Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, July 16, 1897, Image 2

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AoiP:: i
Oregon Gity Courier.
A, W. CHEMKT, Publisher.
ng Collection of Current Event
la Condensed Form From
Both Continent!
Reports from the North say the Al
aska Commercial Company's steamer
Arctic was cruslied by ice.
The International Grldmining con
vention at Denver selected Bat Lake
City as its next meeting place.
By the explosion of a lamp Samuel
W. Brown, a miner, and his wife,
Vary, were burned to death in bed at
' Five thousand wrought nail workers
of South Staffordshire and North
'Worcestershire have struck for 10 per
oent advance in wages.
Preparations are on foot in Dublin
for the Parnell anniversary demonstra
tion in Ootober, and it is believed this
fear it will be larger than ever.
The British government has notified
the collector of customs at Vancouver
that no duty will be charged on salmon
brought from the United State?,
General Robert Macleod Fraser, of
the British army, retired, an old gen
tleman of 83 years, was knocked down
and killed by an omnibus on the Edge
ware road near London.
1 'The statement of the Bank of Spain,
which has been formally gazetted, has
increased the adverse comment on the
tank management. It shows a note
circulation of 130,000,000 pesatas in
exoess of the authorized issue.
Two men, the foremen at the mines
at Cook's inlet, were shot and slightly
wounded by n discharged miner at
Sitka, because the mineowners would
not pay his fare to Seattle The mnn
took to the hills but was arrested by the
runy uuu men are employed on tno
branch line from Slocan, crossing to
Blocan lake. About 450 men are on
each end of the line working toward
the center, and the contract require
that grading be concluded byOctober 15
It ia expected that trains .will be run
over the road by December 1. Twelve
miles of wagon road have been coinplet
d from the crossing inland.
The difficulty growing out of the
boundary dispute between Costa Rica
and Nicaragua is nearing the point
where diplomacy and arbitration will
be out of the question. The boundary
commission appointed by ex-President
Cleveland shortly before he relin
quiahed his office has suspended work
for two months to watch the actions of
both sides before proceeding further.
wnat is Bum to lie tne greatest oi
discovery ever made is reported from
Alaska. Some gold projectors severa
souths ago ran across what Geemed to
be a lake of oil. The lake wub fed by
innumerable springs, and the surround
Ing mountains were full of coal. They
brought samples to Seattle and tests
proved it to be of as high grade as any
ever taken out of Pennsylvania wells
It is said there is enough oil and coal
in the discovery to supply the world
It ia close to the ocean; in fact, experts
aay that the oil oozes out into the salt
Reports from the south of France
how the destruction by floods to be
greater than earlier reports indicated.
The losses are estimated at 300,000,000
franca in the aggregate.
That they may obtain funds to fight
the carrying out of the death sentence
of their son, the parents of Theodore
Durrant will pluoe his photographs on
ale. the photographs will show Dnr
rant in prison garb taking his daily ex
ercise with the other condemned men
within the walls of San Queutin prison.
A destructive cyclone passed through
liowrey, JUlnn. four person were
killed and many injured. Everv build
ing in the villago was dumuired, seven
dwellings, the depot, church, elevator
and butcher shop being totally de
iroyou, wiuie me runroud tracks were
twisted, telegraph wire torn down and
part of a mill carried away.
uwing to a peculiar land inw, or
rather no law at all, by which title to
land can be acquired in Alaska, consid
erable trouble is being experienced in
Juneau, where the only title to real es
tate seeing to be vested in possession.
If man vacates his house, even tem
porarily, he is apt to rind it occupied
on bis return, and the last occupant
lias as much right to it ns the former
occupant. The result is many vacant
Iota in Juneau and other towns are be
ing Jumped by new arrivals in the
The Christian Endeavor excursion
train from Oregon was saved from a
frightful wreck near Cottonwood, Cal.,
by Charles Broadhurst, a farmer.
Broadhurst discovered that a trestle 20
feet long hud been burned out He saw
the Endeavor excursion approaching at
a rapid rate, and knew that unless the
train was flagged it would instantly be
dashed to destruction. Without a mo
ment to spare he rushed up the track
and flagged the train, which came to
standstill a few feet from the burned
out trestle.
