aoy to Tako lasy to Operate Are feature! pocullar to Hood's rilli. Bmall In Ize, tatelcs, efficient, thorough. M one man laldt " You never know you have taken pill till It Is all ICO 2 1 l-a over." m. 0. I. Hood & Co., I I I S Proprietors, Lowell, Muss. The only pills to tuke with Hood's BursuparllJa. HOW T0JIN3 OUT. Fill a bottle or common cIiihh with urine uml lut it stand twenty-four hours; a gfdiiiiunt or ftottlitiK indicate" un un healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine Htiiins linen it iiicviilctice of kidney trouble. Too frequent dun-ire to urinnte or min in the hack, in alxo convincing proof that the kidneys and Madder are out of order. WHAT TO MO. There Id comfort in the knowledge so often exnreHned, that Dr. Kilmer's fewnmp-ltoot. the ureut kidney remedy fullills every widh in relieving pain in in the buck, kidneys, liver, bladder and every nrt of the urinary parages. Jt corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in juicing it. or bad effects following uho of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleuHunt necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Koot is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing casew. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent Iree ly mail. Mention Ohwion City Coukikh and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Oo., Binghamton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness 01 tins oiler. DR. " 'f M old Oil arinfd specialist, nf Ml. Louis veil known ly tils loiif residence and mio Ct's'nlly i.TJI tea In llils city, eonl linio iC i,iu. Mniiiliy I P'nt all (flu ill of chronlv ami pr I vii it UirteiiW'S muii i minimum In persuu at thu uill.f very nriflinouil in dim CltIV Discuses, Soros. Hi.t rim .ui'i 5!i.N iimo 'j-iiiiiia. Tumors, i.'"'- ), " !.. otl.'-r Immirllles of Hie blonfl i;jv,ve-., MDcllcal' il, luii vliiv the systi'iil In a .-lr iC, pur" mil bcnlllifiil stale, t (rented l.y, till I1I1I tl.fiiinn L ruined: This rii.liil,v Wa ikuiiIccI to !-, Kumi'l' f by 4 li'li'ud in Hcrlln. It tins never failed. Tu CflDTQ Ulecrs, Cnncors, oIa)., iveitied, no '.'Lil MJnLij difference how long anYi-lrU, KIDNEY AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. I.11111I11I, . f I II leu lr , Ion iriipit, milky or b.on- V mine. iiiiiiiurl illsoluirito, enrxliilly treat d, I' l., rix'ii mat Ikiu and nuuiulglu treandb Our '"'W reoieulcB. 't'-ikO ft el.'i I' lii.illo nt bedtime A lid llrlniiie lli ttio liotllo. set nsldu aun look Hi it In In" tnorniiiK. if it is cloudy, n lias a cloudy set tllni; In it, you havo sotuo kidney or Ulmlil. 1 dln'iue. TADD WflBM removed In Iwonly-fonr hour i iUfi ft Willi H-e worms in window lit ul tu t1 lii to:lj 1 eel long. DDmiPU OIPIWI'O w meet, persons every MM 111 ullMo day whose hlviit Ii sm.'lls mi hud it m dli:iiHUiiir. This comes from On lii.rli ol either tli iiohc or nUiinaeli lio himI be examined. It. can bo cured before lie) nnsiil biinea becomes Involved. Vfl'TVP MrW ,f V"" aie troubled with iiIrM 1 UUltU lllDll hiiIkk1iuiw, exliimm tii(i Ii'iiii.. ..uilei., LiHNtiliiliiOHK, avers on to mieiily, HlnpiOnesn, deiHiiidiioey, lomiof enemy, ain I'll I. .1. nod aiill-eiinndciice, which d prive ,vuii l your iiiiiiiIkhhI anil nuMiitely ii'ifll jnu for study, business or marriage. II you uie I line Hillleted you may know the cuuao. llo and lie 1 rented. innnrr unrn vrvtiiere