Uundy Carrier. Tlie accompanying illustration is pre lented In the hope that some one may be assisted in lightening the farm la bors by the use of this ensilage or ma nure carrier. The illustration is taken from Kami, Field and Fireside. GGG Is a track of iron such as ie used for barn doors, and F a car for carrying the manure or ensilage. Fasten the track securely to the ceiling either ahead or behind the cows, acording as it Is desired for use in feeding or in stable cleaning, running it the whole length or clear around the stable as Is most convenient, the carrier being so constructed that the wheels will turn on a curve in the track. Four carrier wheels are bolted in pairs to the blocks, A A, and hung to the track, the blocks running close to the track to prevent the wheels jumping off. These blocks are bolted to a heavy scantling, B B, under them, to connect them a single bolt only being used in each block, thus allowing the wheels to turn the curve in the track as referred to above. D Is a crossbar above the car and to which the car F is hung by rods, H H, the lower ends of the rods hooking Into staples near the bottom of the car, There may b a rod from the crossbar D to the back end of the car to steady It until ready to dump, which can be done easily by simply unhooking this rod. C Is a heavy swivel connecting the timber between the two pairs of CON VKN1KNT BABX CABKIER. wheels and the crossbar D. By the handles the car can be easily moved in either direction upon the track. Rovinj; Turkeys. A flock of roving turkeys may not cost their owner a great deal if his neighbors are patient and uncomplain ing people, otherwise they may cost lilm a lawsuit and damages, or, at least a big lot of unncighborly feeling. On the theory that turkeys can get their own living and are not great eaters, they are too often left wholly to their own resources. This neglect leads them to wander far and wide for food, to commit depredations in neighbors' gar dens and truck patches, to fall a prey to the wrathful stranger's club or dog, or perhaps to change homes to that of a farmer who treats his poultry with greater generosity. It is good policy, even at this season, to keep faithful watch oer the flocks, to notice where they roain in the daytime and where they stay at night, and whenever they come about the premises to make friends with them by throwing out a little grain. The turkey crop will not be ripe until Thanksgiving, but it will be well to cultivate it now. Farm Jour nal. Hot Weather Milk Can. A can Is here shown that has been highly praised as a hot weather milk receptacle. It Is closed tight and capped over at the top, so that it will not spill the fluid even if upset. The pic ture shows a sec tion of the inside. The tightly cover ed funnel - shaped receptacl e pro jecting down into the can contains enough ice or ice n-ntor in b-Apn flip limit a. i. iiic same time that it prevents the milk MII.K CAN. from being shaken and churned about so much as it otherwise would be, thus causing it to keep sweet longer. Harness that Fit. Whenever a working horse is sold the harness It has been accustomed to work In, if at all a tit, should be sold with it. This is especially true of the collar, against which the pull mostly conies, if there are inequalities m trie collar there are probably calluses to correspond on the horse's shoulder and neck. A new harness, though It may seem to fit all right, may bear harder on places not properly toughened by contact with the collar. In a stable each horse should have Its own collar, for by use each animal has become adapted to the one he has been most accustomed to wearing. Grow Navy Beans. ' There Is one crop grown In this coun try that is never up to the demand, and that Is white navy beans. As many bushels of beans can be grown per 1 acre as of wheat, and the straw is ac cepted as food, being better than that from wheat. It is supposed that the labor of growing beans takes away the profit, but If the labor of growing beans and wheat is compared It will be found that beans can be grown at the same cost as wheat, as better machinery for growing and harvesting beans can now be employed than formerly. Some years beans bring twice as much as wheat, and they are grown in a much shorter time. To Prevent a Horse Kicking. The illustration shows a device to he used where a horse kicks his stable companion. It Is made from one-Inch galvanized iron tubing. The two cor ners are screwed together with a re turn coupler. Pins go through holes in the upper ends and are attached to the woodwork of the stall. A cord Is fastened to the device for. raising or lowering as required. When not in use it is raised and Is well out of the way of everything. In use, It does not interfere at all with the animaj's movements, except to prevent his be- ing too free with his feet and legs. Orange Judd Farmer. Plowing for Wheat. When plowing for wheat it will be better to let the plow go deep, then har row