OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W. CHENEY. Enteredin Oregon Oily p wtofflceamacoiid-clasa matter SUBSCRIPTION KATES. If paid In advance, per year 1 BO Ono year 2 00 Six months J 00 Three mouths 6o ftThe dntp opposite your address on the paper denotes the time to which you have paid. PATBrONIZK HOME INDUSTRY. OREGON CITY, NOV. 5, 1897. AS VIEWED BY A BANKER. P. F. Crown, president of the Gales burg na ional bank of Galesburg, 111., had the following to say recently in favr of postal savings banks: "Yes, I believe in postal savings banks. There is a need in our country yes, an absolute necessity that people should be taught to make a judicious use of their earnings; in other words, taught to save money. This, like all other education, should begin with the young. The postal system would help in this, as it would be in the reach of all and would afford nny one, even the small children, an op portunity to make a beginning in saving something. It should be started on a plan that will gather the waste money that now never sees a bank. In this way the penny is cared for until it gets enough added to it to make a dollar, avl from this it grows on until it reaches a judicious investment a homestead and loan asso( iation, a lot or a home started, or something to which the owner at taches a value. Then this person begins to become something. Here ends our anarchist and socialist and government ownership, which so many are to day advocating and of which so many are afraid. The secret of saving is to make a beginning. When this beginning is made then there arrives something out ter in the individual. The saving must be used, invested, set to work. Out of this grows the business habit, and out of tins habit the man who develops and be comes capable of managing it. Now, it seems to me as a means to this end all auxiliaries wo can advise that are just and honorable should be used. Doings things is contagious ami if this move ment was once universal and became a popular movement all would move more in mat uireu ion anu in i me mignt. ue come a national characteristic. "No ; it is my opinion banks and bank era as a rule are not oppose 1 to thepostal bank system, and it is my opinion the system in time would become an adjunct of banking and business, just us in church the Sunday school is a help to the chureh not a competitor. We should take a broad v ewof these thing, not a selll sh one. Sollishnui-s hurts the self in business as well as in morals. Yes, for one you may put mo down for , postal savings banks, and, as I said he mic, when the time comes you will find banks are not, as a rule, opposed to them, as ihey will recognize in them an adjunct of business of all kinds, and it is out of increased business that banks grow and prosper." Tiik paper edited by our local member of the railroad commission remarked re cently. llut for the presence of the railro ul commission there would be a material increase in rates originating and termi nating in O egon. fur instance, the people of Pouglas county might be pay ing from '.ill to L'N cents per hundred again on grain and the products thereof Iiisteail nt from 14 to 11) as at present. It is indeed fortunate (?) that we have this valuable railroad commission. Th other day a resident of Hoseburg was charged a freight rate of 2H cents a hun dred on u few t ins of grain shipped from Creswell, lame coui'ty, to IJoseburg, a distance of about 110 miles. We infer from Editor F.ddy'a line of reasoning that but for fe.ir of the railroad coinmls sinners, the S. 1'. Co., in the instance alluded to, might have coullscated the entire shipment for freight charges, and taxed the unfortunate shippcra few bun drod dollars besides. Yes, the railroad commission is a great benelit to the peo plo of Oregon ! Hoseburg Review. iv the l nitetl Mates annexes the Hawaiian islands it will add to its pos sessions a country that in ono respect at least is more civilized than itself. Hawaii has in successful operation a postal savings bank system. There is n iw deposited with the poslal bank about $1,000,001, which is a pretty god show ing (or a country of lOO.rOO population, mostly illiterate natives and foreign laborers. If annexation of the islands were to carry with it the exten-ion to this country of the postal savings bank system in oeration there, that would bo a strong argument for annexation. Til k reci ip s of the stale fair are said to have been $.1,000 and with the f",000 recciveu iiom me state Us revenue amounted this year to $11,00 l yet with this big Mini to draw upon it is sai l the management have a of dellcit $u',800 to provide for. The reason assigned