are iiioukiukIn JJllHULL-AubU MbW oryoiiirouliled with hi-hU, Hulling buck nod klilni'VH; lrriueia, pf I ci 1 11 1 11 ri mil ion and sediment in irine; lin IHiteney or weiiknens of eul omaim, mid ii tier unnilHlakiiblo Ikui of ncrvoiin deiiilliy and ireiiinlure decuy. Many die of HiIk iMDIeulty, Ignorant of the cniiae. The moht oh liuite caaea of this cbaraoter treated. ODIVATP dlneaiiei. Gleet, Qonorrlinii, In i fill ill tl liaiiiHtiona. Dlaulinigoa, Hlrtuiureii. w i ukiii'M of Organi), Syphllli, llydruculu Vanoocele and kindred troulilei (rented. Consultation Free to All. OiiKu.K Hours:' From 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Call or utldrcsn J. Henri Kessler M. D. At St. Louis Dispensary, 1 ' ' ?"" YAMHILL STREET POKTLAND. .... UliKiiiiN. JAMES MURR0W, Decorating Paper Hanging, Artistic House Painting And Kalsoming. Leave. Orders nt Kly Urns., on Seventh Stroot, Oregon 'lty, Oregon. Are You Musical? It so, iiend in your iilierltloti to (lie National Home Music Journal AMI Th la a monthly gi.ili-n up In the lift ih.-iiMi' Myli'. hai-h Input' cmitttina 17 paw of vnoal ami i!itriimi'titnl nnialr of the latent anil Ih-ki com poult Ions. Subscription only $i per year. Tln mualv yon Rtt In the 12 iiiitiilier woulil com roil hIhmii 1.1) ui at imiial tvuil ratin. Kt'iul lee for rttiiltf copy. Chicago Book & News Co... 21.t Wat.a.h An-., I'HICAliO. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Hlgheat Mauri m Clpioma. KESSLER. A NON-PARTISAN VIEW OF TUG MONEY QUESTION. Ifiiving always argued for free silver, though not from a partisan fltu ix t jri'in t , I have la-en recently asked again and again to explain how wheat has gone up and silver down, while we always argued ihat the low price of silver ruled the price of wheat. I will try to make my argument plain how low silver in ordinary years, gives low w heat, and why It does not this year. Sometimo ago the Chinese mill-hands were driven out of Oregon City, because they lived so squallidly that they could undersell the labor of the white man and pull wages down. In the world's murket with free competition In all our surplus agricultural products, thu price Is generally set at the lowest figures, anyone aro willing to supply the mat ket. Producers are generally so anxious to realize, on their wheat for instance, that in caso of a general siilllciency a fair margin of profits only is asked to fix the market price. Owing to the de preciation of silver the Argentine republic puying only tno same normal wages, (see Carlisle's gold pamplet, lingo 13, Sen. Doc. 260) in a half-priced coinage, are able to find the price of wheat so low that it leaves no margin of profit in a gold country to raise it. Carlisle uses the satno argument him self for manufactures 011 page 15 of the alaive quoted document, viz. "The man ufactures of certain kind of goods in this country cannot continue to pay their laborers high wages in gold or its equivalent and complete successfully ill the market abroad, with the manu facturers of similar goods, in silver standard countries who pay low wages in depreciated silver." This fatal admission, if true of manu factured articles, must 13 doubtly true of agricultural products, which needs far less outlay of capital to engage in, and kills the whole argument for gold. It can only lower our wages, annul our profits in agricultural products by lower