c bREGONCITY COURIER By A. W. CHENEY. n t efsd I n Oregon City p,tollkeas.eiil -class mutter HUIISCRIPTION RATKB. If paid hi advance, per year 1 One year ... HI months i tw Three mouths 0 fetI'lin inli nrinosltn your address on the paper d.uolci I lie time lo which you himi pai'l I'ATH'OIZK IIO.MK INhUSTIIV. OKKGOX CITY, SKl'T. 24, 1H07. PLEASE PAY UP. Hie tcMon of the yt-nr lum arrived vlu;ii tlin proprietor of a newspaper naturally expi'nts to receive wmie com pHiiHiitioti for lii labors. The fimoiiiits duo lift from Kiiliw:riliernntoili(liviiliiiilly fulfill, lint tuki-ii in tho Ui(!rc(,'iito tliey amount to qui to n . largo fiiim. Jlnr'uitf these liiinl times it taxes all one's ener gies to keep u paper nfloat. I'leaHO try to seii'l iih a dollar or two on account, or if you are nnnjilu to (,'et lliu dollar and have produce wild or hrinn that and we Mill allow you market price. If some settlement is not tnado lieforo October 1st the accounts of those inoro than two years in anears will ho placed in a col lector' hands. I'leaso settlo' or cull and see publisher before that date. A STAXDIXO ISJUiTWE. "Ono of tho striking features of tho local grain situation is tho re-appearance in tho field of California buyors and tho shipments of Walla Walla wheat to fan Francisco, whero it forms part of cargoes going to tho United Kingdom, passing as 'California' wheat, which commands from ono shilling lo ono shilling and sixpence more in those markets than Wulla Walla wheat commands. This is an aspect of the g ain trado of this secion, particularly tho product of Eastern Oregon and Washington, which has long been a source of regret to our people, and really amounts to a standing injustice on tho part of British handlers of our product. "It is a manifest disadvantage to any deep sea port that its shipments foreign should ho curbed from place to place at greater or less expense before they are finally loaded into the ocean bottoms that ca.ry them abroad. This is a process of reducing tho net proceeds of Eastern Oregon and Washington wheat familiar here for years, and generally deplore I. In good years a considerable portion of our wheat has gone to Han Fraueisco for reshipment there, owing partly to low steamer' rates and a differential in charter favorable to that port. Those conditions are not per manent. The improvement in harbor facilities here, consequent upon the jettv and the work on the river channel, is slowly but effectually equalizing costs of the ports and reducing lo a minimum the difference between charterqnotations at Portland and "an Francisco. It is probably because of this that more at tention than usual is being drawn toj the discriinniination between California and Walla Walla wheat. Another! reason is that tint present year promises to afford u repetition of the history of 18D4, when no less than 12 1,001) tons of Walla Walla wheat was thus reshipp-d from San Francisco as California wheat, the quality in this good year being equal to the hig'i quality then, and admirably adapted to tho process of substitution or mixing. " Tho gr.idu d decrease from 12 to 15 -shillings to the present figure of about 5 shilling difference in charters between here an jf Francisco emphasizes the injusti Jv iia mild for.ni of dishonesty, which iff . the same hardship on our grower.; does upon Oregon fruit tho practice of shipping it as California fruit As producers will always seek the higlie t offers, tho most ellicient remedy appears to be an effort to bring the attention of British buyers to the facts in the case. If they' could be made to understand that they aro getting Walla Walla wheat for California, and paying for it accord ingly, the direct result would bo a suspension o( the practice, and the indirect result would be appreciation of the Walla Walla product at its true valuation, wlii.di, in