Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, July 30, 1897, Image 7

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A Pellcloim Frolt.
A type of berry In cultivation In but
few places Is the dewberry, which U a
trailing form of the blackberry. The
best dewberry Is the Liicretla named
in 1875 in honor of Mrs. Lutretiii Gar
field. The fruit Is early, of large size,
and attractive In appearance and its
reclining habit of growth makes It val
uable, as It affords opportunity for
winter protection. It Is very fruitful.
The canes and lower sides of the leaves
are very thorny, which ntakqs picking
very unpleasant, but proper pruning
and mulching largely overcome this.
Trellislng' Is often resorted to and for
email plantations can be easily adopt
ed; but for field culture it Is not deem
ed advisable. It is usual to plant about
four feet apart each way and cultivate
until the new canes 'get so long as to
prevent It. The old canes are removed
any time after fruiting, but If trellises
are used the young canes are not tied
up until the next spring. In the north.
It Is well to protect with light cover
ing during winter. A mulch Is often
placed under the canes to keep berries
clean and the weeds down. Farm and
Care of the Icebox.
The care of a refrigerator Involves
more than the obvious necessity of see
ing that no accumulation of food Is al
lowed to sfloll therein. A prudent
housewife will likewise direct that the
ice Itself, in extreme heat, be covered
with newspapers, than which there is
no better preventive of Its rapid melt
ing away. She will see that the shelves
are frequently scoured and kept per
fectly sweet, but that no hot water is
. employed for this purpose. She will
give orders that the drinking water be
cooled by being placed under the Ice,
and not by having the Ice put Into it.
And, last of all, she will endeavor to
convince the maids that there is no
magic preservation on top of the re
frigerator and that that particular spot
Is quite as warm as any other part of
the storeroom; also tbut the coolest
place in the box underneath is under
neath the ice that is, on those shelves
beneath It and not, as so often sup
posed, on top of it. Thus, anything
placed over the cake of Ice is much
warmer than what is put away within
the refrigerator. St. Louis Republic.
Roadside Watering Place.
A simple plan for making an attract
ive wayside watering place Is shown in
the Illustration here reproduced from
the Country Gentleman. A hogshead
contains the water that Is brought to It
by a pipe. The sides and top are boxed
In, and a roof is carried up over the
whole. Over this vines are trained un
til the little building is fairly hidden
by tbem. It may be thought that this
is considerable trouble to take for a
watering place, but everything that en
hances the beauty of a roadside en
hances the value of the property adja
cent to It and Increases the respect of
travelers for those who live adjacent.
Well constructed roads, well kept road
sides, attractive watering places and
properly marked guideposts Indicate
the vicinity of cultured, thrifty up-to-date
residents. ,
Clorer Hay.
Clover is at its best when In fullest
blossom, but Is better cut two days too
early than one day too late. But do
Dot cut It when wet with dew or rain,
and let most of the making be done in
the windrow or cock. Cut in the mid
dle of the afternoon, it may be raked
together right away after dinner the
next da, and should be put into cocks
fct'fore the dew "falls." We like the
bay caps, but good hay cnu bo marie
without them, If the weather Is not too
bud. Let stand In the cocks for two
days, and when open out, and when
dry, bunch tighter and haul to barn.
Clover hay should not be trampled as It
goes Into the mow. Neither should suc
cessive forkfuls be dropped In one
place. ' Do the t rumpling next day, or
just before the next hauling com
mences. This Is to let the steam fass
up and out Into space. Keep the barn
closed ns much as possible. Hoard's
Dairy niuu.
Butter Makiner.
