Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, October 22, 1897, Image 7

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    in prizes to make twice as many people
ask their grocers for Schillings Best baking
powder and tea.
Schillings Best baking powder and tea are
because they are money -back.
vJ!j!Sf wornot SAFE a,thouh
S'i7 'C CVery Package of baki,,S l,owder: yeI1w ticket in Urn
xeaj send a ticket with each word to address below before December 3isi.
Until October ,5th two words allowed for every ticket; after that only on,
word for every ticket.
Jt JIT'3' am finds the that person gets f 2000.00; if several find
it, Jaooaoo will be equally divided among them.
wJrfTIT SendlnE 3 brWn r ye"ow ticket wi" receive 8 set of cardboard
creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one
envelope will rece.ve an 1S98 pocket calendar-no advertising on it. These
weepinj bab.es and pocket calendars will be different from the ones offered in
toe last contest.
Better cut these rules out.
The records of eighty-eight years
Bhow that tornadoes have a width "of 10
to 1-0,560 feet, a longth of track of 300
yards to 200 miles, and a velocity of
progression of 7 to 100 miles an hour.'
W carry the most complete line of Gvmiiasiuro
and Athletic lioous on the Coast.
Bend lor Our Athletic Catalogue.
818-890 Market St., Kan 1' ranol.co, Cat.
win cure you of Dys.
pepsia, Indigestion,
- - - oliu awilllLtll liUUUiUtl
ol all kinds. Price. 1. On receipt f same we
will deliver it at your nearest express office tree
of charge.
....FRANK NAU....
Portland Hotel Pharmacy. .
Sixth and Morrison atreet, POHTLANu, OR.
Portland, Oregon . .
A. P. ARMSTRONG, ll.b., Prin. J. A. Wesco, Sec'y
Itm prafluble mploymnt to bandreda of aur frftdnata., tad
win to tbouiftoda nor. Send for our eatatof at.
Lamm wntt aud bow w twh. Vwtlj,
Weakness gf Heh
Quickly, Thoroughly, Forever Cared
by new perfected scientific
method that cannot fail
nnleus the oane is beyond
human aid. Yon feel im-
C roved the first day, feel a
enetit every day, soon know
yoarhelf a king araoog men
in uuuj, mum ana nearw
i uraine and looses ended.
Eyery obstacle to nanny
married life removed, fterve
Inrr.m. will. ntrfr. nhn
failing or lost, are restored by this treatment All
weak portions of the body enlarged and strength
ened. Write for our book, with explanations and
proofs. Sent sealed, free. Over 2,000 references.
Yon cannot afford to let physical weakness
stifle ambition and mar your future. If yon
are not the man you should be at your Rue; if
yon have wasted your strength ; if yon feel th
need ef a remedy that will bring bacK the vigor
f youth, that will restor your energy and
your strength, do not beaitate. Get that grand
cat of all remedies,
The color in my face Is looking much better
and I feel tine. Ihavetlept well since tiling
your Bolt," writes Louis Engela, Fairfield,
Uiab, on August 2, 1897.
Illnstrated, is sent frco, sealed, by mail, to
all who write, or it may be had at th office
upon application. Every young, middle-aged
r old man aufferlng from the slightest ak
aes should read it. It will show a safe and
aptedy way to regain manlr strengtn when,
everything else baa failed. Call or addresa
SS3 West Washing! no SU, I'ortland, Or.
Pletue mention thil Paper.
C Ht lore" h " e t h iVc! " "
Vita. WiNsutwa booTHnro Svacr mould alwayi be 1
t use for children uelhlng. Itsootbea ti-e child, ov 4
Lciis tb g-nmi. allaya all pnln. coroa wind mile and fa 4
tb beat rimdT (ordivThtxa. Twantr nrm euu a i
bottle. It I. th beat ol all. J
) mm um
Send for Catalogue (i T n 1 1 p n
I I Bart Ooivb utif.Tuw Qoua. Cm 1 1
1 tntlaa, Bnld by drofglita f 1
ys V 7 F
I K r r iS or Pest on them.
1 1VL.L.VJ Send lor ou r do
scriptive price list FREE.
