Sergeant Flynn (of the Chicago force): "Pliat dthe dlvll alls ye dthls marnln, HoKan?" Officer Iiogiin: "Hhure, on I taught a cold liiBlit nultiht!" Berreant Flynn: "doodl It'i th' only t'inr ye Iver did catch!" Up to Date. BEFOKE THE SHRIXK. The kiiii luul bnridy risen nut of the nun when tho ncx ton opened thu doors of the pretty church of Sun Gliinottio on tho llttlo IhIhiiU of t hloj.'Kli wlilrh tliu Omul Grnmle Rcpmitdi from Venice-. It whs holy week, mid tho pious Itdiindersxiilhurcd for early muss. The space within wns cold and pruy, Tho sun luul nut yet clliulieil the hi Ight of the stulncd ttUm windows of the huly t di flee. A thin cloud of Incense limited round the marble pi liars. Tho piTwtuul light glowed In o deep red bowl Mum the linage of the Mudonmi, nd the worshiper begun to fill the worm cuten, wooden pews. - They were nearly all women, for the young and hurdy men of ChlopKla nre out on the scu, saying their morning prny era under the don.e of the sky. Vy the Ide of the wife of some poor IWurinan kneels the judge's spouse In ekgi.nt ntflrc. Hot far from her sits the pilot's daughter muffed In fleery s'mwN to ward off tiii. draft that comes In between the think and cracks In the windows and doors. In the first now before the In no of thi Madonna eroucbrd on this morning In boly week a slender young woman of ex traordinary beauty. Hie wns oblivious ol ber surroundings. Her head was bowed over her folded hands, and from her eyes tear trickled now and then. She did not see the old vegetable huckster perched on stool the sexton had provided expressly for ber, because she could no longer kneel. Nobody heeded the girl, except this old ' rone, who watched ber curiously. Tho young woman's rich block hair betrayed ' ber. It waa Luola, handsome, dark eyed Luola, her cousin Knrlohetta's only daugh ter. The lilvor bracelet around the dim pled wrist was hers. The old woman would have known ber anywhere with that trinket on her arm. Luola seemed in great despair. Sorn Blagia wondered. Could it be true, whiit the woman of Chloggia were saying, that Luola was In love with the fair haired German pointer who hud employed her for his model f Had she been faithless to Flllppo, who 'had asked her to marry him, and whose wife she had promised to boi Mow the Tedosoo hue gone his way, and he kneels in despair before the Imago of the Madonna tho old, old story I Bora Blagia had always been fond of Lucia, and her hoart ached for the sorrow ing oreaturo, but of late the girl hud inndc no confidante of her old relative. Whon mass was over and the pooplo dispersed, the old woman waited patiently for Luoin, who was still lost in devout prayer. At last she aroso, brushed the wavy strains of ber black hair from her forehond, and cast a lust, Imploring look upon tho imago ol the Mudouno. "Hoy, Lucia!" cried Soru Blagia. On the church step behind her stood the old woman. "Whut will you huvoF" qucrlod the girl With low, oppressed voice. "I am sorry, Lucia mla," whispered Sora Blagln, liiylngherhund onthoyoung woman's shoulder. "I wish I could help you. Don't toko it too much to heart If Flllppo loves you, he'll come back to marry you, believe me, Luclu!" "But he cannot, Mora Blagia," moaned the girl. "He cannot ooinn bock to mo. KUIppo is dead, drowned and I am the cause of his death. She. burled nor face In her hands and sobbed pitifully, "Oh, Holy Virgin," murmured the old woninn, orosslng herself, "You do not know what u are talking about. You are losing your mind!" "It's true, only too true," cried Luola vehemently. "I will tell you oil, Sora Biiigiu. Flllppo wus Jealous of thostraiiKor for whom I sat as a model. 