ON THE QUAY. Of coune 1 r.m going to the lion to- Hlght," anya Jim. Vurlj ftnyly. '8u llttlo huppcnR ptVcvoy In Uutubuf onu ruilly niUHt fcikft- In cvfrytlilng." Herctiiiiimnliiii. 11 limn some fuvv rmr younir tUua tlio prutty widow, bows i.l-1 'Oh, my dour," liu utuworod, "you enn ontinliulctlly to mi KnffllHh girl Uio not Imve nil tho nilYnntiign. You hnvo jilt wullm hi-lrikly by tbum, nned wlili n t n- id ', "d you can any what you iilivw, Dls rocket. I nnd 1 con prove t lie trnlli by our corre- "1 limy hopfl for a fuw diincon, tlun?" ' fpiiiuVnce. lulv.ayn kupt tlio rough drult ho qucHiloiiN. ,f mine, ii nd ihorc'n no luw In tiio loud to "A fewr" nrchlng licr dellaito brown, i Mnko mo rvo up my own lottora." "I know you dunimowfiilly wl. litutho "flint Uinen on't talk of luwj they American) colony talks ri In Vviy." think of honor," mid I. "Uhcy havi- ii(ithlii( bettor to do," i "Ah, whatever you blowso, IUh Triivla. worn l)iok 'I'ojuj J ton, glittiulng conreu i- j I auppow tlio fact that my griintlfulhcr did tuouxly at tlio iiiutiy IiIIlvh aloup tlio quuy. Wt linvo mc his projiiTty has a good dei;l lie U too lntily from colli'fro mid tlie..c- to do with Hilling being us they are. live life of Aincriran uininw resorts to j Cu;lhj', Jilfs Travis." fool himself ut onowllh tbo Americans j Hut I intuit havo my letters back, am) who lead u piirpiiM:lew, euro free wlsluiea thut ulght as I not up lu bed J thought of In thu litlU rvls towuH which doc tito i the v.uy to do It. bunk of Jjiko Cenoiu. Uou I lntnii Mr. Howard; ho was ln "Tho pe(iJ! Ip.ru do nothing," b r Jfr- tf mo no longer llveil with h'ullyGruy' craleH, theeonteiii,t In lii vulcoiluoiu'iiijig. inoiher. "I Homo of tliem Btiiily," murmur U.is Killy wim n plrl you co::ld trnr.t. fie widow upulngnllcuJIy, lowering licr imrnsol was u lain llttlo thing, with Koinothiliii hlifhtly. tho im.iu r with her spine, but JiiHtas good Then film odds n moment InUr, "Why ! an gold. I told hor overythliiK, und now I do you Hlav here, Mr. 'iVmiilotoii, If you ! Inttiided to tell her tho faeW of tho case ilu not llku Ihu lile?" Mrs. IJarby knows thu young American IsKUiylng aokly on her account, but alio waul Iiiiu to all ,ir so. As thu eon Jo pn.UKO to si.fii k to u group of their nciiialiitaiieo thc Is Inv.uril ly dunntlng as to whether tho will let Lick T'empluum propose to her now or wait un til tonlftlit at the T(jh n wml's hop. h!.o decides it would bcttir bo now, as she in tends devoting the greater iurtuf theew n lug to r'onur .Suvaroes, a hiiiidsomo r-'raii-Inrd, who has ii.ikIu lovo to lux ail iiiiliiiuii In his clmrit.liig, open, foreign fashion, suylng in rhaj s In his broken, but delight ful KngllHh mora tluin he had meant to say. lie had In en told one could say any thing to American women up to a certain point, ii nd ho tumid Mrs. Darby very In teresting. It had been n new cxpnrloneo to Mrs. Dnrliy and hliu had grown mora interesud in lil in than olio would euro to own. Ho as Mrs. Dnrliy and Dick Tcmplehin continue tluir slow promenade sholuoksl up ut Mm In evident expectation of an an swer to lu r l;:(-t question. "Mrs. Dr.rl.-y," ripilis tlio young man carncKlly, his eyes uvolding her fiicound llxed on tlio dlnlunt mouutuing, "you know why I am staying. " "If Mr. Tcinpleton, Indeed I do not." ' Ho glances at lar suddenly, hut she, too, has her eyes fixed on the. Lluo white dis tance. 