BUELL LAMBERSDS, Portland, Oregon
Toothache, as an excuse for absence
from duty, is not recognized in the
postofflce of Geneva, Switzerland
When an employe complains of an ach
ing tooth a government doctor pulls it
.ot of worldly goods, but of all earthly com
fort, is the poor wretch tormented bv malaria.
1 he foil scourge is, however, shorn of its thornr
in advance by Hoatetter's Stomach Bitters, its
only sore preventive and remedv. Dvsreusia.
biliousness, constipation, rheumatism, ner
vousness and kidney complaints are also
among the bodily afflictions which this bene
ficent medicine overcomes with certainty. Use
it systematically.
There is a 15-year-old widow at Cov
ington, Ky. The girl was married a
year ago to a 19-year-old boy, all the
parents consenting. Her husband died
a few days ago.
For Women to Remember.
That in addressing Mrs. I'inkhnm they
are communicating with a woniitii a wo
man whose experience in treating woman's
ills is greater than t hat of any living physi
cian male or female.
A woman can talk freelv to a woman
when it is revolting to relate her private
troubles to a mini besides, a man does not
understand -simply- because, he is a man.
Many women suffer in silence and drift
along trom bad to worse, knowing full well
that they should have immediate assist
'inrift. hut. a ,nit.iM.ul m.tlou-., 11
... ...,vut. muutn iiiiyms uieiu
to shrink from exposing themselves to the
nneKtiillia onrl rtiKaKlu A-...:
n ,,.,u ..uluu,, VAmiillimiUIlH OI
even their family physician. It is unnec
essary. Without nionev or price you can
consult a woman, whoso knowledge from
actual experience is greater than any local
physician living.
1 he following invitation is freely offered;
accept it in the same spirit :
Women suffering from any form of fe
male weakness are invited to freely com
municate with Mrs Pinkham, at Lynn,
Mass. All letters are received, opened,
reud and answered by women only, thus
has been established the eternal conudence
between Mrs. Pinkham and the women of
America which has never been broken and
has induced more than 100,000 sufferers to
write her for advice during the last four
months. Out of the vast volume of exper
ience which she has to draw from, it is
more than possible that she has gained the
very knowledge that will help vour case.
She asks nothing in return except your
good-will, and her advice has relieved
thousands. Kurely, anv woman, rich or
poor, is very foolish if she does not take ad
vantage of this generous offer of assistance.
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn.
Mass. ,
A postofflce clock in Sydney, New
South Wales, emits an eleotric light
flash lasting five seconds every hour
during the night, thus enabling those
living miles away to ascertain the exaet
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded diseaae
that science has been able to cure in all lisstaees
and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the
only positive cure now known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a conatitutlonal dis
ease.requiresaconsiitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cnre is taken internally, acting directly
npon the blood and mucous surfaces of the svs
tem, therebv destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient irrencrth by
building up the constitution and assisting
nature in doing its work. The proprietors have
so mush faith in its curative powers, that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for anv case that it
fails to cure. Bend for list of tedlinonials,
Address, F. J. CHKNEV, diCo., Toledo, O.
Bold by druggists, 76c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
The effloiency of the Christian En
deavor aeEooiation as a religious agency
is accounted for by the fact that, it con
tains twioe as many women as men.
All Eastern Syrap, so-called, nsuallv verv
light colored and of heavy bodv, is made from
glucose. "Tm Gvden Dript"' is made frm
Sugar Cane and is strictlr pure. It is for sale
by Urst-ciass crocers, in cans onlv. Manufac
tured by the Pacific Coast bTKVP Co. All gen
uine "Tea (iarilrn JJript" have the manuiac
turer'i name lithographed on every can.
Sweet oil, with a little vinegar added,
will restore the leather backs and seats
of chairs.
For lung and chest diseases, Piso's Core
is the best medicine we have used. Mrs.
J. L. Nortucott, Windsor, Out., Canada.
Keeping a pan of water in the oven
will keep fowls from scorching.
Try Schilling ! Best tea and baking powder.
