T" Oregon Gity Coariep. A. XT. CHUNKY, Publisher. ORKGON CITY OREGON MS OF THE WEEK tfatorestlnn; Collection of Current Event la Condensed Form From Both Continents. Great excitement lias been caused in Caracas by the discovery of a plot to start a revolution in Venezuela in order to prevent the meeting of congress. Five hundred arrests have been made. The largest cargo of wheat ever load ed in a vessel on Puget sound was placed on the steamer Glenfarg in Ta ooma, whioh cleared for St. Vincent. The cargo consisted of 170,430 bush els of wheat, valued at $140,000. The Ottoman government has notified the powers that it objectB to the appoint ment of Colonel Schaeffer, an officer in the army of Luxemburg, as provisional commissioner of the powers for the island of Crete. The German govern ment supports the objootion of Turkey. The Spanish government signed con tracts last week with an important firm f t British shipbuilders, by which it aoqnires some cruisers final with quiok-flre guns, which the firm had early completed for another govern ment, whose consent, presumably, Spain haft scoured by this arrangement. The steamship Milwaukee sailed from New Orleans for Liverpool with the largest oargo of cotton, if not the largest general oargo, ever flouted. It con sisted of 23,850 bales of cotton; 80,200 bushels of grain; 88,81)0 pieces of staves; 2,300 oars; her entire cargo be ing equal to 20,000 bales of cotton. Boys oelobrating Hallowe'en at Fort Branch, Iml. , started a fire which de stroyed, Odd Fellows hall, the Foit Branch Times office, six business house and several dwellings, Total loss, (350,000. In the course of the Are 80 pounds of dynamite explodod, causing inuoh damage to surrounding property. The Farmers' Alliance warehouse, in fltanesee, Iduho, was burned with its contents, 100,000 bushels of grain. The warehouse wus full to overflowing, and 90,000 bushels were stored outside, anniridnrahln nf whie.h will Via biivhiI. It is thought that most of the grain was insured. The flames originated from no engine. Much surpirse and ill fooling has heen occasioned in official circles in Madrid by the statement in the ao 1 (mint of the demonstration in Havana n Friday, which preceded General Weylor'g embarkation, that he hud de eiftred while addressing the deputation that be had been reoullod in obedience to the wishes of the rebels and the do jnonds of the United States. The British ship Moreton, which left Taooma about three months ago for Dolagoa bay, South Africa, went ushore on the shore of Lorenzo Murquos, on Hie California coast. The news was received at tho Merchant's Exchange, Ran Francisco. It is announced that the vessel wus in a bad position, and that the water was flowing into her Juild. It was expected, however, that aha would be floated at the next high tide. The vessel was loaded with lumber. It is understood that the diet of tho Greater Republic of Central America has refused to agree with Secretary Kuormmi in support of tho arguments pat forward in support of tho appoint rmmt of Captuin William L. Morry, of Kan Francisco, as minister of the Uni ted States to Nicaragua, Costa Uicn and Salvador. It is olaimud in Managua that this step was taken to forco the United States, if possible, to fully recognize the diet, although it ii elaimed that that body may bo over turned any day by a successful revolu tion in Nicaragua, CoNta Riun or Sal vador, or by the withdrawal from it of any of the presidents Koverning the late he represents. The reply of the iot will probably be forwarded to the United States stute department. The Union knitting mill, in Hudson, N.,J., was destroyed by fire, and many of the 000 persona employed in the mill had narrow escupoH from death. The loss is ovor $300,000, and the insurance $100,000. A dispatch from Simln. India, says a fdono struck the town of Chittugong, in tho Bengal presidency. Half of the houses of that place wero demolished, all the roads in it? vicinity wore blocked, and several vessels sunk. The statute undor which for several yiwrt the polioo department of Donvei has at will seized, confiscated and de stroyed gambling implements, wus de clared by Judge Allen in the district otirt to ho unconstitutional, and in conflict with tho federul statutes. There is a movement on foot to con solidate the wire mannfactorics of the United States into a single corporation, with a capital of $100,000,000. To wado tho anti-trust law, the wire in dustries will surruudor their imlcpcnd woe, and sell their plaiitH to a now organization for cash at an upraised value, the money to bo furnished by a syndicate of New York bunkers. Piorppnt Morgan ia said to be at the head of the scheme. All of the coal miners of Rouldot ounty, Colo., are out on a strike. It is said that at ono of the mines it Idtfayotte, the managers reduced tin wages of the mauhino men 10 cents a ton. Word was sent to all the minci in the district to close down and the order was implicitly obeyed. Tin strike is said to affect about 1.00C . miners. A number of the gold and silver mines in the mountains will have to cloco on account of the strike. An ffut will be made to have the mattei out promised as toon as possible. BLANCO NOW REIGNS. The New Captain-General FroclttniHtiun. Issue! a Havana, Nov. 8. On the arrival of General Blanco, the new captain-gen-erul, the streets and the vessels in the harbors were gaily decorated. The wharves were crowded with people, and the troops and volunteers lined the thoroughfares from the landing stage to the palace. When Marshal Blanco arrived at the palace he was met by the civil and military authorities and by commissioners representing the va rions political parties, and then pro ceeded to the hall of conferences, where, in accordance with the ritual and ceremonies customary on Mich 'oc casions, he took the oath of fidelity to Spain. Marshal Blanco has issued the fol lowing proclamation to the inhabitants of Cuba: "I am again among you in good will and a sincere desire to serve the gen eral welfare and to establish a lasting peace. I shall follow broad policy in my endoivor to restore fraternity among all of Cuba's inhabitants. I am sincere in my intention to inaugurate a new government policy, the object of which will be to secure and preserve peace. "I hope you will all salute and em brace the Spanish flag, throwing aside all prejudices and discarding alliance with those who are staining the coun try with blood. "Clemency awaits all who observe the laws, but however regretable it may be, I shall rigorously tight those who obstinately or ungratefully con tinue to carry on war." The following proclamation has been issued by Marshal Blanco to the armed forces of the island: "I desire to express my admiration for you who in two years of hard cam paigning have always bravely fought the infamous revolution. This I soon expect to suppress through your heioic efforts, and with tin concurrenceof the whole country, which will unhesitat ingly side with ns to fight the victims of hallucinations, who aspire only to iwhat must bring complete destruction, and which offers as the only compensa tion treason to the history of their race or the sale of their country to for eigners. "Lot there be war, therefore, on the stubborn enemies of the Spanish peo ple and protection for those who ask the olemenoy of Spain; and lot this war, which dishonors us and is mak ing us penniless, be vigorously prose cuted." There is no reference to autonomy in either proclamation, and both have produced a bad effect among all sym pathizers with the insurrection. Marshal Blanco when formally as suming his new functions at the palace suid to the deputations of the conserva tive, autonomists and reformist parties that in ordor to obtain peace through the new polioy it would be necessary for all political partios to unite. He made no overtures of autonomy, nor did he express any preference for any of the Cuban political partios. THE INDIAN OF OLD. A. Creek Murderer I.Ike the Hero of a Dime Novel. Chelsea, L T., Nov. 8. Today John Watka, the Creek Indian who shot Jonas Door, another member of his own tribe, was legally executed for the crime. The men were rivals for the hand of the same girl, and fought at a dunce at whioh she was present, to decide who should gain her. Watka killed Deer and afterwards married the Indian maiden. Sevoril days prior to tho trial prepa rations for his wife's future welfare wero completed, and the pang of part ing over, ,':'" set out alono to the public execution grounds, la uiie time he arrived tho crowd was in waiting. The prisoner assumed his position on bended knees, with arms tied behind and a blindfold over his eyes. The riflo was placed in tho hands of a keen marksman; there wus a sharp crack, and tho white spot marked