ing the price i which we sell these things abroad. f thank Carlisle for so clearly proving to us that the low price of silver rules tlu) price of wheat. We sold to Europe S0O millions wor h of our surplace products lust year at half price (i.e.) we lost $B00 millions directly through the low price of silver, but as this is only about one-twentieth of our home trado and our home prices are fixed by the same laws, it is evident our farmers lost directly through tho low price of silver in one year, one year, pne-miiion .,' "-undred millions dollars, in addition .rt.i...i...ii..,.iin.:'8 from the consequent W lilt imilJd'lf , , , languishing of rilenterpn l1,ro,,h U ? 1 curtailment of our farmer's profits. 1 curtailment of our farmer b proi Why are we not losing this year M much on our wheal ns w mve evury year tilU'U tin1 great shump In silver in 1803? l'iirtly because of (ho gre'! shortage in the rest of tho world, bu' chiefly for the reason of a shortage in the Argentina republic, which is the great competitive country on a Bilver bat-is. They have none for export this year and consequently cannot undersell us in the Kurojiean markets. Next year if there is a like shortage in Argentina we may still obtain a fair price. But if there 18 a fairly good sup ply all round including that country, we mny expect, with the increased quantity sown in this country wheat to be not more than 40c per bushel, on tho present gold Imsis. This nrgh t all be changed . Our wheat is said to Ihj up, but the world has never experienced a like shortage on a bi metallic basis without wheat rising to 2 per bushel, so that our farmers are losing more than ever this year and wheat Bt 80 or 90c is leally very much much down. If McKinley and Ids advisors are pre pared, which tho bank of England ar rangement would indicate, to join issue with France on the Iree coinage of silver at l.i to 1, there will be no more 40 or (i0-cent wheat sold for a long time, as there would be no cheap silver to cut us out, notwithstanding the interested ravings of tho Oregonian and its ilk about cheap silver. O. E. IIaiuihfavkh. The Newborn uil the Dead. Luvater, in his "FbyNicfinnmy," makes the following curious remarks: "1 have had occasion to observe some infants immediately on their births and have found an astonishing resemblance between their profile and those of their father. A few days after this resem blance almost entirely disappeared. The influence of tho air mid food and pub ably the chaiiKO of posture had so al tered the design of the face that you fould have believed it a different in dividual. I afterward saw two of these children die, one at 0 weeks and the other at 4 years of ni;t and about labours after their dentil they imme diately recovered the protile which had struck me so much nt their birth, i.nly the protile of the dead child win, ? might bo expected, more strnrgly marked and mine tere than that f the living." Suaprrtrd Mlatnke. "Sim Wilkison lias two mighty smart boys," remarked Mrs. Corntcssel. "One of 'em hi s gene to towu an learnt to paint They say he puts a lot of atmos phere in his work." "Mainly, ain't yon thiukiu about the other boy?" "liis brother?" "Yea. The cue that learut to play the comet " Washington Star. REALTY TRANSFERS. i-urnisnea Every Week by Clacka mns Abstract & Trust Co. J I' Shaw and wife to Mrs K Mitchell lots 3 and 4, blk 4, west