OREGON CITY COURIER Uy A. W. CHENEY. nteini a )nio Jllypiipi U j.aojoouii-cl.. altar 8UI1HCKIP1ION RATES. If paid In advance, per year 1 U Oim year '1 (Hi fllx month! 1 U) 'Three mouth. So The dale ontxiillg rnur address on the -.taper denote, lha time to which you have paid. PATI13MZK IIOMK IN DL'HTHY. OREGON OITY, OCT. 8, 1897. POSTAL HANKS. W't are pletmcd to bo ublu to ntuto that on rutiriii from ollico of rcgiMtor of 17. S. land ollico tlio Hun. Kobt. A. Mil lor will romuln in Oregon City and opon a law ollico, with jirobably a lirttnch in I J'ortlmid. Col. Miller in a luwyer of grout ability and hud tniicli cxeri once in tlio law buHincHH th rotijmut Koutliurn Oregon und Oreifon in general ln'foro accepting llio poHition which lio ! will now leave, and will no doubt goon liuve a largo law jiractiru. During bin official career tlio oiicrnl lund ollico und coniinlHHioner Iihvo not reversed a nindo deciHion of Ii!h in land law matters, which hIiowi bin uiK)d judgment and that it in founded on law and fuctH. AnHiutHiit Secretary Spanieling of the treasury department at Wellington was interviewed on the subject of postal-nav-ings bank the other duy by a Chicago Record correspondent He mild : ' I do not think the government ought to enter the banking biiMineca in coin jKitition with private parties, but the fKistul savings bank need not do this. As I uinlerHtaii'l tlio purpose of the ad vocutes of this system, it is to aeeoiumo dato certain small depositors who could not in most cases reach banks ami who dissipate their small earnings under present conditions. If this system reaches such people it will prove a great benefit to them. Postal-savingB banks open a way for insignificant deposits to accumulate and become of appreciable valuo to the depositors. In this way euch banks are an inventive for economy and induce thrift. Self-respect ac companies the possession of a little money, and such a system, therefore, tends to better citizenship. It also tends to place considerable money at the disposal of the government which otherwise would be lost both to the government and the citizen. It seems to mo that the plan ought to bo worked out to great advantage to everybody concerned." Third Assistant Postmaster-General Merritt said to the sume corresondent: "The people should be encouraged in habits of thrift and economy, and no better way of accoii.plinliing that result can be devised than by offering them a perfectly secure and reliable savings bank, where small deposits cun lie placed at interest. The habit of economy once formed wilt rapidly grow und spread, and postal-savings banks will prove a success from the duy they ure established in this country." Coquo feather brasa, Miss fioldsmltli. Dan William has added to his stock of groceries ami provisions a full line of feed and hay. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free. Corner Seventh and Center streets Wm. J, IIhvan lias written a promi nent Tammany man, so the N, Y. World says, recommending that the flag under which the democrats fought a year ago, and which ut traded the sup port of more than 0,000,000 voters, 1 set at the masthead and kept there throughout the buttle for control of the city of (i renter New York. MAYOR HENRY GEORGE. At the city nominating convention of the democratic alliance of Greater New York, Henry George was unanimously nominated for mayor. The nominating speech was made by Charles Francis Adams. The nomination was greeted with great applause. The platform in part is us follows: "The democratic alliance is a body of democrats loyal to the policy of the great democratic party. Our aim is to tind a b.iHis for united action for till democrats. We