For Ovur Fifty Years. An Old and Wkll-Tkibd Ukmedy. Mrs. Winslow'B Soothing Symp has been nf(l for over fifty yearn bj' mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect sucoexs it soo iieh the child, cogens the (rums allays all pain, cutcs wind colic, and is the" best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Drujfgis n every part of the Woild. Twenty five cents a bottle- Its value is in calculable. Be sure and ark for Mrs Winsow's Soothing Syrnp, and take no other kind. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take I,axntlve Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money If it fulls to oure. 25c LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE TABLETS Movo the bowels gently, relieves the Cough, cures the feverish condition and Headache, making It the beat and quickest remedy for Coughs. Colds, and ha Orippe. Cures In one day. No cure, no pay. P'lce'A'e. Something to Depend On. Mr, James Jones, of the (Irutf firm of Jones & Son, OwiH'h, III., in speaking of Dr. Kind's New Discovery, says that last winter his wile was attacked with La Grippe, and her case grew so serious that physicians at Cowden and Puna could do noiliinjr tor her. Ii seemed to develop into hasty consumption. Ilav inif Dr. King's New Discovery in store, and selling lots of it, he took a bottle home, and to the surprise of al I she be gan to get, better from first dose.atp! half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and will. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Kree trial bottle at Charman & Oo.'s drug store . Biliousness Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges tion nd permits food to ferment and putrify In the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache. Insomlua, nervousness, and, Pills If not relieved, bilious fever or blood poisoning. Hood's Fills stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con stipation, etc. 20 cents. Sold by all druggists. The only fills to take with Hood's Sarsapurilla. HOW T0FIND OUT. fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it isevidenceof kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidnevs and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Uoot. the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in relieving pain in in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it. or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, ami overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Rotis soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the m )t distressing cases. If you need a malicino you should have tho lest. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention Ouwion City Oohiiikk and send vour address to Dr. Kilmer & Uo.,liinghumton,N.Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this oiler. DR. KESSLER, Tills old one armed peoliillt, of SI. Louis well Itnnwii bv his long residence ami nic oe.slullv h'K In tins elly, eoiillniie it. sue. o. fully Irtul all kinds ot chronic 11 no prh j le di-eiisi's FFT.r. TREATMENT ! for the poor who run In person ill lliu out . . i alio noon flood m SKIN hS,;:,: Hi. ir 'limns. T I'm, Tol'eis. hex.111.1 mn. oiler Impurities of Ihe blood lluir.miiil; null. l 0, b'.vlt'K Ihe system In 11 ttruin pill.. he'll! '.fill s'aie. rmillMimOM fronted by nn old il.