side addition : II John and Mary A Evan to Charles Shields, lot 1. blk 3, Randall's suhd Mt. I'leasant, also e of se sec 21, s,2e; $110(1. M A and Martha L White to C Andrews, lot 8, blk 128, Oreg City ; I'SOO, Emma C Uroom to Frank Hunch, tract "t," tlackumas fruit lands; :'5. . W T Tinsley et al (by sheriff) to E S risli, 80 by 100 roils, sec 11,6 s, 1 e Hilda U Anderson to Win Kesterson sw i of s i, sec 25, 1 s, 3 e j $H0o. Davis, Ambler, Merrill, Lumber Co to I' T Davis, 7.33 acres, sec 5, 2s,2ej fSOtl Willamette Falls Oo to Seward K Kasmussen, lot 1, blk 13, and lot 10, blk Hi, Willamette Falls; ft. W II Savage to Ernest Harrington lot 7, blk 4, I'leasant Place ; 3Kd. Sarah Kesterson to A W Anderson nu J4 of sw H, sec 25, 1 s, 3 e ; 500. John tirillith to J E Mnd M J Malley Iot5, blk 3(i, 1st add to Oswego; $200 Thos Hyan to 1) II Close, lot j. 0, 7, 8 blk 4, E'lgwood ; f J00. Uarbara Spitxbarth to Frod Spitzbarth 8 acres in hiteom claim, $1. Lucy M James et al to Ira I James one-tiuru Interest 111 the s k, of w 0( w of sec 2, 2 s, 1 e, ami n and e i of so 14 and nw of se and ne J of M of sec 27, also w of sw sec 27, f s, 1 e ; frG00. Maria J Kellogg to C F Vonderalo, 9.74 acres, see 17, and nw M of no )i, sec 17, 4 a, 2 e, and all nw H 11 of Mill Creek; 83.74. F C Mack to John Robins, se ), sec 12,4 b, le; (1000. T W Hayes to Clarence Bell (bond) bk 65, page 180; $ TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tuke laxative Ilronui (Jnlnlne TnbleU. All uruxumw rctunu uic money If it liila to cure. 2b LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE TABLETS Move the bowels aentlv. rellevea the Coiurh. eureii the feverl-li eoud II Ion and Hvadiudie iniiklna U Hie bent and uulekeat reuiedv foi i.iiiikiii. uoiiih, aim ka i.riiie. uurua in 0111 day. No cure, no pay. t-lwl'ie. For Over Fifty Years. AnOi.dn'i Wei.l-Tkiki) Kkmeoy. Mrs. inslow's Soothing hyrup hai been nrol for nver fifty years by mil linns of mothers for their children wbih teething, with perfect success. i soothes I lie child, softens (he putm allays nil puin, cities wind colic, and i the lM?ft remedy for Hiarrliiea. Ji pleasant to tie taste. Hold by I)ruggif n every part of the Woflil. Twenty Ave eents a bottle. Its valno L ! calculable, ilesure and Bklt for ,PU 1 r. . . ,',"0 J - ' d. take ni CASTORIA. ilmlla tlguttua of AVe are now prepared to furnish the Weekly Oregonian and the Coukikk one year for $2 to cash in advance subscrib ers tno Tri-weekly iN. l. vvori.i ami Commit for f 1.8V, the Oregon Agricul turist and Kurnl Northwest and Coi'ium for fl. 50, and the X. V. racitio Farmer and OoniiKa for fliO. Did You Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy foi your troubles If not, (zet a boUle now and (ret relief. This medicine has been foutnl to bo peculiarly adanted ta the relief and cure of all Female CuiiiplaintH, exerting a v otuleriiil direct InUumice in Hiving Htreti'th and tone to orunns. If you have Loss of Appetite, Cnnsria tinn, Ilemhirhe. Faiminc Spells, or are Nervine, Sleeph-ss, Kxeitable. MM ancbolv or tronblel with Ihz.v 8pell. Klectric Rilters is 'he medicine, yim need. Health and strength are uiiaranleect liv its use. ( inly 50c and tl al Charman & (Jo's Prng Store CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Wa f8- f 1 it n Viap;t. There is Nothing So Good. There U tvuhinn just as'ir"od as Pr. King's ew