DEFENSE OF THE PORT General Wilson Reports on Columbia Fortifications. ftROGRESS MADE TOON THE WORE iSutlmatee for River and Harbor lm proveuients In Oreron and Washington. Washington, Oct. 25. In the n nual report of General Wilson, chief of fnigneers, the following is said about defenses at the mouth of the Columbia: "The defenses include works of the slder type, one garrisoned and one in charge of an ordnance sergeant With the funds appropriated by tbe act of 1896, work was commenced during the year on tive emplacements for 10-inch guns on disappearing carriages, two emplacements for 8-inoh guns on disap pearing carriages, and two mining case mates. At the close of the year, the 10-inch emplacements were completed, tad three 10-inch carriages mounted. A wharf had been built for the con struction of the 8-inch emplacements, all necessary plant assembled and the .exoavation completed. One mining e:.seraate was also under construction With the f iiiid8 appropriated by the act bf 1897, au additional emplacement for an 8-inch gun on a 'disappearing car riage and a mortar battery for eight 12 inoh mortars will be constructed. At Ihe close of the year, plans for these workB had been partially prepared, There are no existing works of defense en Puget sound." The following estimates ive made for rivor and harbor improvements for Oregon and Washington for the fiscal year ending June 80, 1899: ORKGON. oqnine river ll.r,000 Upper UouuUl river 28,000 oo Bav 600,000 Muslaw river 100,000 Tillamook Bay 52,1)00 oiuuiliiu rher bnlow Tongue point 71,660 -Columbia river ami Lower Willamette... 800,000 Canal ai Cascades 'JiH.'ltM (rutitrini? the naieri of the Columbia river 1,000 I'ppur Columbia and Snake rivers 20,000 WASHINGTON. Cray's harbor $480,000 I'Dgci round 26,0u0 Kverett harbor 160,000 Nwinomish slough 47,000 Chclialis river 8,000 Olympia harbor 120,000 Cowlitt river 1,000 No action has been taken on the ap propriation for a harbor of refuge at Port Orford, the secretary holding that the demands of commerce are not suffi cient to occasion the expenditure. The simple announcement is made thai the secretary has not approved the project at Yaquina, and no estimate is made. , It is stated that the land has not yet been acquired for the boat railway at The Dalles. For the same reason, nothing has beeu done on the Seattle lllUsh. CERTIFICATES NOT REQUIRED. HIS FIRST STATEMENT. STARVED TO DEATH. t odg a 11 an ford's Killing ai to Wives and Children of Chines Merchants. Seattle, Oot 23. Judge Hanford, f the federal court, today handed down deoisiou in a Chinese case, in which he holds that the wives and children of Chinese merchants doing, business in the United States do not have to have certificates from the Chinese govern merit to entitre them to enter this ountry. Government officials here say that, if the opinion ie upheld by the higher courts, it means that the iinpor- tant section of the Chinese exclusion act which provides that eons and daughters of Chinese merchants doing business in this country roust secure certificates from their home government is no longer the law. United States District Attorney Briuker will at once report to the treasury department Judge Hanford's ruling, and it is expected that tbe attorney-genreal'a office will at ouce take steps to have the case ap pealed to the supreme oourt. Treasury agents claim that if the de cision holds it will open the gates for i flood of Orientals, for, if certificates are not required, any number of Chinese can claim to be children of merchants in the United State. Judge Hanford's decision is in direct opposition to that of Judge Lacombe, of New York. . (.aetgert Swears He Is Innocent of the Crime Charged. Chicago, Oot. 25. The press tonight obtained the one great feature missing n the famous Luetgert trial the sworn testimony of the defedant minself, Adolph A. Luetgert. Standing tonight in the gloomy jail adjoining the grim-looking graystone- court building, in which his remark able trial had at last been brought to finish, the burly sausage-maker capped the climax of the extraordin ary series of events which began with his sensational bankruptcy and the al leged frightful diabolism of boiling his wife to death at midnight in a vat in his factory cellar. Tonight, closely following the result of the trial which has attracted world-wide attention, Luetgert made under oath a statement for the press concerning the fearful 2rime