i ctmihiiulioii of remedies, of tre.u curative pow er, the IXictor has so arranged his treatment 1 I that it will not only alTord immediate relief but permanent cure, 't he Doctor does not claim to I i perform mir.K'les, but is well-known to tie a fair i and square I'hysician and Surjjeon, pre-emiuciu ' in his spe, Lilly IHhchwis of Men. i Kypniii tnonuiitiiiv ertinicutou troui the ' without iisttiK 9ipr,urv . l.VKItY aiiiilvlni' lo n will ro. , Cfivoour hmft opinion ot hlsromplnlnt. K'tvilllitMraittrea IViSiTlVli VUMHn I i rwrtj cae vf Htiitertake, or forfeit One iliuusnnii arniinrH. C'onsultntion KKtK and strirtly private. ClIAHUM VKK i' KKASOSAHLE. Treat nirut perwin:illv or bv letter. Send for book. " I'lie lhiloHOihy of Jlurrinjtr," free (A valuable book for men.) VIMT IH. lUHDIHID Croat SIusouiu of Anatomy the finest and largest Museumof its kind in the world. Com and learn how wonderfully you are maue; now to avoui -jckness and disease. sv e are co'ttinmMv addina uew siiecuueus. wiHtuiK lull or wnta, 1051 Market Stmt. San Francisco, Cat THAT THE FAC-SIMiLE SIGNATURE -OF IS OIT THE WRAPPER OP EYEET . BOTTXiE OF fWnHa la nnt rn In o?.9-Dlze bottlea OnlT. It is not sold la lulk, Ton't allovr anyone to aell yon anything elso on tho plea or promise that it la jnet aa good" ana to answer every pm poae." T See that you get 0-A-S-T-0-B-I-A. nU SI? r SIS'?--!?- ta M of v ' wtippsr. PRACTICALLY A PART OF IT. Charmnn Urns. K!ofk "CUFIDENE" Thlstrrpnt V.'.Uuhl VitaliztT.theDrc'.:rii- French pfiyBioUin, will quickly cure 7011 of all Der- 01 iu K''r!uve 4irt-'uim( bih.u 101 JUH.ihftotl, 1 sF n n P,mpl''H. Vnfhnt-ss to Waco KxliHUMtinij Draliiii, VnrlowplB ai'ni Ccii j!ijv.Uo;i. i t stops all Iossph bvciiiv r n.KhL FtcveniH quick new o dincli'.ir'1, Iiitrb if not chtVrfpii Ipuds to rSpermiitorriifVii an;1 ail tlio borrorscf Ipipotpnoy. 'lTIIIKJlii:oleuubeatieUver, tb$ fciii'ipvaunfl Vro u-iiiory oraneol ull impurities. wpult nrenns. Hunters lzM& -. " . ilUJSYftmoi ,CArAL06U& Aim H fltretl 5 rnNN OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO 'S Sir. Altona Will iliiko Pally Tilps lli'iwt-fii OREGON CITY and F ORT LAND Lt'HVtntf ToiilMid for Snl, m i lid uy-l.ihdiiiK-s .l !:iri a ii'., nud t'n :uii I iiy ut alioiil a p. in. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. VjCI t'"ii TRADE MARKS, iViAi -it Ji1" DCSICN3. COPYRICHTS 0. Anrnne oKllni ketch ntul ilescrtiitlon may tluiuhlr as'frt-iln, free, wlieiller an Invention ig .i-oh:ihlv imtei'inhle. tVmitiiitifcatiotiR strictly contl.U'nllitl. vM.t agency lorscciirinv pateuui lu Aiucru-. Wc have a Waniiington oilice. Patents taiten tlirough iluuu Jt Co. receive) apocial uotice iu tb SCIESTIFIO AMERICAN, beaotlfnl'i r.liwrnted, lnrgest crcnlstlon of any ceiiiliic , iiinial. weekly, ternnW.llii a year: .. tx 11,, 'lit in. MHvim.Mi copies and iUND Buon ON I'ATtSTa out free. AUvlrvM MUNN & CO., .in I Ui'uuduav, New York. YHANTKH-IKIMWOKIHY AND AillVE " veli'cnicll l-l L illio to travel for icl ot.hilile. cstnHodird liount in (iitgon. Monthly io and exMllse. I i.itlon ti aily Kcfereliet. rnclme si' 1 1 ad.lrrsMitiinnpeil envelop. Tne Uoininlun Comiaiiy, Ihpt. V. Cli cso. Sh. 1 siyes'P'-v 4 tvv'.VvTVJxH,t?' Minn tAiinri.., TO THE EAST GIVES THE CHOICE 07 TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUT IE S , VIA VIA Oregon Short Line t? ALT LAKE DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS CITI GrnfstKortliern Railway CHICAGO SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS FOR...... SAN FRANCISCO for full detail call on or adilresa W. H. HTTRLBURT, Gen'l Pans. Atrnnl, FOBTLANn, ( Trains arrive anil depart from Portland rolluwx: Leavo for the East via Huntington dally, 9:00 p. n , Arrive from East " " " T:'J0p.m, Leave for the Knst via Spokane dnlly, 2;!0 p.m. Arrive from E8t " " " 12:60p.m, Steamers monthly from Portland to Yokohoma and Hong Kong: via The Northern 1'aciHo. Steamship Co., In connection with O.K.