iMARCHESI METHODS. HOW THE GREAT TEACHER TERROR IZES HER SCHOLARS. JtiMtructiona In Hinging From Her Not Altogether an Agreeable Ordeal Hut Hlie Conscientiously Labors Always I or Her Pupil's ltcncflt. In the mimical world of Europe no toneht.r tninln liiphcr tliiui Mine. Mar rlicHi, mid yet o firnt interview will) lier in nn orilciil to bo dreaded. Kho may tell you with nlinoHt hrutul friinknesH that your cheritihnd vocul projocts aro thin' ph air LnhhlcH and that yon had better tnru your attention to cooking. Or, with ouo unusual gltam of her gray eyes mid 0110 Ri dden indrawn breiith, tnakino her thin lips "till thinner, she may tell yon that you urc dcHlined to lift thn heurt of the world in immortal Bong and weur tlm lanrelH of a urcut Jyrio career. Aain, fclio may tell yon with the same blunt severity that you have no looks at all for the Rtiign, mid after you have been uecepted an a. pupil yon are still nubjrctcd to her merciless severity. To bo taught by Mnie. Marches! in not to have tho luxury of nu individual IciNflon, an hour'B good, cozy, comfort able time all to yourHelf. 13y no means. That iti not her plan. You aro tunglit in clahs. You are thus introduced at once to an audience,. You thus have nu opportunity of conquering stage fright. Yon pre thus submitted to tho criticism 'of others. Not only your voice, but your ninuncrH, your gait, your way of holding your hands are studied. From head to foot yon ere scrutinized. A small plntform is in the center of Morchesi'g salon, whore the pupil stuuds and recites (or sings) her lesson. The class sit around tho rtxu Uud criticise. The pupil has to face not only the class, bnt the audience includes often the first musicians of the world. How docs a sensitive woman bear the gun fire of Mine. Marobesi'i criticism, her ridicule, her sarcasm and severity? One day one of the class was having her IB niiuntet of losson before a crowded room. Mar chesi was in a sardouio humor that morning. Her remarks were brilliant, but more cutting than a Damascus blade. The audience folt that a climax was coming. Itoanifc The girl's lip began to tremble as Marchesi's com mentary sparkled aud out and sparkled again. Her lip trembled more and more. Tho agitation gained upon her whole body, tilfuhe shook like a willow in the wind. Poor dear, the othor pu pils held their bronth. The room was silent as a tomb. You could hear Mar ohesi's watch tick in her pocket Still the pupil strove to bring out the tone that tlioHO severe, lips of Alarohosi had commanded. At last the voice rolled out. The tone guiued upon the room. The voice stopped. "You sing like a fool I" litornlly hissed Marches!, and the storm brake. The girl burst into tours. Her sobs, coming upon the silence, wore most painful. Not one of the pupils dared to rush forward with comfort or himdker chiuf. The girl threw tho shoot of mu sic on tho floor and covored her face with her hands. Then, dashing the tears away from her faco, she stooped , down, gathered up the scattered music, toro it into shreds, tossed it to every part of tho room, and rushed from the platform stano. All fult it was over with her forever, so fur us lessons with Marchesi were couaerued, and more than oue heart aelied for hor. "Ha, hal" luughed Murohesi, rising dolightodly from the piano, rubbing her hands together and walking, or rather stalking, majestically through tho room and up and dowu and . again seating herself at the piano, "lia, hal Tliut girl will siugl Klio has tho grand lire. Khe is dramatic Sho haB tho line pas sion ol tho devil." Aud the girl came buck the next day and won Marchesi's bravos aud hand chipping. Upon another occasion Marchcsi sat in judgment upon a pupil's hunds us sho stood upon the platform. "Now, dou't put up your lip liko a baby, "she says, "if I toll you that I never saw such a booby. You're ns awk ward as a country clown. Look at your huudsl Just look at them dangliug down at your sides liko a jumping jack wnitiug to twitch on a pole. Mais, voi lu,"sho continued, softening a little, "if I do uot toll yon, ma chero, of