OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W. CHENEY. niaMtin in$ n Oity p jt.i.&jaa8dCond-clas atter SUBSCRIPTION RATES. If paid III advance, per year 1 50 One. yoar .. 2 00 Six months 1 00 Three mouths ... 5q "The date opposite your address on the paper denotes ine time to wnicn you nave paw PATRONIZE HOME I.NDC3TKT. OREGON OITY, OCT. 29, 1897. THE ASSESSMENT QUESTION. It seems that Multnomah county's assessor is allowing mortgage notes to go mi-assessed and untaxed, while hundreds of thousands of dollars of these notes are 'beiiiK taxed in, Clackamas county, a system of double taxation that is work ing a hardship upon our people, as the assessor is compelling the holders of notes secured by mortgage to pay taxes the same as is done in Douglas. Com meting on this, the Oregonian says: This year again the assessor of Clack aimiB county has been using the records as evidence of notes secured by mortgage, and assessing such notes to the mortgage). This is the news from Oregon City. On the first day's session of the county board of equalization thiny taxpayers called to protest against "the assessor's practice of going to the records to find notes that should be assessed." And well they might. It is hard, the correspondent says, "to make the taxpayers see that it is not the mortgage that is being assessed, but the note which the mortgage secures." And hard it certainly must be. Of what avail is the repeal of the mortgage-tax law. if the records of mortgages aroused as evidence of ownership of notes to be assessed and taxed, precisely as mort gages were formerly assessed and taxed? If the assessor of Clackamas county, or any othercounty in Oregon, is honest, he will not be Ion in finding out that there is not safely in the assumption that a mortgagee of records is the holder of the note it secures. In Multnomah county a persistent chase of this class of notes re sulted In the discovery that most of them were in the banks, either slil outright or signed over aB collateral. The bank where they were deposited was their virtual owner. This is not largely true, of course, as regards notes held by foreign companies either in the East or in Europe. These are altogether unassessable. If the as sessor ol Clackamas countv is determined to punish Oregon capital for investing itself at home, and to punish the Oregon limners tor borrowing ihe money he needs in I'ortland instead of in Scotland, lie can undoubtedly cause both the man who borrows to improve his place, no end of annoyance, lint the inevitable effect of his policy ought to be under stood. AVe wish to call attention to the in justice of our people being forced to pay state taxes upon a property valuation that includes all the mortgage notes in the country, while other counties do not pay upon this item. If this class of notes is not assessed in Multnomah county, they should no longer bo assessed in this county. It is not the duty of tho state board of equalisation to see that all counties con strue the assessment law alike? Tub editor of the Canby Independent is mad b cause the (Whiuh insinuated that his sheet was a lirowncll organ and culls us all sorts of endearing names such as liar, nincompoop, crazy man, etc., but that don't alter the fact one iota, lie says also that we are jealous because his sheet has cut into the circu lation of the Ooruirii, when in the fact is that in the last month wehave seemed over a dozen new subscribers in his field und have lost but one, who stopped his paper because ho had to pay for it. It the Independent wishes we will send him the name. Tuk unwarranted attack by tho Enter prise upon a few Germans who met re cently in Oregon City to organize a Ger man secret society is entirely uncalled for. The citizens of this nationality are sharp