good years, is equialent to that of tin California crop". PurtUmd Review. (JEER REFUSED. Hon': T. T. Oeor of Macleay In refusing .i . !.. . Or..i.ih IlltV lllllll rflieo said : ' "I was not a candidate for that place, and had no recommendations for that i n place. My application anu an vi in; recommendations were for tho position of collector of customs of the port of Portland, and that was tho position I wanted, and my friends wanted Die -to have. I was sidetracked by the delega tion, without mv consent; I wag not , consulted in tho matter at all, and the endorsement and recommendation for the land olliee, made by these gentle men, was entirely unauthorized by me. I have, therefore, after looking over the situation, and consulting with my friends, declined the position of register of tho land office, and I am still a candi date for collector of customs, as iielore. I am urged to this by republicans from - every portion of Orvgon, every mail bringing me to take this stand." That tleof was foolish is acknowledged by all except the "push" of the two factions Itolph and Mitchell, Tholaml office at this place pays a good salary, and he also had show to hold tho office for another four-year term If the repub licans were successful three yoars hence. The politician are trying to make Mr. fioer, who was but little known pub'ic ally, believe ho is somebody and it un titled to the governorship or U. S. sonatorship. Mr. Geer is a good, honest, hardworking farmer and is getting his politiciid cyeteeth cut which will prob ably result in his getting nothing else. It serves him right. C. B. Mooro of Marion county has been recommended for tho place and tho republican ollico-seekers of tlds county are again left and if issues aro not patche I up there wMl bo an open tight between tho faction of that party in this county next spring. A HEAL DEMOCRACY. In a democracy, where the majority is assumed to i ul c, to be in realijy the governing power, there should bo no power, no law, no privilege, no precedent, no coiirtitutional or other legislative en actment that for a moment should stand between that majority and the exercise of that power usamning, of course, it is a just power to be justly exercised. No man, no set of men, no president, no house, no senate, no lobby, no judge, no court of ono nor of live or ten, or of more or less judges should stand between tho majority itnd its just wish and desire. If, then, the majority should rule the people should have an opportunity to express themselves on any and all legislation proposed under such form of government. In other words, every proposed law should first be submitted to the people for their scrutiny, con sideration, approval or rejection. Blade Ocet.nside, Cal. . HOW ABOUT THIS. The following figures represent the agorago division of wealth between capital and labor in the countries named, in per cents: Country. Capital. Labor. Italy 51 40 Austria 03 4 . 30 0 Switzerland 05 4 34 6 Spain 07 4 32 6 Russia (18 8 31 2 Franco 07 9 32 1 Germany . 71 0 28 4 Brituin 73 2 20 8 Belgium 74 6 " 25 5 United States 81 2 17 8 Assistant Socr. tary of the Navy Uoosevelt says ' this country is on the verge of war with Spain." Somk people think the credit for the Klondike gold discoveries belong to tho Kepu hi ican ad m in isi rat ion . Tmcpresidonton Wednesday appoint o 1 0. B. Moores of Salem as register of tho Oregon CH y land office. Ho will accept. ' Tun Koseburg Review says that re publican harmony in Marion county is badly out of (Jeer That's so and it will be Moores so 'no. Ir js hard to convince a man who is ptolitiug at tho expense of his fellows that anything is w rong witli tho system which favors him. Wb have been ruled by a king, we have been governed by an aristocratic parliament, wo are now apparently entering upon a period of government by judges the worst form of autocracy, A much abused editor of ji weekly paper published in Ohio, has drafted tho following guuio law. Book agents may be killed from September 1 to Oct tober 1 ; spring poets, March 1 ti July 1 ! scandal mongers, any time; whales, August 1 lo January 1 ; tho man w ho never pays his subscription, as well as tho antiquarian, two-penny-husiness-man, who thinks it doesn't pay to ad vertise, may bo killed from January 1 to December 31, without recourse or any relief from valuation or iipprisement laws. 