1 was foolish to flirt with him, but I have nevor wronged Flllppo the Holy Mother knows! It vexed me to have him so suro of me, ami when he told me that he was the only mnn I could ever love I luiighed at him. Then became back and asked me to marry him. But I was obstinate, Sora Blagia, and said that I would think about It We had a quarrel and parted In angor, yet we love each other dearly. Flllppo went to sea again, though it wns his intention to re main at home after our marrluge. Lust night came the news that the riperinwo was wreukod in tho English channel. She was Flllppo's boat and evcryliody on board was lost. I am not weeping for tho stran ger, Sora Uiugta, but for Flllppo, whom I will never see again!" The girl broke completely down, sobbing out her grief on the old woman's shuuliler. "Are you sure that all tho crew were lost, LuctiiF I see old Sor Frcdluna, tho pilot, standing In his door. He Is sure to know. Hey, Sor Kredluno, bey! Any news from the Sporanfo?" "The Speninua's gone, but word has just neon received that the crew was saved. They are on tholr way home now." A cry of joy broke from Lucia's lips. Half laughing, half weeping, she sunk upon the stone steps of tho church. "Thou hnst heard my prayer, O Madon na. 1 have not sent him to bis death." On Faster morning there was great re jolci ng ou the pretty little island of I'hi opgla. The crew from the SHranr.n cuine homo just as tho Faster bolls called the worshljiers to church. On tho wharf, near enough for the wa ter to dampen her pretty shoes, stood Luela with Sora liiugiu. As the boat drew near that brought the young lover home the old woman asked: "What will you any to Flllppo should he ask you again to become his wife!)'" "Not a single word. S;vrn Blagia. I will throw my arms around his neck and bis him. He will know." " At Whitsuntide Flllppo and Luola were married before the image of the Madonna, at whose shrine the girl had poured out Jcr grief and Iruploiwihohclr. St. Louis 2IV mm wN VI UI7 Iff tlIBT I , HM l I',' r" M I Th Good Samaritan. The following title, related to mo by r friotid, is absolutely true, suys a writer iu tbe London Blcofoh. A lady recently touring in the highlands for obvious reason I omit the lady'i name aud tbe jiume of the district had tbe uiisfor tooo, while riding alone through a pic turesque bat scantily populuuted glen, to meet with au acoidout, being thrown from her machine, badly braised aud shaken and more or less out and scratch ed about tba bands. Upon recovering ber equanimity she made her way to the nearest habitation, wbioh chanced to be the manse, and asked to be allowed to wash tbe mad off ber hands aud then to rest awhile, Tbe niiuiater was ab sent, bat bit housekeeper received bit kindly, aud, having attended to ber want, offered and gave ber cop of tea. Boon afterward the minister returned and waa, of course, duly informed of tbe presence of the unexpected guest Thereupon hit reverence entered the kitchen, where the lady waa resting, and, after surveying ber critically with a auspioioua eye for aeveral momenta, be addressed ber in the following friend ly manner: "Ma'am," be said, "I'm sure I don't know who you are, and don't know where you come from, and, for anything I know, you may carry off tome of my property, ao I think the aooner ynu leave my house the better. xnu ja is.,, .u uj.du..m., u,k.., : rose and complied with tbia inhoapitable request and was thortly afterward found by a pleasant woman aitting by tbe roadside and in tears. This good S maritan quickly led the wanderer to tbe nearest inn, where a dogoart waa soon prooured, in which the unfortunate lady and her damaged bicyole were oonveyed borne. Chineae, Jeweler. . There are two jewelers in Chinatown, but their establishments donot resemble the ordinary places known at jewelry shops. The Chinese jeweler la a pnnu fucturer aa well aa a shopkeeper. Hit establishment ia a tiny room up one or two narrow flights of stairs. The room in one place is divided by an openwork iron partition, with an arch and a ooun tor near the window, where the jeweler stands at work. He is an elderly China man, wearing glasses, and be worka over a tiny fire in the window. All his work ia done by band, aud come of it ia beautiful. There are heavy silver brace lets, wbioh open with a hinge and fasten with an oda little staple. The fine rais ed pattern ia out out, every