deem it essential that the democrats of Greater New York should readmit the Chicago platform, pledge themselves to the policy of municipal ownership and operation of franchises, and to the principles n direct employment, instead of tlio contract system. Mr. George in accepting said: "l''ellovv-leinocrats, Men Who Voted Last Year for William Jennings ltryan: I accept your nomination. From now until election day closes I am yours. Aye mid after election, too, I am a democrat I cannot divide into parts the questions which I, as a citizen, have to deal with For the sume reason that I oppose this monstrous tariff in all its forms, for tho same miHin that 1 would vote, if I could, for the utter abolition of that tariff for that same reason I am opposed to the interference with individual liberty which you see hero in New York. I urn a democrat in the Jeffersoniiin sense. Ilecuiiho the Chicago platform represent ed the idea of giving the great common people what belongs lo them, I stood for it, voted for it, und was sorrier than ever that it was defeated." Ik Treasurer Midschun would write the story of how it is possible for a state treasurer to make $10,000 A year or more on an fSOO salary, the story would be read by the people who pay the tux. It would have a greater sale than some of the liest novels. Telephone Register. Tint republican ring hits conceded that Mitchell was dictating Oregon appoint ments. They have at lust recognized that Tongue, Ellis and Mclirido are Mitchell boosters. Ik prosperity were rea'ly here, it would not be necessary for the gold-standard advocates ti spend so much money send ing out patent editorials to prove It to a doubting public Ex. One of the most elegant places In the city of Portland, is the fushionable mil linery emporium of Mrs. O. A.Dennis at 3 )2 Morrison. She keeps in stock an extra fine line tri nmings, etc. It is worth your while to seo the place. Mrs. Dennis is regarded by Portland ludies as the mostfashinnablo milliner in the city und Oregon Cityites should not fail to see her display. TO CURE A COLO IN ONE 0AY Take Laxative llromo (ulnlno Tablet.. All druggists refund tlio money II It full to cure, 2!k If the hair is falling out and turning gray, the glands of the skin need stiinti luting and color-food, und the best remedy and stimulant is Hall's Hair Renew-r Health Means a perfect condition of tho whole system. Pure blood is crscutiul to perfect health. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes pure blood and thus gives health unit huppiness. Hood's Pills ure the favorite family ca thartic and liver medicine. Price 25c Our prices ore the lowest of the low on all kinds of millinery, Miss Gold smith. NO CUKE NO PAY. Thnt In the way all drtwitlst. sell GROVE'S TAK'iKI.KKS ClllU IONIC (or Malaria, Chill. mi rever. ii is .imply iron anu quinine in r tele, form. Children love 11. Adtilla urefc. at o u iiic. iiauscantiK ion . rnce ooo. Kn tie uy v. u. II iinili')!, urugm.t. Tukasuky oillcials do not think the deficit in running expenses for the past month will exceed f5 ,000 ,000, and ex H'ct that the revenues will soon meet running expenses. We have received a line ot sliver plated ware, which will be giv?n ti our patrons, The quality Is a I extra coin silver plate 1487 Wm. A. Rogers. Wa solicit you to Inspect the same at the store of I. Selling. Miss Rose Scheeland, of the LaMode Purlor,34t)Jy Morrison streets, Portland, between Seventh and Park, has the finest line of millinorv goods kept in the city. Don't .fail to see her elegant stock when in Portland. It Is a veritable bazar within itself. Go to Buum & Rrdndcs, 145 First street, right on the Oregon City cur line for your lunches