... t 5 w..4to wis..iifflwww.J.)..,WMtt.lf,. OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W. CHENEY. nrjlia ii-irtr'JityrMito'HjniissdCond'Clast r atter SUBSCRIPTION BATES. If paid In advance, per year .... 1 50 One year .2 00 Six months 00 Three moulh 5q fl-The date opposite yonr address on the s.pe.r denotes I he time to which you ha?e paid . PATRONIZE HOME IJHDI7STKY. OREGON CITY, OUT. 22, 1897. IN CIRCULATION. The report of the secretary of the treasury October 1, showing the finan cial conditions for the month of Septem ber, puts the money ''in circulation" at $1,678,84D,538. Under this head he puts f528,0'J8,7.)3 in gold ; in gold certificates $30,898,559; in "Sherman notes" $98, 616,003; in green backs $251,795,544 ; in currency cirtificates $52,R2-i,(iOO. Now every one knows that there is no gold in circulation except a little on the Pacific elopes. $50 1,000,00') of thegold reported to be in circulation is locked up in bank vaults and nothing but a charge of dry dynamite blowing up the vaults would put any part of it in circulation. Not a dollar of the gold certificates nor of the silver certificates is in circulation. A few of the old, worn greenbacks of the one, two, and five dollar sizes are cir culating and this is true of the Sherman notes as well. Not ten per cent alto gether of these two kinds of legal tender is outside of the bank vaults where they keep company with the gold and Bilver certificates. From the $1,078,810,538 which the treasury repwts in circulation we have taken the amounts above given, that is, $1,107 173,998 hidden in the vaults of the banks, leaving less than $(!00,0:)0,00 ss the actual circulating medium for over 73,01.0,0 )0 people, that is a little over eight dollars, instead of $22.89 us the treasury reports. This report shows that only a little over $90, 000,000 of this sum is legal tender money, nd it shows that Secretary Gage, in di red violation of a mandatory law, has impounded in the treasury a fourth of all the greenbacks. AN INCOXSISTANCY. There seems to be a little inconsistancy in the position of Secretary Guge and his financial friends, wheii viewed from wo poiuiB oi onservatum. rney are worried about accepting the $50,000,000 to be paid for (lie Union 1'acific railroad, lest it will contract the currency too much ; yet they propose, "at one full iwoop," to retire some $350,000,000 of paper currency now in circulation. 1 he average citizen, who of course, however, "doesn't know anything about finance," cannot understand why it would be tlangei-Gus or disastrous to take $50,. t)00,000 out of circulation temporarily toon to drift back into circulation again it it would bo fafu and advantageous to completely (h slroy ho veil times that much money. Or, to put it the other way, if Mr. Gage and his friends are afraid to tuke the smaller amount nut of circulation temporarily, how can they uphold a proposition to erimment y retire, and di slroy, the much larger Itmoiint of our paper currency? Tort land Tribune. THE OKU A NS. Of course tlieie are few men here who want ollico, but no one ui iuainted with thorn would dub them poli ieiuns. Ore gon City Press. It is agreeable news to the country that there are but few Oregon City aspiraniB for olliee. What an exception to former years, upon tho history of which we based our opinion of a c owd. But tho I'rcHs is somewhat ambiguous. Are wo to understand that there are also lew politicians in Oregon City and that these politicians are not candidates for nor can they be urged to accept olllre? Turn on more light. Canby Indepeu dent. What are these two llrownell talking about anyway? organs Statesman Ilanna said in a recent "speech ' that's w hat ho called it that "the republican party will settle the currency question and take it out of politics." The great president-discoverer and corrup ion-fund gatherer will find out in due time that the cur rency ipies ion will have settled