In a close, crowded and llly-ventl-In
ted stable, where there is too little air
space for each animal, the air becomes
foul from the exhalations, and this af
fects the milk, as well as the health of
the animals. The remedy In this case
Is to provide. more room for the stock
and better ventilation. The stable
should be kept as clean as possible, and
the cows well bedded and clean. The
utmost cleanliness should bo observed
In milking. All dirt Bhould be brushed
from the cow before beginning to milk,
and It Is best to dampen the udder and
flank of the cow, so as to prevent the
dust and flue dirt from falling Into the
milk. The milk should be strained Im
mediately after milking, and uot al
lowed to stand In the cow stable any
A good strainer Is Indispensable, and
one of cloth is much better thnn oue of
wire gauze. Milk palls should always
be mnde of tin, and the seams should
be soldered smooth, so that there will
be no places for the dirt to lodge where
It will be difficult to remove. They, ns
well as other dairy utensils, should be
thoroughly cleaned every time after us
ing. Tin articles should be washed
first In cool, then In hot water, and
after that thoroughly scalded with boil
ing water or steam. They shoufd then
be dried In fresh air. and, If possible,
In the sunlight. In cleaning the butter
bowl.; ladle, worker, churn and any oth
er wooden utensil, they should be first
washed with hot water, then scalded
with boiling water and steam.
Feed I nut for the Fair.
'"In fitting Berkshlres for the show
ring select good animals to start with.
Place tlie show herd to themselves on
good pasture, Feed ground corn and
ground oats of equal weights, and to
this add equal bulk of shorts and bran.
Feed Just what the pigs will eat up
clean. The feed should be soaked well,
bilt not allowed to sour. Feed twice a
day to within four weeks of the fairs,
then feed three times a. day. .Should
the pasture become dry, feed stock
beets, and give plenty of exercise. I
have. made more sales as a result of
showing at the fairs than by any other
mode of advertising. We have always
got our share of the premiums, com
peting with all breeds in the Bweep
stakes ring." Farmer and Breeder.
A Bnmmer Has Pen.
The swine quarters are often In build
ings connected with the liouHe, and In
such cases are likely to become offen
sive during the warm weather of sum
mer. It is wise in such a case to cou-
struct summer quarters out In the or
chard. The cut gives a suggestion for a
cheap little house and yard. The end
of the yard has a sloping top, so that
the pigs can lie out of doors from the
sun. The roof of the little house enn
be of matched lumber and left unsl.li
gled. ' x '
There should be more co-operation
among the farmers; co-operation In
buying, as well as In selling. Hearty,
intelligent co-operation is the farmer's
only weapon of defense against the
middleman, the speculator and the
commission man. By co-operation there
Is retained In the community not only
all the profit which the speculator and
commission man make, but also the
wages which are paid to the men who
do all the labor of handling the pro
duce. . Let us talk the matter over un
til every one Is Interested in it. and
has some outlined plan of association,
The Agriculturist. , .
Fatten Old Hens,
The hens that cease laying and which
are intended for market, need not. be
sold at a loss. Just before selling them
let them le confined for ten days or
two weeks, and give them all the wheat
in the morning and corn at night that
they can eat. with a mixed ration at
noon. Do not confine them In coops,
hut put a number together in a yard.
They will, if made fat. not only be a
pound or two heavier, but bring more
than the market price per pouud.
Maine Farmer.
Kill the qnah Worms.
Two years ago, after losing a half
dozen hills of squash by the little white
worms which destroyed the vines, I
experimented somewhat with the re
maining twenty hills. Procuring some
crude carbolic acid, I saturated some
soft paper and old rags with It and
placed a piece near the stem of each
vine, putting a stone upon it to keep it
In place. As an additional precaution.
I put mosquito netting over all, and
never lost a bill afterwards. Agricur
Narrow-Leaved Plantain.
Tbls Is a bad weed in pastures and
meadows, though as it U easily killed
it is not troublesome In cultivated
ground. It is called by English farm
ers lamb's tongue, and when cut while
young It makes very fair hay. It should
be cut or the field plowed before it
seeds, as the seeds are very numerous.
When the ground is once well seeded
with this weed it is never after free
from it
Cleetrle fleatlng.
The extension in progress in the t.
rious applications of electric bust is
hardly realized by the general public.