-riniii f. r. Ll remeilr. This wit or. sonu-ii to lU'. bessei r by a I'rioiid In I'.oillll It bus nxvi T lulled. fU n CflDrO fleers, Cnneers.ele., I rea'eil, ULIJ oUlUllJ ililb reiiee bow hum iilb rlod. K1DHEY AINDUHINARY COMPLMli 1 .,1 ... 1,1 1, .olll,. nil . 1 1 It 1 M'r line lit. Ill III- V or Lit" on no. no'ii ..r.l illsohiiriros. onronlly ovni.d I'd.-., rueunial 1111 and ueuraliiirt IreiiK cl b our new reun'i.U'S. 'I'n In- u eb i v bollle lit bedtime unit urlniiti 11. ihe bollle, sot iiMile and I.miR ill it in I in iiiiin.luii. It il ik finally, n mi eiounj soi tin. 11 in ll. miii have noiiio kidney or bhuhh-i ill'-l ll'o. HUDD IimnM removed In twenty-four bear Hull TT Ufllll worms In window ill ol II, e I.. I.. 1. eel !iii. Prr ,TU Q'TIW!.' We meet persons even IJ I Lin 111 Ul 11UU (lay whose i.r.iun so so Pol 11 is oi-tuMiui;. Thlacimie from 1 11 I i rh o. ell her I b" nose or sli.niueli onxnu b- eMinilui'il. It. villi be cured betore lb loi-ul i.oues beeoiues In volved. trnnvri MPM II yon aielroubbd will, iiiithi 1UU Ul it L 1 eiiils,st.,ns,exluius!nL',linii lloiides, onsliiuliH'ss, livers on to snob ly si uphill. 'ss Oespondi'iiey , loss ol energy, bill .1. and si'li-'onllileoee, which it priv "I your initnhooil iiud iih.-liti ly u .1)1 l., s', business or IllulThll'.e II' veil I In tulliet. il you may know Ihe emisc. t i.e 'r nl.'d. DTI MPW there lire lliousnn.l ULU lUtiPl ol yon iroul.lo.l win floods i, I., in: bueKs 11. id kidneys; i-i-ipi. 11 p. luinl ui'ionlloo and sedlm.-nl In ir loo ; ho iiiilt,.'y or Weakness ol s.'Mlul ol'ilns, it; in r 11 11 111 (m 11 Uutilo slung of norvoin. .1, 1..I1 . Hint I'liiuiilure d-'eiiy, Mntiy itie ot 11. 0 niillenliy, iiiiioriinl ol the eiiuse. The 100M tibsi liutle euea ot I bis eluiraeter treiiti d. npiUlllflr diseases. Gleet, tlonoirben. In rulifilu tliini ul Ions. lUsebni'iiea, Sliielures NVi'Mkmss of Orpins, Syphilis, llytll'oeele Viiriooeele mid kindred ll'ou I. Irs treuled. Consultation Tree to All. Oi'Tiric Uouhs: From !) A. M. to Ji P. M. Cull or mkhvs J. Henri Kessler Al.D. At St. Louis Dispensary, , YAMHILL ST RE IT, I'OUXI-AND. .... CltKt.l'N COUNTY Y. P. S. C. E. CONVENTION. Following is the program of the con vention of the Y. 1J. S. 0. E. of Clacka mas county to be held at Milwaukee, Oregon, on October 29th, 30th and 31st: FKIDAY EVENING. 7 :30 Song and Praise Service, led by Mrs. M. A. Wilson. 8:00 Appointment of Committees by the president. Address of Welcome, B. M. Fish. Response, b. T. lisher. San Francisco Convention Echoes: "Wayside Observations," Miss Edna Uugg. "Decorations," Miss Ana Bnird "Dr. Clark's Annual Address," Miss Case. "Consecration and Roll Call at Close of Meeting," Miss Minnie One. "Dr. I'ierce's Unique Chalk Talk," Mrs. P . h. Donaldson. "Junior Rally," Mrs. Oilman Parker. "Dr. Chapman's Meetings," W. W. Brooks. "The Tenih Legion," F.E.Donaldson. SATUKDAY MO It XI NO SESSION. 8:30 Song and Praise Service, led by Oregon City Presbyterians. 