the republican party and taken it out of politics, and buried him beneath the ruins so deep that he will never bo resurrected. On the HUh of last month, both houses of the Hawaiian congress ratified the annexation treaty. When the United States senate also ratifies the treaty, as there is no reason to doubt it will before the llrst of January, the affair will be complete, and the Ameri can Hag will Ho it over the palace at Honolulu, where it ought to have been Hying for tho last five years, Tim presidential election of lSlW was a realignment ot parties upon a revived issue. Democratic principles in all decade" of tho Republic have demanded the free coinage of silver. Both Jeffer son and Jackson urged this policy, and lso the theory that government should issue all paper money as a substitute for ' the credit operations of bulks. j Tub Hanna press will try and make the country believe from now until the elections are over in Ohio and Maryland that England has become very anxious all of a sudden for an international monetary conference. But the people will not be caught by such chaff any more than they can be made to believe the republican leaders and the Ilanna administration are friends of silver. Nor can the people be fooled by McKin- ley's silver record while in congress, when he voted with . Mr. Bryan. Carlisle was a leading champion of silver then. They have both been "ruined" since that time Carlisle by eating of the forbidden fruit offered by the Wall street serpent, and McKinley accepting an office purchased by the thirty million corruption fund raised by Ilanna from the banks, the British, the trusts, syndicates, monoplies and com bines. Ex. Call at tie new fish market, located on 7th St., near S. V. depot, where you will always find a fresh supply of all kinds of salt water fish, poultry and game in season, fine treeh oysters. Pan Willians has added to his stock of groceries and provisions a lull line oi feed and hays Goods delivered to all parts of the city free. Corner Seventh and Center streets Coque feather brasa, Miss Goldsmith, We have received a line at silver pi ate a ware, which will bn givoti to our patrons, The quality is a I extra coin silver plate 1487 Wm. A. Rogers. We solicit you to inspect the same at the store oft. Selling. Miss Rose Scheeland, of the LaMode Parlors, 3492 Morrison streets, Portland , between Seventh and Park, has the finest line of millinerv goods kept in the city. Don't fail to see her elegant stock when in Portland. It is a veritable bazar within itself. Go to Baum & Brandes, 145 First street, right on the Oregon City car line for your lunches and dinners. We make a specialty of ladies' and merchants' lunches; try them, only 25c. Agency for Mailland's candies. The Monopoly Breakers. There is a hot time in this town since the Reliable Clothing Store has opened. You can now buy clothing, boots and shoes with $10 more than you could 10 days ago with $20. You will find cloth ing, boots ami shoe stores cards suck out at reduced prices. Who did it the Reliable Clothing Store J therefore we claim your patronage. Schwartz & Michael, props. The cheapest place in Oregon City for clothing, men's furnish ing goods, boots and shoes. Main street, between 5th and 0th streets. The remarkable number of cures of gout and rheumatism which have fol lowed the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, point conclusively to the f ct that this remedy comes nearer being the specific for complaints of this nature than any other medicine in pharmacy. Dandruff forms when the glands of the skin are weakened, arid if neglected, baldness is sure to follow. Hall's Hair Renewer is the I test preventive. If you want a nice steak, roast or boil citll at Alhrig. t's shop and get some of his cold-storage meat which is acknow edged by all to be stur.M'ior to the in 3 its commonly sold at butchers' shops. lie also keeps on hand a full stock of