OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W. CHENEY. nte' Jityp;UoHoea4a)Oond-claa! atter SUBSCRIPTION RATES. If p I in tdvanee, pervear 150 On :' 2 00 Six -n 1'il.h 1 00 Thf" mini hH 8o fThe date opposite your address on the pupcr 1 motes liie time to which you have paid. MTR3MZE HOME INDUSTRY. OREGON CITY, OCT. 15, 1897. THE TRIO. It lists just flashed over us that possi bly the split among the republican lead ers of Oregon City in a sham, got up to fool their different followings. What h jireat idea on the eve of the republican county nominating convention. Then tin-re would be a better chance for Ore gon City politicians to get office that is, If any there can bu persuaded to accept. lirowne'l'a Can by Sheet, The above will be news to many although it is about Oregon City and originated abroad. There are few poli ticians in Oregon City and they belong to the other parties. Of course there are a few men here who want oflice, but no one acquainted with them would dub them politicians. Urowiiell's "Leading Piilier." We have been unable to read what BrowneU's other paper says on account of hoi being a linguist. STHlKEts JWM'T PAY. It is encouraging to know that the labor-leaders are coming to see the use-lesfliu-ss, not to say the evils, of strikes. While the right of a body of working men to strike cannot be questioned, the expediency of their doing so is quite a different mailer. In the National Labor Conference which convened in Chicago the 27th inst., President Eugene V. Debs is reported as saying: "Strikes don't pay. All strikes are lost. They are useless. They are caud by the employing classes. When cap italists ttoi readv for u st.rikn tlipv nni. voke them, knowing well their cause is won before the conflict is begun. The various labor unions of this country have all they can do to take careof their own men. Never was this better ex emplified than in the recent miners' strike. Never in my experience have I seen a strike which had the sympathy of the public, and even of part of the employing class, as that one did, and yet when as appeal was made for finan cial aid, less than 7 cents per striking miner was received." But the fact that strikes have proven an inadequate remedy for the evils of which working men complain, only em phasizes I he need of some better way of settling these questions that rise be tween employers and employees. No better way has ever been suggested than arbitration, and some law looking to this end should be adopted without delay. Fooit old John Sherman has some spunk left beside the humiliation to which he has been subjected by Ilanna and McKinlev. When ordered by Boss Mark to degrade tho high ollico w hich he h .Ids by stumping Ohio for Hanna, Sherman wrote a speech, and when Hanna and McKinley demanded that they be allowed to revise the speech bo fore it was delivered tho aged statesman destroyed the manuscript and refused to take the stump at all. Guard. Thomas Taggart, a democrat, defeated W. N. Harding, republican, for mayor of Indianapolis on Tuesday by a plurality that will reach 5000. Tho rest of the ticket, including six coiincilnieu at-large, is elected by f;om 3500 to 4000. Of the ward count ilmen the republicans will elect fom out of 15. Mayor Taggart was deluged with telegrams from all over the country, lie is freely spoken of as the next democratic candidate for governor. Ho was limiinated on a silver platform. It would not surprise us if tho "turn ing down" of Mr. (ieer in tho federal appointment scramble should make that gentleman governor, at least the candidate of the republican party for the position. ' If the public gets the idea that a man is abused it is very liable to make a martyr of him. And, by the way, Geer would make a pretty decent governor. He would not bo controlled by any political ring. Eugene Guard. Minihtkk I.eiidiiiian, in a dispatch to the state department at Washington, gives an account of the attempt that is being made to secure government owner ship of railways iu Switzerland, The general plan of the government is to purchase the railways at -5 times the net annual earnings for the past 10 years, providing this is not less than tho actual cost. The Chattanooga municipal election Tuesday resulted in the overwhelming defeat of the republican ticket. Col. Ed Watkius, democrat, was elected by 905 majority. The democrats elected six of tho eight alderman. This city is nor nially republican by from 400 to 5J0. Tub Journal and Advertiser's poll for for the mayoralty preference of Greater i New York voters now includes 220,529 names, as follows : VOTRH