Unite,! States Circuit Judge V. W.
Morrow rendered a decision in the fa
mous Blythe case which was in the na
ture of a surprise. He ordered a decree
ia favor of the English Blythes, as
prayed for in their cues-complaint, by
default; and in his findings made sev
eral rulings which are in direct conflict
with those of the state courts. Under
this ruling it is considered probable
that Florence Blythe-Hinckley will
lorn the property which she has fought
o hard and bitterly for during the past
ten year.
Frederick Kirn Caught by n Avalanche
' on Mount Hood.
Portland, Or., July 14. Frederick
Kirn, nn Album grocerynuin, met a
fearful death on Newton Clarke gla
oier, on the north slope of Mount Hood,
eysterday afternoon. In the ascent of
the mountain he strayed from the path
and was caught by a mass of sliding
rock, which oarried him 800 feet down
the steep side of th mountain to tlio
brink of a cliff, over which his body
was plunged to the rocks, 400 feet be
Kirn left Portland luto lust week,
and reached Cloud Cap Inn. He asked
Mr. W. A. Langille, of the inn, several
quesitons about the ascent of the nioun
tain, declaring his intention to make it
the following day. He declined the
services of a guide. He hud examined
the road with his field glasses, he said,
and would have no difficulty in follow
ing it all the way up.
He retired early and arose in the
morning at 4 o'clock, drinking a cup
of coffee before he started on the olimb,
which he did at 4:30, all alone.
When at 6:80 yesterday afternoon
Kirn did not return, Mr. Langille be
came alarmed for his safety, and
started in search of him. He soon
found that he had good cause for his
alarm. Kin.'s trail could be easily fol
lowed to within 700 feet of the summit.
At this point it varies from the regular
trail, which it had thus fur followed,
and led away to a treacherous, rock-
covered district near the head of Nek
ton Clarke glacier. .Here Mr. Langille
discovered, to his horror, that the un
fortunate man had been caught in i
mass of sliding rock, which he had
probably loosened with his feet, and
had been carried with it swiftly to the
brow of a precipice below, over which
the furrows made in the snow by the
small avalanche disappeared. Work
ing his way cautiously, and with the
skill of the veteran mountaineer that he
is, to the edge of the cliff, Mr. Langille
saw the body lying among the loose
rock far below at the mouth of the gla
cier. Kirn's death had been swift and
It was then 8:30 and growing rapidly
dark. Mr. Langille, being all alone,
could not bring the body hack to the
inn, and after nightfall would have -had
to take desperate chances even to reach
it. Had there been any chance of the
man's being alive, he would have taken
the latter course, but no one could have
survived such a full an instant.
He therefore returned to the inn and
telephoned the news to the police sta
tion. Captain Barclay, who was on
watch whert the message came in, at
once dispatched Partolman Velguth to
Kirn's residence, 853 Albina avenue,
to acquaint his family with his fearful
Anxiety to Reach Complete
Convention Formally Opened
in San Francisco.
The Christian Endeavor Convention
Cloned It Labor.
San Francisco, July 14. The last
open sessions of tho international ChriS'
tiun Endeavor convention were held to
day. The attendance at the morning
and afternoon meetings were large, and
at night those who managed to obtain
entrance to either of the puvillions in
the evening were fortunate, for only
35,000 could be accommodated, and
10,000 more sought admission. Esti
mates made by lending business men
agree that the people brongh , there bv
this great gathering will leave not less
than $1,000,000 in our city. All the
leaders of the movement- are pleased
with the success of their efforts, and
with the outlook for the future of the
With the end of the convention the
thousands of visitors, delegates and
others will take advantage of the op
portunity and the cheap rates to visit
many places of interest throughout the
state. Arrangements have been made
for excursions to Monterey, Mount
Hamilton, Yosemite, Santa Cruz moun
tains, Stanford university and other in
teresting places, even taking in the
Southern country as part of their jour
Suit to Eject Lleii-f.aml Set Men.