'J'lio man joiifc bbruptly und leans against tho parapet. They havo reached (ho end cf tho quay. Mrs. J)urhy flops, pcrforeo, with n wish thut the next few moments wero well over with. The frank admiration of her youi:g countryman has Ixcu very pleasant to her n ml she has encouraged him until even the most unobservant matron In the AnierUan colony has coupled their names together, ljut ii slight feeling uf regret comes to . her Jinwliut ho sees him so much In almost. "lam RtnyliiHi" Dick Tcinpleton g.ies on, "because, you uro here, Mrs. Durby, and becaiiNU I would rather bo where you uro than iniywheru clau on earth. IjihI .veek when I went to Uenuvu I thought I -ould do without you, hut I was mistaken. camo back in threo days. Kvery moment .aid been an hour to mo. Ah, Marlon, 1 .bought you wero ghxl to seo me when I returned. You cannot huvu been trilling .villi mo, Marion. I lovo you. 1 huvu lever loved nnotherwoman, I usk you to iie my wife. " ' Mrs. Darby's fueo oxprosses some rogret, but more nnuoyiiuco. Why need he bu to prions? Khu knows that ho will roproadi iior and flic hi slmtesn few inomcnts beforu iiliswerlng, trying tothlukuf something riatural to hay. "Dick," shosays nt last, softly, "I am ruly sorry this has happened. 1 think so inich of on. I thought wo were such 'ood friends. I never" "eitopl" liitcrrupls thu man hastily. 'You knew from thu lirst that I loved you." "Sir!" sho repeats, her eyes fhshlng nn rlly. "Mr. Tompleton, you insult mo. v'eu forget yourself strangely." "I forget not hing but that you havo tiFed no for your ninu.-cnieiit. There Is no In ult for such us you. You uro n lllrt!" .lu Is looking directly ut her now, but ho Is looking up at the quay at a tall, ink miin who l.i approaching them In olently at suine little distance away. It ) Seinir Sevurdes 1 'I his seonu must be -ver before he roaches them. Sho turn) pansiiuiau ly to the liiiin v!io as dared to tddress her like this. "You fiKill" she hisses, "lteciiusol have -ceepled ytiur llowers and books, because 1 live walked with you, driven with you nd allowed you to enrry my wraps, Is that . reason why you should fancy 1 lovo yoiif .'our Intense conceit bus d( celved you." Diek Templi tnii loukset her scornfully, inking no reply. Then, following the coneentrated paze f her bu lillng yes, ho sucsSuuor Sevurdes lit ti few feet olt. "Here Is n new toy for you," ho says rti tally. "1 dine say thu eilierwlll spure .ie the very dbugmuble duty of ueeoni anylng you home." Mrs. llarby turns white. "Senor," ud resslng the uewcomer, "this man has In tilted inc. ill you take me to my hotclr" The niinr ejul tho young American urlously. He bail Ictit tho S!iinl.ird too frnnes ho night bi lore, and aller such enerosltv 10 suave f-u Ic.tii r could not bi llevo Inn. ipahle of Insiilllng a l.nly. lie turns to Mis. Darly. "1-lnce when, mhiiii, have 1 bad t he right to ) roleet on from your own eountryn vnt" Then be ihl out u small picket ti dek Teinililon. "lii-rc is t!.o luouiy, lonsli ur, you so l.lmily lent li e ut tin irds last nii.lit. 1 em leaving li.r Ijiu .line on tin' a o't lock t rain. " lie hiviues lialnls lordii.lly with H!i k, .iws foriuiilly to Mrs. Darby, and rros ig tho read Is fonn lust lo Mew ill h liar iw side stra't. Templctoii, thrusting l lie money In his 11 ket, turns liH back to Mrs. Durby nud jnlil leans over I he purapel. 'Dick," mjs Marlon In it low voice. Suipresslng nn oulh, Dlek, without jrnlng, my coldly: "Are you going on, Mr. Darby, or !lnll If" The womnn see she cannot retrieve . hat iho has lost. A moment later Marlon Darby 1 wnlk- . ig up the quay mono. I'liieago Jcwa. Wlirre All the Trouble Sturlvd. She Do you think, at tho rato womnn 'progressing, thut tho timewlllevercomc . hen sl will treat tho Hum, Instead of tho tan treating her!1 no I hope not, That was whnt got the vbole hnman ruoe into trouble Kvv'a fet ing up tb apple to Adniu. Clnclunut! inquirer. A LOVERS' QUARREL. "I will tut give i back jnur letter," im ha. i "um you nuve no rigim w Keep uwm, I wild I, "now that you uro not ciigiiguil to ' Juoimy lunger, Mr. llownnl." und pt lur to let mo go Into Hen's room while liowiiHiiwuy und look lor my letters. 