over the heurt was discolorod with the spurting blood caused by the deadly bullet. Late this Hummer Wutka went to Kansas City with a baseball team of his fellow reds and played a game at one of the parks. He had ample oppor tunity to escape, but returned to tho territory of his own accord that his sen tence might be curried out. DR. HIRSCHFELDER'S CURE Onytubnrmilln Will Ke nutrlbuted Free. San Francisco, Not. 2. It is pro posed by tho Cooper medical college and persons who are convinced of the effic acy of Dr. Hirsehfeldor'soxytuborsulin in thrt treatment of consumption to manufacture the compound, for free dis tention. No definite plans have been decided upon, but it is thought that the best chanels of distribution will bo the health departments of tho cities and public hospitals. Dr. Hirschfelder has given his sanction to the movement, and will reserve no proprietary rights. Dr. Keilly, of tho Chicago health de partment, bus written to Dr. Hirsch felder, stating that ho hopes soon to be able to use the oonsumntion cure for tho benellt of .he poor of this city. Switzerland has just decided to make insurance ugainst accident and sickness compulsory on ull citizens. Itlg Oil Deal Closed. Bradford, Pa., Nov. 3. The South Pennsylvania Oil Company has closed a deal for the purchase of the oil prop erty of the Devonian, F.mery and Mason oil oomp'inies in the Bradford fields. The deal includes 20,000 aoroa of land and 450 producing wells. The con sideration was $1,400,000 in cash. A naturalist states that tho puffing up of frogs and toads on being disturbed is an instinctive device for terrifying their foes. TO J Canadian Government Con sidering the Matter. IT COULD BE EASILY BUILT Line Will Follow Old Surveyed Route, via Ashoroft and Quesnelle Tho Ukme Arrive!. Vancouver, B. C, Nov. . 2. Charles Hosmer, general manager of the Pacific postal telegraph system, today said, re garding telegraphic communication with the Klondike, that he understood the Dominion government had this matter under consideration. There are no insurmountable difficulties in the way, either in the construction or in the maintenance of a telegraph line via Ashcroft and Quesnelle, which was the route adopted in 1866 for connecting Asia and America via the Behring sea. This route passes through the present Klondike country, A line connecting Quesnelle, the northernmost point in British Columbia reached by tele graph, and Dawson City, if decided upon within the next few months, could be put in operation by this time next year. Stations could be established every 40 miles, and they would be used in connection with the mounted police and other departments. Mr. Hosmer leaves for Victoria this even ing, and will proceed thence fo San Francisco. The Slow Lahine. Taooma, Nov. 2. The steam schoon er Lakme, Captain Anderson, arrived here last night direct from St. Michaels and Dutoh harbor. She left St. Miohaels October 14, three days before the steamer Portland, which arrived on the Sound last week, and therefore brings no advices as late as those brought by the Portland. Tee Lakme left Dutch harbor October 21. She brought no gold, passengers or freight. Mate Carlson, of the Lakme, confirms the report that the river steamers have gone to their winter quarters ou the Yukon. "No snow was on the ground in the immediate vicinity of St. Michaels when we left," says the mate, "but the weather was getting colder. Disagree able northeasterly gales swept over the place, and during the 13 days we were there discharging cargo we were com pelled to put to sea several times as far as Egg island, 15 miles distant, to seek shelter behind the island or stand away from the inhospitable shore." Dogs For Yukoner. Seattle, Nov. 2. There arrived here last night from Chicago over the North ern Pacifio iailroad 220 dogs, which are to be used in hauling provisions into the Yukon gold fields. THE COMMAND TRANSFERRED. Blanco In Charge of Culm, Weyler on ' Ills Way Home. Havana, Nov. 2. The Spanish cruis er Alfonso XIII, with Marshal Blanco, the new governor-general of Cuba, on board, wus sightod off Havana this morning at 5:30. At 7 o'clock the stenmer entered the harbor, and Lieu-tenant-Genernl Weyler, the Marquis A hum ad a, Admiral Navarro and other high military and naval officers went in a speoial steamer to meet General Blanco. After a long and cordial con ference, Lieutonant-General