Colfax, Wash., July 14. The North-
em Pacific has begun ejectment pro
ceedings against J. D. Ilalliduy, James
W. Harper, Eli B. Spray and K. H.
Hibbs. The defendants are lieu-land
settlers. Halliday and Harper live in
Turnbow Hut, near Palouso and Pull
man. Tho complaint sets forth the
same facts as in the Slught case, in
volving the townsite of Palouse. It
is understood that this is the beginning
of ejectment suits to involve every lieu-
land settler. The settlers have ban. led
together and will tight the case to the
highest court. Meetings have been
held, committees appointed and nionev
subscribed for this purpose. Some of
the land has been settled for 20 years
ml is well improved.
ieveral Hundred Minor Amendment
Agreed 1'pon and Other to
He Compromised.
Washington, July 13. Both the
house and the senate conferees appear
lutisfied with the progress that has
been made. Several hundred of the
minor amendments nave been agreed
upon, many oi tnem mere changes of
phraseology, and on a large majority of
them the house conferees naturally
have yielded. None of the real import
ant problems in the bill, however,
have as yet been solved. All of them
have received more or less considera
tion, and there has been a free ex
change of opinion. The temper and
disposition of the senate and house con
ferees on these important jn utters have
in this way been ascertained. In sev
eral cases the conferees are very close
to an agreement. Both sides show a
commendable spirit of conciliation,
and, while in each instance each side
seems to be holding out strongly for its
oontention as to rates, there has not
yet appeared on the horizon anything
which portends such difficulty as would
not in time be surmounted.
There is the best of reasons for be
lieving that several of the main points
of contention will be compromised.
This is especially to be believed of lum
ber, hideB and wool, and possibly sugar,
though on the latter the house confer
ees are standing particularly firm for
their schedule.'
On the subject of reciprocity the
drift of opinion seems to be in the di
rection of a substitute. Certain of the
house provisions that is, the list of
artioles that can be used as a basis of
reciprocity treaties will be broadened,
but the senate provision requiring the
ratification of the treaties will be dis
carded. Several of the eminent lawyers
in both branches of congress question
the constitutionality of the power con
ferred on the president by the Bonate
reciprocity provision.
The stump act on bonds and stock s
provided for in one of the senate amend
ments has not yet been affected. The
revenue that will be furnished by it
furnishes a strong argument for its ac
ceptance in view of the heavy anticipa
tory importations, and there is talk of
widening its scope so as to include a tax
on actual transfers, but on all recorded
The necessity of revenue also fur
nishes a strong argument for the resto
ration of the house rates on imported
It is impossible to estimate yet when
a final agreement will be readied, and,
although various dates are given as to
the length of time the bill will remain
in conference, ranging from tomorrow
to a week from tomorrow, one of the
most influential of the conferees said
tonight that all arrangements were pure
guesswork. He sayB the decision on
matters of great importance in the bill
were so interdependent that an ulti
mate decision on one might involve a
complete agreement on others, and that
the final agreement might come at any
time after the rest of the matters of
secondary importance were out of the
When the report is completed, it will
at once go to the house, where it is not
likely that more than one day will be
allowed for debate.
Japan I Determined to Force Trouble
Willi Hawaii.
New Yo'k, July 14. A dsipatoh to
the Horah! from Washington says:
Hawaii has offered to refer to arbitra
tion the immigration question pending
between Japan nnd herself, but the
Tokio government has so far ignored the
proposition. Telegraphic, information
to this effect hns been received by tho
state department, and it is thorefore
possibilo to deny the report published
that Jupan hud agreed to arbitratre the
vexed question she is discussing with
tiie Huwaiiun government. The prop
osition was made in the report sent to
the Hawaiian minister for foreign
Jffairs. Mr. Cooper, in answer to Mr.
Shimumura's last letter reiteiated the
demand of his government that Hawaii
recognize the principle of monetary
liability as a motive of her action in
excluding Japanese immigrants.
The Hawaiiuns do not expect that
Japan would accept arbitration. In
fact, before Minister Shimumura began
correspondence with Mr. Cooper in re-'
lution to the mutter, he declared that
his government would never accept ar
bitration. At that time neither he nor
his government had any idea that the
strong arm of the United States was
seen to be thrown around Hawaii, and I
it was because of this ignorance, state !
department officials say, that Japan has
aesumed such a commanding tone in
her negotiations, with the little republic.
