Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, October 15, 1897, Image 3

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Twenty Persons Burned to
Death in Manitoba.
Flames Sweeping Into North Dakota-
Swaiup and Fralrle Fires
in Other States.
Winnipeg, Oct. 11. The forests fires
that have been raging in Manitoba
close to the boundary line for the past
ten days have broken out more furious
ly than ever. Ten or 12 persona are re
ported to have been burned to death,
and the fire is rapidly spreading and
crossing the boundary into North
Dakota. Settlers have been fighting
the flames for over a week trying to
keep them from getting into the more
thickly populated districts.
The flames are driving hundreds of
.wolves and coyotes into the open, and
flocks of geese and ducks have been
seen flying over the burning forests.
Near Whitemouth, H. L. Laundry, a
trapper, was burned to death.
A German woman living in a small
house near where the fire was the most
furious yesterday is reported to ha?
burned .to death and her children ave
A dispatch from Whitemouth-states
the fire is spreading rapidly. Several
settlers had close calls for their lives.
A heavy wind drove ahead of it a mass
of smoke which blinded them, and a
long line of flames which consumed
everything in their path.
East of Whitemouth the situation is,
very critical. The section foreman of
Darwin and his wife and men were
picked up by a freight train and
brought to Whitemouth. Roadmaster
Horner, on a handcar attempted to run
from Darwin with his men, but nearly,
succumbed through suffocation, and was
compelled to take refuge in a passing
freight train.
All the telegraph poles for several
miles east of the town are down and
trains are tied up.
A Broken Head, Manitoba, dispatch
says the country is on fire there. On
both sides of Broken Head river much
damage is being done.- The smoke is
o thick that it is impossible to see 20
yards, though there is no fire nearer
than a mile.
Mr. and Mrs. Young, who live eight
miles away, lost everything, and only
caved their lives by standing in the
river for 12 hours, when they were able
to come onto the burnt ground after
the fire had passed. Nearly every one
in the path of the flames lost every
thing. At Beauzjour, Manitoba, seven per
son have been burned to death. Mrs.
O. W. Thomas, her young eon and a
daughter, had a race with the flames
for several miles. They had a team of
horses, which they kept on the run.
Sparks from the burning timber were
blown into the dry ground of a prairie
where they were compelled to cross, and
soon they were surrounded by flames.
The frantic horses started to run straight
Ahead into the burning timbers. Be
fore they had gone far the carriage
overturned and they were thrown down
an embankment into a small creek.
This probably saved their lives. They
were badly burned.
A report from Morris, Manitoba,
says a fire has been raging there, and
that one family of five persong is known
to have perished.
The Kankakee Marsh Fires.
Valpariso, Ind., Oct. 11. The Kan
kakee marsh fires are spreading in this
county, although the farmers have
given up all other work and are fight
ing it at all hours of the day. Several
houses were destroyed last night. The
big marsh near Assinong caught tire
last night, and the flames swept over
acres of land, destroying everything in
their path. Residents of Hebron,
Koutz and Einman are badly fright
ened, as it is feared the fire may sweep
across the heavy ditches which have
been dug.
Michigan Marsh Fires.
Niles, Mich., Oct. 11. East and
north of this city the marsh fires con
tinue. Farmers have fought the flames
night and day for a week, and are
utterly exhausted. They have moved
their household goods to places of safety
and have sacrificed their homes. Game
which inhabited the marshes has been
driven to the city. Near Berrien
Springs, on what is known as the Big
Meadow, the fire has swept over like a
prairie fire, and hundreds of acres of
potatoes have been roasted in the hills.
The fire is the worst that has occurred
in this vicinitv since 1871.
Fires in Wisconsin.
Kenosha, Wis., Oct. 11. Prairie
fires in Sommers and Bristol counties
caused by sparks from passing engines
destroyed considerable property belong
ing to the farmers. All kinds of means
have been adopted to stay the advance
of the flames. In some cases where
the fire was apparently extinguished it
continued to burn the surface.
Whole Fields of Corn Burned.
Decatur, 111., Oct 11. Forest" fires
are raging over the entire Northwestern
part of this county. Fields of shocked
corn have been swept by the flames.
