For Over Fifty Years. An Old and V em-Timed Remedy. Mrs. WiriBlow'B Soothing ISyrup lias been xttd for over fifty years bj' mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success ' It Fonthes t lie child, softens the gums allays all pain, cuitH wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggis n every part of the World. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value is in calculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs Window's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All DruKglslB refund the money if It fails to cure, !!oc LAXATIVE BROMO .QUININE TABLETS Move the bowels gently, relieves thu f'ongh, cures the feverish condition and Headache, making ii the bent and quickest remedy for Coughs. Colds, and La (Irlppe. Cures in one day. No cure, no nay. P'iee 2fc. Free Pills. f"end your address to II. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free cample box of King's New Life Pills. A trial will convineeyou of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particu lary effective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malari.i and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to he purely vegetable. They do not weaken by thoiraction, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 21c per box. Sold by Charman & Co., Druggists Constipation Causes fully half the sickness In the world. It retains the digested food too long In the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, Indl- KloocH gestlon, bad taste, coated Pills tongue, sick headache, In- omnia, etc. Hood's Fills Cure constipation and all Its results, easily and thoroughly. 25c. All druggists Prepared by 0. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Fills to take with Hood's SttrsaparlUa. HOW TOJIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours ; a sediment or settling indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it is evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the hack, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order, WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that l)r. Kilmer's SSwamp-Koot, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in relieving pain in in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use ot liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. Tho mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing ciihom. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Hold by druggists, price fifty cunts and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention Ohkuon City Couhiek and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Oo. , Bingham ton , N , Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. DR. KESSLER, This old on armed specialist, ofHI. bonis M'i'li known by bis long residence and mio (''Mi'ully iTO'tlce In Hits city, continue lo m'i i" Hilly trial all kinds of chronic and pillule dneasea TriPp ipDrATMriJII fortdia poor wlio nill 1 li'Ulj 1 it DA 1 till ft 1 In ucisoii lit the olHie w ly iiflii' noon rLOCQ AND SKIN&sS,;: III hi ralnu, Tumors. Tetters, Ki"!''iii nod olbi r Impni'ltli'S ot the blood tbnrouglil) 'I'Hilli nb'il, 1" vltitr tlm system III H Mr nig, inire a ml hcullliful state, t TiriITT ATK'TW .rviiM by an old (Vrimirt P. 11 liU Mill lulll remetlT. Tills leineily wiif i n wiiiwi to ill'. KessebT by a trli'iid in lieiiln It bus never lulled. 