'Secretary Wilson has sent out to about five thousand sugar beet growers instruc tions how to prepare the beets for ship ment to the laboratories for test as to tho amount of sugar the beets contain. Professor Wilson, who has charge, thinks that at least twenty-five thousand beet growers w ill furnish samples to be tested. Smiio samples have already been re ceived. Ono enthusiastic sugar beet company writes that ' this industry can never lie squeezed out by the sugar trust, as the trust pays $.'.30 for raw sugar, duty $1.57, premium 2t cents, and refining 4.1 cents per 100 pounds. Total cost of sugar re fined ready for market, $4.50 per ,100 pounds, and received no State or National bounty, while on the other hand, we manufacture and refine 100 pounds of sugar at a cost of $2.75 per 100 pounds and receive from the State $1.50 per 100 pounds bounty for the manufactured and refined in the State, which, after being deducted from actual cost, $-'.75, reduces our cost per 100 pounds refined sugar lo $1.2.1." The sugar beet grow ing district in this country, Professor Wiley says, will not embrace an area ef more than one mil'.ion acres for the next twenty-five years. Wo have no doubt but that our bo loved Billee Bryan, tho plain son of plain people of Illinois, will some day be president. It will bo when plutocracy has had its rage and it is discovered that a nation of political eqimls cannot bo governed by concessions to the favored classes and injunctions ' to re strain tho masses. If such a policy does not hurl oin fair land into an in dustrial revolution wo are much mis taken. Laws that are aimed at trust like tho coal combine, that doubles the price of fuel cutting the miners from $1.25 a ton to 3") cents (see commissioner's re port in Indiana) aro now only enforced against the laborer and he will never get relief until some man like Bryan is made pro-ident. Salem Jnn,i!. Justice Clark, of the supremo court of this ctule, one of tho ablest jurists and economic writers in the-country, who at first favored government control, now takes tho same iiosilion. And 'in I fact is the position that all mint take who are sincerely opp to tho bleed ing of the public an I the robbery of the government by monopolies and triiHts. The greatest issuo of modern times is now squarely drawn there is no middle ground there aro but two sides. Tho government must own and operate nil national monopolies in the interest of the public, or these monopolies will own and oierato tho government in their own interest. This and the money question will be the two overshadowing issues In the campaign of 1900. Senator Marion Butler of X . 0. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Notion ' hornKv given that on Monday. Oetohr 18. 1807, tho board of qiiiv lln f Clackmna. county will atutnd ' th offloe) 'f th clerk of tha county court of fal l ecu I'y and publicly X"il e the an-rmitt roll for ! yr 1807 and correct all error In vl miini,., uescrlp ilom or qin ta of lai d , lot t ur other p oper y. A id It U the duty of all per on Iniere.ted to appear at the lime anrl place. annilnteH; nrlllit hxll uputkr to suchhusid nf rq'ial'Ktion hat there are any lauria. Iota or other property asaenwd twice or in Hie name of a person or per sons not the. owner of tin earns, or -e.ed under or beyond tta value, or ai y