A legal working day in Russia after
the 1st of next January will be eleven
hours and half, but this doei not ap
ply to Siberian mines.
Only 37 per oent of the capital of
tbii country ia owned by men holding
between $100,000 worth and 11,000,000
worth of property.
Rondside Watering Place.
Along country highways are many
opportunities to tap a runniug stream
or a hillside spring, and so ; lace the
water at the command of passing
teams. Frequent watering places along
hot and dusty roads not only show the
humanity of the Inhabitants, but If
made attractive they show as well a
progressive, up-to-date spirit that Is
quite sure to Impress travelers favora
bly. A little effort will make these
wayside watering places very attract
ive. A design is suggested herewith
that can be followed to advantage
where water can be brought to the road
in a pipe from higher ground. The tank
Is made of cobble stones, cemented. The
roof can be supported by bent Iron rods,
or by wooden posts, the lower ends In
either case being Imbedded In the ce
ment and rocks. Get shrubs and vines
growing about, and over, such a struc
ture, and the place will l"ok especially
Inviting, and will be an ornament to
the neighborhood In which It stands,
Such work marks thrift and "public
splritedness" on the part of the Inhab
itants. American Agriculturist.
A Fall Chicken Coon.
In the fall the small coops scattered
about get too small for the growing
chicks. It Is not convenient to put
them Into the permanent quarters with
the older fowls, nor is it wise to allow
them to shift for themselves out of
doors, roosting on fences and In apple
trees. A simple plan to meet the fall
requirements of chickens Is shown In
the accompanying cut, from the Orange
Judd Farmer. Four stakes are driven
Into the ground, and a bit of roof frame
nailed to the top. Over this is stretched
and tacked the cheapest kind of cotton
cloth, a door and ventilating openings
being arranged as shown in the sketch.
Perches can be nailed from corner post
to corner post, diagonally, and the
growing chicks kept there till the
weather becomes cool enough to make
winter quarters necessary. The cloth
COOP FOB fi UOWI.NO cuickh.
can then be taken off and saved for an
other season.
Binding Corn Stalks.
Whoever lias tried to bind green corn
stalks knows the provoking frequency
with which the green bands will snap
at their Joint. We have found a bundle
of rye straw taken to the corn field the
cheapest and most easily procured ma
terial with which to do the binding.
But where It can be procured a bundle
of osier willow stems, six to eight feet
long, will answer the purpose better.
The willow will not break. It can be
grown In some out of the way place, too
wet to grow anything else, and, besides
Its use for binding corn stalks, It may
be used for many other purposes on
any farm. Exchange.
Painting Roofs.
The roof wears out, uuless kept paint
ed, faster than will any other part of
a wooden building. It pays better to
keep the roof painted than It does the
sides, and It will also need to be paint
ed oftener. Wnen shingles are used
from clear, straight-grained wood and
kept always painted, they will last a
very long time. One of the advantages
of painting roofs Is to keep water from
the nails, whose rusting soon rota the
wood where they are driven.
Sudden changes In the temperature
materially affect the flow of milk. Ev-
ery farmer has noticed how much the
now or miiu nas diminished when the
weather suddenly turns cold at night
Therefore, we should see to It that the
I cows are protected from sudden
changes In the weather.
An exchange gives the following for
dehorning calves: Go to a drug store,
get a stick of caustic potash. Pat It
la a bottle nd cork tight till needed.
M 1) tvillSl jf n
Wln calf Is ten days old, wrap a rag
around the stick of potash (to protect
your hands), secure the calf, clip hair
over horn buttons, and apply potash on
the horn only. Rub until hair and hide
are off, no more. Avoid any water.
Keep calf dry. One cent and fifteen
minutes time, with good judgment,
make a muley of any calf.
Mixed Feed for Stock.
Every successful feeder of fattening
stock understands that to get the best
results a variety of food must be given.
But If animals are to be kept in merely
store condition, It Is supposed that tills
is less important. Really, however,
there Is as great waste from illy bal
anced rations when the feed Is all of
one kind In one case as In the other.
The stomach cannot use the nutrition
which the food contains, unless all the
kinds of nutrition that the system
craves are present. It is ouly the food
enten with appetite that does good.