1 T Tl PODF? ''leers, Ciineei's, etc., tiviv'ed, no UhJJ IJUULO dilo'i'dice bow long nhVeted. KIDNEY AND UHINARY COMPLAINTS, I'iiiiiiiiI, lUUii'iih , Ion ii'iuent. milky or liloo v n-ihe, uiimiiiI'iiI disebnrges, cnroiuMy tri-iiii'd, I'll". rii'Miiiiatlsin and neuralgia trenud b our new reiuci.lcs. Tnk" a eb'i r botlle at bedtime and urliintr In Hie liottlo. set aside and looK lit it In the inoi'ulnu. II it is cloudy, of bus u cloudy set Ming In it, you have some kidney or bluodit dlM'iive, TAPF WHDM removed In twenty-four hours lulu llUIUuH.-ti worms In window a l of hi e hi loiio eel long. HEN Til OTIWl'O We meet, persons DAM III iMlMu hi'. aih every I Hllll'll sii ii is ili'giisling. Tills eoiiii s from i'h tiiirb in ell her the nose or stomach tin mid lie exiiuilacd, It euii be cured before the iiiimiI bones becomes Involved. VnilVfJ MM ,r vml 'etroubli'd with olghi lUUliU Mtui emissions, exhmiaitngdiuiiiH. I'IiiiI'Ii-m, luiNliiulness, avers on lo sm-h'ty, KiiindiieKS. di'ioodeiio.v, loss of energy, inn bill.. n noil si li-ennlldeoee, which d prive von 'I your inn n and alis"lutety n iili ,,u fur stiidv, business or miurlnge- Ii you tu, tlris iiill i'tt d you niny know the eiiuse. Uo a. id lie iri'iiii'il. MIMED MEN S'.rJra vi .k.iu'b'im tmeks nod Uldneys; ln-iU'i i. I'l iuiiil in Iiiiiikiii and sediment In u lue ; im (oieney or weakness oi eexuul organs, itud 0 In r unmistuKuhlo signs of nervous ib lnli Mud ineliiulllie deeay, tbmv die ot llu tllttieully, ignorant, ol the chunk. The musl oiisilinile eases of Ibis elinraeier tread d. PRIVATP llR''as'S. (lleet, Gonorrlieii, In 1 !U lulu rliimiillons. Hisehnrgea, NlrU-turt'i. VVeukiuss of Organs, Syphilis, Hydrocele Varicocele and klndivd troubles treuled. Consultation Free to All. Oikick IIouks: From 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Call or address J. Henri Kessler A. D. At St. Louis Dispensary, , 230, YAMHILL STREET. I'OHTI.ANIh - .... OhKiioN f COUSTY COURT. Official Report of t3ie Proceedings of Regular October Session. Report of viewers of damages on the change in the Linn road approved. The sum of $15 was allowed Christian Muralt. Expenses, J. K.Graham $2.80; J.L.Kruse $4.80; Phil Graves $4.20. Petition of Gustave Perke for aid from county granted and $10 per month al lowed, warrants to be drawn in favor of Win. Jack. Petition for aid for Catherine Oglesby not granted. Warrants for aid of Jack Dodson order ed drawn in favor of Mrs. Hart instead of Mark Hatteo. Matter of West Murray and Portland road ; ordered that $100 bo spent on said road by Supervisor Meinig as soon as possible and to employ residents adja cent to road. Petition of Mrs. Mclntyre et al for more money for care anu keeping of Wm. White granted and allowance raised from $6 to $8 per month Resignation of J. G. Fehler as super visor of district No. 14, accepted and J L. Swafford appointed. Petition of Wilhelm Strum for tax re bate of $11 43, claiming illegal assess ment, granted, Matter of S. Rue drawing warrant for keepintr pauper when pauper was not in his keeping; citation ordered issued for appearance of S. Rue at next term of court to show cause why he should not refund the money. Per diem and mileage ol commissioners allowed as follows; S. F. Marks, 4 .lays arid20miles,$14 60; F. Jaggar, 4 days