land, live or other property not a-aaaaeo said board of equal i ,tion shall make the. proper correction.. L Stout, AWsaor. Notice. Sealed bid mill he received hy the C ti"t C iun for the bull Him of the Ore l(OM Coy and Willainatla Palls waanu riwtl nccoiduur to the pl.ni and peetrlcaHons now nn HI" In the C Miniy Clerk's office A certified che k of ten per cent, mint araomp my any and all bids. All hliia niuat be in aoict compliance with apveitt ra'iona A aaiUfantory b mil will be re qnlred hy the c iii'l. H la will ho opened Mor.dty, S.ot !i7ih, 1807, at 10 o'clock A.M. Toe C Hirt rwatirvea the rigbt to re jeot any and all hide. By order of the t'onniv Court. ' ELMER DIXON, County Clark 0 18 21 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATOX. LAND OFFHIK AT OREGON CITY, OBKGON, September Wih, 1H7. Notice Is hereby given ttntt the followitiK-ihinml nottler hn llled notice of lilt intention to make final proof In support of his cluini, mid tlmt unlil proof will he minle h-fore the ltit'stT rihI Kweivcr nl Or" Kii Cily, Dii'koii, on o. tober -Hli, 1807, viz: JO.Shl'H BUNTOW, II. E. 8.'i87, fir tho t-W V4' of Sie. 1H Tp S 8.. II. 2 K. IJu tinmen the I iMon lnu' wltm nun in prove hi continuous re"lletiee upon ti ml culii villon of. mlil liiii'l, viz: Clonic N. IMi y, Unity 'r.hw, William II .zhiK", nil of U'ilhmc, Ori'Kon: losei'l) l.n-ler of Scolt Millx, llreunii. KUIIKItr A. MII.I.KIl. Ueuieter. SUMMONS. In lite t ircult t'oiirt of the Stnie of Oregon, for the County of Clnt killimn. I. E. Mmllz, I'liilntlll', vs. James Shaw, Hetty Slmw. I'ne ()renn l.'lty Kenl KsUle it Trust In (ini'orii'iruli'il). KiKpnr Kainvn, Mix l.oson, Kin 1 1 'lnrrns Henry KIIiik, Frank Tritsch, Lawrence Trltneli. J. A. Trllsi h. K. K. tiraile. iililciiinr Kuuliii, and dm kaniua Uiiunly, l)i lendnnts. To The Oregon City KcbI Estate t trust Co. (In corpnrileil). Kiispur Knjova; Jinx len, Euiil Tnrnc, henry Kllni?. Frank Trl eh, liawreneu Trllaeh. J. A. Trllsch, IS. F. tirailu, Wahleniar Kuehn. Hefeliiliints. IV THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OKKOON: You are hereby icitulred lo appear and answer the complaint filed Hnuimt you In the uliove vnllilnd atdt by tli lirst day of the next term of laid court, viz.: Monday, Novcm her 1k(, 18'.i7; and If yon fail to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court fertile relief demanded In the complium herein, to wit : For the Inn closure of a certain mortgage of f.MjOO.IHI with Interest and nttnrney'a fens upon the IiiIIowIiik deaerllud properly, tn-wit. Bciin iilittf at a point in the cunler of the Ori'ifnti iilv and I'orllaud wauon road where ai'iue cmtsw Hie ine of land formerly owned by tho Yiillimn Dement on the south, and H. W. Moss nn the north, tieiiiK HI.H) ohalns easterly of tho snitliwst corner of tlio l. L 0. of Utram Slraixht and nilr; thence north :io tlexreea east 4.IW ohaiiia tu Month Hue tf land formerly owned bv Kmlly Smlii; inenee niiriii so oet'rces west tracing si ml It line or saiil Smith lam) ai.ii cluiius to W'illuinelle river; thence south 6 desreea west 4 ohains to soulhvvesl corner of aaid I). I,. 1) ; thence aouth SI (leurees :; mlnules east Sl.10 chains to place of hevinnltiR, conralniuir 14 acres, the same :n cluilliiK Moss Addition to Oreumi City is ihnwn by plat nn tile of said addition, all 111 ('lac'.ainas County, Stale of Oregon, And that the equity of redemption of etch of sahi riefenilanui therein be foreclosed and firever barred. This summons Is published by virluo of an order itade by 1,ob1 U. Steavns Jinl(;e tf the circuit court oi the State of Onuontor Mullromuh County, nated the Hill day of Sepieinlier 1SI7, (Sllined) C. II. & II. t I.ATorKr.Trr:, Attorneys for 1'l.mtilT. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of, the State of Oregon for the County ut Clackamas. A. K. Latourutte, Executrix, 1 I'lalutill, I vs. I (i. W. K. Taylor. John Kcker, f Daniel Mrl'arty and Olive ilet arty, Defcndaiits. J To John Eeker. said Uclrnditnt. IN' THE XAStK OF THE STATE OF OKFtiON: You are hereby required t.,apa."ar and iswer the complaint tiled against you in the shove entitled suit by the first day of the next term of said court, vix.: Monday, November 1st. Imi7; and If you fail to answer for want tnercof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint herein, town.: For foreclosure of certain mortirages, of SKJ7.04 with Interest and attotney'i fees, and Hmusj with Inlere-lanil attorney's fees, and sksiji with ink-reft and attorney's f-, itisui the following describe,! proH-rty, Uv-wlt. The east , .( h aouthwest of set-lion SO, township 4 louth, rsnge 1 cast of the Willamette mcrcdian; also IsHa and 7 of section Si, township 4 south, range 1 east, containing IJi acres, all in Clacka mas county, stale of Oregon, and that the tquitr of redexiptfou of each of said defendants herein tie fiuvi l.wesl and forever barrel. I This Summons Is miMislnsi hy virtue of an order ms.le be Loral K Slesr.is. Iii.l .tf tl,w e;f . it CJiirt of tne stale of rron f,,r Multnomah j county, ilateil the Mill ilav ol St-ptrmlH-r. I"-7. isine-n c. i. n. c. i atoi rette. I Atti-rnev. for I'UiDl.rT Marvelous EffeGt System Broken Down and Hopo Al most Abandoned-Health Re storod by Hood's Carsaparllla. "For fifteen jeir.4 1 lava ruffercd with catarrh tuid Indlffesi Ion r.::J my ffhole syatom wci broUi.a dovv.l. 1 hud almost sbani!o:n 4 any hu; o oi ri rovtry, I pur ciinseJ b!x bia.l.-i cf II i.kI'd trnr-ai arllla and. Ita c.'?:'.''.J l ivn Lc.i inr.r. clous. It lias mnelo mo f.n! i a l:?v lean. I am able to sleep well, have a i;ood sppctlte, and I fcsvo pai.-!" I r :.- I f ounds In weight." jAyiisSVlPiM.OroviJIe.Vi'iiBh. "I bad a scrofula ewplllrirr on ens side of my neck Slid uleiruU'd sores In my nostrils, caused by catarrh. I tho had small, Itching sores en my Ihnba. I bou) lit three bottles of Hood's Barsaps rllla and began tailing it and the soret soon ben led. My blood Is purified, and the scrofula bus disappeared." O. D. McMANUS, Mission, Washington. to area- traUUVl parilla Itlio best !u fiictthoOno TriuMoo.l Turllicr, lnrt,'e Uillc cure nniise.-i, l:el L'estina, noou s rius tiiijusuei.s. .ents. . ' . SUMMONS. Ill Hie Circuit '-'ourt f tho tSI'.lu of Oregon fur the rifiintv of c'lai kamiis. llalCa t. 1'ufotir, I'laliiiiir, Alexninler linfmir, liefeii'tiinl ToAleunder Dufiuir, lirfeuilant: In the name of die "tale of Oregon, you art hereby required lo appear and answer the comilalii' ttlwl aKainstyoii In iheaboranilllled suit in tha abote entitleil onurl, on or iH'f' ro Hie Aral day of the next lerni of the aaid court, after six wevka' puhllcatl'iii of tliUsiiunnoiis. h-wit., on or befora Molnlny, the 1st tlsy of Novemlier, IHi7. ami If you full so to ae rur and amwer. Hie plslnlltl lll apply to Ilia court forilio relief ileinaiiih-il In theoomiilaiot The ndlef deinandfsl In Hie cumplalnt li for a de cree iH-solvlnir tho bonda of nialrimouy iilsilstlnu beiween plaintiff and defendant on the ground of de sertion ami that plalunh"! name bo changed lo raiiKlnirn: and for general relief. - This suminuan is published pursuant to an nnler made by linn. Airred V. Heart, Juilgn of the circuit courtof the state of oreg-m for lullnoiuali county, in the absence of the lion. Thomaa A. Mcllild". judge of tho circuit court of tho state of Oreg m for Clai kainas enmity, which order was duly nude and eutrrwl on the 1'lth day of S'ptenilsr, lx.)7. OKU. H. SIIKFilEIlD, At'orney Jor Plaintiff, SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of I'lai-kauias. The AI lama Trust ('omor, Ld.. I'lnintln", t. L l'liel,0. 