Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, November 05, 1897, Image 3

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says "Look at me." Money-back says
"Try me."
S chilling s Best baking powder and tea are
.because they are money-back.
What is the missing word? not SAFE, although Schilling's Best baking
powder and tea are safe.
Get Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at your grocers'; take out the
ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder; yellow ticket in liie
teat; send a ticket with each word to address below before December 31st.
Until October 15th two words allowed for every ticket; after that only one
word for every ticket.
If only one person finds the word, that person gets 2000.00; if several find
it, f 2000.00 will be equally divided among them.
Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard
creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one
envelope will receive an 1898 pocket calendar no advertising on it. These
creeping babies and pocket calendars will be diuerent from the ones ottered in
the last contest.
Better cut these rules out.
United State Reserve- Navy.
Were are 60 modern steamships fit
for cruising now available by the Uni
ted States Navy in case of war, exclu
sive of regular war vessels building or
in commission, and there are rapid-fire
guns enough to equip 15 of them with
a week. These ships are ocean liners
and ooast steamships carrying the Amer
ican flag.
Thin Is the prayer of the nervous who do not
aleop well. Let them use Hostettcr's Stomach
Bittsand their prayer will bo speedily answ.
red. Insomnia IB the product of indigestion
and nervousness, two associate ailments, soon
remedied by the Bitters, which also vanquishes
malaria, constipation, liver cowulaiut. rheu
matism and kidney complaints.
Oldenburg's dynasty is saved from
Mttinotion by the birth of a son to the
hereditary grand duke.
A Weak Man
A man who has wasted the powe. ol youth by
excesses and fast living is only half a man; 10
him the greatest pleaxtir are only pastime, he
enjoys nothing, because hit delicate senses are
stunted and all his vital powers weak. Are you
one of them? io to the spring of life electric
ity; drink to your heart's sitlsfaction, saturate
your body with Its vitalism powers. It will
restore your manhood. It is life, and will re
new what you hav lojt.
Dr. Sanden's Electric Belt,
Invented years ago; now as near perfect as scl
tnoecan make It; physicians recnmiijend it as
she one remedy wh ch w ill restore manly vigor.
It wfll prove a fruitful source of energy to your
battered nerve forces. T ly It.
Cannot Help Recommending It.
Fern Hill, Wash., May 20, 1896.
Dear 81 r I got a belt from you over a year
ago which I find Is all yon recommend it to be,
and cannot help hut reoommennd It to my
Mends. Yours truly, W. A.M'NAlU.
Thtashows what it docs. The book. "Three
lasses of Men," is free, scaled, mv mail, lietit.
Ir. Sanden's Electro licit euros weak men.
nil or address,
6S West Washington St., Portland, Or.
Plcnte mention lni Paper.
Til on sands of happy men pronounce this
work the mean of their phvsicul salvation.
It give the latest scientific facts concern inir
It describes the only known method of at
taining fullest natural manly vlifor.
It points out Home Treatment for all ex
eases and sexual disbarments.
It shows how to cure nervousness, 'hope
lessness, despondency.
ANO HOW4 TO ATTAIN IT" sent free, in
plant wrapper, sealed securely, to the address
of any sincere Inquirer, by the Krie Medical
Company, 65 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y.
Patent Medicines
at Cut Rates...
Wholesale and Retail Drugglxta, Portland.
Make money bv sneceeftil
speculation In Chicago. We
Duy anil sell wheat on mar-
Kins. Fortunes have been
snaae on a small Dtginning Dy trailing in iu
turos.' Write lor full particulars. Best of rel
ercnoe given, fevers! years' experience on the
trhicago Honr.l of Trade, and a thorough know
ledge of the business. Send lor our Iree refer
ence book. DUWXIXti, HOPKINS A Co.,
Ohlcago Board of Trade Brokers. Offices In
Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wash.
Vegetable, Grass
and flower
Bulbs and Roses.
Fruit and Shade
Treesj Spray Pumpsj Bee Supplies
j fertilizers j Catalog's f
maamrry the mmteo-nlets Hut of (Irmnaalam
aud A thieitcUoous on tne Coast.
tend lor Our Athletic Catalogue.