anil dinners. Wo make a specialty of ladies' and merchants' lunches; try them, only 25c. Agency for Muillund's candies. The Monopoly Breakers. There is a hot time in this town since the Reliable Clothing Store has opened. You can now buy clothing, boots und shoes with $10 more than you could 10 days ago with $21. You will find cloth ing, boots tiiid shoe stores curds s uck out at reduced prices. Who did it the Reliable Clothing Store ; therefore we claim your patronage. Sciiwautz it Mil ium,, props. Tho cheapest pluce in Oregon City for clothing, men's furnish ing goods, boots und shoes. Main street, between 5th und tith streets. SUMMONS. In lh Circuit Court nl the Htate of Oregon fur l no loiility oi iiac Kimies, Mary C. Bosch. 1 Plalnttfl, v. ) William Bunch, j Defendant. J To William Boach, aald Defendant. IN TI1K NAME OK THE 8TATK OF OKKfiON: Von are hci.hy required In appear and answer the complaint riled airainal you In the above en titled null by the llrst dav of tint next term of aald court, viz.: Monday, November 1st, ift'.i7; aim ii ynu ran to ausw.r Mr want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court fur the rcllel deiiiHiidi'd in the complaint herein, to wn : The dissolution of the marriage cniiliai't existing between said tiartlcs iidoii uronnd of cruel and Inhuman treatment of plaintiff uu part ueieuuauu Thl Siimmona la published by virtue of an onler made by Ijiyal H. ftearus, Judge of the Circuit limn nf the Ktate nf llrevnu for Multnomah County, dated the llth day of 8ip- leinuur mm, (Signed I C. D. Jt D. c. i.atoi:rkttic, Attorney for i'laintiff. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. tfOTICK 18 1IKKK1IY GIVEN THAT I SHALL apply to the city council of Oregon City, Ore gon, for a saloon licenao to continue my saloon located on lot s of block 24 in Oregon City License to date from tho 15' h of October, 17, A. KNAPI'.; MONEY IN l'OSTAL HANKS. .S I VINGS The figures, estimated in dollars, from the latest sources, ure as follows: Austria t-IMSiT.OOO Belgium ti:! (V.Kt.274 Ralmnms , 41,807 Urilish Guiana Hi'w.HM Canada 2,;!2,,.2'.) Ceylon .. 2,035,857 Capa of Good Hope 5,"41,5'.8 France 151,ti!U,7t)5 Falkland 1(17,482 Finland 9,445,057 Great Britain 480,344,870 Holland 18,557,250 Hawaii 0ti5,9!H Hungary 0,093,20t! Italy 89,722,404 India 24,321,023 If you want a nice steak, roast or boil call ut Alhrig. t's shop und get some of his cold-storage meat w hich is acknow edgeil by all to be superior to the meats commonly sold at butchers' shops. He also keeps on hand u full stock of lard, hums, bacon, etc., made by himself and wnrrunted purest and wholesome. Re member the old established shop on Main street. School books and school sunplies at Portland prices at Charmnn & Co's, the cut-cut price druggists. Every purchaser gets a tablet or pencil free. NOTICE FOR PUBUCATOX. J AND OFKICK AT OKEOON CITY. OREGON, September tilth, lOT. Notice la hereby given that '.he followiux-iiiimed seltler has Hied iintice of hla Intention to mnku llnal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made b.-for the ll-n hot ami Kneel wr at Or koii City, Oickoii, on o. toher Hh, 1H:i7, viz: JUStl'lt BUlTim', If. E. f r (lie l-w; of Sic. in. 7p 6 8.. It. '1 E. He niiln,' the I iluwiuir u Uni siea in proie hl eoiiliuiiiiue rtHldeuvc upon and cnltl V'HIciii of. said Ihii'I, viz: Chillies N. Unlcy, ll. iuy Mazlinps William M izlnico, 'ill nf iVillinii, tliegnli; Joseph I.ii 'leri.f 8c.nl- Mills I'nuun. KOIIEltl' A. MII.LKK. Ki-L'ister. SUMMONS. In the Circuit 1'iMirt of the Slate of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. L. K. Hliiill, I'lalnllir, vs. Jiimes Shaw, Hcllv Miaw. i lie iiied.in t:ity lleul