r Oregon City Courier. A. W. CHENEY, Publlibor. OREGON CITY OREGON NEWS OF THE WEEK latereatlng Collection of Current Event In Condenned Form From Jloth Continent. Over 5,000 textile workors have been locked out at Loobau, Germany, and in its vicinity Michael Simmonds, a railroad brake. man, aged 28, shot and tried to kill his sweetheart, Miss Jenny Long, aged 19 at Baltimore, and then committed suicide. Rose the 19-yeabr-old daughter of John Miller Murphy, died at Olympia Wash. Her death was caused by an overdose of laudanum, taken to allay neuralgia pains. Engineer K. Bonnett Mitchell was killed and Fireman John H. Cawloy seriously injured ly the explosion of a loootnotive on the Northern Central railway at Georgetown, Pa. Seoretarv Wilson hag secured an or -der from tho poHtofllee department to attach the government rank to pack ages of sugar-beet seed to be sent throughout the country for analysis, The latest news from Guatemala re ceived here states that a price of $100 000 has been placed on the heads of Prosper Morales and his aide, Manuel Fuentes. It is assertod that an order to this effect bus been promulgated by President Barrios As a result of the breaking of a cable, three colored men who were being car ried up in an elevator shaft of the Northwest Lund tunnel, at Chicago, fell 95 feet to the bottom of the excavation. One of them was killed instantly, and the other two sustained fatal injuries. Word comes from Kaslo, B. C, that three men who were out on the lake about 600 yards were drowned by the boat capsizing. A stiff breeze was blowing, and, as the boat reached the beginning of the swift undertow oppo' site Kaslo, the men tried to ohunge po sitions, and the boat was overturned. In a recent interview, Lieutenant Peary, who has just returned to Boston from the Arctic on the whaling bark Hope, said: "The 100-ton meteorite in the bold of the Hope fell from the skies hundreds of years ago, and has long been the source of iron supplies for the Esquimaux. I discovered it in May, 1894, and since that time have been trying to secure it and bring it to America. The duel between Count Badeni, the Austrian premier, and Dr. Wolff, the German nationalist leader, has caused the wildest sensation. Count Badeni sent his seconds to Dr. Wolff, who ac tepted the challtrge. Hie premier - seat a telegram to the emperor, asking : - permission to -Bgrht the duel, and at the same time tendering his resignation. In reply he received not only permis sion to fight, but also the imperial ap- iproval. Uount Bndeni then made his will, after which he spent the evening at the Jockey Club and a pleasure re sort His wife and family knew noth ing about the affair until the duel was over. It is thought that, ns the premier .has set example, with the emperor s ap proval, there will be a serious epidemic of dueling. unmmanuer Booth-Tucker lias ar rived in Denver to eomplote the ar rangements for establishing a Salvation Army colony in the Arkansas valley. In Joseph llaywurd's saw mill, near Macon, Mo., a large boiler exploded and killed three workmen, Charles Mentor, Wnlter Fergurson and Albert Yost Tho mill was blown to frag ments. The United States steamship Sun Francisco, the flagship of the European squadron, has arrived at Tangier, Morocco, in order to investigate mid obtain redreBs, if nooessary, for tho re ported flogging of Ameriuun citizens at Mogudor, and also to enforce the prom ised settlement of former olaims of the United States against Morocco. The inexorable discrimnating law of China, whieh condemns a pam'ide to death by the slicing process, whether he be the perpetrator of a wilful crime or the victim of an accident, is terribly illustrated by a case now vexing the people of Shanghai. A hoy of 1 1 was swinging some article about his head in play, when it happened to strike his mother, who died from the effects of the blow. He was condemned to be sliced to death, and, though efforts have been mado to save him from this fear ful end, so far they have not been suo- CUMflll. A dispatch Mm Vienna snys that the steumer Ika. with a crow of 10, and carrying 60 Australian passengers, was entering tho port at Filmic, on the river Flumara, while the boru was) blowing hard, when she collided with the English steamer Tira. whieh was leaving. The bows of the lka were stove in and she sunk in two minutes. Boats hastily put off and saved the captain and seven others, but most of the passengers perished. Tho casually took place