enough not to be led by u few politicians for political purposes only, nl though several attempts have been made to organize these voters for the spring campaign. A i'kominknt Portland editor says: "It has been just 5:) years since the writer coin nienced business life for him self. We are now ready to say that dur ing all these years wo have never w itnessed so much indifference mining the people as to the welfare of others as now." Osu of the most conspicuous thing about the New York campaign is the absence of D. 1!. Hill, For Ovnr Fifty Years. AnOi.oand WKi.b-TitiKi) Kkmkdy. Mih. W innluw'H Soothing Syrup has been used for over (Uly years by mil Hons o( mothers for their children while teething, with perfect huccchm. It (ooilms tlie child, softens the guins alloys all pain, cuies wind colic, and is the best remedy for lharrluea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold hy hruggia n every part of the World, Twenty live cents a hottle. Its value is in calculable. He sure and ask for Mrs Winsow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. KvetyboUy Says No Cascarets Oandv Cathartic, the most wonderful medical discovery of the age, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, a't gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, ch ansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness, l'lease buy ami try box of 0. t O. to day ; 10, 23, 50 cents Sdd and guaran teed to cure by ull druggiss, Stands at the Head. Aug. J. Bowl, th leading rlniirgist of Shreveport, La.,sav: "DrKinit's New Discovery is the only tiling that cures my cnuul), and it is the best seller I have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of Hafford, Ariz., writes: "Dr King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for i j it never fails, and is a sure cure for Consumption, Crumb and Colds. I cannot say enough for its merits " Dr. King's fiew Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Olds is not an experiment. It his been tried for a quarter of a century, and to-day stands at the head. Jt never disappoints, Free trial bottle at Charman & Co.'s Drng Store. If you want to save money buy your hats at Mia3 Goldsmith's. Our prices are the loweBt of the low on all kinds of millinery, Miss bold smith. A gentleman went into Holman's to buy some wall paper for his parlor and looking through the many samples found some patterns that were fine, de cided upon one. "What is the price of that paper?" " cents per double roll." "I'm afraid that is too cheap." 13ut when' it was explained how and why it was sold so cheap, he took the paper and wan highly pleased. Coughs, colds, pneumonia and fevers may be prevented by keeping the blood pure and the system toned up with Hood'9 Sarsaparilla. It Is Better to take Mood's Sarsaparilla than to experiment with unknown and untried preparations. We know Hood's o.rsaparilla actually and permanently cures. Hood's Pills act easily and promptly on the liver and bowels. Cure sick headache. Call at tl e new fish market, located on 7th St., near S. P. depot, where you will always find a fresh Bupply of all kinds of salt water fish, poultry and game in season. Fine' fresh oysters. Dan Willians has added tolas stock of groceries and provisions a full line of feed and hay. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free. Corner Seventh and Center streets Ooque feather brasa, Miss Goldsmith. We have received a line of silver plated ware, which will ba givon to our patrons, The quality is a I extra coin silver plate 1487 Wm A. Rogers. Wa solicit you to inspect the same at the store of I. Selliny. Miss Hose Scheeland, of the LaMode Parlors, 34fl Morrison streets, Portland , between Seventh and Park, has the finest line of millinorv goods kept in the city. Don't fail to see her elegant stock when in Portland. It ts a veritable bazar within itself. Go to Baum & Brandos, 145 First street, right on the Oregon City car line foryour lunches and dinners. We make iv specialty of ladies' and merchants' lunches; try them, only 25e. Agency for Mailland's candies. The Mononolv Breakers vio. ,. . , . . . . 