A great number of electric beating ap
paratus are being supplied by the man
ufacturers for shocmaking machinery,
heating silk-finishing rolls and leather
working machinery, and during the
past year and a half alone 14,000 elcc
trio car heaters have been Installed. A
blankbook manufacturer has had in use
since 1804 from 85 to 40 electric glue
pots, and starch-makers are now em
ploying electrio-heut apparatus exten
sively. In one piano manufactory in
Baltimore 20 electric heaters were re
contly placed and nealry all the large
clothing houses of the country now do
most of their work in certain depart
ments by eloctrio irons. Such irons
have also been 'supplied to state asy
lums in Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin,
Illinois, New York, JVIasgacuhssetts,
Maine and Maryland. Electrio radi
ators ate found very convenient where
it is desired to heat a room, or a corner
of it, (or a limited period, as the heat
can be instantly turned off or on.
One of the most popular uses of electrio
heating today is for ouriing-iron sets.
Three hundred and . eighty-seven of
these were ordered for the dressing
rooms of two combined New York ho
tels, 72 sets for a Boston hotel and a
large number for the American line of
steamers aofpss the Atlantic-.
River and canal improvement is an
l - i i j l : -vt -9
I jiiipunuiifc Btiujuut in fittuuv. vsuo ui
the latest propositions is to improve the
Loire and its canals at a cost of $24,
1 000,000. The Rhone and Garonne
1 have already been improved and the
I heavy expenditure is justified by re-1
suits. v
Frofespor Forbes calculates that the
first cataraot of the Nile at Dhigh Nile
represents 500,000 iiorse-power, and. at
Ipw Nile 85,000 horse-power. .
Be gentle In stimulating the kidneys, other
wise you will excite and weaken them. The
happiest result! follow the use ol Hoitett-r't
Stomach Bit era to overcome renal inactivity
Avoid the unmeditated, tiery stimulants ot
commerce. The kidneys have a delicate mem.
brane easily irritated, and upon this the action
of such excitant in pernicious. Malarial com
plainif. Indlgentlon, rheumatism, neuralgia
and biHouNiu'nx succiimb.to the corrective in
fluence of the Bitturs. . .' 5
A first edition of Shakespeare's
"Merchant of Venioe" sold in London
the other day for $1,575. It would be
interesting to know the sum the great
poet received for his work.
The craving tor drink is a disease, a marvelous
cure lor which has been discovered called "Anti
Jag," whicn makes the inebriate lose all taste for
strong drink without knowing why. as It can be
given secretly In tea, coffee, soup and the like. -
If "Anti-Jag" Is not kept by your druggist send
one dollar to the Renova Chemical Co., SB Broad
way. New York, and It will be sent postpaid, In
plain wrapper, with full directions how to give
secretly, lufurinatlou walled free. .
Jupiter is five times as far from the
sun as we are and the years on that
planet are each as long as twelve of
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward tof
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cared by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
K. J. CHENKY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business trasactlons,
and financially able to carry out any obliga
tion made bv their firm.
Wbht & Trcax,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Waldinq, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Tslcdo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the svstem. Price ifc. per bottle. Sold
by all druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's family pills are the best.
Some naturalists are of the opinion
that the whale was once a land animal,
and that it was forced to take to water
as a means of protection.
Will commence its seventh year August 10th.
It is a first class Home School, prepares boys
for any University, or for active business.
Address, Ira G. Hoitt, Ph. D., Burilngame, Cal,
When a person falls into the water a
common felt hat may be used as a life
preserver, and by placing the hat upon
the water rim downwards, with the
arm aronnd it, pressing it slightly to
the breast, it will bear a man up for
I believe Piso's Cure is the only medicine
that will cure consumption. Anna M.
Boss, Williamsport, Pa., Nov. 12, '95.
Queen Victoria rules 11,475,054
square miles of territory, and878,725,
857 of population.
A. Chat With Miss Marie Johnson.
The balance wheel of a woman's life
Is menstruation.