1 knew that lien I mean Mr. Howard was out l y H o'clock, und ut I) 1 tappd I on tho basement window, and Sully, who I wait timklnir Ji fthi rrv ntn. lfMikrfl nil nllfl suw me and opemd thu door herself. And then and there 1 sut down and told hor all about It and about thu letters. "Ami f want you to help mo to iet them, Bally," I said. "Let mo itut Into Mr. Howard's room and tuku what lielongs to mo. And you will, won't youf" "Jt'H u splendid Idea," paid Sally. "You'll have to wait until lunch Isovur and Miss Peck and Mrs. Jones go out. Then mother will llu down for n nap und lliddy will bu getting things ready for dinner und isirah rubbing thu forks und glasses. I ll get tho pass key. Of course we havo one for every room. Now, do glay for lunch, darling-" And cold shivers ran up my back when Bully unlocked the door und wo were really in the room his room. "1 suppose he keeps his letters In his desk," mid she. "1 know he doesn't put thorn In his trunk. This key unlocks nil the drawers und desks In tho house. Wo keep It to lend tho lodgers when they lose their key rings. Now, 1 Phall lock you in and come for you in an hour." I drew u chair to thu desk nnd sut down and tin nid thu key lu the lock. There was nothing Inside but some note paper and ( littlu package of foolscap and pens and Inkstand and u blotting pud. I shut tho desk und looked In tho drawer. There was a cigar box. "Oh, dear," I thought, "where can I look now!" And I was about to try my key on the drawurs when I heard the street door open und shut und feet ascend thu stairs. Then a key rattled In tho lock und I did the only possible thing to avoid discovery at least for u moment. There was a wardrobe cupboard with curtains before It. I ran toward it und stood bolt upright In the cornor, as Hen 1 mean Mr. Howard entered, followed by another num. They shut the door und sut down. They lighted their pipes. "Den," wild tho strnngo person, "you nro not looking well." "I'm fueling wroichedly," said Mr. Howard. "1 wouldn't tell another fellow, but I believe my heart Is broken. There, don't laugh. You ecu thut photograph on tho mantelpiece)1 We wero engaged to each other," said Ben, "nnd I loved her better than my life, und I thought sho wus very fond of me.. Uut you know my grundfa thercut mo out of his will, and then a rich fellow begun to call upon her, and she picked u quarrel with- Ato that's all. She's a mercenary llttlo wretch, but 11 mu a fool, Hunry. I lovo her still. I shall keep her photograph all my life and her letters to read und kiss. 1 would not givo thoin up. "Stun nnd nonsenscl" said this Mr. Henry lienrtless brute! "xou U liud a better girl in no time." "Thero Is lint one womnn In the world for me," said Dun. "There, now, I'm done. You know my trouble. I'll hido it from the world, nnd you will never speak of It to any one, I know." "You'll not have any troublo In six months," said tho horrible Mr. Henry "Now you'll como tin und spond your holi day with me, won't youf I'll just step out and buy those things for my wife, und you pack up what you need und meet mu at the station," Then Henry walked uway, und Hon ves, Den, my poor Den took a bundle of letters from his bosom and kissed them and took down my photograph und khsid that, und then, having pulled u bag from tho corner, ho walked straight to thu ward robe and draw thu curtain back The next moment he was staring at me nnd I nt him "Is it her ghost?" I heard him mutter, nnd I well, thero I was. It was uot a situation to impart dignity. "It is only mo In the tlc.