St Louis, Oct 11. John Jackson,
employed in the Tudor iron works in
East St. Louis, was terribly burned
last night while at work. He was guid
ing a red-hot bar of iron as it came out
of the rollers. Suddenly the bar
twisted, and before Jackson could es
cape, had pushed him against a heavy
stand, where, by the force of the roll
ers it slowly encircled him. The smoke
and the odor of his burning body filled
the room. Before he was rescued he
was terribly burned.
Additional Facts Brought to Light by
the Investigation.
Havana, Oct. 11. The escape of
Senorita Evangeline Cassio, otherwise
Cassio y Cisneros, has caused quite a
sensation in Haiana. Investigations
made by the authorities have devleoped
a number of additional facts. It is now
asserted that the young woman escaped
between 11 o'clock and midnight, Wed
nesday, over the roof of a neighboring
house, and through it to the street,
where the police found a ladder. The
police also found on the roof a loaded
revolver and a new rope, evidently used
as a guiding rope to enable the escaping
prisoner to cross the plank bridge from
the house near the Casa de Recogdias
to the roof of that prison.
Some of the details of the young
Cuban's escape are quite romantic.
The companions of the young woman
say that the day before Senorita Cassio
escaped, she received a package 'be
lieved to contain drugged candies.
Contrary to her usual custom, she did
not at once distribute the candies to her
prison companions, but waited unitl
Wednesday night, when she urged them
to partake of the confections. They
rlid so, and soon afterwards fell into a
deep sleep, and did not awaken through
out the night. Ferdinandez, the jailer
in charge of Casa de Racogdias, and
four employes of the government on
duty there, have been arrested and con
fined incommunicado, pending the re
sult of the inquiry into the escape.
Madame Ana Milan de Bendou, who
has been in charge of the hall at the
Casa de Recogdias, where Senorita
Evangelinea Cassio was confined, and
in whose house in San Rafael street
the police several months ago found
trunks containing dynamite and cart
ridges, is one of the four employes who,
with the jailer, have been arrested,
and held, pending the inquiry being
made into the circumstances of the es
cape of Senorita Cassio.
Barrios Overcame the Rebels by Super
ior Force.
San Francisco, Oct. 11. The steam
er City of Para arrived today from Cen
tral American ports, bringing the latest
news of the revolution in Guatemala
prior to the receipt of the dispatches
concerning the capture of Quezalten
ango by the government forces. While
those on board had not heard of the re
taking of Quezaltenango, they are for
the most part disinclined to accept the
news, as they say that Barrios main
tained a strict censorship over both
press and telegraph.
Shortly before the City of Para left
San Jose de Guatemala, 10 days ago,
a conference of the Americans, English
and French consuls was held, as the
result of which they waited upon Presi
dent Barrios, and asked for informa
tion as to the use whioh he proposed to
make of the steamer City of Panama,
informing him that it was currently
rumored that he intended to leave the
country. Barrios stated that he pro
posed to use the vessel for the transpor
tation of troops, dud had no intention
of abandoning his followers.
On September 29, Morales issued a
proclamation throughout the city, of
Guatemala, offering to allow Barrios to
escape in the hope of avoiding further
bloodshed, but the City of Para sailed
before Barrios' answer was made
Consul-General Carrillo today re
ceived a dispacth to the effect that the
revolution was at an end, and that
Barrios was again in complete control
of the situation, which was confirmed
later on by private cables to prominent
business men who have large interests
in Guatemala.
The Evacuation of Quezaltenango.
New York, Oct. 11. A dispatch to
the Herald from Guatemala says: The
news of the evacuation of Quezaltenan
go by the rebels and its reoccupation
by the government forces is fully con
firmed. The consular corps there has
sent the following message to President
"The city of Quezaltenango has been
abandoned by the rebels, and we have
notified General Garcia Leon. The
city has been for some time without
proper authorities and all desiring the
re-establishment of order and peace
respectfully beg you to give the neces
sary orders to that effect. Confiding
in your well-known reotitude, Mr.
President, we trust the occupation of
Quezaltenango will bring peace for
which Quezaltenango prays and is
The United States cruisers Alert has
arrived at San Jose, where she is now
Objectionable Order Rescinded.