bit of it, by baud. There are gold ringa made in the tame way. They are fine ringa, made of 34 curat gold. Almost nothing ia kept in stock. There may chance to be a few rings and braoelett, which are taken from a small safe. Most of (he goods are made to order. When the manufac turer ia asked the price of a ring, be weighs it before he answers. His scales consist of a slender stick of ivory, per baps a third of a yard long, covered witn uninese ciiaraorcrs. At one ouu is a small brass plate suspended from the stick by fine threads, and a very em nil weight, also haugiug by a thread, it moved along to the balancing point by the jeweler aa he holds the little ma chine iu his baud. The front part of the little shop is filled with a atove, table, dish pun, dishes as many things as could be orowdod into it. Now York Timet. The brain of woman is absolutely tuiuller than that of uuui, lint is stated to bo somewhat larger in proportion to the weight of the body. An Oeeult Stud of ltllblfs. The ruby, as indeed overy othei gem, had its magical properties in those old times when occultism wt.s an article of faith. Tho oriental ruby de fied both poison and tho plague. Worn on the person or ground to powder and drank as a drag it preserved the wearer and the swallowcr from that ever pres ent danger of poison, that ever present four of tho plague. When misfortunes nnd evil duys threatened the wearer, it loot its brilliancy aud became sad and dark. A learned German with an unpro nonuceublo unnio testifies to this. "On tho 6th day of October, 1C00 after the birth of Christ Jesus, us I was going with my beloved wifo Catharine. Adel maniiio (of pious memory ), from Stut pard to Culiena, I observed by tho way that it very tino ruby which I wore mounted in a gold ring (tho one which alio had given me) lost repeatedly and each timo almost completely its spleu- did color, mid that it assumed a somber, blackish hue, which blackness lusted not ono day, but several, so much so that, being greatly astouished, I drew the ring from my finger and put it into a casket. I ulso warned my wifo that eomo evil followed her or me, thn which I augured from the change of the ruby. Aud truly I was not deceived, for within a few days she was taken mortally sick. After her death the ruby resumed its pristine color and bril liancy. "New York Dispatch. far Over Fifty Vaara. AnOi.dand Vki.l-Tkikd Kkmedy. Mrs. Winning's bonUiing fyrup lias iieen uel for over fifty yearn by mil llwis of noil hers for their children whili teeth inu, with perfect success. I so"' tics me mini, soitens the gum miiiysHii pain cures wind colic, and is I be best remedy for Dlarrhiea. Is pleasant to the taste. Hold by Ilruirjis n "very part ol the World. Twenty five cents a bottle. Its value is In rslculsMe. It" sure and aik for Mn Winsnw's Soothing Syrup, and take no oiner una. OAflTOniA. Til fit. Hall 1 llM irr vrtptta stpiiir M Something to Depesd On Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm of Jones A Son, Owden, III., in apeaking o( nr. King's rew Discovery , say that last winter Ills wite was sltackeil with Lh (irtppp, and ber esse grew so serious that physicians at Cowden and Puna could do nothing lor her. It seemed to develop into hasty consumption. Hav. ion Dr. King's New Discovery in store, "ml selling lots of it, he took a bottle home, and to the surprise ol al I she be gan to get belter from first dose an . half dozen dollar bottles cured her moiiii.I and wi-ll. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds is guarantee.! to do this good work Try it. Free trial bottle al Chariiian A Co. 