in full view of thousands who crowded the pier in tho greatest excitement and alarm. ' Arthur Jordan, a Scotch explorer, who claims to be familiar with the country between Spokane and the Klon dike, will leave Spokane with six men, i October 10, for the ukon country. J. J. Browne is at the head of the syn dicate which is outlining the party to prospect on Stewart river. Mr. Browne's ton, Guy, will be a memlier of the party. They will go via Ash endt, taking the Hudson bay trail there to Lake Tealin, down the lake to the Hootalinqua river, down that stream to the Yukon, thence to Stewart river. TERRIBLE SUFFERING. Experiences of a Young American Hit SUtor. Now York, Sept. 29. The Journal and Advertiser says: Three years ugo Miss Eloise Brunett was tho belle Cienfuegos, Cuba. She was ric Now sho lies upon a cot in a 10x10 room in a small house on the outskirts of Philadelphia, her body burning with fever, her mind racked by terror of tho Spaniards, her memory full of tho hor rors of an experience abounding in star vation, suffering and peril. In a similur condition, aggravated by wounds, is Dr. Andre Brunett, who served as a major in tho Cuban army, I lie father of these refugees was u American, who owned a largo estate at Cienfuegos. He died in 1803, and bis son, Dr. Brunott, wont to Cuba to set' tie up the estate. The Spanish admin istration of such affairs mude this long and difficult task. In September, 181)5, General Kego raised the Cubu standard in the Cienfuegos district, am the young Cuban-American was one of the first to join him. It was impossibln for his sister to re main on the plantation, and she there fore went into the Cuban' service as nurse. For 30 months sho shared the hardships of the patriots. She re niuined bravely in the Cuban army caring for the sick and wounded, help ing to cook the scant provisions and proving herself a heroine on many oo csions. ' After two months of this life they both contracted malarial fever, an were so ill that they had to leuve th insurgent army and seek shelter, and they found neither and were compelled to take refuge in a cave, where they lived for 23 weeks, having no food but greon pumpkins, sweet iKrtatoeB and water from a stagnant pool. Both suf lereu lernoiy irora lever, ana were often delirious. Finally the brother managed to climb the hill and attract the attention of a Spanish planter, who took thorn to Sierra, whence they were taken by boat to Cienfuegos. Whon they landed at the wharf Miss Burnett bad no shoes, and her dress. which she had worn for three months was in shreds. They were almost un able to walk, and were dragged along by the Spanish soldiers, who struck .and cursed them. The Spanish com mander examined them separately to find excuse to put them to death, but failing in that, he permitted them to go to their sistors, who lived a mile away, on condition that they report in person every three or four days. This in their condition, entailed the most in tense sueffring, but the order was piti lessly enforced. Dr. Brunett appealed to the Ameri can consul, Owen McGarr, for aid, but it was refused. Then followed a long correspondence with the state depart ment at Washington, and in the end the consul was ordered to help them. They received passports on August 13, and sailed September 7. Thoir passage was paid all the way New York m stead of Florida. . 1 Dr. Brunett and his sisteij have filed claim at Washington against the Spanish government for destruction of their property. r STRUCK A SAND DRIFT. A Fatal Accident on die O. R. N, Hallway. The Dalles, Or. , Sept. 29. An acci dent occurred ok the O. K. & N. road at 12:30 o clock last night which re suited in the killing ot the engineer, Charles Johnson, and the probable futal injury of the fireman, Hockman Train No. 22, an east bound freight, puned out ot xne uallca lust night on time. For some days severe winds have prevailed along the road, resulting in sand drifts on the track. Between The Dullos and John Day river No. 22 had lost considerable time, and when tho accident occurred Johnson was speeding his engine along in an effort to make up his schedule. The night was dark, and when a quarter of a milo east of John Day Btation the engine ran into tho drift. The locomotive left tho track, turn ing on its side as it plunged down tho muankment, carrying with it the ten der and two freight oars. Neithor Engineer Johnson nor Fire man Hockman hud time to jump. Both went down with the wreck. Johnson's