VOTK8 Van Wyck . .72,014 Low 5i,048 George "I.O.itl Tracy 33 431 A Good School. Attention is called to an advertisement, in another column, of the Holmes English and Business College, of Portland, 1 Oregon. This institution has probably educated more young men and women for business, and found them employment, than all the schools of that kind in the North west. Miss Holmes, in addition to be ing assisted by an able corps of six teachers, gives her entire time to the up building of the school and everything that can add to the students advance ment and comfort is provided. The school maintains six departments, namely : Three years course in English branches, a course in book-keeping, penmanship, shorthand, typewriting and telegraphy, The Holmes college is a Christian instiiution and has at heart not only the mental but the moral and the physical welfare of the students intrusted to it care. The principal has given much thought to the home life of students and is able to provide safe and comfortable rooms at a low cost. The past years of business depression has impressed upon the minds of all the necessity for practical education and never in the history of the country has the work of the thorough busines col lege been so much appreciated as to-day. tlnCOO Gift. The Catholics of Oregon are going to build for Archbishop Gross a handsome "jubilee" residence, to be presented to him on the 25th anniversary of his episcopacy next April, The build ing will be three stories high, of modern architecture, and it is said will be one of tho handsomest residences in Port land. It will occupy one corner of the block bounded by Davis, ' Everett, Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets, the center of which is to be the site of a handsome cathedral at some future time. On the corner of Everett street a resi dence will be built for the clergy, lioth the dwellings will face Sixteenth 'while the main entrance will be on Fifteenth. It is expected that the jubilee dwelling will be ready for occupancy early in the spring Bargains in Pianos. We have in Or egon City, next door to straights grocery, on Main street,some fine pianos, which we are offering at cut prices, for a few days. We handle the Knabe, Chickering, Lndwig, Hardman, Fischer, find other well known pianos. We will make terms to suit, and take second hand instruments in exchange. Come and see the pianos. The Wiley B. Allen Oo. If you want to save money buy your hats at Miss Goldsmith's. Dan Willians has added to h is stock of groceries and provisions a full line of feed and hay. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free. Corner Seventh and Center streets One of tho most elegant places in the city of Portland, is the fashionable mil linery emporium of Mrs, O. A. Dennis at 352 Morrison. She keeps in stock an extra lino lino trimmings, etc. It is worth your while to see the place. Mrs. Dennis is r garde I by Portland ladies as the most fashionable milliner in the city and Oregon Cityites should not fail to see her display. TO CU3E A COLD IN ONE DY Take l.axiitlvn Itmmo Quinine Tablets. All dniKKlMs refund the money If It fails tu cure, iBc Our prices are tho lowest of the low on all kinds of millinery, Alias Gold smith. . Ooq ue feather brasa, Miss Goldsmith, We have received a line of silver plated ware, which will ba givn to our patrons, The quality Is a I extra coin silver plate 1487 Wm A. Rogers. We solicit you to Inspect the same at the store of I. Selling. Miss Rose Scheeland, of the LaModo Parlor, 349g Morrison streets, Portland, between Seventh and Tark, has the finest line of millinery goods kept in the city. Don't fail to see her elegant stock when in Portland. It Is a veritable bazar within itself. Go to Ban m it Brandos, 145 First street, right on the Oregon City car lino for your lunches and dinners. We make a specialty of ladies' and merchants' lunches; try them, only 25c. Agency for Mailland'8 candies. The Monopoly Breakers. There is a hot time in this town since the Reliable Clothing Store has opened. You can now buy clothing, boots and shoes with $ 10 more than you could 10 lays ago with $20. You will find clot h ing, hoots and shoe stores cards stuck out at reduced prices. Who did it the Reliable Clothing Store ; therefore we claim your patronage. Schwartz A Michael, props. The cheapest place in Oregon City for clothing, men's furnish ing goods, boots and shoes. Main street, between 5th and (th streets, If you want a nice steak, roast or boil call at AlbrigLt's shop and get somo of his cold-storage meat which is acknowl edged by all to be superior