8. Fheli, Mcllle K. Smith. K. !. Suiltli, Kaiiuia Siiiilm, Win. Huiilres. Addle Smith, John Sail h, Veidlo Dews, John H'wa. it C. Smith, as Ailmlnl-tmlorof fcNIate of John Orow. Deceased, and Itolhohilds brnlliei, a Corpuratioli, Defen dants. To Addle Smith and John Smith, Defondauui Above Named: In Hi" name of the state of Oregon, You are hnrelij required to appi-ar and answer the complaint tiled against you In tho above tnlitled suit b the Brstila; of the next t rm of de rl following the ex Iratiiiu ul the pilblieatiuil of lhl sttiuolons. to-wit; by M m day, Xovenih-r 1st, 18H7, and If you fail u " answer for warn thereof, plaintiff will apply to the conn for the relict deuisiidisl In tho complaint, to-wit for jlliltoiient acainst Ilrfnlldallt l I'lu lpa for 4140.0), with luterast from tictubrr 1st, I Wo. ut the rate of 111 percent, per annum: and the further suniof$l4o Wi ll interest Iberceu Irolu April 1-t IKIti, lit Ihe rule of 10 per cent, per auHuin; and the fiirthersuin of Jllll Willi Interest tliorei.u from O- tober 1st. Met, ul theraieorioivr eeut. per annum: and the further sum of ii".;!6, with Inli iest tlieie.ni from February Huh, 1KI7. at Ilia rate of 10 per twin, per annum: and the further sum of :ISHI. with luler.-st thereon fiotu October 1st, lfll, at the into of S per cent, per annum; and KIT as attorney'' fmm all lu Ihiiusl eiuites Uoi.l foln tog Uier with the costs a ,d tils buraenionts of this suit, and for the decree of the above entitled Court foreclosing the mortgage de scrlhed In the complaint, mid decreeing aaid mortgage to be the Orst lien upon Ihe laud therein described, situated ill Clackamas County, Strte of Oregon, to-wit: lleulnlmr at anoint six fa) rhalna and fifty ( iO: links North an I twelve (V't chain' ami sixty-nine llWl links East of the Southwest uornor of action l.i-iily-lliree (W) in Township three (:l) ttimlh of ltango three till Ksst of the vullamoltu .Voriuisn. riiuuilig thouco North It fly t.'Sli chains: th nio .North sixty six Hi) ilegrersi thirty (IKI) miuiili nest Hfieen eli.ii, mid ntlv l.VII links: tlienee North llfly. one id) digi'ia-s West ttlly-iiine .V.I) clialns and twelve tl-i) links; thence West eight (8) chains and aevenl.v Hire. 1781 links; thence Smith one hundred aid luurleelld 41 chain; thelee tast forti-eisht ( It) chains and llfty (fsn llok; then- e North twenty CJUnhain.uuilrirt.v oil links: li.en etji-r iweiuji-o) clialns and llfty (nil. links lo the ila'u of beiiluuiuK, eoiitiiiiilng six hundred itMHI) a -res mure or less. That said lauil uIniVo diis rilasl bo sold ill the I manner pinvidisl hy law, and the proceeds of sai l sale applies! lo llic ea i-nti mm ill s;iin ji.'.u.ii. ... that you and eiii'h of votl and all ilid iibovo liaiiud defendants, and all s rsi us elaimiiig under you or either of the defendants, bo barred and foreclosed of rigl.l or eiUlt.v of redemption in sue I premises ami every part thereof, and for such other and farther relief as lo the Court may seem meet and equitable. This I'ubli'-ation is made hy order of lion. Loyal B. Stearns. , I udge of the t ircult Court of the State uf Oregon, fur the County of Multnomah, in the abseuee from t'la' kamiis County of Hon. Thomas A. McUride, Juilge of tlie Circuit Court of die Stale of Oregon. forCIa kaniaa County, which order was duly made him! entered September Kith. 1KH7. UIWNAUUII,McAimUilt,FKNTON& IIKOXAl'OII, Attorneys for XMalutirf. SHERIFF'S SALE. ' In the Circuit (.'ourt for the Stato of Oreuon, lor tile County ul Clackaiuaa. Jacob Spunkier, I'lnlntlir, vs. J. II. Hickman and J. A. Hickman, DcfL-uilnn a. Stale oi Oregon, County of Clackamas, as. HY VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT ORDER, decree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the sculol theaouve entitled court. In the above enillled eaiise, to me duly directed ami dated the 1st day of Septt-nilier, Ifvi", upon a J'ldRnienl rendered and entered In aaid