9:00 President's Address. Secretary and Treasurer's Reports. Reports of Committees and Election of Officers. Reports from Societies. 10:00 Minister's hour Relation of the Y. P. S. 0. E. to the church Revs. Stryfeller, Sellwood, Montgomery, Rugg, Butler and others. Relation of the Church to the Y. P. S. O. E., by the Endeavorers. 11 :00 -Paper, "Do We as Endeavorers Let Our Light Shine Before the World," by Albert Frankhauser. AFTERNOON SUMMON. 2.00 -Song and Praise Service, led by Mrs. J. m. Wells, U'ackamas. 2:30 Five Minute Papers on Committee Work. Prayer Meeting, Wm,. Bissell. Lookout, Miss Eunice Donaldson. Social, (Mrs. A. S. Dresser?) Floral. Missionary, (Mrs, Ohlson?) Good Literature. Music; Mrs. J. E. White. Paper. "How to Keep the Member ship from Decreasing, by Miss Belle Jones. Paper, "How to Increase the At tendance of the Society," by Miss Jane I.ewelling. Paper, "Past, Present and Future of the Y. P. S.O. E ," Rev. A. J. Montgomery. Paper, "The Junior Y. P. S. 0. E.." Mrs. W. A. White. EVENING SESSION, 7:30--Song and Praise Service, led by Miss Nannie Wilkinson. Address of the evening. SUNDAY MO It NINO THIRD DAY, Sunrise Praver Meeting, led by Miss Mabel Miller. 11:00 Regnlar church services. ,. SUNDAY EVENING. 7:30 Song and Praise Service, led by Beaver Creek. 8:00 Ital y, led bv the new president. Roll C all and Consecration Services School in No. 80. Following is the report of school Dist No. 80, for the month ending October 15th: Number of pupils enrolled in princi pal s room 24, primary department l i, total number enrolled 48, general aver age attendance of both rooms during thu month 37, c; scs ol tardiness i. those who were neither absent or tardy during the month were: Rosa Jlyets, Klmira (iintber, 1) 11a lUuhm ot the principal s ro.'in ai d I ellio and Irene Moelinke Hazel (iin her, 1'rettii ISuol, Lydia llornschul'.iiud Tiessie Cummins ot the the prion ry room. Visiters present during the month were: jonn iiioemu;e, mis. v,. r. tinther, Carrie Scbuebel and Ida Cintber, Friday afternoon was spent in render- inn recitations, music, etc. runowing was the program: Recitation iMniira liintner Rcoitalion I.ydia liornschub Recitation Trcssio Cumiiiiiis Song uoiiert L.intiicr Recitation J.ottie iiornsnuii Recitation Nellie Moelinke Song Libel and Tressie I umuiins Recitation '. I'lora nio. nnae Recitation truest Marl in Dialogue, "Our Alnumue several i.iuie iiiris Song, "Mt. Vernon Hells" by School e respecllully invite the pairons 01 the school, and all others interested in the cause ol .education, to visit our school and note our progress. IiouiiiiT (iisruKU, Principal. Rosk ill 1.1. no, Assistant. . - Circuit Court Actions. idions tiled in circuit court since A the 13ih. Joseph Parrot, vs 11 11 an t Mary J Wheeler; 11 E Cross, attorney for plain tiff. Wm Jones, M D, vs Fred Charnian; Swope Pros, attorneys for plaimill. lieo Stock, ad in, vs M Oand . S tiard ; do vs F W l'litlliiiiiier ; Swope Proa lor plaintiff. Maud Hamilton vs W R Hamilton; ProwncllA Cainiibell fur iilaintil'f. Addina I' Crim vs P lit rim ; C 1 1) t: Latotti'cttc for plaintiff. TLl