HCW TOF!ND CUT. fill a bottle or common glass wi'h urine and let it staml twenty-four hours ; a sediment or settling indicates an un healthy condition oi the kidneys. When urine stairs linen it is evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO HO. Theie is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in relieving pain in in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold hy druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottlo and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention Ohkoom City Coukihk and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Oo.jBinghainton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. F. C. GADKE, Plumbing and Tinning. JolToiiii? of All Kinds a Speciall'. Wilson Cooke's Old bland ORKfiON OTTY, OREGON. JAMES MURROW, Decorating Paper Hanging, Artistic House Painting And Kalsoming. Leave Orders at Ely Bros., on Seventh Street, Oregon City, Oregon. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon Ture Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city. Try lioltnii llaliy uml lie CniiviieeP W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Cor. Main and 4th St. ORKGON CITY, OREGON Job Printing at the Courier Office. DR. KESSLER, Thl old ona imnett anoclnllHt, of HI.. L011U. wen known ly It I h Ioiir rral.loneo itiul Mir Cfumhtlly ' nrii' tlca In thin city, cuntlnmi lu m't .fully In 'at ult Kinds of chi'oiitu mid pl iVllll' dNCHKt'R FREE TREATMENT ! I for t ho poor who mil 111 person m ine ouire vi ry into, nuon BLOOD AND SKIN Ilito TiiIiiim. Tuiimra. Toners, Ki''inii ti'i'l oiiur tiiiiHirlili'a ol the liluml tliirnKiil iluili illril, lotvllig Dim syHloui tit H strong, PI I "lilt IICHIIIiIUI HllllO. PTIPTT'W AiPIOTIff IriMili-tl liy nil old ll.riniin lilUiU U iliOlli remedy. Thin i r. m'iiumI lo l'r. hi'KM'liT by u friend In Uirllu. II Im never lulled. HI Tl OflDPO I'lcers, Cancers, etc., trcii'ed, mi UJjU iouhuij iMiri'ii'iii'ii how long iiir.-i-i.'.i KIDNEY AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 1, iliilii'iili , 1 1 1 1 1 r. 1 1 in 11 1 . mil 1- y ur Ihim untie, inmiori'l ilischurucM, our ll.v trouti I'd rheumatism and neuralgia ti'iuml bv our now ronictilt'H. Take it i'l"i r bottlo lit bedtime and urinate In the bolllo, sot iislilo mid look ill it In I mh iiniriilim. II it is cloudy, mi him a cloudy set tilng In It, yuu have mime kidney or bludd lll-l'IIH', Tl HV lUflPW removed In twenty-four hours im u nunm til I' lit III. Ml l(V DCrJITLI CrnilWCI Wo meet persons everv UlUiJUil CUlirVO duvwliiise lir-itt h siitills mi Inn! 11 in digiisiiiig'. ThlM oiiinea troin Cii' la. rn 01 eil her I he noso or Muuuicli tin Hint In' eMiiul I. It. oh lie cmed before tli nnl Initios ln'Co iih'h Involved, VfillVO MfM T '" ie troubled with nltrlil lULltU Mull emissions, exhiius' lug iltaum I'linl'lr.v, liHslilulncNN, livers on to suel'lv hiiiiiIiii'n. iir.ioiitltiiev, loss ol energy, am- i'iih.ii 11 1 in nrii-i'oiillileiiee, which il inv y "I your 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 il hiiiI el. "luh ly u III tot'stiolv, business or itturrlitip If yon i I h iv iiiii i i, it von inny know the cutisc. unit he itvtiii'ii. vnnniujn.rn nrxrthere Krethmo.ni.iN 11.11 JUL1L1 ilUiiU lUlJtl ol you troubled wnli we k. iii-loug linos. and kidneys; Imitii I'l liilul 111111111 lini Hint Kcdlini hl In u tile; lin Ii.hm.iv or weakness ol ho v nut organs, 0 In r oiiiiiiKtnkiihln sign, ol' nervous li l.ili huh 1 iiiuiiluli' decay. Mhiiv die i.l lin ililllcully, Ignorant ol tlm cause. The i.i.inI iiIim nolle cason ot this chitrnoicr treated. PR1VATP 'llainm. Oleet, Oonotrliea, In i 111 1 1U U llilni ot k tia. lilncliiuue. s t i li-t 11 r.