Irregularity lays the foundation of
many diseases, and is in itself a. symp
tom of disease. It is of the greatest
importance that regularity be accom
plished as soon as possible after the
flow is an established fact.
Lydia E. Fink
ham's Vegetable
Compound is the
known to
health be
came so
poor that I
had to
schooL I
was tired all the time, and had dread
ful pains in my side and back and bead.
I was also troubled with Irregularity of
menses, and lost so much flesh that my
friends became alarmed.
"My mother, who from experience is
a firm believer in the Pinkham reme
dies, thought perhaps they might bene
fit me. I followed the advice Mrs.
Pinkham gave me, and used Lydia E.
Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound and
Liver Pills and am now as well as I ever
was." Misa Mum F. Jokxsov, Cen
tral!, Pa,
People whose opinions amount to
anything never like to see a man with
out means blow himself Just to keep
up with tLe procession.
"Does your minister practice what he
preaches?" "He baa preached It ao
often he doesn't need to practice It any
more."-Detrolt Journal.
"Waiter, it Is almost half an hour
since I ordered that turtle oup." "Sop.
ry, sir, but you know how slow tur
tles are." London Tid-Blts,
Mass-Was that baby talk your wife
was talking as I came in? Fogg That
was mother talk; no baby I ever saw
Indulged In such gibberish. Boston
The Chaperon You should never run
down your friend, my dear. The Chap
eroned No danger of that; they cau nil
beat me at scorching. New York Even
ing Journal.
Doctor (to female patient) Y'ou have
a slight touch of fever; your tongue
has a thick coat Patient (excited
ly) Oh, doctor, do tell me how It fits.
Fact and Fiction.
Mistress Now, you must alwaya
weep well behind the doors, Mary.
Mary-Yes'm, trust me for that; V'a the
only way one can get the dust oui of
Teacher I want each of yoo to make
a sentence, using the word "delight" In
It. Small boy (colored) De wind come
In de winder an' blowed out de light.
Philadelphia Ledger.
He I wonder if that couple nr. mar
ried. She Certainly not. He-How
can you tell? She Why, they've beeu
talking to-each other for nearly half an
hour. New York World.
"Is this a healthy portion of the
State?" asked a traveler In Arkansas.
"Well, I should say It Is. There lins
been nobody bung about here In. three
months." Texas Sif tings. ' '!." '
Mrs. Sweet Do you find it economi
cal to do your own cooking'.' Mrs.
Burnem Oh, yes; my husband dousn't
eat half ns much as be did 'When we
had a.eook.T-Boston Traveler. , ' y ;
"We. have" much new nd'. f alnftHltf'
Information" concerning the' lll'ttitivi,
the Hivites, the Jebusitesandthe Moab
ites." His friend How about the
Mosqultoblt08? Household Words.
"Poor chap! Bright fellow, but a
boneless idiot. I Judge, from his talk.
' I 1 - . . .. - ... 1 I. . A lit
.o, inueeu, ues iucivi.y iiuuii n ti
tle passage from the latest Scotch nov
el." Cincinnati Commercinl-Trlbuuo.
Clara Are you not afraid, Maud, to
marry old Dodderly? I hear he gf-ta
horribly Jealous without any cause.
Maud Don't be anxious, dear; I'll take
care he never does that. Plck-Me-Up.
"It's funny, the shurref ain't scourisi'
the country for them stage robbers,"
said the postmaster. "I guess," ven.
tured Rubberneck Bill, " that he ain't
got the sand." Indianapolis Journal.
Wiggins What makes you so certain
of Bawler's patriotism? Boggs Why,
he Just bolls over with Indignation
when he hears of the wrongs of for
eigners that we have no Interest In!
Widow Is It true, captain, that a
sailor has a wife In every port? Old
Tar (savage-ly) Madam, the sailor
needs the time he has ashore for rest
and amuw-ment-Philadelphla North
Frofessor What la the lest cure for
prolonged emauclation? Medical stu
dent Throw the patient in the nlr.