Kstnte & Trust Co (Incnriicirat'd). Knpir kiima. Mix l.osen, Kind larras, Henry Klinu, Krniik Tritsi h, l.uHTeiii e Trilseh, J. A. Tritsrh, K. K. (irade. WaldeniHr Kiiehn, ami Clin kiinius U'liiuiy, ii. leiioiuna, To The Orcniui Cily Real Estate A Trust Co. (In- ..... .r..,...l , L.,....M L-..I... .. t . u,,,,...,..,,-.,,, nt.r.,,n, imij.mu, .'ia. Liissen, Km il I'lirrii". henry K'lnn. Kinnk Tri seh, l.Kwreucu Trllsi'h. J. A. Trilseh, E. F. Onnie, Waldeniar Knelni. Difendiints. IN THE NAME UK THE SI'ATK OK OKECION: t Ynu are hereby ieiUld to appear and answer the complaint tiled atfiilnst you In the al iive cnililrtl suit by the ilrst day of the next term of aald murl, viz.: iluiidav," Kovem her Int. 1SU7: and if ymi fall i,', answer for waul thereof, the ilnlntiir w ill apply in Hie Court fur the reliel demanded In i lie complaint herein, to wit : ror Hie inrecioniro of Impure Blood Rheumatism, Kidney Troubles and Sick Headache the Resultt-Doo torcr foi Years Without Relief. My blood w i of order, and X be gan tskln? ii. . ! i.i 3mrllla. It has puilllcii my tloui und relieved me ot rbeuiiiatUin, kidney trouble and lick headaches. I have lieen allllcted with thus UlClculllet for years. I am now able to do a good day's work. Rheumatism baa troubled me since I was a child, but I am now entirely well." Miss PrtF.ona Bai I.KY, I!ox 415, Pasadena, California. "I have suffered from the effects of Im pure Mood, bolls, pimples, etc., lor five years. I have tried varioua remedies with out relief and finally purchased six bot tles of Hood's ParsRparllla. The bolls and pimples have all disappeared since began taking this medicine. I om now entirely cured." Lot'ia Thomas, 1412 llth Street, Oakland, California. Hood's Sarsaparilla Jstlie heat -In fact the One True Wood Purl, iter. All i:ru:;;:!sts. II. six for S3. Get Hood's. To the Public! The undersigned having found the Boston Rubber Shoe Co.'s poods unsatisfactory, will in the future handle the Woonsocket and the Wales-Goodyear ' rubber boots and overshoes. We are orry to make the change as we found the Hoston Rubber Shoe Co. very nice people but business is business. McKITTRICK, The Shoe Man for CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS go to RICHARD FETZOLD'9 CASH MARKETS rft:ti nre purely vftRftablp.r SUMMONS. In th Circuit Curt of the Huto of Oregon fur the lUtile . l'tif(mr, PUiiititf, VM. AlcxnnilHr Pufmir. TffnUnt To Alfxnd(ir lufnir. ivfitiKUtit: in titt nmuit or the stul or Urfifnn. ynti r hntT riUirHl lu npHHr Kiid ani4vcr the cunipUlm fllmt Mtfiihiftl vu In Wit' bv riiHtlwl iiilt In the above t'lilitlnl court, on or before Hie nnt iluy of the next icrm or tut Raid court, mi'-r ilx VHkf nnulfctttfnn of ttili niiumoiiN, to-wit., on or before Mttiliy( tho ImI dny ot NovvmlMrt IH'.'7. and If you fall tut to a tmr and ninwir. (he plaintiff will Biply to the court lor inu rtl;el itiiniiiilwl Mi tnt oiiiUMatnt 1 lie ri'llcf dt inatiMHt in the oumplalnt ! for a de rre txwivnR the bonde of uiBtrtniony ulMlttiiif bHWt-tin piatnua ena iifienamu on toe ground or at- wrtiun mill tlmt plalnnflTii nnrae t changnl to rHtitftiuni; nna ior RHnttnu renci. Hi Ik mimuioHi u publMied punimnf to an onti-r made by Hon. Alfred V. Hmre, judge of tin oltcuit court of the ute r ontf n for MultnninHh county, III lliu fti)4tnc ul the Hon. Thoniaa A. .MCUrldv, JiulKc of the circuit court of the atate nf On Kn for Ula'kaiDih county, which ordnr wm duly made and eultrvd on the ltitu day oi sptemtwr, IK'. 17. ur.u. o, Bi1r.rHr.n11. Atloniey for I'laintiff. CHANGE 0. F. HKNNIXnS lias luiroliiiHoil tho Seventh Street Bakery, of Ju cob KoU'r uiiil tlio now nmniiKi'iiioiit is re jmrtnl to (nriii.