City Library OREGON W OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1897. NO. 24. CIT raw to li 18th YEAR. pteiliiliil! If. SECOND-HAND SECOND-HAND FURNITURE SECOND-HAND CARPTES SECOND-HAND STOVES SECOND-HAND TOOLS SECOND-HAND HARDWARE SECOND-HAND WAGONS S2S0N3-HAND HARNESS SECOND-HAND SADDLES SECOND-HAND PLOWS SECOND-HAND CULTIVATORS SECOND-HAND TRUES ALL TO BE SEEN AT THE- OREGON CITY AUCTION HOUSE Opposite Postofflce. 0J"Produce Taken in Exchange. E&"Oome in and see our prices before buying elsewhere. Not How High But how low can we make the price, is the question we ask ourselves when marking our goods for sale. That's what makes ours an ever-panding business, it's a potent advertiser; it tells the story through the purse in thousands of homes, only to be retold in countless others by appreciative money savers. CHARMAN & SON, Dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Call at the Pioneer Store of Charman & Son before buying elsewhere. The Oermama Market. Is the cheapest place in the city to buy f t t t FIRST-CLASS FRESH MEATS Seventh Street, Near Depot, Oregon City. Paul J. Scholz, Prop. t t t t .THE. BEE - if jE have received in Ill rllMY LAbti 66 All our orders were placed btfore the advance in prices, and our low as Portland's largest hrJuses and much lower than same goods can be bo.ight for in Oregon City. If you want. . . a oss, LADIES' or CENTS' FURNISHINGS, FANCY DaY GOODS cr NOTIONS, He sure and visit the. . . .BEE - Caufleld Block AIR-TIGHT HEATER- We keep a full assort ment of all kinds and sizes. Air tight. Do not need any recom mendation. Once in your house you .will never be without. Come and inspect our im mense stock. Prices from $3.75 and up. dellomy & mum, Ho Lisnturaislior-t, OKKGON CITY - OUEGON I I I I I I I The TEA and COFFEE You serve to your guests create as distinct an impres sion among them as your silver, your linen or your china. If you w ant exra nice tea and the very finest flavored coffee, you can surely depend up getting them here. Better be sure than sorry, E. E. Williams THE GROCER... 1TT77 HIVE" the past few days OVER 01 l ALL UUUIJ. customers will find us as HIVE. Oregon City, Or REDLAND. Oregon is herself again and we are having rain every day. Farmers are busy plowing of late. Fall wheat looks good, it being one inch high on some of our choice farms. Fi Eveson 1ms got his new residence nearly completed, which adds much to the improvement of his place. F. H. Linn has put a new roof over his spuds and calls it a Klondike cellar. B.F.Linn lias Louuht a new buggy. Ho, for the mud. Mrs. Jane Noyer left last Wednesday for Pomeroy, Wash., where she will visit relatives during the winter. Mrs. Jennie Linn is on the audi list. Miss Princio Leek is stayii g with her during her illness. Miss JVlilda and Hester Linn spent Saturday in Oregon City. Mrs. Cora rotter made her sister a pleasent call one day lust week. feehools in districts JNo. 27 and 7a are progressing nicely. J. Mink ot iieaver Ureek is thinking of locating in our burg. D. Catto was seen in our burg one lay last week Dave the airls are all gone up Salt Creek. .1. W. Linn has been plaving in the Elyville band of late. b. J. Howell ot Oregon lity was seen in our burg one night last week with hi8girl. ' (J. A. Sprague is growing a tine mustache of the latest make. F. Sprague has got hia large barn completed. several ot our young men were over to the Clackamas hatchery Sunday fish ing for suckers. F. Shanklin of Currinsville passed through our burg last Saturday enroute to Uregon Uiiy. Several of the people in this vicinity attended the lecture in Oregon City Sunday night given by Mrs. JNettie Olds Uaight, which was well received. 