OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W. CHENEY. (! ntered 1 n Oregon City postolBco u .icond-c1au matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. If paid In advance, pur your .... 1 ij One year 2 00 Six months 1 " Tliree month" 40 w"Tho date opposite your address on the paper denotes the time to which you hate paid . PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. OREGON OITY, JJLY 10,1897. rUT DOWN THE TRUSTS. The forthright blows that VVi liam Jennings 13ryan struck at the trusts in a recent speech have set the people to thinking more active Iv than ever upon this most' im oortant topic. "The existence of the trust has become a menace to the welfare of the American peo pie." "The trust is attempting to chance the laws which used to govern business success." Th trust gives its competitors the choice between "submission and bankruptcy," and is powerfu enough to enforce its will on any one of ordinary capital. All think inc men will acree with Mr. Bryan that "the people ought to be awakened today to the danger that the trust presents; that they ought to arise in their might and through state legislation as well as nation al legislation drive the trust out of existence. The people of Oregon have to pay tribute directly and indirectly to mostof the trusts of the country. but there are two in particular with which they are face to face. They are made to feel especially the power of the sugar trust and of Standard Oil trust. These are al wavs in evidence and demand their tribute openly. The sugar trust and its coast representatives and allies govern the supplies of sugarlorthe Union Not a pound of sugar can be bought of a factor, or wholesaler except at the price the trust and its coast allies have set, and the amount oftheir exactions is limited only by the lear of foreign com petition. They have taken for their own profit the decrease in the cost of refining that has been brought about by the impovements in machinery and methods, and part of the decline in the price of raw sui-ar, and have charged al that the traffic would bear. The tax that they levy upon the people of Oregon is above . two hundred thousand dollars a year. There is a psospect that the Coast will have a little relief from this monopoly when the contracts of the trust with the Hawaiian planters expire this year. The planters have thus far rejected the terms offered by the trust, and threaten to refine and market their own sugar hereafter. But the competition of Hawaiian sugars or any -other should not be relied on to protect the people from taxa tion by the trust. The trust may offer terms that will give it pos session ot the Hawaiian sugars It has captured the promising beet sugar industry of California, and whether it sees the most profit in smothering it or enlarging it, will still use it for the discomfiture of the people. And as it will still control nearly nine-tenths of the supply it will still set the price of sugars. A GOOD many republicans are licking, because the Chautauqua management had Mryan speak on the grounds at Gladstone Park. They will kick still harder when the money paid out to hear him comes back in about three years to defeat their party. The Chau tauqua assembly management have a good thing in their per cent of his lecture fees and will be able to cancel considerable in debtedness thereby.' The man that runs the "leading 'paper" thinks he is raising himself in the estimation of the people by refusing to mention the Chautau qua assembly in his sheet, another evidence of the animosity that he bears toward this public institu tion and which has been shown on several occasions heretofore. Tllli McKinley bill was passed to reduce revenue by so increasing the taxes as to prohibit import trade. The existing deficit began w ith the McKinley bill, and the Dingley biss as amended by the Senate is 6 per cent worse. N. Y. World. Lbt us make you a suggestion : You Itave chii-keiis, they pay you. Send us J lor the Oot aiRB and The Kihai. Xkw. Yohkkr, both one year. Read all that Tiik Ki kal says alwut poultry, and if j-ou don't get more than an extra dollar out of your chickens next year we will return vour full dollar. Send to Tits Bi-al Xw-Yobker, New York, for free .sample copy. COU.NI'Y COURT. Proceedings or Rpguliir July Senior. TnxPH Declared Ddtiiquunt. In the matter of (lie