-H WinliniHii o( OrKanK. isyiihllm, llydmouU VunixHi'lit and kindred tmuhlca titmlvd. Consultation Free to All. Ovfick IIouub: From 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Call or address J. Henri Kcssier Al. D. At St. Louis Dispensary, S30i YAMHILL STBECT. t'OKl'LANI). .... OlttUON. CIRCUIT COURT CASES. Complete List of Actions to be Tried at November Term. Following h a completH lint of the cases to be tried before Judge T. A. Mo Bride of fifth judicial district, commenc ing November 1st, with the attorneys in the premises: LAW. Diltenhnfl'er.HaKs ACovsDMoDona'd; Donder boii Rfedforplnuhfl'. H VV Uos8 vh John F Phillips; W H Walker for piKimiir. Je.mes Hunphrey vi A "M Shipley; J U Beach for plnlmiil'. W II Ames vs Lizzie N Bowtn; G G Ames for plaintiff. .1 IJ (Jook va Marrion Johnsun, et al; Miller Miller for plaintiff; Caples!t Allen for defendant. Josephine Tliouipkins vs Miixwell Ranisby; H B Nicholas for pluiuiiff. W T lliirney vs Henry Smathers, et al; W T Burney for plaintill'. lisherg linchpin 11 & Co v V A Ackerman; Cox, Teal & minor for plaintiff. Copper Yuker vh Herman Trncpter; L R Janey for plaintiff; A Mchnltz for defendant. John Pnrker va Ida M McClellon: Emmons & hi'imous for pliti 11 1 1 ft. J K Sheak va A V Walker, et al; 0 E HayeB for pi 11 il 1 1 1 if, (leorne Gutman vs Hun Johnson; Brownell & Dresser for plulntllf, Aiken, Selliui!, & Co vs E M Harlzan; W 11 Wiujiliohl for pif. W (.; Kandull vs Allen Simmons, et al; V " Jolmmn lor plf; C II & DC! Laluurettc for deft. A K Stokes vs C F Dix. et al; C D 4 U C LatouKdte lor plf; H E Cross for cleft. I'orllund 'I rust Co of Oreiron vs Eliza .T Cason: VVilliums, Ward & Uuthicuin for plf: C 1) & 1) C Latoureite lor deft. I'ortland rnisl Co of Oregon vs F F White; sumo for plf; brownell & Dresser for deft, feame vs i;aroiine. 51 Myers, etal; same tor plf; Qailey A Kalleruy fur deft. Same vs Edward M AUumon, tiusteo; same for p: Diilph, Mullory & Simon ford. Same vs Henrietta M Hathaway; same for p; Bailey & Biilleroy for d. Kame vs A B Atkinson; Bame for D; Dolph, Mullory & Simon lor d. Kd Minckle et al vs J M Nolan, et al; Dufur & Munefee for p; Brownell Dresser for d. K A J McKinzie vs Johii Heming; Drigs & 8wopo for p; Meholas & Davis for d. Allen U White vs OreKon City; W H ESinger for p; Porter & Campbell for it. Unas Hell . an vs Jas Martin, et al; Brownell & Campbell ford. John foster vb Kudolpti Uaiitenbeln; Paxton, Beuch, Hears & Simon for p. Ashford A Teul vs D W Smith; Brownell & Cum, bell for p. John behmldt vb Chas VanCureD; L Porter for p, E E Muslnn vs F M Sumner: C D & D C Latourelte for p; Brownell iv. Lamphell for d. Kotlisvhild Bros vs K F Davis; Sweek ii Davis for p. J w Mitrnetl ei ai vs vvitnelmlna hoelner; h l, Porter for p; J K Marks fur d Fred Sclileve vs Balthozer Kurtz: BF&GW Swope it Latourelte lor p; Brownell it Campbell lor d. F T Grlllllh va Ed Rlnearson: Hedires & Griffith for p. D W Howard vb M Relnsteln; Flegel & Stavlslawsky for p: Brownell & Campbell fur d. J B Seely vs r M Baker el al. Win Barlow v. Henry Will: Hedges ft Griffith for li; J ll Murks for d. E II Parker vs John & Lucetta Foster; Gannons ds Lamsou lor p. Alice M cobnut vb Jonn tit Lucetta foster; I' nine & Hall for p. W W Parish vs W hile Bros: MeCaln. IwineA Vinton for p. Cvnthia II Hosford vsJolin Vlck & G W Grace, snerui; Dnggs x jhuiks lor pminu w Hwope lord. C .immerman trustee vs V S Toll; Drugs & Marks tor p; Hedges urlltlth tor u. Isauiuel Slreuin vs IJ 11 Howell; J 11 Miuuieion for vi Lalourette for d. hamuei streuiu