& N. For further informHtinn mil on O. R. &N. Auent, F. E. bONALDSON, Ort gn . City, Ortjjim. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OK THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Express Traiiif Leave Portland Daily. South. I North. 6 on p.m. I I.v Portland Ar U XOa.k 0:.2p.m. I I.v Oregon City I,v 8:40A.K 7:4.Sa.ii. I Ar San Francisco Lv 8:U0P. H The above trains stop at all stations between Portland and Salem, Turner. Marion. JetJet- sou, Albany, Tu!iKmt, Sliedtls, Halsey, Harris, burn, Junction City, Irving, Kugeiie, Creswell, Collage tirove, limins, ami all stations frota Koseuurg to Asiiiana, inclusive. ROSEUUKCJ MAIL DAILY. 8:30A.M. .I.v Portland Ar4:S0p.j D:27a.m. Lv Oregon Cily l.v 11:811 5:'i'l P. M. I Ar Koscliurg I.v I 7: OA. M DININ OARS ON OiiliEN POt'TE. PULI.StAS UI.FFKV SXAA'J'AA.v AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPh.'G CARS Attached to all Through Trains. West SldB illvlhl.,11, Ht w en, I'OIITl.AM) and Ol: V A I.I.J S XAII.TKAIN DAILY I KXC El'l SUNDAY.) 7:80 A.M. I I.v Portland Arl5:60P,M li:15 P.M. I Ar CorvHllu I.v 1:06 P. M At Albany and Corvulils eonnect with train of Oregon Central A: Kastern P.. R. EXPRESS TRAIN rAll.Y;IXCKPTSUNDAT.) 4:WP. M. I I.v Portland Ar8:25A.M 7.i.0P.M.Ar MeJIiiinvilk' Lv5:MiA.M Direct conuectioii ut Han Francisco wilU Oecidenlal Rim Oriental and Pueilic Mail Weiimship Lines fur J AN AND CHINA, Sailing dat' S ou application. . Hates and tickets to eastern points and Europe also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUST1IALIA, cat) be obtained Irom E. K. 1! JVI, Agent, Oregon Cltj R. KOEH1.EK. C. H. MAKKHAM, Manager, Ana. K.iiP. Agent Portlnud, Oi. Portlund, Or. GO EAST VIA LIBRARY CAR ROUTE America' Heenie Line. Meals Dining Car, a la Carte Rock Balls s. No Dust THE AI.'-RAIL KOl'TR TO KOOTENAI IIXIN(j DISTRICT VIA SEATTLE AND SPOKANE. Shortest and Quickest Route TO ST. PAUL, , MINNEAPOLIS, CULUTH, : i j I) AND ALL POINTS EAST. Through 'i liter uml Tn'iriH Slerpert, J)iii!tnj uml Library (ibtif nation I Vlry. S.KI1VK F. AND s IM 11Y IM Jl All l) For tickits and full Inf'oii iiilrn erll on Of adnnrs A. V. ( . lirNMhION, ' I'. A 'i. A. I'i till i r Or. ton or, n.O. PTrVrNMJ, W . P. A., geallle. VJsakKlsnKlade Vigorous Sv -si vstxr JA'17 lar-Ma trsmt What FEFFER'S NERVIGQR Did! It acts powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others tail n'ouiig men rgaiu lost n.anlKxiU; old in nrn'ovcryoiuutul vigor. Abaolntelv (innr anle.d'o nr, Lost vltultiy, liiipole'l. r, N lghlly I nilsainna, Lost l"oxver, eltliMrsex, Kulllnic Memory, Wftsling Dis eases, nnU all ffrclMfit tfl-nbic or txctittn iv& (:oli criitnn Wards off Insanity and coiifiiiniitien. Don't let clnigk'i.-t impose a worthless sntntltnte on you Iwsiw It yieln a greater prorlt. Insist on hav. Ill HKM KK'S N ! liVH.Olt, or s.n.l'or it t'nn he carried in vest m keu Prealil. plain wrapiier, (I p r box, or for $,v with A Wrlttrn iuar ntee tot ureor V,. fund Money. Psmphlet (rra t'triKU A1jL11CAL A.V, CUicugo, ML Solil I y l li firm an A C o. Dr. Price's Cream Bakine Powder Awanwd Gota Mmju Mmwuim tut Sir rruicuca