THE C "I'UUQU;. Closing Wffk of the Fourth Annual At gen bly at Pimutnne Perk. T In; fourth aniiHiil hhcp inlily of Wil Ihiiiuiiu Valley UlmiiiHiiqiia AfH. ciiiii. n cIdhch at (ilMilt t"ii l'.irk on Salurl. . '1 lie a-Kfii.lil.v lliis yi-Hr lias hvmi H very htu euHHlnl nut, fiiiinicixlly bh well hh olliemn-e. The aniiiml ineHiinc t iIih Miukli"lilers ; Iip lii'lil mi SinunlHy ulit-rnmm, wlieii upw i Hit'em will lie ilieldl and the ullairg of Hnnenilily reitled. campkmm. A l iiK number ol w Imve Ciimjx'.l on I lie. ki-oiiiiiIb tlii year. Knllnwinir i a coiiil te HhI of (lie cmitfi ami t-taimn: 1) Farrer ami wif' , Painuni'im Mia Minlie i'i 'idler. AIihhi h M Whh tier and Flora Jiell, Mrs W K Mitt liell, Mount Tabor Miu4 Kimiicih Ciirrin. Mrs W J lA-.vf fcllvn ami cli l lren Snriiiirwater M iK Alilia (Jullv and Mrs Clara Ar. detci n, Oii hIiiiiii ; JiihHCH M'irv, Helen and Mildred Failing, Mrs Kelly, M 'I'ulinr Mrs Sadie Dean and Mrs Mary Will A II lio-row, 'VU Kegihtor it' W Cr, .hh I';)i I V Uoliii.Hon ami M TluuiiHon, CUek i nii3 r.oi IlerltaLO and family Salem K 0 1 1 ray ff eli r mid O Kpply. Jefler J y Cornel t, Myrtle 0 itnett, Mrs !a rui. ... .i w-.iv 1.1'u. linn. Snriniwitter li h lli-li itr Mal)id Downs 'and Mrx Iii'llmn, 1'iiilliind E I' Cuter and wile and Mrs Dickey Mnlnllll Mm KM MrOiwn and Mia Cno O lfinciirni'ii. OreKnn UdV Mm I!ii 1'rHiieon. Mw A l lio Bvr i ri TiiHlaiin: IIhjspI aild Mabel Fianioi. Oieimi Oily lii-v J M B.trler and Mm Barber, Vilniiville. Dun Williams anil limilly, Orenon Clly-friill stand: Mr nail Mrs L M Andrews. L B Andiews, Mrs L M Andrews, Oregon City; (icoree Unlllim ami wife, M ko Collins Mini- Adele lluirllt, MIaOlil Mathcwa, Snlem;- MrsW'irati, Oregon City; Mattle and Kranklc Noe, Needy! llli'liiinl llarirroavcsand family, Graaa Valley Mra L K Laaey, Hprlnitwater; . 0 K llun-reitves and finnllj', Gladstone. ThoiniiaEUaull and PO Wells and families Ori'Kdii -ity ; W J lllokey and family, Clackamas; 1 Mrs K Nlblln and family and Mrs M K Howltl and fnnilly, Mount Tabor; ' Cllll'ord Blanohe Willie and Penlryn Knntner, Oraeo lliihcuua and Mella White, 8nlem; l)r U W HoCnrnilck and family, Newberg; I I II Andrews and family, Portland; . J P McKenle and family, Portland ; 1 Mrs K M Chase and family, Portland; Mrs C 0 Albright and fuinlly and Mlsa Laura Pope, Oregon City; J W Orout aud family aad Jennie Tate, Oregon City; Joseph Boehmor, Oregon City fruit stand. I George Reddewny and family fruit stand. 0 T Hickman and family, Oregon City-frull aland. C N Wells and family, Oregon City fruit laml. Rev A N Fisher and wife, Paclfio Christian Ailvocato, M E church foreign missionary head quarters; Mrs M Rnlou and family, Ross Spencer, Ore gon C'ttys Mrs K L Newton, Josle Newton, Oregon City; Henry Conk aud family, Oregon City; 0 F Horlon and family, Oregon City; Mrs G M McMurruy and daughter. Anna-Da masoiia; Misses V M Olds J Reed L aud I Edraiston MeMlunvillu; W A Campbell and wife and J C llnriisides Eellwood; Charlotte (iiaham and Jessie Lanccfleld-For est tiro vt ; Rev J W Keiinody and family Mrs L M Chau-mail-8ellwootl Mrs AW Dlnilck and Mliuilo Evendon -Salem; A A Lee and wife and II A .Wood