1 here 18 a hot tltno in this town since Urn UjlUhltiClLhiii; Storo h is upi'iiu.l. You ran now buy i-lothin, ImhiIh ami Hhoes with $10 more than you could 10 days no with $2d. You will iind cloth- intf, bootS tlild hi MM) HtOlVH cuiMh 8 Ut'k out lit reduced pricoM, 'ij0,lid it the Heliable rlothinu Store therefore we vltii in your patronage. Sciiw.unz Mifii.ua, props. The cheapest place in Oregon City for clothing, men's furnish ih tinoJti, hoots and nhoes. Main street, bet ween 5th and (Uh ntreets. If you want ii nice steak, roiiHt or boil call at Alhrtg, t's shop and get some of his eold-Htorayo meat which is aeknow- edtfod by al to ho budjiw to the moats commonly sold at butchers1 shops. He also keeps on hand a full stock of lard, bams, bacon, etc., made by himself and warranted purest and wholesome. He member tho old established shop on Main street. School books and school supplies at Portland prices at Char mm & Go's, the cut-cut prioe druugWs. Every purchaser gets a tablet or pflnnil free . . Itettllly !i HUmhI. Clt'Hil Itloiid ini'iiiis H cleiui skin. No I'i'huiv without it. (.'uxcurntH Onuiy Out hart it; ('lean your hloml Hii'l keip it I'lt'Hii, dy Htiirina up tliw liizy liver unit iliivintr all iiiinuri'.hi.s rum iho bo.ly. Ili'ijin to-iliiy to li'inisli uiinplHs, hoils, liiiiiclit'H, liiiicklu'iulf, mil ilmt sukly liilioiiK ((itllplfXidll liy tilkini! ('e;iretH, Iii'iiuty for ten oetitH. All (IniiM's, Kiilfai'tion Kutruiiteeil, l o, '-'"io, TiOr. Twtt IIIiimi4 h Venr. WIiimi people huv, t'y, iin.l Imv airain, it ineiuiH they're N.itisti The people of the 1'niteil States are now hovinir t'lin-iiretsi Ciindy t'athartio at the rate of two million hexes a year an. I it will he three million hef re New Years. It tneiiiia merit proveil, that ("a-caret are tl o inoKt deliL'htfiil howel reijnlaior fo r everyhody the yer round. All drug, yinta HV, L'", ,W a hex, cure guaranteed. OAOTOIIIA. itallt lfttion TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tuku I.vtlv llromn (Jnlnlne Tnhlets. Alt itniKstsis rffiiint the money It it falls to cure, '.'Ac COUNTY T It K A SUHKU'S NOTICK, I HAVE NOW IN MY HAN US Kl'NOS applloalile to the payment of all warrants endorsed prior to July nth, ism. Interest will cease on tho above warrants after the date of this notice. JAi'OB SHAPE, Treasurer of Clack hum County, Oregon. Dated this JSili day . f October, lmi;. LOCAL SUMMARY. For best groceries at cheapest price go to Marr& Muir." Justice court blanks 15 cents per dozen at Courier office. The cheape-t and best line of crockery in Portland ia at Haine's Tea Store, 288 Morrison street. Fine new line of umbrellas and canes at Burmeisters & Andresens's Jewelry store. If you want a fine lawn sow our fancy la-vn grass seed now. E. Ev Williams, the grocer. Inspect those adjustable window screens at Biillomy & Busch's. They are certainly the right thing., Prices right. Quality best. Timothy, clover, alsike, orchard grass, and other grass seeds. E. E. Williams, the grocer. Furniture upholstered and repaired at the Oregon City Auction. Customers can leave orders for bottled beer, porter, steam beer or keg beer at Knapp's liismark saloon. John G. Wil helm, pioprietor Sellwood brewery. Get your picture frames made at the the Oregon City Auction House at very prices. Prescriptions carefully compounded G. A. Harding'f druj.' store. J) or the best shave or hair cut to be had go to P.G. Shark's shop. Shaving 10 cents, Dr. W . VYVlens is now associated with D . J. V. Welch, dentist, in Wil lamette bluck. The most reliable goods at lowest living cash prices are kept by the grocery store of Marr & Muir. With a little cost one's rooms can be made as good and bright as new. Call at Holman's and see styles and pattern all up-to-date 18;7 goods. Seventh street, near bridge. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain crowns and bridge work a specially. Office in Barclay building, corner Main and Seventh streets. NO CURE-NO PAY. That ts the way all druggists sell GROVE'S TAHTKMiSS Clltl.L TO Mi; lor Malaria, Chills and Kever. It Is simply iron and quinine In r asteless form. Cliil dreu love it. Adulls prefe. at o bitter, nauseating Tonics. Frioe 50c. Ko ale byC. i. llinitl.-y . Druggist. SUMMONS. In the circuit rourtof ihe State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. 1. E. slmlt., Plaintiff, vs. .Tames Shaw. Hetty Shaw. I'ne OreKon City Real Estate & Trust Co. (Incorporated), Kaspar Kaiova. Mhx I-ossen, Kmil Tan-as, Ilenrv KlinK, Frank Tritsch, Lawrence Tritsch, J."A. Tritsch, E. F. (iraile. Walileniar Kuehn, anil Clackamas County, Defendants. To The Oregon City K-al Estate & Trust Co. (in corporated), Kuspar Kajova; Max Lossen, Einil Tarra". henry Kllnn. Frank Trtsch, Lawrence Tritsch, J. A. Tritsch, E. F. tirade, Waldemar Kuehn, Defendants, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREflON: You are. hereby ieiiiiied to appear and answer the complaint died against you In the above entitled suit by the first day of the next term of said court, viz.: Monday,' Novem her 1st, 18H7; and II you fail tii answer for want thereof, the plalntiir will apply lo the Court for the reliel demanded id the complaint herein, to wit : For the lon e!oure of a certain mortgage of ft'iGOtun wilh inieiesi mid attornev's fees upon mu luiiuwiinr n-wno u properly, to-wit. i.ek'in- unitf nt point in the ( enter of the m-irnti int.- I anil I'orlland waunc ro d where s me "Blow ' the line of hind :o uicrly o"iu-d hy toe William I Dement on the Month, and S. V. M ss on lie ; north, boinur :il.!0 chains Mierly of the southwest corner of the II. I,. C. of Uthiii " ti- ,ilil ii'i.i wife; 1 thence iiurth .'!o dere ls east 4. tin chains to sontn line if land lonncrly meiied l,y Miiily !-mllh; thence nuiih so tieirrci's west tniciitK south line of said Smith Und MM, i lid s to Willamette river; thence south ti d"sil'eis v si 4 chains lo sunt Invest corner of s,dd I, i.. i : thence smim Kl rl..t.l'..i.v 'Lll iiittlllf..u t 'ti lO ,.(.,,111 t,, ..1... of hcLMiinlng, cunHlninir 14 u: ivs,' Ihe sim in- rlu-iiiK Mos Addition in o-voti t'ily shown by l it on lil' o' siid nd litum,itll in Clickaintis t'oiii'ty, r-tute tif Oregon, And tliat tht-equitv of red-'iuinio t of ouch of mi in defendants tli.Tefu 1(; for, clo-,el and forever burred. This summons Is piddishel by virtue of an order n,ade ny Loval B S'eavns Judiro of ihe circuit coui'lot the State cd'Oregon for Multnomah County, tiled tne 1 lib day of September 17. (Signei) C. 1). A 1). t liATOl'K KTTK, Allonieys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the CM milt Court of th State of Orogm for the County of Clackanuis Mary C. Bosch, ) riaiutm, vs William Boseh. iH'lendaut. , To William Bosch, said Defendant. NTIIK NAME OF TII K STATE Or" OKKliOS: V.ou are hereby required to appear ami answer tin complaint tiled against you in the above en titled auit by the lirst Uv f the next term of said court, viz.: Mcmfny, November 1st, 17 ; and if you fail to answer for want K.lttW IK;!!! ffl for inn hunt herein, to- wit : The dissolution of the inarrlaire contract existing between said parties upon ground of cruel nnd inhuman treatment of plalntitt'ou part defendant. This Summons U published by virtue