It is said that Mr. Shiuiuinura in his
last correspondence with the Hawaiian
government, demands further explana
tion in regard to certain details connect
ed with the immigration controversy,
in which he holds that Hawaiian au
thorities have committed an official
offense against his government. The
minister refused to admit the principle
of monetary liability, and insists that
the Japanese government does not want
to get at the real merits of the contro
versy, otherwise it would acquiesce in
the proposition to refer the matter to
In view of Mr. Cooper's refusal, it is
the general expectation in admlnistra-1 Tne7 have arrived in such numbers
tion circles that whether the senate during the last 24 hours as to permeate
ratifies the pending annexation treaty every quarter of the city. All through
or fails to take action during the present tho late hours of the night and every
session, this government will have to "our lnlH morning, trains nave arrived
settle the immigration question with , Irom eB8t north and south, bearing
uiousanus oi delegates ana visitors.
Over Twenty Thousand Delegate From
the Et In Attendance Coal
I' Well Itepreiented.
San Francisco, July 13. The long
anticipated "California, '97" of the
Christian Endeavorers became a reality
with, tne assembling of the two vast an
dienccs at the Meohanio's and Wood
ward's pavilions this morning. Ten
thousand people filled the Mechanics
pavilion as early as 9:80 this morning,
and crowds of delegates and visitors
who came later were turned away, no
room being left for them on the inside.
The hall was a vast bouquet of colors.
All was animation and happiness, with
the thousands eager to applaud or cheer
at every opportunity
The formal opening was by Rev. F.
E. Clark, the founder and president of
the great Christian bndeavor move'
ment. Dr. Clark was received with
frenzied applause by every person in
the building. Every man, woman and
child stood upon benches and chairs
waving aloft flairs, banners, handker
chiefs in fact, every conceivable ob
ject to be had. The demonstration
lasted several minutes, and Dr. Clark
appeared much affected by the hearti
ness of the welcome.
The meeting at Woodward's pavilion.
while not so large, owing to the smaller
capacity of the building, was, equally
enthusiastic. The hall was orowded
and hundreds blocked the streets on
the outside. Secretary Willis Baer for
mally opened the convention at this
The Christian Endeavor hosts have
completed their conquest of this city,
f apan'
Aggressiveness May
Annexation Matter.
Ha ten
Special boats have carried the crowds
across the bay, and at the ferries they
were met by scores of white-capped
guides whose sole duty it is make the
delegates welcome and to pilot them to
the headquarters at the Mechanics' pa
vilion, where every delegate is regis-
Forty Killed In a Collision.
Copenhagen, Julv 14. About mid-
ight, at Gjentoftr, an express train
from Belsiugcr ran into a passenger
train standing at the station, wrecked
ight carriages, killed 40 persons, and
njured many others. Most of the vie-
ins are of the artisan class. Tho dead
ml injured have been conveved in am
bulance trains to this city. The col
lision was due to an error made bv the
engineer in reading the signal. Forty
bodies were extricated. The number
seriously injured is 64.
Lout With All on Hoard.
New York, July 14. A special to
the Herald from Long Beach, L. L,
says: A single-matsed, sloop-rigged
craft, on which it is supposed there
were several persons, was caught in a
territio storm off the coast and went
down. Before the disaster the craft
had been rocking wildly in the storm,
its sails torn away, and about the last
that witnesses on shore saw was a sig
nal of distress waving from the boat.
There is little dnnbt that all 03 board
Horrible Murder of an Aged Woman In
New Mexico.
Las Vegas, N. M., July 13. Accord
ing to a report received from La Cinta,
on the Canadian river, Teodora Salas.
80 years old, was cruelly murdered by
Antonio Lucedo, aged 18, and Teodoro
Lafoya, aged 23. It seems that La
foya s Bister had been ill for some time,
and it was claimed that Salas, who was
considered by the ignorant and super
stitious natives of the neighborhood as
a bruuha, or witch, exercised her wits
over the young girl.
following the advice of his mother.