vs jonu lucoeienio, et ai;same attvs. u c iiuoouro. ci ai vs c e unggs J u maras for p. A Kniipp vb James Evans; B F & G V Swope for p; G B Dlmiek lor d. Win iiuiurslell vs David Anderson; Lalourette for d. Icier Warner vb Junius Kvuns; B V & G W Swope for i: Hrowiudl ,V: Campbell lor d. lansa iiiiyiou vs J w rorresier ei ai u d Diuiick for n: lledues & Grlllllh lor d. Henrv Muey vs it 1 Garrett et al; L L Porter for p; Browui'll & Campbell torp. Kiiseullnil, Feiier & Co vs h J MeKitterlck Geuriu, Sdverstoae 4 Brodie for p.ltiee Dretser lor it. K U ('autield vs Geo C Brownell, et al;Ll. Porter for p. Anna iiiiiiteubeln va Oregon City Mfg Co; Latourelte lor p; R Mullory ford. Joseph Meiudle vs A W Hull wan; B F 4 G W Swope for p. Juiiies i. ..ones vs o in ness; iv n iiooyis lor p. M ,M Mdvelv vs. I C & G W Slnekleti; Latouretles for n; BrowueM & t'ainiibell for d. N F iiiiiiioiiiiun va John lirescher et al; G B Diiinek lor ii. Miliiev Miiyth unit 1 1" Uuiidiill vs June aim Juiiies pliuw; L L Porter lor p; Stun & C.ulens tor 0. E Minium el ul vs S .1 Stiullon;I.atoiire!teforp. M K Perriu vb A L.tlluiieliard et ul; Lalouretles for p. imviil Tiirney va II M Jackson etal; Latouretles for p Henry sicMwauucr vb b e iiuwicy et ai; LaiourelteB for p. i-uiuli t l'uiiiei vb W A Aveiy et al; L L I'oru r for p. inns cnarmiiii a son vs li it vtorsnuw; A Dresses lor p. uswciio LoUue, Mi a, t o u r , vs A L Taylor; Ilrnwiii.ll & Cauipbell lor p. ' M K Moore vs 1) W Howard et al: Hedges y. On 111 l h for p. n 'Ai'isiier VB j smooieei al; l.aioureiie lor p. W 11 Rtese vs P U'Coiiuer el al; Lutuiireltc for p. John Doliin vs Lorenzo Wlnleretal; Butllugton, Hume it Hull. A Kniipp vs Geo W Owen; G B Dlmiek & J no W Lodor for p. K Aeliliison CO vs Hegtua Block; Geo L Storey (or p. Thus i.harmau son vs joint nation etal; Hedges & Unllith for p. Jai'ob Kaiich va James 11 Martin; B K & 0 W Swope tor p. win Klaetien vs Jumej itoilgis, et al; Latouretles for p. Frit, and Kinil Wicse va Henrv Knperson: II E Cross for p, same vs den li Epperson, ctul; ll crrosstorp lleiiman Wnlriluuier and Chas Schulenburg vs J Koher; C 11 MelMloeh for n. F 1) W lnloii vs J H Gibbons, ct al; Latourettcs for p: II E I less for d. Juiiies I, llullcv vs G W Grace, sheriff; HE Ciossrorp; Laloureltcs Mr if. John (iiiihons vs F D W inton and G W Grace, sheriff; 11 K Cross for p; Lalourelii's tor d. K D and C 11 Sloiy vs Josiih Tlnilii kins, etal; Latouretles nr i; i.' It Dye lor d. Ihos 1 li'iriinin, et al, vs Milton Siinglcy; Iledgrs iti Gnlliih lor p, 'Hie Biuk ol Uri'ipm Citv vs W T W hltha k, et HI: A s Dresvc r lor p. Same vs A W iinuard: A S Dieser for n. 'I mule Weakly Millinery co vsE K Mm nil 1 1 al; L I. roller tor p. Mury Carlson vs J nines Hodges; Geo I. Story foi p. A it ml Anna K Loiigncckcr b J nines Bell; IIP & U W swope for p. C Zliiiineruiuii vs K A II Howard; J E Marks lor p, Mulhlas Bulola vs Albert Francisco; Moream A.loliiisou Inrp; llrowncll I'uiiipliell lord, flic Poilluud Flouring Mills li vs Jacob holier: Hedges iv Grlllllh for p. win Jones, m i, vs frlChuiiiian; n F G w Swope for ii. Geo Sioek as adin vs M O Hard, et al: B K G n swoin' lor p. Same vs F W Pulkamer: sunm for p. Anna GanlenlHin vs Gregon t'Hv Mfg Co; Lutoui'fllcs lor p; Miilliny, I! edges, v. ilrillill: for d II C Mathews vs W F Knight el ul; I'euton, niottoiigii iv .Mulr tor p. .he oh K rimer vs John O Shaiimni et ul l.Hloiuellcs for i. K K Howard va li W GruCe: Diluiik & I.odn for n Clara Hi Ids vs Imiiic Farr, elal; Lutuiiii ttcs (or ,.. h S l.iilourelte. sec, vs Isaac Farr: I.ulourette fol p. CIliSllV . Stale of Ongoii vs