....... CITY COURIER, lBth YEAR. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1897. NO. 22. OREGON ''Hilt, 0M?v-; , III AIR-TIGHT HEATER s- We keep a full assort ment of all kinds and sizes. Air tight. Do not need any recom mendation. Once in your house you will never be without. Come and inspect our im mense stock. Prices from $3.75 and up. BELLOMY & JiUSClI, The HouseturniHhers, OREGON CITY - OKEGON SECOND-HAND STORE SECOND-HAND FURNITURE SECOND-HAND CARPTES SECOND-HAND SPOVES SECOND-HAND TOOLS SECOND-HAND HARDWARE SECOND-HAND WAGONS SECOND-HAND HARNESS SECOND-HAND SADDLES SECOND-HAND PLOWS SECOND-HAND CULTIVATORS SECOND-HAND TRUKS ' ALL TO BE SEEN AT THE- OREGON CITY AUCTION HOUSE Opposite Postofflce. HTProduce Taken in Exchange. EfFOome in and see our prices before buying elsewhere. Ml I I I The TEA and COFFEE You serve to your guests create as distinct an impres sion among them as your silver, your linen or your china. If you wantexra nice tea and the very finest flavored coffee, you can s uely depend up setting them here. ' . Better be sure than sorry, E. E. Williams THE GROCER... I I Mi Not How igh J But how low can we make the price, is the question we ask ourselves when marking our goods for sale. That's what makes ours an ever-paneling business, it's a potent advertiser; it tells the story through the purse in thousands of homes, only to be retold in countless others by appreciative money savers. CHAHMAN & SON, Dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Call at the Pioneer Store of Charman & Son before buying elsewhere. . The Gebmania Market. Is the cheapest place in the city to buy t t t t t FIRST-CLASS FRESH MEATS Seventh Street, Near Depot, Oregon City. Paul J. Scholz, Prop. t t t t "BEE-HIVE" JTtTlE have received in the past few days OVER 5 A FIFTY CASES of NEW FALL GOODS. T T I All our orders were placed before the advance in prices, and our customers will find us as low as Portland's largest houses and much lower than same " goods can be bought for in Oregon City. If you want. . . SHOES, LADIES' or GENTS' FURNISHINGS, FANCY DKY GOODS or NOTIONS, Be 'sure and visit the... , ...BEE -HIVE... r..G,AA rVi.,t- Circurnn fiitv Or. CITY COUNCIL. Regular October fleeting Held on Wednesday Evening. Recorder Ryan reported following license receipts for past month : A. W. Phillips, express '.$ 10 00 J. W.Oole, saloon 200 0:1 Hill & Munsey. saloon 2 0 (:0 P. Hemim-lgarn, saloon 200 00 Bioscope Co 15 00 G H. Young, second hand store. 8 00 W. L. Block, " " . 3 00 Total $031 00 Warrants drawn on general fund $729 88 Warrants drawn on cemetery fund 47 40 The treasurer reported the following balances : General fund receipts $fi296 01 " disbursements.. 4255 i'6 Ealance on hand 2"40 75 Water fund receipts 1887 72 " disbursements . . . 1862 29 Balance 25 43 Cemetery fund receipts 133 92 " disbursements. 47 40 Balance 86 52 Seventh Street fund receipts.. 148 28 " " disbursements 22 90 Balance. 125 3S BILLS ALLOWED. T. F. Ryan, recorder .$.'5 00 " revising ordinances. . .. 40 00 P. E. Burns, chief of police 60 0 E. L. Shaw, nightwatchman 60 80 (?ha8. Babcock, work on streets.. 97 50 L. Dickeln.an, cleaning Main St.. 32 00 O. H. Dye, prosecutor 5 00 P. Hemelgarn, meals at jail 1 20 Joseph Andrews, burying dog I 0' Press, publishing ordinances .... 10 50 G. R. H. Miller, use -jack screws. 3 00 Pope & Co., nails and hardware. . 2 70 Wilson & Cooke, nails, etc 3 49 George Broughton, lumber 355 90 Hollister & Potter, 50 dog tags. . . . 3 00 P G E Co., lights for September. .167 60 Peter Neh ren 5 00 H. E. Straight, treasurer 40 00 T.E.Kraft, plastering 6 50 Geo. A. Harding, electric lamps.. -1 60 A. Walker, painting city hall. . . .136 2d M. F. MeCown, special police .... 