Salem ; Mrs Rider Ada Rider Miss MeCade Delia Campbell Portland; E A Downing and L C (iuult-Tlgardsvllle ; Mrs W W lrvln Clara aud Lllllo Irvin Bir low Mlna Joehuke Oregon Cllyi Mrs M C Saltus, Miss L Craven Newberg; M last's lU'lieeoa Wiley Nettie Tonfe and Olive Beokei Mllwaiiklel Tulbert Curler aud wife Mils Williamson Wells; Madge and 1 Mb Mil Parkplace; 0 W Uraee and family and Mrs J Currln-Oro-gon flly; Misses llnttlo Mansfield and Nottlngham Portlniid; Mrs Thompson und Cora Thorn pann Portland: John M Lane and wife-Mrs 8 A Armltage-Mlsi-Ktla lleliarrt'll-Mni W II Fear and fiimlly-Misi-.Mildred Jneolis ami mother Portland; Prof J W dray and wife-Oregon City; L C Drlgga aud wife-Mrs E M Latouretto-Lan-rcnee Drlggi-On gon City; Miss Lou LaTonr elte Keuion, Mlt'hl:;iiu; Wm lturliiw and wife Harlow; MraM It llrowii eiilversliy Park) Rev O 11 fcilrayrellor nianng.'r Evangelloal head(iiarlers Portland; Prof Kil win Mtirrison Paclllo College head illiarlera-l'ref I 0 llodson Newberg; Mrs F K OHborno Miss B A Austen Cham piH'g; Mrs It J Hill and I.-ne Hill Newberg; MraLM Iavis and tiraee Davis Clnelunal Ohio; Mr Geo neiiton manager 8eventh Day Advcn tist ht'adiiiartera; 0 II Hanson and Dr Rosslter Sellwood; W k Hobliikon manager Eleetrlc restaurant. Rev P 11 tilass and wife-Portland: MLs Bes sie Shepherd Salem. llonry L Hems Huttevllle; Anna Smith, Au rora; Mrs Sarah llnvendoii, Hubbard: Miss Ma bel Joliui, Bmoks; Prof K E lialiomb manager Slate Normal Sellout heailnunrtew; Mra Baleouib D R Cix'h and Admit' Cochran; & oiimouth; Mrs M iry Whilo luivirlly Park; J U lliiiiituger and family Portland; Prut J u Horner and family Corvallis; end W C Hawlcy and family Salem; A C and Mary struiiire City; Eula Strange llamaneus: K. vj T Hove and family and Mrs G I) Cod-' dard t'nlvvrMly lurk; t ban A Lewis and family MUa Mary Thomas IMillai-d; J Hidden and family Mamie Hidden and Nel Ue Dopi's 'aii,'nuv'r; A S liri'sser and family Oregon City; tiemv'e H.-rrmi and family tirea .n 't'llv: J M iiKirinuu and faintly .Mrs V W Sitlleinelr and tlsniitih-r WoiHllMirn: Mrs Ktla llnrft l.ouist Juca and Jennie ami tingle I raw.'ord I'tijlnli; C I'Claik and faintly C'ai'kainsH: Mrr Sln'H-r and daugliter and Mirs Howard Milaukl,': MiKM-a iK'neflcl and Maxaell Orient; )IIkm Minnie, Ivy an I livurgia II arrliu'ton Htehland; Mis fciiim H nou a ade Lucks; Millard llvalt and w'i- llr' t'nv- Mia t, Jt llrona and UaWI Mi-ahliur New Kra: '1 W roller and (hemawa Indlau Band i' n.ple; km Lena Kllliam and mother rvrtland II os i hiniliiiari.r: Mra A s lumway manager r.)iial guffr. ge headilliartcrs; rnd an (icy and Ber O M Here managers rortlaud unlvt niiy. brad,iiait-rs: rmf II L Hiwrdman uiai-ager McMlnnvllle Ctdli ge kradl'arteri; J K Gree nii'ld manager C LI C heai!iuar Wra. REALTY TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. Ida linker lo Ji'!ftt I!.iUt. e of n w j-4 Hiid w 4 U d''1 2". t 3 h 1 W .)0T0 M F Moore (o N M Moore, !).r acrea in e Alfny hiiiI I'hiioi i liiim ! Oiegon City to II C SuveiiH, lot 1 I 1 k 9, On-x'in Citv f ( -0 Sla'-e to Harvey Maj , n o H of n e see 1(1, I 4h 2e fw) A K linllei to Annie Ji ne-. n e !4' id n e 4 Kee 4 h 2 o fU'K) U 8 lo Geo' !e llrown, s e J4' of n e see 22. 