these things now while you aro iu my salou, do yon kuow who will tell you of them Inter on when you stand for tho first time before oue of the great audiences of Europe? Tho reporters will flay yon alive aud deservedly. Will they not note dowu every awkward gettture, every guuehorio? Will they uot say, 'She has a divine voice, but sho held her hands like a clown?' And when you read it in all the papers the next n.oiuiug, ah, how you will exclaim, ' Why did not Murohesi correct me, tell mo, reprove me, no mutter how severely?' Now, hold your hands easily, oue palm crowed upon the nher, the right hand ncroxs the left, the forefinger uud middle lin ger of the right hand between tho thumb and forefinger of tho left band. Hon! Now, seo what ease of position, what reposo it gives to your whole flgnro as you 3tand there. " To look over the programme for the couoerts Mine. Murelnsi gives from time to tiro is to read a strungo collec tion of mimes. Here are pupils from Japan. Here is a name from Nor ay. Here is a lady from Finland. Hero nro sturdy Scotch names. Hero are Americun uumos girls from St Louis, Kan Francisco, tho Maine woods, the gulf states New Zealand bus rorre aentativos ou tho programme. To look iwt Marchesi's album is to sea some of the portraits of the world's great sing era and their signatures. New York Bun. ' goore JoH Incom. Some clever fellow bos invented tasteless cod liver oil." "The wretch I Tryiug to beat inno cent children out of a lot of dunes and nickels." C'hicatitf Record. RECALLED BY TELEGRAPHER Attraction of Scene In a I'lay Suggests Htory. When "Secret Service" wus first pro duced in New Yrk, the audiences for tho first wti k or i wo included u laro number of telegraph operators, attracted by tho vivid description giveu of the greiiu iu which Gillette s'luds the mes eago and is shot through tho hand. In tercut in this part of tho play waned slightly, so far us tho knights of the key wero concerned, when it was found that tho telegraphing, Vhilo it soundud very real to the uninitiated, was nothing but a succession of meaningless clicks. Why it w as expected that there should bo reul telegraphing nuy more than there should ) reul killing on tho stage was explained by an old operator re cently. "There lingers in tho mind of all tho older meu in tho business," said ho, "the memory of the telegraphing scene in Oliver Doud Dyrou's piny, 'Across tho Continent,' in which a geu uino operator was substituted fur the actor long enough to tick out a welcome, to any member of tho profession who might be in the audience. It was u Mrs. John Drew's old Arch Street thea ter iu Philadelphia, ubout 15 yeurs ugo. Every night tho man on tho stngo would spoil out: 'Good evening, boysl If you are ull feeling well, rup out an answer ou the iron support of the scut in front of you. All together, now one, two, three. Go!' "The rest of tho ngdieuoe were be wildered by the ticking ull over tho bouse, aud it wus great fun for the boys and a shrewd move on the part of tho mauagement, for it attracted telegra phers In great forca Tbcy enjoyed the puzzled expression of the peaplo, who couldn't understand the unanimity of the answer from tho gallery, orchestra and lobby. Of coutse the talk between the stuge and tho house was not con fined tc this salutation. It was on nil sorts of topics, usually In' the form of an interrogation, with a request for a simultaneous answer. The story has been told to tho younger men, and whenever a play is produced in which a telegraph key figures they like to seo If the experience will be repeated. " New York Mail and Exppress. Tb Lines of the Hand. They were out driving aud had come upon a fine stretch of shudy country road. "Do yon believe in palmistry," be asked "the reading of one's fortune by the liuea in one's band?" "I believe," she said, "that if I oould see the lines iu only oue of your hunds I could foretell that we would have a very pleasant drive." He Immediately caught ou aud grasped the reins with one bund aud the situution with the other. Comic Cuts. A KLONDIKE LETTER. We