lard, hams, bacon, etc., made by himself and warranted purest and wholesome, Ho meinber tho old established shop on Slain street. A'W'ireuf'ii Mmjazhie for November pres ents an interesting mid practical article ou China Tainting, which will solve for many tho perplexing question of "What to give for Christinas." Excellent de signs are furnished, with instructions for the use of color. School books and school supplies at Portland prices at Chardnti &. Go's, thn cut-cut jirica druggists. Every purchaser g its a tablet or pmusll fraa . . Catarrh In the Head, that trouble some and disgusting disease, may be en tirely cured by a through course of Hood's Sarsaparillti, the great blood puiiller. Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick head ache, indigestion, biliousness. All drug gists. 2.ic. Tun republican party promised the people a new deal in 18S14. Now it is proposed to ram down their throats the old deal, and a great deal of it. Salem Journal (Uep.) Itenuty In lllood. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Caseirels Cindy Cathartic ele.in your blood and keep it clean, by stitriim up the ia.y liver and driving all impurities from the body. Begin to-dav to banish iitnpls, boils. blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cnscareta, beauty for ten cents. All druggists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, L'Tc,' 50c. Two Millions a Year. When people buy, try, and buy again, it means they're satisfied. Tlio people of the United States are now buying Casearets Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million before New Years. It means merit proved, tlitit Casearets are tho most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All drug, gists 10c, 25, 50o a box, cure guaranteed. OASTOniA. Thi ha- unlit SlfMtUt LOCAL SUMMARY. For best groceries at cheapest price go to Marr & Muir. Justice court blanks 15 cents per dozen at Couribk office. Get Peacock flour if you love good bread, at Harris' Grocery. Get your paint and oils at Harris' grocery and save money. The cheapest and best line of crockery in Portland iR at Haine's Tea Store, 288 Morrison street. Fine new line of umbrellas and canes at Burmeisters & Andresens's Jewelry store. The cheapest place in town to buy your hosiery is at the Racket Store. If you want a fine lawn sow our fancy lavn grass seed now. E.E.Williams. the grocer. Inspect those adjustabj9 window screens at Bdllomy & Busch's. They are certain:y the right thing. For yonr strings and extras for all musical instruments go to Burtneister & Andresen's, who keep a full suddIs. Don't fail to see our variety of ladies', gents' and children's underwear, wool and fleeced lined, at the Racket Store. Prices right. Qu ility best. Timothy, clover, r.lsike, orchard grass, and other grass seed. E. E. Williams, thegrocer. Furniture upholstered and repaired at the Oregon City Auction. The finest gunpowder tea at 25c a lb in the city at Harris' grocery. Customers can leave orders for bottled beer, porter, steam beer or keg beer at Knapp's Bismark saloon. John G. Wil helru, pioprietor Sell wood brewery. Get your picture frames made at the the Oregon City Auction House at very prices. Golden fleeced knitting yarn, saxony and zephyrs, all colors, at the Racket Store. Ladies, come and see our corsets, atest styles in short corsets, also child ren's corset waists, at the Racket Store Try our cream Java and Mocha coffee, 3 lbs for $1. Harris' grocery. Prescriptions carefully compounded G. A. HardingVdrug store. For the best shave or hair cut to be had go to P.G. Shark's shop. Shaving 10 cents, County and city warrants, gold, silver, produce, wood, etc., taken at par for all accounts by the Oouriek. Dr. W . Wa dens, is now associated with D.J. W. Welch, dentist, in Wil lamette block. The most reliable goods at lowest living cash prices are kept by the grocery store of Marr & Muir. With a little cost one's rooms can be made as good and bright as new. Call at Holman's and see styles and pattern all up-to-date 1897 goods. Seventh street, near bridge. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds ol dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain crowns aitd bridge work h. xpi'eialiy. Office in Barclay building, corner Alain ami Seventh traetR. Important Contract Secure!. We are glad to inform our rearers that we have dosed a contract f .r adver tising No-To li.it; an I rase.-irets, the famous preparations nniiiiifiic.tnreil by Sterling iiomeily Co., of Chicago and New York. Tho Sterling Remedy Co., appreciate the value of this paper as an advertising medium, ard the compliment is tlio more marked, as the company is a conservative concern which sells' its products under an absolute guarantee to cure or money refunded. Every one of our ret id druggists is authorized to sell No To-Bac, guaranteed tobacco habit cure, and Uascarets guaranteed con stipation cure, under this absolute guarantee, and our readers need not hesitate to buy these preparations, as it involves no risk whatever, either physical or financial. . Diseases often lurk in the blood bi-fore rhey openly manifest themselves. There fore keep the blood pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla. NO CURE-JIO PAY. That Is the way nil drnnRlsts sell GItOVK'S TASTKI.KSS CIUU. TONb; fur Miliaria. Chills and Fever. Jt la simply iron and quinine In r nslchiss f n mil Children love it. Adults prefe at o hitler, n UKOiUlns Tonics, I'rice oOc. Fo aleliyC. (). II iiulley, lliunidM. SUMMONS. In the Circuit I'ourt of the Slnte of Oregon, fur iue lAiiiniy oi v itu Kiunus. L. K. Shullz, l'liilmilV, vs. .luincs Slmw, Hotly Sim, rue Oregon I'lly lieni Kstme Trust fo. (itruiruritti-itl, Knitr Knjovn. Mix I.iwh'Ii, Kuril tiirrns, Henry Kline, Kmnk Tntsrli, I.Hu renre Tnlscli, ,1. A. TritM'h, K. Y. (irinle. Wnl'lfiimr Knehn. n.l k.nnus Connly, U. iVintanis. To The Oreaon I'ity Kil Kslnte & TruM Co. (In corp.'r.ili'vl ), Kiispnr Knjnvu; Mux Lokmmi Imil Turrn--, Henry K'ins!. Kniuk Tri'seh, l.Hvuenee Trilseli. ,1. A. Trilseh, H. K. llnnle, WiiUlenmr Kiiehn, liefeiulnnU'. IN THK N.VMK I if TIIK SI'ATK Of OKKHOX: You mo liereliy teiiilre. .to appear Htni answer Ihe eompUint lile.l K'iinsi von in the ahovu entiil.nl suit hy tha tiist Uay of ihe next term of s.iiil conn, viz.: M.mclav, Novein her 1st, 1S.I7: anil if you fail answer for w nl thereof, Ihe plulntitV w ill applv to the t'ourt for the relieUlenianileil in Ihe eoninhmu herein, to wit : for the forvrtoctrr of a eertiiin mortitnite of f.MHitl.tKl with interest anil altornev's fees upon rhv followlni! tleseriheil miieny, to-wit. Beitin nitiK at a (Hiinl in the center of 'the eri'uon t'itv nl IVrllaiul wacon ro.nl whero 8 'rno erossi the line of land formerly ownwt hv the William DeiniMiton the nontli, ami ti. Y.' Moss on the north, heinn sl.10 chains wislerlv of the southwest eorner of the l. L. C. ot Uiram Struijtln ami wife; rheiuv north :!o ilesreeseasH.r! clialua to south hue if latnl formerly owiu'.l by Kmily Sniiih; thetic north SO ileirrt'es west traeititt south line of saiil Smith lan.i Sl.&i chains to Willamette river; thtnteo south ilesrees west 4 chains to southwert corner of aaiil D. L, 1 ; thenee Kuith M iteitrees iniimtes east .11.10 chains to place of ucKiuuiuK, oontaluiuit H acri'S, the same iu clinlliiK Moss Aihlition to Orvgon Citv as shown hy plat on tile of said tuljition.all Iti Clackamas Comity, State ol Oreiron. Ami that the eo,miy of nvlemprion of each of said ciefemlants therein bo foreclosed and forever barred. This sumuions is puldished by virtue ef n onlor tr.adc by l-oyal B. Siia.lis Jmk'e of the circuit courlof the State of Orenon for Multnomah County, dated tln ltth day of Si temlaT ts7. (Signed) C. U. A l. C. LATOI'RKITK, AttDrneys for Pmintlff. A!most Blind Scrofula Affect3 tho Eyes -Little Dsy Treated by an Oculist With out Relief -But