M an Market 8U, kaa IrsstliM, Cat.
A Device that Poea Away With Itond-
side Pumps and Tanks.
A recent improvement in sprinkling
wagons bids fair to revolutionize road
and street sprinkling in the country
where there is no water system to sup
ply water from hydrants. Heretofore
it has been the puBtom to erect pump
ing plants, or to pipe water from dis
tant points to stations along the road at
such distances that the load at one of
theee stations would last until the
wagon reached the next station on its
trip. This plan makes necessary the
expense of piping, tanks, wells, horse
powers, etc., and has always been a
very considerable item of expense, and
mon or less of an obstacle to having
roads well watered.
The improvement consists in attach-,
ing a gasoline engine and centrifugal
pump on a platform at the rear of the
sprinkling wagon so that water can be
taken from any convenient source. A,
suction hose with foot valve is attaohed
to the pump which can be lowered into
a tank, creek, watering trough, or any
water source. The wagon driver then
starts the engine, and in from six to
ten minutes his wagon is filled.
The illustration shows a wagon and"
pumping outfit just completed by the
Hercules Gas Engine Co., of San Fran
cisco and now in use by the Supervisors
of Tulare county upon the roads near
It consists of an improved type of an
ordinary sprinkling wagon, and a plat
form built at the rear of the tank upon
which stands a 2 H. P. Special Her
cules Gasoline Engine geared to a 8
inch centrifugal pump. From this
pump runs a rubber suction hose and
discharge pipe into the tank. The tank
holds 12,000 gallons of water which
will be filled by the pump in six min
utes under ordinary lift, or not to ex
ceed ten minutes lifting 20 feet, and
at a coHt of about 3 cents for each fill
ing. The uses to which this improve
ment can bo put are not confined to
road sprinkling, but it is applicable to
any purpose where water has to be
hauled, as, for instance, supplying
threshing machinery or convoying water
from one point to another for any pur
pose. The simplicity of the engine
makes its use perfectly safe and relia
ble, as it is automatic- in action, all
that is needed being to open the valve
admitting the gasoline, and to give the
wheel a start with the hand. It is
durable and not at all likely to get out
of order, requirng neither engineer noi
machinist to keep it in condition for
Sprinkling country roads has been
considerable of a problem, and it is be
lieved that this improvement will go
far towards an economical solution of
it. The Hercules Gas Engine Works of
San Francisco, furnish these wagons
and engines in any desired capacity, and
fully guarantee thorn in everyway.
8100 REWARD, 10O.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to en re in all its stages
and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive cure now known to the meulral
fraternity. Catarrh being s constitutional dis
ease, requires aoonstltutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the svs
lem, thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and assisting
nature in doing its woi k. The proprietors have
so much faith in Its curative powers, that thev
offer One Hundred Dollars foranv case that it
falls to cure, bend for lit of te.tlmonials,
Address, K. J. CHKNEV, iUo., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 7;c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
The convicts with a good record in
the Kansas State Penitentiary now
wear suits of cadet gray instead of
striped suits. ,
The high note of a cuckoo has been
determined by an English observer to
be usually from F to E flat, the low
note from D to B.
I shall recommend Piso'i Cure for Con
sumption far and wide. Mrs. Mulligan,
Piumstead, Kent, England, Nov. 8. 18S5.
The bridgt at Montreal, Canada, ii
nearly two miles long.
Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder.
The Chicory Industry.
The chicory Industry Is becoming
quite important In Nebraska. The
roots can be grown on any soil suitable
for sugar beets. In fact, the two crops
require much the same treatment up to
the time the roots are taken to the fac
tory. The preparation of chicory as a
substitute for coffee calls for the slicing
and drying of the roots, to be followed
by roasting and, later, granulation or
grinding, according to tne demands of
the trade. There are about half a :zen
factories for the final preparation of the
root In Nebraska, the one at O'Neill be
ing shown In the engraving.
Point a on Breeding.
A man should breed with some defi
nite purpose in view should have au
Ideal In his mind, and constantly work
toward It. Having grade Jersey now.