There Is nothing like having sufficient
variety to stimulate appetite.
Wrinkles Tell.
"The popular Idea that the age of a
horse can always be told by looking at
his teeth," said a veterinary surgeou,
"Is not entirely correct.. After the
eighth year the horse has no more new
teeth, so that the tooth method Is use
less for telling the age of a horse which
is more than eight years old. As soon
as the set of teeth Is complete, however,
a wrinkle begins to appear on the up
per edge of the lower eyelid, and a new
wrinkle Is added each year, so that to
get at the age of a horse more than
eight years old you must figure the
teeth plus the wrinkles."
Qunlity of Harness.
There is no poorer economy than In
buying a poor harness because it is
cheap. Well tanned leather with due
care will resist dampness, and will keep
sound a long time. Harness should
never be kept in the stable. There Is
too much ammonia In stables, which
will quickly cause a harness to rot.
When used In warm weather the har
ness should be cleaned often, and kept
soft and flexible with oil.
Homemade Jelly Press.
The Rural New-Yorker gives direc
tions for making a good jelly press. A
cooking steamer with large holes In the
bottom Is fitted with a circular board
cover and placed under pressure, as
Bhown. The steamer rests on a board
that Is perforated and that is raised
above another board that Is grooved to
catch the juice and conduct It Into a
pan below. The bottom of the steamer
cannot thus be pressed out of shape.
The hinged lever presses a wooden
block down upon the lid,- being steadied
by an upright fastened to the block on
which the press stands. Extract tho
Juice quickly, as the crushed fruit
should not stand long In a metal vessel.
Orchard and Garden.
Sawdust Is good mulch for all kinds
of small fruit.
If done early, spring Is the best time
to set out trees and plants.
Strawberries, If well mulched, are
less affected by change of weather.
After the orchard Is In bearing It does
not pay to continue to crop It.
All pruning and transplanting should
be done before the leaves start out well.
"Poultry for the plum trees and swlno
fer the apple orchard" is a good rule.
A safe rule with flower seed la to
plant them about five times their diam
eters. Tobacco water Is one of the best rem
edies to destroy bugs and worms on
rose bashes.
ttesin and tallow In equal parts make
a good covering for wounds made In
pruning fruit trees.
Starvation and neglect are the great
causes of unfruitfulness with many un
profitable orchards.
one advantage In using commercial
fertilizers In the garden Is their free
dom from weed seeds.
Small fruit growing may not pay the
farmer away from market, bu he can
grow fruit for his own use.
Only well rotted manure should be
used In the potato patch, and It should
be well worked In with the soil.
Keep all dead and faulty limbs cut
off of fruit trees as a protection against
further decay.
Agricultural Notes.
Keep the wagon well greased.
Burn up the brush on the place.
Grain feeding of cows In summer
helps the fertility of the soil.
Remember that you were once a boy
yourself, unless you are a woman.
Fresh top-dressing of pastures Is an
Insult to stock if It Is turned on them.
A new variety not suitable to yout
soil and climate Is worse than an old,
Inferior variety that Is.
'Got cheated In a farm machine that
I bought of a farmers' supply house,"
writes a subscriber. Buy of a reliable
concern next time.
'Mary bad a little lamb," and her
father sold It, but the money be got for
It did not pay for the Injustice be did
the child. Plowman.
One ripe summer, fresh and fair, hits
gone glimmering. What with rain and
breeze and fair sun, the harvest has left ua
grain enough to feed the world, and hard
times are broken by a kindly Hand. Hut
autumn changes come, and we cannot be !
too sen-content not to guard against, what
autumn brings. It is the changeful tem
pemture of midday warmth and night and
morning chill, from the dampness of dews
or vapors cast adrift on eastern winds.
With the breath of such comes back to
very many old time physical troubles of
pains and aches, rheumatism, neuralgia,
Boreness and stiffness. This is a crop not
spoken of in a farmer's almanac, but it
must be cared for, else it will lav waste and
grow misery. St. Jacobs Oil is a reaper
and binder; it reaps the field of pain and
binds up and cures. There is no bodily
pain it won't relieve, and to the whole
group of rheumatic puins, it is a certain
and specific cure. Let not the bounties
that nave been reaped he marred by misery
and pain. St. Jacobs Oil is the helper t'o
eujoy the better times.