'a drug store . OABTOnXA. Tli fu ll n svrrf Bucklen't Arnica Salve. Tiik Bkst Sai.vk in the world for Cots, Bruises, Sows, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or ho pay required. It is gtiuiauteed to five perfect satisfaction or money re untied. Price 26 rente per box. For ale by Cliarman A Co. Constipation Causes fully half the sickness tat tbe world. It retain tbe digested food too long In the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, IwU- lilnlOOCK lestlon, bad taste, coated tongue, tlok headache, In somnia, etc Hood's Fills (Pills . ,.,v.nd thnrnn.rhtv. Hie. AlldruralstS Prepared by a L Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass. Xle only Pills to take with Hood's Barsaparilla. IV ANTED FAITHFUL MEN OR WOMEN TO travel for respnnaible establlntied house In Oregon. Salary t'su and expemea. I'odlilon permanent. Keference. Enclose aelf-addreased tamped envelop. The National, Star Insurance Bdg., Chicago. dr. pcrrrpvs ROYAL-TANSY PILLS. NEW DISCOVERY. NEVER MILS. A new. reliable and aafe relief for uppreMed. eicMelre, want? or pain ful menatraation. Vow wed br orer ao,000 Ladies, lnvigoratee theae ernana, Biwml or danocrocs im- Eationb. 3 per box, mall box 1. nIH In tilafn wraoiMir. ftond 4c in etampe for Medical as tMiriouiara, rcrx im in. unuago, in. bold by Charnian cV Co. TO CONSUMPTIVE 3 Tn oiiderflimeil harlna been 'renloivO W health bv simple means, after siirt'erlni lot everal yearn with a evwre Iiiiik all'w.Unii. and that rtread itiseaae Dour iiniitl la anxious le make suoun tu hia fellow siill'vrvra the niesnt at cure. To ilioe whoileslre It, he will cheer f-illv aend (free of ohnrtre, ropjrof theprewrlp lion' useil, the v will ami a aure cure loi CuiiamiiittiMi. AnthiMH. Catarrli. II rone In lla nml all thrum anil lime .lnlHlle. Ht hnnee all MilTerem will tr Ilia reniwly, na II U hiTslualile. Those ileslrlns the preierlptlon which will coat them tmiliinf , and ma) Drove a hlsaln. will nlcase ailitreaa. REV. EDW. A. WILSON, Brooklyn, N. Y AGENTS WANTED FOR The Official Guide to the Klondyke Country AND THE 60LO FIELDS OF ALASKA RETAIL PRICE $1 Intensely intcreatliiir and atrtetlv Authentic The aciiisl experleiieea of miners and thei miirvcliiiis discoveries nf sold. The Information contained In this honk has been carefully pre pared from the most reliable sources, and will he the means of leading thousands to fortune in the GOLD FIELDS OF THE NORTH The book contains :1U0 cases and la Illustrated Willi Hi fiiil-paxe tihoinKriipha, taken especially lor tins work, aim also n vages nt nnieiai maps We are the sole publishers of "The OfttolKl Oulde to the Klomlyke Country;" any other publlcatlona purporting to be It arc liulta'ioiis. . Our umial liberal commissions. K'ikI 'hi cents at once sor vouiplute book, to ecther with agents' ouitlt. W. B. CONKEY COMPANY, . 341 351 Dearborn St., CHICAGO 0.C.&E.R. R.Co YAQUINA HAY UOUTK Connecting at Yaqiilna Day with the San Frauciaeo aud Yaimiiia Buy steamship Company. Steamship "Farallon" Palis from Yanulna every eight days for Han Franeiseo. Cooa Buy t'oit Oxford, Trinidad and Iliimbolt Buy. Tassenger accommKlatlona unsurpassed. Shortest route between the Willametlo Valley and California. Fare from Albany or polnte west to Fan Franeiseo: Cabin, rouud trip 115 00 Steerage 5 tie To Coos Bay and Port Oxford: Cabin, - - - 6 CO To Humholt Pay: Cabin, ... g 00 Round trip, good for AO dajs. RIVER DIVISION. Steamers "Albany" and 'Wm. M. Hoag." newly furnished, leave Albany daily (except Saturdays) al 7:45 a. m., arriving at Portland lite same day at ftp. m. Returning, boats leave Portland same days at tin) a. m., arriving at Albny at 7: I p. m. J. C. MAYO, Supt. River Division, Corvallla, Or. EDWIN STOXE.Xgr.. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now jtTaT" m mrV hear the facsimile signature of Qtffl&2cAfa wrapper. This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been 'used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought rjf jeV.l on the and has the signature of GuM&yfuiAM, wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is March 8, 1897. Q& iAm- ,p. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The End Yon Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You, TMI UNTaiMI I Muiv , tt souto og'Esoy - ejTY ...The' Most Desirable Suburb... ADJOINING OREGON CITY AND T is all within one mile of the nected by an improved plank road. Healthy location, fine view, good air, soil, water and drainage and a first-class public school adjoining. With all the advantages of the city and but a 15 minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this a very desirable place of residence and bound to grow in popularity. Choice Lots ready for the garden from $100 to $150 on easy monthly installments with liberal discount to home build ers. Call on or address. . T. L. CHAKMAN, Trustee, MANHOOD RESTORED tlonot R famous vous or diseases of insomiila, I'alnaln Plmplea, Unfitness Constip iiinntinn. 1 1 Km nl ofdischarKe, BtfOnS HO Arr.ri jeys and the The reason ai'itreren are not cored by Imctnra BMauinii. nnpr DKK K la the onl known remedy to cure without an operation, taioieatlmnnl- .1. a written vunrantee lven and money returned il.00 a box, six for 15.00, by math Bend for FRMdrcular and tesumonaua. AiMresa BAVOl, JiKDICIM K CO P. O. GEO. A. the latent now out only book now out Kilned liy 1 $10 Every Day Can Hn To nrove It. we five a few items from actual To -T " line airent solil 37 onlna In two and a Vk nnd il another no in three Hays. One agent In Indiana soul iscopiesin tw.idays, Anoifont South Carolina sold 8 copies in three ilnys. One agent in lieorgia aol t 26 in twodcys. i airent in Central lieornia sold 83 entiles in ten nays. When you consider the com. mission we allow spent, and tbe immense Vt ene wl A? av;ii vti 04 "Thiinri $i 33lat wirn wnicn u sens, ineiv is nnining in ilelil sum pixints. ror insinnre: one apem mane sius.29 in ten nays selling nihTholts.' Another made S3.e0 ill three days: another S9.2S in one day: another 33 in two days; another $56. 7S ia three ft! 13. F. HAYNES PUBLISHINQ OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO 'S STR. RAM0NA Will Hake Dally Trips Between OREGON CITY no PORTLAND FARE 45c for Rouud Trip. Tickets Good on East Side Railway I.K.WI IXAVS ORIiiON 1'ITY PORTLAND FT. TAYLOR 1MA.M. 0:30 A.M. 12:00 M. 40 P. M. 4:30 P. M. 6:00 P. M. SONOAY TIME. S:WA.M. imnnA.M l.VSH P. M. 2s P. M MI'.M, 5:110 F. M 6:10 P. M. 7:45 P. XI rrotect Yourself Against Loss of Time and Money Br instirinif in tlie STAB I.N SIB ANTE CO. Write to V. U. (.'fhns, Stt-'r, Star Ins. Rl.ljt ., CHICAGO, II I. avawr lTarr, teaa itt. PRACTICALLY A PART OF IT. center of the city and is con Charnian Bros. JBlock 3 "CUPIDENE" Thin treat Veritable 'VltaJlur,tbepreaurlp French physician, will quicklyoureyouol all ner of 1 Hi tue generative unrana, aucn aa uwt Manbnod, tbe Buck, Seminal JCinlaaiiiiis, Mervnna lxblllty, to Harry, KxbauaUna: Drains, Varicocele and atons an losHCrt ttv aav or morni. freventa quick which Unotche-lce1 leads to Spermatorrhcea and urinary oreaniolaOllmpurlUea. la because ninety per cent are troubled with l( si I boxes does not effect a u . ueruiauentcure. Box Itnt, Ban Francisco, CaL tWSalmb HARDING, Druggist, Oregon City SAM JONES. "THUNDERBOLTS," and (tranrlcst lxwk by this worhl-n-lilo celebrity anu mi eniv cMiusivcry "y sudsviidiiud. hiu f Iven to the public by Sam Jones in ten years. and for sale exclusively by subscription, t ho Itev. is. r. llaynn ics. iniroaiiciioa uv jiisiioij .Mvtepn h. Key, or tne M. K. nuren. eoutn. eivpairos. 121 splendid Illustrations. A bonama (or agents. Most rapidly, easily selling book of the age. N AGENTS WANTED. Send 8s Cents for Acent's Outfit, and to Cents for Our 7o-page, Illustrated Catalogue of Bibles, Albums, Etc WONDERFUL SALES. Be Made ty Agents. sales made within the last few weeks half dava. Another sold 15 cooies in two dava. popularity of this wonderful book, and tho wmr.n a live, pusmnx man can rmrnKB wiucn days. COMPANY. Nashville, Tenn. THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE A Write -to T. 8. QunccEY, Drawer 138, Chicago, Secre "' 9 tary of the Star Accident Company, for Information 9 regardiog Accident Insur j'ilii ance. Mention this paper. By so doinj yoo can save membership fee. Has paid over $000,000.00 for occidental injuries. Be your own Agent. NO MEDiCAI. EXAMINATION RI-QUTREO WASTED FAITHFl'I, MF.X OR WOMKS