2 00 The following recommendations of finance committee were adopted: That note due city be taken up by a new note. That suit against E. S. R. R. Co. for annulment of franchise be' dismissed. That council will discuss with county officers pavment of half repairs on sus pension bridge when Oregon City shall have received the road fund money due it from county. That water commission issued a war rant for ameunt due the city, as same can be sold at par by the latter. Saloon licenses of A. Kuapp, I. G. Rambo and J. N. Miller renewed. Remonstrance of O. Howell and M. N. Howell against improvement of 12th street in front of their property filed. Petition of T. E. Gault for leave of absence granted. Finance committee reported the com pilation of the new city ordinances. Council adjourned to meet next Wed nesday evening. Probate Court. K.I)WARD-- yU(5HES Li Mfwra CO m O (3 W CO W i CO (A I I in CD tf B COR.; FRONT A, TAYLOR STS., PORTLAND, OREGON JOSEPH RICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office In Oiogon City Bnnk Block. Oregon City. .... onieow. C. H. .ISOM, Civil Engineer &, Deputy County Surveyor Will be ai Court Home on Put lid . and ou regulftr session days of County Court. : J. W. WELCH, DENTIST, WILLAMETTE BLOCK, Opposite P. O., Oiikoon City, Or. Gbo. C. Bbownsll. J. U. Campbiu.. BROWNELL & CAMPBELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Oaufleld Building Oregon City, Ore C. N. GREENMAN, Royal make the food pure, wholesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Puro BOVAl GAKINQ POWDER CO.. NPWVOHK. Jury List. Clerk Dixon and Sheriff Grace Tues day drew the following jury list for the term of circuit court to begin here No vember .1 : John Sutherland , farmer Barlow ,4 ina Kirkley, for di sale of mortgage J.S. Kirkley vsl vorce and costs Joe Parrott vs IK U, Wheeler etal, for judgment for $5 '0 ari l $75 attorney fee, HOOD VIEW. Jacob Zeek H A Yorphal R Long Henry McGugin L P Williams Geo H Webster J W Roots E Burnett V J Currin E Foster EH Williams B G Casper John Paly Joseph Myers Clay Green Thomas Garrett F M Manning R Scott M Outfield Henry Wolfer Henry Metetle E S Calkins Scott Carter " Barlow " Canby " Oanemah " Cascades " .. Canyon Creek " Clackamas A .....Clackamas " .. .Eagle Oreek " .. ..Eagle Creek " ... .Eagle Creek " ..Garfield " Highland " . .Lower Molalla " . . . .Maple Lane " . . . .Maple Lane " Marquum " Milk Creek " Milwaukie " ......Milwaukie " '..........Needy " Oswego " ...Pleasant Hill .Soda Springs i HI ! Final report of Ward B.Lawton, ad ministrator of the estate of Ambrose S. Lawton, approved and administrator; discharged. Philip A. Baker, administrator of the estate of Mrs. Augusta Melcher, authorized to pay certain claims against the estate with money received from the Portland Saving bank on the 5 per cent dividened recently made by that in stitution on money due the estate. Hearing on the final report of J. T. Drake, administrator of Elizabeth Drake, set for November 2nd, at 1 o'clock p. m. Sale of real estate to John Tavlor, by Edna Taylor, administratrix of the estate of Peter Taylor, confirmed. Final report of Fred A. Ely, adminis trator of the estate of Christina Vermil zei, approved and administrator discharged. Will of G.W. Sampson filed bequeath ing to widow 13 acres and buildings and 10 acres to Mrs. Cora Beattie. M. E. Beattie was appointed executor of will. Circuit Court Actions. The followi'.g actions were filed in circuit court since October 7th: M E McCarver vs Eliza Coleman. Clans Krohn vs Wiebke Krohn, for divorce and care of four children. Assignment of Wanda Zimmerman to G.B. Dimick. Assets as listed consists of fixture valued at $174.50 and liquors valued at $87.5H, total 222.( 0. Liabili ties 1 isted a re : G a m br i n u s B re w i n g Co . , Portland, $550;' Eugene Hock, Portland, 20.5'; Naber All's A Brune, San Fran cisco, $35 ; Multach & Bundschu, S.in Francisco, $90 ; Earnest Miller. Portland, $110; Louis Feurer, Portland, $235 ; to al $131)7.5 1. ! Mathias Butola vs Alliert Francis, for j $56.93 aiid $50 attortipy fees. I Portland Flouring Mill Co. vs Jacob! Kober. ) Geo. Foreman vs Duren H. Tuttle, et al, to quiet title to 150 acres in sections ! 