2 s 1 e Patent K W Ali en lo I! H iHllomy, lo 8 blk 4, Ml View add l Bolton 1 d Co o O May, lot 4 blk .It', Bolton t2"0 (i V I'roKcer lo E D Ft liown.ll'OO feel lilk 'i, Oswego tl'W Iluben Writhl lo Caroline Schulig 1)11 2 acri 8 in II W'rilit claim, sees 2S 211 '0 o2 4 s 2 e flOI( Tlieo and II j IIiiKenlmreer lo Miii ki'iillialer, 10 at res in J D Oariet elaini M'c.'!l, I s 2 e 70: T L Cliariiinii lo A Weialiliur, lots 14 15 blk .'1, Wthlijin ir loll Minnel IA Co lo Mieliael Mniieli, lot 8 I lk n. r-un,el f ISO L W Draper by Sheriff lo (i C Fielila Iota G 7 fee 22 a !l e loin 2 .'lb!k 111; lots i 4 5 (i 7 hiiiI 8 lilk 11, and Io n .'J and lilk 12. Caneniah f."7 K N KolibiiiHto W I Kirtlicm, 80 acre -ee 20 and 20 2 a 3 e leorreelion). . fioOO M Uieny to Haivey Ilinkle, n w ltnv I, 4 8 1 e und nil of n e I4 aec ."(i w of V vi f.'JOO TRAPPING CROWS. It la Nut an Kasy Matter to Net the Wily lllrda. Crows are trapped mid sold fo sports men for shooting mutches, usually bring ing $10 per 100, but, like other things, when source they bring more. It is no simple matter to trap crows, for the crow is a wily bird, and tocutch him in a net set for that purpose re quires skill, and putience as well, but the hunger of the crow is always the trapper's greatest aid. One, man alone would make but little headway catching crows and would probably sit all day in bis little bough bouse ready to spring bis not, but the orows would give his bait a wide berth because they would know that be wns there. After pluoiug the caroars of Rome ani mal on a field the net is set close to it by bending poles of saplings, 01: which the not is hung flat to the ground, vhore they are hold down by triggerlike pc's, and a line run 60 yards or more to a bouse built of boughs, where the trap per is secrotod. Another curcass is usually laid some hundreds of yards distant on the sunie or another Meld, where there is no not set. The trappers, usually two in num ber, go into the bough house together before daylight, aud wii Hie crows be gin to UKserubloon the fit ...8 one of them goes out and wulks away. The crows, seeing him leave, grow a little bolder and approach the bait iu ones and twos, but stop only long enough to get a beak ful 0 the flesh and fly off ngnin. The curcuss where there is uo net set is of course the best patronized, but the trap per on the outsido makes it his business to walk near enough to that to keep the crows , from settling on it iu numbers aud thus satisfying their hunger with out going to the one where the net is. After awhile their hunger gets the bet ter of their judgment or their foar, and they gather cu the curcuss where the uot is. This is tho opportunity of the 111 mi in the bough houso, who, with n vigorous pull on the line, springs the nut over them. Quick work must be done then by the trappers, who rush np to the net, to keep the trapped crows from crawling out at the ends and the front, where it is not staked fast to the ground. With their hunds covered with stout buckskin gloves, to keep the crows from biting aud scratching them, the captured birds are put in bugs ready to be