Weyler yielded up his command to his succes sor. At 10:80 Marshal Blanco landed. According to tho official accounts, he was "enthusiastically greeted" by the populace, who shouted, "Long live Blanco." Liuutenant-General Wcylerand Mar shal Blanco exchanged farewells on board the Alfonpo XIII. Tho steamer Mont errat sailed at 1 P. M. She wai escorted outside the harbor by numer ous tugs laden with friends of the de parting general and tho officers of his staff. An imiuenso crowd witnessed tho departure from the wharves. Ac cording to tho official account, tho "peo ple cheered for Weyler, the pacificator' General Weyler's fscort on the Mont sorrut consisted of COO sick soldiers. WANTED A CIGARETTE. riea of a Man With llnth Cut Ou. of Ills Leg I Spokane, Nov. 2. Late Thursday night the attention of a night brake man on a west-bound freight train was arttacted near Sprague by piercing cries for help. Lying close to the track was the upper portion of a mau, still conscious, though both legs were cut clean from his body. What wai left of the mun wus able to yell lustily enough in f pite of the fearful agony h' must have been suffering, and his first words to the brukeuiun were: "For God's euke, give me a cigar ettel" The relief asked for was furnished, and, with assistance, the man wu re moved to tho hospital. The dead body of another man wus found a little further on. It was that of a rather well-dressed person, and ap peurunees indicated that it had been dragged along the tracks for some dis tauce in an easte-ly direction. Ho was probably struck and dragged along by the freight. The name of tho dead man was Thomas Kelly. Concerning Vnlon Labels. Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 1. Judge Ha solrigg delivered an opinion in the court of appeals, in which the court holds that labor unions have property right in their labels and other devices designing the fruits of their labor, and may enjoin outside parties from ap propriating this device or counterfeit ing it This ia the first time this point bus been passed on in this state. SOLD UPON THE BLOCK. Reorganization Committee Gets the Union l'acillc. Omaha, Nov. 3. The Union Pacifio road prooer, including huildingB and all that goes to operate the system, was this morning sold to the organization committee for $53,528,532.78. The amount does not include the sinking fund in the hands of the government, and taking it to be $4,036,400, the amount stated in the government dec ree covering the sale of the road, the total paid for tho property is $57,564, 932.76. There were no other bidders and the road went to the reorganiza tion committee without any opposition. The sale of the road was in itself one of the most tame and uninteresting per formances possible to imagine. It was advertised to take place in front of the Union Pacific freighthouse, at 11 o'olock, and it was just one minute after that time when Master in Chan cery Cornish, who was to aot as auc tioneer, took his place in front of the Ninth-street entrance. For over an hour a i crowd had been gathering to witness the sale, and it was only with great difficulty that Cor nish was able to get sufficient room to enable him to work. He finally jammed himself back into tho corner of tho doorway and prepared for business. The crowd was packed so closely around the doorway and up in front of the building that members of the reorgan ization committee, men who came out to buy the road, were unable to see any thing or hear a word of what was going on. They were compelled to stand bauk in the hallway, from which one of the members occasionally poked out his face just to see that all was well. Cornish carried under his arm a large portfolio. He untied the strings and drew forth a number of papers. Selecting one of these he replaced the others, and, holding it out, said: "Gentlemen, I am here to sell cer tain railroad properties in pursuance of a decree of tho United States circuit court. I will now read a description of the property to be sold, and when I have finished reading I will be prepared to receive bids." Here followed the notice of the sale, which was very long. He began the reading of the notice, and, as he said, did not read it so thut many people could hear. Close to his left stood Lawyer Greer with a copy of tho notice in his hand, and ho followed tho read ing of the master in chancery very closely. The reading