flue, fallowing with a land roller, which will leave the surface in excel lent shape for the drill. The seed can be put in deep and the land may again be rolled with advantage, but the most Important of all is the plowing and harrowing. Some farmers object to deep plowing, as they claim that the fertilizer is kept nearer the surface, and that loss occurs of plant food dur ing the winter, but where the subsoil is compact there will be no loss from deep plowing when a thrifty crop oc cupies the soil. Deep plowing also les sens the liability of the plants being thrown out by frost, especially If the roller Is used. No More Runaway Horses. Let not the most timorous of her sex fear any longer to handle the reins Let not the vision of a horse tearing madly down the road any longer affright her. Mr Zimmermann, o f Taris, with what seems to be partic ular consideration for the feminine fears, has invented an apparatus war ranted to stop the . . 1 ..It Al. SHUTS OFF HIS AIR. mau career ui iuc horse most ear nestly bent upon running away. It looks somewhat like a woven wire muzzle. It extends over the horse's face from just above the mouth to just over the nose. It Is connected by bands with the reins. When the fiery steed begins to go a little too merrily, the rein operating the rauzzzle Is seized and the animal's nostrils are thereby compressed, while his mouth is closed. He may take the bit between his teeth or not just as he pleases, but with the prospect of Immediate suffocation be fore him he abates his speed and con sents to be driven at the rate which his driver chooses. Farm Notes. Every farm has a place for sheep that no other stock can fill. Food wisely fed will always come back doubled if fed to a good animal. It is poor economy to keep young stock unless it Is kept growing every day. Make It a rule to sell as little feed as possible and to buy as little as pos sible. Thorough grubbing Is the surest way of getting rid of elder, sassafras and persimmon. Teach the young horses to walk well and a good foundation is laid for the faster gaits. For want of sufficient moisture a tree may starve with its roots iu the midst of plenty. Always keep the plow sharp; it makes better work and is easier for both the team and plowman. One advantage in using the drill or seed sower is that the seed will be distributed more evenly. A light daily feed of oats can nearly always be given to the weanling colts at this time with benefit. When the tools and Implements are stored away be sure that they are properly cleaned and painted. The best system of cropping are in variably those which call for the most thorough preparation of the soil. Feeding, watering and grooming regularly will aid materially In keep ing the horses in a good, thrifty con dition. Farmers' Union. HOL JIM AND JOHN. Jim and John were townsmen and chums, and went out to see base ball. It was a red hot afternoon, and the bleechers were like frying pans at breakfast time. Jim had a bald head and John had a crick in the back. They sat for an underdone roast and laughed at everything. Jim's bald spot was a shining mark, like a brass door plate. A stray ball, tierce and sharp, from a false bat. struck the spot and ploughed a turrow. ltuazeamm. Jim s eyes ana tare looked like a sick owl's, and John laughed. He laughed an hour straight along. The game ran late into twilight. Meanwhile John had shed his coat, and a cool damp draft got in its work on his back. The time came to leave, but John couldn't. He couldn't bend or get up. Lumbago had set in, in its worst torm. lie laugns Dest wno laughs last and Jim had revenge. Hut they pot. down town to Jim's room, when ne saiu, "rtere s someinmg au muse uut letes u e for hurts and ailments, and it's the best known cure for lame back." He rubbed it on John's back and some on his own head. Tliev were both feeling cured and comfortable from the use of St. Jacobs Oil, which Jim always kept in a handy place. He was a sport himself and knew what was best. They went to bed. John laughed in his sleep. Both rose in the morning fresh as daisies; then Jim laughed at John. Nebraska's New Ballot Law. The new ballot law of Nebarska, passed last winter by the legislature, is causing some confusion, as it revolu tionizes the manner of arranging the ballots. The tickets will be printed in separate columns, with a pictorial de vice at the head, and not a single col umn, with the names of the candidates arranged alphabetically, as heretofore. The choice of judges and clerks of elec tion is also vested in the county judges. The changes are so radical as to create a fear of trouble at the November elec tion. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Taking off the hat or cap as a sign of reverence or respect was mentioned in the time of Caesar. In Larue county, Kentuky, it is said that Charles Williams has grown a bunch of white blackberries. It is said that in the best districts of China the tea crop will average from 300 to 400 pounds per aore. Bears have been so thick around Idaho that it has been said there was a bear for every bushel. Over 4,000 frozen rabbits are an nually exported to the London markets from Victoria, Australia. The one thing for which lace paper may be used and be considered good form on a table is for cheese. Marriage at midnight, the ceremony being performed by a coroner, is the last Kansan eccentricity reported. The tea plant is said by Chinese writers to have been cultivated in that country from at least 8,000 B. C. The gossamer iron made at Swansea, Wales, is so thin that 4,800 plates are needed to make an inch of thickness. Near Alvord, Iowa, a can of stamps which were stolen from the postoffice at Lester, in that state, two years ago, was plowed up recently. What Neglect Leads To. Mrs. Chas. King's Experience. A woman's body is the repository of the most delicate mechanism, and yet most women will let it get out of order just as if it were of no con sequence. Their backs ache.heads throb and burn j they have wander ing pains, now here and now there; ex perience extreme lassitude, that don't-care and feeling, ex citability, Irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, and the blues, yet do nothing to help themselves. These indicate womb complications. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound will relieve all this trouble. Mrs. Chas. King, 1815 Rosewood St., Philadelphia, Pa., says: "I had bearing-down feelings, back ache, burning sensation in my stom ach, chills, headache, and always had black specks before my eyes. I some times had four and five fainting spells a day. I had several doctors, and tried many patent medicines. I commenced to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I never had anything give me the relief that it has. I can truthfully say it has cured me." Complete AND How to Attain It." A Wonderful New Medical book, written for Men Only. One copy may be had free, sealed, In plain envel ope, on application. ERIE MEDICAL CO., 65 Niagara bt, BUFFALO, N. Y. B1SE BALL GQQDS WLS? We carry the most comnlete line of Gymnasium and Athletic Uooda on the Coast. SUITS AID UNIFOHMS MADE TO ORDER. Send for Our Athletic Catalogue. WILL & FINCK CO., 818-820 Market St., Sao Francisco, Cat, "CHILURtn TEEiniNU. ' J Mrs. Wlvsloiti HuoTHnro Stxof thou Id always be J vma tor children teething. It soothe the child, sof u S b ens the gums, allays ail psui, cores wind mite. and Is 1 i Ue beat remedr tor dlarrhoak Twenty Ore ceuu F hnHl. .lh.Wnr.ll A t-r i j I I BettCCug?BlSal Boat Vm I mtlma. Son it dryaistt. I 1 Lr u1 CHILDREN'S COLUMN. DEPARTMENT FOR LITTLE BOYS AND GIRLS. Something that Wl Interest the Ju venile Members of Every Household Quaint Actions and Bright Sayings of Many Cute and Cunning Children. A Boy'tt Vacation. Little Tommy Doodle and his mother spent a week At Uran'pa Doodle's farm, where Tom my tumbled iu the creek And got his lungs so full of wet he conldn t get his breath 'Till poor old Gran'nia Doodle had been frightened most to death. He ate some poison berries that he found along the lane: It took n fbctor half the night to soothe away the pain. He tried to ride a "kicky" colt a risky thing to do 'Twas ouite a little while before they real ly brought him to. He stuck a stick into a hive of bees oh, sorry day! He couldn't see a thing until the swelling went away. He teased the goat to see if it was cross as he had heard; They had to work with him awhile before he spoke a word. And then he climbed n cherry tree Just like a boy and fell And bioke his arm, and sakes alive! you ought 'a' heard him yell. His mother took him back to town to get a little rest, But Tommy says of all his life that week was far the best. A Tale of Two Bears. Once upon a time two bears lived to gether In a hollow tree. It was1 a long time before any white men came to this country, and the bears were a great and powerful race.v One of these bears was a handsome follow, and he liked to go visiting and to lie In the sun and to eat dinner regularly. The other bear was a quiet fellow, and most of his friends Raid that he .was very stupid. Every day. while his brother lolled comforta bly under a gooseberry bush he would go out Into the forest and find a huge oak'. Then lie would stand up on his hind legs and scratch the rough bark with his claws until they were as sharp as needles. It was hard work, and the other bear laughed at him for doing it. "What's the use of sharpening your claws?" he asked. "Game's plenty," and then he would go back to sleep again. . ( That winter was long and cold, and when the two bears came ont of the hollow tree In the spring they were both thin and hungry and cross. The handsome fellow went down to the creek and tried to catch some fish for dinner, but the Ice was so thick and slippery that his dull claws made no Impression on it. A little later his broth er came down and dug a hole near the waterfall and caught a great many fish and ute them. The handsome bear, who was both cross and hungry, began to grumble. 