In what xespect Is a change desired?
The Guernseys and Jerseys are very
Rlmilnr In most itnportnnt particulars.
Neither breed Is noted for giving extra
large amounts of milk, but rather for
yielding milk of exceptional qual
ity. So far as breed Is concerned,
we see nothing to be gained by chang
ing from Jersey to Guernsey; but there
may be a wide mnrgln for choice as be
tween Individuals. Itather than breed
these grade Jerseys to an Indifferent
and unsatisfactory Jersey bull, we
would use a Guernsey, If one was of
fered, of better form and pedigree. For
the same reason, we would not accept
an inferior Guernsey, when a better
Jersey could be had.
There have been some excellent cows
of the Guernsey -Jersey cross, but this
was not because of the cross-breeding,
but because dam and sire were superior
animals. Some people affect to think
there is some hidden power or virtue In
cross-breeding, and they are continu
ally following after some will o' the
wisp, phantasm or charm. In the de
lusive effort to get something for
nothing. Cross-breeding is all right
provided It Is entered upon with a clear
understanding of Its limitation and
purposes, but one must not expect to
raise profitable cows from sires that
hnve only a name to recommend them.
There are a great many "scrubs"
amonk the full-blooded animals In all
breeds. Hoard's Dairyman.
stock rs not constantly growing better
it shows that It Is as good as the care I:
gets. If he had cows that would yiel
much more than those he has now the;
would deteriorate until they reachei
his present standard. Care and feed
Ing of the cow while bearing her young
and persistent milking of her durlnp
this period, have as much to do will
making the calf a good milker as hat
the animal's pedigree. Scrub treat
ment of stock soon reduces It to tht
condition of scrubs. Ou the other hand
better care of the present stock will In
crease Its capacity for producing milk
and butter.
Step Ladders for Fruit Gathering.
Considering how easily step ladders
are made, and their small cost, It Is sur
prising that they are not more used in
gathering fruit. The habit 01 climbing
all through the tree, bruising and In
juring its branches. Is the direct cause
of the numerous sap shoots that start
out wherever a branch on the trunk is
bruised.- There was excuse In the
olden time for training fruit trees high,
so that cattle and horses when pastur
ing the orchard should not reach up
and gather most of the fruit prema
turely. But most of the orchards late
ly are trained with heads so low that
a step ladder set under them, and one
somewhat higher set against the out
side of the tree, will enable the orchard
1st to gather bis fruit more easily and
safely than he could going through the
trees according to the old fashion.
Golden Wax Beans.
The golden wax bean Is very popular
as a snap bean, though to our taste It
has less of the characteristic bean
flavor than have the snap beans that
are green rather than 'golden In color.
Their advantages as a snap bean con
sists, we suspect, In being less stringy
than the more highly flavored green
snap beans, and In keeping their ten
derness until nearly the time of ripen-
Ing. But when dried nnd shelled, the
wax beans are really superior In qual
ity, next to Lima beans in tenderness.
The only objection to the bean is that
when cooked It Is dark colored. But
this Is really a small matter. It Is,
however, rather difficult to shell the
wax bean. Its pod, even when ripened,
continues to be thick and does not dry
out readily. Hence It must usually be
shelled by hand. American Cultivator.
For Washlntc Vehicle.
The device shown in the cut will save
much time and labor In washing wag
ons. A narrow, water-tight box rf the
shape shown In the Illustration Is
slipped under the wheel when It has
been "jacked" up. A pall of water Is
now poured In and the wheel revolved.
The dirt can thus be removed quickly
and much more easily than when a pall
Is nsed to hold the water. Once used,
the benefits of this device will be very
apparent. Orange Judd Farmer.
Dorset Hlieep.
One of the Important advantages of
the Dorset sheep Is Its prolificacy. The
ewes quite generally farrow two lambs
and have been known to drop triplets
and raise them all. They are a very
hardy sheep, well ablo to defend them
selves, and even marauding dogs, who
have regarded the sheep as their nat
ural and easy prey, have often been
obliged to desist when tbey find them
selves confronted with the formidable
horns with which both the bucks and
ewes of this breed are armed. In lo
calities where predatory dogs are the
shepherd's scourge, the horned Dor
set are the sheep that will be most
sure to give satisfaction.