of the notice took an even 40 minutes. Cornish then drew forth a small doc ument, and without announcing its nature, began to read. It was a pro test from Receiver Trumbull, of the Union Pacifio, Denver & Gulf road, against the sale without the other Un ion Pacific properties of the Cheyenne & Northern road, and the line that is claimed by both the Denver & Gulf and the Union Pacific. After reading this notice Cornish said: "I am now ready to receive bids for the railroad property, the description of which I have just read." There was a moment's silence, and then General Fitzgerald said: "I bid $39,883,281.87 in the name of Louis Fitzgerald and A. V. Kreich, purchasing trustees." There was another pause and Cornish said: "Are there any more bids?" There was none and the master con tinued: - "I will receive bids for the sale of the bonds the description of which I have read: General Fitzgerald replied: "I bid in behalf of Louis Fitzgerald and A.W. Kreich, purchasing trustees, the sum of $13,645,250.89. Cornish opened his mouth to say "Are there any more bids?" when a voice from the crowd called loudly: "Wuit a moment, Mr. Cornish. What are the amounts of those bids? I cannot lieur them," and Goneral Cowan, the government attorney, pushed his way through tho crowd with great difficulty. The sale stopped for a moment as General Cowan strug gled to the sido of Cornish. He was shown the amount of the bids and made a note of them. Cornish again said: "Are there any more bids?" There was not a sound, and the mas ter continued: "As there are no more bids I declare the property of which I have just read a description sold to Louis Fitzgerald and Alvin V. Kreich, purchasing trustees, they having made tho highest and the only bid." This is all there was to tho entire sale. Tee members of the committee had nothing to say after the transaction wus over. A Pioneer's Bones. Dubuque, Ia., Nov, 8. The bones of Julian Dubuque, with those of two In dian chiefs, unearthed a few weeks ago by the builders of a monument upon his grave, have been deposited iu a stone sarcophagus within the monu ment. Dubuque was tho first white settler west of the Mississippi river, anil was known to the Indians us Little Cloud. The Purrant Cane. Washington, Nov. 3. Attorney-General Fitzgerald, of California, today submitted a motion to dismiss or affirm in the case of W. H. T. Dnrrant. The case involves the proceedings against Durrant for murder. Tho case was taken under advisement. Warehouse Fire in London. London, Nov. 8 The extensive ware houses and stables of Carter, Pearson & Co., limited, the well-known car riers, railroad agents, forwarding and shipping agents in Goswell road, Lon don, were destroyed by fire today. Atlanta, Nov, 8. The Georgia cot ton-oil mill was completely destroyed by fire this morning. The loss is $117, 000, $19,000 on stock destroyed, and the balance on the building. There is about $7,8000 insurance. TO SUSPEND SEALING Agreement Reached by the Conference Delegates. WHAT WILL ENGLAND DO NOW RnHia, Japan and the United Stutes Believe a Meant Baa Been Found to Preserve the Herds. Washington, Nov. 1. In reliable quarters it is stated that tho conference between Russia, Japan and the United States, now proceeding here in refer ence to sealing in tho Behring sea and the North Pacifio, has advanced to an important stage, and that a proposition has been reduced to writing, which, if accepted, will bring about a complete change in the sealing question. The proposition is said to be acceptable to the United States. It is understood to be acceptable similarly to the Russian delegates now here, but, in view of the restrictions placed upon them by their credentials, it has been thought desir able to cable St. Petersburg for final in structions. The greatest secrecy is preserved in nil official quarters as to the nature of the proposition, and it is not officially admitted that any proposition has been made. From equally reliable sources, it is understood that the proposition has a far reaching scope, and provides for the material limitation or entire suspension of pelagic sealing on the high 'seas. Such a decisive step, if agreed to by Russia, Jap in and the United States, would not, it is under stood, involve a concerted move to menace the claims of Great Britain and Canada to the right to pelagic sealing on the high seas, but would rather be a