OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W. CHENEY. I tm.iLn.Oru 'm 01 1 "!"ffi c uJ-claw matter Hl'IIHCRIITION RATES. I tswbHii advance, per year 1 Ml year : j. mouths 'f 2 (K irce mouths 60 f8jI'hn (Into opposite your address on the Super denotes Ihu lime to which you hutu paid. KA.TKf)MZB IIOMK IM)IJTKV. OREGON CITV, A0C;iTTJ3, 1897. TARIFF BILL AND J'llOSl'ElllTY. The much diitcunied Dingley 1)111 hns lust becouiea mutter of fact in reality, wl its advocates are cluimini? tliat all the dinpencationg and kind mercies of an all-wine creator during the pant year, are tlici remits of the Dingley tariff hill. Tlicy forgot that an extreme scarcity of wheat in Argentine, Australia, Rus sia and India, has made an enormous demand for wheat and other cereals pro duced in America. They forget that tkis great country was on the eve of re covering from the panic, before even tliere was a possibility of the passing of ligft protection duties. These periods f financial depression occasionally oc cur, and the great industries of the country recover to some extent, in spite f t&e opposition of monopolistic trusts and the inacliiiiutiona of gold bug inanciera. v Good crops coupled ith good prices, ima a new impetus to trade in innumer able ways. There is more labor for the daoem ployed, and, as a consequence, a tsitor demand for manufactured .articles, as well as the products of the larro ami garden ensue. All these things set th- wheels of commerce into motion, and soon an ere of tolerable prosperity strikes the country. But the truth' is the Dingley tariff schedule had nothing to do with it. Vie provisions of the tariff schudule in anany instances were inserted to pay off political debts. Politicians in some fccallties desired special articles in whick they were interested or connected as ananulucturers protected with heavy -tfnffus. Oregon has great deposits of ickel ore, but the makers of the Dingley tariff law refused to protect it against the importations of Oanada nickel. The people of Clackamas county will be heavily taxed on the sugar that they se, as well as the woolen goods that they buy. Will they be able to ascertain wherein they are benefited by this xhorbitnnt protection bill.? Senator Teller, who was at one time something fa protectionist himself, says of the Dingley bill: "In my judgment it is the worst tariff bill ever passed. The sates are exceedingly high. It takes care of all the trusts in the country, and I say it without offjiiso, the truats and C3mhinations and syndicates have had too much to do with this bill." CLackamas county will have a fair at Jliirquuui on tho 23d, 24th and 2fth of September, that will be a credit to this section of the state. The management f tire fair is in excellent hands, who A.ive- the advantage of former years of experience in this line. The Uutte Creek Agricultural Association are making p iciul efforts this year to improve the character of the exhibits in every way ami three days could not be mere pleas antly or profitably spent than at the Maxiiuam fair. Statu Superintendent Irwin is reach iig out after the. perquisites in a way khat evea makes Governor Lord kick. In addition to his salary he has already jec lunula ted quite a snug sum from fees r fairing state and life diplomas, and even tho governor Is making a protest 1U school law states that the fees col beted shall constitute a fund for paying Die expenses of such assistants in con "noting the examination as the board suay deem projier.. Mr. T')Noi!K has returno I from Wash ington, and announces that the Oregon lerogittton nave not yet agreed upon my aotoututions for federal positions in this state. As a consequence, the dozen dif lerent individuals who left their appli sutione on file at Washington for the Oregon City landollico, will have to jo main on tlie anxious seat of expectancy kr several weeks yet. A number of tltont will no doubt publicly deny that tliey were evei candidates for the place. The geographical surveyors have de creed that the richest gold field on the Tokon shall lie