Seattle, Oct. 11. A telegram was
received here today from the United
States treasury department, stating
that Secretary Gage had rescinded the
recent order reducing the pay of seamen
on the revenue cutters from $28 to $25
per month. It is now expected that the
sailors on the cutters Grant and Perry,
who quit the service here will re-enlist
Eighty Horses Burned.
Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 11. At 2:30
this morning the barn of the Kansas
City Transfer Company was almost
totally destoryed by fire. The loss is
about $300,000, partially insured.
Eighty horses were consumed. A sec
tion of the roof fell, carriyng down
eight firemen. None was fatally hurt.
Verdict Was Guilty.
Marshfield, Oct. 11. The jury in
the case of the State of Oregon vs. J.
N. Russell, after being out 14 hours,
brought in a verdict of murder in the
second degree.
Russell was on trial for killing bis
son-in-law in November last. He was
given a trial at the May term of the
circuit court-, but the jury failed to
agree. His defense was insanity.
Pennies have just appeared in circu
lation in Hawaii.
A Crowd Who Were Glad to Get Away
From St. Michaels.
Port Townsend, Wash., Oct. 11.
The schooner Sailor Boy, Captain Pet
erson, arrived at 1 o'clock this after
noon, direct form St. Michaels, having
left there September 19. The Sailor
Boy brought nine passengers from St.
Michaels, who came to spend tha win
ter rather than endure the hardhsips
incident to semi-camp life at St.
Michaels until the river opens in the
spring. The returning passengers had
gone north on the steamers Eliza An
derson and Merwin. Their names are:
J. Q. Barnum, of Murray, Idaho-, Dr.
Proot, of Michigan; Dr. Frost, of New
York; Kaufman, of Chicago; Ander
son, of Chicago;; Kappapal, of Sioux
City, la.; Robinson, of San Francisco,
and W. H. Churchill, of New York
city. All the returning passengers
agree that St. Michaels will never be
popular as a place of residence.
Captain Peterson says the Yukon
river was still open to navigation when
he left, but water was so low that boats
of over 15 inches draught could not
oross many bars which showed at irreg
ular intervals in the river's course, and
as a result all efforts to go up the river
this fall will be fruitless. Captain
Peterson does not think either Captain
Frank Worth's or Mayor Wood's boats
will be able to go to Dawson City be
fore next June, notwitstanding the faot
that both were all ready to make the
attempt when the Sailor Boy left.
The Sailor Boy did not sight or hear
anything of the schooner Bryant, which
broke loose from the tug Holyoke off
Kadiak island in a severe storm, Sep
tember 20.
There had been no news direct from
Dawson City received at St.. Michaels
for four weeks previousto leaving, and
no news can possibly be brought by
river before next summer, as ice was
already forming in the salt water at
the mouth of the river, and the fresh
water must certainly have been frozen
to a considerable thickness at that time.
"In a month form now," said he, "I
do not believe there will be 100 persons
at St. Miohaels, as nearly everybody is
preparing to come baok. A great many
will come down on the Portland. But
a majority left ere this on the schooner
Novelty, whioh was discharging cargo
at St. Michaels when we left. The
captain of the Novelty will bring down
all those having sufficient money to pay
their board on the trip, no faie being
charged. This is done simply as an act
of charity and in the interests of hu
manity. Many persons have not money
sufficient to even pay for their board on
the schooner, and unless they can sell
their outfit for cash, will be forced to
remain at St. Michaels during, the
Mayor Wood, of Seattle, manager of
the Humboldt expedition, and D. K.
Howard, who had charge of the Eliza
Anderson party, are practically prison
ers in the hands of their irate passen
gers. Only the presence of the United
States troops under Lieutenant-Colonel
Randall is expected to avert serious
The feeling against both Wood and
Howard is said to be bitter in the ex
treme, and the miners have appointed
committees to guard both, and see to it
that they do not get out of their reach.