chraged against him, the first sworn statement yet made by him and the first statement of such kind ever known in newspaper annals. The affidavit was put in writing in due legal form, certified to by a notary. Ex-Judge William A. Vincent, the leading counsel for the defendant, in this celebrated case, the man to whose brains and skill and energy Luetgert, beyond all doubt, owes his great legal victory, gave consent to the affidavit being made. The scene in the jail when Luetgert took the oath was as dramaVio as the circumstances were unique. In the dimly-lighted jail corridor, Luetgert, standing erect, and grasping the bars that still kept him from liberty, lifted his right hand and solemnly asserted, as the notary administered the binding form. The grewsome surroundings were a reminder in some degree of the midnight occurrences in the factory cellar that have become familiar to hundreds of thousands who have fol lowed the details of the great trial. Pew, if any, of the curious prisoners and turnkeys who were spectators had any inklings of what was taking place. Luetjert, the notary and a representa tive of the press conferred together for a few minutes and then Luetgert, with out hesitation, made the affidavit and signed it in ink with the hand that is alieged to have committed one of the most fiendish crimes on record. The affidavit explicitly declares Lnet gert's innocence. The documon' in full is as follows: "To the Publio: "The result of my trial, ending to day, is a victory for me, because of the disagreement of the jury; but I am very much disappointed, and very much surprised that the jury did not bring in a verdict ot not guilty. 1 did not kill mv wife, and do not known where she is, but I am sura it is only a question of time until she comes home. "I did not go upon the witness stand booause my lawyer, Judge Vincent, was bitterly opposed to my doing so, and because he advised me that it was not necessary. I am grateful for the tremendous change in public sentiment n my favor, and time will demonstrate that I am not only innocent, but a very grievously wronged man. "Adolph A. Luetgert 'Subscribed and sworn to before me this 35th day of October, A. D. 1897 "U. F. Sullivan, Notary Public." Out of a Population, of Twenty-Fivs Hundred, Only Five Snrvive. New York, Oct., 25. A Herald dis patch from Havana says: A local wewspaper publishes and vouohes for tne following: At Chascapeba, in the district of San Julian, belonging to the municipality of Melana del Sur there were concentrated 2,500 persons. These reooncentrados were the only inhabit ants of the place. Now there are only five survivors, the rest having died of hunger and fever. In Havana city It is no unusual sight to see 10 or 1J dead on oue plaza early in the morn ing. The employers employ regular roundsmen to remove bodies from the parks. There is no abatement in the activity of the rebels in the western provinces. The special regiment of Veragua on its way to the Bubi hills in Pinar del Rio, stumbled aorosa a dynamite bomb and lost 10 killed and 41 wounded. Further on thev came across another, but it failed to explode. The soldiers became terrified and refused to proceed. In Havana province 100 rebels of Raoul Arango's oommund entered and raided a town. They carried away a quantity of clothing and provisions without a shot being fired by the garri son. Near Artemisa, Havana province, a band of insurgents under Aooa at tacked and macheted theSpanish guer illa force stationed on the Neptuno estate. In a railroad collision between Arte misa and Maligns several soldiers were killed. Inhabitants of a suburb of Havana report hearing firing just outside the town last night. The firing continued for several hours, and this morning some wounded troops were brought in. No details of the fight have been obtained. TO BUY UNION PACIFIC Russell Sage Forms a Syn dicate in New York.' GOVERNMENT TO BE PAID IN FULL HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE KILLED Terrible Loss ut life bjr Cjetone la the Philippines. Madrid, Oct. 25. A dispatch from Leyte, Philippine islands, says that place has been almost devastated by a cyclone, that many persons have been killed and that the damage to property is incalculable. The cyclone destroyed the towns of Taeloban and Hernani, on the island of Leyte, as well as several villages, It is estimated that 400 persona lost their lives through the disaster. Later advices from