arrived at Lake Lindorman Sept, 4, and at this date, Sept. 7, have part of lumber sawed for boat. It is an Indian summer day, one of the half dozen dry days Bince we left the steamor Elder a month ugo. On the lake shore are saw pits in great numbers, bouts in course of construction and improvised clothes lines on which ure drying blankets and cloth ing. Dried fruit is being re-dried and trinkets aro spread out iu the sun. We left the steamer three miles below Dyea and hired a boat for $13 uud took our outfit 4a miles up Dytu river. It is then 18 miles to the summit of pass, about 20OJ feet ubovo sea level. Wo hired 600 pounds packed from Stone House to Summit for $;I5. Ferrying Crater lake cost $18; Long Lake $20; Deep Lake 10. Crater Lake is 2) miles long; Long Lake 1 miles long. From Summit to Luke Lindorman is 13 miles. Except as above mentioned. We packed our 2800 pound outfit our selves going over the trail some 12 or 16 times, making 0 to 8 trips. This is the hardest months work I ever did. 1 commenced with 75 to 85 pounds of a load and gradually increased it to 10" puumls. Fuirclougli is a packer from 'way back nnd stout as a horse; he packs 150 pounds as easily as I take 100. Collins overworked himself and was sick a few days. Our St. Jo friend is gritty and keeps up his end. We get to work early and work late. We rested part of one Sunday uud part of two days near the Summit. There was a terrific gale and rain and no one wus moving. The trail is a terrible rough, rocky, bteep one, shoes wear out ami cosi mo f iu to'rcplace, but that is nothing; they will chaige here for looking at a man. We bought 50 pounds of rice for $4 and 7 sacks of Hour for $78. I forgot to state , that part of our goods were upset in Dyea creek and we lost one sack of beans but we soon bought another suck. There are numerous ice-cold streams to . ford, no tootloga or bridges yet. The Indians get 40 cents a pound or moie for packing from Dyea to Lake l.iinler- mun. Their children and Mi'iaw Hre put to work and pack 25 to 50 pounds. There has been lots of money iiiade on the trail and lakes, lioat builders are in demand at $.'0 a day. Ituata are $400 to $tkX) and scarce. We had to go four miles for IiiiiiIht. Moiils are 50 cents at Dyea, To cents at Sheep Camp and $1 at Lake Linderman. Dyea ought to txt the town instead of Skaga uay. Hundre ls are quitting the Siti'g uay trail and taking the Chilkool route and no doubt there will he 1000 men that w ill reach Lake Linderuinn onl" to fin.l II fi-ikvun mm k n. i.nt da ..!.!!. I t is buried near the Summit, it died on the route lust May, and a man on the lake shore blew out bis brains after loft ing two outfit in the rapids at foot of Lake Linderman. Woid has just rome that two muu were drowned while ru - ning While Horeo rapids. We wl 1 portage around the rapid and hope to reach Dawson Oily by Sept, 25tli. I we have a south wind we will go through a flying. ' We uro over the hardest pm t of our trip, luivo big upi'iliien und tout I spiriiH. 'cores of women uro voing through ; they drees like men but their long hair and shrill voices give them HWny. - The passage on the snow and ice in the spring will be 1-ellcr than il in now, lie. numerous bt minis ami lakes will he frozen over ui.d the trail much shorter than it is now. There is a monthly let ter mail. i Gr.oiKis A. Hamilton. TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DY Tnko Laxative llruino Ojilnlne Tablets All diugglKts refund lliu money If It full" to curciV. Dandruff is due to nn enfeebled state of the fckin. Hall's Hair llenewcr quickens tho nutritive functions of the skin, iiealinit nnl preventing tho formation of dandruff. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. We hf ilaili it OS tvtry Vttppit, tlgutnm, a For Over Fifty Year. An Old and Well Tiiied Rkmeoy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrnp has been ned for over fifty years by mil lions el mothers (or (heir children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums allays all pttni. euu-s wind colic, and is the best remeuv lor uiairnces. is pleasant In the tattle. Sold by Druggis ii everv part of the Woild, Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value is in calculable. Be sure and ask tor Mrs Winsow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. OA8TOHIA. Clubbing Propositions. We are now prepared to furnish the Weekly Oregoniun and the Courikr one year for $2 to cash in advance subscrib ers ; the Tri-Weekly N. Y. World and Courier for fl.8."; the Oregon Agricul turist and Rural Northwest and Qoukikr for 1 .50. and tho N. W. i'acifle Farmer and Commit for $1.50. The Grandest Remedy. Mr. R. B. Gieevp, merchant, of Cliil howie, Va., eirtinVs lhat he had con sumption, was given np to die, sought all medical treatment that money could nroeure. tiied nil cough remedies he could hear of, but got no relief ; spent manv niL'hlB pitting up in a chair; was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and was i ured by use of two homes, l'or past three years has been attending to business, and says Dr. King's New Discovery is tho grainiest remedy eve'r made, as it has done so much for him uud nlso lor others in hU community. Dr.- King's New Discovery is guaranteed for Coughs, Odds and Consumption. It don't fail. Trial boitle free at Char--man & Co 'b Di uij Store. . Soiiio hing to Know. It nisv be worth something to know that the veiy let medicine lor rei-t ring the tired cm nervous tvystemto a healthy vigor isKlectric Kitteis. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tine to the nerve centres in the stomach, gently stimulates the ' Liver and Kid neys. hiiiI aids these organs in throwing oil' imninities in the blond. Lleclric Bitters improves the appetite, aids digestion, sod is pronounced by those w ho have tried it as the verv best blood purifiei and neive tonic. Try it. Sold lor fine or $1.(H) per bottle ai Chai man & Co. 'a drug store. CASTOniA. fkt fa il milt ipiiaif Buoklen's Arnica Salve. Tub BiihT Sai-vr in the world for Cuts, Rruihes, Sires, Ulcers, Salt Kheuin. Fever Sores, Tetter,' Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures files, or no psy required, it is gnaianteeu lo give neifect auiisfactum or money re nnded Trice 25 cents per box. For sale by Churman A Co. Liver BHDs pat Ion, sour stomach, imlicestlon are promptly cured by Hood's rills. They do their work easily and thoroughly. Vest after dinner pills. f 25 cents. All drupglata. J'repared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only I'Ul to take with Hood's Sarsaparllla. U ' ANTED KAITIIFI'I. MKX OR WOMAN TO travel r, siinilile eM ibhshed house in Orew'on. Salary t;M and expends. 1'iwli n IH'riiinnent. Krh'rvnre. Knei, sell-adilned am "t -iiv.'lopu. I'll,- "aiinnal,iiar Insuraiico JAMES MURR0W, Paper Hanging Artistic House Tainting An;l Kalsomirs:. i n..i.r. -.t th: r-,-t. oh KetiTth StrorL tirem . lry, Oreeon naiit y IT) . ;i iJi. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE AKE .SrW'TIXr; 1NT Tllli COURTS OCR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVF. USE UK TUB WORD "CASTORIA," AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS CUll TRADE MARK. 7, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Uyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator cf "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the sams that lui3 home and docs noi'J bear the facsimile signature cf This is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in. tho homes' of tho fathers cf America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the hind you have always bought yyf sJTZZZi" on 3 and has the signature of C&ajfflcuc&ii. wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my .name ex cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President.' March 8, 1S07. Do Mot Bo Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even lie docs not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" . BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You, THC OSNTAUJI OOMMN ...The Most Desirable Suburb... ADJOINING OREGON CITY AND I T ta all within nm milp nf the nected by an improved