W lu li tlsieilee, rape; I ieelon for p. i:li i f l in gon vs 11 W Wi stermaii, laic, ny by bailee, t 'lei lull for p. Stale of Oregon vs ii W Slricdlin, asuult with dangerous weapon: Clei ten tor p. Main of Oregon vs li V sn icklin, currying a coneealed wenpon: I'l'-eton for p. Male ol Oregon vs John Ferguson, assault with dangerous weu on; llrewnoll ,v. I uniplieil tor ii Slate ot Oregon vs It N llrHibey.upiiealed from Jusllic eouit, uiilitm tine: Blow m il ft Campbell turd. Slate of Oregon vs Walter W vland ; thief. Shite of origou vs I'assius I' llarlow; Hedges ,( l.iillllli ford. sial of Oregon vb Casslus V Bar'ow; Hedges ,v Gnlliih tor p. Stale ol Oiifcou vsC I'liiffer. fviriiv. Kllra lM,keo.ii va .l.,in M Diiki'iiisui; Caplen ,t Allen foi p: G K lls.les fur J. W llliiiuctlc TiHii.piiitiillou Co vs II M Drl)S'r e, al; B ewiiell i& t ampliill fi r p, W '1 lluiin y fur U. Maty A Fallows vs Mrs C M Philips et al; USD Manjuam tor p. Eliza J Thompson vs Douglas W Wllliami et al: w ilhauis & Wood for p. 'file II K Duniway Lumber Co, vs James Thompson; Emmons & Kmuions lor p. Filancy Otis vs W T Siiurlliffet al; Williams & Cary for p. ( City of Portland vs C W Ganong; Beach and Stnsle A Wait foi p ; Chas Itiiuinan vs Sliipley A Kruse et al; Brownell IE Hiuiuell lor p; .lliller i Miller fur d. Fleishner, Muyer & Ca vs J J Fowler et al; M Mc Kin for p. T B Hiinkiiis vs William Logus: L L Porter for p. Clias Kisley vs .1 N Olds; Johnson & Ulcinan for n; Cnpi& Allen fur d. W F C gsweli vs Emma S CoBswell; Brownell & Campbell for p. s i Stephens vs J B Lalier et al; Matsrm. Beekr Hi"' ti Matson for r; Johnson & ldleman for d. Portlaiul General Kleeirio Co vs H J llumphrev; iiiiniiieii , iaiiipueu lor p. J P Kimiiiussen vs 1 adrii IJoyal; C 8ehubel for p; Starr, Thonnis & Clooiiberluiu fur d. Assignment of J W 1'homas; Brownell & Campbell attorneys. C.ty of Portland vs F E Thomas; ,1 V U.'hcIi for p. W W 11 Lamsoi; vs E C Muddock; Brownell & Cuinptiel I for p. aine vs mine; same. Siime vs same; same. Ailam Ouiek vs Annie E Quick: C II Dvo for p. Assignment ifH B & Chits CalilT; L I, Pu-tr..tty. ' l -; A Sager vs W F Atkinson; Geo 1. Story for p. Oregon City vs East Side Hallway Co; Thayer & Poller fur p: Cleelawi k cleelanil for d. Preston. Pendleton vs E C Bowmuiu't al; Swupes for p; Latouretles fur d. Assignment of Hamilton Bros; C R Dye attorney. Sarah M Mot .'own vs 11 E Cross; Brownell & Camp bell, Paxton, Stars, Beuch & Simon for p; U E Cross tor o. Knimu Orewiler vs Win Orewilei; G E Hayes for p. Hubert J Bnntel v Henry Hopkins; C 11 Dye lor p. itehecea .1 Loinr vs Jno W llo-jriis: H K t'russ for (1: Ls ton ret tes for p. Isaac Traynor vs Frederick Mirshull; L L Porter for p; Brownell & Campbell for d. Minnie MeKreu va Jennie Melcher; Latourettcs for p. J Anaerson vs the Portland Flouring Mills Co. Maltha C Cahff vs Catherine Fish etal; Latou- ri'tles for p. AlatlliiaiJIiuriimb vs W T Wliitlock et al; Latou rettcs for p . Assignment ol KM Hartman; ECCrossatty. George McNeur vs Geo Uustiau: L L Porter for l): J D i.eusill'e fur il. ' A II .Muroiiaiu vs C L Sabin et id: II ECross for u: Tims G Gricu for d. HKMcUuira ot al vs Alonzo Hunter; Puxtou, Sears, Beach & Simon fur p. 1 I, mute vs M liurtmun; Cox, Cotton, Teul & Miuor fur p. Sunn It layl ir vs Dicey E Booth; H K Cross for p. Assignment of 11 li Snow ; E G Green atly. Fruit Stulke vs Louise Stlltker: Brownell k Caaiu- bell for p. w L suulow et al vs W 11 Uurgharilt and Northern Countries Investment Co; Hedges t Griffith for p. J 11 1'olnuroV VS D D Mairulle et al: Guiuinuns A & Lainsoti fur p. Sisters or the