and 12 miles, $13.20. Portland General Electric Co reported that they had put 1734 yards of gravel at $1.00 per yard on Oswego road. BILLS ALLOWED. Irvin, Hodson Co, stationery acct $37 00 W H Savage, sheriff 18 00 J H Wright " 42 00 J J Johnson " 36 00 Edw Holman, paujier 30 00 J W Norris, insane 5 00 D L Paine " 5 OO WECarll " 5 00 Thos Charman & Son, pauper 4 70 Oregon T & T Co.sheriff 1 25 MO Strickland, insane 5 00 J W Loder, county 32 10 Pope & Co, road and bridge 3 75 E II Cooper, shoriff 32 00 Clara Miller " 11 00 Frank Thouas 33 00 C A l.uelling 22 00 Glass & Prudhomme, stationety. . 17 00 Paul Ilemmelgarn, insane 2 50 Miller Bros, road and bridge 17 22 Chas Moehnke " " 8 30 Geo H Brown, J Pcouit.. . 2 Co W II Young, commissioners 4 0J W N Godfrey, inquest, PGibson. . 61 70 F Williams, pauper. .' 5 1.0 Oregon City " 5 03 J W Grout, sheriff. 2 00 W II Savage " 2 00 W W Myers " 30 00 A Mather, p iuper 5 60 Kellomy & Bttsch, court house. ... 6 40 F T Barlow, pauper 9 50 L Stout et al, assessor 366 00 C H bom, road and bridge 16 00 Wilson & Cooke, same 26 85 Herald, printing 80 05 Red Front Trading Co, pauper. ... 4 00 F T Barlow, court house 1 05 Peter Nehren " ' 0 15 J D Slover " " 2 77 Peter Nehren " " 67 43 Sidney Stnvth, road and btidge. . . 6 00 W N Godfrey et al examination G W Sampson, deceased 13 20 Ina M Chase, clerk 10 00 Herald, printing del tax list 1006 80 I Sel'ing, pauper 19 95 C 11 Isom, sheriff 31 50 T B Hankins " 21 00 E ACoe " 15 00 O C Sanitarium, pauper 19 20 J W Powell, coroner 1 40 Lindsey & Son, road and bridge. . 15 95 J Bichner " " " . . 5 15 R L Pollock " ' " ,.VM 10 H Gans ' 5 85 Noblett 8'ables, insane 0 TO P Fisher, pauner. ., . 6 30 I. A Winesett " 6 00 H Straight " s 75 Robt Corhett, court house 85 CO C W Noblett, haliff 4 00 Noblett stables, commissioners. . . 3 00 Ed Story, repairs 2 50 State vs Elmer Thompson, total.. 32 SO M F McCown, constable 13 00 C Schuebel, justice l 40 A E Ladd, witness 3 91 E W Godfrey " 3 90 Joe Stai r " 1 jj John Hickman'1 1 y,) Clara Balden " 1 90 J Pitman '' 1 90 Geo liatdorf " 90 ..... s 11 J urn " 1 90 L I Porter, prosecuting attorney. . 10 00 G R II Miller, juror 1 20 II P Bestow " 1 20 J N Harrington " 1 20 M Mctieehan '" 1 20 State vs W G Allen, total 20 05 Wm Knight, rtcoidcr, Canby 5 20 S J Garrison, chief of police 2 05 G B Himick, attorney 0 SO Warren Lee, witness 1 50 .las Hodges " 1 50 Or II lVdman " 1 50 H A Lee " 1 50 HILLS NOT ALLOW Kl. E A Pierce, pauper $7 50 C II Isom.eoun'y court ti 00 C 11 Isom.J P court (witdrawn) ... 2 5,) BILLS CUT DOWN. claimed allowed State vs W G Allen .... $21 85 $20 05 Geo Broughton, toad. . . 22 32 20 32 W A Huntley, station'y 10 25 8 75 ROAD AMOUNTS. The following accounts of road super visors for month of September were ap proved : listrict No. 1, labor on Milwaukee road : W H Counsell i2 25 H Gifford 3 75 Henry Ilosely g 00 Lester Barlow 00 Isaac Pollock 4 50 Win Wise 4 50 John Dowling 3 00 M Lauifhlin 12 00 R Scott t 7 50 E Sleeper 1 50 Total $61 00 Dist. No. 1 labor on bridge on Davis & Ambler road near W II Pope's place: Wm Wise ; 12 75 Win Hickley 12 37 II Gifford 7 50 E J Lyons 24 00 W II Counsell 17 50 Total $73 02 Dist. No. 2 Labor on Datnascus-Olacka- mas culvert work: Thos Roots $2 25 C Lewthwaite 75 0 A Ganglebach 2 00 Wm. Kee, lumber 2 95 A Mather, nails ' 50 Total jf8 45 Dist No 3 On Baker's bridge and Fag- alda mill road: A Newell $7 50 Henry Bock 10 50 Warren Greenwell .'