plank view, food air. soi . water nublic school adioininer. With and but a 1 5 minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this a very desirable place of residence and bound to grow in popularity. Choice Lots ready for the garden from $100 to $150 on easy monthly installments. with liberal discount to home build ers. Call on or address. T. L. riUKMAX, Trustee, mmm restored 3 BEFORE UNO AFT'iR riTPIDF.NE utrongtnensainl restores smaii w.o , . .,,,.,. th S,r "... ,.t n.,.H hv Iieeinrn In hemnne ninety per cent are tronwen wnn -1 11 w reoauu p"'nri.i. . . - - rr"nV. jk . aa 1 -1-r..m i nr hv m ill. rt.w,,vv 7. iVnr. k.,ii f..f vnirMninmlnr and testimonials. i.woux,Bi. y . GEO. A. HOW T0J1ND CUT. Fill a bottle or common class wi h urine and let it Btnn J twenty-four hours ; a sediment or settnntf indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stairs linen it isevidwice of kidney troulilo. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in tho hack, is also convincing proof tint' the kidnejs and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO HO. Thete is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy fullllls every wish in relieving pain in in the buck, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes lhat unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have thn best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample mil. Mention and send jour address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Tlini; hnmton . N.Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. a i vTirnFAITflKri. MES OR YVOMFX TO travVl f'i remsil.le esulillslied lione In Oregon. Snlarv mm "l"""'. prnnniieiil. Kiferem'e. Knel.tfe i ll-ndilree(l rnipedenveloiw. The f alional.htar Iinrance Ud , t'hieago. Weak Men Made Vigorous PSPjST V-ftXT RWT ITiiW I What PEFFER'S NERVIGOR Dili! I It acts nowerfnlly and (jnletly. Cores when all I othera tall Young men regain lost manhood: uki men recover y.mtutul visor. Absolutely ; Ownr 1 snlml Iu Cam .SsriontnrM, Lost JJalltT. li.UM.Ienry. Mghilr Fnilloo,Lot a""-. rHI.r mi' Falilna; Mrfflnrf, a.tlnT Uls- . and alitfKUKf fH-atmf or rxotttt Md i iiuU crtiioH Wards off Infantry ano conurninTi. ; Doa't lei cir I drigxit Imiios a wurthlea robstitute oa aiwlf viehs a gr-atr rmflt. InsM on hav- V I'KH M Kt IOOK, or send lo' you rcan.e ln ri. he curried la pu "'pa'ir'1" i .PFU MiBlCAl. Aa . thlco. 111. Solil by tliarnian A 4 ' itr Pr!-' Cream Rnkinz Po 1f WmiiaJI ttbt AVaoalaaJ Dtploaa. on every wrapper. PRACTICALLY A PART OF IT. renter of the citv and is con road. Healthy location, hne ana arainaee ana a nrsi-ciass all the advantages of the city Cliarniau liros. jBloek "CUFIDENE" This ireatVe.Mtsble I VI laliwr.tbe prescrip y-f OUs tion ol u famous FreucU physician, will quickly cure you ol all m-r-voiia or dist'OMH of the generative ornuin, Bucb as Lost Mnuhooil. Insomnia, i'nlim In the B:ick,iicmliial Emissions, Ncrvnui Debility, PlniDlesi. Vnliiness to Slurry, Kxhuusilou DrMlns, Vurlrwelo ami Cons' inullon. It srons all losses bvclay cr night prevents quiefc. DfrauUlivon r.iiich if note all the 1 horro-xof Impoteney. UI'IimjIEcleausM Uieliver, the 1 ;,!., v and the nrlnarr oremsof nil impurities. . ... -.i.i.-.,., ,. nm..nn. it boxes does noteUoct t pernuuit'Utcurcw u wA.H11nPnu10lsco.CaL -Ibr&xUbV HARDING, DruggiM, Oregon City WANTED FAITHFUL MEN OR WOMEN TO travel for responsible established house In OreKn, Hitlarv87(t0 aud expenses. Position per mnimnt. Keferenee. Knclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The National, Starlnsurance ma,;., Chicago, GAMBRINUS COLD STORAGE. Is the place to buy your WINLb and LiyUUKb. It's the place where you buy at reasonable rates, and you can rely on what you buy. Wines from 75c per gallon to $1.60. family entrance on Sixth street Call and be convinced Yours Truly, N. F. ZIMMERMAN, Mgr PllftSK 39." SIXTH AND MAIM hTREEl 8, 0.C.