'I never have any luck," he said. "You're the lucky one of the family." "Luck," said the other, who was feel ing comfortable after a full dinner. "It wasn't luck at all. I sharpened my claws last fall while you were sleeping In the sunshine." A Boy Should Learn To let cigarettes alone. To be kind to all animals. To be manly and courageous. To ride, row, shoot nnd swim. To build a fence soiontifleaKy. To fill the woodbox every night. To be gentle to his little sisters. To shut doors without slamming. To sew on a button and darn a sto in. To do errands promptly and cheer fully. To shut the door in winter to keep the cold out. To shut doors in summer to keep the flics out. To wash dishes and make his bed when necessary. To have a dog if possible and make a companion of him. Youngsters' Jokes. A minister who used to preach In Somcrvllle had a little boy. A few days before his father left the city to go to his new parish one of his neighbors said to the little boy: "So your father Is going to work In New Bedford, Is heV" The little boy looked up wondering. "Oh, no," he said. "Only preach." A lady taking tea at a small company, being very fond of hot rolls, was asked to have another. "Really, I cannot," she modestly replied. "1 don't know how many I've eaten already." "I do!" unexpectedly exclaimed a juvenile up start, whose mother allowed him a teat at the table. "You've eaten eight. I've been couutln'." Two little brothers, aged respectively 4 and (i years old, fell In with a slray kitten, which, suffering bv the 'lands of some cruel person, had of Its tall scared ly half an Inch remaining. "Poor little kitten," said the younger one. "Who has cut off its tail? I wonder if it wiil grow again?" To which the elder gravely remarked: "Of course it willi Don't you see, the root Is there?" A little 4-year-old was taken on a visit to grandmamma in the country, There, for the first time, he had a near view of a cow. He would stand and look on while the man milked and isk all manner of questions. In this way he learned . that the long crooked branches on the cow's head were called horns. Now the little fellow knew of only one kind of horn, and a few days after obtaining this Information, bear ing a strange kind of bellowing noise In the yard, he ran out to ascertain Its cause. In a few minutes he returned, with wonder and delight depicted on bis countenance, exclaiming: "Mamma, mamma! Ob, do come out berel The cow's blowing her horns:" Artesian Water in Sahara. : One of the most important results of the Egpytian expedition up the Nile has been the discovery that by sinking deep wells water may be found in the desert in many places where its pres ence had not been suspected. Not only will this give a secure basis for mili tary operations, but it is possible that water may be found in sufficient quan tities to serve for irrigation, in whioh case the Sahara may be turned into a flower garden. Its aridity comes from no material sterility of the soil, but simply from lack of moisture. ALMOST INSIDE OUT. The stomach that Is not turned thus by a shaking up on the "briny wave" must be a well fortified one. The gastric apparatus can be ren dered proof against seasickness with that stom achic so popular among travelers bv sea and land Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. It defends the system against malaria and rheumatism, and subdues liver complaint, constipation and dyspepsia. To make white soup use veal for stock, and beef for brown stock; to color amber soup use a little burnt sugar, just enough to make the desired amber shade. AN OPEN LETTER TO MOTHERS. We are asserting in the courts our right to the exclusive use of the word " CAS'l'OKlA," and " PITCHKK S CASTOR1A," as our Trade Mark, I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of " PITCHHR'SCASTORIA," the same that has borne aud does now bear the facsimile signiVure of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on every wrapper. This is theoriginal " PITCHER'S CASTORIA " which has been used in the homes Of the mothers of America for over thirty yean. Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that it is ike hind you have always bought, and has the signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER, on the wrapper. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. March 4, 1897. SAMUEL PITCHER, M.D. Persons who suffer from the cold should wear loose olothing in chilly weather, remembering that two thin garments retain more heat than one thick .one. 8100 REWARD, S100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease, requiresaconstltutlonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon tne Diooa and mucous suriaces ot ine sys tem. thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing tts work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they oner one nuntiren tionars lorany case tnai i fails to cure. Bend for list of testimonials, Address, K. J. CHENEY, Ji Co., Toledo, O Sola bv druggists, v;c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. If you Bliould spill grease on your floor cover it at once with corn meal or try baking soda. Moisten the soda and rub it on the grease spots with a cloth HOME PRODUCTS AND PURE FOOD. AH Eastern Syrup, so-called, usually verv light colored and of heavy body, Is made from glucose. "Tea Garden Orips" is made from bugar cane anti is strictly pure. It Is tor sale by first-class grocers, in cans only. Manufac tured by the Pacific Coast Syhup Co. All gen uine "Tea Garden Drips" have the manufac turer's name lithographed on every can. For binding of cut and wounds al ways use linen, not cotton, as the fibres of cotton are flat and apt to irri tate a sore place, while those of linnen are perfectly rounded. Piso's Cure for Consumption has been a family medicine with us since lHtjo. J. R. Madison, a40"J42d Ave., Chicago, 111. If the glass stopper becomes fastened in the neck of your bottles try placing the neck of the bottle in hot water for few minutes. This will generally loosen the stopper. Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder. There is nothing so repulsive as un derdone game. Be sure it is well done in the cooking. I: f ifei, it m ' Jf If r Wm 1 ll wife JL Hercules Special , f2 actnal horsepower) Price, only $185. Portland, Oregon A. P. Abmstrono, ll.b., Prin. J. A. Wesco, Sec'y THE BUSY WORLD OF BUSINESS glrss prsluUs swplsysMat is siafrsdssfotr grsdatt, Ss4 IU I tbssMDds aor. Brad fcr sar oaUlsiu. Lssrs srhst ssd bv ws tstek. Tsrllf, A UtlNttS EDUCATION PAYS $200X2 Schilling's Best tea is the best you can get lor anything ke the money it costs. Schilling's Best baking pow der is the best you can get at any price. ban Kr t003 Take for a nervous headache a cup of moderately strong tea with two or three slices of lemon, infused. BEST MADE and we Pay Freight Catalog Frkk. fiend vouriiauie i PUMPS BliKM, LAMliKRSON Portland, Ore. Drugs... Patent Medicines at Cut Rates... W00DARD, CLARKE & CO. Wholesale anfl Retail Druggists, Portland. All about the territory, resources, scenery and the new gold Hclus and how to reach them. A flue book ot llio panes, with many beautiful illustrations, maps, etc. The latest and most accurate Information, Mailed to anv address for 60 cents. WELLS PUB. CO., Poitlind,0r. -DIETING, WASH ing the stomach, pepsin; you may have tried all these remedies and only found relict from Indiges tion, Catarrh of the Stomach. In trying 1Y8- PKI'TICI'KO you will una a l imit, rrice, $1. On receipt of same will deliver It to your nearest express omee iree oi cnargo. a gem, FRANK N All.... Portland Hotel Pharmacy, anon sun no Sixth and Morrison street, r. v... Varicocele Destrois Physical Energy. Takes the Snap Out of a Man. Robs Him of Ambition. Makes Him Weak and Nervous. Nothing hurts a man's vltullty more than Varicocele, ftdralns I lie menial vigor as well as the physical force, and the mun who has it Is only half the man he ought to be. Nothing cures it so quickly as Dr. Haiiri.ttn'a Klectrio Belt, which Is now arranged especially for this trouble. Its work is done quickly, the worst cases yielding In one or two months. "I bought a No. 6 Hell last March for Varico cele aud wore It every night until I was en tirely cured of my trouble. I had Varicocele for eight years, and 1 have not now the slight est svmptoin of it. Yours truly James C. Uill, Kuss'ellvillc, Or." SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT CO. 2S3 West Washington St., Portland, Or. l'Unee mention tltit Paper. J)t I'TI'KK unit I II.KS cured; no pay un Y til cured: send for book. ints. Mansfield e PuKTUKKiEl.li, iUb Market St., ban Francisco, BUY YOUR- POMONA is FUR GARMENTS Plrect from the manufacturer and save middleman's profit, as we undersell tliem all. Our garments arc custom made and not like those thrown together 111 New York sweat-shops, where filth, and disease reign. Our garments are guaranteed as to durabil ity and stvle. Our prices on fur Capes range from WH upwards; on Kur Collarettes, from 5 upwards: Neck Boas, from 7oc up wards; genuine Alaska Sealskin Garments made from WlftO up wards. Write for information and catalogue. SCiKrofflobl Leading .nr Manufacturer, . OllVerilClU, j43 Third St., Portland, Or. POWER ...FOR.. PROFIT Power that will save you money and -make you money. Hercules Engines are the cheapest power known. Burn Gasoline or Distillate Oil; no smoke, fire, or dirt. For pumping, running dairy or farm machinery, they have no equal. Automatic in action, perfectly safe and reliable. Send for illustrated catalog. Hercules Gas Engine Works Bay St., San Francisco, Cal. DO YOU WANT SEEDS? Get them at E. .1. BOWEN'S, 201 nd 20S From street, Portland, Or. Also agent forth CELEBRATED CLIPPER MILL. Best farming mill the world. Every farmei should have one. Write for prices. N. P. . U. Mo. 'T. WHEN wrltlns; to advertisers, pleas mention tuls paper.