Now He Is Well. " When ray little boy was three months old his c .''T3 fce&sivie very sore and ho was almost blind. I took him to an oculist who treated him for six months, and left him as bad ss he vas at the beginning. Irinplly Hood's SarsapariHa was recom mended and I began giving it to him. Ia less than three weeks he was ablo to go into the sun without covering hlz eyes, and today his eyes are perfectly well, and his ears mid nose, which were badly affected, are also well. Hood's Sarsaparilla has certainly done wonders for my boy." Mas. James H. Painter, Amador, California. Remember ' m Sarsaparilla1 the One True Blood Fnriftar. All druggists. $l.six for $5. Get Hood's. i ,, mit are the only pills to take riOOCl S FlIlS with Hood'a Sarsaparilla. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the ;oUBTy oi mackamas. Battle K. Iiufour, Plaintiff, 1 vs. Alexander Bufonr, Defendant. ) To Alexander llufonr, ilefenriant: . In the name of the state of Oreicoti.you are hpreliy required lo appear and answer the complaint tiled fiHninst you in tlje above entitled suit ill the above entitled court, ou or before the Brut day of the next term oi the said, court, utter six weeks publication of this HUlnimins to-wlt., ou or before Monday, the 1st diiy of November, 1K07. and if you fait so to ap pear and answer, Ilia phiintilf will apply to the court lor me rebel demanded in ttie complaint Tile relief demanded in the complaint is for a de cree dissolving the bonils of matrimony subsisting between plaintiff and defendant on the ground of de sertion and that plaintiff's name be changed to rauunurn: ana lor general renci. This numinous is published pursuant to an order made by Hon. Alfred K Hears, judge of the circuit conn ot the stale ot Oreg m lor Multnomah county. in tbi.' absence ot the Hon. llmmas A. Meni-i'l .iudJie of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Clackamas county, which order win duly made and ent red un the loth duy of September, 1K!7. CJUO. 8. SllKPHKllD, Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon fur the L;uuiny oi i; Kamas. The Alliance Trust Company, Id.. Plaintiff, vs. L Phelps. O. S. PhehiB, tiellio K, Smith, K. C. Smith Fannie Squires, Wm. HuuireK, Adtlie Smith, Jxliu Snii h. ViMdie Bown, John Bwa, R C. Smith, an AuiHinlstratDr ol rMute ot Juhn (rov, UecwaKt'd, and ltoihchiUU Brother-, a Corporation, Deieu dantB. To Add in Smith atid John Smith, Defendants Above A allied; In the name of the state of Oregon, You are herein required to appear and annwer the wm pi ah it Hied ajfaiiwt you in th'1 abuve entitled mi it by the first day of the UfXi t'Tin oi court following tht ex dmtion ol the imbliffitioii of thi-t sum nniu to-wit: by .M'n day, November 1st, 18H7, and if you fail to Ro answer for want t hereof, phiiutiff will apply to ihe cotiri tor the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit. for judgment ajjaltiat Detondunt L. iMudw lor tf.4U.Ut, with interest troin October Int. at the rate ot l! percent, per annum; and tiie further sum of $1 40 wih interest tiinre. n from April 1st, 18!)tf, tit the rate of 10 per cent, per annum; and the further sum ot J?14() with interest thereon from O. -tuber 1st, at the rale of In per cent. p-r annum; and the I'urtl'er sum uf 17.26, with interest tbeioon from February loth, 18!7. at the rite of IJ per cent, per annum; and thd further sum of $3,500. with luti'rest thereon ftom , October tat, mm, at the rate fit tt per cent, po annum; and fiiiiO as attorney's fees, all in United States Gold Coin tiz-ther with the costs a-id dis bursements of this suit, and for tho decree of the above entitled Court foreclosing the mortgage de scribed in the complaint, and decreeing said mortgage to be the flrst I ieii upon the land therein dumbed, Hi Unite J in Clackamas County, otstt; ot Oregon, to-wit: Ik'giuingatapoint six (fi) chains and fifty (50) links North and .twelve (12) chains and sixty-nine (('') links Kust of the Southwest eomer ot s cttoii tentv-tlir"e tjX) tn Township throe i'M South lt;tiiue throe ill) Ivod of the Willametiu Meridian running thence North fifty t50j chains; th"iieo Nin th sixty mix (do) degrees thirty (viO) minutes We.