of an order made by Loyal H. Steam's, J ude of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah County, dated the lttlulay of Sep tember 1SH7. (Signed! C. P. A D. C. I.ATOl'KKTTK, Attorneys for I'bontilV. Winter SI13 23 TvKAl'SSK nnos. peoond diMir north of I'.O., have just received a tine new line of HUN'S NMNTl-R TANS. Call ami see them. We have added tt tirst-class shoemaker to our estahlitdmient and are prepared to do all kinds of repairiti); at reasonable rates, t t t t KRAUSSE BROS' SHOE STORE. Two Poors North ol I'ostoltlco Winter Shoes! Marvelous. Effects System Broken Down and Hope Al most Abandoned Health Re stored by Hood's Sarsaparilla. "For fifteen years I have suffered with catarrh and indigestion and my whole system was broken down. I had almost abandoned any hope of recovery. 1 pur chased six bottlea ol Hood's Barsaparilla and its effects have been marvelous. It has made me feel like a new man. I am able to sleep well, have a good appetite, and I have gained several pound3 in weight." Jame3 Wilder, Oroville, Wash. "I had a scrofula swelling on one side of my neck and ulcerated sores In my nostrils, caused by catarrh. 1 also had small, itching sores on my limbs. I bought three bottles of Rood's Sarsapa rilla and began taking it and the sores soon healed. My blood is purified, and the scrofula has disappeared." O. D. McMands, Mission, Washington. Oil b nanlla Is the best in (act the One True r.looil Purifier. HrrH'c Dillc cure nausea, indigestion, 11UUU fills biliousness. 25 aunts. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Hattle K. Pufour, Plaintiff, ) vs. J Alexander Dufour, Defendant. ) To Alexander Dufour, Defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear anil answer the complaint, filed against you in the above entitled auit in the above entitled court, on or before the flrat day of the next term of the said oourt, after six weeks' publication of thii summons, to-wit., on or before Monday, the ldt d.ty of November, 18i7, and if you fail so to ap pear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. The relief demanded In the complaint is for a de cree disolvinK the bonds of matrimony subsisting between plaintiff and defendant on the ground of de section and that plaintiffs name be changed to Faughum: and for general relief. Tli is summons is published pursuant to an order made by Hon. Alfred F. Sears, judge of tho circuit court of the state of Oregon for Multnomah county, ijl the absence of the Hon. Thomas A. MeBrhW, judge of the circuit court of the ttate of Oregon for Clackamas county, which order wan duly made and ent red on the Irith day of September, 1W7. GKO. H. SH UP HERD, Attorney for Plaintiff, SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. The Alliance Trust Company, Ld., Plaintiff, vs. L Phelps. O 8. Phelps, Nellie K. Smith, K. 0. Smith, Fannie Squires, Win, Squires. Addie Smith, Jdin Smi:h, Veidie fiews, John Bews, B C. Smith, as Administrator of tistate of John Grow, Deceased, and Kothchilds Unaheri', a Corporation, Defen dants, To Addie Smith and John Smith, Defendants Above Named: In the name of the Btate of Oregon, You are hereb) required to appear ami answer the complaint Hied against you in the above entitled suit by the first day of the next t riu of conrl following the expiration of the publication of ihU numinous, to-wit; by Mm dy, November 1st, t8l7, and if you fait to so answer for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court fur the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit. for Judgment against Defendant L. Phelps lor $140.0 , with iutorett from October 1st, lW"). at the rate of 10 percent, per annum; and the further sumoft4i) wi h interest thereon trom April 1st, 18!tfi, at the rate of 10 per rent, per anHum; and