0. Shumway and Miss Minnie Shtim way were visiting friends at Linn's mill Sunday. H . Lindsley of Carus was seen on the streets Sunday afternoon with a little mustache. Several of the young folks attended the dance at Seventh street hall in Ore gon City and report a good time. Mrs. Olive Leek was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jennie Linn, Monday Rlondyke fever is increasing in this vicuiitv. B. F. Linn and E. Linn spent Tues dav In Portland. There will be a masquerade ball at Linn's mill on Thauksgivin eve. Tickets 25 cents. October 25. Tickler. Electric Bitters. Electric Bitters is a medicine Millet: for anv season, but perhaps more teener allv needed in the Sprint!, when the languid exIiMUcteii pelinu nrevails, when the liver is tornid and shitfirish and the need of a tonic anil alterative is I e It. A prompt, use of this medicine has dten averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. io medicine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing tin t-ystem from the malarial poison. Hem! ache. Indigestion, Consiipalion, liz- .iues" yield to Electric. Bitters Only 50c and $1 per bottle atCharmnn & Co'b Drug More. School in District No. 7. Report of school month beginning September 27, ending October 22: Nnm- ber of pupils enrolled the first day 2S number enrolled at end of month 38 average attendance for the month 32, Those pupils neither absent nor tardy during the month are as follows: Lillie Currin, Nettie Currin, Mabra Onrrin Katie Currin, Harvev Currin, Katie Stone, Anna Harkenrider, Clayborne Harry ami Walter Williams. Nellie Tiiojus, Teacher. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Notice is hereby given that the regular quarterly examination for teacherb will be held at the court house in Oregon City, beginning at one o'clock p. m. We'dnefday, November 10, 181)7. II. G. Stakkweathkk, County School Supt. Dated October 28, 1897. Novelties and Lotions of all kinds at the Racket Store. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Casearets t'andy Cathartic. 10ft or 25c. If 0. 0. C. f .il to cure, drugging refund money. Kducate Your H ihN With Caiwarft 1. Candy Cathartic, cute ronsiiiiation forever 10.-, 2.').; If (.:.!. (,'. tail, drug lists refund lll'ili:-)'. Teachers' monthly report cards at the Cot'RiiiR olfice for 5 I cents per 100. The best and nicest selection of rib bons evr in the city, just arrived tit the Racket ttore. A fture Thinv for You. A trii'iFHctnui in which you cannot h B ihh a ; if 1 1 1 1 1 lt . i l!iiiig:ie-s. hick head ncl e, furred liriiu'lt'. fever, p'lns and a tlioii-aiid I'tlicr ills Hl'e I'HUsed liycnn tiilpHtinii mid slinryi-ii liver Ca-cHiels Oanilv ('Hiliarlic, the moinimlnl new liver flimnlant hii1 iii'eslinal t -mie ar' liv all druv't'ii-is (jiiiTiintced to ccr or Iimiiey iHfi.nded ('. C. ('. are a cure thiiiir. Tiy a lnx t"-dv ; inc. 2'w, '(), t"HH p'e aod lumklet fne. Ad druvg'fts. LAXATIVE QolVINE TABLETS Move the howds (renily. relieves th ' ouuh, cure in., fcverl-h comliiiou and lleailaclic. I niHkinif II t!ie licut ami iilckcKt rcniedf for I (louKhii. Ool'l, and l.a lirippe. Cures in one day. o cure, no pay. f'lcvc OASTOniA. ilnlli iin tigutun OASTOIIIA. EDWARD COR. FRONT & TAYLOR STS., Royal make the food pure, wholesome ud delicious. Absolute) Pur BOVAL BAKING POWOFR CO., NFW YORK. Redland School. Report of Red land school 1st month Number of (lavs taught, 20; number en rolled first dsiy, 24 ; number enrolled at ei'.d of month, 40 -'5 boys hirI 15 girls; nntvwer of days attendance, boo nam-iter o iaV uo enee, VJi average number, belonging, 64; average daily attendance, .id ; numlier ot limes tardy, 0. lioll Honor. Mamie and William Stone, Louis, Dora and Vary Murdock, bred, Thomas, William and Elsie Berkey, assie and Fred Wilcox, Minnie and Lewis Evans and Annie Richardson. The f Uowing were neither absent nor tardy since they were enrolled: Wil liam Minnie and Viatilda Hubert, Sadie James, Carl Beikey and Mary Kamuscher Eight others deserve credit, having been absent only one day on account of work. The vit.itors were : Jlesdames Evans, Wilcox, Stiebritz and Berkey and Miss Hattie Wilcox. Patrons are cordially invited to visit the school t HAb. KiTiiKRFOHi), Teacher. Buoklen's Arnica Salve. Tiik Ket Salve in the world fnrCuts, Bruihee, Si r-s, U ct-rs, Salt Rheum, Fever