Goon Slieporil of the Mugdaten Home vs bj u .miiuuock una u w urace; win Foley ror p Helen B Ander-on vs John Garbade; M W Smith for p; L L Porter ford. Helen a Amlersou v Wm R Wade et al; M W Sm il li for p. Lillie B McFaililen vs Elsie Kuapp el al; Brownell & Campbell for p. Sorein Mouostvr vb Bates E Hawley et alt; Hedges & Griffith for p. Assignment of J H Irvine: G B Dlnilrk atty. Margaret E Burigy va Chas E Petersou et al; A X Lewis tor p; Hume 4 Ball for d. C 0 T Williams assignee vs James Miller et al; L L Porter for p; Hedges 4 Griffith for ii. James B Day vs John B Miller; Thayer & St Rayuer for p. Assignment of E M Alkinron: U McCoy for p. S 0 Cramer vs W T B irnoy et al; S It Harrington for p. Muiinila E Hull vs John C Hull; V R Hyde for p. ' Krohn vs Wiehke Krohn: L L Porter for p. Winds Zimmerman to G B Dimick assignee; L L Porter atty. Geo Fori man vs Duren II Tuitle; Cross for p. i?ieil Schiewe vs Jacob Kurs et al; Swopcs and Latourettcs fur p; B C tor d. J S Khkley vs Vina Kirkley. Joseph I'arrot vs H II Wheeler et al: Cioss for p. Miud M iliiuii.ton vs iv H lluinilt in B & C for p. Adeiina D Crim vs P II Crim; Latouretles for p. i T I, L'hurman et lit vs Paul Schohz; Latourettes and Swopes for p; B & C for d. Steplien 11 Haviird vs G G Sliadinger: Cross for p. S mill J Diekcrsou vs Casby D Dickersou; Hayes foro. lieo J Currin vs J W Stone et al. Geo J Currill vs Fred Stulke et al, Almeila Swygcrt vs Goo Swygert; B A C for p. Dun Kunklu vs Mary llolfnr. M C fieorgc vs John Kenworthy et al. W S Fonl vs C J Gibs et. al; Lut'onrettes for p. 91 11 " lilts vs n II Vtliite; lliiyus tor p. J W Smiih vs Win Juck et al; Heiiges it Griffltb for p. V O lluidlns vs W T Wliitlock et all; Hedges i Grlftllh. A K l.ut.iuri tte executrix vs E P and Lillie P Elliott; Lu toll rot tes for p. Mury L llrukley vs Wm Anderson; B k C for p Kitthcriue llurkholilcr vs Eliza mid Suntli Parker: Swopes for p. F'tvtncca Wels vs Willie Ann Hughes et al; Lntou rettes for p. A E Latourelte trn:teo vs Joscphus Tompkins et al; Lutnurettoa for p. Floiita Kiuiliall vs W F Kimball; Hayes for p. D s I'liirg vs H.m i J Ben ler, et al; It VY Montague for n: i". S A It .Mendei, bull for d p I Davis vs rrank .Now ell, el al; C U Di e for p Ft; Buck vs 11 II Vorpahi; G L Story for p GF Gordon vs Catherine Cecelia Tuurman; Laloureltes for p Huneis Caldw 11 vs W J Gttldwell; C II Dye for p- Latouretles for d A u stogsitiii vs D w iiowarit, et al; w li Dobyus for p; Lalouretles lor d r uiiboiirii vs Bein r.. I ones; t, i, I'urter tor p Frunels E Kellogg vs bdwuril A Smith, et an C H Dye for P; G l Campbell for d K G Cautlelil vs L RJauev. et al: A 8 Dresser lor p MrsVO Harding vs Temperance L Swailord, it al; Hetlites & Griffith f ,t p Alnunee i i ust Co vs Canie D Covey, et al Same vs L Phelps, el al M-iry 0 llosli vs W ltllam Itosh; Latourettes for p Eu.a A B Jobts vs J B Jobes: Brownell & I aiupbell for p J l,.inersou vs Henry oartlouglt. el al; HE cross tor p Henry Miley vs Gustavo Dahlke, et al; Rvatl & Sm th f,.r p. 1 t isc vs o o 1 v llllaniB et al; Dye & it; mi tor p m k rernn vs it at Alkinvou.et al; Latouretles for p Too luvesior'a Moituage Seiurllv co Litd vs W Sib. nk etal A E I. at. urctte. executrix vs G W K Tavlor. el al; Latouretles for p chas B Moo res vs Clackamas Countv: Lalourette for d. W iu church, sr, vb W W Mellitiee, et al corn B Towucy vs Jacob Towuev: o 11 live for p; Brownell A l umpbcli for il junn lining v alary lining; Brownell & C 'lniihcll lor p Mary Young vs John Wrung, et al; Brownell ' t'.nuput II for d Win Blount vs W T Wliitlock, ol al; G E Hayes lor u Henry