the further sum of 9140 with interest thereon from 0tober 1st, lHHii, at the rale of lo pur cent, per annum; and the further sum of $i7.26, with iuteiest theieon from February luih, 1S!7, at the rate of 10 percent, per annum; and the further sum of $;,5oo. with interest thereon fiom October 1st, Hifl, at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum; and fcl-M) as attorney's fees, all in Tinted States Gold Coin tog ther with the costs a .d dis bursements of ttiis suit, and for the decree of the atwve entitled Court foreclosing the mortgage de scribed in the complaint, and decreeing said mortgage tobethe timt lien upon the land therein described, situated in Clackamas County, Stfte of Oregon, to-wit; Heginingatapoint six (t) chains and fifty (50) links North and twelve (l'J) chains and sixty-nine (tilt) links Kastof tho Southwest corner of s ction twenty-three (A) m Township three (;0 South of Kaiiue three '.) Kast of the Willamette Meridian, running thence North iiftv ."i0 chains; th -nee North sixty Mix (Ui) degree thirty (H0) minutes Wert Hftei-n (Li) cluiiN and titty (.VI) links; thciiee North titty one (M degrees West, n'ty-nine -0) chains and (welvo il'J) linkn; tlo-nce West eight (h) chain and Si vetity tlii'ic (7lt) links; theiu:e South one hundred and fourteen (i 4) clrin; tlien-'e tml fnrty -eight CIS) chains nd fifty ("0t links; thfiiee North twenty i'M) ( luun-and llt'ty ." links; ti.en c Ka-t tweutyUoj chains and titty (.'it), links to the pla-e of Imjiniiing, eimtniiiing .six hundred (COO; a"i'es more or le-s. That said laud above described lie sold in the inauinr provided lV law, ami tie- prm oeds i of said 1 w.,Kl 'M'T'lied to the na'Maetioii of said .ludgmut. and Ill tl juii hii.I cii.-Ii nt' v.iu Hint nil Out nimv iiiim.-d ilvtM.i.laiili., anil nil piTH. nit claiiiiinc unili.r .vimi or fihicr (if the ili'iViiiliuit, In. li.irivd tunl fort'Cl.weil of ri-I'it or ftOity of n-di'iniitiiin in miitl prt'mi.t's ttmi every jiiut lltci'i'of, unit for Hllell otlu-r Hlnl further r. t ef iik lo llie rolllt 1 1 1 1 1 y Heoiu meet mid eqililuMe, 'JliiH (Mtltli 'titloii it mitile liy order of Hon. Loyal it. Oleums, .tuilo of the I irenit t'ollrl of tho rotate of Oregon, for tlo County of Mull notllat), 111 the nb.M'ii.'e from I'lu'-kimias I ounty ol lieu. Thotntis A. MuUride, Jude of tlie rircuit Court uf ilitt 8inte nf OreKon. for I'la kaimiH (Joitniy, wliieh oruer wk dtlly mnile unit eltteleil Septemher t.'ttll. 1S'I7. llRONAlilill,li;AUTUi:K,KKNTON& llriUNAl'OII, ttornevn for lMulntiff. WANTKD Tkl'STWORTHY AND ACTIVE KettiliMiicu oi IhiIIos to travel for responsible estitiilislied liotiM' In OreKon. Monthly ?o5 anil expt'iiseN. Position 8teatly. ltoference. Kn close self ailitresseit Mtiimpt'tt envelope. The Dominion (Jump my, Dept. Y, Chicago. SUMMONS. Ill the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon for tile County of ClHi kaiiiHX. A. K. I.Htourette, Executrix, 1 I'lnimllt, I vs. (. O. W. N. Taylor. John Ecker. ( Pmiiel MettHrty iiiui Olive Jlo urty, HefemlanU. J To John Ki ker. BHld let. ii(lttiit. I NTIIK SaMKOFTHE STATE OI OREGON lou are liereliy recpureil to Hppear t the ciinpliilut tl'eil ;nint y.m in tun noova entiiled milt by the first ilny ..t tlie next term of suiil eoun, viz.: Mouclny. November 1st. lss7; ami if you fail to answer for waul thereof, the plalnlitt' will apply to the court for Ihe rvlief lU inanileii in the eoiuplaiut herein, lo-wll.: ror loreeinsuri' ot cenain mortiiKes, of 81SJ7 111 nuo loieresi alio Hllo'llevs tees, and JISll.OU Willi Inlere t anil attorney' fees, anil mmM with mlereft ami alinrney's fees, upon tlie luilnwliiit (leserilieil iirop. ny, to-wit. 