report of viewers of flumntfeg on the petition of J A Wil son et bI, for a county road, the same wag laid over until the next term. In the matter of the report of viewers of damages on the petition of M Heller, etal for A county road, the petition whs denied in the whole and costs taxed atiitinttt the petitioners. In the matter of the report of the roadmaster on the petition of W II CotuiHol, et al for a county road, Olio A Gengelbach, A V Cooke and J C Paddock, viewers to meet VVednesdey, July 14. In the matter of the report of D VV Kinnaird on the contract with Herman Bruns to clear part of the Revenue road, the report was accepted and bill allowed on contract. In the matter of the petition of A M Cannon for money refunded, the same was granted. In the matter of the petition of Fred Bauer tor the refunding of interest paid on taxes of 1807, the same was denied. In the matter of the resignation of H II Johnson, as roadmaster, the same was accepted. In the matter of the petition of David Harriu, et al for a cqpntv road, Chas Ilolmstrom, William Gilhenwait and II. 0. Inskeep were appointed viewers, In the matter of the petition of C II Fottter, et. al for a county road, George Brown, II H Gregory and H8C Phelps were appointed views, In the matter of the petition of Henry Voglet for damages, the same was laid over. In the matter of the petition of the Oregon City Bar asocidtion to have the county purchase the Oregon repnrtn, the same was denied. In the matter of the petition of A J Sawtell for a tax rebate, the same was granted. In the matter of the 1890 tax roll, it wag ordered that the roll be declared delinquent, Judge Hayes dissenting. HILLS ALLOWED. The following claims against the county were presented and warrants ordered issued on the general fund in payment of the several amounts. : W A Huntley, stationery $10 07 V A Huntlev, " 38 80 Courier, printing 0 85 CI as Albright, par.per ac 2 10 Oregon City Iron Works, biidge. . 10 08 " "... 9 40 Oregon T & T Co C H act 1 25 Win Troie, bridge ao 6 00 W H Young, county court . . 4 00 CO Kuflman, bridge ac 10 80 G W Prosaer, pauper au 5 9!) H II Johnson, roadmaster 83 00 II A Hands, road wotk 4 00 M G Huckley, " ' 2 00 Fred He.ise, bridge plans 18 00 W N Godfrey, inquest 0 00 Dr J W Powell, " 6 00 P Carpenter, witness, inquest. . 1 70 B F Weddle, jurymen, 1 20 D II Wolfla, 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 lohn Schievie Sam Mayer, F W Talbot, Jacob Scbalz, J Q Gage, constable, 2 70 Above eot, inaiiest, Ailtlle Carpenter M W Gardner, J P ac 0 40 A Newell, cuiiHtable., .... 4 50 T B Hickey, witness. Orvil Boring " 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Dick Boring, Ed Utieer, " . Bert Ricbey, " U Ariinesijrger " Jan.es Itichey, " . Marion Preston, " J C McMurray, juror. . . Orsburg, " ... Wolfhagen, " ... WH Johnson, " ... Zuiiiwiilt, " E K Johnston, " ... G B DiiiKck, distalty 7 00 Above costs in case, State vs Chambers L Stout, assessor, June W W Myers, dep assessor 70 20 . 05 01 02 50 02 50 (ifi 00 48 02 5 00 20 50 23 04 (i 55 10 00 2 00 2 00 2 IM) 2 (HI 54 85 1 7: IS 00 R Sthuebel, " " ..... C Priestly. " " C N Larkins, ' " Win Heeson & Son, bridge ac. . A Summer, insane ac W Powell, pauper ac eorge Sauin, bridge ac , W Ujiint. " " II Isom, ro:ul ac K liauretiH, " ohn It Abbots, " J R Marks, " K A t.e. " Oregon City Herald, printing. . Robbing Son bridge ac J.MHayden, " T Stipp, . " U Havden, J M Sl.ulla, C Schuebel, J P M F McCown, conMuhic C H Dye, witness J V Grout, " HJReea, " J F Uwler, " R F. Lawler, " G B Dimick, dep dist atty . 3 HO . 1 70 . 1 70 . 5 00 Above costs in case of State vs l-awler, C ScheuM, J I . . 0 20 M McCown, constable..'. L'5 00 Geo Dunlavy, witness 5 50 W W Duvers, " 5 50 C K Young, " 5 50 Wm Jack, " 5 50 A II Logan, " 5 50 Emory Thomas, " 5 50 Almost Blind gcrofula Affects the Eye-tittle Coy Treated by an Oculist With out Rcllef-But Now He Is Well. " When ny little boy was three months old bis eyes became very aore and he was almost blind. I took him to an oculist who treated him for alx month, and left him as bad as be was at the beginning. Finally Hood's Barsaparllla waa recom mended and I began giving it to blm. Ia leaf than three weeks be waa a bio to "go into the sun without covering h!e eyes, and today his eyes are perfectly well, and bis ears and nose, which were badly