-li you with Bread, Cakes, Buns, lite, at very rt'UHoimlilo price. F. HENMNC1S. 7th St Bakerv t-J mrllllll InnrtirrtiA .if .itkNi.lMI wllli Iniert-Hi hiiiI Httnrncy'a fi-oa upon tlie iiilluwlmr lUwrib. il nnnrty, tn-wlt. licuin nliiK nt n iMilnt in the i isnti'r nf lliu tirripiii Citvr mid I'lirllBiiil Wrtuuu.rn.iil where s ine itiissm lliu lliH'nf IiiiiiI .'iirnivrly tiwnnl by the William lii'inniit mi tlu kmiiIi, iiml s. V. Mima 011 the north, lit'itiK ai.W ohuins niirly of lliu noiiili-.at iwni'r of Mm 11. I,. 1;. nf Uiruin MmIkIii uml wife; tlnMii-o iinrlh :if ileum's I'HsH.iai clmliiM to gonih 1 iiim n iiiii.i loniitTiy uwiiiMi uy r.niiiy hmilli; 11111111. iiiiiiii m nt'Kri'i'n o irni'iiiK muitii line of milil Smllli I11111I 1.3' cluiliiH to Williiinette river; tlnjiicn sonlli ti ileareeii west 4 chain to Southwell eorner of salil I). I.. I) ; tlienec mulh M iiei!rees:HI minutes euM ai.io cl-.Hins to iilaee of lietiinnliiK, coninlnlna 14 aeres, the Mine In eliullnu .Moss Addition in On-gun City as shown liy pint on llle of siii'l lulilition.iill In CIucWmirs t'oiuity. sttiie of Oregon. Ami llml Hie eqully of reilempilon of ench of "Kin ilt'feiHliuits therein bo foreclosed nn1 forever harred . This snnininns Is pnl.llsh, hy virtue of mi or.ler ir.iide hy lijn B Hienviis Jiiitire of the clreiiit eoiirt.il theSinleof Urrtpmfnr .Mi.lliinniuh Cuuuty, dated Hie llili day of Sepiember 1H7. (Sinned) C. II. it I. lATorRKTTK, Attorneys for PiuintilT. New South Wales. . New Zealand (iin't'iisluiul KuKfia Sweden TiiHiiiania Vietoiiu Western Australia. . . Japan Straits Settlements. . Total :D,05S,5O0 18,057,893 11,127,024 280,945 ,177 10,f9v25 65J,r25 15,223,122, 687,742 l.T,0t'.2,022 248,44i 1,343,823,20 j Bank of Oregon City. 0I.DK8T BANKING IIOUHK IN TH I CITV Paid Up Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $20,S50. PrenUUmt, VIoe-prvNldrnt Cashier, Chah. H. Cai flikd Oxo. A. Hakdims SUMMONS. In the CI milt Court of the State of Oregon for the county oi iiarKtums. The A lit rue Truit Comny, Ld.. Plaintiff, n, L. riivljM, (J. H. Hhrl, Pifllie ft. smith, K. C. Smith, FHiiuie Kuiilrwi, Wm. H.iiiirfd. Addle Smith, Jihu Hinl'h, Verdle Bw, John Bmwi, H C. SmlthtM AdmlnUtralor of KlHte of John Urow. iMwuMed, and KotlichiUU Hrothuiv, a Corporation, iJefen- imiiw. To AUdie Smith and John Smith, DefendanU Abor ahiuhi: In the niinie of tht elate of Omton. You are heroin rwiuiml to aiP'ar hih! iinnwor the comoluint Hied HKint you lu thu above rntitlnl nuit by the ttratday of the a.-1 1 1 rm uf cutirt fotlowinK the el jlratlnn o( the p iMti-Htioii ot thi- dUmmon. to-wlt; tiy Hon' dwy, NuTfinlcr 1st, lUn7, and if you fail to ao amwor ror want tliern.r, plaintiff will apply to ihe court for the relief demanded In the comolahit, to-tf it. for iHliiiueiit aijiiliist IhTftiilHiit L. I'helpe for V140.U0, with IntHrest fnnn tiutotier Itt, 145. at the mtt of 1U percent, iht minuui; and the further uniof$l4o with Interest thereon from April 1st, IKilfl, nt the rate uf K per cent, per aiiHum: and the further ium uf 91W with iuUrem thereon frulll O-tober let, lMrfi, at the raie or lotwr cent. pr auuuni; and the further sum of 9ii7.'Jtf, with luteieet theieou from Keliruuiy Kith, 1K.i7. at the rtte of 10 per cent, per annum: and the further sum of (tfiOO. with interest thonwii fiom Octoler let, lw.Ki, at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum; and l0 ae attorney's fees, all lu Tolled States Gold Coin tog tlur with the costs a d dis burrteiuente of this ult, and for the decree of lliu iKire ell tilled Court rorecloeiiiK the mortUHtfe ue- scrllied In the complaint, and decreeing said mortKiitcc tohelhe tlrM lien upon the laud therein esmlivd, situiiiui