Thomas K. Clark, of Seattle, who was
a passenger on the Sailor Boy, said:
"There is no chance for the Wood
party to get any considerable ditance
up the river, although they had every
thing ready to make the start Septem
ber 19, the day we left. The men pre
disgusted and disheartened. They are
quite likely to do something desperate
before spring. Without exception, they
seem to blame Wood for all their mis
fortunes, and it would not be surprising
if he were made the victim of their
wrath. 1 would not be surprised to
hear of the death of Howard at the
hands of the miners. The feeling
against him is growing mora bitter
every day. The passengers of the Eliza
Anderson paid their fares and freight to
Dawson, but the Anderson was aban
doned at Dutch harbor, and the passen
gers were landed at St. Michaels by the
schooner Baranoff, with no prospect of
getting futher this winter. Then How
ard announced that the expedition was
a failure, and that he would not feed
them till they reached Dawson, as his
contract demanded. His declaration
caused great dissatisfaction, and he will
be fortunate if he gets out of there
Died of the Glanders.
Chehalis, Wash., Oct. 11. W. W.
Jordan, the second victim of the gland
ers, died this morning at his residence,
after a brave fight of nearly a month
against the disease. Everything was
done by the physician in charge, and
the A. O. U. W. lodge, of which he
was a member, and it was thought at
times that, on account of his vigorous
constitution, he might be able to pull
through, but he was compelled to suc
cumb. Onr Foreign Trade.
Washington, Oct. 11. The bureau
of statistics has issued a table showing
imports and exports for August; the
first fulll month under the new tariff
These figures show for that month
the largest exports of domestic merchan
dise of any August in the history of the
government. The exports were $79,
490.264,against $66,689,981 for August,
Grape Thieves Shot.
Fresno, Cal., Oct. 11. Willie Patti
son, aged 17, employed to protect the
Reese vineyards from grape thieves,
and armed with a shotgun, today shot
and fatally injured Dennett Doland
and Bobby Murray, who were stealing
grapes. Murray is Paulson's cousin
Pattison is in jail.
Professor E. C. Pickering, of the
Harvard Observatory, announces the
discovery of 143 new doable stars in
the southern skies.
Decisive Action Has Not Yet
Been Taken.
The Insurgents Jeer and Taunt the
Spanish During an Engagement
at Camarones Hills.
Madrid, Oct. 11. A cabinet council,
at which the queen regent presided,
was held here today. When the min
isters separated, the premier, Senor
Sagasta, announced to the newspaper
men that no final decision had been
taken in regard to the reply which
Spain will make , to the note of tho
United States, handed to the Duke of
Tetuan, when he was minister for for
eign affairs, by the United States minr
The Imparcial says it learns that the
reply of Spain will satisfy Spanish sus
ceptibilities in making clear to Presi
dent McKinley the resolute attitude
which Spain maintains in regard to
According to El Heraldo, Spain's
reply to the United States will point
out if American interests suffer by
reason of the war in Cuba, they (the
Americans) are themselves to blame for
it, inasmuch as the insurrection is as
sisted from the United States. El Her
aldo says also:
"We understand that the govern
ment will express its confidence that
the new policy to be pursued with re
gard to Cuba will produce a change in
the attitude of the United States."
It is semi-officially announced that
Captain-General Weyler will be re
called from Cuba this month, and that
it is probable the oortes will be dis
solved in December and a new parlia
ment convoked in March.
Weyler's Methods Must Cease.
London, Oct. 11. The Madrid cor
respondent of the Times, referring to
the cabinet council says: .
"The cabinet was unaniomus in the
opinion that the system of warfare in
Cuba must be completely changed.
Special attention was drawn to the de
plorable condition of the sick and
wounded soldiers now arriving. This
aspect was considered at the direct in
Itation of the queen regent.
, "Regarding the finances, although
the optimistic views of the reoent min
ister of finance do not appear to have
been justified, it is believed that with
prudence, sufficient resources may be
counted upon at least until the cortes
meets in the spring, to authorize sup
plies. (
Routed by tlie Insurgents.
New York, Oct.yll. A dispatch to
the Herald from Jfavana says: A big
battle occurred October 2 in Camarones
hills, not far from Matanzas, between
the Spanish under General Molina and
the rebels under command of Betan-
court, Sanguilly and Raoul Arango.
The fight began at 9 o'clock in the
morning and continued all day. The
official report published here states that
Molina attacked the rebel position and
drove the rebels out with great loss.