Lafoya and his companion, Lucedo, fol
lowed the old woman to n place about
three miles from San Lorenzo, where,
after being frightened, she was pre
vailed upon to go buck with tliein to
the girl's house and cure her. They
placed her on ;the saddle of Lucedo'a
horse, he mounting behind. After go
ing a short distance, Lafoya pulled his
pistol and killed the old woman's dog,
which wus following, saying thut he
bad got rid of one witch and would
now get rid of the other (the old wom
an.) Thereupon, he threw a lasso over her,
and, starting his horse, jerked her from
the horse. He then instructed Lucedo
to attach his lasso to her feet, and the
two, starting their horses on the run,
dragged the woman to death, not a ves
tige of clothing being found on the
body when discovered. After lingering
around the place for a few days, the
murderers disappeared.
The mother of Lafoya was arrested,
she having told the officers who called
at her house that she bad told her son
and Lucedo to kill the old woman.
Chicago, July 14. A special to the
times-Herald from Washington savs:
Ihe administration has taken steps ! tereu 811:1 directed to comfortable quar
to keep its grip on Hawaii. Any aggres-1 'ers 'n some part of the city,
sive interference on the part of Japan The scenes at the pavilion resemble
will result in the landing of marines national political convention, except
and the hoisting of the American flag, that women are more in evidence on
with or without the raticfiation of- the nig occasion than usually attend great
pending annexation treaty. gatherings. In faot, fully two-thirds
Ihe administration, realizing that 01 ,ne delegates Bre of the gentler sex.
some crisis might arise while the trea-I But the'r presence tends to make the
ty still hangs fire in the senate, has ene more striking in color and more
taken steps to bo prepared for any animated in spirit. AH the streets in
emergency. j the business district of the oity and in
Rear-Admiral Boardslee will have, the neighborhood of the different head
when the next steamer arrives in Hon- Q"arters are congested with the count
olulu, instructions giving him power to 'e88 thousands of visitors,
act at the first sign of aggression on tiie ' Every one seems to be on the move,
part of Japan, or trouble of any kind 88 tne coming breezes from the Pa
with which the local authorities are oino are most weloome after a journey
not able to cope. j through the burning alkali plains.
Rear-Admiral Beardslee will be ! Men nr" women alike are deoked
given sufficient force to carry out the w,th ribbons of purple and gold, En-
programme that events may force upon deavor colors, on which are words an
him. It is definitely settled that the nouncing their state and town. Streams
bnttle-ship Oregon, now en route to San f delegates poured into the pavilion
Francisco from Seattle, will be dis- throughout the night and this forenoon,
patched to Hawaii as soon as she can na the young women engaged in the
be prepared for the voyage. This will reigstration department was prepared
give Admiral Beardslee three vessels Ior anything, and not even the big Mas
the Oregon, Philadelphia and Marion, suehuaetts delegation could rattle them.
Japan has at present but one vessel in I The busiest scenes this morning are
the harbor at Honolulu, the cruiser about the California headquarters
Naniwa. She has another cruiser at There are 80,000 Endeavorers in Cali
San Franoisco awaiting orders, which fornia, and it seems as though most of
may take her to the Hawaiian islands, j hem intended putting in an appearance
' . . at some time during the convention.
ORDERED TO SAN FRANCISCO. ' Not the least attractive part of this part
ot the pavilion is the soore of pretty
The Battie-Rnip Oregon' Destination California girls who are engaged in dis
After Taking on Coal. ) tribnting badges and imparting infor-
Port Anceles. Wash.. Julv 14. Tim nation to all those who call.
The President and Member of the Cab.
Inet Attended the Herviees.
Washington, July 13. An impres
sive funeral service over the late Isliam
O. Harris occurred in the senate ohain-
ber today in the presence of President
McKinley and members of the house of
representatives, members of the diplo
matic corps, and officials from all
branches of public life.