in Clackitmas County. Strte. uf Ort'Kon. to-wit: Iteirjtiiuirataiioint (tlx (n) clmlns and fifty (ft)) links North mi l twelve (llil chaiut .nd sixiy-nlne (tW I links Kits t of the rionlhwest com or uf s ii 111 t'titv-ihne to lownHhii) tlir,'e (ii) 8iuth of Hiinue throe (lit K-ott nf the WlllHinetto .Meridinn. niniihig thence North til'ty 0i i lniins; th -m-o North sixty (liti) deifreee thirty i'M) uiiuutes Wet tlfteen . ch-iius turn nity (.Hi) links; tlivura North ntty- me I.M) dtflieus West fliiv-titue (5'J) clmlns ami twelve () link-; tlietx'u West t-idit (8) chmns Mini ventv thret (7d) links: thence South one hundred autl fourleeii (I i4) i h du; thence kiast firt -eiiclit ( IS) chains u:il fifty CiO) links; them e -Vntti twenty 'JO I clialu ami nny it links; tuen f Kn-t tveut-('joj ii;iins ana nny (no. iiiikh to ine puice oi neinuiuK, on hi In i iiir six hunilred I (UK)) art'H more or lend. Thnt Mild Imiil shove desi-rtlied lie Hold In thu maimer provided liy law, ami the pni'-ueds of said mile applied to the hii' i-fuet lurt of said jmltrmeiit. and tlmt yon ami ea.'h of . von and all llm a tune nanit'd defundiiuts, and all permits t'laiminir under you or ellher of the defeinUin, le biirred autl foreclosed of rifilit or eUity of redemption In said premi.-es ami every part therwf. ami for such other and further n-liei as to the ( oort mny seem meet and eiiuitiihle. This Publication le tuiulu by ordurof Mou. Loyal B. Stearns, Judue of the Circuit Court of the Hlnte of On-gnu, for the County of Multnomah, in the abM'iice from Cla kiinius County of lion. Thoinns A. McttiitK JiiiIku of the Circuit Court of the dtale or uregon, lort'la kiimas uoutity, which oruer was duly made mid entered feptemlur J.'itli. 1W7. UUiJN.VCCiH.McAHTUCH.KKNTON<ltONAtTGH, Attorneys tor Plaintiff. Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill. Main St., Opposite Caufield Block. Two Shops, Oregon City, Oregon. J. Piiaui's, Proprietor PHILADELPHIA GoihIh Oallod For and Delivered Steam Dyeing & Cleaning Works LADIES' AND GENTLEMENS' CLOtHING CLEANED DYED AND REPAIRED IN BEST POSSIBLE MANNER Office. 215 Morrison St., Bet. First and Front, Portland, Or. Works at Mechanic' Pitvilion, 325 Second St. ..Of to. n xt Ttvewnw m U. U. UbUlUII V lV roH DOORS. WINDOWS. MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PRICES EVEB OFFERED FOB FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Hlinp Oppo.lte CniistrrKHtloiml Clinroh, Malu Hrrrt, Oregon Clljr, Ore, t WHY IS IT O That every day our store is filled with buyers from every part of the city, regardless of distance? There must be some reason. People especially ladies don't go out of their way to buy unless there is a reason. IT IS BECAUSE we have established a reputation for abso lutely fresh goods especially in the line of table -s- deliciicies, and our customers are sure of a superior article and then the prices are right. ...GIBSON & LINDSEY... , ) PKOPK1UTOR OP HARDING'S BAKERY AND GROCERY ( BREAD AND PASTRY A SPECIALTY DAN WILLIAMS I CASH STORE You can get... 19 lbs. Siitrar for $1.00. 1 lb. EhkUbIi BreiikfiiHtTea, 20c. 1 lb. Youiijjt tlvoon Ten, 20c. 2 lbs. Roasted Uoffee, 25c. Box of Soap, tV'c. SEVENTH ST., NEAR CENTER ITI SHERIFF'S SALE. W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY, OREGON SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court nf the State of Ori'gon fur the County of I'liu kuma. Executrix,! I A B. I.aloun-tte, PiHlmltt, vs. 1 O. W. S. Tuvlor. John Ei ker, f lHiilel Mi'Cnrty hiiiI olive Me arty, Del'eu.laiita. J To John Krker, ald lef.mlant. 1 N THE NAMK OF THF In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, for the County of Ciuckaiuas. Jacob 8pni!ler, Plaintiff, vs. J. H. Hickman and j. A. iiicKinan, ui'H'Uiiui) . Stale of Ori'Kon, County of Clackamas, 8. 