life was crushed out in an instant, he being fairly buried beneath the engine. ilockmun, tho fireman, was pinned own by the locomotive, and. with both legs broken, tho unfortunate man received the vent of the escaping steam. A wrecking train was sent out and Engineer Johnson's body was recovered and conveyed to his homo in this city. Fireman Hockman was sent by spe cial train to St. Vincent's hospital, Portland. Dr. Mackenzie, the com pany's surgeon, is with tho injured man, and an effort will bo made to save the poor fellow's life. Only two cars, according to railroad authorities, left the track, in addition to the engine and tender. The wreck was cleared at noon today and the track opened for traffic. Making Loan to Farmer. Victoria, Australia, has inaugurated an official loan office. Small loans up to a maximum of $ 5,000 are to b, granted to farmers and others to enable thorn to improve their holdings. Tho loans will bear interest at 5 per cent. The money will be provided from the savings banks. Death Rather Than Separation. Shamokin, Pa., Sept. 29. The bod- ies of Arthur W. May, aged 24 years, ami Miss ( ora Eastman, aged 18, both of Shamokin, were found in the black smith shop of Joseph Sraink this morn ing. May had shot his sweetheart and then blew out his own brains. The couple had twen lovers for a long time, and last week they arraged to go away and be quietly married. Being opposed by the parents of the girl, they evident ly decided to die together. !IF SPAIN REJECTS IT What Will Follow Refusal to Accept Our Mediation. WAR MAY NOT BE DECLARED But Dlplomatlo Relation! Will lie Sua pemled, and MluUter Woodford Will lie Itecalled. Madrid, Sept. 28. The arrival ol United States Minister 'Woodford from San Sebastian has caused a sensation. The programme of the Unitd States has beon ascertained. This does not con template a declaration of war, if Spain rejects mediation, but, uccording to re ports, an "ostentatious proclamation to ttie world of disapproval of the Cubun regime by suspending diplomatio rela tions with Spain, and withdrawingthe United States minister." General Woodford lias doclined to bo interviewed on the subject, further than to say that his conference with the Dubke of Tetuun, tho foreign minster, was of the most satisfactory character. The unexpected bitterness of the press and of public opinion has pain fully impressed him, but he hopeslit will soon bo allayed. He believes his mission is favorable to Spanish inter ests, and con not comprehend that Spain could reject mediation designed to end an impoverishing war. He has not named a time at which the war must be terminated, but lie hopes, as shown by the rest of his tenders, it will be ended quickly. He believes that war is inflicting incal culable loss upon the United Staes, and that it is impossible to prevent the or ganization of filibustering expeditions. Unusual measures were taken to protect Minister Woodford on his journey from San Sebastian to this city, but the trip was quite uneventful. A party of gen darmes, commanded by a sublieutenant, guarded the Southern express, on whirl ha nfaa a nnusaiiirar Mm.piit nr.lii.a u-aa ..V IT UIJ w (.HUy..U. . ITJ T. . I V. b T J 1 IT. .J IT T , I J posted at the station, and the prefect of l.., . .....;:.. . ,....... v: ... his hotel. The drive through the streets was marked by no spouial inci dent, though several people saluted him, receiving a bow in return. Some comment has been caused by the fact that Minister Woodford's fain' ily has not accompanied him, but re mains behind on the French frontier. Minister Woodford explains that his party is a large one, requiring a com modious home, and prefers spending a pleasant October at Biarritz until suitable residence can be secured here. General ; Woodford has ah ready engaged a box at the Royal opera house, and has purchased horses. General Y oodford has taken apart ments at the Hotel Rome, but received official visits at the legation, where he passed the entire morning. Have No Faith In Austria. London, Sept. 28. A Madrid specia says: The rumor of Austrian mediation between Spain and the United States in the event of hostilities, has created surprise, mingled with muoh incredul ity. The Spaniards fail to see what Austria could do, unless by naval powers, or at least by the combined pacific action of several governments. Weyler Call for More Official. Madrid, Sept. 28. Captain-General Weylor has cabled a request to tho gov ernment to send 