Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, July 02, 1897, Image 1

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16th YEAR.
NO. 7.
Nothing furnishes a room like
an artistically colored, well drawn
wall paper. One may get along
with very little furniture and few
draperies, and yet have the room
wear a comfortable and home-like
appearance, if only the wall paper
fctp.is warm and rich in effect. Its
jtf good economy to buy GOOD
f WALL PAPER. Ii.jpect our
stock of the latest wait hangings.
Price 7 cents a double roll and
t upwards.
The Housefurniahem. . OREGON CITY
Oppaslto Puatnfllce.
jtTProdiico Taken in Exchange.
IOome in and see our prices before
buying elsewhere.
Fur Sale ISy
E. E. Williams
I UK Hixi 9i H A K hUXN I I K
jHarness and Saddlery
Cheapest lloase on Coast. -:- Cull and See Us.
Wcliiliarrt 'Block
Onpoalto Courthouse
Oregon City
A proposed change
in business makes
it necessary that
we reduce our
stock fully, and
in the next 30
days we are going
to sive you some
worthy of
, ... h-'-' ' ,' , -,'' s'trr i (' ,,,,
Pick Me Up.
Circuit Court.
Actions filed in circuit .ccmit since
June J4th : ,
J; W, Gaines vs. J. K. Cyrus et al&i
transcript from Linn county.'
R. W. Fisher vs .T. S. and Cnrrie
Mixtp. action (or urt iclun Mit for 2S.t4
and if. 10 attorney fed.
W. II Rees va P O ur.d W PO'Conner.
T M Pickard va Lenora K Piokard.
action for divorce.
Probate Court.
Caufield Blk, Oregon City, Ore.
July 7th set as day for hearing ob
jections to probate of wid of Carl
Fie lerick.Spitzhath. .'
David Wills appointed adminiKtratnr
of estate of Chas Duncun and his bond
fixed at $000. . " ;
Report of W J Currensadininistrator
of estate of Wiley P, Buyer approved .
Estates of Hattiu, G F iind J K Bover
ordered consolidated!'
James Tracy appointed guardian of
E Tracy, and COT Williams, J G
Pillsbury and V.It flyde appointed
appraisers. Value of estate $7i)l)0.
R D Wilson appointed administrator
of estate of Matilda D Holt.
Too Big to Advertise.
When a col cern is in tie heyday of
its pio-peiity, when business is good
an1' compel itii n is not lelt is no nnusnl
thing f'hp advertising solicitor to be
inf" rim-iT llint the concern is so well
known anii its business already so ex
tensive thiit advertising is a useless ex
petidilnre of money We have known a
number lo argue in this way. In almost
every instacne where this has happened
ve have seen younger competitors, by
judicious sdveitising and push, pass
them in ihe rscn for business Then
tliese concerns that were too well known
to advertise. aouM awaken lo Ihe
situation and Iheir advertisements
would again appear; hut while I hey
wore sleepii g their wide-awake com
plitrs must necessarily have made
inroads into their business, which, with
f.iirlri'iiinient anil businesslike methods,
they w ill liol.l. Let the l.irf'est house
in any line 'top athertisirg. a'nd note
in what Incredibly shoit lime a larger
business will lie built tip by soin body
who i rks while il.ev sleep. Are you
Bleeping? The Wneel.
Sells the Jones Lever Binder and Jones Chain Erive Rower
and Hay Raker. He has Bargains See him.
School Report.
Following is the report of Ihe Beaver
Creek school, district No. 15, f.r the
term ending June 18: Days taught, 20;
days attendance 641; days absence 111 ;
average number belonging, S7; number
of visitors during month, 29. Those
neither absent nor tardy; Dora Hughes,
Perry Loundeigan. David Thomas, Arta
Kirk, Lena Ntuedetnan.
, School closed in district No. 15 Friday,
June 18th. The following program was
rendered by the pupils, before a number
of their parents and friends .
Song .... ..."America" School
Recitation Lizzie Thomas
"Do Your Best" Willie Martin
'Dolly Dear" :.MyTayhr
Dialogue.Elsie Limnnand LntherTaylor
Kecitation Esther Martin
'Tommy's Valentine". ..Willis Hughes
"The Clock". Mary Hollman
Large Taxpayers
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Co.