-li, Den," I said. "I wish 1 was a ghost so that I could van ish. And now you can boast all your life If you like. And I will sey sninetl lug. Firstly, I did not caru about your gi'iindlii ther's horrid money. Secondly, 11 only meant to till a little not to break oil only to frighten you. 'J lilnlly, 1 I oh, 1'vo found out that you really and truly loved me, Den, mid though it. Is broken oil I I want to know 1 used to love you very muuh and I couldn't bo going in marry old Mr. Javerill, for ho Is enjraged In my aunt Ophelia, and lie never wound me. 1 came to get my.lctUirs, but you may keep them. 1 I'vu misunderstood you, and though wo part forever, forgive me, lien." And Sully was my bridesmaid when 1 married und is today my dearest lmiiii and the only onu who knows how Den ami rcaine to inuku up our quarrel. Folks ut Home. Thoroustdy lJurilt-nt-d. Tho unsuccessful artist who had turncil highwayman mid murderer stood up ut tho command of the judge. "1'risnncr," said the judge, "you have been found guilty by n jury of your coun trymen of the crimo with which you stand charged, and tho penalty Is death by hanging. Have you anything to say why sentence should not be pronounced upon you In neeoidaiieo with the virdict?" "No, your honor," replied tho prisoner, with .1 run less gl.inee nt tho jury. " Won't lie the first time 1 havo been skyed by a hanging committee." Chicago Trib une. , Knsllah Cmll. . Nearly every castle In Kngland hits Its nndergrouinl jussages, and none Is mere notable Id this respect than the grand (brie that standi on the summit of the jlU at Dover. Teacher otrtut. Tlio unmiul U-achera' Institute Sfolr Cluelutnna county will be held W the Uurcliiy f.-liool building In Oregon City, commencing Tuesday, July 6th, at 9 o'clock n. in. and continuing in gession four duy. Kvcry teacher is expected to tittend or file a written statement of reasons for none attendance. - Dated June I0tlvl817, II. G. &TAHK WRATIIKR, School Sujit. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. l!y order of the county court, notice is hereby given that interest on warrants presented in payment for tuxes will ceiiso on June 1st, and that after thut date no interest will be allowed by the her iff and tax cclleetor. .May 11. J. W ("ihack Sheriff and tax collector NOTICE. Anyone h ilding sheriff's receipt for taxes No. 3313, inmied 29th or 31st of May, will confer a favor on G. W. Once and themselves by sen liu snnie to undersigned, who lias lost, ilttp'i :,ite. Same will.be returned. G. W. Gback, Slieriff. What Hood's Sarsspnril'N I f r oilier ii will do b r y-u. II SiicnpHiillH i ores all bim l ili.-f.. CASTORIA For Infants and Children.' llBlll flgutim of ' bra wry OABTOniA. nt ho- i It n trr Rappe& OA8TOIIIA. Thfi5- llnilt 1 ti n twy vnppei. (lgsiturt V OASTOniA. "Tie hi ll mill 1 Ii n viifpor. llfaitun Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tim 1'ekt Sai.vk in the world for Cut-, Hruisos, Sires, Ulcers, Suit Rheum, "'ever Sores. Tetter, Chapi'id Hands, Chilblains, Coins, nnd all Skin KinplioliH. slid positively cures I'des or no pay requited. It. is gnaiunlHed in givp pcifeet satisfaction or ni-U't-v re funded. Price 25 cetils per lnx. Km sale bv Cliiinu in h Co. For Over Fifty