lliienvery (or eenniinpiion. cmialiN inn I enbl, di'iniuiil :t anil 'to mil permit lb dealer to sell yon hi. mi MiSsiituli'. He wili im: claim thou- I. Hi'ythini; better, but in order to miiki nn re pn lit be may ebiiin siiiiietiinSi Ise o be just as giv d Yon whui I r . Kum'r New lhseoveiv lu'eatne v n kimu ii Ii be safe anil relinbl'i. mm. I ii- m . i ti do nr n i ie relui i'.ii, K''rri iel.s enlilit. eiiiinin piimi unit Ii t id! l!'rr h -m-of tMrnat. I'i'exi unit In'isis tlnie I inthiiitf sn .. d h. i Ii- Kind's lliri.v.iv Ti-'ii Ii.iii I ir. 1' mini iS; k :.' l.i Lii c-1 i -. Kmiiiiii Ml", iilc. aioi 1 OASTOniA. it n TrppN Bucklen'3 Arnica Salve. The I'i1t ai.vk in the nrld for Cuts. Hriiit.'-f, Si rs, I' Vers, ialt Kbenni Fever Sores. Tetter, CiHiipec' llnmls, ('liilbliiins. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cure IMes or no pay reipiire l. It is Krumnteed to Hivt perteet sanstaetioti or money w nnili'il I'rii't "5 ppnts per For rntle bv ( liarnun & Co. CASTOniA. I i tt trerf WT;pea. m AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD ,,CASTORIA," AND . " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. 7, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, cf Huannis, Massachusetts, was the originator cf "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borne and doc3 now Jrf gT on cvery bear the facsimile signature of CaZV-dlU! wrapper. Th'13 i3 the original ' PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years, luuk uakefully at the wrapper and see that it is the hind you have alwars bought - on the ana nas uie signature -I I 1 per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. A j March 8, 1897. Q& zfyn-' p. Do Wot Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some . druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he docs not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You, ' cT,a aMMa. tt rniauT araitr, acv o air. soutw ogKsoy city ...The Most Desirable Suburb... ADJOINING OREGON CITY AN0 PRACTICALLY A PART OF IT; T is all within one mile of the center of the city and is con & nected by an improved plank road. Healthy location, fine view, frood air, soil, water and drainage and a first-class public school adjoining. With all the advantages of the city and but a 15 minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this a very desirable place of residence and bound to grovv in popularity. Choice Lots ready for the garden from $ioo to $ko on easy monthly installments with rra u.. on or aoot'esS, T. I- C1UUSAN, Trustee, MANHOOD RESTORED linn of it funioun vous or Ulw'ttse Timomnla. I'uina El BEFORE un rr'.'a n ie normnui iin,iuirin.. w. m. ........ NO AM -H ki,!'ici-Raii(l t.'ioiiriimrvortainoIliUljnpurltltB, fTPInrve utmnirthpnaiindrWoroainmllwenkni'Knna, . . . .. . ... Tho vcaaoa aunrer are not cureil hv liortnra Iktmusb ninPty pf ccnl are tronoien wnp Prenatal Ilia. rui'IIiKNEIathi-oniy known n-mmlv lociirewlilioutuiioptriitloiv. WW iMHimnnl JjTa iroarantiSglwnand money returned If tlx tmxn dora not easel periuauwitcurB. i.00 box, aix tor fr.uo, hy mull. Send for niEBclrculnr and tatlmonlla. AdalAVOl.JElieiNIBC.,P.aBoxBanFriiciaco,Cal. IbrBcUbv GEO. A. HARD1XG, Druggist, Oiegon City viTAJT.nTRITSTVOKTHV AND ACTIVE mUHialahed houss 111 OreRon. Monthly H and nxnoiiHes, Position ateaity. Ili'liTi'iice. tn"inse el(-Hil(lri'8Bi'il KiHtnpeil envelope. IH llnmllilOll Oumpuny. tti'l'U Y, Chicago. DR. PEFFCR'S ROYAL-TANSY PILLS. NEW PISC0VERY, NEVER FOILS. A new, reliable and safe relief for anpprensed, eicessive, scanty or pain ful menstruation. Now used br over 80,000 Ladiks. Invigorates these omsns. Bewahi or danokhoob im- TATItlNH. f2 UUX, SU1MII Mil V' 'repaid in plain wrapper. Bna tcin wrapper, Stamps ror piirtiouian. I'r.riic.a MUJICAX. AStiM, Cbicago, 111. 