Manila say the cyclone occurred on October 12, and added that Carriga and Burga, on the ' eastern coast of Leyte, had been wiped ont, and that an immense wave swept the island. Several hundred natives perished at Tagloban. Tbe cyclone also swept the island of Sammar. Tb full extent of the catastrophy is not yet known, but the damage is estimated at 7,600,000 pesetas. Will Demand Duty. Victoria, Oct. 25. Hereafter every jtound of goods not bought in Canad -will have to pay duty before being al lowed in the Klondike country. The Canadian government has seen fit to re voke the regulation allowing prospec tors to take in 100 pounds of goods free of duty, and customs officers will be lilaced on the Stickeen route as well ai at Tagish lake and on the Yukon. Sword equal to tbe best ever made . re still pTodnd at Toledo in Spain, Another Filibuster. New York, Oct. 25. The Herald has made investigation into the alleged de parture of the filibustering expedition from New York on the schooner Silver Heels last Saturday. As to the suspic ious circumstances attending the depar ture of the vessel, H. P. Brown, her agent said: "There is nothing suspic ious about the sailing of the Silver Heels. She took nothing which could be regarded as contraband goods. She Bailed for Norfolk and Charleston in search of a charter. As her agent, I should oertainly have known if she had taken cargo from this port." Despite the cmphatio denial of Brown' the Herald learns from other sources that the Silver Heels did leave New York Saturday night loaded with arms and ammunition, and that she went direct to sea. At some point on the high seas she is expeoted to trans fer her cargo to another craft which would have armed men on board, whose destination is Cuba. Tomas Estrada Palma, the Cuban representa tive, said: "I am positive that no armed expedi tion left this port for Cuba." Subscribers Are Prominent Wall Street Brokers Seventy-Five MilllUon Already Turned In. New York, Oct. 25. -Russell Sage created a sensation in Wall street late yesterday by announcing that he had been invited by President McKinley to form a syndicate to bid on the Union Pacifio railroad on the basis of satisfy ing the full government claim In the Union Pacifio. Mr. Sage invited sub scriptions to a plan to be hereafter brought out by him. The payment of. the government claim in full is under stood to be the first condition in this plan. Mr. Sage's representative an nounced last nigh; that he had received subscriptions for over, $75,000,000 within two hours of his announcement. It was said that he would continue to receive subscriptibns until his plan was subscribed at least three times over. As to the bond transactions, Mr. Sage thinks there is unlimited capital avail able for settlement of the Pacifio road debt without loss to the government. Among the subscriptions reported to Mr. Sage's Union Pacific scheme were the following: Mr. Astor's subscription is said to mve been received by cable. Some of the names are said to represent other interests besides the subscribers. It is said a large insurance company will subscribe $10,000,000. Mr. Sage goes to Washington today to confer with the president and the attorney-general, at their request. LAUNCH BOILER EXPLODED. WEEKLY MARKET LETTER. Office of Powrilne. Honkins A Co.. Chicago Board of Trade Brokers, 711-714 Chamber bt Com merce Building, Portland, Oregon. ARMY AND ALASKA. The Jury Disagreed. Chicago, Oct. 25. As Adolph Luet- gert, who has been on trial on a ciiarge of having murdered his wife and boil ing her body in a vat, heard this morn' ing from the foreman of tlie 14 men who have been considering his case for the past 68 hours the words, "We are enable to agree upon a verdict," he was as imperturbable as ever, evincing no joy. The wonderful nerve of the defend ant was with bun to tbe end. tie stood up, and with a good-natured Binile on his swarthy face shook hands with his son, Arnold, his counsel and his business partner, William Charles, and in less than five minutes was led back to jail. The jury was dismissed and the great trial was over. THE bTICKEEN ROUTE. Arrangements Being Made by a British Company. Winnipeg, Oct. 25. Frank Water- house, president of the Fort Wrangel, Olenora & Teslin Lake Transportation Company, passed through this city today on his way to London to appoint agents and arrange for the trip from Europe to Dawson. From England the first-class fare will be $1,000; second-class, $750. These amounts in clude transportation of supplies and other necessities for one vear. The company will have a line of steamers between ports on Puget sound to the head of navigation of the Stickeen riv er, a distance of 130 miles from Fort Wrangel. From the river to Teslin lake, a portage of about 115 miles, pack trains will convey the travelers, it being intended to have about 1,000 horses on the route. Thence on Teslin lake and the river conrse to Dawson, a distance of about 450 miles, boats now in course of construction are to be used. Hold-Up on Sluklyou Mountain. ABhland, Or., Oct. 25. D. C. Pit zer, a gardener, living four miles south of Ashland, came to town this morning and reported that, while returning from a trip to Northern California, where he had been with a load ot pro duce, and while on Siskiyou mountain, near Steinman, where the stage road crosses the railroad, at 7 o'clock last evening, he was stopped by two high waymen, who ordered him down from his wagon withdrawn revolvers, after which they rifled his pockets of a sack containing $48 in silver, but over looked $30 in gold in a trousers pocket The robbers then told him to get on his wagon and make himself scarce, which he did in a hurry, reaching his home at 8 o'clock, and not reporting to the local authorities until this morn' ing. The authorities are now invest! gating the case. Pitzur is not able to give a very complete description of the highwaymen. Cherokees Are Arming. Little Rock, Ark., Oct. 25. A spe cial to the Gazette from Fort Smith savs: It has leaked out here that the full-blood Cherokees have been secretly arming themselves and securing large quantities of ammunition for severa weeks, but it has been especially brisk since the return of the attorney sent to Washington to enjoin the Dawes com' mission from proceeding to make the oitizenship rolls. The majority of the Cherokees are opposed to the treaty but the most bitter feeling is among the ignorant full-bloods. They are prepared to resist any attempt change their tribal government. K immediate outbreak is anticipated, but a great deal depends upon the action of the council next Monday. Stockton, Cal., Oct. 25. This after. noon, the jury in the case of George Williams, charged with attempting to wreck the New Orleans express at Morano station, on the 4th nit., re turned a verdict of guilty, fixing tbe penalty st life imprisonment , Thessaliana May Return. Athens, Oct. 25. The Turkish gov ernment has granted permission to Thessalians who fled from Thessaly af ter the invasion ol the conquering Turkish troops under Kdhera Pasha to return to their homes through Phourka pass, Monzenki pass and two other passes near Trikhala and Amiroud. ; A weak solution of salt in water is good for tore throat when used as gargle, and this is (till better if a few grains of red pepper are added. Boat of the Accident to One of the Texas. Boston, Oct 25. The boiler of one of the steam launches of the battleship TexaB blew up while it was alongside the battleship, and a number of men, including two officers and a surgeon, were injured, none fatally. The explosion ocourred just as the launch reached the side of the ship, having towed down two ship's boats full of men who were engaged in the naval parade. On the launch at the time were 35 men, including Lieutenant-Commander Delhanty, Lieutenant Bristol, Ensign Wadhams and Dr. W. R. DuboBe, the ship' ssurgeon. The smokestack, the top of the boiler and part of the canopy over the boiler were "blown into the air, and what was left of the launch caught fire from the flame that followed the bursting of the boiler, but the Are had little- to burn. In the pit with the boiler John Phil lips, an oiler, and John Fisher, a coal pabser, were ' thrown violently against the wooden partition. Fisher was badly injured internally. PhMlips es caped with severe bruises. The cox swain, Thomas Sullivan, was thrown against the side of the launch, but was only bruised, and the sailor with him was completely blackened by soot, but unhurt. Dr. Dubose had two front teeth knocked out. We have had a very nervous, sensi tive market in wheat the past week, but the undertone has been very strong at times, and prices were up 5 cents over a week ago. The news has been quite bullish in tone, and foreigners have been liberal buyers of wheat for nearby shipment. About the only thing that at all favored the bears was the fact