spelled "Klondike," with Kth a "k" and "I." This settles that inch of the question, but the public will bo most interested in learning of tlie uatiuiato success of the Oregon dele gation to Klondike. TuiuK will be no need now to rail a special session of the legislature tuprnwa general appropriation bill, in rder that the servants of the state, or those who have furnished supplies to itute institutions may draw their pay. ()n last Monday the supreme court lauded down a decision requiring the secretary of state to audit and draw war- 1 ..... i . I Uinta for all such claims. I 4 f Secretary Ui.im has taken cogni i.inceof the rush to the Klonkikegold it'll", and ha inaucxl a letter of gen eral warning to the tmUic, cautioning tliem oi the probable dangers of a trip to that region in an Arctic winter. FROJ1 THE VOLUME OP NATURE. Col. E. D. Baker's Greatest Little Poem Appears for the First Time in Oregon Print. Following is un extract from an ad dress delivered before the Willamette Valley Chuutuuqnn Assembly by J. B. Horner, professor of Literature in the State Agricultural College, on "A Les son from the Volume ol Nature:'1 In order that man may really live, and then not lose his way from earth to heaven, God has written a wonderful book to direct him. To make this book so simple and easy that we may not stumblo on our way, the kind Father has written it in two volumes the volume of nature and the volume of revelation. In learning the mysteries and wonders of the Father and the way that leads to Ilim, some of his children study one volume, some study the other; while others who are searching all the light study both volumes. My friends, lam glad we live in a land where we can study both volumes of this blessed book Tonight I shall speak of a lesson learned from the volume of nature as 'twas told me by an earnest student. These lessons have been gleaned by many among whom is Simpsonthat Edgar Allen Poeof Oregon who sang of the "Beautiful Willamette" whose echoes may be heard mingling with the music of our Chautauqua songs while its mighty waters thunder on through the Lowell of the West. Then there is our Joaquin Miller who poetized the greatness of our men and the grandeur of our rivers," our valleys, and our mountains, and has been true to them all ; he has sung in a foreign land and the echoes of his melodies have been wafted to our shores. But there was another who sang not only of these, but also of the majestic ocean and of the God who made it. He was once with us in the flesh, but he is now a spirit in the land of the qood, the true and the blest. I refer to Col. E. D. Baker, once a senator from Oregon and afterward the hero I may say the martyr of Balls Bluff. May we briefly follow him as he reads a page from the volume of nature? Ho was probably along the shore near where Golden Ga'e swings out into the deep, or where Empire City looks out upon the sea. or at Seal Hock, where the Siletz, the Alsea, and the Yaquina Indians met in festivity ; or he may have been where the mighty Columbia mingles with that eternity of waters, the Pacific ocean. It was evidently just after the evening twilight, when the dark gray of the night was coming on, and the beautiful stars, "the lovely foruet-me-notsof the angels were blossoming in the infinite meadows of heaven " Overhead was the sky as silent as a summer cloud ; and before him was the sea ever changing, ever heaving, ever restless us in the ages, A wave caught his attention, unci he said : "0 thou wave, that lea vest thy mother's breast, Dost thou seek a star with thy swelling crest? Dost thou leap from thy prisoned depths below, In scorn of their culm and constant flow? Or dost thou seek u distant land, To die in murmurs upon thustraud?" A prophet, Bcholar and poet I. is mind sweeps over tho wrecks of navies and armadas ; iiiiu visions ol battles, when the honor of nations was contested , rise before him ; and poet-like, he regards the ocean as a living, breathing, sympathizing creature, and thus ud- d i esses it: "Canst thou tell some tale of the pearl-lit