barman et al vs Paul ScholU; Latouretti's ai d Swopes for plainlili and liiownell Campbell for deli ndant. S II Howard vs tmil U ILunilton ; 11 F. Cross (or plant iff. Sarah ,1 Uii keison vs Crosby 1 Uii k erson : U E Haves fur olaintilf. lieo J I'll' rin' vs .las W Stone; do e ; do Fred StulUe ct al ; L Stupi for Almed.l Swvcel't vs tii'O w P.rownell A Campbell h.r plaintiff. Anna liantenU'in vs O C Ail'g Co; Latotiiettes lor pliiintitf. Pan Kimkle vs .Mary llotcr; l a Pelrain tur plaii.lilf. McKeiHge vs John Konwi.riliy et al ; licor:e ininiway for i hiiutilf. Wa'tcr S Fenl vs Cora J; l.utoureltcs fur plainlili. PCM.itbew vs U F Knight et ul; i lVnton, ProuoiH'.h Muir lor plaiiitul. A hurt. Tlni i; for You. A tra'ii-aclion in which von cannot 1. s is sure thint!. Pdioiis; e .s, sick hen. I scl e, turiid tont'if. lever, pdes and a tl.otn-itud oilier ills nrt' csused hy con stlpaiien ond hlin.'gi:-li I'.vi r CiM iucts Caiidv t atliarlU', the woinlertiil new liver (tiiiiulant and iii'eMinal tonic all i Uv'i'iM tm t' .nu , l to ci re mom v ieti:n!e.l t', C t'. i.rc a urn. il.ii. Tiy h h. x t ed..v ; lilc. 2V, .'0'. tun p! and bookli i fie. Ad drill g sl'. REALTY TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week bv Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. W W and M A Weed to S P Mack, t .fil acres in claim 49 ; !f000. J K lrembath to M Trembath, lots 5 blk 104, part lot 6, same K ; $27.4-1. John Myers to Addie White, 2j acres claim 51 ; $i'5 .(). Men L Bower to J Kuffman, 1 rod wine along west line of w of ne W, sec 10, 5 s, 1 e; $10. Theo II S. once to Iden Bowers, 1 rod on west line, of sw of ne i, sec 10, 5 s, le;$l. Jens A Boe to J Kuffman, 8 ft off e side of u of nw '4. sec 10, 5 s, 1 e ; $1. Chas Kramein to E Hodson, 24 acres in Ladd claim ; $9.58. J A Logan to R C Logan, 50 acres in Geo Wills claim ; $4000. J E Garrett to M A Winnie, 115 acres in Garrett claim ; $1. Fred A Ely to G W Grace, lot 0, blk 12, Mt View Add; $15.1. Will Land Co to George S Batty Co, lot tili, Pruneland ; $750. Robi Arrington et al to E F Riley, 4'i lots in Minthorn ; tax sain. Fred R Cliarman to E C Johnson, hits 1, 3, blk 48, Oiegon City ; $1200. ft r jones to Li jUunson. lot 9. blk 4. west side add ; $2i)(). Frank T Barlow to W C Cannon, lots 7, 8, blk 3, West, Gladstone; $200. a Jiissell to Jlinnie bcheer. 2.48 acres. sec 33, 3 s, 1 e;$122. L E Cliarman to J R Clarke, blk S. Clackamas Heights; $350. Uhas Montgomeiv to J G Miller. l(i acres in summon claim ; .flHO. ,vi a w in me to W A Garner. 135 acres in Garrett claim ; $1. J-ihn Hotts to W A Garner 135 acres in Garratt claim ; $4(19' John Campbell to W VI V oi ne W and lot 4, see 29. 1 s. 2 e: 84500. William Mortenson to J F Mortenson. 20.( 0 acres, sec 8, (t s, 1 e ; $350. W F Hansen to C Johnson, ne M of se, sec 29, 5 s, 1 e; $400. 11 Wooilrult to b M Naught, 16 5' acres, sec 7, 5 s, 3 e ; $200. Sheriff to P H Marlev. 