113 additional admin istrative offioials to Cuba. The declar ation is being made here and generally circulated that the Spanish troops in Cuba have recaptured Victoria de las Lunas, which was taken by the iunsur gents under Garcia, on August 25. Webiitur Convicted. Spokane, Wash., Sept. 28. The Webster murder trial ended in a sensa tional denoument tonight. The jury, fter having been out for more than 30 hours, came in with a verdict of muu der in the first degree, ami was dis charged, but two of the jurors, R. J. Frasier and C. Thomas, immediately delivered a signed statement to the attorneys for the defense that the ver dict was against their convictions, and they only yielded after physical and mental exhaustion from the long strain in the jury room. Frasier is 65 yean f age and Thomas 72. It is thought that this will undoubtedly lead to a new trial. Miner Burled Alive. El Paso, Sept. 28. News was re ceived here tonight that the Sun Pedrc mine, in the Curtillitos group, 12 miles from this city, in Mexico, caved in today, killing 17 men who were at ork on t he'ni me at the time. The un fortunates were bnried alive under 50 et of rocks and dirt. The San Pedro is one of the oldest mines in the group and rich in silver. It is the property of the wealthy Cartillios Company, the principal stockholders of which reside xsew xork. ll tho mine was not timterel, tho Mexican government Willi0' impose a heavy fine on the company oil account of the wholesale killing. Roy Arrldentally Shot. New Whatoom, Wash., Sept. 28. Reuben Smith, a young boy who was out hunting with a companion near Ten-Mile, this county, was accidentally shot in the neck and probablv fatal I v injured this afternoon, wbile,taking his gun across a fence. Port Townsend, Sept. 28. The bark riod British snip Cape York, Captain Mitchell, arrived this morning, 64 days from Panama While lying at the latter port there were several cases of yellow fever and two deaths aboard I the ship. She cleared for this port I without being disinfected or even fumi- j gated. On arrival this morning she I was ordered to Diamond point, the Lnited States quarantine station, where the ship and crew will be detained twe weeks for fumigation and disinfection. TWO FACTIONS FIGHT. Bloody Haiti lirtween rollah Miners at lrurdvllle. Girardville, Pa., Sept'. 29. At least nine men received fatal injuries and possibly two score others were moie or less seriously woumlcd in the bloody riot here lute lust night and early this morning. The buttle was the outcome of a quarrel over the llazelton troubles. Thirty-six men uro known to have been woiindod, and about 50 more ure being secreted by their frionds, who four that they will be sent to jail. Twelve of the ringleaders were brought before Justice Klias Kissinger and 10 before Justico H. B. Johnson. All were charged with assault with in tent to kill, housebreaking and rioting, and were held in heavy bail for court. Many warrants have been issued, but huve not been served as yet. Dr. Charles Schlessmu'n attended the 22 wounded, nine of whom he says will die. Drs. William Monaghan ami James Donohue attended 14 others, and how muny the other physiciuns cared for is not known. Three others have been reported dead, but this cannot be verified. Several hundred Polandors board at William Cullacubbugo's hotel, on Sec ond street. Joseph Cavendish is pro prietor of tho hotel at the east end of town, where several hundred more Polunders make their headquarters. Bad blood has existed between them for a long time, and the recent strike troubles at Hnzlelon embittered them still more. Lust night matters came to a crisis. . Oullacubbage, it is charged, and his followers, to the number of several hundred, armed with guns, rev olvers, knives, uxes and cAibs, marched to Cavendish's hotel, where several hundred of their enemies were cele brating pay-day. The Cavendish men ascertained that their foes were march ing upon them, and, arming themselves hurriedly, awuited their arrival. After a demonstrative march, the Cullacub bagcontingont arrived, and imuiedi utly stormed tho saloon. Then a bloody buttle ensued. The men fought like demons, the shooting wus fast and furious; axes, knives, clnbs and other weuiKins were used with deadly effect. The battle lasted almost an hour, when the Cullacabbage men were routed, leaving their wounded men behind. Everything in the house wus smashed and tho floors strewn witli wounded men. The walls were bespat tered with