1Y VIIU'I'E OK A JfiiOMKNT OKDER, I' decree anil an execution, duly Issued out of and under the Heidoi the above entitled oourt, in the atinve entitled Cause, to me iluly directed r.uil dated the M dav of September. IS.I7. uiion a J'iil(.'ineiil rendered mid entered In hald court 011 ine uin oay 01 rci;rury, ikm, 111 ntvor 01 .iacou tlHii:ler, iilHililllt an1 aitainst J. II. Ilickuiau and J. A. H.ckinan, dcfeudiiuts, for the sum of UK.-I2, witii interest thereon at the rate of lu per cent, per annum from the w.h day of febru arv, 1N'.)7 and the further mini of fs5.IX) aa attorney's fee, and the lurther sum of .'0 00 costs and disbursements, and the cost, of and upon this writ, cnmmimdii.K me to make sale of the follow!!! described real propirty situate in the county of Clackamas, stateof Oregon, to wit: All of fractional block U ul the town of Marsh flehl, Clackamas county, state of OreKon. a. platted by the late Win. T. Matlock; fractional lots 2, Sand 4 of fractional block 9 of Tulberl s addititui to the ald town of Mtrshnelri; the origin il plats of said addition are now 011 tile 111 the otlice of the county clerk of Clackamas county at On g in City, irctcon; also the follow liitr descnU'd tract of laud, to-wit: lifginuiiig at th southeast corner of the above uauicd Iraclional lot 4 of fractional block 9 of the said Talbert's addition to the said town of Marsh Held, riinninv thence northerly tracing the easterlv boundary line of said fractional block I 9 and at riitht a.ixles to the southerly boundary line nl the vt . I. .Matlock 1). L. u. SO feet; thence easterly t aralh-l with Ihe southerlv line of the said YV. T. Matlock U. L. C. lo 11 point lu the western t 'undary line 01 the county road Inml- ing from Clackamas station to Portland, Oregon, 1 Winter Shoes I KRAUSSE BROS., second u door north of P.O., have just received a fine new line of ' riEN'S WINTER TANS. Oall and see them. We have added a first-class shoemaker to our establishment am are prepared to do all kinds of repairing at reasonable rates, t t t t t KRAUSSE BROS' SHOE STORE Two Poors North of Postollice Winter Shoes I said point beintj 5(1 f( north of tht nnrthettfl ! cortuT of Pa M f cm-lion a I hlork 9 in hM 1 town of MArNhfifM am platted by W. I . Mfttiock: Iht-n-e fontherly to the s&iil ST 4 TP IW fiRPr.iiV. I nttrlhxxt Piinur nt thu nil hlrftr U- thonra ou re hervly riMint-tHl t., M'H'r anl answer wpjiierly tricinv the southerly line of the W. T. I I the complaint tiled against yuit in th. .hove Mathx ii I). L. C. to the place of beginning, con- euiiutM sun ny ine Mint dav of the next tainlnit lu all tluee-lourth. of an acre. moi. or 4 General Banking Buslncsi Transacted Deposits Received Subject lo Check. Approved Bill, and Note. Discounted. County and City Warrant, bought. Loam Made on Available SecuriU Exchange Bought and iM. Collection. Made Promptly. Draft. Sold Available la Any P.rt ot th, n orld. Telegraphic Kxchange Sold on Portland, ar Francisco. Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposit. term ef said court. Vl .: Mondav. November 1st, ls.7: and if von fail to n., i.ir -... thereof, the plaintiff wilt apply to the court for the relief demanded in the eompluiut herein, to-wit.: For foreclosure of certain nuirlnin. nf tiT u with llileresl and attomev'. fees, and M-si.iH) w ith Inure-1 and attorney's fees, aad MKKHiwith inlereft and attorney'. fw, upon the Wlowing descntmi proiM-rty, to-wit. Th. east , of Ihe southwest ' of M,-tlon SO, piwn.hip 4 uth, raiiue 1 eat of the Willamette meredian; also l"U 6 and ? of section an, township 