Proressor-'Eh? What? Medical stu
dentHe'll come down plump.-New
York Press.
"My good man, do you ever do any
thing to bring light and purity Into the
homes of your fpllow men?" "Yus
lots." "You distribute tracts?" "No;
I clean windows and beats carpets."
Illustrated Bits.
Mrs. De Style (for effect)-Norah!
Noroh! Did you put my Jewel case
away? Norah Yls, mum, Ol did.
There on'y foive camphor balls lift in
It. Shall I slnd for some more, mum?
New York Journal.
"George, 1 wish you'd have this little
package at the express office." "Me car
ry a bundle? I guess not. Besides, I've
got to lug both my tires and a handle
bar down to the repair shop."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
He You say you married a western
man? She Yes. "And that he never
drinks?" "Never." "Nor smokes?"
"No, sir." "Nor loses his temper?"
"That's what 1 said." "When did he
dieyYonkers Statesman.
Mickey Dorian Hullo, Bill! How
did you like being a caddie? Billy
Nolan Ah! I didn't like H at all, at
all. First de feller he towld be ter
kape me eye on de ball, den he gave me
de ball in de eye. Harper's Bazaar.
"1 surely had a royal and noble
time," said he recapitulating. "I had
four kings, and in the row that ensued
I had to put up my dukes and the up
shot of It ail was that I was Indicted
on three counts. Iwllanapolte Journal.
Teacher Can you tell me In what
year Caesar Invaded Britain? Pupil
Yes'm. Teacher What year was it?
Pupil You can't expect me to an
swer two questions in succewtlon. That
question belongs to the next in the
class Boston Transcript.
"It seems to me," aald one young
woman "that Harold talks more clear
ly on the tariff than anyone etae I have
ever heard." "Yes," replied Mtas
Cayenne. "He has the advantage of
not knowing enough about it to g his
Ideas confused." Washington Star.
"It'a aa III Wind," Etc
Brother Tom Cheer up, Bobble; I'se
got good news fer yer. De doctor told
mom Is woe noomonia wo't yer eick
wld an' dat abe dasn't give yer a batb
fer a month. Judge,
One Guess
for every yellow ticket in
every package of Schillings
Don't send coupons ;
save them for
Rules of contest published In large
advertisement about the first and middle
of each montb. ai8
I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis. Massachusetts,
was tU originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same
that has borne and does now y . on every
bear the facsimile signature of CutJy, f-CUcJUM wrapper.
This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been
used in the Iwmes of tJie mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind yotc Imve always bought Ifj T on tn9
and has the signature o f CaJW, f-e&Zc&M wrap
per. JV"o one Jias authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company of which Chas. II. Fletcher is
, March 8, 1897. Q. ,p.
Do Not Be Deceived.
Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute
which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies
on it), the Ingredients of which even he does not know.
"The Kind Yojj Have Always Bought"
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed: You.
tbi oiNTua aeMMHV. tt aiuaiuv itkit, new o itt.
. . :' i' y-' : :' ".. . ; '
Walter Baker & Co.'s
t m
Breakfast Cocoa.
' VallJ.
a cup. t
Be aura that yon get tha genulm article mada by WALTER
BAKHR A CO. Ltd., Dorchcater, Maaa. Eatabllihcd 1780.
405-7 Sansome St..
. San Francisco, Cat.
The Russian minister of the Interior?
acting under instructions from theuzur,
has alleviated the severity of the press
laws in all the larger towns and citiea
of the empire, in fact wherever the pop
ulation is over 100,000, by exempting
the newspapers from the obligation of
submitting all articles on political sub
jects to the censor before publication.
Hitherto only a few of the principal
papers at St. Petersburg, Moscow,
Warsaw and OdeSHa have enjoyed this
The German military authorities
have decided that in future all bicy
cles for the army shall be conRtruoted
in the govenment establishments. The
imperial gun factory at Spandau will ac
cordingly be fitted up with the neces
sary machinery in the course of a few
Military training by United Btatea officer.