. 10 50 Henry Breithaupt 18 00 A Forbes 21 00 Orrin Griffin H 25 A W Cooke 24 75 0 Wolfhagen.blacksmithjng 55 Total $104 05 Dist No 5 Repairing bridges and cul verts: J S Birdsall $6 00 Dist No 6 On bridge near Pleasant Home : B Bartsch $1 00 A 0 Meinig 3 00 Dist No 11, on Clackamas road Clyde Waldron $1 50 C R Live3ay 3 50 Dist No 12, on Milwaukee road FGerber '. .$15)0 Henry Gill ; 19 50 H L Patterson 15 00 J S Gill 6 75 Angus Molin 5 50 Adolph Beugtson 7 50 Carll Beugtson 5 50 Ered Bawfeldt 4 50 L H Kirchem 4 50 J Cromer 3 00 Jacob Mintie. 6 00 J C Sprague 13 00 Livermore Bros.luraber 22 23 Total $127 08 Dist No 14, on Highlan road, bridge on Thayer road and moving tools J S Shelly $3 CO II L Dubois 1 50 A VonPegoi t 1 50 J G Fehler 3 00 Total $9 00 District No 16, on New Era Hill VV S Rider $4 50 C H Foster 6 75 Chas McCormick. 6 75 A Shefehick 6 75 0 II Rider.....' 9 75 II Seifers 1 50 John Reagayne 3 37 J N Criteser 3 37 E Netetoe 3 37 Geo Rider 3 37 Total $49 48 Pis No 18, on Molalla road W W May $18 00 M London 12 75 I) Thomas 12 75 R Jones 3 00 B Faust 1 12 00 Ed May 12 00 Charley May 1 80 Frank Jaggar 1 80 W W May 1 80 B Faust 1 80 Laurence Hornt-huh 1 80 P Adsms 1 80 James Currin 1 80 J IC Graham 1 80 B Faust 3 45 John Jones 3 45 Fed Kalhtleisch 3 45 W W May 3 45 Mike I ondo!) 3 45 D Thomas 3 45 John Jones 3 45 Fred Kullifleisch 2 25 Total ;,bo 00 Beside sf-Ti worth of work not ctnuged to the county. District No 19, Howard briiUo fill ami hrid ges V T Howard J 1 Ml Warren Gray : U U Mil Ivan y 1 50 Alhert Woodsido 4 0 ) J J Mablott 2 fit) John Darnell 8 25 F G Newkicher 4 00 F Irish 75 II Seltzer. 6 01 Fred Earickson 10 75 August " . 11 50 Mike Miilvey 13 25 John Dvnniaon lti 40 Wm Wallace..' 3 75 Dist No 23, on Auiora ami Barlow mails WmCary $IQ 00 A Trsyer 2 00 J J Taylor 51) II E Befeu. 6 00 S J Ogleby" 4 00 Dipt 24, bridges Ervine Wheeler, lumber $80 44 J K Miller " 14 24 Geo 1 50 Dave Miller 3 00 Geo Asken " 9 75 S un Koffman 1 50 Frank Mathew 11 25 Ed Kinney 7 50 W Noblett 16 00 Total labi-r 50 50 Dist No 25 John Barth $5 25 Henry Barth 2 2) Dist No 26, on Molalla river at Wright's bridge T S Stipp ' $12 60 J E Coates 6 75 D Williams 6 75 Geo Mollatt .. 4 10 L E Cook 410 Wm S Keen 5 00 A B Klise 125 Wm Skeen 1 00 Total $41 55 Dist No 30 John O'Bryon. $32 25 A Former 5 00 M Dltzer 2 25 J Zimmerman 10 00 J II Moody 15 00 Lester Wailing 9 75 Thos Clark 3 00 Jas Hedricks g 00 Win Pollock 3 00 Thos Armstrong 75 Jos Fanner f, 00 Geo Brown 13 50 Thos Gibbs 7 50 John Kelow... n 25 Total $122 25 Dist No 31 Tualatin Mill Co, lumber $8 95 P A Baker, spikes 6 75 John A Gage , . 5 25 Henry Schatz 1 50 Dist No 34 Win Bramhall $1 50 J M Bramnall, lumber.... 1 00 VtTANTED FAITHFUL MEN OR WOMEN TO " travel for responsible established house in Oregnn, Salary S7S0 and expenses. Position per manent. Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The National, Star Insurance COUNTX OFFICERS. Judge o. E. Hnves Clerk of Courts Elmer Dixon Slierfl (j. w oraco Recorder A. Lending Treasurer Jacob Shade Amiessor Luciene Stout Srhool Superintendent H. Starkweather Surveyor J. H. Wright Coroner V. N.Godfrey Commissioners j Marks Ii? rank JugKur Deputy Clerk E. H.Cooper " Sheriff J, W. (.Jroat " Reoorder Chas, O. Luellini? " Surveyor C. H. Isom " Assessor Mrs. L. Stout County Court meets on first Wednesday after first Monday of every month. Probate Court meets oil first Monday of every month. Circuit Court meets on third Monday in April and first Monday iu November. OREGON CITY OFFICERS. Mayor E. G. Canfleld Recorder T. F. Ityan Chief of Police C.K. Burns Treasurer . . . . H. E. Straight City Attorney . C. II. Dye Street Commissioner CO. Italicuck, jr. Sup't. of Water Works W. H. llowel I City Engineer D. W. Kinuaird Conncilmen R. Koerner, h. C. Caples T. E. Gault, John Bittner, Flunk ilusoll R. D. Wilsou II. E. Hurri and James lioaKe. Council meets first Wednesday of each month. OABTOHIA. n fao- J ti n very VTlfpM, CASTORIA For Infants and Children. 1 it m imvppM. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established house in Oregon. Monthly (Wis and expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enelose self addressed s'ainped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago. Tne True Remedy. W. M. Repine, editor Tiskiiwa. Dl. ''Chief" says : "We won't keep liou e without Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs pnd co'dx. Ex perimenteil with many ot hers, hut never got the true remedy until we used Dr King's New Discovery. No otlur remedy can take its place in our home, as in it. we have a certain and sure cure for coughs, col ls, whooping cough, etc." It is idle to experiment with other remedies, even if they sre urged on you as just bs good as Dr. King's New Pis c.nverv. They are not as good. In cause this remedy has a record of cures and hesiiles is I'Uivantced. It never fail to satisfy. Trial lu ttle free at Charman ,t Co. 's di ng sti re. OASTOZIZA. tithe- 9 limns f . Is n everf vnrjfex. B.icklen s Arnica Salve Tiik P-R-T Sai.vk in the w nrM fm Cnt, l.riK-. r-. L ifers, Sail Kheiiin, Fever S.e Teller, Caj.iiid I H inds. CiiiUdMir.e, ('urns, aril sll M,in , Bni iii.iis mid iiishively i iiie l'dfs I r no i iv leipiiie I. It i uniiiaoiHed lo liive pet feet sn'iflactimi r nciley re ! undi d Piiri" 25 ri ms per l. For I s-tle hy Ci:ii 111 111 Cu DR. PEPPER'S ROYAL-TANSY PILLS. NEW rtSCOVERY. NEVER FAILS. A nw, rvliuhle nnd wife relief for uivprtMl, etcwit. POBtitr or pain- . ful uitn;tru()tiou. Now U!i by over ' 80,000 Lap iks, lnvitmrutwi thtwe t onrni(. Bew are of DANorRoi' ix- P'ation'r. ti lr box email box $1. 1 reiwtiil in pluia wmi-per, tnrl 4-m Ptftnip for ivtrticulnrft. KftEK ; ill UTCAL AteN. Chicago. IU. I Sol'l bv i hrtnan it ( o. DIRECTORY CHURCHES. First Congregational, coiner Main and Eleventh slreets Kev. G. VV. Butler, pastor. Services 10:Sn -i , m. and 7::MI p. ni. Sunday sehool alter morning service. Prayer meeting' every Thurs day evening at 7:30 p. in. Prayer meeting Y. ' P s. C. E. every Sunday evening at 6:80 p. m. First Bentlst, corner Main and Ninth streets Rev. M. L. Hugg. pastor. Morning service, lu:80; Sunday school, 11:45. Evening service, 7:30. Regular prayer meeting Thursday evening. Monthly covenant meeting every Wednesday evening preceding first Sunday lii the mouth. St. John's, Catholic, corner Tenth street and river Key. A Hillebrand. pastor. On Sun day, muss at 8 and 10:80 11. ni. Every Sunday tiermnii vermon after 8 o'clock mass. At all other masses linglish