affected, are also well. Hood's Barsaparllla has certainly done wonders for my boy." Mas. James H. Painter, Amador. California. Remember Hloodl Qlte'lttarilla U the One WHIOUiyui lliTrl( Blood Purifier. All druggists. $l.slx for I . Get Hood's. mti are the only pills to take HoOd 8 PIUS with Hood's Sarsaparilla. J E Jack. " 5 60 J Ridings, " 5 50 E W Midlam, juror 1 00 J A Lamar, William Fine, W W Marrs, J Howell, R L Beattie, 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 G B Dimick, dep dist atty 5 00 Above costs in case, State vs Harmon C Schetibel, J P 7 35 M F McCown, constable 11 tO Eugene Ogle, witness 4 CO John Payne, " 3 30 Linton Paine. " 3 30 Mrs M E Hull, " 8 0 Susie Hull. " 3 50 CB Smith, 170 G B Dimick, dep dist atty. 5 00 Above cost in case, State vs Sarver M Clifford, insane an 4 00 FC Perry " 4 00 J V Harless " 5 00 C H Isom, sheriff ac 3 00 Ina Chase, clerk ac It 00 Hiram Straight, pauper ac 2 25 G W Grace, bdof prisoners 92 00 T B Hankins. sheriff ac 16 50 ChaiMabon, road ac 4 20 F T Barlow, pauper ac 3 40 J W Norria, insane ac 5 00 C II Isom, J P court.... 10 75 C Scbeubel. J P 9 25 M F McCown, constable .... . . 6 30 C A Ilolmstrom, witness, 2 10 Ohuholm, " 2 30 II II Johnson, " ... 170 Eph Ferguson " 2 30 Pat Harris, " ,. 2 10 August Goettling, " ... 1 70 C D Litourotte ' 1 70 G B Dimick, dep dist atty 5 00 Aboye costs in case, State ys WestbOrg Mrs C A Williams pauper ac 3 00 E II Cooper, sheriff ac 40 00 Irwin Hodson Co school plats. ... 15 00 J LSwafford, road an 75 25 BILLS CUT DOWN. CLAIMED ALLOWRD W N Godfrey, inquest 27 15 $25 05 Dr J M Wells, expert, 7 40 3 20 Dr J W Norris -12 00 10 00 J W Loder ... 7 40 6 20 Wilson & Cooke, road ac 21 20 20 20 II Cochrane, bridge ac. . 25 08 20 00 Chas Noblitt, road ac... 2 50 2 00 OCENTBKi-itisupiintiiig, 28 37 "20 77 LAID OVER, L L Porter, refo'in bcIiooI.. 5 00 Herman Bros, lumber 30 05 Chas Noblitt, J P court 23 50 Children Ribbed under wear at the Racket Store. For your airings and extras for all musical instruments go to Burmeister & Andresen's, who keep a full supply. liefore furnishing your house call at Young's seconddiaud Btoreand he will lit you out for less than one-quarter of what new goods would cost. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kind of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain crowns and bridge work a specialty. Office in Barclay building, corner .Main and Seventh streets, AVith a little cost one's rooms can be made as good and bright as new. Call at Ilolman's and see styles and pattern all up-to-date 1S17 goods. Seventh Mtreet, near bridge. Any one desiring to keep boarders or roomers during the Chautauqua as sembly, Julv 13-24, are requested to notify the secretary immediately. , Red circus paint and nickel trimming will cover a cheap frame, but it will not prevent that "tin rattle" so common witli some bicycles. The Waverly is the smoothest running wheel in the market. Inspect them at Charman's drug store and get catologue. lle mcmlier we have cut t: oriee. The Wi'hoit sis:-' 1 I leave Oregon City during scanti Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridi.Vf. iund trip only $'.'.."0 Camping ai"- Abowishtogo by private rips cm it- bedrock prices by culling at Nobl n' stable. A ccntli'tnan wont into Ilolman's to buy some wall 'Avr for his parlor and looking through the many samples found some patterns that wore fine, de cided upon one. "What is the price of that paper?" " cents per double roll." "I'm afraid that is too cheap." But when it was explained how and why it was sold so cheap, he took the paper and was highly pleased. McKITTRICK'S SHOES Beat, the World! for CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS go to RICHARD PETZOLD'S CASH MARKETS Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill. Main Sfc, Opposite Caufield Block. Two Shops, - Oregon City, Oregon. Don't be foolish enough to pay the regular catologue price for a bicycle. Insist on the dealer sharing the profit with you. Charman & Co. believes in reducing the large profit heretofore realized on bicycles and have cut the price of the Waverly bicycle so it is now within the reach of all. The Waverly don't have that "tin rattle" and it don't need a repair shop either. If you want a nice steak, roast or boil call at Albright's shop and get some of his cold-storugo meat which is acknow