8old by Charman & Co O.IlGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO 'S Str. Altona Will Unite Pally Trips Between OREGON CITY and PORTLAND Leaving Portland for Salem and way landings at ii:45 a in., ami Orcgou city at alimit 8 p. m. AGENTS WANTED! FOR JUVENILE KGtfJAY AM) STANDARD SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS. ! Rv the V It. I'onkey Company, the hUKett : in'ililih ts and r!auinciun rs of luailts in th , I'lilled mti . Hiii M 1: f new hulnlay and other su;cripliiiu Ihsiss on the market I .Also rn.'iiis wanted '111-: sll.VKR SllXi," liu Intent nihI h lext 'vot on ihe -auver qmsiiou by tile ureal silver It-mler. j E ic!uslve Territory. Lar;est Commissions. Prices Below Competition Write at nee for f ircilars and special terms, statin your choice cf territory. W. B. C0MKEY COMPANY, Jll o.51 IH'srborn M., II 1 C . f.O I A'TIVE w ANT KT TRlTWOR TH Y A N P .-.tahlibed house In lint M.mtlily i and expn. I os'lion siradt Reference. Fnckce , .el( t,ir, ... .1 .mpe.l envelope. The I), miniun Company, lepu Y, t h.e.K-K ' of tuz&ZltucJUM wrap liberal discount to home build- Cliariiian Bros. J Block "CUFIDENE Thin groaiVe.; .'table Vitallzer,thoprrai-rlp- Krencb Plivaioluii. will qulclcly cure yuii of all ner yon ol an ner Loat Miiilhm!. ol tho generative nrpiia, lucb 8 Loat Miiiihoivl, in the Buck. fcemlnul KwUsiiiiin, Nervnua Dohllity. n mla, I'liiiialnttie Ji:icK,MMiilMtti tiniasnniii, nervooa I'i'nuiiy, Pitnples, UnflincR to Warry, KxIiuuhUiik Drulna, Varirocrio anu Constipation. 1 1 8top nil Iohsph by day cr nlKhU Fiwenia qiik-R-ne ss ot diwliarro, wl.lcli II not chirltrrt IohiIii to SpermHtnrrhow and .... . . v . ...rnin.' i' aImuhui Uinllv.r. tliA TVANTED-FAITHFl't MEN OR WOMEN TO OreRon. M"-J'J: v..v..vj. " ,' ',,;" oiniiiyc.irn.uiwMV, iu.i..iiiiiwlow.ut.u UldK., Chicago. 6AMBRINUS COLD STORAGE. Is the place to buy your WINES and LIQUORS. It's the place where you buy at reasonable rates, and you can rely on what you buy. Wines from 75c per gallon to $1.60. Family entrance on Sixth street Call and be convinced Yours Truly, N. F. ZIMMERMAN, Mgr. THONK 39. SIXTH A Mi MaIM l-TKEETS.. 0.C.&E.R. R.Co YAQT1KA HAY HOTJTK Oonneetlns tit Yaqiiinn Bay with the San FraiiciiM-n and Yaiiiiina Bay Steamship Conipany. Steamship "Farallon" Sails from Yaniilna evprv eieht davs for San Frnnrinrn. Cixms Buy Toll OxfnrJ, Trinidad and B.iy. Tassenger acconimwlatlorn unsurpassed. Shnrti-st route between the Willamette Valley and California. Fare from Albany or point vest to San Frauciseo: CablP, round trio - - 115 00 Steerage 5 Or To Coos Hay and Port Oxford: Cabin, - - - 6 00 To Hunibolt Ray: I'Hbin, . 