14 and 23 in township 2 south of range ' Born, to the wife of Wm. Casey, a son, on September 27. Grandma Seely is spending a few months in Astoria with her grandaugh ters, Miss Whitmoreand Mrs.Elsworth. Mrs. Wm. Brobst of Wilsonvilln is visiting her people in Illinois this winter. Miss T wink Graham of Grahams' Ferry made Portland and friends a visit last week. Joseph Roberts, we understand, is to move in our midst this winter. Amiel Yeager has purchased a fine new spring toath h irrow. Mr. I'eperof Wilsonville intends erect ing a fine new "hull for public use. C. T.Tooze is having some g'ubbing ; children and clearing done this winter. Rev. Jerome and Mrs. Barber, former ly of this place, are now residing in Sherwood. Guss Yeager intends moving on his new farm soon. Emaniel Sebastine of Idaho, formerly of this place, who was recently killed with a runnaway team, leaves many friends and a few relatives here. A wife and two children survive him. The fine new residence of Jim Turner of Frog Pond iB quite an improvement to that neighborhood. October 7. Anna. W W Marrs, laborer Cr g n City Thomas Gibbs, laborer. . . , .Oregon City James Adkins, lumberman. ... . ..Canby A F Parker, b.irber. . , Park Place Before furnishing your ho'ise call at Young's second-hand store and he will fit you out for less than one-quarter of what new goods would cost. The mission of Hood s Sarsaparilla is to cure disease, and thousands of testi monials prove it fulfills its mission well. Mothers Praise Hood's Sarsaparilla, because, by its great blood em idling qualities, it gives rosy cheeks and vigorous appetites to pale ana puny THE PIONEER Express jvd "1 (Established 1805 ) Drayman r Parcels delivered to all parts of the city. THOS. F, RYAN, Notary Publio and Real Estate Broker- Leading Insurance Aokncy of Clack am County. Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made. Drawing of l.t'Kul iiocumc.ts a Specialty Office on east side of Main street Between 6th and 7th. OREGON CITY, OREGON. C. D. & D. C. LAT0DRETTE Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE.: Commercial : OREGON CITY. 3iu lilldln OREGON H. STRAIGHT, IIEALIK IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Peed; Lime, Cement ar.d Land Plaster. The Commercial Bank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL $100,000. Transacts General Banking Business Loans made. Bills rllsccmnled. Mules eo lections. Buys and sells exchange on all point in the United States and Knrnne and on Hong Kong. pepQslts received subleel to check. Bank open from 9 A.M. to 4 P. M, D.C. LACOITRKITK, .. K.K. DO ALDBOM 1-resideut. Cashier COLTON. here Still cloudy but no rain. J. H. Sexton is going to leave soon. He mov 8 to Portland. John t-cott of Elwood was the guest of P E Bonney and wife Sunday. Colton must be very attractive for som body from Clackamas was lingering near the pnnd laHt Sunday. J. (iorbett and son, Andrew, .went fc Portland Wednesday. J 0. .ill is building the chimney in S. H. Dix's new house. Ira Bonney of Hubbard was visiting S. H. Dix and family Sunday. School will commence in district No. "i the first Monday in November with B Yedder as teacher. Mips Bessie Ilubliard was the guest of Mrs. Sexton last Wednesday. Mr. Edgecoine has been seriously ill for some time. October 9 Atthonhk. .Furs! Furs! Furs! MOST STYLISH FURS AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES AT... S- SILVERFIELD-a Leading Furrier 1 43 Third Street., PORTLAND OREGON V f ' . t QEOROE. Henry Scheel of Bissell died on the 7th, aged ?A years. He leaves a widow and one child. His mother died in August, 18'J3, and his father in April, 1894. School commenced on the 4th. The children were happy when they met 3 east. Fred Schiewe vs Jacob and B. Kurz, their favorite teacher again for $l00 and for injunction preventing October 8th. X. rrrr s 11 iv Oi ft , o'jU, merino t4 ih Vamhili 5f-.