edged by all to be superior to the meats commonly sold at butchers' shops. He also keeps on hand a full stock of lard, hams, bacon, etc., made by himself and warranted purest and wholesome. Re member the old established shop on Main street. Fine Sunset. views and excellent water in F. E. Donaldson. GAMBRINUS COLD STORAGE. Is the place to buy your WINES and LIQUORS, It's the place where you buy at reasonable rates, and you can rely on what you buy. Wines from 75c per gallon to $ 1 .60. Family entrance on Sixth street Call and be convinced Yours Truly, N. F. ZIMMERMAN, Mgr phone ao. SIXTH AND MAIM STREETS. I&EO. A. HARDING, 9 DEALER IN IP DRUGS IR, -p-i itnlirdPit. MHicines Pilnta, Oils and Window Glass. PrctcriptUm Accurately Compounded Harding's block. I I 1 DAN WILLIAMS D'iALEIf la Tobacco. Ciajars, Stationery, School Itooks, Confectionary, Temperance. Drinks, Ice Creniii. Patent Medicine. Is EVENTH ST., NEAR CENTER FOR .FIRST-CLASS... HOME MADE BREAD JIJLShiwI- Bakery, First Door North of k Shively's Hallju-. f. ra NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE AT ORF.lJOM CITY. OREQ )X. Jiinn S2d, 18'J7. Notice Is hereby given th.it the follow Inn-name. 1 settler hus tiled notice of his intention In make tlnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on August tin, 17, viz: GHORGE F. CuSMl'S. II. K. No. SWJ9, ror the N H of NV i and W 14 of SK't of Sec. to, To. 1. S , K. 4 E. He names the following witnesses to prove hts rnntin ions rvidriice upon and cultivation of. said land, viz: Frmk Thompson, t'lmrle F. Louis Kioss. Albia Floss, Fred Ueiitlcld, all of Corbett, Oregon. KOHERT A. MILLER, Register. , NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION'. LAND OFFICE AT OREGON' CITY, OREGON, June AM, 1x17. Notice i hereby given that the followii'g-niimed settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal pntf in support of his claim. aii(t that said proof will be made before the Co. t'lerk ot .V irion Co., at Sail 111, Oregon, on August 7th, lss7. vii: ELLIOT CIRTIS. j It. E.No. for the S K of V W N E'4' ot S V '4 and W of X E ' of Sec. 7, Tp. 10 R. a h. He oatues the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence nmti and ctilti vatioa of, said laud, rii: E. 8 Hanson, John Walling. John McCracken, A. T. Ives, all of Detroit, Oregon. ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. J HAVE NOW IN MY HANDS FINDS applicable to the payment of all warrants endorsed prior to December 1st, !!';. Interest will cease oa the above warrants alter the date of this notice. JACOB SHADE, Treasurer of Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated this 1st day ot July, 1897. H. A. PITTENGER Real Estate, Insurance and Notary Public Fine lint of City and Form Property at very low Prices. Properly handled on small com mission. Farma and mall tract -to exchange for city property Write or call and se me. Poatofllce Building OREGON CITY A WORD OF HEN'S SHOES... Shoe bargains, . but neve bargain shoes. Do you catch the idea ? If great buving if having large lots of shoes made if the im petus of this great shoe business helps to make prices abnormally small--then we have shoe bargains. These causes and readjust ments of our stocks, as sizes become missing, bring all the shoe bargains we ever have. " Bargains Shoes " don't exist otherwise. For shoes "made. to sell," for shoe trash of any kind, we've no room. KRAUSSE BROS SHOE STORE Next Door to Burmeister A Audresua a. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregou City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city. Try Bolton D.Wry and ba Convinced Portland Ice Cream Parlors HAS A FULL STOCK OF CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, TEM PERANCE DRINKS and TOBACCO. GKO. KEDOlWLlf, Opp.Uharnnn's Blk. Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge and tht Depot. Double and alnirle rtirs And umlriln hn. . ways on hand at the lowest rates. m! nr.rr. also connected witli the lurn for loose stock Any information reirardlnir any kind of stock promptly attended to by letter or person. HOUSES BOCGHT OR SOLD Protect Yourself Against Loss of Time and Money Bv insuring in the STAK INSURANCE 00. Write to W. 0. Curtis, Sec'y, Star Ins. Bldg.,CHICAGO, ILL. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LAND OFFICE AT OREO') CITY, OREiiOV, June 22d, 1SU7. Notice is heri'by given that the following-named settler has tiled notice other Intension to mki tint I pi oof in support in iicrvmiiii, .;iu tuiti stiii prom win De made before the R-tnisler and R.'ceiv.' at Oregon oitv. Oregon, on August tlth, 1I7, vU: MRS SVRAII MNK Af.tlRIUIIT, wtoow OF FRANK W. AuBtttOrtr. DKi iAsio. H. E. ltrj'3, for the KE 'vif SK'if Seo.22,Tp. 4 S. K. 4 E. Site names the following witnesses to prove her continuous resilience upon and culti vation of said land, viz: William H. Nultzerof Mullno.Or., Hunry W'.Khawol Union Mills, Or , Francis M. Am in of Mulino. Or, Nichlos II Daruiall of Mulino, Or. UOBKHT A. MILLER. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. T AXD OFFICE AT OREiirtX CITY, ORKtiQV J June iid. IKH. Notice -is herehv given that the followitu'-na ned settler hm tiled noiioe of his intension to make dual proof in support of his claim, and that s iidpro if will be made before the Register nud Receiver at Oregon c ity Oregon, oa August till, l.vj", viz. ' GKO RUE D. PICK ESS. II. E. 877A for the ME1 4 of 10, To. 2 9.. R. 5 E He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: R- l. Alexander. Adolf Asc-hoir Richard A. Ten Eye It, llenrv Mctiiigin, all of Jl.irinot, Oregon. ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS. AH pevton usiwj water for In ten lrinhlinj or irrittition, are hereby tiotileil to observe the hour for nurlt uite, . to 9 A.M. ami .5 to !) V. V. Street Km iiihliiid run I ., ' trhen neeemtry, but an ejecesxire tow of water will not be perinittetl. ror a amrerjnrti of the abore rule ; the water may be hut off without further notice. Jty ortler of the lioartlof Water Coininisioner. If. II. Ifowell, Supt. T. L. Charman. See. Oregon Cityt Or, June 10, 1S97. JOSEPH RICE, ATTORNEY 'AT, LAW, ' OfllM iu Oiogon City Bank Block, OltKOOM ClTV, ' OBKOOM, C. H. ISOM, Civil Engineer & Deputy County Surveyor Will bo al Court Homo on each flaturd&f and oa rcitiilnr hikkIou duva of Coutity Court. ' J. W.' WELCH, IDIElSPriST, WILLAMETTE BLOCK, Oppositi p. 0., OaaooN Citt, Obi. Geo. C. BaowNiu. J. U. Campbell. BR0WNELL & CAMPBELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Caafleld BulldlDK Orenon City, Ore C. N. GREENMAN, THR riONEEB Express and Drayman 5 (Established 185 ) Parcels delivered to all parts of the city. THOS. F. RYAN, ' Notary Publio and Real Estate Broker. Leading Insurance Aokncy op Clackama County. Money to Loan. Ahxtmcts of Title Made. -Drawluv ol Leg' Documents a Specialty Office on eimt nlde of Mnin street Between 6th and 7Ui. OREGON CITY, OREGON. C. D. & D. C. LAT0URETTE Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real .Estate' and Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE: Commercial OREGON CITY, Bank Bulldln OREGON. H. STRAIGHT, DEAL3B IN GROCERIES AVD PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement ar.d Laiid Plaster. The Commercial Bank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL f 100,000. Transacts a General Banking Business Loans made. 3111a discounted. Makes CO lections. Buys and sells exchange on all point! In the United States and Europe and on Hong Kong. Deposits received subject to check. Bank open from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. D. C. LATOURETTE, F. E. DONALDSON Presldeut. Cashier F. C. GADKE, Plumbing and Tinning. Jobbing of All Kinds a Swpcialty. Wilson ft Cooke's Old bland OREGON CITY. OREGON. Bank of Oregon City. OLDEST BASKING HOU8B IN TBI CITY Taid Up Capital, $50,000. Snrplus, $20,850. President, Chas. H. Cauflied OKO. A. BABDIMfl X. G. Caufield Vice-president Cashier, 4 General Ban king Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants bought. Loans Made on Available Securur Exchange Bought and 'old. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available In Any Part of tn Telegraphic Exchange 8old on Portland, Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Ban JAMES MURR0.W, Decorating Paper Hanging, ' Artistic House Painting And Kalsominp-. Leave Orders at Ely Tros.. on s-,-, c,. Oregon City, Oregon ' Bargains! Hammocks, 90c, $i, $1.50. Granite Dish Pans, 50, 60, 70, 80c. Turkey Feather Dusters, 20, 25c. Kitchen Spoons, tr. rc. Brooms, 12, 15, 20, 25c for the best. Scrub Brush, 9, 12, 15, 20c scales, I 2;c. rishing Tackle cheap. Save money by purchasing at the - "Bazaar" L. A. PATTERSON & CO... -xt to PcstoflSea.