proposition expressive of the conclu sions of the three most interested pow ers that, in the interests of humanity and the preservation of the seal herd of their respective governments, all na tions, including Great Britain and her colony, Canada, should unite with Russia, the United States and Japan in such effective prevention of pelagic sealing on the high seas as will put an end to it, and thereby secure the pre servation of the seals. Tho deliberations of the conference lending up to the proposition were productive of numerous interesting and important features. But littlo had been known of the Russian regulations until the confer ence met. Under them a neutral zone of 35 miles was established surrounding the Russian islands, within whioh Great Britain agreed to suspend pelagic sealing. AVhile this was of material advantage to Russia, yet it was felt that any proposition for the entire sus pension of pelagic sealing, even, be yond 35 miles, would have to be recon ciled with the modus vivenli. It was felt that this could be done, as the modus was not a continuing agreement, but was from year to year depending for its existenoe on the annual readop tion by the British parliament. Owing to Japun's view of the sub ject the opinion of the seal expeits was laid before the Japanese delegates. This opinion was to the effect that, while the Japanese seal possessions ere little or nothing at the present time, yet that by adequate protection of the seals, her decimated rookeries would he restored and a largo seal prop erty built up. This expert view ap pears to have been convincing to the Japanese delegates, for Mr. Fujita not only caU.d the final proposition to Ja pan, but accompanied it with his favor able recommendation. The conferees being thus agreed, it only remained to hear from the respective governments thut they represented. An adjournment was accordingly taken until Wednesday, by which it is not doubted the government at St. Petersburg and Tokio will have taken final action on the proposition. REMARKABLE RULING. Whitman County Judge Says a Gelding h Not a Hone. Colfax, Wash., Nov. 1. William Horbert, a horee thief, desperado and alleged murderer, wanted in Wyoming for killing a peddler, was cleared today of the horse-stealing charge on a re markable ruling by Judge McDonald, the eccentric judge of Whitman county superior court. The evidence was abundant and conclusive that Herbert stole the horse, but his attorney moved for a dismissal of the case on the ground that the complaint said "horse," while the animal was a geld ing. The judge decided that a gelding wus not a horse, and the case was dis missed. Herbert is still.held for other crimes. Burled I'mler a ! of Rock. Bonner's Ferry, Idaho, Nov. 1. Murphy and Dunn, employed on the extra orew of Great Northern laborers, were killed yesterday morning, one mile east of Katka. The men had been drilling rock on a mountain side for riprapping purposes along Kootenai river, when rock over head began to fall. They sought shel ter under an adjacent cliff, and were buried under a fearful mass of rock. It took the rest of tho crew 13 hours to get the bodies out. Dunn was formerly a civil engineer. Twenty Feet of Snow. Denver, Colo., Nov. 1. The Rock Island train, that was due in Denver yesterday morning, and th one that left Kansas City yesterday, arrived here at noon today,' as two sections of one train. They were delayed near Limon Junction, where the trainmen say, six miles of track were covered with 20 feet of snow. Wires were down, and for 48 hours the where abouts of th train due yesterday was not known. TROUBLE IN HAYTI. Arrest of a German Bring Down the Wrath of the Kaiser. Port au Prince, Hayti, Nov. 3. Seri ous trouble has arisen between Hayti and Germany. The German minister to this republic, Count Schwerein, has hauled down his flag and, according to current report, three German warship are expected here to back up the ulti matum of the minister, demanding ait indemnity for the alleged illegal arrest and imprisonment of a German citizen. The affair has caused considerable -citement among the native population, and some of the people have threatened to kill the German minister and all the Germans in the place and vicinity. The affair grew out of the arrest a few weeks ago of a German named Linders. The Germans say that a dozen policemen entered Linder'e house and arrested