4 Mith, . range 1 east, containing 134 acres, all in Clack a-1 mat county, state of Orecou, and that the .iiitv I of redemption of each of sai, defendant, herein i be foreclosed and lia-rver barred. This Summons Is published he virtu, of an I onW made hv lival B tnia, judge nf Ihe cir cnii conn of the state of i re,ui fr Multnomah county dated th. 14th dsv of September. l"7. i (signed, v. p. a o. c UTot RKTTF. ' Dr. Price's Cream Bakinsr Powder Attornryt for I'laiutifT . mwvd GoU IU. gm fm Sar Fmv leas, and situated in Clackamas county, state of Oreiron. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, jtidament order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said wit. 1 will, on Moo day, the llth day of October, Ii7, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. at th front door of the county eourt house in Ihe city of Oregon City, in said county and state, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, in the highest bidder, for U. 8. Hold coin. eah la hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on Ihe date of the mortgage herein or since had in or lo the the above de scribed real property or any part thereol, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, interest, cost and all accruing cost.. . W. GRACE, Sheriff of H.rkama. Co., Oregon. Paid. Oregon City, Or., September 2d, lfc'7. GED. A. II.UIDIXG, DEALER IN IP DRUGS Staijird Pat. Medicines Paints, Oil. and Vlndow Glass. Prueriptiont AcciraUly Componnderi BARPtMO'8 BLOCK. I 11 tlTASTKD TRrsTWORTH V i AND ACTIVE remlemen or ladies to travel for responsible established hone to Oreon. Monthly 5 and expenses. Position steady. Reference. En close self addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Coup uy, Dept. Y.Chicago. THE BAZAAR Granite Pudding Pans, 15, 17, 22, 25c " Preserve Kettlen, 25 30 35 40c " Tea Kettles, 85c, 9-x;, $1.15. We will sell you best Envelopes for o cents a linnet), hIso tlie best Ink Tablets at 5 and 10 cents,. L. A. PATTERSON & CO... "Bazaar" IOregon City . Oregonjj BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor N Oregon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure given; rieliverecf to any part oHche city. Try Bolton Oulry and ' te Convnoe Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY. OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge and the Depot.' Double and single rigs and .addle horse, a way. on hand at the lowest rates, and a norra also connected with the barn for loose atock Any Information regarding any kind of stock promptly attended to by letter or person. HORSES BOUGHT OR SOLl NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. T AND OFFICE AT OREGON CITY OREGON, MJ Sent. 4. W.n. N.iiino h..,.,i,.. that the following-named settler has tiled notice of hisintentiou to make Anal pwif in support of Jus claim, and that .aid proof wdl be male before the Register and Receiver II. S. Land oihee at Oregon City, Oregon, on October 23th. ini, viz: NKLSON A. FLINN, H. E. No. 8U16 for the NW . nt w t..' iv, '2 S , R. 5 K. lie name, the followim, viinoiyla .n prove hi; continuoiia residence upon and cultl. vation of. aald lund. vIt- u,u..h.. ...i Charles Shank. John W. Batv and Charle. P. are, all of Cherry ville, Oregon. ROBERT A. M1LLFR, Register. F. C. GADKE, Plumbing and Tinning. Jobbing of All Kinds a Specialty. Wilson t Cooke'. Old iUud ORKfJOV CITT, OREGON. tTASTED-TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE gentlemen or lailiM tn . r. M.n.n.iki. established house la Oreeoo. Monthly tub 06 and expenses, position steady. Reference. Inclose self-add ressed stamped env.lop& The Dominion Company, Depl. Y, Chicago. Job Printing at the Courier Office.