&E.R. R.Co BAY liOTJTK Connecting at Ysqnins Bay with the San Francisco aud Yauiiina Bay Steamship Company. Steamship "Faralloii" Sails from Ysqnina every eight dv for San Francisco, i ons bay Poll On ford, Trinidad and Iluinboli ftiy. Passenger accommodations nnsnrpased. Shnrti t route between the Willamette Y'alley aud California Far from Albany or puinU west to fan t rai.ciyeo: (hp, ronud trip Steerage " (15 00 5 Of 6 00 8 00 To Coos Buy and Port oxford: Cabin, To Hum bolt Bay: Cabin, Round titp. good for WI days. RIVtR DIVISION.. Steamers "Albany" and Wm. M. Hoag." neulT fiirnlsbed. leave Albany daily iexcpt Salnn1ay) at 7:45 a. arriving at Portland the ssme d; at&p m. Resuming. nrts leave Porllar.I Mine days ITT 'tTHTT. TT'iving at Albany at 7:45 p. m. J C. 'I A TO, Surt KiTer IMvlslon, Con-allis, Or. IIDW',S ST 5 E TO THE EAST GIVES THS CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL BOUTBS VIA GREAT VIA 'flregon - . Lire DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS CIT1 NORTHERN RK. SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL LOW RATE8 TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 0AYS TOR SAN FRANCISCO " t Vor foil detail! call on or address W. H. HtTRLBURT, Gen'l Pang. Airent, Portland. 0 1 Trains arrive anil Cepnrt from Portland m follows: Depart-No.2 For all Eauteru points via . OreKiMi Hhoit i.lno 9M p. m ' No. 4 The Fpokaue Flyer and Orent Northern 2:45 p.m. Arrive No. 1 Kmm the Kant via Oretroa Short Line " No. 8 Fiorn Spokane...-- 115 a.m For further information call on O. H. AN. Audit, F. E. DONALDSON, Oreg n City, Oregon. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THK SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Eipreai Trains Leave Portland Daily. Smith I North. 6 OOP. Lv Portland . Ar 9:0A.l e:3rM. U Ore(?onClty Lv 7:4hA.H. Ar Ban Kranciseo Lv i:Wr. The ahove triilnn stop at all stations between Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion, Jellei. on, Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Halsey, JIarrla. bura, Junetlim (;ilv, Irvinn, KiiRene, Creawell, t'oltaiio Grove, Drains, aud all siatlons Irom Roseburg to Ahland, inclusive. HO3EB0RO MAIL DAILY. 8-30A.K. ,Lv Portland Arl4:Snp. Mt.H. Lv i OrenonCily VLR'11P" 5:)p.M. I Ar ' lloscburg I.v7:0A Ji DINING CARS ON OOPKN HOt'TK, PULLMaH BUFFET SLEEPERS second-classTleeping CARS Attached to all Throush Trains. . . Weal Slue J1 vlf ii. Iletweei. I'OllTl.AM) ami CO)! VA 1.1.1 1 BA11TRA1K DAn,V(EX:KI'lSUNnAY.1 7:30 A.M. I I.v Portland ArlVSOP.M 12:1S P.M. I Ar Corvallis Lv 1 1 I'o P. '' AtAlbanvand n.irvalilK ennnopt wltb train of Oregon Central & Eastern K. R. SXPKEBb TKA1N DAll.VlKXtBlISUNDiY.l 4:P. M. I Lv Portland Ar?:25A.M 7.S0P.M, Ar McMlnnville lvo:wa.j Direct connection at fun Francisco wilU On Mental and Orlelitnl and Pacinc L," fiieamthlp Lines for J AN AMI CHINA. Sailing dates ouapiillc tion. Rates and tickets to eastern points ana lr.,rn..u olsn JAPAN. (11NA. IIUSULUUU and AUSTKALIA, cau be obtained froiu E. E. JlH, Acent, Oi eKnii City R.KOEHI.KR. C 1I.MAKKIAM Manager. Ahi.t r r.nt Portland, Ol. Portland, Or. (GO EAT VIA LIBRARY CAR ROUTE America's Kcenlc Line. THE AM -RAIL ROl'TR TO KOOTENAI HINIKO DISTRICT VIA SEATTLE AND 81'OKANE. h st and "Quickest Route TO ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, CULUTH, J I : v 3 AND ALL rOINTS EAST. Through Palace fd Tuiiritt Slrepert, Dining mul Library Ubeenativii . turn. SEKY1CE AND HCKNKKY INECALEU For tickets and full Information cull on or address A. B. r. DKNMSTON, or- . t . I . A.. It'llH'll'l, Wlil'll R. C. STEVENS. O. V. P. A.. Seattle. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. V TRAD! MARKS. DE8ICH8, rrmt COPYRICHTt AO, Anvone sending a aetrh and description may euicslacertiu!T, fiee, whether an Invention la protmhlv patentuhle. Cotumunlcatlnna strictly cona.ntlal. o:.1e aarencj f.-iecunna patent o America. W have a Washington omce. Patents taen through Muiin A Co. receiTaj special notice lo tb SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beaotifullT lUmrrsted. arml enrnlatlon of anv scienti !nial. a jer ('ill six mmitha. Brnien copies ana U-AKO ItuuK ox Fatcict ul tree. Adaresa MUNN A CO., 3t Brattasr, K' i'rlu Dining GBLflH Bllll i i V