sermons. Sunday Bchool 2Si0p. m. Vespers. Apologetical subjects and bi 11 diction at 7:30 p. m, Methodist Episcopal, corner Main and Seventh streets ltev. II. Oberg, pastor. iVioruiug service at 10:Jo, Minday -sehool at 10:0u, livening service it 1 7:30, Kpworlh League Sun day evening at 6:30, prayer meeting Thursday evening at !. Cluss meeting after morning service. Firs' Presbyterian, corner Poventh and Jefferson streets Kev. A. J. Montgomery, pastor. Ser vices at 11 a. in. -Mid 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school 10 a. in. Y. P. 3. C. E. meets everv Sunday evening at (M0 p. m. Prayer meeting Thurs day evening at S:00. Evangelical, German, corner Eightand Madison streets Kev. J. ICvieh, pastor. Preaching every Sunday at. 11 a. m and 7:30 p m. Sab bath school every Sunday at 10 a. m. Weekly prayer meeting eveiy Wednesday evening. United Brethren, corner Eighth and Pierce streets H. A. Ware, pastor. Services second and fourth Sunday mornings and the preced ing Saturday ill each month at 11 a. m and 7 p. in., and the first Sunday afternoon of each month at Falls View. St. Paul s Episcopal, corner Ninth and river Rev. W. D. Williams, pastor. Sundav services at 11 a. m.and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Fridays, evening praver with addrets, at 7:30. Evangelical-Lutheran.Zion Congregation, corn r Eighth and Jefferson streets Kev. F. Sack, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. German Lutheran, Ohio Svnod, coi ner of Eighth and J. Q. Adams streets Kev. Ernest J. W. Mack, pastor. M. K South Bev. W. L. Mallov, pastor. Third Sunday at United Brethren Church. Congregational, Elvvllle Services second and fourth SundavB at 3 p m., by Kev. Butler of ! irst church, Oregon City. Free Methodist Kev. J. W. Eldrldge, pastor. Preaching first and ihtrd Tuesdavs at 11 a. m. Prayer meeting Every Thursday evening. Services hold in Congregational' church at Elyvlle. SOCIETIES. List of All Societies in this County With Meeting; Vla.ce and Date, OREGON CITY. Falls C ty Lodge No. lag of A. O. U. W. -Every . cvnuiiis in a. j, u. I, . uan on sev enth street. Oregon Lodge No. .1, T. O. O.F. Every Thursday evellincr at Odrl itwri' hall Falls Encampment No. 4, 1. O. o, F. First and third Tuesdays at Odd Fellow3' hall. Willamette Rebekah Degree Lodge No. 2 The bcuuiiu aim luuriu rriuuys in 1. u. u. p . hall. Abernelhy Kebekah Degree Lodge No. 30. Tues day evening at I. O. O. F. hall. Mnltnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. 4 A. M Regular communications on iirst and third Saturdays. Mirths IjOdie No. 2J, D. of H. Every Friday in Clackamas Chapter No. 2, R. A. M. Regular con- Court Robin Hood No. 8330, F. of A. Willamette hail on second and fourth Fridays, A. P. A. Council No. 4-First and Third Fridays in Cross' hall. Pioneer Chapter, No. 2S, O. E. S.