TO travel for iewnille established house in Orrerm. Haiary 7l and expenses. Position permaiient. Reference. Knrlose self-addressed saaipel envelope. The National, Star lufuranee Bldg., Chicago. CATFOLKS! REDUCED iruuir.tot:.t: I per utMittj ij kaAnu Ir tr unrni h trac ttHnsT ntiTtrlriaUi 4 'Jit :r' niarr irtKM. St imn. wtinfeiM tr flhhiTkML Im & 1 pnm rriwnu tVMth sVHi hrationiw fimprficB. i aj sda:Hi wsrtelj lail hid. nv iL I h- u-JMnla fUWl PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL ffltifljrntuny. F parttnilan iir with nampb UK Oil I ULK, r mi Bnmtmmt, llHtA tin mm TO THE EAST GIVES TBI CHOICE OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUT IB S VIA GREAT NORTHERN RY. SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL VIA 01) Line DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS CITI LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY S DAYS SAN FRANCISCO tot (all daUili call on or address, W. H. HITRLBURT, Gen'! Fans. Agent, PnuTi.Awrt. 0 A. L. MOHLER, Vlee-Preiidut. Trains arrive and depart from Portland as follows: Depart No.2 For all Eastern points via Oregon Short Line ....8:00 p. m ' ' No. The Spokane Flyer and Great Northern 2:45 p. m. Arrive No. 1 From the East via Oregon Short Line................... No. 8 From Spokane.. T:a.m, 11:45 a. a For further Information call on O. R. & N. Agent, F. E. DONALDSON, Oregon City, Oregon. EAST AND SOUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO Express Trains Leave Portland Daily South. North. 9:80 a. SI 8:40. at l:00r. at 6:00 P.M. 6:52 p. at, 7:45 A.M. Lt Portland , Ar I Lt Oregon City Lt Ar Ban Francisco LT I Th ahnve trains auD at all stations between Portland and Salem. Turner. Marion. Jeffer son, Albany, Tangaut, Shedds, Halsey, Harris burg, Junction City, Irving, Eugene, Creswell,. Cottage Grove, urains, and all stations from KOseDurg to aBniana, incinsive. HOSCBURG MAIL DAILY 8:30A.t. ,Lr Portland Ar 9:27 a. a. Lt Oregon City Lt 8:86 5:20 P. M. I Ar Roseburg Lt 7: OA at DININO CARS ON OGPEN ROUTE. PVLLMAH BVFFET 8L&KPEBB AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CAR8 Attached to all Through Tralna. West Side Division, Between PORTLAND and COKVALLJS at AILTRAIM DaJLYIKXCKPTBUNDAY.) 7:80 A.M. I Lt Portland Ar5:60P.M 12:15PM. Ar Corvallii Lt1:(KP.M At Albany and Corvalils connect with, train of Oregon Central & Eastern R. R. sxraiss train dailtiixckftsundaT.i 4:50P.M. I Lt Portland Ar8:25A.M 7.30P.M. Ar McMlnnvllle Lt6:IUA.M Direct connection at San Francisco with Occidental and Oriental and . Pacific Mall Steamship Lines for Jit AN AND CHINA. Sailing dates on application. Ratea and tickets to eastern points and Rurone also JAPAN. CHINA. HONOLULU aud AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from . . BO YD, Agent, Oregon City. R. KOEHLKR. C. H. MARKHAM, Manager, Asst. tt. F. A P. Agent Portland, Or. Portland, Or. GO EAST VIA. LIBRARY CAR ROUTE America's Scenic Line. THE ALL-RAIL ROl'TR TO KOOIENAI MINING DISTRICT VIA SEATTLE AND SPOKANE. hottest and Quickest Route TO ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, DULUTH, AND ALL POINTS EAST. Through Palace oud Tourist Slreperi, Dining ana Library vbserratton Cart, SERVICE AND SC KNERT I NEQl' A LED For tickets and full Infnrmatlnn call on or address A. It. C. DENNISTON, r p. T. A.. Porllsnd, Oregon or, R. C. STEVENS. U. W. P. A., Seattle. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADI MARKSv DESICNS. COPYRIGHTS Ae. AnrrmiiT4l1nT a ukrtrh irvd dfacriptioa mf qijTicklTascvrtmin, free, whether n invention is protwMf patentaMe. ('oaitnan.csUinns 9trirty sinfldentiAL OldHst urencr frecunne ptent to AmencsV We hare Washington omen. Patent taaen throh Munn A Co- receiv tpeeiml nottcm in ta SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beamlfallr lllowrated. larmt e,rrnlatloai of any sdeiitlle Journal. weeklr.termaS.ini a rear; SJsis aooiiihs. epeeimea copies and Haajs Book OS Patbitts saot tree. Address MUNN 4 CO., Ji Braaissr. Htm Ysrk. Meals sas D-n.g GBjirrflN Bait