blood and shreds of human flesh. After the rioters had returned to their headquarters, the Cavendish gang armed themselves to the teeth, and marched to their enemies' rendezovus, where a battle, still bloodier than the flrtt, re suited. The police force and the coir stables of the surrounding region were called to the Bcene, but were unable to cope with the rioting horde, who con tinned hostilities until morning. VERDICT NOT UNANIMOUS. Coroner'! Jnry TIAr Regarding lilaiue for Latimer Tragedy. Hazleton, Pa., Sept. 29. The coro ner's jury which investigated the death of the strikers at Luttimer in the deputy coroner's office, ufter an hour's deliberation rendered the following ver dict: That from the circumstances of the case and the evidence offered, the said Clement Platok, with others, came to his death by gunshot wounds on Sep tember 10, 1807, at the hands of Sheriff James Martin and deputies, and in this.we, the jury, do all agree, and we. Phil J. Boyle, Thomas T. Thomas, Barton Fresh and Peter MoKiernaii, of this jury, do further say that the said Clement Platok,- with others, was marching peacefully and unarmed on the public highways, and they were in tercepted by said Sheriff Martin and his deputies, and mercilessly shot to death, und we do further find that the killing wus unnecessary, and could have been avoided without serious injury to either persons or property, und we find, finally, that the killing wus wanton and unjustifiable; but in this, we, John Mail and F. J. MoNeal, of this jury, do not concur; and we, the jurv, do fur ther say that there was strong suspicion of unlawful violence at the hands of persons unknown to this jury, as to muke this inquest necessary." A Severe Kxperience. New York, Sept. 29. The four- masted schooner Goorwin Stoddard arrived in port today from Femandina, Flu., and reported a severe experience during the hurricane which prevailed off tho Southern coast during the past week. On September 18 Nils Svenson, one of the crew, a Norweigan, fell from the spanker masthead to the deck and was instantly killed. On the 22d the schooner Katie J. Ireland was sighted flying a distress signal. She was sink ing and had lost all her boats. The Stoddard took off the crew of the Ire land, consisting of Captain Crockett I and seven men, and the Ireland sank one hour and 40 minutes later. None therc6Cl,e1 1,1811 saved any of their i effects, London, Sept. 29 The correspon dent of the Daily Telegraph at Vienna says: "I learn from a reliable source that the Vienna cabinet would imme diately intervene in a conflict between Spain and the United States. The news of the ultimatum created excite ment in political circles, and the uni versal opinion was that such action wonld be unjustifiable." Telegraphere In Trouble. Peoria, 111.. Sept. 29. Walker V. Powell, grand chief of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers, and H. Phelan, grand secretary and treasurer, were to day held in ftiOO bonds to the federal garnd jnry on a charge of violating the alien contract labor law, they waiving examination. They had promised a place in the headquarters office to a representative of numerous Canadian lodges, and discharged a man to make a vacancy for him. I NORTHWEST BREVITIES Evidence of Steady Growth and Enterprise. ITEMS OP GENERAL INTEREST Trom All th Cities and Towns ( the Thriving Slitter states Oregon. Patrick Gibson, a farmer, was killed by a train near Oregon City. Vale expects to be lighted by electri city by November 15 next. The smoke from burning forests is again obscuring the atmosphere all along the coast. W. D. Huffman, of Diamond, has just mude a sale of 70,000 pounds of wool at 12,1!)' cents. Malheur river farmers are putting up their third crop of alfalfa, and have it mostly in the stack. The next reunion of tho soldiers and sailors of Southern Oregon will be held in Medford during September, 1808. The 10th semi-annual meeting of the Oregon State Association of Nursery men will be held in Salem on Wednes day, October 6. Quail have never been known to be so thick in the vicinity of Ashland for muny years, and offer some good sport for locul gunners. Junction City has a new fire engine, for which it recently paid $1,100. The engine wus tested und threw a 1 'n-inch stream 215 feet, and two 7-8-inch streams 140 feet each. The enrollment at the deaf-mute school at Sulem is now 30. Of this number, seven are new pupils. Super intendent Kniirht expects a total of 50 or more