The trap rooks of New Jersey and the
dolerites of Staten Island are the
strongest stones in the United States, j
their crushing resistance being I
twenty-four pounds to the oubio inch, j
Among the portraits recently acquir
ed by the trustees of the National Por- '
trait Gallery, in London.'ia that of Sir
Franois Ronalds, (1788-1873), the in
ventor of the first working eleotrio tele
graph. !
The largest fruit farm in the world is
aid to be in Olden, Mo. It consists .
of 2,500 acres, on which are more than
100,000 peach trees, 60,000 apple trees, !
2,000 pear trees, and 40 acres of blaok- i
berrios. I
Chickens are muoh bettor if killed
and dressed the day before using.
Keep in ioe or in a cool place.
, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, Ilyannis, Massachusetts. ,'
was tU originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same
that has borne and does now ' on every
bear the facsimile signature of CztffZgfa wrapper
Tlds is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been
used m the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at tl wrapper and see that it is
the hind you have always bought Slf?? on th
and has the signature o f Lfflo&tU wrap
per. JVo one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company of which Chas. II. Fletcher is
President. .
March 8, 1897. . QrfL & U-. ,p.
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute
which som, druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennie
oa it), the ingredients of which even he docs not know.
"The Kind You Have Always Bought"
Insist on Having
Kind That Never Failed You.
... ....
-n perrect type oi me nignest onler of excellence In mannfactnre." jT
If mail
It ft
&w Mil
Vf Eatabliahed
0 i?o.
t U
' - Jt-. in
Hercuhi Special
f2 actual horsepower)
Price, only SlSS.
Stopl Women,
And consider that In addressing- Mrs.
Pinkham you are confiding your private
Ills to a woman a woman whose ex
perience in treating woman's diseases
is greater than that of any living phy
sician, male or female.
You can talk freely to a woman when
it is revolting to relate your private
troubles to a man; besides, a man does
not understand, simply because he is a
Women suffering from any form of
female weakness are invited to promptly
communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at
Lynn, Mass. All letters are re
ceived, opened, read, and answered by
women only. A woman can freely
talk of her private illness to a woman.
Thus has been established the eternal
confidence between Mrs. Pinkham and
the women of America which has never
been broken. Out of the vast volume
of experienn which she has to draw
from, it is more than possible that she
has gained the very knowledge that
will help your case. She asks nothing
in return except your good will, and
her advice has relieved thousands.
Surely any woman, rich or poor, is very
foolish if she does not take advantage
of this generous offer of assistance.
IU'VTIlltR and PILES onred; no pay an
k til cured: send for boot, lilis. M anhhiild
PuRTKitriKLu, 8.18 Market St., Ban Francisco.
N. P. X. V.
No. 43, '7.
II KN wrttlfiff to at.vertinerf pU
mention tam paper
. ' . "r
Baker & Co.'s $
Absolutely Pure Delicious Nutritious. $
Costs Less than One Cent a Cup. t)k
Direct from the manufacturer and save middleman'! profit, aa
wa undersell tliem all. Our garments ara custom made and lint
like those thrown toKlher In New York awi at-ilmns, where filth
and diaeaxe reiffn. Our garments are guaranteed as lo durabil
ity and style. Our prices on fur (Japes ratme from H nmvarda;
on Fur Collarettes, from lt upwards! Neck Moan, from 76c up
wards; genuine Alaska Ken 1 km (iannents made from 150 u
wardn. Write for Information and catalogue.
let(i Leading Fur Manufnntursr,
Power that will nave you money and
make you money. Hercules Engines
are tbe cheapest power known. Burn
Gasoline or Distillate Oil; no smoke,
tire, or dirt. For pumping, running
dairy or farm machinery, they have no
equal. Automatic In action, perfectly
safe And reliable.
Send fur illustrated catalog.
Hercules Gas
Engine Works
Bay St, San FraucUco, Cat.