I'hlessen vs T R Worthingtnn, et al: Dresser A Meuileuhnll for p: l.atniirctlca for tl F M l lekard vs Lcnora K Piek tid; 11 E cross f. r p: Latuiirette d Helen 1. Siruiloii.ct al, vs Oregon city, etal: Will auis A Hnnvuell for p: c 11 Dye lor il R Linear I vs Silas K It veils, et ul lerllne rtovall vs Win Stovall; Brownell it I'liiupbell fi r p l-.li l.ewi llliu vs S .1 li. n'u V I ewilllng, cl al K s Dtiuiiliig vs l iiiil A oznniie l essle Mniiti'iih vs Morris Mi uiolih Loreuee Hoiiisihuh va a R su pheus etnhC Schuebel lor p J P Lii'llam vs K W Pininet, it ul Geo F W ood vs J B M aire, cl al : HeiWes & Gnlliih for h a idle P Harlow vs Julius V incite; Hedges A G iibih for p l in I'm bin, el al. vs CubrK 1 .1 Trull nger Jacob Spangler vs X S nurd, et ul; Laloureltes fur p 11 .1 II nlel v P S Bales, ,1 ill i lerrlnilii K Slnplei , el ul, vs M K Shlp'ev, cl ul TfiisleiS o li.otlsl lollcg'ill Me.illlillMlle vs I' c4 s p Yl cl.; 1 ul ure;;es for p, lliuwiull I ' 'ti'l'lle'l (or ll v W I o.-i. r vs F'c.l lttihiii;J W l.i.il, r lor u I. K Sil.i.liz s,l., ti.es tiu.w.it i,i; L..iuuri lies lor p M i- sliieii!iii vs B V Mtiekl.ii, Liiinurettes for )i D W Jones v W ohlinkituip uml J, hu Duhlko; ('HDiifrn 11 ' I i is- E Huf mr vs Alex Hllfoltr iconics Ciarw va F It W light: l.atotireltes or p Jo in Wclsinanillc vs .lohn Abluni: Lotuurcltcs for p Giinibriiiits Brewing ca vs Vurion llaechler, H ill: Diuiick lor p Willis lieiiinngun, et al, v S P It insen, ct al Fred ll.iihin vs I G Fehler. t ul; J W Luder for p CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. tu hi- liEilt ' ten tnrf Ufutart iff ! JSVegelable Preparation for As slmilaling HieFocdaiid Regula ting the Stonadis andDowels of Promotes DigestioTi.CheeTful ness and Rcst'.Contatns father Opitim.Mcrphinc nor lirieral. Kot H ax: c otic. lim'ptof 'Old HrXmZLHZVEES Pumpfan Sctd" MxScirut ' 1 Anist Seed I Jppernant - Jj Qutarui&Sul ' 1 term Seed - I Ctorifiod Sugar . I Itjnfcyw&Y f'laivr. I &nrrFprte(pmprlr fnrrnnIinn. tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Worms ,Convu'sions,reverislv mess and Loss OF SLEEtf TacStnule Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY Of WBAPPEB. iVf'r-ii, yiwaHiblBBiBi ...The Most. Desirable Suburb... ADJOINING OREGON CITY ND TT is all within one mile of the center of the city and is con 4. nected by an improved plank road. Healthy location, fine view, good air, soil, water and drainage and a first-class public school adjoining. With all the advantages of the city and but a 15 minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this a very desirable place of residence and bound to grow in popularity. Choice Lots ready for the garden from $100 to $150 on easy monthly installments with liberal discount to home build ers. Call 011 or address. T. L. riliiniAN, Trustee,, llfl HOOD RESTORED Ei BEFORE and AFTiS CUPinESiK utrenpthnnsurul restnrpSBmitli weuk otpann. Ti. rmiaiHi Knfr.Tf r- urn not fiirpd bv l)('i'inrR Is brcuuHt' niTiPty pptit nro troubien with PrOHtaHMM. CtTplDKNfcl in thponiy knuwn i-pnit rlv To eure without ttu opHmtiou. fioi(i t-stiiri(Hii-alH. A written frtiMrnnh-pfclvpnanrt mnnev rohirned if six Iiotps does not eilect a periuautuivuro, Jl.00 a box, Bix (ur $.r.a, hy mail. Bond fr KUEEcircuiar nod u-siimciiala, Address 1A VOli W Ctt., P. O. JRox 2076, San Francisco, CaU Jbr ScUe 6 GKO. A. I1AKD1N(S, Druntrit-t, Oieron City vta" P.'m - -T.' lHllr YtJO wirrtRtriT houeis au. iuibiiiii l V,' rnorA 22 Hljmers rAVORITE W'NCff ESTER EVERYBODY WlNCHESTERREPEATINGRMS0 gJS? MEN! becured5 If yoa tutTer from any of the ( iltl of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, DR. JORDAN K CO.. .1051 Market SL Estd 1852. 