that rains had fallen moder ately over the drouth stricken area, and that fall work was again in progress in the winter wheat sections. Receipts of wheat have been large, with an ur gent demand for good milling wheat from nearly all quarters. Exports for the month of September were the larg est on record, footing up 26,000,000 bushels. The American visible supply shows an increase of 199,000 bushels for last week, and now totals 24,629, 000 bushels, against 57,285,000 a year ago. The fact that France has again been a large buyer of wheat the past week has done much to stimulate prioes, and were it not that speculation is very liirht we should have seen a far greater advance. Wheat ia on a legiti mate basis the basis of supply and de mand but every one seems to beafraid of it because they oompa're prices with what they were a year ago, and many predict deolines. but while the cash de mand is as urgent as it is now, and foreigners are buying our wheat and flour at the rate they are now doing, there is no chanoe for more than slight reactions and everything favors a higher range of values. We feel very bullish on the situation, and advise our friends to get hold of some wheat and it will soon show them a good profit. There has been more weakness shown in corn than the most sanguine bear had looked for, and as holders be came easily frightened and threw their holdings on a market that was narrow and with light trade at the start, the result can easily be foreseen rather sharp decline with shorts the best buy ers. Receipts have been large. General Nelson A. Miles Make His An nual Report. Washington.Oot. 25. General Mites major-general commanding the army, has made his report to the secretary of war. General Miles says in part: "The army, although inadequate ia point of numbers, was never in a higher state of efficiency. "The progress that has been made en the Pacific coast in the establishment of modern batteries of artillery ham made it necessary to occupy new ground and to adopt a new system of defense. ,r Attention its invited to the report or General Merriam, commanding the de partment of the Columbia, especially tar the need of a larger garrison at the en trance to the Columbia river, and to hi report on the condition and necessities of the great territory of Alaska. As all the other territories have been occupied by military posts and measures have been adopted for building military oads, bridging rivers, and, in faot. Aiding and blocking out the way for occupation of the vast territories by citizens, it is deemed but just and ad visable tii at the same liberal spirit should be manifested toward that great and important territory. He says: As far as practicable it would, h my opinion, be advisable to have ibr- waters thoroughly examined by each ot the naval force as could be used for that purpose, and as military reconnoitor ing and exploring parties in past year have been sent to the bountry to fur nish knowledge of its character, re sources and necessities, this, in my judgment, should be continued on at larger and more liberal scale. Whiler there is no confliot between the popul tion, composed of some 20,000 Indian and the white explorers and settlors, yet, as the former are supplied withr modern arms, they may become tirrba lent and troublesome. Such hag been the history of nearly all the tribes in the other territories. Henoe, it wonkk be but reasonable to anticipate ther necessity for a military force in that territory by the establishment of at least! three military posts to support the civil authorities, to give protection to the white settlers, and to aid in maintain- BONES WERE MOVED. to Marcus Whitman's Grave at Whitman Mission Opened. Walla Walla, Wash., Oct. 25. This afternoon Marcus Whitman's grave, at Whitman mission, seven miles west of Walla Walla, was opened, preparatory to the erection of a mausoleum of brick and granite thereon by the Whitman Memorial Association. President Pen rose, of Whitman college; a few stu dents and newspaper men only were present, besides the contractors. Near the surface of the mound in one corner, four skulls nearly intact were discovered; also a number of minor bones. The skull of Dr. Whitman was recognized by the gold filling in one of his teeth and a tomahawk wound at the base of the skull. Dr. Whitman, hia wife and 11 asso ciates, massacred 60 years ago. are sup posed to be buried in the grave. The bones were brought to this city this evening, to be classified by physi ciana. After being placed in a glass case for inspection for a few days, they will be returned to their resting-place, and the mausoleum of brick and granite erected over them. ' Tanoma Woman Kills Herself. Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 25. Mrs- Frank Alwyn, wife of a saloon-keeper, shot herself in the breast at an early hour this morning, dying almost in stantly. The act was committed in St Joseph's hospital, where she was admitted last night. She carefully planned for her death, wrapping her self in a rubber blanket, so the bed clothing would not become bloody. She left a note saying she was tired of life with directions for her funeral. In a bureau was found a shroud, made by herself, with a card pinned on it upon which was "Bury me in this." Mrs. Alwyn was 26 years old. A Premature Kxplosion. Kingston, N. Y Oct 25. At Ros endale today the premature explosion of a blast in Snyder's cement quarry killed Arnold Johnson instantly and inflicted probably fatal injuries on three others. Abyssinlans Devastating tiomllland. Cairo, Oct. 25. News reached here from Somalil and that the Abyssinian are devastating that country. They have already dispersed or w'ped out 10 great Somal tribe The Yerkes Telescope. Williams Bay, Wis., Oot. 25. Charles T. Yerkes' splendid gift is now in the possession of the university of Chicago. Shortly after noon, Mr, Yerkes fomally presented to President W. R. Harper the keys to the obser vatory which contains the Yerkes tele scope. The ceremonies covered two hours, and the greatest refracting tele scope in the world, having a 40-inch lens, is dedicated and ready to be used by astronomers from every part of the globe. Sherwood Depot Burglarised. Sherwood, Or., Oct 25. The South ern Pacific depot at this place was en tered by burglars Sunday night, and a box containing about $20 in cash and all the tickets belonging to the office were taken. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla, 8081c; Val ley and Blucstem, 8384c per bushel. Four Best grades, $4.50; graham, $3.70; superfine, $2.60 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 84 35c; choice gray, 82 33c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $19 20; brew- ng, 20 per ton. Millstiffa Bran, $14 per ton; mid dlings, $21; shorts, $15.50. Hay Timothy, $12 12.50; clover, $10 11; California wheat, $10; do oat, $11; Oregon wild hay, $910 per ton. Eggs 22 o per dozen. Butter Fancy creamery, 46 50c; fair to good, 540c; dairy, 25 35c per roll. Cheese Oregon, 1 1 jo; Young America, 12Jc; California, 910o per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.50 8.00 per doezn; broilers, $2.002.60; geese, $4.005.00: ducks, $3. 00 4. 00 per dozen;' turkeys, live, 89o per pound. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 85 40c per sack; sweets. $1.40 per cental. Onions Oregon, new, red, 90c; yel low, 80o per cental. Hops 8 15c per pound for new crop; 1S06 crop, 67o. Wool Valley, 14 16c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 712o; mohair,' 20 22o per pound. Mutton Gross, best eheon, wethen and ewes, $2. 50 2. 60; dressed mutton, 5c; spring lambs, 6)fo per pound. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.60; light and feeders, $3. 00 4. 00; dressed, $5.506.00 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, $2.753.00; cows, $2.60; dressed beef, 45,'c per pound. Veal Large, 4H5cj small, 5j Co per pound. Seattle Market. Butter Fancy native creamery, brick. 2325o; ranoh, 1016c Cheese Native Washington, 10 12c; California, 9'o. Eggs Fresh ranch, 28 30c Poultry Chickens, live, per pound, hens, ll)(c; spring chickens, $2.60 8.00; ducks, $3. 50 4. 00. Wheat Feed wheat, $26 per ton. Oats Choice, per ton, $2122. Corn Whole, $22; cracked, per ton, $22; feed meal, $22 per ton. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $22; whole, $22. Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef, steers, 6c; cows, 6o; mutton sheep, 6c; pork, 6!c; veal, small, 6. Fresh Fish Halibut, 4c: salmon, 4 6c; salmon tront, 8c; flounders and sole, S'j4; ling cod, 45; rock cod, 6c; smelt, 24c. Fresh Fruit Apples, 75o$l per box; Saluway peaches, 6060c; clings, 8040c; prunes, Mo per,, pound; pears, 75c$l per box. Xiamlnatlon of Captain Loverldg Chicago, Oct. 25. The officer of the army constituting the court ot in quiry to examine into the faota connect ed with the alleged ill-treatment of Private Hammond by Captain Love- ridge, of the Fourth infantry, arrived at Fort Sheridan today and began th work of investigation. At the senior officer of the court, Colonel Simon Sny der, of th Fifteenth infantry, opened th proceeding and took charge of the examination. ng law in that remote section." In the last 10 years much attention. has been given to coast defenses, ajut most beneficial results are apparent. Approximately, $26,000,000 has been appropriated by the government, which is nearly one-third of what is required.' to put the country in a safe condition, of defense. Although the general de li re of our people, he says, is to main tain peace with all nations, and tn policy of the government is one of good will and peaceful relations with aJK others, it would be more judioionato provide defenses than to remain in a condition of insecurity and permit th accumulated wealth of many genera tions to be destroyed or endangered by any foreign power with which we r liable to come in contact " A He recommends fortification a-pprtv-priations in the West as follows: Hun Diego .1 WM Sun Krauciimo lOW Columbia river - N6,aa Pugat sound S.14UjDar He recommends strongly an inereaso in the army of at least two additional regiments of artillery, saying that by December 31 a number of position wilt? ' be armed in part or fully with modem appliances of war, and that in these Im portant positions there are no troops) -stationed and none available for assign ment to the stations without taking:-, them from stations where they are at present imperatively required. He suggeBts the necessity of adding four infantry regiments, and recom mends that congress fix a standard C strength on a basis of the total popula tion. This standard, he thinks, should be a maximum of one enlisted man t every 1,000 population, and the mini mum, one soldier to every 2,000 pop lation. V Kan Francisco Market. Wool Nevada 11 13c; Oregon, 12 14c; Northern 1416o per pound. Hops 11 15c per pound. Millstuffs Middlings, $2022; Cal ifornia bran, $16.00 15.60 per ton. Onions New red. 70 80c; do new lilverskln, $1.00 1.15 percental. J Butter Fancy creamery, 27 28c; do seconds, 2526o; fancy dairy, 28 24c; good to choice, 2022o per pound. Cheese Fancy mild, new, 13c; fair to good, 78c per pound.. Eggs Store, 18 26c; ranoh, 86 88 V; EaHtern, 1622; duok, 20c per dozen. Potatoes New, in boxes, 80 70c. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $1.608.00; Mexican limes, $2.60 8.60; California lemons, choice, $2.60; do common, $1 2 per box. Hay Wheat, 12 16; wheat and oat, $1114; oat, $1012; river bar ley. $78; best barley, I1012; ilfalfaj $9.60; clover, $8 10. . . . . . . i . jvooueu j neir oinflimwri j Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 25. Andrev Norlin was held up last night near Puyallup and robbed of $40. Norli, had been working in Montana,' and,, while in Spokane, met two men who were "dead broke" and beating their way to the coast He had $76, andt took pity on them, paying their way on freight trains. In repayment for mi his kindness, as soon as they got off the train at Puyallup, they almost choked -their benefactor to death, and took. what money he bad left. Norlin ga t fairly good description of the robber and the jKilice have hopes of oaptnrinf them. Life on th Trail. Chicago, Oct 25. A letter by C X. Gregory, formerly of Chicago, who lei here for Alaska in August, Is a clear portrayal of the hardships of the Whit. pass: ' There have bern six suicides, b writes, "three hanging and elereo killings, besides a number ot death from exiKisure. It costs $1 to get a let ter through to Skaguay, and 10 cent to get it mailed. Prices here are very high. Flour at Lake Bennett bring, - $00 a sack; bacon, $1 per pound; bean. $1 per pound; horseshoe nails bring; 6ft cents apiece; a pair of shoes will bring; my price yon like or want to ask; ovtur ills, $5." Troops for India. London, Oct. 25. A large draft et soldier ha been ordered to get ready to reinforce eight British cavalry regi ments now in India. Survey of Heal Island. Washington, Oot. 26. General Dot field, of the geodetio snrvey, has wont from the Pribyloff islands, under dat of September 6, which indicate that tho party engaged in the aurvey of the seal islands, under the direction of hi son, will complete their labor thi season. Yellow Paver at Mew Orleans. New Orleans, Oct. 26. A 7 o'olonk 60 new oases and five death had been, reported.