carried off the field. From 40 to 00 aro frequently caught at one pull, but ft a ruro thing to get more than two springs of tho net in ouo day. Philitr dulphiu Record. A Hello of the Age of lee. One of tho largest glncinl bowlders lying above ground iu the stuto of Penn sylvania is ou the furni of Euos Stump, near (juakertuwn, iu Bucks county. This monster relio of tho greut ice a?o is CO feet loiig, 40 feet wide 11 ml 14 feet thick. A Persiun philosopher, being asked by what method he hud acquired so much kuowledgo, answered, "By not being preveuted by shume from asking questious when I am ignorant." Ue was another Li Hung Chang. Dandruff's is tin exudation from the pores of tho skin that spreads and dries, lorming scurf aud causing the hair to fall out. Hall's Hair Keuewer cures it. l'ure, rich blood feeds tho nerve?. That is why lipid's Sursuparilla, the blood purifier, cures nervousness. Wise Men Know it is folly to build on a poor foundation. Kelief old lined by ileidciiing symptoms is short. Hood's Sarsaparillu cures and gives lasting health. Hood's Pill's cure nausea, sick head ache, indigestion, biliousness. All drug gists. 25c. NFOALOIA euivd r Vr. MIW Pais Puxa. "Due cent ajiiose.'" At all drugi'lsUi rj A MTip:anrlRiiitrXAT!Mnllerel ktj Dr. Milea' erve Plaster All pUn bare-t vj ;,r ri. K!!s- m I'll Did Y Ever Try Elect rlu Hitlers an a rpmedy for jour irouniea 1 11 not, (rit g uotlle new and vet relief, lids medieiue has lieen foimil to lie peculiarly minuted to the reilel anil eureof all female ComidaintH, exerliiiKH v 'underfill ilhin.i li,flii.., u in iriviuu Hirt-nu'h and lone to ilin oruana. 11 yon rave loss 01 Appetite, Constipa tion. lli'Bilnelie. Fniniinn fpell, or art .M-rvoiiH, hlecplHUS, Excitable. Mel R'icliolv or Irniilileil w ith I)iu Eleeirif ftitters is the medieine yon neeu. neaitn nun at renutn are guaranteed liv iia iim. ( Inlv fiOi: and f 1 at Chui inan tv to a mag More There h Nothing So Good. There Ij nnhiii Jiim as irood ua Dr iing a ,ie nin'oveiv lor eonNuintilion eouuliH ami eoldH, ho d mihiiiiI it and do not permit Hie desier to sell von some Hii'-Hiiluie. He uili no; cluim iht-rn Is Hiiyihinit lietier, mil in order to inakr more pn Hi he limy eliiiiii soiiieihinu'elHe lo -jnsl as boi.iI. 1,11 wniit Dr. KinuV Aew Discovery because you know it lo oe Miie aim rename, and unnrnlileeil ti do ili t d or ii'nn lelui tied. Forennghs colils. coitsiiiiiplinu aiiti for all all'i ei imts Of I 'll'Ult. fill-Si Hllli IllllL'H. ..iu t. hlnif so ifnod Ht la Dr. K1iil''h N'-w I 'P-r .1 ... i'ini:i..ri I rial OilllH t"H Hi l.. I IT man & (Jo.'s ding slnie. If a-Wii l.t r s . Otic, ami II . OASTOniA. Hiifaa simile It on wr igutora Of ujpea OASTOIIIA. ThafiB- ilalli h n rerr rgutura of OASTOXIIA. Tlsfij- ilmile 1 It es Igtatora Of Notice. Notice is heiehy given Mint I will nm be responsible for any debts contracted by Mrs. W. W. Slovall after this date R'Speetfnlly. W V Slovnll Oregon City, Or , July 7, 18!7. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. ftifte-l in a ' It n Tripper. (teuton Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Bks-t Sai.vk in tliu U'Asl.l for llllta nruises, n. res, ulcers, Salt Kheuni rever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, (,'nrna nrwl ull si,.., Eruplions, and positively cures Biles or no pay requited. It is gnaiauteeil it itive nerfeet Hutiufm- funded. Prirn CPiilB t,(.r hnv IT.., sale by Cliarman & Co. For Over Fifty Years. , An Old and VV'eix Tkied Kkmkdy Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Svrn ti huf been m-ed for over fifly years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success li sooilies the child, softens the gums allays ull pain, cuies wind colic, mul is ihe best remedy dir Dinrrliiea, Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Jlriiifgisl n every part of the Woild. Ta-nntv live cents a bottle. Its value is in aleul'ibie. Be sure and Hsk for Mrs. Winsow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Bids pint Wood Sealed bids will be received by the board of Directors or Clerk of School Dist. 105 for locoid ol tirst-eluss well seasoned 4 fo it w ood free from large knots, split medium size j bids opened August 2nd at Willamette Fulls school house. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Q. C. Kinney, Clerk of School Dist 105. Ciikaiv A lot in Oregon " City (Kansas City) for nile fur fKK) on in stallment plan j also lot in South Oregon City for f")0 011 same terms. Inquire al Uot'itiKK office fur particulars. Thousands of farmers say that one article in Tim Kukal New-Yohkkk is worth more than the paper costs tlicm for several years. You get 52 papers every year for ft. We ean send it and the C orKiKK both one year lor fz ami your money buck for Tun IU'Bal if you want it. Liver ISBs Like biliousness, dysjiciisla, headache, consti pation, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly cured liy Hood's Tills. They do their work easily and thoroughly. Best after dinner pills. Pills Si cents. All driiucists. l'renared bv C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell. Mass. The only Till to take with Hood's Sarsaparillu. TO CONSUMPTXVEi Tm ondersla-ned having been retored to health bv simple means, alter aultehnv lor several vears with a severe Inn affection, and that dread diseasa Consuiiiptlon, is anxious in make known to his fellow sufferers the meant of cure. To ihote who desire It, he w ill cheer fully send (free of charfei a copy of lliepresirlo lion used, which they will find a sure cure for t'onautliptlon. Aatltlllit, CntHrrh. Itrolichl tla and all throat anil linn; Yhtludira. He hopes all sulferwrs will try his remedy, as It It Invaluable. Those desirim the prevription, which will cost them nothing, aud ma) prova a bleatlnt;, will pleae ad. I rent, k REV. EOW. A. WILSON, Brooklyn, N. Y. 'AXTKI-FAITIIFI L MKN OR WOMKS TO " travel fer re-poniblc eMahlihetl house In Ores;, n. Snlarv 970 and exHnse. l'osiilon per manent. Reference. Kneluse self addressed stanipeil envelope. The National. Stitr Insurant Hide.. I'hlinm. U'AXTFD-FAITIIFI'I. MEN OR WOMSX TO travel for reionsic-lt- estatilinhed house in Oreaim. Salary and expense, l'osilion permanent. Reference. Knclose sell-addreiwed stamped envelope. The National, Slar lusurauee Bdg , t'bieago. IHloods , r . la SCh MS r t r 1 ir 1 i'i 1 11 11 