1 Young men and middle i aiEod men who are sutiennff I from the effects of youthful indiftcrctionsor ex- j crsses in maturr veart. Nervout and Physical lkbllll,lmuilnPT, !( K1h1ioI , innllKHCimipiiralioii; Nieri(IHtort'lHHn, lr)klHf rrlmH. 4Jiiirlie. Ulel, I'rroucncy f I'rliiHlliiff, etc By a ' i combination of remedies, of great curative pow er, the lKctor has n arranced his treatment i that it will not only afford immediate relief but permanent cure. 1'he Doctor does not claim to ' i perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair i and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-emiueut in his specialty IMnea"! Of fflen, ( N,Tiniiia mnrnnirmy erHiitcaica iroui tue vii'iii wiihnn ( mini? lliriurt I 1 I ItV M IV Hniilvinir tnt1lllrn- , wive our nimexi f;nrtf(M ot n.Nrompm. it. n 6 U'tit umtranrf o iToi n r a i tA'ft tn i every we undertake, or forjeit Oue XhoiiMnnd DollnrM. I lon-sultation rKtb and strictly private. ment tersonallv or bv letter. Send for book, " The riiitoHOhy of IrlarriAjf, free. (A valuable book for men. J YIIT DR. JOK.4!S Groat Museum ot Anatomy i the finest and laivett Museum of its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you are made; how to avoid ticknewi and disease. We are contmu.illv addinc new Sfecxiucua. I vi Ahvwi a una, i an or wnia, 1051 Market Slwt. San Frarwlsca, CH SSa9 SEE THAT THE FAC - SIMILE SIGNATURE OF- is orr the WRAPPER OF EVEEY BOTTT-jE of flmtjirli 1a TiTit ri ii ona-etze lottlel onlv. It ls not sold la bnli. Eoa't allow anyone to sell yon anytnin; else on iio plea, or promise inai n is "just as good" and "will answer every pnr. pose." -W Bee that yon get 0-A-B-T-O-K-I-A. Tria tntom A PRACTICALLY A PART OF IT. Cliniinati liros. JHlotk n "CUFIDENE" This eroat V-Mtab1 Vitaliztr.tbeireH:rlu- (lou of a famoiw Fronch pliysiciun, will quickly cure yuu of all ner- vniM or di'aM(! of tbo trvncrMiive oixium, Btich as Lust MuiiliooJ, l!somiila, i'.iiua in tlm .C.icU .faeiuiiiul jbiuLsslcma, jN'rrvous Iptiiiltv. J'uniili'n, UnUiTtcss to Jiarrj', Kxliutiwtinjf Drains, Vrtrirorele and CoiijEijtiition, i t stopfi a!l Uissph bv (lav cr tiiplit, frevt'nis quick ul I il.ie horrnrs(.( Impotpnow 'UBmKSi K deuubua thulWer, Uio i-'l:''if'v.iQiicl tho H'-inrT?orriiii8o( all kuuuritiea. -. uivs Relmr, . m lit to So They are thu. Hunters AMMUNITION, USED BY tYERYWffRtT TALOfJHg. OREGON CITY TRANSFORTAItCN CO 'S Sir. Altona Will Make Pally Tilpa Between OREGON CITY and PORTLAND Leaving 1 orllmid lor Ml in end Whj luudingK ul liM a iv., niid Dniroii i li y at ni.niil 3 p. in. 80 YEARS EXPERIENCE. WSi4 TRADE MARKS, 'fW'i COPYRICHT3 Ao. AtiTono spnrtlna a fkotrh and description may quicklv liAivrtam, free, whether an invention la piob ihly puie i table. Coiiiiiiuiiicatir'iis vtrletly Courliteniial. ttMnmt aenc? for deournitf patent In America. Wti have a Wahtiitton ottiee. Pateutd tut en through, Munn & Co. rocelT) pec ml notice iu tho -SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beantifiil'v lllnstniteil, larsest cirmdatloa of miv sivciitiiie lourunl, wei-kl v, terms fcl.tm a yearj fi..Vsix months, pcciuii-n ouples and ILlno Book on Patents teul free. AUdreaa MUNN & CO., ,1t Hroadnuv, New York. tsr.VN I KD - TIU'STWORl'II Y AND ACTIVE .. ih lot, lu, iu )iIi,.k t,i lrHi-i-1 Inr ri-si. mi si lili.. tiililo.l.eil I'.niise lu Oregon. Monihly H." and expt ns-s. Pus'lioii MeHiiy Ri-forene-. Kin-loin-si ll ad'tri sMii stHniH'd envelope. 