Better Cows Need Better Care.
Mirny farmers think that If they only
had the money to buy better cows tbey
would then have no trouble In making
money. But if the farmer's present
Brackets for Stuirltius.
A yenr or so ago there was shown In
these columns a cut of p wajl bracket
for a staging. An improvement Is seen
In the first illustra
tion. An iron bolt
passes through the
back of the brack
et. through an nu
ger hole In the
boarding of the
wall, then through
a bit of hnrd wood
board and then
through a nut
which, being screwed up on the Inside,
binds the bracket firmly to the wall on
the Inside. To save, the bother of usinga
wrench, the nut can be made In one
end of a curved bit of Iron. This can
be readily turned up w'th the hand.
A set of those
brackets can be
put up In a few
moments' time,
and save all cut
ting and waste of
boards, as in the
old way of build
ing a staging. In
the second pic
ture Is seen a bracket for roof staging
that tells Its own story. It Is adjust
able to any pitch of roof, and has sharp
Iron points to keep It from slipping.
Farm and Home.
FcediiiK Bait to Cattle.
"It has been fully demonstrated,"
says Capt. C. Adams, mnmiger of the
Superior, Neb., Cattle Co., "that It is
poor policy to feed cattle salt that you
are trying to fatten for the market."
Mr. Adams tried the experiment by
actual tests. He put so many head In
one field, and fed them freely of salt;
and an equal number In another field,
aud gave no salt. The cattle without
salt put on flesh more rapidly nnd were
ready for market several days ahead of
the other bunch which had been freely
salted. After several tests, the cattle
firm have decided not to feed salt lav
ishly, If any, In the future.
Planting Peach Pita.
It Is a good plan to plant all peach
pits when It Is known that the fruit has
been grown on trees free from yellows.
If the peach Is an extra good one, It
may well be left to fruit uii 1U own
stock. Some kinds of peaches repro
duce themselves for seed, and nil kinds
of this fruit are more likely to produce
something nearly like themselves. If
the untlve fruit proves to be worthless,
a few buds Inserted higher up nfter It
has grown large enough to show what
It Is, will change It to whatever variety
may be desired.
Farm Notes.
The period of cheapest growth is be
fore the animal is matured.
The best wny to feed oats is In com
bination with other materials.
An animal Hint Is Infested with ver
min cannot be kept In a good condi
tion. Arrange good shelter. Animals can
not thrive even with good feed when
uncomfortably cold.
One advantage with sheep Is that
they aid materially In keeping the
pastures clean by eating down weeds.
Clover hay and good wheat straw In
equal parts with a little wheat bran
make a ration equal to good timothy
Good farming is not only taking ad
vantage of favorable circumstances,
but also In overcoming adverse condi
tions. More or less linseed meal can be
used to a good advantage with all
classes of stock. It Is not only nutri
tious but aids digestion nnd belps to
regulate the bowels. Farmers Union.
The world has come to know that the
muscles have much to do with the heslth
of the sj stem, and the era of athletics has
so much developed them that the whole
man is a stronger being than in former years
But the worry of it all is that the muscles
are of the iiesh, neshy. A little twist, or
slip, or jerk these happen in all work
ana then a sprain. Sprains disable and
are costly in time and money, but not if
St. Jacobs Oil is used, for it cures surely
and promptly and the worry cf it is over.
A Sad Beginning;.
He poised the bivalve on his fork,
And then explained the reason:
"This U,". he said, with airy grace,
"Aly fust un of the season."
He smiled and gulped the bivalve
Oh, wasn't he a mad un I
He pranced, he choked, he kicked, he
His fust un was a bad un.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Sirs. Joseph Feterson, Warren, Pa.
A New Hartford (Conn.) man one
day set over 1,000 tobacco plants, and
the next morning found that the cut
worms had destroyed every plant but
one over night.