-Masonlc Tem ple on Tuesdays. Willamette Camp No. 14S, W. of W,-Pecond and Fourth Tuesdays In Willamette hall. Wachcno Tribe, No. 13,1. O. R. M. Tuesday eve ning at Pope's hall. Meade Post, No. Ci. A. R. First Mouday of each month at Willamette hall. Meade Relief Corps. No. 18 First and third Fridays of each month in Willamette hall. Empire Lodge No, q, Order of Unity. Monday 111 Cross' hall. Separate Company F, O N. G. At, Armory, Main St. Itegulnr drill nigh .M.indav. Regular business meeting, first Monday of each month. St. John's Branch No. 617, C. k. of A. Every Tuesday evening at their hall. Oregon City Board of 'I rade At court house on Monday in each month. Columbia Hook and Ladder Co. First Friday of each month at fountain engine nous.. Fountain Hose Co. No. 1 second Wednesday in each mouth at Fountain engine house. Cutara -t Hose Co. No. 2 Second Tuesday of each mouth at Cataract engine house. Oregon 1 Ity Hose Co. No. 2 -Hose house on the hill -he third Tuesday ot each month. Tualatin Tent, K. O. T. M.-A. O. U. W. ha'U u,,i.r, ocvemu BLieei, 011 Heconu ana lourtu Mondays. United Artisans, No. 7 Willamette hall every x ooisiiay. Mt. View Hose Co. 4 Hose house at Klyville. COUNTY. Pig Iron Lodge No. :;.", A. O. U. W. Every Thursday evening at Odd Fellows' hull, Oswego. Molalla Lodge No. 40, A. O. U. W.-Frst and third Saturdays lit school house, Molalla. fiavel Lodge No. 55, A. O U. W.- Second and third Saturday evenings at Knight's hail, Canby Clackamas Lodge, No. 57, A. O. U. W. First and third Mondasat Strlle's hall, Clackamas. Sunrise l odge No. 43 A. O. l W. Second and fourth Saturday at Wllsonville. Mistletoe Lodge No. 20, D. of H. Eve.y Tuesday evening. Rebekah Lodge No. 71, I. O. O. F., of Oswego--Thursday evenings. Oswego Ixidge No. 93, 1. O. O. F. Odd Fellow's hull, Oswego, every Monday evening. Lone Pine Lodije No. 53. A. F. & A. m!, of Logan. General Pope Post No. 82; G. A. R First Satur day of each mouth at Grange hall, M 11 lino. General Crook P 1st No. 22, G. A. T.. School house at Needy on First Saturday In each month. Stir Lodge No. 05, K. of P. Every Wednesday evening in Castle hall. Canbv Lodge No. 5t;4, 1. O. G. T. First and Third Saturday evenings at Knight's t all, Canby. Oswego Lodge No. 448, 1. O. G. T.-Every Friday evening In new hall ill old town. Canby Spiritualist Society First and Thir l Sun days of each 1n01r.I1. New Fru W ('. T. I'. First Saturday in each mouth at iheir nli in New Era. Pprinewnter No. 2i'3. h of II. On stcona Satur day full muou. Canby Board o( Trad .;- Knight's hall, Cm hy, on llrst and third Ktidays. Moialia Grange No. 40, P. of II. -Their hall at Wr;hrs i-ridgo tm the second Sa'urday of each month al 10 a. m. Tuolalin Grange, Vn. til. P. ol II -fast Saturday of each iiiouih al their hall in Wilsonvble. Warner iirain.'0 No. 117. P. of II. Fourth Satur- (biy of ea.-li 111 eitli al ih d:' hall in New Era. Bime Tree (iraiigj Mo. S2. P. 01 II. U hill In Manimiin second Saiur lay in each month. Oswego 1, range No. 1.5, P. of II. second Salur- j (lav m eacn inoian. : PamiiM-us lirmiiic No. 2ii0, of M. Kirnt Satur day in month in liamasi-u school house. , Teazel i're k N i. 2.r, P. ol II, Tl)irl Saturday In j carll lll'tntll. lLdsc (HrvllH No. 2.V,, P. ,,f II. -Second Satnr I dnv in inontu. i Highland No. nil, P. of .A.- First Sa.urd.iy in month. ! Harlow No. 22, P. of II. Firs! and third Satur- day in month. & t rt tnrh s 11 Xit ii'th 8 are reqnrxtfti to j notify tic ,'iifm- of any cauof ill placr or 1 .