The desk oi the late senator was
heavily bound in crape with a crape
scarf thrown over the vacant seat. In
a semi-circular area immediately in
front of the presiding officer stood the
casket, resting on heavy black draped
pedostals and literally buried in floral
offerings. At the head of the casket
and reposing in part on the desk of the
officers was the floral tribute of the sen
ators. It was of galaz leaves, sago
palms - and bride roses made as a
wreath, out of which three white
doves with outstretched wings ascended.
At 13 o'clock Rev. Hugh Johnston,
acting chaplain, delivered an invoca
tion which referred to the long and val
uable Services of Senator Harris, his
sturdiness of purpose and unfailing reo-
tiude. '
Senate officials announced the arrival
of the various officials. The president
and cabinet were announoed at 12:15
o'clock. President McKinley came
first, accompanied by Secretary Sher
man, with Secretaries Gage, Alger,
Wilson, Attorney-General McKenna
and Secretary Porter following. Across
the aisle were the escort of senators.
each wearing a broad white silk badge
of mourning from shoulder to hip.
The services were brief and simple,
consisting only of prayers by Rev. Mr.
Johnston, Rev. Dr. Duffy, of the Meth
odist Episoopal church south, and
Chaplain Condon, of the house of rep
resentatives, the latter pronouncing the
benediction. At the conclusion of the
prayers, the vice-president arose and
said: ,
The funeral service is closed, and
the body of our late brother will now
be committed to the charge of the offi
cers of the senate and a committee of
the two houses to be conveyed to his-
nutive state." At 12:30, on motion of
Bate, the senate adjourned.
battle-ship Oregon has been waiting
impatiently for two days for coal to ar
rive from Comox. It came this morn
ing, and the custom house inspectors
were asked to hasten their inspection
as much as possible. But 800 tons
came and BOO were expected. This
may prevent the Oregon from getting
away for two or three days. It is now
definitely known that she is ordered to
San Francisco. The officers are of the
opinion that the monitors Monadnock
Oregon and Washington.
The work of decorating the different
state booths is about completed, and
the installing of the coat-of-arms of
each state on the different booths has
given life and color to every nook in
the building. One of the largest and
handsomest booths is that of Oregon,
decorated in purple and gold, the state
name appearing in gold letters. The
other Northern coast state, Washing-
ntut Mnnt-rpv will h. .1,1. tn -n ,uk lon "ns "anasome quarters, violet and
auvthinif the Jananese mav send to H.. , Lite bein the predominant colors.
wan, and that the Oregon will only be
called upon in case of extreme necessi
ty. This is borne out by the fact that westbound
me naroor at nonouuu will not ac-
These raised Ogden.
Lake, July 12. The Endeavor
movement is practically
iwiar Tli. Pin firaAa Woo....... 1.
commodate the Oregon and she will be dled 71 train ,
u..u' ... . . i. v , w v, i j nig vuvdiuc iu
Frank Smith's Sentence Commuted.
Boise, Idaho, July 13. The board of
pardons today commuted to life impris
onment the sentence of Frank Smith.
who was sentenced to hang at Moscow,
for the murder of Emil Fox, at Gen.
essee, in January, 1896.
A Yellow Fever Quarantine.
.Madrid, July IS. The government
a heavy sea. It is said to be so rough
outside the harbor that the battle-ship
would be unable to load coal from a
The department evidently expects a
crjsis at Hawaii, for the orders for
every man-of-war on the coast have
been changed during the past week.
Big Contract Awarded.
Washington, July 14. The war de
partment has awarded the Pacifio
Bridge Company, of Portland, Or., the
contract for constructing the mortar
battery at Marrowstone Point, Puget
sound, at $163,450.
Mnrder and Suielde.
Vancouver, B. C, July 14. A dou
ble tragedy ot the most sensational na
ture has just taken place on cne of the
principal streets in this city, when W.
J. Iromel shot and killed his sweet
heart, Kitty Askew, at the corner of
j Pender and Richards streets, and then
' shot himself.
gers, from Grand Junction to Ogden.
Again at Flood Mark.