Years AnOi.dand Well-Third Hksikov Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrno lot been used (or over tifly venra by an1 lions of mothers for their children whi'n teething, with perfect sueeossi It soothes the child, softens tbo en ins allays all psin cnits wind colic, nn' i the best remedy, for Diiurl eps, I pleasant to ihe taste. Sold bv ii-uii'ii n every part of llie Win Id Tiiiv five cents a bottle. Irs valiio is in calculable. Be sure and 'ask for Mrs. Winsow's Soothing Syrup, and take n other ki nd. If tho care of tlio hair were inadj a part of a lady's education, we should not see so ninny gray heads, and the usv of Llliili's Hair Kenewer would be unneces sary. Much in Little Is especially true of Hood's rills, for co mcill cine ever contained so great curative power in so small space. They are a whole medicine Hood's chest, always ready, id- na. a ways efficient, always sat- 5l3 S 9 Isfuctory; prevent a cold IBB vl or fever, cure all liver Ills, sick heatliiclie, Jaundice, constipation, etc. 2Tc. The only PUIS to take with Hood's Sarsapurilla. TO CONSUMPTIVE f3 Tn- unilerilened having been restored n tioslth by ilinpln nii'ium, after sn ttVri nu lm everiil years with a severe lnnu altei llon. hid that dread dlseast- Coti?uniiMnii. In anxloui u, make known to his fellow sntl'erers the iin iuii of cure. To thojc who desire It, he w ill ehi-.-r I'd I y send (tree of oharirei a copy of theiiri-sntti tien' used, which they will lind a sure cure foi Consumption, Asthma, 4'ntHrrli, Iti-ourlii tla and all throat nnd lime MhIikIu-k. ( hopes all sulferers will try lt remedy, as It It Invaluable. Thnae ilesirins the priscripilon which will post them nnihiiig, and may prove t hltaltiR, will please aiMrenB, REV. EDW. A. WILSON, Brooklyn, N Y THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE Write to T. S. QriNCEY, Drawer l.'A Chicaro. Sccre- tHvtJiii CosirAKY, for Information ifs-Sw regarding Accidcut Ir.sur iSf Is3l oncc- Mention this paper Ty c: ;'.-.; jcu c-u sv mMnbcmhlp ft. Has paid over $G00,C0O.C5 fo; accideutal i; juries. La your own Ascnt. Vi IO.U.I ,,.,L.'.,". I r B "'r ""' ' a 1 ' Ai r.io C-.-f Mflnfv Mtvalflnn if '.'il lenrii'stiai N stun itu. vnii ir 'liiltl'int In i ill I pntvtfi ir'iit r:il hrtliti uM t-'miiiiied ri.tm-lcx' n. l n licimttt hhA Nft'li-iT I in In liiltrs it, ' u, uantlri c'ltti PATIENTS TREATED BY WAJL roetlilonti.tJy. F-r parlrulant aiMrt-na, nlih t-titinp nij CVVnPD S'l.rlfr". Tlimirr. I llll Mill. II l IU. Oil I UL.lf Or W! UrM4j,M. tollklltt ANTKP FAITIIFVI. MEN' OR WOMKN TO irHVi'l for rt'iHinille t'siHiiliflu-d htnie On-if n. SfllHrv.Xiiint1 t'XHMies, nmiHMit. Kfti'rencf. r.nc w (tiHiniK'tlonvt'lttpo. The NnlKinul, il,btMrloMirAUM iHUg., I Illt'fld'O. li'ANTKP FAITIIFI'I. MKN OK WOir TO travel for tvMniMe e-italdi-dicd luoi-e in Orviron. SnUry TihI and fxi-nc. PimIiImii permanent. Kclerence. hncl,e !Hll-attdri-''d mmuped envelop. The ational, Star IiiMirunee 11'lK , t 11 logo. Vegetable Preparation for As similating thcToofJandRegutaT llng the Stomachs andBoweb of ProniotesDigcstion.ChcctfuI ness and Rcst.Contalns neither Opmm.Morpliine norlfineral Not Naiicotic. XujmtfOUnrSXMCTUHZnEa Mx.Stnna JiMU SJli -Amu Sud ' ' jA QirianalrSoil ftanfitd Stiqtr hkuvynui tunr. I ADeifect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Lonvulstons.revensn oess and Loss of Sleep. facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Ulfl V.I.M. 14 EXACT COPT OF WRAPPEH r v i m 1 to SOUTH 65ES01S'- CITY ...The Most Desirable Suburb... C'CIMf G ORTGif.' CHY tlV TFITICALLY A PART OF IT. TT is