n JCVegeiable Preparation for As- 5111UlilllllK UKIUUUaiumvKuua; ting the Stomafs and Bowels of Promotes Dicstion,ChccTful ncssandRcst.Contalns ncilho nniiim.MorDliine nor rfineraL Not NAiicoTic. pa, afoido-SfMazBimat JwtJltn Sad" SIX..fcnlir JiMU SvlU jlnin Sad Jippcmint -JhQudolMttStia ApcrfccHlcmcdy forConstip.v tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca AVorms .Convulsions , r e vcnsif mess and Loss of Sleek Tae Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY Of WBAPPEB. ti W p liMW3st j. .'JA.Cl. j2jbmtn ki ir f . .-..'H W BI'J III ISSM MS.I m.y - - - . ,, inaaisiiainia 1 lSMauM ...The Most Desirable Suburb... ADJOINIKC CRfGCN CITY AKD PRACTICALLY A PART OF IT. 1 T is all within one mile of the center of the city and is con nected by an improved plank road. Healthy location, fine view, Rood air, soil, water and drainage and a first-class public school adjoining. With all the advantages of the city and but a 15 minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this a very desirable place of residence and bound to grow in popularity. Choice Lots ready for the garden from $100 to $150 on easy monthly installments with liberal discount to home build ers. Call on or address. T. Ij. (II A If MAN, Trustee, PMARHOODRESTOBED mi. ir --C... 7r'-a- alltl.euorrorsorimpot.nier. t'lUMnKSKcleuuseaUieuver. IU BEFORE NO AFTiFI jd.inevsEndtlienrliuiryoriraiisolttUinipuritlea. ri'PlnKXE atrriiethensand restores fniall weak 01 mna, ,nMul wh Tiioreuson sonero !rTA wr tVRn mi !? d i10' eaect permanent cura. 1100 iboi, six for i" oi. by innll. Bend for rsum elrculnr and tt'siimoiilals. Aditreaa DAVOl. MEDICIN1C CO., P. O. J.X.X 5W6, 8aa Franotoco, Od. FurBbV GEO. A. HARDISU. Uruguiat, Oiegon City 3 $10 Every Day Can ar..t n.. . i. . . rnm i,nM. r.v.n. ,.tn.l .1 J oiio awnt sold 27 copies in two and a halt Af n,, i i,,iiilii !i)iii tluvfli nva. One acent In i', nnth Ciirolina sold 48 coiiles In three duvs. tV An" awn t in Ccntrnl tieoriria sold 82 copies . inisitin wl 4, J Cl0 With ' w II yield "I'liiiiiilei'l nii-sion we allow aireni, ami too iiiiinciiu . . .. - . i .l . a n wmea it sens, inei is noininn in w I sneh uiiillta. For instance: one i.., hoiii" a imi iier made $19.60 In $ii M two day! another ?56.75 in tnree oayi OREGON CITY TRANSPORTATION CO 'S STR. RAMONA Will Make Pally Trips Between OREGON CITY m PORTLAND FAKE 43c for Hound Trip. Tickets Good on East Side Railway i. ORKU ION I'lrV PORTLAND FT. TAY LOB 7:M A l A. M. itf 2K P. '. P Jf M if- :0ll 1:30 SUNDAY TIME A.M. I'. M. I'. M. P.M. 10:011 .. M 2.ISI P. M .i:ISI P. M 7:ti P. M 6::m lVAXTEP-FAlTHFri. MEN OR WOMAN TO t ' travel for resiwinsible established house in Oreeon. Salarv ITm and expenses. 1'osiilnn p,.rmanent. Reference Enclose self-a.Wressetl araped envelope. The National, Siarlusurance dn.. rhieaao. WASTED FAITIIFl'L MEN OR WOMEN TO ' travel for responsible established house in Onuon. Saiarv r) and expenses. Piwition permanent. Reference. Knclose self-addressed s'amd envelope. The National, Siar Insurance Bldg., Chicago. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Hichest Award. I-- two aaja, au"nit-i 9o.ia ui uuv. w;.. M B. F. HAYNES PUBLISHINQ COMPANY, Nashville, Tena. THAT THE FAC-SiMILE SIGNATURE -OF- IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEEY BOTTU3 OTP I. In llOttlal ffillV. It vasbuti IB w (. -- - 1 4 1. viv n-ii.'t allnw anTOM to Ball yon anvthiBif e'.ss on tb ploa, or promise that it . 1, . 9 ,11 . . , II III Tn maw nniu is just as gooa" uu " -pose." W Bee that you got 0-A-8-T-0-B-I-A. TliafM. ..... stain r .yrsacu Cliariiiiin Ifi'os. iBlock "CUPIDENE" Thl..M..-Jj.. tfahl b-: ' TI UIIUWSJ BlanV 1 aj. u Be viuuirdJicpti-aiiH- tlonol a famous l'rencli pliyalclnu, will quickly oura yon of all ner vous or Oisi'iiHcs ol tUo geutruilve urBitns, auch as Lost Man hootl, Insomniu, I'uliislntlioniiclc.Bemliml Emissions, Nervous Debility, Piainles, Unliiness to Marry, ExImiMtinir Drniiia, VurlefKle and Constipation. 1 1 stoiis all losne by day cr nlKlit preyenia quick J dirlmr-o. wliicU If notclieelteil learls to Soermiitnrr bojtt and l?eeTK SAM JONES. "THUNDERBOLTS tlie latpet and prandest liook by this world-tvldo celebrity now out ami lor enle exclusively ly subscriptiin. Vlia only book given to the public by Sam Jones in ten yer.rr. Kdiled by licv. 11. F. llnynes. liili'oUne.tion by Bi1ioii ,loeph 8. Key, of the M. E. Church, South. ftiOpn'r 122 splendid illustrations. A bonanza lor agents, iioot rapidly, easily selling book nl the age. AGENTS WANTED. Snd 8j Cents lor A (tent's Outfit, and 10 Cents lor O.r 70-page, Illustrated Catalogue of Bibles, Album, Etc. ft WONDERFUL SALES. & Be Made fcy Agent .nlno ntmla wllltin fhp lnnt. feir WApliB! days. Another sold 15 copios in two days, Indiana stun locnnieainiwounys, aniercuii One aecnt in (ieoriria sold 25 in two tlnvfl- in ten days. Wlinn enn inni(l(r llinrnniat . nf ti,;. wmtn-lnl Knnli. anil thn i,.m,, h.t vi mi, , - iin-n n ,i. i,un..i u..... ..... "' airent made $108.25 in t".a Mys sollins; three days: another $9.25 la one day; another THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE Write to T. 8. QcrwcET, Drawer 158, Chicago, Secre- ance. Mention tbis paper. Ttv ca doinff von can save membership fee. Has paid over $C00,COO.0O for accidental injuries. Be your own Agent. NO MEDiCAI. EXAJIIXATION REQUIRED d REDUCED iruui i IMn Fihrwl" Noha.1 crtti-w prt.Ti'ft ffe.ienu maim anu ,i'aiiii nHiit'"-..' ... ' siclans uJ lt'lj Uuliea' IL 1 h..ualKl cureu. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL eonMenllaHT. F"r panicniars address, with stamp, rr CVITlCD HtTi.w. Tm. mw . it'-. DR. SNlUhK,arsa,ii!-.j.i! wtkuii Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder Worid t Fair Highest Mcdl not DiptoM. VStYWZwyr tary of tie Sta Accident V!ti'jjr Compakv, for Information WVjlrfS? regarding Accident Insur- m i-. 