by those wl ii.tiin to Know, lor tins poor financial allowing, is that the rare track premiums were too large and that too Immunol lion of. Salem a n.ln.iti...! by passes. Ci.Ara SiMtKCKKi s has bought a large tract of land in Monterey county, Cidi f irnia, mid leased it to the Salvation army for the purpose of Biigur-lieet cul ture, advancing money until the beet growers become self-supporting. When they begin to make money they are to bo encouraged to buy ten acres of ground apieco.on ten years' time, by installments, Mr. Nprockles agrees to buy their beets at g xid prices. Tiir lliinna currency coniiniHuion ciuiiri.iua six repuhlicana and five t!ld il.mt.mrit I a Tltov iMtll It it It.ttt . tt.i tt i u.t . ' body. Tucoujii News. Now the Oanliy Independent askes us to endorse his plan of instructing delegates at primaries. We would glad ly do so if they would not be instructed to endorse some professional politican instead of deserving cidzens from the country. When the proper time comes the Courier will expose the rascallity of the office seekers, which the Independent dare not do for reasons stated before. Tiihke million dollars is the value of the wheat and flour that have left the Col u m bia river since Supte m ber 1 . Th is is as much, or more, than all the Yu kon's gold output for the twelve months pas1. And nobody has been starved, drowned in midocean, murdered, lynch ed or frozen to death in its acquisition. Oregonian. Tiik New York Sun declares that the business of the country has been para lyzed and prosperity dissipated by Henry George's revival of Eryanism in his mayorality campaign. What a ten der little weakling this gold standard prosperity is, uny way ! Review. Mr. 0. B. Mookhs, of Salem, today as sumes the office of regis er of the land office at Oi-eg'-n City. The opinion is that he will till the olfice well, probably better than Mr. Geer would, and he has plainly shown that he has better sense. Albany Democrat. After serious illness, like typhoid fever, pneumonia, or the grip, Hood's Sarsapa rilla lias wonderful strength-giving power. Literary Note. The Ovkui.and Monthly is advertising extensively an interesting "Missing Word Contest." The sentence they give ia: "Tlir hitil iL-il iiwiiu frmn thf? Iwii wtiiilrrt",it." This is taken from a New England classic hj a writer whose name is u household word. Theorize is $1,0110, to be given to the person finding i he correct answer, or divided among the fortunate tinders if there are more than one. The only condition is that the guess shall be accompanied by one dollar as a subscription to the Ovkki.and, at its reduced price. This condition is no hardship; lor the Ovkki.and at a dollar is in itself a great big prize. Ten cents sent its publishers at 8an Francisco will bring a sample copy ami full particulars of the contest. Recent num bers are filled with beautilul pictures anu interesting articles. A gentleman went into llolman's to buy some wall paper for his parlor and looking through the many samples found some patterns that were fine, de cided upon one. "'What is the price of that paper?" " cents per double roll." "I'm afraid that is too cheap." liut when it was explained how and why it was sold so cheap, he took the paper and was highly pleased. Dan Williaus lias added tu li is stock of groceries and provisions a full line of feed and hay. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free. Corner Seventh and Center streets Wo havp rf cnlvnd a lino of silver plated ware.wiiioli wHI (n q v-,i ti our patrons, The quality lj a I extra coin siSv.tr pUte 1187 Wm A. Rnjir. Wj solicit you to inspect th9 sama at the store of I Siillini. Miss Hose Scheeland, of the LaMode Parlor, ."4!l)8 Morrison streets, Portland, between Seventh and Park, lias the linest line of millinery goods kept in the city. Don't fail to see her elegant stock w hen in Portland. It Uu veritable bazar within itself. (in to liauin it Brandes, Ho First street, rinht on the Oregon City car line for your lunches ami dinners. We make a specialty of ladies' and merchants' lunches; try thorn, only 25c. Agency for Muilland's candies. If you want a nice steak, roast or boil call at Albrig. t's shop and get some of his cold-storage m.'iit which is acknow edged by all to be suo irior to the meats commonly sold at butchers' shops, lie also keeps on hand a full stock of lard, hams, bacon, etc., made by himself and warranted purest and wholesome. Re member the old established shop on Main street. NO CURE-NO PAY. Thill 1 Hie wnv nil Irtnn.'Nta Hfll (lltOVK'S TAsTKl.KSS l llli.l, IONIC (or Malaria, (Mulls and Kevor. Ii In simply iron and quinine In r iIi-I'm form. (Milliln-ii liivp il. Adult prcfe it i iMHt-r, mniM'iitliiK imih's. Price .'