deep Where the wave-whelmed mariner rocks in sleep? Canst thou speak of navies sunk in pride Ere the roll of their thunder in echo died? Banners and trophies are floating free In the shadowy depths of that silent sea" But when the poet comes down with his message from the mountain of the i leal into the plain of the real, he re gards the land and the sea with the wisdom of a philosopher; so he is re minded that the vast ocean will roll a million of years after the man is gone and forgotten ; and he is then surprised yet astonished at himself for having presumed to ask these questions; and conscientious as he is concious, he hastens to acknowledge: In vain would I ask as thou rollest afar Of banner or mariner or ship or star; In vain would 1 seek in tliv stormy face. Some tale of the sorrowful niut to trace. lliou are swelling ingii; thou are flash-1 nit; tree; How vain are the questions,! ask of thee" Again the wave demands his attcn- lon ; it recedes, but is followed by another ; by a third J then by a fourth, filth, a sixth; and then comes the seventh that overrides them all. This is in turn overwhelmed by another seventh ; and so on throughout the da vs. Like the true poet, he again drinks in a lesson as he thinks of the Napoleons, the Ceasars, the Alexanders, that were overwhelmed by some higher wave in the tide of human affairs ; and he teaches us the vanity of ambition, the certainty of death ; as he applies the lesson to himself in these words: "I too am a wave on a stormv se tw " a wave driven alntut like thee ; too am ImmiiiiI for n distant liuul . V . Ila. "T " WMnl in l lorn iwiu ivrgui rre a renin wie strand ; For the land that I seek is a waveless shore, And they w ho once reach it shall wander no more." Sunset lots are close to the mills and stores. F. E. Donaldson. Almost Blind Scrofula ATfects tho Eyes-Little Ccy Trontod by an Oculist With out Roliuf-But Now Ho Is Well. "When ir.y little boy was three months old his eyes became very sorennrl he was almost Wind. 1 took blm to an oculist who treated him for nix months, and loft hi in ai bad as he was at tho beginning. Fiii.Mly Hood's Baraaparllla was recom mended end I began giving It to him. In less than three weeks he was eblo to go Into the Bun without covering hie eyes, and today his eyes are perfectly well, and his cars and nose, which wero badly affected, are also well. Hood's Bar?aparllla has certainly done wonders for my boy." Mas. James H. Painter, Amador, California. Remember IHloodl's Sarsaparillarc, Purifier. All druggists. $1 all for 15. Get Hood's. mil are the only pills to take HOOd S FlllS with Hood's Sarsaparllla. Lost An English setter pup, about half grown. Color, white with lemon colored ears. Suitable reward will be given for his return to R. L. Holman. ' Cheap. A lot in Oregon City (Kansas City) for (ale for f 100 on in stallment plan ; alto lot in South Oregon City for $-50 on same terms. Inquire at Courier office for particulars. For Sale ob Exchange. Store and dwelling combined, on the West Side near the Willamette mills, to trade for house and lot In Oregon City, or for a farm. Inquire at this office, or address Mas. A. R. Doolitti.e, Oregon City. A Good Bargain F. T. Willet, the Olackamas county merchant, will sell his entire stock of goods and buildings at Liberal at an extremely low figure for cash. The business is and always has been run on a cash basis and is free from indebtedness. Purchaser can also have the business of the postofficeat that place. Reason for selling is that health requires a change of climate. For further particulars address the above at Liberal, Oregon, or call and see him. Estray Notice. Notice is hereby given that I have taken up a sorrel, gray mare pony, with face partly white, weighs about 800 pounds aud about 12 years of age. The animal has been on my prcniises about four months.. David Zuucmkk. Viola, August 11th, 1897. , Bids Wanted. Sealed bids will be received by the directors of school district No. 62, Ore gon City, Oregon, at the residence of clerk on Seventh street in said city, up to Monday August Kith , 1897, at 7 o'clock p. m., for the furnishing of all materials and construction of a frame assembly hall on the grounds of the Barclay school. Plans and specifications may be seen at the residet.