to the moats commonly sold at butchers' shops. He also keeps on hand a full stock of lard, hams, bacon, etc., made by himself and warranted purest and wholesome. Re member the old established shop on Main street. School books and school supplies at Portland prioes at Charman &. Co's, the cut-cut price druggists. Every purchaser gets a tablet or pencil free LOCAL SUMMARY. For best groceries at cheapest price go to Marr & Muir. J ustice court blanks 15 cen ts per dozen at Courier office. Get Peacock flour if you love good bread, at Harris' Grocery. Get your paint and oils at Harris' grocery and save money. The cheapest and best line of crockery in Portland is at Haine's Tea Store, 288. Morrison street. Fine new line of umbrellas and canes at Burmeisters & Andresens's Jewelry store. The cheapest place in town, to buy your hosiery is at the Racket Store. If you want a fine lawn sow our fancy lawn grass seed now. E. E. Williams, the grocer. Inspect those adjustabb window screens at Bellomy & Busch's. They are certain. y the right thing. For" your strings and extras for all musical instruments go to Burraeister & Andrpsen'R, who keep a full supply. Don't fail to see our variety of ladies', gents' and children's underwear, wool and fleeced lined, at the Racket Store. Prices right. Quality best. Timothy, clover, alsike, orchard grass, and other grass seed-. E. E. Williams, thegrocer. Furniture upholstered and repaired at the Oregon City Auction. The finest gunpowder tea at 25c a lb in the city at Harris' grocery. Customers can leave orders for bottled beer, porter, steam beer or keg beer at Knapp's Bismark saloon. John G. Wil helm, pioprietor Sellwood brewery. Get your picture frames made at the the Oregon City Auction House at very prices. Golden fleeced knitting yarn, saxony and zephyrs, all colors, at the Racket Store. Ladies, come and see our corsets, atest styles in short corsets, also child ren's corset waists, at the Racket Store Try our cream Java and Mocha coffee, 3 lbs for $1. Harris' grocery, ,. Prescriptions carefully compounded G. A. Harding's drug store. For the best shave or hair cut to be had go to P.O. Shark'sshop. Shaving 10 cents, County and city warrants, gold, silver, produce, wood, etc., taken at par for all accounts by the Courier. Dr. VV. Wadens is now associated with D . J. W. Welch, dentin, in Wil lamette bleck. , The' most reliable goods at lowest living cash prices are kept by the grocery store of Marr & Muir. ' ' ; With a little cost one's rooms can be made as good and bright as new. Call at Holman's and see styles and pattern all up-to-date 18:17 goods. Seventh street, near bridge. 1 ' L. L. Pickeni-, dentist, does all kintls of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain crowns and limine work h Wpt-eiuliy. Ollice in Barclay buildimi, c irner Alain anil Seventh trpi-ts NO tlMl NO PAY. Thnl Is tho way nil druggists sell GROVE'S IASTKI.KSS Ullll.li TO Mi,' lor Malaria, Chill! tin I l ever. It is simply Iron niiil iUiiine in r HMcless torm. Children love it. Adults pre re at o bluer, liMUscntiug Tonics. 1'rlce otic. Fo a le by C. i. Huntley, lirtigKir-t. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ol the State ot Oregon for me oiiniy oi uiat Karnes Mary C. Boseh, Plaintiff, vs U'Mll.,... U......1. Defendant. J To William Boech, said Defendant. INTIIE NAME OK THE STATE OF ORKGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint Hied against you In the above eu tllled suit by the lirst (lav of the next terra ol said court, viz.: Monday, November 1st 1!I7; and if you fail to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply lo the Court for the reliel demanded in Ihe complaint herein, to wit : The dissolution of the marriage conliact exlFting between said parties upon ground of crr.el and Inhuman treatment of plaintiff on part defendant. This Summons is published by virtue of an order made by Loyal H. steams, Judge of the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for Multnomah County, dated the lltluiay of Sep tember 1SD7. (Siguedi C. D. i D. C. I.ATOrKETTK, Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. L E. Shullz, Plaintiff, vs. James Shaw, Bettv Shaw. I'ne Oregon City Real Estate & Trust Co. (incorporated), Kaspar Knjova, Max Lessen, Emll Tarras, llenrv Kling, Frank Tritseh, Lawrence Trilsch, J."A. Tritsch, E. F. tirade, Waldemar Kuehn, and Clackamas Counly, lb I'endants, To The Oregon City Real Estate & Trust Co. (In corpor.iled), Kaspar Kajova; Max Lessen, K u i I Tarra, Henry KMng, Frank Trl sch, Lawrence Tritseh, J. A, Tritseh, E. F. tirade, Waldemar