The report says that General Molina
had his horse shot under him. '
The Herald's correspondent at Mat
anzas lias obtained an account of the
fight from a Spanish officer who was
present. From this it appears that the
rebel infantry were strongly intrenched
in an almost inaccessible position in
the hills, and all efforts to dislodge
them were futile, resulting only in
heavy losses for the attacking force.
The insurgents had only a few men
killed, and jeered at and taunted the
Spanish during the whole engagement.
General Molina narrowly escaped
death. Enraged at his failure, he re
turned to the attack the next day, but
with no better success. A large num
ber of Spanish soldiers were brought
into Matanzas.
The rebel leader, Juan Ducasse, has
crossed the Mariel-Majana trooha with
a large force, and is now operating with
General Castillo. '
Offer Will Not lie Accepted.
New York, Oct. 11. General Carlo
Roloff, secretary of war of the republio
of Cuba, has sent the following letter
to Gonzales de Quesada, Cuban charge
d'affaires at Washington:
"We are now better prepared for an
active campaign than at any time dur
ing either the present or the late war.
"We are informed here that Spain
will probably try to please the Ameri
can government by offering us auton
omy more or leas ample. I need not
tell you, my friend, that we laugh at
such offers, for already we are at the
hour of our liberation. Snould Spain
seriously offer us autonomy, it would
prove the full extent of her weakness,
and we will fight with renewed ardor
until she shall recognize our independ
ence. Imagine our delight should Spain
thus confirm us in our belief that the
end is fast approaching.
"Tell the American government that
to enter into diplomatic discussion with
Spain in the hope that we will accept
autonomy is useless. We should
simply thank it for its trouble, but
manfully decline to end the war on
such terms. We know that both
Palma and you have often made this
plain to the American government and
public, but we wish you to reaffirm it"
One Expedition Failed.
Havana, Oct. 11. According to the
bulletins issued today from the head
quarters of the Spaniards, a govern
ment force has ambushed and captured
a boat having on board 207 boxes of
ammunition which the troops found
ashore. Both of theee lots of ammuni
tion, it is stated, belonged to an expe
dition which landed at the mouth of
the river Ariano.in theditsrict of Cien
fuegos, province of Santa Clara, recently.
Downing, Hopkins & Company's Review
, ; of Trade.
There has not been much doing in
the wheat market during the past week.
The visible supply decreased 1,690,000
bushela, and the exports from both
coasts were equal to about 5,000,000
bushels. Crop reports from the Argen
tine are less favorable and the crop
is reported damaged by frost. Should
this report be confirmed, it will fur
nish a strong bull incentive to the
market. Not the least important
change in the situation is the decreas
ing receipts of winter wheat sufficient
ly marked to offset the inoreased move
ment of the spring wheat crop. The
export sales have not been large, but
sufficiently so to show that our mar
kets are on an export basis and that
the demand continues ooustant. Local
speculative conditions remain practi
cally the same as during the previous
week. The weakness in values is more
apparent than real and results from
lack of speculation and moderately in
creasing stocks. There is no sound ar
gument for any decline in values at
present. There are several arguments
and many possibilities in favor of an
advance. Should Russia prohibit ex
ports or should any serious damage oc
cur to the Argentine crop, extreme
high values would obtain. Wheat is
fully worth 90 to 95, cents under exist
ing conditions, and as the speculative
publio become eduoated to the higher
values now ruling renewed speculative
support and increasing export sales will
carry values higher.
Our corn market has been dull and
uninteresting devoid of any paritcular
features or change in previous condi
itons, exoept that farmers' sales of corn
to arrive have fallen off to the mini
mum. Local sentiment has been and
continues extremely bearish. Short
sellers have taken advantage of every
opportunity to depress values, but the
market has developed a strong under
tone and values have ruled higher than
at the close of the previous week. Ex
port clearances continue large and the
cash demand, while still inadequate,
shows some improvement. The depress
ing influence in the market continues
to be the large stocks.
Fortland Markets.
Wheat Walla Walla, 7980c; Val
ley and Bluestem, 82 83c per bushel.