17 tax deeds: e y. of sw sec 9, 3 s, 1 w ; part of sec 2, 2 f, 2 e ; n of so sec -'3, 2 s, 2 e ; n i of sw M ami s ot nw K, sec 17, 2 0 e ; part of iMoore claim, t s. 2 e': e of t of sw 1', sec 30, 4 s, 1 e; lots I, 2 and 3 and ne )i of se j ami so j-4 of no li, sec 34, lots 1 and nw of sw ana sw '4 01 nw.see l),b s, 1 e; 22 acres, sec 22, 3 s, 1 e ; UK) as in Hackett claim, s, & e; part ol sec 2, 2 s, 2 e; part oi sec i, 2 s, 2 e ; n w V, 01 so k". sec 17. 2 s. 1 e ; part of Av. Ohurch claim, 2 s. 2 e ; se M of nw qr and lots 1, 2, 9 and 10, sec 23, 2 s, 3 e ; 10 as in S 1) Franci.i claim, 3 s, 2 e; 10 as in sees 20 and 27, 1 8, 2 e ; 65 as 111 sees 7 and 8.1 s. 2 : sold for taxeB and costs. Su-an Scott bv sheriff to Ella Schwino. lots 5 and 6, blk 6; lots 2 and 3. blk 7 : lot 1, blk 14; lots 3, 4 and 5, blk 15 Windsor; $14.38. Margaretta Charles to 0 C Niebecker, se 1-4 of se 1-4, sec 29, 4 s, 4 e ; $100. Violet Randall to 1 om P Randall, 65 as, sec 4 and 5, 3 s, 2 e ; 380 aa in Vance claim ; lots 1,2, blk 123 ; lots 3 and 4 and easterly 43 feet of 5 and 6, blk l5; also 1-4 interest in 50 feet off westerly end of lota 1 and 2. blk 139, Oregon ( itv li Thomas H Smith to Arthur" Dugan, w U of n& of s1,; . con taurine 5 acres, joining his other 5 as ; $25. Fred Charnian to Thomas Charman, no 1-4 of nw 1-4 and lot , sec 22, 3 s, 2 e ; e of se. 1-4, sw 1-4 of se 1-4 and se 1 -I of sw 1-4, sec 2,4 s, 2 e; 193.50 as, sec 26 2 s, 3 e ; 4n as in Laswell claim ; V, aeiv in Mt View ; lot 2, blk 106, Oregon City ; $1. M E Carrison to Jacob Spanker, lots 4, 5,8 and 9, blk 1 ; w of lots 3 and 10. blk I, Cant y; $4S0. K Alden to Li.uis Dickleman, lot 4 , blk 97, Oregon City ; $900. Mary Dolanri to James Doland,lot8 blk 13, Oregon City; $400. Thomas Chnrnnm to Ccorge Schmidt, e of e g of section 1, 4 s, 2 e ; $950. .lames Shaw to A Roomer, lot 4, blk 13, Annex add ; $1.25. .lames Shaw to .Max Fisher, lots 17 and 18, blk 7. Annex add; $2.50. C Meibs to Al llent, 152.81 as, sec 12, 4 s, 3 e; $U 0 i. W II W olfe to M E Turner, lots 4 and 9, blk 1, ilailow; $1. M ETiirnorto Annie, lots 4 and 9, blk i , Har'ow ; $t. C I'" Von.lnalie to V Manning, 8.",. 74 us sic 17, 4 s 2 e; $13i0. Old Peou e. Old peopl" who reqilirn medicine t regulate the bowels and kidnevs will Iiud Ihe true remedy in Klectric flitters This medicine d.ics not stimulate and contains no w hisky nor other iutoxican but acts as a Ionic and alterative. Ii acis mildly mi the stomach anil bowels adding slieiiili ami givinir to lie oliraiw, tliereby aiding .Nature iu the pel fot ul the functions. Elei lrie Pillers is at', excellent ropi tizerand aid-, ilo.'eslion. 01,1 People find it just exnelb ttl:; it thev need. Price 50c and 1 pe. bolile at Chin nmn A Co. 'a Urng Store, CASTORIA For Infants and Children. fae- gj? ' it ra CASTOniA.. vs Tl f-.s- f la n Vti hi lini'.t t!Mturi Is n mi? G.ii".' len's Arnica Salve. Tin- : ltr'iises I'.K-T MA C 111 lot , r.-s, l' ici'is, : Sores, Tetter, Chilbhoii".', I'. ri;s, us, and iwiiivelv r . , 1 1.. 1 T'ltS nit Kln'iiii), C'l'tpOi (I fiml ai! SI-in cnifs I'll-.- I Fever I 11.111 lU'. Pi uj !i or mi p iv r -('i;i o.'. It is L'ivi' l-.'l ll'i'l xntmfiii' linili.l. Tlii'i' I'.'i rents S.tlo Lv ('lull iii:lll A I'o. l'il:il.llltl'i .1 'i' 1 r iii.'in'y i'- ii 1 1 . I'm "orlW ANTKD - TKI'.-TWiMtl II Y AND AlTIVK; ivnile ne ' : P ib.