Minneapolis, July 12. The Missis
sippi river is within six inches of the
highest mark reached in the unprece
dented floods of April last. Between
4,000 and 6,000 men are out of employ
ment as a result of the necessary clos
ing down of sawmills, and there will
be heavy losses on logs if the rise con
tinues. The new power dam has been
damaged, repairs resulting from the
freshet being in progress and the work
being wholly unprepared for this unex
pected flood.
Two Thousand Tenons Were Prostrated
in the East.
Chicago, July 13. The fierce heat
nnder which the greater portion of tfie
oountry has sweltered since the first of
July moderated in many localities to
day, and predictions from the weather
bureau at Washington indicate that
lower temperature will bring general
relief within 24 hours. The records of
prostrations and deaths resulting from
the long heated term approaches in
magnitude that of a general epidemic.
Reports from all sections of the coun
try show that the prostrations' number
in the neighborhood ot 2,000. with fa
talities close to 850. In addiiton to
this, there were scores of deaths result
ing indirectly from the intolerable
heat, the death rate in many of the
large cities showing a fearful increase
over previous years. The Central states
suffered more severely than other sec
tions, the heat being most deadly in
Chicago, Cincinnati and St. Louis. In
the number of fatalities this city heads
the list with 87 deaths, Cincinnati and
suburban points reporting 65, and St.
Louis 42. Throughout the South the
heat was intense, but the death rate
was much lower than in the North.
Made Good the Shortage.
Fairhaven, Wash., July 13. A. ca
blegram from Buenos Ayres announces
that J. A. Kerr has effected a settle
ment with Winfield Scott Parke' for
$12,000 on account of Parker's shortage
as tax collector of Fairhaven for 1891.
Parker, in "boom days" as tax collect
or, handled lajr) sums of money. No
vember 26, 1B91, he asked for two
weeks' leave of absence, which was
granted. At the same time he paid
over about $40,000, thus allaying sus
picion and rendering escape sure. His
shortage was not discovered for more
than a month. It amounted to some
thing over $12,000. One thousand dol
lars reward was offered, but to no avail.
Several detective agencies attempted
to arrest him, but signally failed.
Finally, the matter was put in the
hands of Kerr & McCord, attorneys here,
who located him in Buenos Ayres.
About six weeks ago Kerr started' for
Argentine with full power to comprom
ise the shortage, with the above result.
Mrs. Cox, of Nebarska, has taken
has decreed ouarantine against vesaela ! the $150 prize offered for the best and
arriving from Costa Rica ports, owing .simplest invention; this invention is
to the prevalence of yellow fever there, j work ubla
Sis Burned to Death.
Louisville, Ky., July 12. An Even
ing Post special from Pineville, Kv.,
ays Hugh Joeson's family living 15
miles north of bis place, was burned to
death Tuesday night, being unable to
escape from the house, which was fired
over their heads. The dead are: Hugh
Joewn, Mary Joeson, Fanny Joeson
John Joeson, a daughter 8 years old,
and Maggie, a daughter 8 years old.
The remains of all six were found in
the debria.
A Mysterious Death.
San Franoisco, July 13. Ex-State
8enator W. M. Dixon, of Warm Springs,
Alameda county, is trying to ascertain
the cause of the death of his sister,
Mrs. Eliza Johnston, which occurred
while en route to California on one of
the Christian Endeavor trains.
The death occurred under peculiar
circumstances. Mrs. Job nt son was a
wealthy widow living at Kansas City.
where she had large landed possessions.
She was 71 years old. On her trip she
was accompanied by a dranddaughter.
When the train reached Reno, Nev.,
the granddaughter missed Mrs. John
ston. After much telegraphing, the
railroad people finally located Mre.
Johnston at Wadsworth, Nev., where
she subsequently died. How she left
the train or what caused her death are
questions now beiDg investigated by
Mr. Dixon and the railorad officials.
A New Rapld-FIre Gnn.
Rome, July 13. Captain Cei, of the
Bersiglieri, has invented a rifle from
which 80 shots a minute may be fired
without removing the weapon from the
shoulder. The tests of the arm are be
ing made by the government.
Pittsburg, July 13. Samuel W.
Brown, a miner, and his wife, Mary,
were burned to death in bed this
morning. The fire was caused by
lamp explosion.