within the next few years. The burglar who broke into the post office ut Echo got $40 in money and some postage stamps. The money and stamps have been recovered. They were rolled up by the burglar in an old stocking. The Umatilla countv court has cora- mbneed legal proceedings to recover on 28 notes thut were turned over to the county court by the receiver of the de funot Pendleton National bank in set- tlement of the county's claim against the bank. About the largest yield of wheat yet reiiorted comes from the old Daw place. on the Long Tom. It was Defiance wheat and was grown by Frank Bum gurdner. Six acres made an aggregate yield of 290 bushels, or 48 ' bushels per acre. Klamath county farmers are busy harvesting and threshing, and orops are turning out better than was antici pated. Some crops have yielded enor mously. It is reported that Shook Bros.' crop of outs in Alkali valley went 760 bushels to the acre. Five persons were seriously injured in a collision at Eagle Point. Some miscreant hud. picked the switch lock, which let a special go in on tho siding, which held a train of loaded logging trucks. The special had been sent with two doctors to attend P. L. Phelan, who bad been thrown from a buggy and was seriously injured. J. W. Stamper, one of the pioneers of Umatilla county, is in his 73d veur, but notwithstanding ho raised 13,000 bush els of wheat this year with the aid of a boy, who worked for him three months only. Mr. Stamper disposed of his wheat ut 76 cents a bushel and finds himslf in very good shape physically as well us financially. Mr. Stumper bus resided for 20 yeurs near Athena. Waxhlngton. The Tacoma schools have adopted the vertical system of writing. The diphtheria scare in Oakdale is over, and the two patients are both re covering. Workmen have commenced to stretch the telephone wire from The Dulles to Goldendalo. The policemen of Tacoma are circu lating a petition asking the city council for an increase in pay. During August the AVhatcom cream ery paid $489.46 for cream and mode 8,246 pounds of butter. The drug store in Elberton, which contains the postoffice, was burglarized, the safe blown open, and $200 in money and $200 in stumps taken. The robbers left no truce. , Sportsmen are shooting Bob White quail, near Walla Walla, contrary to law, and the gun -club of Walla nulla will try to put a stop to the unlawful destruction of the birds. Press day in Spokane brought over 80 editors of the Inland Empire to Spo kane, the guests of the Fruit Fair As sociation. The Spokane Press Club joined in the entertaining of the visit- ors, and showed them the city in all its glory. Four companies of the Sixteenth in fantry from Fort Sherman, together with the regimental headquarters and bund, are soou to take their annual practice march. The march will be by easy stuges from Fort Siiermun to Deep creek, 15 miles west of Spokane, and re-j turn. Passing through Spokane, the ; troops win go into eauip ior pernaps a day or two. The North Pacific German mission conference, which was in session in Spokane, was presided over by Bishop C. D. Foss, of Philadelphia. Tacoma was chosen as the place for holding next year's conference. President S. T. Gates has made a thorough inspection of all the mines -along the Monte Cristo road. As a re- I suit, another roaster will be erected besides the two now in use and the one bnilding, and other extensive improve ments will be made at the Everett smelter. O. R. & N. TRAIN HELD UP. Engineer and Fireman Robbed-Hlgh-waynien Captured. Portland, Or., Sept. 28. One of the boldest attempts to hold up a train re ported here for years occurred Sunday evening ut 0:25 o'clock on the O. U. & N. track just five miles beyond the city limits. While the regular Eust ern t'ruin, No. 2, wob leaving the city, two masked men succeeded in stopping the engine by some signuK and after taking the enigneer and fireman into the brush beside the track, robbed them of their watches and about $16 in money. The brakernan went forward as soon as the train stopped, and tuking in the situation, crawled under the mail car and opened fire on the rob bers, Mho got into tho brush with their two prisoners. Then he mounted the cub, and, amidst a volley of pistol shots, succeeded in backing the train out of danger. No one was injured, and noth ing was lost except whut wus taken from tho engineer and fireman while their captors hud them under guard in the brush by the track. Conductor AlliBon was made aware