Twenty-to intrncior.
HnrroiindliiKs healthful and moral.
Free tuition I No Incidental fcenl
Kipennen, Including hoard, room, clothing,
washing, books, etc., about Il:i0per x hool year,
fall Term Opeiia Heptember 20.
For catalogue or other information addrcm
Corvallif, Oregon.
Weakness of Heii
Quickly, Thoroughly, Forever Cared
bf fww prfActHlwifitilt
latbod that esnnt li.il
nnlfxas the cm It beyond
human muL Voo ft ira-
E roved Um first day, tMlft
nttt vrr daj, toua know
f ooTMlf kmc fUDong mn
n body, nina and htwrt.
lrai land iomm enaoa.
Eftrr obaUcl tn haiKy
ntrrwd life rmovd. lrv
will. nTanr. wbo
fail in f or lott, re rwrtorad by Uiia treatment All
Ml portions of in Dooy wiariwi V"TV
nsd. Writ for our book, with si plsnsttons sad
proofs, ttt MaUd, frs inm 2.U rofersw.
Kvapolltan Crutlty,
Neapolitans have a I mi I reputation
for ill-treatniunt of animals, and the
Naples society for tho prevention of
oruulty ' to animals seems to have
plenty to do. During hint year its
agents stopped 44,821 carts for carry
ing too heavy loads, and in nearly one
half the ciues had the load reduced;
they confiscated 41,01 1 sticks used for
beating animals and 887 spikes nsed on
curb chains; 2,383 convictions for cru
elty were obtainod.
Lord Kelvin, the great British scien
tist, declares that the earth is 80,000,
000 years old.
Because It is absolutely pure.
Because it Is not made, by the so-called Dutch Process In
which chemicals are used.
Because beans of the finest quality are used.
Because it is made by a method, which preserves unimpaired
the exquisite natural flavor and odor of the beans.
Because it is the most economical, costing less than one cent
Make moiier bv iuo
ci'M ul npiu'iilHtion In
i incnko. n our ami
tell wliuat Hi fi'ii oil mar.
Kortunea have liccii nmile mi a mini I
VuiuninK Ijv trailmv In hitiiroH. WrIUt for
full partii'itlam. ' Hint hi ri'inrciH Kiven. Sev
eral veanT experience on the ('hletiuo Hoard of
Trade, and a Ihnronirh knowledge of the biial.
Ilea. IxiwiiIiik, lloiiklm A Co., I'hii'avo hoard
ol Trade Hrokera. OBI era III Portland, Oregon,
Spokane and Heatlle, Waan.
I its.
We carry the most complete line n( Oymnnluia
and Athletic IiO(hI on the ('out
Hend for Our Athletic Cataloittie.
818-SUO Market t.. Hail Kraiielauo, Cal.
rTTy w m mtwrvw
k garni fur ohllilren Umlhliiir llwi.'lhe thxclilUl.Mift-
a etu tlu. inimB, allay nil jMiln, nn wlnil coltr-.and Is d
L tha tx-at rrmerfv for dlarrbaa. Twanly flva cnu a i
T bottle. It la the bent of all. 1
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa m
wtAr rvitrt. vw
Restores Vitality,
Gives New Manly Power,
Checks Wasting Strength
Jotinit man who finda the vital ipark growing
aim. It tllla the body with the lire of youth.
A nimpiria nira ui an weaanraa ia warrauiau
In three months.
A free book, with valuable Infsrssatlon. Send
lor it. tall or address
133 West Washington St., Portland, Or.
PUoMf. aaraffam thit Paper.
fil PTI'RE aad PILES en red; no pay aa
, til enred: send for book. Dna.Msi.snaL
PorriamxD, Market si, baa rraaeiaoa.
W. P. W. I'.
Ma. SI, 'ST.
HEN writing ta advertisers, pleaaa
aaeauaa lata paper.
B -1
? eL.