Flour BeBt grades, $4.50; graham,
$3.70; superfine, $2.50 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 8884c; choice
gray, 81 32c per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $19 20; brew
ing, $20 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $14 per ton;
middlings, $21; shorts, $15.50.
Hay Timothy, $12 12. 50; clover,
$10 11; California wheat, $10
do oat, $11; Oregon wild hay, $9
10 per ton.
Eggs 20c per dozen.
Butter Fancy creamery, 4550o;
fair to good, 8540c; dairy, 25(sS85o
per roll.
Cheese Oregon, llc; Yonng
America, 12c; California, 9 10c per
pound. '
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.00
2.50 per dozen; broilers, $1.502;
geese, fo.ou; auoics, ftf(g)4 per
dozen; turkeys, live, 8 9c per
Potatoes. Oregon 'Burbanks, 40
45c per saok; new potatoes, 50o per
sack; sweets, $1.40 per cental.
Onions California, new, red, 90o;
yellow, 80o per cental.
Hops 815o per pound for new
crop; 1896 crop, 6 7c.
Wool Valley, 1415c per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 10 12c; mohair, 20c
per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, $2.502.60; dressed mutton,
5c; spring lambs, 5 per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.50;
light and feeders, $3 4; dressed, $5.50
6 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $2.75 8;
cows $2.25; dressed beef, 45c per
Veal Largo, 4J5o; small, 56o
per pound.
Seattle Markets.
Butter Fancy native oreamery,
brick, 2425c; ranch, 1416o.
Cheese Native Washington, 10
llo; California, 9o.
Eggs Fresh ranch, 22o.
Poultry Chickens, live, per pound,
hens, lOo; spring chickens, $2.50
8; ducks, $3.GG8.75.
Wheat Feed wheat, $28 29 per ton.
Oats Choice, per ton, $22.
Corn Whole, $28; oracked, per ton,
$23; feed meal, $23 per ton.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$22; whole, $22.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef,
steers, 6o; cows, 5c; mutton sheep,
65o; pork, 7c; veal, small, 6.
Fresh Fish Halibut, 5c; salmon,
8o; salmon trout, 710c; flounders
and sole, 8 4; ling cod, 4 5; rook
cod, 6c; smelt, 2j4c.
San Franolseo Markets.
Wool Choice foothill, 8 12c; San
Joaquin, 6 months' 57o; do year'
staple, 79o; mountain, 10 12c; Ore
gon, 12 14c per pound.
Hops 11 14c per pound.
Millstuffs Middlings, $2022:
California bran, $14 IS per ton.
Onions New red, 7080o; do new
silverskin, 90c$l per cental.
Butter Fancy creamery, 2728c; do
seconds, 2526c; fancy dairy, 23 24c;
good to choice, 20 22c per pound.
Eggs Store, 1824c; ranch, 81
83o; Eastern, 14 15; duck, 20o per
Cheese Fancy mild, new, 9!o; fair
to good, 7 8o per pound.
Potatoes New, in boxes, 4080o.
Citrus fruit Oranges, Valencias,
$1.503;Mexican limes, $33.60;Cali-
fornia lemons, fancy,$2.50;do common,
$12 per box.
Hay Wbeat,$12 16; wheat and oat,
$1114; oat, $10 12; river barley,
$78; best barley, $1012; alfalfa,
$8 9. 60 clover, $8 10.
Blanco Will Succeed Him as Captain -
Madrid, Oct. 11. The cabinet has
decided upon the immediate recall of
General Weyler from Cuba. A de
cree will be issued appointing Cap
tain General Blanco y Arenas, Mar
quis of Pena-Plana, governor of the is
land. The queen regent will sign tha
decree tomorrow.
According to El Heraldo, 20,000 re
inforcements will accompany General
Blanoo to Cuba.
General Blanco will be accompanied
by General Arderin as vice-governor of
Cuba; General Gonzales Painale as
chief of staff, and Generals Spando,
Bernal and Cannalon.
Staving Off the Inevitable.
New York, Oct. 11. A dispatch to
the Herald from Madird says:
General Weyler will fight tooth ami
nail against being removed from Cuba.