'Hie ianuiuiou Company, Dipt. V, Cli:cagn. TO THE EAST GIVES TES CHOICE Ot TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL BOUT IE S VIA VIA Oregon Short line SALT I AKE DENVER OMAHA AND tot Northern Railway CHICAGO SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL KANSAS CITI LOW RATE8 TO ALL EASTERN CITIE8 OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS .....FOR. SAN FRANCISCO 'tot full cJ.ati.ilt call on or atltlrena W. H. HURLBURT. Qen'l Pass. Aire-nl, t'OKTt.ANI). Trains arrive and depart from Portland at t illows: Depart No.2-F ir nil Eastern polnta.vla uregou snot bine ti:uu p. m No. 4 The Spokane Flyer and Great Nnrlhprn 2:4f ri. m. Arrive No. 1 From the East via Oregon Short Line 7:45 a m " No.S From Spokane ll:45a.m Steamers monthly from Portland to Yokohnma and Hong Kong; via The Northern Pacilict Steamship Co., in connection with 0. K. & N. For furl her information call on 0. R, &N. Agent, F. E. DONALDSON, On gn. City, Oregon. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THK SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. KxpreesTralns Leave Portland Daily. South. I I North. 6 00 P.M. I Lv Portland Ar 9:!I0a.M ii:,7jp. m. I Lv Oregon City Lv 8 4ua.k 7:4fiA.M. I Ar Ban Frauctaeo Lv I ;lilir. H The ahove trains atop al all stations between Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion, .letter. son, Albany, Tangeni, Sliedds, Hiilsey, Harrii-. Durg, .luneimu i.ity, irvmg, r.ugene, i renweii, Cottage Crove, Uraiiin, and all 8iatious from Kosetiurg to AMiiunu, inclusive. ROSKBUillt MAIL DAILY S:30A.M. , Lv Portland Ar4:S0P.M A.M. Lv Oregon city Lv !l:ip.ii i:20P. M. I Ar Kosetiurg Lv I 7: OA. X DINING CAKS ON OtifiKN ROUTE. fVLLMAS BVPFET VLkEI'EKS SECOND-CLASs'si-EEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. Went Sine Divlnlon, Itftwevn I'OIUl.ANIl and COItVALl.lS M A11.TRA1N UAII.VtttXCEl'l SUNDAY.) 7:S0A.M. ll.v Portland Arl5:50P.M l'i:ln P.M. Ar Corvalli Lv I 1 06 P. M At Albany and Corvaliin eonneet with train of Oregon Central & Eastern R. R. KXPKEK6 TRAIN 1A1 1.Y ( KXCEl'TSPNDA Y. I l:S(IP. M.Lv Portland Ar8:i5A.M 7.30P.M. Ar MeMlunville Lv5:UiA.M Direct connection at San Francisco wltU Oceldental aim urleutul uud Paeillc Mail steamship Lines for J AN AND CHINA, Sailing (intra on am. lie ition. Rati8 and lleketn to eiistern points and Kurone also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUSTliALIA, can he obtained from K. E. ltOVIl, Agent, Ort-Kon City R. KOKHI.Kk, C. II. MAKKHAM, Manngor, Aski.i. f ,v P. Agent Portlulid, Oi. Portland, Or. &0 B2AOT VIA LIBRARY CAR ROUTE AmerlOH'a 8nlo Line. TIIR Al.' -RAIL ROCTK TO KOOl'ENAl MIN1NU DISTRICT VIA 8 IATTLE AM) SPOKANE. Shortest and Quickest Route TO ST. PAIR, , MINNEAPOLIS, DULUTH, i i nn AND ALL POINTS KAST. Through Pn'urf mil Tntirift Slippeyt Diniiiy mid 7 i'.rory t:li r ution fins. SKUV1CK. AND M 1NH1Y l'SHJl'AI.I-:i For tlekits ami full Inforir.Hilon rsll on or aduiess A. P. ( . IH-.N MS I ti , t' P. A T. A. l ortlHiii1, Cr gi n or, P.C. STtVFNM. (i. W.P. A., Seattle. OR. PEFFER'S ROYAL-TANSY PILLS. NEW riSCOVERY. NEVER FAILS. A now, reliable and safe relief for BUiprpHfei, I'Xt'wwive, eHntjr or pain, lul n'tntruui ion. Jsow uned by over 110,000 IiAniEM. lnviKnratM thwa OrttailS. BWAKB OF lANOKHOU8 JM. Itationr. fl r box, Hinall box M. repnid tn Iain wrapper, Hend ic ii Unnips iur "irtieuUr. I'KtitlU MhiiZCAX. ASbN, Ctuctttfo, 111. old bv C harnun ic Co. D,n,g GBLps BB:;k.sl HaWMBUUMll WASTKD rRI'STWORTHY AND ACTIVE iti-iiilrniennr linlii s lo travel (or r-sponsililt, estul lifhcd house iu On trim. Monthly MA anil expenses. Positina slcsdv. Rffcrenee. Kni lose i ll ,li',r. ssi d siampi d i nvi lope. The Di minim ! Company, lii pt. Y, Chiciigo.