court un the ZUln Uiiy oi r eurusry, ikk, in ravor oi Jacou SpaiiKler, planum and sKiiinst J. if. Hickman and J. A. Hickman, defendants, for the sum .of tl(ls6.4J. will) interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum rrom the liuili day or Febru ary, 1K!I7, ami the further sum ur fSA.OO attorney's fee, and the lurther sum of IJOIHI costs and disliurwmeiits, and the costa of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following ilescrllied real property situate In the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to wit: All of fractional block u of the town of Marsh field, t'lackiiinna county, stpte of Ores'in, us plaited by tlie late Wra. T. Mullock; fractional lots i, il and of fractional block 9 of Talbert s hi li lit mil to the said town uf Mtnhrteld; the original plats of said addilion are now on Hie in the olllce of the county clerk of Clackamas county at On g-in City, tircuon; also the follow loir described tract of laud, to-wit: U.-giimins' at th" southeast comer of the above tiameil fractional lot 4 of fractional bliaslt l of the said Talhert's addition to the said town of Marsh field, rimniiiK tlience northerly trunliiK the easterly boundary line of aaid fraction block 9 and at right aoiilcs to the southerly boundary line oi the W. Tt Matlock D. L. 0. 50 feet; thence easterly rarallel with the suniherlv line of the said W. T. Matlork O. L. ('. lo a point in the western b-mnUary line oi tne county road Mail ing from Clackamas station to I'ortlitnit, Oregon, said point being SO feet north of the northeast corner of said fractional block 9 in aaid town of Marshfleld as platted by W. T. Matlock; thence southerly to the aaid northeast corner of the said hlock !: (hence westerly tracing the southerly line of the W. T. Matlock D. 1.. U. to the place of beginning, con taining in all thtee-fourths of an acre, moi or less, and situated ill Clackamas county, stale of Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order ami decree, and tu compliance wilh the commands of said wit. I will, on Mnn dav, the lllh day of Octohvr, 1'J7, at the hour of 1 o clock p. m. at tha front door of tne county court house in Ihe city of Oregon Oily, in said county ami atate, sell at publie auction, aubject to redemption, to Ihe highest bidder, for V. S. gold coin. eah in hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the the above de scribed real property or any part thereol. to satisfy aaid execution, judgment order, decree, interest, cost and all accruing costs. O. W. GRACE, Sheriff of Clackamas Co., Oregon. Pated, Oregon Cily, Or., September ad, U7. j j Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder , Gold Medal MUwto Fair. Sac Francac To the Public! The undersigned having found the Uoston Rubber Shoe Co.'s goods unsatisfactory, will in the future handle tho Woonsockct and the Wales-Goodyear rubber boots' and overshoes. We are sorry to make the change as we found tho Hoston Rubber Shoe Co. very nice pcople-but business is business. McKITTRICK. The Shoe Man CIStaCS3d2ffi for CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS go to RICHARD PEXZOLD'S CASH MARKETS Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the 1 1 ill. Main St., Opposite Cau field Hlock. Two Shops, Orefjon Clly, Oregon . j. riiu.i.n'H, Projiriotor PHILADELPHIA Steam Dyeing & Cleaning Works LA DIRS' AND GKNTLEMEXS' CLOTHING CLEANED DYED AND REPAIRED IN I3EST POSSIBLE MANNER Office, 215 Morrison St., Bet.; First and Front, Portland, Or. Works at Meolintiica' Pavilion, 325 Second St. GO TO- G. H. BESTOW & CO. rK DOORS. WINDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. T wtm : LOWEST CASH PRICES EVER OFKKRED FOR FIR8T-CI.AS8 GOODS. 