-ce of the clerk. The board of directors resume the right to reject any or all bids. S. M. McOow.v, Olerk of School Dist. No. 72. Oregon City, Augii.H 9. 1897. - Health Means a perfect condition of tho whole system Pure blood is essential to perfect health. Hool's Sarsapuri la nuikes pure bloo.l and thus gives health and happiness. Hood '8 Pills are the favorite family ca thartic and liver medicine. Price 25c. What Tommy Said. ' Uncle John Well, wlmt do you mean to be when you get to le man? Little Tommy (promptly) A doctor, like pit. Uncle Jolin (quizzicully) Indeed; ana wuicn tio you intend to be, an allopath or a homieopath? Little Tommy I don't know what them awful big words mean, Uncle John ; but that don't make no difference, 'cause I ain't goin to be either of 'em. I'm just goin' to be a family doctor an' give all iny patients Hood's Sursapurilla, "cause my pa says that if he is a doctor, he's 'bliged to own up that Hood's Sursaparillu is the best family medicine he ever saw in his life. NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS. All itemotut lining water for lawn uprliikling or irrigation, are hereby notifieil to observe the hours for Htieh use, 5 to . A.M. and ,5 to U P.M. Street sprinkling ran be done when neeeasary, but an ejreessire use of water will not be permitted. For a disregard of the above rules the water way lie shut off without further notice. Iig onlrr of the lloanlof Water Coinmiss'oners. W. 11. Howell, Sn)tt. T. L. Char ma n, Sec. Oregon Or, tune to, tSU7. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION T AM) OFFICE ATtiKEtJON CITV, ORKGON. August 9th. Isu7. Notice Is herebr elren that the following-named settler has tiled notice intention to mke itnai proof in sunon of his claim, and Ihanaid proof will b made before the K. giier and IW-etrcr at Oregon . Ity, iiregon, on September fcd, W7. via. JOHN ItEUMIKS, II. t sfl. for the N W 'i of S W S ' of S W i w t n k oi .ve. n. to 2 V. a.7. Ue namea the following witness? to prove continuous residence upon and cultivation ci. said land, via: Joseph rntern;in-r, Silas f. Hedges, Kred Gerke and Samuel Welch, all ol Salmon, Oregon ROBERTA MILLER, Register' am, McKITTRICK'S SHOES Beat the World! for CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS go to . RICHARD PETZOLD'3 CASH MARKETS Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill. Main St., Opposite Caufield Block. Two Shops, - Oregon City, Oregon. GAMBRINUS COLD STORAGE. Is the place to buy your WINES and LIQUORS. It's the place where you buy at reasonable rates, and you can rely on what you buy. Wines from 75c per gallon to $ 1 .60. Family entrance on Sixth street Call and be convinced Yours Truly, N. F, ZIMMERMAN, Mgr. PHONK 39. SIXTH AND MAIN STREETS. 1 J GEO. A. HARDING, DBAI.KR IN IP IDAHO'S ' itnlird PiMYhiicinas P tints, Oils, and Window Glass. Preteriptiotu Accurately Compound HARDING 8 BLOCK . I I FOR FIS ST-CLASS.. E MADE BREAD GO TO c..i.. .1 . D-L... . OitlT Jl DdnCIJ, First Poor North of I Shlvely's HbIIjl . p 71 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. In the mutter of the eatnte deceased. of Isano Frps t, NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY virtue of h Ibense and nrtler of Hnle granled by tlie county court of Oregon for bhW county, the umlcrxltined will on WudncMluv, August ih, IS',17, at lu o'clock A. M. at the flout door of the court house In Oregon Cltv, Oregon, offer for axle and anil to tho highi-M hiilder for ciihIi the following deai'rlhi"! reiil csuto b long ing to said estate, to-wll: UVglnning at a point 6 chains north from the nmrt.T pot b 'tween sections 21 and 2h of township 8 south, range 1 east of the Willamette Meriilliiu In Bald county mulling thence east 20 chalni: Ihence north IH chains; thence norlli h degrees :!0 minutes east to tlie oauK rr tne UIIUioHte