one of his servants. Mr. Linders went to the central polioo headquarters to complain against this, action of the police, but was himself arrested, charged with assaulting nnd attempting to murder polioo officers in the execution of their duty. Linders) was condemned to pay a fine of $100 and to undergo one mouth's imprison ment, and was taken to jail. Claim ing he was innocent, Linders demanded and obtained a second Hal, and was condemned to pay a fine of $500, and was sentenced to one year's imprison ment. The German minister tele graphed to Berlin for instructions and giving details of the case. On October 17, the German minister went to tho president of Hayti and demanded, in the name of the German emperor, that Linders be set at liberty, und also de manded for every day he spent in prison, 23 in all, an indemnity of $1,000 in gold, adding that for every day Linders was kept a prisoner after that notification ho (the Gorman min ister) would demand an indemnity of $5,000 in gold. At first, the Haytian president re fused to grant the Gorman minister's demand, and Mr. Linders remained six days longer in prison. This caused tho German minister to notify the Haytiun government that as Linders hud not been freed,, he had hauled down his flag and had sent the archives of tho German legation to the legation of the United States, thus breaking off all re lations with the Haytiun government This caused great excitement, and dis turbances would have occurred had they not been avoided by sending Lin ders, who was threatened with lynoh ing, on board a steamer bound for New York, from which port he was to leave for Germany. It ifl said the Gorman minister, on the arrival of tho war ships, will insist on tho payment of the indemnity demanded as a result of the imprisonment of Mr. Linders. IN A BURNING MINE. Six Men Lost Their Lives In a Disaster at Horanton. Scranton, Pa., Nov. 2. The worst mine disaster in the Lnckawana or Wyoming coal fields Bince the Twin shaft horror at Pittston, over a year ago, was developed in the fire which gutted the river stope of the Delaware & Hudson Company's Vonsterch mine in this city today. Six men were suffo cated by smoke. The dead are: Thomas Hill, John Farrell, John Francis Moran, Mike Walsh, John McDonnell, Thomas Pad den. The stope extends down through three vein. The missing men were at work in the deck and surafco veins, the former 100 and the latter 60 feet from tho surface. They had but two avenues of escape. The shorter route was by way of the stope, which was a sea of flumes for nearly 13 hours, and is vet burning near its foot, nnd the o.lar route wus via crosscuts to the gangways which led to an air shaft, nearly a mile from the spot where the men were working. Fire kept them out of the stope, and the smoke which backed out und into ull the workings prevented escape through the crosscuts. The supposition is that the men were suffocated. Chief Hickey, of the Scranton fire department, and eiglit firemen, narrowly escaped death in the stope. Joe Yamaski. one of the seven men entombed in the mine, was rescued at 10 o'clock tonight. The bodies of the others were uftcrwards found and brought to the surface. HIS HANDS WENT UP. Bnt He Had a Gun and a nighwaymaa Had a Narrow Escape. Tacoraa, Nov. 2. A shot from a large revolver came near ending the existence of a would-be highway robber last night, and, hud the aim of John O'Kieff only been a littlo more accur ate, the coroner would have had a job today. Mr. O'Kieff is a stranger to tho coast, and yesterday received a largo sum of money through a local bank. As he was going to his lodging-house about 9 o'olock last night, when near Wright Purk, two men, both masked, commanded him to throw up hfs hands. This command he obeyed, but with a gun. The close call one of the rubbers hud is shown by his hat, which was found. There is a bullet hoto through the crown, and it in powder burned. ' The new Chinese mint at Canton ooined more than 14,000,000 ten-cent pieces last year. i " Marshall Kills a Fanner. Versailles, Ky., Nov. 2. City Mar shal Ed Sterns shot and instantly killed Jason Miller, a farmer and trad er, at Midway, this county. Millet resisted arrest. German Paper Seised In France. Paris, Nov. 1. The police of this city today seized German comio pa per, the Lustigblatter, containing car toons, ridiculing President Faure an J tho French tepublic.