- r iiif ddtr. WAN TK1 rRrTWORTHY AND ACTIVE KttiilitiH'iir K'uii. s U iruvfl (or responsible. ; tMHlilishvd house in On iron. Monthly 9't aiul .t li-Htiilrv$'t'i si tm i pet t envelope. Tlte Ionian ion Company, Ot-pU V, 1 liUHgo, CASTOniA. - Si n W W "-w TO THE AST GIVES THE CHOICE 07 TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL " rout m s VIA VIA 'Jinn Shin lire DENVER OMAHA AND GREAT NORTHERN RT. SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL KANSAS CIT7 LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS SAN FRANCISCO for full details call on or adttree W. H. HURLBCJRT, Gen'l Pans. A gum, f'oHTI.ANn. til Trains arrive and depart fom Portland at follows: Depatl No.2 For all East- rn points via Oregon short Line 0:00 p. m " No. 4 Tlie Spokane Flyer and Great Northern 2:15 p.m. Arrive No. 1 From the East via Oregon Short Line 7:45 " No. 3 Fioui Spokane 11:45 a. ai For further information call on 0, H, &N. Agent, F. E. DONALDSON, Or. gu City, Oregon. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily. South. North. 6 00 P.M. I Lv Portland Ar 0:8Ha.H 0:52 p. M. I Lv Oregon Cily Lv 8:40A.H 1:45a.m. Ar San Fraucisco Lv 8:00 P. if The above trains stop at all stations between Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion, Jeffei. son. Albany, Tangent. Sliedds, Halsey. Harris., burg, Junction City, Irving. Eugene. .Creswell, Cottage Grove, Drains, and all stations from, Roseburg to Ashland, inclusive. ROSEBURG MAIL DAILY. 8:30a.M. .Lv Portland Ar4:K0p.H 9:27 A.M. Lv Oregon Citv Lv :ip.M 5:20 P. M. I Ar Roseburg I,v I 7: OA. DINING CARS ON OODEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS . SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS . Attached to all Through Trains. West .Stile Division, Ketween 1'OKTLAND and COHVALLIS HAlLTKAIr, DAILY IUAUKPTbUNDAY. !:A,ll, I l v Portland Ar5:fiOP.M 12:1S P.M. I Ar. Corvallis Lvl:()6P.M At Albany and Corvalils connect with train of Oregon Central & Eastern R. R. EXPRESS TltAIN DAII.T(EXCEPT8UNDAY.) 4:fiOP. M. I Lv Portland Ar8:26A.M 7.30P.M. Ar McMiunvllle Lv I 5:tt A.M Direct connection at San Fraucisco with Occidental ami Oriental and Pacific Mail steamship Lines for J , AN ANU CHINA; Sailing dat-s on applic ition. Rates and tickets to eastern points and Europe also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from E. E. lim it, Agent, Oregon City R.KOEHLKR. C. H.MARKHAM, Manager, Asst. G. F. 6i P. Agent Portland, Oi. Portland, Or. &0 EAST VIA LIBRARY CAR ROUTE America's Scenie Line, . ' THE A I.' -KAIL ROUTE TO KOOIENAI MINING DISTRICT VIA ' SEATTLE AND SPOKANE, Shortest and Quickest Route TO ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, . DULUTH, J I ! 1) AND ALL POINTS EAST. Thrnntjh I'ulnre ami Tonrixt Sleepers, Dining ami Library Observation Curs. stKVICK AND M FMKKY I EQUALED For tickets and fu'l information call on or A. II. C. DKNN1STON, '. T. A.. I oi iland, Oregon or, B.C. f TEVENS. G. W. P. Av Seattle, BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. "IrHV TRADE MARKS. -'..JilA DESIGNS. COPYRIGHTS && Anyone en(tln n fiketh and dwrtptlon may quirkly Bsoertain, frye, whether mi Invention ifl Urotuihly pate-ittHble. I'omniunieatinns elrh'tly conliUeutial. Oldest ftKency securing patent lu Ameriea. We have a Wa$tiliirtrm office. Patents tucen rliruuxb Mui.a A Co. rectlvt special notice iu tba SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beamlfullT tllustrated, laruest Circulation of any smito loiirnal. wkijr, trau I8jXI a fear: IJIFIX lUfintllS. SperOll!! COPI1 l-LNjj Book os Patests seat free. Addreu MUNN & CO., 311 lirasdwav. Ken York. Meals & rfT S Dining 0BM J "It