He is trying to terrorize the liberal
government into retaining him in com
mand in Cuba until next June, and it
recalled now he will utilize his in
fluence over the army to create distur
bances in the peninsula or sell himself
to the Carlists.
Now that the late conservative ad
ministration is no more than a shat
tered remnant, the organs of the con
servative press are nothing backward
in vitupearting one Hnother, and. tha
defunct ministry is so malignant in
tone as to clearly betray that there wa
no intention whatever of surrendering
the reins of government had not tha
queen regent herself deliberately in
duced and insisted on the crisis.
In consequence of this the fallen .
magnates of that administration,
which has been one of continuous)
brawl and national scandal for so many
weary months, are being so bitterly as
sailed in the columns of their own
newspapers that their tempers are said
to have suffered in the glorious melee,
and more than one has to part from
publio life and even from Madrid, witbv
scowls upon his brow and anathemas
upon his lips, which has oaused no
little merriment to the unconcerned on
lookers. The conservative paper El Naoional
has made a dead set against General.
Azcarraga, assailing him more fiercely
than ever, and Senor Robledo, the an
tagonist of Cuban reform, "the man
who has lost us Cuba," as he is bow
branded in Spain, in wrath at similar
tirades against himself, has stopped hia
ears and fled southward to his native
antiquary, where the crowds turned '
out to receive him, and where tha
adulation of the villagers will doubt
less compensate him for the harshness,
sneers and ridicule of the Madrid
public. De Lome to Be Recalled.
Madrid, Oct. 11. Among the diplo
matic changes reported here as being
imminent is that the Duke of Almor
dova, or Senor Muraga, will replace
Senor Dupuy de Lome as Spanish min
ister to the United States. 1
Treasure Island Again.
Victoria, Oct. 11. The warship Im
periuse, which recently sailed for Gua
temala, carried as a guest of Rear-Admiral
Palliser, Ernest Harris, a teal
estate man of this city. It is asserted
that he went south to secure part of the
treasure w hich Charles Hartford says
he has located on Cocos island.
Hartford came here from Cocos is
land a couple of months ago on the
schooner Aurora, on which a party of
sealers had gone to the island to search
for treasure. The sealers could not
find it, but Hartford olaimed to have
located $30,000,000 in gold, silver and
jewels. Hartford is said to have in
terested Harris and the officers of tha
Imperiuse in his story, and it is eea
thought that he himself sailed as a
bluejacket on the vessel,
Rich Find of Prospectors.
Long Creek, Or. . Oct. 11. A riob
pocket was discovered a few days ago
in the mining belt east of Canyon City,
in this county, from which its discov
erers realized $3,000 in cash. This is
the same pocket that was searched for
by a miner of the name of James Wal
laco last summer, and from the evi
dences of Wallace's prospecting, ht
was within two feet of the rich pocket
at the time lie abandoned it. The
finding of this rich pocket has given
new life to the mining belt of Grant
county, and with a few more similat
strikes, this section is likely to exper
ience a "Klondike rush."
A Filibuster Released From Jail.
Philadelphia, Oct. 11. Cpatain J.
II. II. Wiborg was released from prison
tonight, after serving a 16 months' sen
tence for carrying, on the Danish
steamship Horsa, a filibustering expedi
tion to Cuba. There was a fine of $300
and costs, $500 in all, attached to tha
term of imprisonment, but Captain
Wiborg could not raise the money.
The term expired last Saturday, but
this default would have added 80 days)
to his confinement, but a popular sub
scription, headed by a local newspaper,
raised the money, and the captain was
restored to his wife and children.
Colorado Forest Fires.
Estes Park. Colo.. Oct. 11. Forest
fires are raging in the timber southwest
of this city. Immense volumes of
smoke darken the sky. Unless there i
a storm the destruction will be enor
Drowned in tha Clearwater.
Lewiston, Idaho, Oct. 11. Ira Cow
an, of Plaza, Spokane county, was
drowned in the Clearwater river today.
While crossing with a band of horses.
his horse reared up and fell backwards
with him. The body has not been re
covered. Victims of tha Quebec Fires.
Ottawa, Oct. 11. Word comes from
Oasselean tonight that four more bodies
have been found there, victims of tha
forest fires,