-s ti. 1 n, vi-i f.-r ie; ,irsi;.l,., t ! et'ii.lil e.l l...iie 111 Ou'jvii. Monthly Ci'Cl 11 ml i-Np. li I'li-itini ste:i'lv Ki fi'ieitee. 1 iu-i.-m' s- Iff,.! Pes,-.! s'!.tnp.'.' i-livclope. '1 1,0 t.iiiaiin Cii!i-i.iiy. I 'i pt. , I ii cugo. AN OPEN To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "C ASTORIA," AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. 7, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, cf Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now Jl$7T5' 011 mr bear the facsimile signature cf Czf&Zik wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes cf the Mothers cf America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at ihe wrapper and see that it is e you have always bought ' on the and has the signature . cft wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company cf which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. March S, 1S97. 2 s ,P. Do Wot Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind Yon Have Always Bought" BEAR'S THE FAC-SIMiLE SIGNATURE CF Insist on The Kind That Never Failed You. THE CJNTAUJt OOWMNV, TT MURRAY BTRCCT, HEW YORK OITY. ...The Most Desirable Suburb.. ADJOINING OREGON CITY AND r is all within one mile of the center of the city and is con nected by an improved plank road. Healthy location, fine view, cood air. soil, water and drainasre and a first-class public school adjoining. With all the advantages of the city and but a 1 5 minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this a very desirable place of residence and bound to grow in popularity. Choice Lots ready for the garden from $100 to $150 on easy monthly installments with liberal discount to home build ers. Call on or address. T. L. CIUinUN, Trustee, BEFORE and AFTi-n rrriWEMK ,trr.stte.u ,'.r.,"RhISL",h,f nt tmnbM with '1'l.n ieiv,oiiR'.ii;vr" are mitt lie FpoLittttiM, Sli A writH-n Bunrnntw eiveu an'l mi'incy if mi liox ii 00 a bo" six .ir M.0J, by null. Bond for raitM cire.ilnr and ui ' Adilreaa 0AVO& KKJIB ., P. O. Bex 2076. Bon ' ' hr.mi'MII v:io"im..o. '7 . . , , , . u .. - OKO. A. 'To Wivitcur i.-v v ".v,: r, r, 1 .Mr.., rifA-m EKRYBODY- If you suffer from any of the I ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacihc Coast, DR. JORDAN A CO.. k 1051 Market SL Est i J 862. 1 . Vounir men and middle , air.cU Hln who are sintering I from the effects of youthful indiscretion or ex- cesses 111 malurer ve.irs, Nervims ana t nvsit.u Ilbllit.'-,liiipit'urj'.i. ..Hiiii."... inallincoinplii-ntioiHi iTiiiiurriiu-, lronorrhiris, SJoiionlin-n. Wlffd rpiiinrr of 1'rliiitiiiiK. etc. By a combination of remedies, of treat curative now- ( iIia l),M-tir has to arranged his treatment that it will not only afford immediate relief but . permanent cure. The 1 tor d. s not claim to pertorm nuracles, out is wpii-kuowii iu a i.. , and souare Plivsieian and Surceon, rre-enunent 111 nis spet lauy ir invnn, r. vi ... ... Sf rli ' thorough! y rnulicattit i foul the iA sV-ni wlthoutiising Mr-mir? MA ui.,,l' to m will ro- ; j ; 1 , CtJtveonrh'.iiMloiiiil.'iiot hiHroniplidnt. H ewi.'liiii.iroiiftra i'zi u ic j