-t htte.M f 15' ch das mid liliy t."0) link; tinmen North til t y one iol) degrees West nitv-nlne chains and twelve (3- links; thence West eight (8) chains mid Si venty tlire (Tt) iiuKs; theiiet South one hundred and I'iMirteeii tl -4 i h'dns; thence titxat f'U't.wight ;4H) chains a:vl tif ly (50j links; thence North twenty JU) chain-; and h:ty on links; t.,en o t,a-t iwentyi union una litiy .A), links to t:ie. pla -e ot hymning continuing six hundred (t0O) a'-ivs more or le-s. Ti.at, said lund above described he sold in the UiaiiiM-r provided by law, and the jilMi ceils of s. Nile appl.ed i. the sa'iduoti.'U of said jihl-im.-nt. a that you and ea'di of you and all (he aoiive nam ili feiidaniH, and ail pi'i'r us eUiioiiiii under von either id' the d -t'HeUiits, be hatred ami force ioned of MUht or e.iiuty ot redemption in said preinies ami cry part thereof, and for such other and forth rvlo'f as to the Court may seem meet and eonitnble. This I'uLdi utioti is iionln bv oid -rof iion. Loyal B. Stearns, Jndo of the i 'limit Court of the State of Oregim. tor thi County of Multnomah, in th absence from Chi'-kamas t oiinty of iion. Thotnn- A. M climbs Judge of Jim Circuit Court ot 'he Slate of Oregon, for Cla k;ffnas County, whbdi order was duly made and entered r ptemier J.ith. W.u. mlUnAUUlMcAlt l tU'li, UN ION tfUliUNACUli Attorneys for Plaintift. IITAXTKI) TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE uenileuien or ladies to travel for resptmsibb established house in Oregon, Monthly $od and expenses, rosiium si adv. Uoteronce. Mi close nelf addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Compiny, uepl. i, Chicago, SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County ol Lhu Kaunas. A. K. Latourette, Lxeeunix,') rmiiuiil, I vs. I G. W. X. Taylor. John Ei ker, j ' Ibitiiol Mct'iiny and ulive Mc 'arty, Defendant. J To John Kckcr, Baid Defendant. N Til E XaMK Of TH K STATE 01- 0REGOK You are hereby reiptireil 1 1 appear a..,, a... u the eoniiblnt Hied asainst you in the above entitled suit by the tirst day of the next term of said court, viz.: Monday, November 1st. lS'.iT; and if you f ill to answer for want liiercol. the laintilV will apply to too court for the relief ikmainh'd in the complaint herein, lown.: for foreclosure of ecrlain mortiiaR-'s, of lsJ7 !lt with lnieiest and attotney s fees, and $4Nl.tKl Willi Intere I au t aitorne.v's fees, and trlor.no with inlereft and ationicy's fees, upon tho lollowiiii; dcscnboil iimiKriy, to-wit. The east !a of the southwest ?4 of se.'tio l ;l, township t south, raniie 1 east of the Willamette tnereilhin: also Lots ti and 7 of section on, townsliip 4 south, rallffo 1 east, eontaiaitu; l;to acre, all in Clacka mas county, stale ol Oregon, and that the npiity of reileroptiou of each of said defendants hureiii be foreclosed and forever barred. Thii Sitinmons is published by virtue of an order made by Loyal U Stearns. Juil.'e of the cir cuil court of the stale of Oreirou for Muituotuah county dated tho 14lh day of September, H7. (Signed) C. D. A 11. C. LATOl'RKTTK. Attorneys for l'laiullff NOTICE FOtt PUBLICATOX. LAND OfflCK AT OKEIJOS' CITY, ORKOON, September blh, 17. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made beforJ the Register and Receiver al Ore gon City, Oregon, ou October Wth, 1S.'7, vii: JOSEPH B.VRSTOW, H. E. S.Vi7, It the SW1; of See. 2S, Tp. 0 S., K. 'J K. lie names the fodowiug witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of. said land, vii: Charles X. Daley, Henry Maaingo, William M utlngo, all of Wilhoit, Ort'gorr; Joseph Lucieref Scotts Mills, Oregon. KOHEKT A. MILLER. Reitister. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established house In Oreeoa. Monthly lti6.U0 and expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelop. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago. To the Public! The undersigned having found the Boston Rubber Shoe Co.'s goods unsatisfactory, will in the future handle the Woonsocket and the Wales-Goodyear rubber boots and overshoes. We are sorry to make the change as we found the Boston Rubber Shoe C' ...... i.. i..... i : i : Bou. very inuc pcujjic McKITTRICK, ij.innjii-,-TviraairafM!ii. Fine French Millinery. ...Miss A. S. Jorgensen... ATA LADIES OF OK1CGON CITY AKE CORDIALLY INVITED TO Al TEND ATA 291 Morrison St., liet. 4th Phillips. Proprietor Steam Dyeing & LADIES' AND GENTLEMENS' CLOTHING CLEANED DYED AND REPAIRED IN BEST POSSIBLE MANNER Office, 215 Morrison St., Bet. Works at Mechanic' ..GO TO.. -G. H. BESTOW FOK OOORS WINDOWS, MOULDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PRICES EVEE Ship Opposite CoiiicrpiCHtiunal Clinix - WHY IS IT. That every day our store is filled with buyers from every part of the city, regardless of distance? -;- There must be some reason. People especially ladies don't go out of their way to buy unless there is a reason. IT IS UECAUSL we have established a reputation for abso lutely fresh goods especially in the line of table - delicacies, and our customers are sure of a superior article and then the prices are right. ...gibsotT&T PROPRIETOR OF HARDING'S BAKERY AND GROCERY BREAD AND PASTRY A SPECIALTY PHOTOGRAPHS... First-Class Work Only. .THE LEADING MAIN STREET, NEAR COURT for CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATSfloo to RICHARD CASH MARKETS Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill. Main St., Opposite Caufield Block. Two Shops, Winter Shoes I A T"RAlrSSE BROS., second ,ior north of P.O., have just roei'ivt'il a tine new line of HEN'S WINTER TANS. Cull ami see them. We have mhleJ a tirst-elass shoemaker to onr establishment ami are prepared to do all kinds o' repairing at reasonable rates, t 't t t t XRAUSSE BROS' SHOE STORE Two Doors I'ostotllce North of Winter Shoes I Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge and the Depot. Double and single rigs and saddle horses a ways on hand at the lowest rales, and acorra also connected with the barn for loose stock Any Information regarding- any kind of stock promptly attended to by letter or person. HORSES BOCGHT OR SOLD uui uusirrcbs ia uusrncss. The Shoe Man & 5th, PORTLAND, ORE. a Goods Called For and Delivered Cleaning Works First and Front, Portland, Or. Pavilion, 325 Second St. and BUILDING OFFERED FOR FIRST-CLASS GOODS. I', Main Mreet, Oregon City, Ore, CALL and SEE SAA1PLES , Satisfaction Quaranteed PHOTOGRAPHER... HOUSE, OREGON CITY, OREGON Oreoon City, Oreflon. bazaar! I Granite Pudding Pans, 15, 7, 22,25c " Preserve Kettles, 25. 30. 35. 40c " Tea Kettles, 85c, Uoe, $1.15. j We will sell you best Envelopes for utcinsa iiunen, also tne best Ink Tablet? at 5 and 10 cunts. L. A. PATTERSON & CO... "Bazaar" Uregon Uity . . Oregon SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Orexon for the Comity of Clackanms 8 Mary C. Bosch, ) Plaintiff, vs y William Bosch, I Defendant. J To William Bosch, said Defendant. N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON lou are heteby required to appear and answer the complaint tlted against yoj i tne Sbove e" titled suit by the tirst day of tho next term ?M.-Sal V"., MenJay, November 1st, ,k ' i .'ou,fail 10 nwr for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court f r l ie reiiei demanded m the ecn.plaint herein, to wlt.: The dissolution of the n,rrio e.MsiuiK twween said parties upn trround of defendant!" plaintiff ou part This Summons is noMUhcl k. SirtiS1 L?a!, B' .s,e',rn8' J'se of the i. C X W,B or Orwriil tnr .ummuinHn vouiiiy, tern be r 18U7. dted the 14th day of Str Fhe 1! (Signetl C. 1). ft P. C. LATOt'RETTK, Attorneys lor Plaintiff.