of tho trouble by the slackened speed of the train. The brakomun was ahead of him in going forward, and had en? gaged in the combat with the highway men before lie reached the upper end. He was upproaching the scene of the shooting, carrying his lantern, when a shot from one of the robbers broke the globe. Realizing thut something seri ous was in progress, he retired hastily to the interior of one of the coaches. As soon us the conductor found that the train was backed far enough to be out of danger he had it stopped, and him self armed, with the brakernan and some of the passengers who could mus ter a firearm, a hostile army wus form ed to receive the onslaught of the high waymen. The attack Hi not come, however, but instead of vne "robbers there came walking down the track the engineer and fireman. They were received with joy, and told their story after it becumo apparent tbut the robbers intended no further demonstration against the pas sengers. When the train halted, the engineer and fireman were covered by tho revolv ers of the highwaymen and ordored to got out of the cab. As the two had the drop on the engineer and fireman, they thought there was no other alternative, and obeyed. As soon as they reached the ground they were ordered in front of the engine a short distance from where it stood. Following the mandate of the robbers, they walked in the direc tion indicated until ordored to stop. Both were searched for valuables. From the engineer a gold watch and chain were secured, and about $7 in money. The fireman was also relieved of $3. This accomplished, the two prisoners were permitted to return down the track to where the brakernan had run the train, while the robbers took their departure in another direction. Robbere Captured. The two highwaymen who held nr the O. II. & N. train were arrested within 15 hours of the hold-up, and are securely lodged in the city jail. The bungling clumsiness with which they conducted the robbery characterized their movements from the time they laid their first plans. They were arrested in a lodging house on Seventh and Oak etreets.whero they took up their quarters on arriving in the oity, and whence thev returned after their crime. They give the pre sumably fictitious names of George Jackson and Charles Williams. No lives were lost in the capture, nor was any time wasted. The men when ar rested gave every evidence of being des perate characters, but before use could be made of their numerous weapons, the two were covered with revolvers, precluding any attempt ut resistance. Jackson and Williams, the former being about 50 years of age and the latter not more than 82, came to this city Wednesday, on the California steamer, stopping the first night in a hotel, and the next day taking a room in the lodging house at 83 Soventh, street. In their room, when captured. were found two fine double-barreled shot-guns, bearing evidence of having; been recently fired, and two large re volvers. Some time prior to Saturday night the housemaid, in cleaning their room, observed a fair-sized packet, marked "Handle with care." Satur day night this disappeared from their room, and found near where the train was held up, containing 15 sticks of a heavy high explosive, designated as Hercules, No. 1, powder. The two men also went to a livery- stable Sunday, took a horse and single biggy at about 5 o'clock, and did not return it until 11 o'clock, that night. In this buggy was found next morning a purse that Engineer C II. Evans identified as being the one taken from him by the highwaymen at the time of. the hold-up. In the purse was a $3 gold piece, which it also contained at the time of its departure from Mr. Evans, but he is unable to identify the piece of money as the one he possessed. The story of their capture is brief, yet reveals careful and efficient work by the officers, and a determined effort on the part of the O. R. & N. offioials to bring the desperadoes to justice. The great Mohammedan school at Cairo, El Azliar, meaning the "Splen- did," has clear records dating as far back as 975. Fatal Runaway Accident. Hartford, Conn., Sept. 28. F. W. Valentine, a well-to-do lawyer, of Brooklyn, was instantly killed in a runaway accident in the town of Pom fort today. Henry L. Burt, a promin ent druggist of Putnam, who was with him, was probably fatally hurt The wives of both men were severely bruised. About forty-five thousand sovereigns pass over the Bank of England counter every day. L