rrrry cne trc ttiidertate, or orf One 'A lioiiMitnii Kiiimrs. loinulta'ion tKlfc am smcny private. CUAKUES F.Hy KKASOHAISIE. Treat-n-ent personally or hv letter. Semi for btwV, " The lMiilosoithy of Itlartiase," fre (A valiuble book for men.) ' . ! VISIT UK. JOHD.4S' Groat Museum of Anatomy the finest and largest Museumof its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you are made: how lo avoid sickness and dise-tse. i le are connnii:iiiv auon'R n-w si.iu,cu. r.l r.OtrCA' i'A'Ai fail or write, 1061 Market Street. Sail Francisco. Cl MEN! be cured 1 1 $-a LETTI Having PRACTICALLY A PART OF IT. Cliarniau Bros, ;!ock "CUF1DEME" This ureal Ve.' ..tiible ti'inof a (anions i'ronch pkvmtlun.will quicKiycureyouoi an ncr. or liU.-iweM dl' tlie BtnuTiiove (.riTiii.M, ruc'Ii Lost Manhood, in-it'ir iia. ri'i. aIntliB'icU,8e:uliial Kuiis3lon3, Ni'rvnna Dpbillty, l im-ils, 'iTi.heiesa tn Jtiarri", Kxluiistaiit Drains, Vurioorple and Cunit'n ;t'o:i. it 8te liil 1o:'3cm bv liav , r nlRht. Iji-vmiis qnlnll n. mi (ll-r:.;r-( v. ..ieaU'iiotclipHte.l Ik1 t11Hpern111tnrrl1n.11 and BiTth horror-U Iir.iwtKcr. 'i;FlKSiF.oleimeaMUver, UW ki,..i..vr.iHl tafiiirlniirvonraimol ull UapuriUcs. i if Ris bnxcB does not eliect a iieruiineutcuro. .HI V I I Ci'StlDUllllUUi. , i. San Francisco, CaU JbrWet" UAKUINU, DrujiKiet, Oienon City KLONDIKE" iXkwo Alono a t4ii'1irrrpPNT MooclS AtU CAUIBER6 iV l"j . rur-y are rue. i,M fare's SOLD V!RYm Weak Bon Bade Vigorous r-MT sn-'tw rsisw ensfw WuSl FEFF&R'S KERV1G0R DidI It acts powerfully and qaleltly - Ceres wnerj all orhers Ltd Vounu men regain lost meunood: eli inen n. -over vouthiul vir;or. Alisolutely nnr rtniecd lo Cnprt ServoiisneHrt. Lout ttiilK.v. iMipoioni y. Mclnly l"missioii, I.ost i'mvi f, eltlieii-se:j, F.illlng Wi'iuor) , iwtiint uib-i-mr4, 'Hid u.'i ffift" r.l frif-fihuM w nnwt Unit cri.-. Wat da eft liisar.ltv and roastmtlca. L'v.'tlet drugget iinposeawouliless fur; iltine ..n yt.u bM5'.'.isi it vie!i-.s a t-'rst. r protit. Insist on lie.v 'ut IM- I'KIfH i ! K Vl B.or wild tur it l':;n ; iai ikd In e.-t piK'ket. Prepaid, plain wrnpp. r. t inrbox, oro for $A, wlih A Written tiuir ain.-u.lot wfr lit fiiud Money. Psnipb'et fnt Vt.i' 'X-'i-il ili.lit'At. ASS'N, Chlcaso, ill. N i t I'i v l itruiitii A GP.LGCN CITY TSANSPCRTATiCN CO S Str. Altona Will take Dally Tiips IUuv.-en OREGON CITY no PORTLAND I'Oi-iland for Sulem mid way- Ui'diniis t ii:ir a ti'., and Oregon t l , al ul-. ul 3 p. in. 1 VJANP-D - rKIVrWcKHIY AND ACTIVE ; t." ib ineli o Im.Ii. lo iravel lor r.-p"'iitl le. c-ii.Mished house In on . si ami i!...s, . l'i s;ti, u si, adv. Uffclffiv. s, it .!dl-,s-. d sli lilLi d eiiv, 'Ihe I i.liduiva I'oiopai y. t'ept. V, t liieato. I TO THE BAST ttlVKU THK CHOICK OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES VIA GREAT NORTHERN RY. SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL . VIA fire DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS CIT1 LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY S 0AY5 .....FOR. SAN FRANCISCO for ftrll details call on or nil'liens W. H. HH ItLBUKT . Gen'l I'bhh .li'unt, '"kti, r, 1 11 Trains arrive and depart torn Portland r.i follows: Depurl No.2 Korall Easti-ru points via Olefin i-ho.t Line 9:00 p. m ' No. 4 Tiie Kpukane r Iyer and Gieat Norllieiii 2:15p.m. Arrive No. 1 From the East via Oregon Short Line 7:45 a.m " No. 3 From Spokane 11:45 u.ul For furlher information call on 0. K. & N. Ajjent, F. E. DONALDaON, Oh g n City, Oregon. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THE S0UTHEKN PACIFIC CO. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily Smith. North. 9:311 A. K 8 4(1 A. M 8:0(lP. U ' 6 W p.m. I Lv PorllniHl Ar i!:fi'2p. M. I Lv Orenon City Lv Ar Ban r raneisco lv 1 The above trains stop at all stations between Portland and Sulem, Turner, Marion, .letlot- snn, Albany, TaiiKent. Sheilds, Ilalsey, Harris. bnrir, Junellon cny, irvniK, r-URene, ureswen, (.'ottiixe tirove, urnins, au.l all stations (roio. Koseuurg to Asmaiiu, inclusive. ItDKBURU MAIL DAILY. 8:S0a.m. , Lv Portland Ar 9:27a.m. Lv Oregon dty Lv :t:Siip.n 5:20 P. M. I Ar Roseburu l.v I 1: u A. M DININH CARS ON OODKN rtOHTK. PULI.MAti BUFFET ULhEPKHS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Altai-lied to nil Through Trains. 1VI Side tMvlHlon, Ki.twi.rl. ltlBTl.AM ami CUItVAl.I.JS MAILT ItA IN B41I.Y I BXCEP1 SUNDAY.) 7::!0A.M. I l.v Portland Ar VCdP.M li:lS P. M. I Ar Corviilli l.v I l:l.t- r. Jl t . Allinnv and Oorvaliis oonnect with train of Oregon Central it Kaslem K. K. EXPttUSS TRAIN DAII.y(KXOEl'TSrjNDAY.I I N) P. M. I Lv Portland Ar I 8:'2S A.M 7.SUP. M. Ar Mi'Minnville l.v 5:.J'A.M Direct connection nt Sun Kraneivco wltU Occtdculal and Oriental unit Paeilic Mail sieMinslnii Lilies for J AN AND IHTNA, Sailing dat. s on appliction. Itntes and tickets to esstern points and Kurope r.lso JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUSThAl.IA, cull be obtained from E. E. IIOVU, Airent, OrfEon City R. KOKHI EH, C. It. MAhKHAM, Maimg-r, Asst. I-. A H. Agent Portland, Oi. Portland, Or. VI.V LIBRARY CAR ROUTE .America's Sceiilu I.ili. Meals Dining Car, Rock Ballast No Dust TUK Al.' -UA!l, LOl'TR TO KOOl'ENAl MINIXU DISTRICT VIA 8KATT1.E AM) Sl'OKANK. Stiortsst and Quickest Route 10 PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, CULU1H, ST. i AND ALL POINTS KAisT. Tlirmiih li!.rr ! n hi'i mill I'm! Tti" si SV, rrf rnrii O.'.j 1 Oi .(-ll f Vir.-:. KKKVIC E AM) M ! t K I'M CI 1 FI Vor tickets tu:d ad.iress all f'l I 1' fonenlion r: 11 i n (it A P. ('. DKNMSTON, c '. T. A.. I ci tlaurl. Or. gm C. f-TEVENS. (1. W. P. A., Sesltlc. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. i ! ! ; 1 TRADE MARKS, PESICN3, COPYRIGHTS AO. Anyoc-2',T.'!lnfl: a Ut ih and dpcr)rton may OuU'tii ,u'i l :ti n, free, whether uit tuventiou Is Vrolviiilv t'H'.entM'i, Cutniiiimietttioiis sirictiy eomldentiiil. !f lott nreiioy furHitMinr.H ittnt4 iu Am'.'riL'x Wc have a Vu?.liini:tiiu (.fliea. Patent! tKon throu;U Muim X Co. rtscuif ipociiU uot.Cb iu tl,a cniFMTim out AMERICAN, i!lu'rntxt, lertest cimilatton of pi:' st o'li ,j..uru:.l. weekly, terms Wxu r yearj J'.Alisix nvoitlis, tpeeiuien copies and 11A.ND Buuk UN Paikxts lent free. Addresa M'ONN A. CO., Sl liroadnay. New Vark. 1 pffl