all witiiin one milt: of tlio center of the city and is con--A necttd by an iniproved plank road. I Ieaithy' location, fine view, ood air, s'.il, water and drainage and a first-class public school adjoining. With all the advantages of the city a d bufa 15 minute- walk to to the business houses, makes this -i vety desirable , place of resilience and bound to grow in popularity. Choice Lots ready for the garden from $ioo to $150 on ;isy monthly fnstrfllments w ith liberal discount to home build ers. Call on or address. ( T. I. 1 11 41! HAN, Ti usli'f, WANTED Young men an J women who are willing to work faithfully under cur direction for six months or' a year. We can tfive you the best instruc tions obtainable m BOOKKEEPING, PENMANSHIP, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY OR ENGLISH BHANCHES, and yu employment when you arc qualified for it. Holmes Business 411 YAMHILL MI'.I tl .1. ms0 MANHOOD RESTOREOSS S 3 IW K "7 ,"1 "on ol a InnioiiH I rench physlrlun, will quickly cure vou o( all nt-r-' 3 1, 'H t -" (-. vn:i or dui-u.41-9 ol the Ki'uurutive n.-uim. mich m J.iwt MuiiIkhmI. lV5 vjy 1 1 n C- CT'-0 01 1 IU6 Horror-. 1 1 1 inpoH-ni )'. lirn.nr.ciuiiiiiiriiug otrORt AND r I in i:i,.,Pviiii(l tuoiiriuiiryorraiisululi impurities. TrilF'; "trpnutliPnRuiidresloroasniailwciilsorffnns. , ,,M. t,h ri-ntitllil. i-i'prtiKXFlln tin-only known reiofcty to cHrtvlihoutuiiorM-mtlun. Swoiesilmonl niT I wrltti-n Kunriinn nitlvcn and mm it-nirtu-cl i( six hoxes docs not toiecl perumuiiiitcura, tUX i boi, six for fviu, bv mall. Ki-nd for mEuclrculw and ifstlmonlala, GEO. A. 11AHU1NG. DruggiBt, Oietton City m S 10 Every Day Can To nrove it. we elve a few Items from nclnal turn One ajn-nt sold ii copies In two and a hall days. Another sold i copies in tr.o days, t ami another Ml in three davt. One agent in Indiana xihl l"cpie in twodr.va. An a-rcnt Krm in South Carolina wild l copies In three dnys. One apent in l-eorria sold i in tr o ilrys An aircnt in Central (Veoriria fold W ciii:s in ten ilarn V'iien von enjider lhero-..i. Ki minion we allow nirents. and the imnieii! e.i"e wiih which it sella, there is nothing in vicld such iimnta. For intance: one Km yh tit Thnwlrrbolls." Another made S3.60 in iii ia two daji; another $56.73 u uree baja. B. F. HAYNES PUBLI5HINQ Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. SEE THAT THE FAC-S1MILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF.ETOT BOTTIjE of 1 Oartorla li pat cp In oce-ilM bottlei only. It li not loli In balk. Don't allow fjrront to fell I vim othtiI, W 1n nn thn vlok or Bromlaa that it ii "Jnit bi good" and "will aiuwer every bin poee." W Bc toat yon get u-a-b-i-u-h-i-a. 'ft l Thfaa i nam r . s " . 0m - - 01 wrapjir. Cli:innaii Jims. J Block Send for catalog. College (N n insi-IUIIUi, i in lilt- put". uu-iiiutui cuiiaainim, aitvihih -fuiiiij. Pimiilt'S Unllini-s-i to Marry, KxliaiiMiiuic rirufiis. Viirlcowle and Constitution. 1 1 slop all Iossm br out cr nlRlit I'lfvpntu qnlcli n"oi diso!'rirrf w.iich if nolchPrkni Vails to dpf-rmutorrha-rt and SAM JONES. 