8'irp Opposite CnugrriHtli.nnl t'lUKrh, t.Malu Mrrrt, Oregon City, Orr, t WHY IS IT. That every day our store is filled with buyers .from every part of the city, regardless of distance? -t- There must be some reason. People especially ladies don't go out of their way to buy unless there is a reason. IT IS JJECAUlSE we have established a reputation for abso lutely fresh goods especially in the line of table delicacies, and our customers 'arc sure of a superior, article-and then the prices are right. ...GIBSON & LINDSEY... morKlETOR OF t HARDING'S BAKERY' AND GROCERY L BREAD AND PASTRY A SPECIALTY Winter Shoes ! T7"RAUSSE BROS., second lf- door north of l0., liavd just received a tine new line of HEN'S WINTER TANS. Cull and flee them. We have mldetl a tirnt-class shot'inaker to our e8tnblisliiiient and aro prepared to do all kinds o! repairing at reasonable nrtea. t t t t KRAUSSE BROS' SHOE STORE Two Doors Kortli f 1'ostolllcH Winter Shoes! 3 1 GEO. A.. HARDING. DEALER IN IP TJK,U3-S Staiiard Pat. MsJicinss V lints. Oils an l Window Glass. Prescriptions AMwalelv Compounded HARDINO'e BLOCK. i I SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County ol Ulactaniea. Mary C. Bosch, 1 Plaintiff, vs. William Bosch, Defendant. J To William Bosch, said Dclsndant. IS THE SAME OF THE STATU OF OREGON 1 Vou are her.liv required to appear and answer the complaint Hied aaainst you In the above eu ntled suit liv the lirst day of the next term ol aaid court, viz.: Monday, November 1st. lS'.IT: and if vou fail to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply lo the Court for the relief demanded in Ihe complaint herein, to wit The dissolution of the marriage contract existing between said parties upon ground of cruel ana innunian ireauneni oi puiinun on part defeudau,t. Thla Summons la nnbllshed bv virtue of an order made by Loyal B. Stearns, Judge of the Circuit Ooort of. the State of Oregon for Multnomah County, dated the lh day o( Sep tember !. (Signed! C. D. D. C. LATOl RETTie, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Job Printing at tne Courier Office. 1 Goods Onllt'd For urnl Delivered O ' W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Cor. Main and 4U1 St. OREGON CITY, OREGON "1 DAH WILLIAMS CASH STORE 1 nn iMin o-nf " III lbs. StiKar for $1.00. 1 lb. Kntdish Breakfast Ten, 20c. 1 lb. Young Hyson Tea, 20c. 2 lbs. UoitHted Coffee, 25c. Box of Soap, O'lc. SEVENTH ST., NEAR CENTER. BDLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregou City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any -part of the city. Try It, If, i iislry ail oj- Convnoe Noblitt Livfr.r and Sale Siable OJRSiJON CITY, OREGON, X On ti Street between the Bridge and the Depot. Double and slnele rigs anil saddle horse, a ways on hand at tho lowest rates, ind acorra, also connecled with the barn for loose stock Any Information regarding any kind of stool promptly attended to by letter or person. HORSES) BOUGHT OR SOLD NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFKICE AT OREGON CITV, OREGON, Sept. 4, 1SH7. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that sld proof will be made before the Register and Receiver II. S. Land Olllce at Oregon City, Oregon, on October 25th, UW7, via: KELSON A. FLINN, . H. E. No. 8UI6. for the XW U of NE Sec. 26, Tp. 2 3 , R. 5 K. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuons residence upon and culti. vnllon of, said land, vis: Stephen Osborn, Charles Sliank. John V. Batv and Charles P. Ware, all of Cherryville, Oregon. ROBERT A. M1LLFR, Register. OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO 'S Str. Altona Will Make Daily Trips Between . OREGON CITY o PORTLAND Leaving Portland for Balem and way. landings at 6:15 a. m., and Oregou city at about 3 p. m. lrANTEP FAITHFUL MEN OR WOKEN TO ' travel for responsible established house in Oregon. Salary iTau and eioenses. Position permanent. Reference. Enclose self-addressed orJmp3;.nTeloPe- Tbe Nwional, 8tar luturanc. Bldg., Chicago.