S.ires, Tetter, Chanped Hands, Chilblains, Coins, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures l'llcs, or no pay requite I. It ia guatanteed to give perfect satiMlaction or money re untied. Piice 25 cent? ii li. For sale by Uiiarman k vu. Farm produce - and hides and fur wanted at the Reliable Clothing House, Schwartz & Michaels, proprietors. Knitting yarn, two the Racket Store. skeins for 5c, at TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY Trtko Laxative Ilromo (Julnlne T:ilili t. All UruKglsts refund the money If it falls to cure. 26c ITUC DA7AAD i mil unLnrvi i Galvi ni.ed Tubs, (iO, 75 and 90c. l House Brooms, 15, 17, 20, 25 and 30c. i oil 1 1 per, b for -.'5i'. Tooth Ticks, 6c. Black Boards, 3"). 50c and l. jilland Lamis, jfl). 23, 30, 35, 40, 45, ."Oc. i t. hina 'lea I'ots, small si.e. 17c. , Uraniteware, Glassware, (rockery, Woodeuwuie. L. A. PATTERSON & CO... "Bazaar" ) Oregon City OivgtmjJ S SUE . .1. lltl)lX0. IIKALKK IN up Stn lard Pat. Medicines Piinti. OMi an1 Window fllaw. PreterlptloiM Accurately Compuundat habdiko'e block. I 0Al POWDER RUSHES PORTLAND, OREGON Bank of Oregon City. Ol.llRSr RANKING. HOUSE IN TUB CITY Paid Up Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $20,850. resident. Chas. H. CaUFMED I Vice-president Geo. A. Habdini Cashier, .... K. 0. Cadfiei.d K. General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received 8ubject to Check, Approved Bill" and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants bought. Loans Made on Available Secuntv Exchange Bought and 4nld. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available in Any Part of tht 'Vorld. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, San Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits BUSINESS change;-- 0. F. IIENNIXGS has purchased the Seventh Street Bakery of Ja cob Kober and the new management is pre pared to inrm-h you with Bread, Cakes, Buns, lite, at very reasonable prices. C. F. HENNINQS, 7th St. Bakery Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge and the Depot. Double and single rigs and saddle horaen a ways on hand at the lowest rates, and aoorra also connected wittt the barn for loose stock Any information regarding any kind nf stock promptly attended to by letter or person. HORSES BOUGHT OK SOLO Furs ! Furs ! S- SILVERFIELD Leading Furrier - I 143 Third Street... ; PORTLAND OREGON I V'.-- :v-i-. '"" frie vii Wm ' --r -cMm Q$mi$7 tlnr Children Cry JOSEl'lI RICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office in Oicgon City Bunk Block. OltEGOH ClTV, - - - - ('RXOOH. C. H. ISOM, Civil Engineer &, Deputy County Surveyor Will be al Court House mi each Sat id and cm regular session (lays of County Court. .J.W.WELCH, WILLAMETTE BLOCK, Opposite P. 0., Oregon City, Or. Geo. C. Bbowneu. J. U. Campbell. BROW NELL & CAMPBELL, ATTOlilNEYS AT LAW, Caufleld Bulldlnn Oregon City ,Ore C. N. GREEN MAN, TIIR PIONEER Express ami Drayman (Established 1805 ) Parcels delivered to all parts of the city. THOS. F. RYAN, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker- Leading Insurance Agency or Claciam County. Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made. Drawing of Legal Documents a Specialty Office on east side of Main street ltotween 6tl and 7th. OREGON CITY. OREGON. C. . & . C. LATOURETTE Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE: Commercial Ban Bulldln OREGON CITY. OREGON. H. STRAIGHT, PEAI.SB IK GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement ar.d Land Plaster. The Commercial Bank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL f 100,000. Transacts a General Banking Business Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes oo leetlons. Huys and sells exchange on all points in the United Htatea and Kurope and on Hong Kong. Deposits reeeived subject to check. Bank open from 9 A. D.C. LATOURETTE, President. M. to 4 P, M, r. S. DONALDSON C'ashie Furs ! MOST STYLISH FURS AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES AT... L' for Pitcher's Castorla,