river: the, ten westerly up said river, hv Its meanders, to the line running north and south throiiL'hthe center of said section 21; thence south to the place of ucgiiiiiioK, coiiiiiiuiug i.' acres. tSald Bale to be Bubjcet to approval of the court. Dated July 2'2d, 17. HIRAM STRMUHT, Administrator Aforesaid. NO HUE FOR PUBLICATO.N. LAND OPFI0B AT OREGON CITY, OREGON, August Oth, l.W. Notice la hereby given that the following-named settler haa filed notice of his Intention to make final oroof In support of his claim, and that Bald proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Ore gon City, Oiegon, on September lth, 18U7, via: EMANUEL A. STERN, It. E. 10232, f r the S i of SE and S of SW'i of 8ec. 14, To. i 8., ft. 6 K. He name the following wltneBaeB to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land. vIb: Jerome S. Robinson, Joseph Uiher, Adolph AschofTand V. S. Peake, all of Marmot, Oregon. ROBERT A. MILLER. Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE AT OREGON CITV, OREGON, August 9th, 1H'J7. Notioe is hereby given that the fnllowittg-iiamed settlor has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his olalm, and that aaid proof will be made before the Register and Rwelver at Oregon City, Oregon, on September 18th, ltW, viz: JOSEPH BII1ER, H. E. No. IONS, for the W li of NE 8 E ,i of NV Sj. N E'i of 9 W ' of Sec. U, Tp. 2 S., R. d-K. He namea the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Jerome Knhluson, Emanuel A . Stern Adolph Asehon" and It'. 8. Peake. all o! Marmot. Oregon. ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE AT OREGON CITY. OREGON August th, 1K17. Notice is herebv given that the following-named settler has tiled notin of his intention to make Anal proof In support of his claim, and that Bald proof will be male before tne Register and Receiver at Oregon City I Oregon, ou September 22d, lwi7, viz: SILAS D. HEDGES, H E. No 94, for the E H of NV of Sec. M, I Td.2S,R. 7 E. He names the following it-! rosea u pr"e ma eonuu nous resilience upon ana cultivation m said iani, vol: John Belcher J.wph l oten.al.rer. Kred Gerie and Samuel WeUcb. all of Salmon. Oregon. ! ROBERT A. MIM.ER, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1 AND OFFICK AT OREGON CITY, OREGON 1J August 9th, lttt'7 Notice Is herebv given that the following-named settler has filed n.nlce of his intention to make final pioof tu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made urmre me niMer ana n -ceiver at Oregon Citv. Oregon, on September aid, 1KH7, via: JOSEPH CXTERXAHRER, H. E. No. U..0I0 for the N E of S W . S W and SW'.ofSE'; of See. . I R. 7 h. He namea the f.illnwin im. .8' it prove his continuous resilience upon ami culti vation of said land. Til: Silas I. Heilgt. J.ihn Belcher. Fred Cerk and Samuel Welch, all of Salmon, Oregon. ROBERT A. MILLER. Register. Grand Tciearance ' Sale! Hv ing moved into new quarters two doo s north of the postoffice, we desire to reduce our immense stock of shoes in every variety, in order to make room for large ship ments now in transit. Our Grand Clearance Sale will continue dur ing the month of August, and greatly reduced prices in all lines will prevail. Oxford Ties will be closed out at actual cost. KRAUSSE BROS' SHOE STORE- Two Poors North of Postolllue. 1 t DAN WILLIAMS DBALEK IN Tobacco, Cigars, Stationery, School HjokSjConfectloneiy, Temperance Drinks, Ice rVaum P.Wani llasi lot na jseveNTH stTncar centeh. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, On-gotl Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city. Try Ualttf.i u tiry and be C nvnoeel Pmlaij Ics Cream Parors HAS A FULL STOCK or CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS. TEM PERANCE DRINKS and TOBACCO. GEO. RIDlUVlf, O.ip.Uhirrain'aBlk. Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, ORKfiON, On the Street between the Bridge and tlx Depot. Double ami single rlga and saddle horiea a wayaonhand at tho lowest rates, and aoorra also connected with the barn for loose itock Any Information regarding any kind of stock promptly attended to by letter or person. HORSES IIOUOHT OK SOLD Protect Yourself Against Loss of Time and Money Bv iiiRUrinir in the STAR INSURANCE CO. Write to W. G. Ot'kTiH, Sec'y, Star Ins. Bldg., CHICAGO, ILL, COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. r HAVE NOW IN MY HANDS FUNDS anolicab'e to the navment of all wurruntu endorsed prior to June 1st, lm. Interest will cease on the above warrauls after the date of thit notice. JACOB SHADE, Treasurer of Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated this !d day of July, 1W. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. J'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I HAVE filed my final report as administrator of the estate of R. N. Worsham, deceased, with the County Court of the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, and that said Court has set Monday, the 6th day of September, 18t 7, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Sf., at the office of the County Judge of said County, aa the time and place of hearing said report and any objections thereto, at which time and place all persons interested are hereby notified to be present. Dated this 27th day day of July, 1W7. B. G. FA 1ST, Administrator of the Said Estate r,-rfn r-. WTED - FAITHFrL MEN OR WOMEN TO " travel for rejponnlhle established house in U.-egnn, SalaryiTfOandexpenses. Position per- uiniiriit. neiereiicc. enclose sen arioreaseo siampedenvelope. The National, Star Insurance Hldg., Chicago. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. tu- si mil. kee JOSEPH KICK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OIII00 in Oiogon City Hunk Block. Oiikoos Citv, .... Oasooif. C. H. ISOM, Civil Engineer & Deputy County Surveyor Will bo l noiirt IIoiko on each Saturday and ou rcutiliir towlmi (lavs of County Court. J. W. WELCH, WILIiAMKTTK BLOCK, Oppomti P. O., Oseooii City. Orb. Geo. C. Bbownwx. V. umfbiu.. BROWNELL & CAMPBELL, ATTORNEYS AT I AW. Caufield Building; Oregon City ,Ori C. N. GREENMAN, THK PIONI1B Express and Drayman 7r 5 (Eatabllahed 1865 ) Parcels delivered to all parts of the city. TTIOS. F. RYAN, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker- LKADIMO I.NSURANCI AOESCV OF 0LAC1A1IA Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title 1 Made. ' Drawing of Legal Dooumeiita a specialty Omce on eaat e 01 nm ureci Between 6th and 7th. OREGON CITY, - OREGON. C. D. & D. C. LATODRETTE Attorneys at Law. Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE: Commercial BaiK Bulldln OREGON. OREGON CITY. H, STRAIGHT, tlEALXR It GROCERIES 00 PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement ar.d Laiid Plaster. The Commercial Bank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL f 100,000. Transacts a General Banking Business Loans made. Sills discounted. Makes co lections. Buys and sells exchange on all poind in the United States and Europe and ou Hong Kong. Deposits received subject to check. Bank open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. D. C. LATODRETTE, f. B. DONALDSON President. Cashier F. C. GADKE, Plumbing and Tinning. Jobbing of AH Kinds u Nppcialty. Wilson & Cooke's ORKfiON CITV, OKhUON. Old Stand Bank of Oregon City. 0I.DK8T BANKING B0D8C IN THB CITV Paid Up Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $20,850. President, Vice-president Cba. H. Cauflikd Gio. A. HABDISe E. O. Cab-mild Cashier, A General Banking Buainesa Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants bought. Loans Made on Available Securitv Exchange Bought and sold. Collections Made Promptly. Torm"' HOld Avallable ln An7 Part ' th Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, Ban Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits JAMES MURROW, Decorating Paper Hanging;, Artistic House Painting And Kalsoming. Leave Orders at Ely Bros., on Seventh Strea Oregon city, Oregon. SEE! Uur Great Bargain Coin We have inaugurate j 5c, ioc, 15c and 2 -.BARGAIN COUNTI and they are bargair every sense of the We cordially invite come and see them., "Baza; L. A. PATTERSON & CC Postoffica