't. I p, r ui.intu I'J a l.nn- ig, If s tr. almeiit b Irac- T-l T - f !n 'Ji v,jrT' fXDfrlciictv J7 KeL ..rd 'ri! l.a-tlnfsa. Vv. A TO THE EAST OrVKB TBI CHOICI OF TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL VIA GREAT NORTHERN RY. SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AND VIA UNION PACIFIC RY, DENVER OMAHA AND ST. PAUL KANSAS CIT1 LOW RATE8 TO ALL EASTERN CITIE8 OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY 5 DAYS .....FOR...... SAN FRANCISCO for full detail! call on or addreHg W. H. HURLBURT, Gen'l Pass. Acrunl, Tokti.ano, Oa. E. McNFIL, Pres and Mgr. Tralna arrive and (fepart Irout Portland as follows: Depart Nii.2 For 1I Eastern points via r ....1 o-nn n m t inou x nuuiv ' r No. 4 The Spokane Flyer and tlrcul. Niirlherll 2:45 p.m. Arrive No. 1 From the East via Union PaciHe - :wa . No. II Fiom Sposane U .. m EAT AND OUTH VIA The Shasta Route OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Express Trains Leave Portland Dally. touth. I IKorth. 60OP.M. Lv Portland Ar ::kia.k :52p.m. ILv Ort'KOiitJIly Lv 8:4UA.K 7:4fA.M. Ar Ban Francmeo Lv :(HJP. M The above trulns slop nt all stations between tin,in...l u.t.1,n 1'iiriiur tUnnn. .ledol sou, Alliuiiv, TaiiKeiit, Shedds, Halsey, llarris burir, Junction l.'ity, IrviiiK, Kugeiie, Creswell, Cottage Grove, Drains, and nil stations from Roseburg to Asiiland, Inclusive. ROSEBURU MAIL DAILY. S:80a.m. .Lv Portland Ar 4:S0r.M 9:27 a.m. I Lv OreKon City Lv 8:36 T.u 5:iiOP. M. Ar Roseburg Lv 7: OA. u DININW CARS ON (XiUKN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEP LHH SECOND-CLASSASLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. West Side Klvlxlon, Between POKTlAND and COIIVALLIS tf AILTKAIM DAILY 1KXCEP1 8UNOAY.) 7:30 A.M. I Lv Portland Ar6:90P.M 11:15 P.M. Ar Corvallis LTl.wP.M At Albany and Corvalils connect with train ' of Oregon Central & Eastern R. R. EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (EXCEPT BDNDAY. I . 4:60P. M.ILv Portland Ar8:25A.M 7.30P.M. Ar Mc.Mlnuville Lv&:Uia.M Direct connection at Sun Franclhco with Occidental aim drlental and Puclrlc. Mull meinnshlp Lilies for J .IAN AM) tliUA. Sailing dates on applicntiou. Kates and tickets to eastern points and Europe also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU aud AUSTRALIA, eau be obtained from E. E..HtVI, Aeeut, Oregon City R. KOEH1.KR. E. P. KOtiERS, Manager, Asst. O. F. A P. Agen t Portland, Or. Portland, Or. KO 'EAST VIA LIBRARY CAR ROUTE America's Scenic I. me. Meals Dining Car, a la Carte W' UPKll Q Ballast i n mm " I'-Taf No Dust TIIR AM .RAIL KOVTR TO KOOl'ENAl MIN1NO IiISTRlCT VIA 8EATTLE AND SPOKANE. Shortest and Quickest Route TO ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, CULUTH, AND ALL POINTS EAST. Tliroitqh rahre r,1 Tourixt Sleepers, Dining and Library Obterration Corn. SEKV1CE AND SCM:KY 1K(JUAI.ED For tickets and full Information mil on or address A. 1!. C. DKXNISTON OP. T. A.. Portland, Oregon or, R. C. STEVENS. O. W. P. A.. Seattle. 44. SO VEAR8 EXPERIENCE. pa TRADE MARKS DESICMSp rrf1 COPYRICHTS Ac. AnTon WTnllnjr ?kptrh and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an thYentkn is protmhif ptei)tahie. ionmiuiitratton trirtlj CtioOJential. OMest aceucy fiTnecurirnt patent to America. We hare Wa.hinztoa offrca. Patents tKaen tbrouxb lluiia A Co. reoeiTf) pecimj notice m tbe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beantlfaliT innsrrated. lunrest creolatlon of anr seintlne I'.uroal. weekly. terms aillo a year; fijOsiz months. Miwinifn copips and HAjto BuuK OS Patents sent free. Addresa MUNN A CO., Jt Brtwdwar. Kelt Yark. Job Printing z the Courier Ottice.