Kuehn, Deleuilants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORKOON: - You are hereby lequlied lo appear and answer the complaint tiled against yon in the above entitled suit by the lirst dav of the next term of said conn, viz : Mondav," Novem her 1st, 1SH7; and i( you fail to answer for wuiil thereof, the plaintiff will applv lo the Court for the reliel demanded In the complaint herein, to wit : For Ihe loreclosure of a certain mortgage of fifjoU 00 with Interest ami attornev's fees upon Ihe lollowlng descrlbi d property, to-wit. Begin ning at wt nt in the center of the Oregon Citv and Portland wagon road where s- ine crosses the line of laud formerly owned by toe William Dement on the south, and S. W. Moss on the north, being ;11.10 chains easterly of the sonihwesl comer of the 1). L. 0. of Uiram Straight and wife; tlienee north. 15 degrees east 4.IK) chains to south line of land formerly owned bv Emily Smith; tlienee north so degrees west tracing south line of said Smith land Sl,3,i chains to Willamette river; thence south 6 degrees west 4 ohalns to southwest corner of said D. L, D ; thence south 84 degrees :to minutes east 31.10 chains to place of beginning, containing U acres, the same in cluding .Moss Addition to Oregon t'ilv as shown by plat on tile of said additiou.all iu Clackamas County, State of Oregon. -Auoioai me equity oi reitemptlon of each of said defendants therein be foreclosed and forever barred. This summons Is published bv virtue of an order mail by Loyal B. Sieavns' Judge of the circuit court of the Stale of Oregon for Multnomah Counly, dated the lllhday of September 17. (Signed) C. 1. & D. C. LATOf RETTE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Dr Price s Cream Bakintr Powder wtriKO Umi 1u. Miawmiu ftvt Sr Francuwa Scrofulajwelling On the Neck and Croat Weakness Caused bv Impure Blood Was Constantly Crowing Worse. " When my son was 6 years old ha wa? In very poor health and we could get nothing to relieve hira. At the age of 7 years he began to complain ot soreness on both sides of his neck and soon lamps be gan to gather on one side and grew to half the size of an egg. We then became more uneasy and began to doctor him for scrofula. Ke gradually grew worse, how ever, until at the age of twelve years we had lost all hope of his recovery. He be came so weak he could sit up but a few minutes at a time. My wife saw Hood's Barsaparilla recommended as a great blood purifier and we sent and got bottle. We began giving our boy the medicine ac cording to directions and it was not long before we saw ht was improving. He continued Uking it until he was in very good healih. He is now 13 years old and is well. We recommend Hood's Barsapa rilla for all troubles caused by impure blood." S. M. Silver, Grouse, Oregon. Hood's Barsaparilla 1- 3ld by all druggists. (1 ; six tor 85. Get only Hood'3. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Hattle 15. Pufour, Plaintiff, Alexander Dnfonr. Defendant. To Alexander hnfour. Defendant: In the name of Ihe Btftte of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed agninst yon in ihe above entitled suit in the above entitled oourl, on or before the first day of the next term of the said court, after six weeks' publication of this summons, to-wit., on or before Monday, the 1st tiny of November, 181)7, and if you fail so to ap pear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded iu the complaint. The ryllef demanded In the complaint Is for a de cree dissolving Ihe bonds of matrimony subsisting between plaintiff and defendant on the ground of de sertion and that plaintiffs mime be changed to l'angtmru: and lor general relict. This summons is published pursuant to an order made by Hon. Alfred F. Sears, judge of tin." oirouit court of Ihe slate of Oregon for vlultnomeh county, In the absence of the Hon. Thomas A. McBrid. judge of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Clackamas county, which order was duly made and euttred on the liii.li day of September, 1897. GEO. 8. SIIEPHEltD, Attorney for Pluintiff. SUMMONS. In Ihe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the Counly of Claekamns. The Alliance Trust Comny, I.d.. Plaintiff, vs. L Phelps. O. S. Phelps, Nellie K. Smith. K. C. Smith, Fannie Squires, Wm. Squires, Addie Smith, John Smith, Verdie Hews, John Bews, K C. Smith, as Administrator of Estate of Johll Grow, Deceased, and Uollichilds Brother., a Corporation, Defen dants. To Addie Smith and John Smith, Defendants Above Named: Iu the name of the state of Oregon, You are herob. required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above