'I'lia easl !a uf the Moiithwesc '4 ir feetion 30, township I south, ramie 1 easi of the Willauietle mere.linn; alo Lois 11 ami 7 of seetiou ;lo, tnwusliip 4 outh, rani; 1 east, eoiitnininif ia.j acres, all in Clncki mas founiy, siale ol Oremui, auit tliat Ihe cuuilr of redeviipiliiii iil'eaeh uf saiil liefeinlants herein he furoeluseil ami forever harreil. Tills Summons Is published by virtue of an order made hy l.oyal II Stearns, jiulae of the cir ruit eourt of th i sinte of ori'iiou for Multnomah county dated the 14th day of September. 1SU7. (Sternal) C. D. & D. 0. I.ATOfRKTTE. Attorney! for 1'laintifT NOTICE FOR rUBMCATON. FAXD OFKH'B AT OREGON CITY, ORKOON, i Seplemtier list h, ls!7. Notice Is lierebv given that 'he following-named settler has' tiled noiiee of his intention to make final nnml in support ol his ota' in, and that said proof will be made before the Ketftstor and Ueeeiver at Ore gon my, iiieiton, ou October aith, 1S.-I7, vit: JOSKPH BARSTOW, H. E. 8.VS7. f ir the SYTK of See. S. Tn. 8 S.. K. '2 E. He names the following witnesses to provs his continuous residence upon and culti vation oi. saui lann, vi.: Charles N. Dsler, Hi-urj Muingn, William Malnipi, all of W'ilhoit, Oregon; Joseph I.uolemf Seoits Mills, Oregon, KOBEBT A. MILLEK, Register. WANTED -TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE irentlemon or ladies to lravl for rsrnsthl., established house In Oregon. Monthlv IX) and expiaisea. I'osltion steady. Reference. Knclom self addresseil stanied euvloM. The Dominion tympany, Dept. Y, Chicago. McKITTRICK'S SHOES Beat the World! Fine French Millinery. ...Miss A. S. Jorgensen... ATA LDIKS op okkgon city ARE COKKIAL1.Y INVITED TO AT TEND ATA 291'Hcrrison St., Het- 4th J. PllILI.TPS, Proprietor Steam Dyeing & Cleaning Works LADIES' AND GENTLEMENS' CLOTHING CLEANED DYED AND REPAIRED IN BEST POSSIBLE MANNER Office, 215 Morrison St., Bet. Works at Mechanics' GO T " G. H. BESTOW & CO. DOORS WINDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PRICES EVER Slitip Opposite Oonirrpuiitlonul t'lmvcl', Alain btreet, Oregon City, Ore. t WHY IS IT. That every day from every part of the city, regardless of distance? t- There must be some reason. People especially ladies don't go out of their way to buy unless there is a reason. IT IS UECAUSE we have established a reputation for abso lutely fresh goods especially in the line of table -i- delicacies, ana our customers are sure ot a superior article and then the prices are right. GIBSON & LINDSEY...K PKOFR1ETOU OF ! HARDING'S BAKERY AND GROCERY L. BREAD AND PASTRY A SPECIALTY PHOTOGRAPHS... 1 LWjyouV First-Class Only. ...THE LEADING MAIN STREET, NEAR COURT for CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATSgco t0 RICHARD PETZOLD'S CASH MARKETS Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill. . Main St., Opposite Caufield Block. Two Shops, Oregon City, Oregon. The Place to lluy Your Shoes... P inmiiAD i. rr w I Ul ULhll (ill Third Street, ISet wren ...SPECIAL SALE... BABY SHOES 2SC CIIII.DS' SCHOOL SHOES LADIES' CALF SHOES '. $i jt LADIES' FINE DKKSS SHOES 135 MEN'S WATEKPltOOF SHOES (best in the liitnl) from 1.25 up. It will pay you to bring this advertisement w ith you. Be sure to remember the Foi'I'lar Shoe Storb. J. W. BING & CO. Importer! and Dealers in IjAPANESE FANCY GOODS I T orlinc' onrl HoTife' Pnt-nt oVifnn n . . J - m. uuuivo auu unuid luiuumuy UUUUa, LlC. Great Sale this week 1 Come and see our prices and bargains. S88 Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. Children Cry for & 5th, PORTLAND, ORE. Goods Called For and Dulivered First and Front, Portland, Or. Pavilion, 325 Second St. ' FOR OFFERED FOR FIRST-CLASS GOODS. 1 O our store is filled with buyers t i CALL and SEE SAMPLES , Satisfaction . Guaranteed PHOTOGRAPHER... HOUSE, OREGON CITY, OREGON ounc omnfl UIIUL U I UilL -m mm mm Pine and Oak, PORTLAND Pitcher's Castoria.