.(V. Ko ult' by l li. Huntley, Urugaist. Two Million, h Yrnr. When people hue, trv, ami Itnv again, it means they're snisll I Tim people of Ihe 1'niled Stales art iwvr hiving iVciri't dimly Cathartic at the lale of two mi lion buses a jo.ir an I it will lie llnee million bef re New Years. menus merit nrove.l. that Caiearnl are H timet delichtlnl bowel regulator for I'y'.vbody the year round All drug. '( 10c, , otic a box, cu re guaranteed. OABTOniA. Tit fo- ' It m Nlf TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take l.aiatlva llroino IJulnlne Tablola. All (trtiKiilsta refund the money If It fiiiU to cure, iV Go to... DAVIDSON'S GALLERY Up-to-Date Pictures Marvelous Effect System Broken Down and Hope Al most Abandoned Health Re stored by Hood's Sarsaparilla. "For fifteen years I have differed with catarrh and indigestion and my whole system was broken down. I had almost abandoned any hope of recovery. I pur chased six bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and its effects have been marvelous. It has made mo feci like a new man. I am able to sleep well, have a good appetite, and I have gained several pounds in weight." James Wilder, Oroville, Wash. "I had a scrofula swelling on one side of my neck and ulcerated sores In my nostrils, caused by catarrh. I also had small, itching sores on my limbs. I bought three bottles of Hood's Sarsapa rilla and began taking It and the sores soon healed. My blood is purified, and the scrofula has disappeared.". O. D. McManus, Mission, Washington. Hood's sBaar?,?- Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hru-iH'c Pi 11c cure nausea, Indication, UUUU a rllW biliousness. Micents. LOCAL SUMMARY. Coque feather brasa, Miss Goldsmith. For be3t groceries at cheapest price go to Marr & M uir. Justice court blanks 15 cents per dozen at Courier office. If you want to save money buy your hats at Miss Goldsmith's. The cheapest and best line of crockery in Portland is at Haine's Tea Store, 288 Morrison Btreet. Fine new line of umbrellas and canes at Burmeisters & Andresens's Jewelry store. Inspect those adjustable wind w screens at Bellomy & Busch's. They are certainly the right thing. Furniture upholstered and repaired at the Oregon City Auction, Customers can leave orders for bottled beer, porter, steam beer or keg beenat Knapp's Bismark saloon. John G. Wil helm, pioprietor Sellwood brewery. Get your picture frames made at the the Oregon City Auction House at very prices. Prescriptions carefully compounded G. A. Harding's drug store. For the best shave or hair cut to be had go to P.G. Shark'sshop. Shaving 10 cents, Dr. W . Wallens is now associated with D.J. W. Welch, dentist, in Wil lamette block. The most reliable goods at lowest living cash prices are kept by the grocery store of Marr & Muir. With a little cost one's rooms can be made as good and bright as new. Call at llolman's and see styles and pattern all up-to-date 18i7 goods. Seventh street, near bridge. L L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain crowns and bridge work a specialty Ollice in Barclay building, corner Main and Seventh streets. Before furnishing your house call at Young's second hand store and he will lit you out for less than one-quarter of what new goods would cost. JOSEl'lI RICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Olllce in Oioiion City Bunk Mock. Orkouk City. .... bkook. C. H. ISOM, Civil Engineer & Deputy County Surveyor Will be al f'oiirt llotiie on each Sat tirt anil on rcniilnr kcxkIoii day. of County Court. J. W. WELCH, IDEHSTTIST, WILLAMKTTK block, Oi'I'iwitb 1'. O., Oiikgon City, Obi. (inn. C. Bnowsm ',. J. V. Campbiix BROW NELL & CAAIPBELL, ATTOKNKVS AT LAW. Caiitlclil null. Unit Onxnn City, On C. N. GREENMAN. TIIK I'lONKKK and Drayman iKatabllahiM'. lsiij ) Parcels delivered lo all parts of ihe city. C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real Eslatc and Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE: Commercial OREGON CITY, Bii Bulldlrt OrtEGON. THOS. F. RYAN, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker. l.mniNU Ism ram i Aorncy or Olmiak COI'NTY. Money lo Loan. Abtlractn of Title Had. Orawluir of l.eiial l'cmipi.t a SpecxltT Ofllce on eKt aide of Main vtrevl Between 6th and "ill. OREC.ON CITY, OREGON. business change; 0. F. HENNINGS has purchased the Seventh Street Bakery of Ja cob Kober and the new management is pre pared to furnish you with Bread, Cakes, Buns, Etc., at very reasonable prices. v. r. rmwiirNua, tn at. tsaKery a Bank of Oregon City. OLDEST BANKING HOUSE IN THE CITV Paid Up Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $20,850. resident, ... Chab. H. Cauflied Vice-president - - Gso. A. Hardin") Cashier, .... E. Q. Cauweld A General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants bought. Loans Made on Available SecurtU Exchange Bought and Sold. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available in Any Part of tht World. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, Bar Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. THE BAZAAR Galvanized Tubs, 60, 75 and 90c. I House Brooms, 15, 17, 20, 25 and 30c. toilet Faper, 0 for 2oc. Tooth Hcks, 5c. Black Boards, 3", 50o and $1. Hand Lamps, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 30c China Tea lots, small size. 17c. liraniteware. Glassware, Crockery, Woodenware. A. PATTERSON & CO... "Bazaar" I Oregon Oity - Oregon Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY. OREGON, On the Street betwnen the Bridge and the Oepot. Double and tiuiclti rues Aiitt adtle horde a wars on hand at tho lowest rules, md a itorn aliio nnnnected with the barn for loose stork Any Information rKardiur an; kind of stock promptly attended to by letter or person. HOR8E8 BOUGHT OR SOLD I aeo. . uutDiNG, DEALER (N IF H3 itniirdPat. Malicinas PilnM, 'MM anl Wln io 'lUsn. Prescription Accurately Hnmpoundeol Harding's block. The Commercial Bank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL $100,000. Transacts a General Banking Bualneso Loans maile. Hills (Uncounted. Make ct lectlon. Ruy anil HellKexchaugeon all nolo IF In the United States and Kurope and on Hou( Kohk. deposits received snbteel to check. Bank open from 9 A.M. to 4 P. M. O.C. LATOtTRKTTK. K. K. DONALDSON President. Caihlu H. STRAIGHT, PEALXn IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement ar.d Laiid Plaster. Winter Slices I TU.U'SSK BROS., second door north of P.O., haw jnat roct'ivod a tine now lino of hliN'S VVINTKR TANS. Call anil soo thorn. Wo have ndJod a tirst class shoomakor to our establishment and aro prepared to do all kinds of repairing at reasonable rates, t t t t t KRAUSSE BROS SHOE STORE Two Poora North of I'OstOllil'H Winter Shoes! WASTKD TRI'STWORTllY AND ACTIVE llfMlU'iricn or laillea to travel forretonlbli ealabhabed hon.e In Urexon. Monthly f and expeiiaea. Poalllon ateadv. Ketereiice. Kn eltte aelf addreaaetl atanitetl envelote. The Dominion Comptny, Dept. Y.l'hlcago. WASTKD TRl'STWORTHY AND ACTIVE Itenlieman or ladlea U rvl tor responsible, ealabliihed house In On-iron. Monthly OtiA 00 and exienea. Poaitlon ateadr. Reference. Kneltwa aelt addresedataraedenvliii. The Dominion Company, Pent. Y, Chicago. I I McKITTRICK'S SHOES Beat the World! Fine French Millinery. ...Miss A. S. Jorgensen... ATA T. A OIKS OF OREGON CITY AKK CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND ATA 291 Mcrrison St. Bet. 4th J. PiiiLLirs, Proprietor Steam Dyeing & UADIES' AND GENTLEMENS' CLOTHING- CLEANED DYED IN BEST POSSIBLE MANNER Office, Foot Morrison Street, - - Portland, Or. Works at Mechanic' Pavilion, 325 Second St. ..Go TO.... G. H. BESTOW & CO. FOR OOOR3 WINDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PRICES EVER Shop Opposite CoufrreKHtlonal Clin for CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS go to RICHARD PETZQLD'S CASH: MARKETS Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Main St., Opposite Caufield Block. Two Shops, J. W. BING & CO. Importers and Dealers In JAPANESE FANCY GOODS Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc. Great Sale this week ! Come and fe our prices and bargains. 288 Wellington strt, PORTLAND, OREGON. 7 e SECOND-HAND 1 tor, ljm I a Pcnsnansbij.- Tf iW'h' SECOND-HAND FURNITURE SECOND-HAND CARPTES SECOND-H.ND ST0VS3 SECOND-HAND TOQLS SECOND-HAND HARDWARE SECOXD-HAND WAGONS SECOND-HAND HARNESS SECOND-HAND SADDLES SECOND-HAND PLOWS SECOND-HAND CULTIVATORS SECOND-HAND TRUKS ALL TO BE SEEN AT THF- . OREGON CITY AUCTION HOUSE Opposite Postofflce. jFProdue6 Taken in Exchange. Oome in and nee our prices before uuying eisewnere. 1 & 5th, PORTLAND, ORE. 1 SJ Goods Called For and Delivered Cleaning Works AND REPAIRED OFFERED FOR FIRST-CLASS GOODS. - ch, Alalu Street, Oregon City, Ore. Hill. Oregon City, Oregon. rand Opening! OV THE. GOLD STORAGE... INDKK NEW MAN.U1E.MENT O" Gtesen & Hallwijler .ox SATURDAY, NOV. 6. CAMBRINUS COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. I HAVE Kw IN MY HANDS FUNDS applicable to the payment of .11 warrant endorsed prior to July 11th, 194, Iutereat will cease on the above warrant after the date of th la notice. Jacob shade. Treasurer of Clackaraiu County, Oregon . Dted '"' lh daT or October, 11197, AUpainbarUh . f am Vu