tntitled suit by the urstday of the next term of court following the exoirutinu ol the publication of IhU summons, to-wit: by Mon day, November 1st, 18!7, and if you fail to so answer ior want thereof, piaintitr will apply to me couri for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit. for judgment against Defendant L, Phelps lor SHO.Oi', with interest from October 1st, IWlo. at the rate or in pecent, per annum: and the further sum of $140 with interest thereon (mm April 1st. 18IM1, at the rate (tf 1U per cent, per aoHum; and the turtlier sum ol S140 with interest thereon from October 1st, lslln, at the rale of In per cent, per annum; and the I'urtl'er sum of jii7.26, with interest tbeteon from February loth, 18.17, at the rate of 111 per cent, per annum: and the further sum of $3,500. wilh interest thereon fiom October 1st, lxstl, at ihe rate of 8 per ceut. per annum; snd &ir0 as attorney's fees, all in United States Gold Coiu together with the costs a d dis bursements of this suit, and', fur tho decree of Ihe above entitled Court foreclosing the mortgage de scribed iu the complaint, aud decreeing said mortgage to be the first I ten upon the land therein described, situated iu Clackamas County, Str.te of Oregon, to-wit: Hegining at apoint six (0) chains and fifty (50) links North an 1 twelve (12; chains and sixty-nine Ui!l) links East of the Southwest corner of s ctiull twenty-three (23) in Township three South of Kange three td hast ot the VI tllamette .Meridian, running thence North fifty ( 50 1 chains: th 'lire North sixty six (t'aj) degrees thirty (ill)) minutes Vet lii'tecn ilo) cluins and fifty (oil) links: tlienee North rjtty- one (ol) degrees West titty-nlne (o9) chtdtts and twelve (12) links: tlienee West eight (K) chain and Seventy threi '73) links; thence South one hundred ard fourteen (I i4) clruns: thence fast fnrt.x-eigbt I48)0clmms hm! fifty (50) links; thence Nortb twenty t JU) cliainsutiiiotty oo links; ti.en e hat lUeutyUli) cliuius and tifly ('"it); links to the place of bejluniug, containing six hundred (bUO) acres more or le-s. That stud fund iiisive dcvrhed be sold iu the manner provided by law, and Ihe proceeds of said sale applied to the sa'M'ucthm of said jndu ineiit. and that you and each of you and all llle above named (letendjiiits. and all ners( us claiming under you oi either (tf the defendoils, be barred aud foreclosed of right or equity of redemption iu silbi premises ami every part thereof, and for such other aud further relief as to the Court inav seem meet and equitable. 'ibis Publi' atioll is made by order of Hon, Loyal B. Stearns, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Multnomah, in the absence from Clackamas County of Hen. Thomas A. Mcllride, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Cla -kamas County, which order was duly made and entered September loth, 1S117. BKONAUUlI,HcAKTUUlt,FKNTOX&BtONATarI, Attorneys tor 1'lalntitt. T1TANTED-TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE gentlemen oi ladles to travel for responsible established house In Oregon. Monthly S65 anil expenses. Position si' adv. Reference. Eu close self addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Compiny, Dept. 1, Chicago. SUMMOXS. In the Ciroult Court of the State of Oregon, for uie loumy oi uiacKatnas. A. E. Latourette, Executrix,! Plaintiff, I vs. O. W. N. Taylor. John Ecker, 4er, f live I Daniel MeCarty and Oliv JlcCarty, Defendants. j To John Ecker. said Defendant. INTHENaMKOKTHE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby renuircd 1 1 aonear a, . the complaint tiled asainst you In the above entitled suit by Ihe first day of the next term of said court, viz.: Mondav. November 1st. 1KU7; aud if von fail to answer fi,r w.nt tnereoi, the plaintiff will applv to the court for the relief demanded iu the complaint herein, to-wit.: For foreclosure of certain mortgages, of S1S27 04 with interest and attoinev's fee, umi sixniui with lulere tan.l attorney's fees, and HlKl.iR) with intereft and attorney's fees, upon the billowing described pronerly, to-wit. The east of the southwest of section 30, township 4 south, rnnge I east of the Willamette ineredian; also Lots li and 7 of section 3o, township 4 south, range 1 east, containing 135 acres, all in Clacka mas cuinly, stale 01 Oregon, and that the equity of redemption of each of said defendants herein be forei losed and forever barred. This Summons ts published bv virtue of an order made by Loyal B. Stearns, judge of the eir cuit court of Ihe stale of Oregon for Multnomah county dated the 14th day of September, ls)7. (Signed) 0. D. A D. C. LATOCRETT. Attorneys for Plaintiff XariCE FOR PUBLICATION'. LAND OFFICE AT OR EGOS CITY, OREGON' September lMh, I8117. Notice is hereby given that '.be following-named settler lias tiled notice of his intention to makn Hnnl in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Or- gou uiiy, uregou, on October 29th, 17, vir JOSEPH BARSTOW, H. E. 85S7, for the SW' of See. 2S Tn r s - ue names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud culti- vanon of. satil land, viz: Charles N. Dalev ..uitniu ..lanugo, an 01 vtunoit, Oregon; Joseph Lnderof Scotts Mills.Oregou. ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. W"'U- IKliSTWORTHY A. ACTIVE gentlemeu or ladies to travel for responsible, established house in Oregon. Monthly rio 00 and expenses, position steady. Reference. Knch self-addressed stamped envelop. The Dominion Company, Dept. y, Chicago. To the Public! The undersigned having found the Boston Rubber Shoe Co.'s goods unsatisfactory, will in the future handle the Woonsocket and the Wales-Goodyear rubber boots and overshoes. We are sorry to make the change as we found the Boston Rubber Shoe g Co. very nice people I McKITTRICK, I Fine French Millinery ...Miss A. S. Jorgensen... ATA ladies ov Oregon city ark cordially invitkd to al tend ATA 291 Mcrrison St., Ket, 1th J. Phillips, Proprietor Steam Dyeing & LADIES' AND GENTLEMENS' CLOTHING CLEANED DYED AND REPAIRED IN BEST POSSIBLE MANNER Office. 215 Morrison St., Bet. Works at Mechanics'. if TO G. H. BESTOW & CO. - DOORS WIMDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PRICES EVER OFFERED FOR FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Shop Opposite CoinrresKtiunal 'Chnvoh, Mulu ftreet, Oregon City, Ore. W. II. YO UKG'S Livery & Feed Stable Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY, OREGON Winter Shoes I TZRAUSSE BROS., second l-- door north of P.O., have just received a fine new line of HEN'S WINTER TANS. Oall and see them. We have added a first-class shoemaker to our establishment and are prepared to do all kinds of repairing at reasonable rates. t t t t KRAUSSE BROS' SHOE STORE - Twn Doors North of Postoflk'B Winter Shoes I i i GEO. A. IURDLNG, DEALER IN DBUGS IB Standard Pat. Medicines Ptints, Oils and Window Gl98. Prescription Accurately Compounded harding's block. i II JAMES MURROW, Decorating Paper Hanging, Artistic House Painting And Kalsoming. Leave Orders at Ely Bros., on Seventh Street, Oregon Hty, Oregon . F. C. GADKE, Plumbing and Tinning. Jobbing of All Kimis a Specialty. Wilson k Cooke's Old Stand OREGON CITY, OREGON. Job Printing at the Courier Office. 1 IP" but business is business. The Shoe Man & 5th, PORTLAND, ORE. Goods Called For and Delivered Cleaning Works First and Front, Portland, Or. Pavilion, 325 Second St. FOR - Bank of Oregon City. OLDEST BANKING HOUSE IN THE CITY Paid Up Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $20,850. President, Vice president Cashier, Chap. H. Caufuxd Gko. a. Harm mo E. G. Cadfield K Genera Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. Countv and City Warrants bought. Loans Made on Available SecunW Exchange Bonght and Hold. . Collections Made Promptly .: 1 I Drafts Sold Available in Any Part o! th. 'Vorld. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, San Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deports Jtuc I 111. eoo Granite Pudding Pans, lo, 17, 22, 25c " Preserve Kettles, 25 3(1,35 40c " Tea Kettles, 85o, 9.ic, $1.15. We will sell you best Envelopes for 5 cents a bunch, also the best Ink Tablets at 5 and . 10 cents. L. A. PATTERSON & CO... "Bazaar" Oregon City - - Oregon BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city. Try Bolton Ualiy and be Cor.vnc.ri' Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Streel between the Bridge and the Depot. ?v.Uan,!.8lule r88 "addle boraet a ways on hand at the lowest rates, nd a corra 1 Mc fw"11 the bra loose Stock Any Information regarding any kind of stock oromptlv attended to by letter or person HORSES BOUGHT OR SOLD NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION T AND OFFIrE AT OREGON CITY, OREGON before the Register and Receiver U 8 Mnd wSTvlS 0reg"nUt''Ore!''n. Octoberth. NELSON A. FL1NN, "i B-Rmh f0r ti,e N7 H W, Sec. 26, Tp Ware, all of Cherry ville;bregoyBnd CbarleS Pl KUHhRT A. MILLFR, Register. BUSINESS change;. 0. F. HENNIXGS has purchased the Seventh Street Bakery of Ja cob Kober and the new management is pre pared to furnish you with Bread, Cakes, Buns, Etc., at very reasonable prices. C. F. HENNINGS, 7th St. Bakery bazaarI