00 Round trip, gord for ft) days. RIVtR DIVISION. Srearrers "Allianv" and "Wm. M. Hn." newlv furnished, leave Albanr daily (except Saturdays) al 7:43 a. m-, arriving at Portland the sure day at .ip m. Reinmiti hosts leave Portland same days at 6:UU a. m., arrivin at Albany at 7:4S p. n. , , M , a , 61t.., nivl.ion t . M A 1 . Supt. R'0 EDWIX UTOJIK. Mgr.. olio - at PTtTil-TrUI'fliraiaO TO THE EAST OIVK8 THE CHOICK Of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL BOUT ID S VIA GREAT NORTHERN Rlf. SPOKANE MINNEAP0US AND ST. PAUL vu fregen Short ' lire- DENVER OMAHA ' AND KANSAS CIT1 LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY S DAYS mi FO R ( SAN FRANCISCO tor loll detail cull on or ikM' W. H. HUKI.IUiliT Gen 'I Vn-f .id ".M--I ,v Trains arrive and depart Irom Portland at follows! Depart No.2 Forall Eastern polnta via Oregon Hhort Line 9:00 p. m No. Tile Spokane Flyer and Oreat Northern 2:45 p.m. Arrive No. 1 From the Kant via Oregon Short Line ... 7:15 a m " No. 8 Fiom Spokane........,..H;l5a.m f..rii.u. inrn...,oin.. nn n n itN. Airent, F. E. DONALDSON, Or. gn City, Oregon. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OK THK SOUTHERN PACIFIC W. Express Trains Leave Portland Daily, South. I North. sou p.m. I Lv Portland Ar OWia.k 0:52 p.m. I I.t Oregon City I,v 8 4IIA.M 7:45 A.M. Ar Ban Frauciseo Lv 8:00 p, The above trains atop at all stations betwoen Portland and Sillenl, 'liiruer. Marlon. Jellet. son, Alliuny, TiuikhiiI. Sheilds, Hnlsey, Harris, burg, Junction city, Irving, Fugeiie, ('re'elll Collage (irove, Uriilns, nuil ull siutions (nun Roseburg to Ashland, Inclusive. ROSfiBURO MAIL DAILY Ma.U. , Lv Portland Ar4:30r.M 27 a.m. I,y Oregon City J,v h:p.m :'it) p. M. I Ar Koseburg Lv I 7: 0 a. k) DINING CARS ON Ot'iDF.N ROUTE, PVLLUAH BVFF&T SLLEPEHH SECOND-CLASS SLEEPIM CARS Attached to all ThWUgh Tralus, Ml Iivl'.lon, Hetween IOIU'I.AM and COHVA I.I.I MA II. TRAIN DAILY (KJiCEPI SUN DAY.) 7:H0A.M. ! v Portland ArlWOP.M tli:18 P. M. I At (Jorviillik Lv 1 1 06 P. M At Albany and Cnrvalila ennneel with train, of Oregon Central Kuateril R. K. RXPHKsa TRAIN DAILY ( KXCKP1 SUNDAY. I 4:5flP. M. I Lv Portland Ar8:2A.M 7.80P.M. I Ar McMlnnvllle Lv5:MiA.M, Direct connection at San Frnnoiseo wllh Ovcldenliil ana Orleutul and Paeifln lnU Sienmship Lines fur J t AN ASU CHINA. Sailing duus on appllc.itlon. Rates and tickets tu eastern points and Kurope also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from E. K. B3V1, Agent, Oregon City R.KOEII1.KR. C. II. MARK HAM, Manager, Asst. F. P. Agent; Pvrtlauil, Or. Portland, Or, K O EAST VIA LIBRARY CAR ROUTE America' 8cenlo Line, Meuls Dining Car, a la Carte Rock Balluil No Dust THE AM -RAIL ROUTE TO KOOIENAI MININO DISTRICT VIA 8EATTLE AND SPOKANE. h st and Quickest Route TO ST. PAUL, . MINNEAPOLIS, DULUTH, !i mi AND ALL POINTS EAST. Through I'tilnrf and Tuuritt Sleepertt Dining and Library (ilmerrution ( 'n i h , NK1IV1CE ANU Hi IM RVIM'gniEII For tickets and full Infnrmmlm cull on or address . H. '. IH.NNlSTON, '.'! . A. Portland, Orrson or, R. C. STKVhNS1. O. W. P. A., t-eattle. ka vrism f EXPERIENCE. 3fc DE8ICN3, COPYRIGHTS JtO. AnTone nenrtlnff n pketrh and description may quickly acvrtiin, free, whether an tnventino is protmMy patentable, ronituuntratlnna atrtctly crmtlilential. Ullet aireucy fTt?cur1nc patent n America. We have a Washinaton office. Patents tncen thruugb UuiiO A Co. receir pecitU uotice m the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beanttfiillr tllnsmied. lairest eirrnlation of am scienliac J"un)al. wefkij, terms Mill a jeaTf liOsix ni.Hiths. peclInn cupli and HaJi'O Book on Patents seat free. Address MUNN A CO., 3" I Braadway. Ke Yark. 1