All Eastern Syrup, so-called, usnallv very
light colored and of heavy body, is made from
glucose.. "Ten Unnirn grips'' is MiKiie from
Sugar Cane and is strictly pure. It is for saie
Dy nrsi-ciass trrocers, in cans onlv. Manuiac
lured by the Pacific Coast syrup' Co. All Ken
nine "7Vo Unnirn rfp" have the niauuiac
.urer's name lithographed on every can.
" I have suffered with womb troubla
over fifteen years. Ihad Inflammation,
enlargement, and displacement of tha
" The doctor wanted me to take treat
ments, but I had just begun taking
Mrs. Pinkham's sRg
ompounu, ami
my husband
Baid I had
better wait j
and see how
much good
that would
do me. I
was so sick
when I began
with her medi
cine, I could
hardly be on mj
feet. I had the
backache con
stantly, alsoheadache, and was sodizzy.
I could not walk around, and I could not
lie down, for then my heart would best
so fast I would feel as though I was
amothering. I had to sit up in bed
nights in order to breathe. I was so
weak I could not do anything. I have
now taken several bottles of Lydia B.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and
nsed three packages of Sanative Wash,
and can say I am perfectly cured. I do
not think I could have lived long if Mrs.
Pinkham's medicine had nothelpedme."
Cherry Creek, N. Y., has a blind ami
mo-armej man who give lessons to 25
jupils on various musical instruments.
N. P. X. V.
No. 45, 87.
HKX writing to advertisers, plM
neuiiiuii una paper.
I DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Uyannis, Massachusetts,
was tlu originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the sams
that has borne and does now sj? 01h everV
bear the facsimile signature of aZUc& wrapper.
Tliis is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been,
used in, the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it U
tlie kind you have always bought "m
and has the signature 0 f wrap
per. JVb one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company of which Chas.. II. Fletcher is
March 8, 1897. K QjL d&4.;Ji,
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute
which torn? druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies
on it), the ingredients of whicli even he does not know.
"The Kind You Have Always Bought"
mc rw-oiMlLfc SIGNATURE OF
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You.
IW VOHK irv.
perfect type of the highest order of excellence la msnnfactnre." yy
" K-
Walter Baker & Co.'s &
Absolutely Pure Delicious Nutritious. Q
Costs Less than One Cent a Cup. Q
O 7o.
Vi t-
Bs sure that you cat ths
genuliM article, made at
1 '
it II
S fn f I
Power tbat will save you money and
make you money. Hercules Engines
are the cheapest power known. Burn
Gasoline or Distillate Oil; no smoke,
fire, or dirt For pumping, running
dairy or farm machinery, they have no
equal. Automatic in action, perfectly
safe and reliable.
Scod fur illustrated catalog.
Hercules Gas
Engine Works
Bay St., San Francisco, Cal.
Hercules Special
t2)4 actnal horsepower)
ri in.) vuijr ioo.
Vlclds double tha arnnnntof anr other K'srs
(or hay or pasture. Will stand the dry season
and grows as vlKorously In ttepiewlivr as in
June. It grows on dry hills where nothing els
will grow. It solves the problem ol pasturagu
ID the northwest country, 'ric 20; r pound.
Address all orders to U. .1. silllKl.liH,
Moscow, Idaho.
will cure you ol Dys
pepsia, lnrtlgc-siloii.
ol all kinds. Price.,!. On receipt ol same w
will deliver It at your ncaret t ex press office lre
ol charge.
....FRANK NAU ...
Portland lintel Pharmacy,
blxto and Morrison, street,
1 1 Best CooiB kyrap. Tarns Ouod. Use I I IF Has. Wintni iiun bnur itoiid il.in l 4
Pi to time, Horn by rtimti II I ' cluMrwi iMthliig Iln'tbiNilli,ehlli.Mfs.4
,l.U -lMSSHS.l.ls ' - k Jiu Ih. rim., .1IT, .11 can. wind .ollo.an Is t
I. niii iisi l 11 X k th, bM rns. rmrdiarrhtaa. Twenty Ave eeiiM a a
i a 1 , f bonis. ItisiKskxtof all.
at ssSi 4