1 "THUNDERBOLTS, the lntest and (rranileat liook by this worM-wlrlp celebrity now out and lor mie exclusively by subscriptioa. The only took liven to the public by Sam Jones la ten yers. Kditrd bv IU-V- H. F. llnvni Inli-odiirlion bv Bihop .losfph 8'. Key, of the M." E. Church, fouth. WI9 pRiron. Ut Miilcndid illustnitinns. A lionnnza (or agents. Jlost laptdly, taaily Killing book o( the age. AGENTS WANTED. Snd Ss Cents for Arent' Outfit, ind 10 Cents tw Oar 70-pae, Illustrated Catalogue of tibles, Album. Ctc WONDERFUL GALES. Be Made fcy Agents. snlcs made withm the last few weclin: impnlnritv of llii womk-rful book, and Itm I,. which a live. pii'hiprmanCTn eiTtre which J, 1 anvnt maoe fic.25 la fa CSJS selling 7 i thrteCars: another 49.25 in ICC Oay; anotUcr tr COfuPANT, Nashville, Tenn. mm TO THE EAST - OrVBS THI CBOICI Of TWO TRANSCONTINEHTAt rout m& VIA GREAT NORTHERN RY. SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL VIA UNION PACIFIC RY, DENVER OMAHA AND KANSAS CITl LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLANO EVERY 5 DAYS- ..FOR.. SAN FRANCISCO For full detail! call on or addresi W. H. HURLBURT, Qen'I Pass. Agent, T'OKTI.AND. 0 E. McNEIL, Pres. and Mgr. Trains arrive and depart from Portland a follow! Depart No.2 For nil Kastern points via Union I'nclilc 9:00 p. m ' Nu. 4 The r-pokane Flyer nnd Oreiil Northern 2:45 p.m.. Arrive No. 1 From the East via Union PtielllD fi:00a. . " tio. 8 Fiuui Spokane U:5ua.m EAST AND SOUTH . VIA The Shasta Route OF TUB SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO Kxpress Trains teave Portland Daily. onih. North. OOip.M. I Lv Portland Ar MIU.M ii:.vjp.m. I I.v Oreiron (,'Ity Lv 8:40, 7 4.ia.m. Ar Run KruiieiM o Lv 8:00 P. The above trains stop at all utationn between I'ortlmid an t biilein, Turner, Marion, JelU-i sou, Albany, Taiii;iit, Hhcilds, Hulsey, Harris burir. Junction t:ity, lrvliii!, Knuiie, Creswell, I ottatie Gruve, uraliin, and all nations (nun Koauburg to Anlilaud, ineluMve. KOSfiBUKG MAIL DAILY 8:30a.m. , Lv Portland A r . 4 :K0 p. it 27A.M. Lv OreitonCity J.v S:80P. 5:20 p. M. I Ar KoseburK I.v I 7: Oa. u DISINO fAKS ON OliDKN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLIEP1M8 SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all ThrouRli Trains. IVeMt Sine OlvtHlon, Between PORTLAND hikI COKVALLIS HAILTRAIN UAILYtEXCKPl SUNDAY.) 7:30A.M. I Lv Portland Ar6:50P.H 1.1:16 P.M. Ar Corvalli Lv 1 1 06P.M. . At Albany and (lorvalils f-nnneet with Vralik o( Oregon Central St Kastern R. H. SX PRESS TRAIN DAILY t KXCKI'T SDNDA Y. I 4:finP.M.Lv Portland Ar8:25A.M 7t0P.M.Ar MeMluuvllle Lv6:t0A.M Direct connection at 8an FranelKCo wliU Ot'cidentiil and Oriental and Pacific iliiU riieamnliip Lines for J-iAN AND CHINA. Sailing dati-Sion application. ', Hates and tickets to eastern points and Kurope also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUSTUALIAeau be obtained from . K. K. BOi l), Agent, Oregon City R. KOF.HLKR. E. P. ROGKRB, Malinger, Asst. .F. & P Wnit Portland, Or. Portland, Or. GO . EAST VIA LIBRARY CAR ROUTE America's Scenic Line. THE AI.l-KAIL 1 OPTK TO KOOTENAI MINING lilTIilCT VIA SEATTLE AND SPOKANE. Shortest and Quioltest Route - TO ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, DULUTH, . , CJIJ3I AND ALL POINTS FAST. Through ralace oil Tnvrint Sheptrt Dining and Library Ohsfrralion , Can. SEKVICE AND til flvm V I F1I All D For tickets and full InformeMr.n eoll on n adnresa A, II. c. liKS.NITON, Poril-iinOrpfi n or, R. C. STEVfcNS. U. W. P. j.. ttattle. 60 YEAR8' EXPERIENCE. . .4, TRADE MARKS. riji DE1ICN8, COPYRICHT8 A a. Anyone sending a -h and dencrlptlrn may floicalrawrerlain, free, whether an Invention ia prooaliljr patentable, ( onimunicatlnni slrletlr contldentlil. ol.iest aiencj fi.rseeunna palenti " America. We hare a WanhinuMn ofhee. Patents nki-n tbroujih Jaunn A to. reoeir special not.oe in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, i..nuix month.. Mmtmen ccpie ajid iIaj,i Book os P atkxts sent free. Addiias MUNN A CO., 3t Drea.oav. Se Vrk. RvS21 Jai) minting It the uoancr uiuce. Meals Dining GBufRH I 4L4.