Bonj H Ho win yi lo A. 'W Ho.vinin.
lot 4, sec !). and l it 2. sec 9. '.' s, i e; $ I
W S (iordon to L O Melzjer, II acres
in sec 15, also int in n of se jj, also
' of 20 acres, ill in sic 15, ' s, :c ; f 50 .
Nancy HkII' to Jan es W Hail, of
20 in lU'i'j Smiih clu'mi, ulso2au vs hi
bee 9, 2 s, 3 ej $ii()0. v
J T Appeis n lo Mra II T S'adcn, lot,
II, 12, 13 and 14, AppeiB n add to Park
Place;' 1275.
i Wm liarlow ) X li L mi', 7S 50 acres
in sees 211 and 3 ). 3 a, I e; $l'
Isaac F.irr lo Lydut We. in, n Ja lo: 7,
blk 67,.Uiig m City ;Ii0.
Chas Van liui'en to W Inves'inenl Co
o!Kan, 151 87 acres in the Ueurge Irvin
claim; 2U4H.
Wi limn We tluKg lo LM Graham;
50 acres of w of so ki, sec 31, 5 s, 2 e;
lld0. -
; Cliarloite MeMonies to David. Witten-
hurg, la'.id dtscrilo i in liook til, p feo
125; l.
Hiram .St rntylit to B II Bellomy, 2
acies hi lot 2. sec 13, 3s, 2 c; $100.
H. Keller to Alurgaiet His-'g4! 12,4
acres in si c 23, 4 s, 1 e ; $50J.
O C li li to M Buy land, n i of sw U,
tec 10, 4 8. 4 e; $23(1.
B F Iloovir to II M Act ley, 41 40
acres in ralinateer 'a claim ; i s, 4 e ; fi.
Joseph lieid lo Laura Gordon, n K of
sw J, sec 22, 4 s, 4 e ; $ 50.
Jennie M Long to W II B.vrd, lots 1
to 15 inc. snd 22 lo4(5 inc, blk 78, and
42 lo 40 inc Ilk 73, Minlhnru; 175. - '
Clias Daugherty to Lydia I'u'iglierty,
e j of tie ,'4 of nw and e J8' of l4
ol se K,4 of sec 27, 5 s,2 e;
Danhl Wyhind t VV Investme nt Co
of Kan, n )& of se M and lie ! of sec 3,
5 s, 1 e; $2108.
I.I Bruthaiipt t) C A Wal one
for i. 'th of,40 acres, soc2)J2s,3 $15
Excursion Program. '
Following is the musical program for
the excursion to ascado Locks on'tho
Steamer Harvest Queen on Saturday.
Sol i ...I'rof. It. A. Heritage-
Solo......... Mrs. W. B. Wiggins
Solo Mrs. A. S. Dresser
Sdo Mrs. .1.11. Stickler
Solo Miss Iv:itu Ward
Ladies' Quartette
Mrs. J. W. Gray,
Mrs. E. E. ChaVman,
Miss I Initio Monroe,
Mrs. C. ll.Oaulicld. ' ,
Orescent Quartette
E.dio Saimon,
Ivy Roake,
Chester llnuko,
Abel .doiv.w.
Violin solo f rof. A. Zilm
I'o'rtlan 1 .d. E. Church Oiviu-str.i.
The Columbia b.ise lul l team of K;ot
I'uiiIhocI won t o gTiies on Sa'urdav
a', (ilai'sloiie Paik. In the forenoon
ti.01" p ayeil Hie Stars of East Portland
and in ihe uftcrtioon'tho Oicgiu City
team .
Assessor Stout h is a'sesaol the large
taxpayers somewhat higher th in lat
year. The figures for both years are as
P G E Co .'4239.030 $520,250
0 I& S Co 184,HII0 257,175
WP&PCo. 78,755 104,205
0PM Co 30,00) 100,000
0 C Mfg Co 45,300 00,300
PFMCo 43,800 47,200
...$IU0,885 f 1,170,700
In cases where da ndruir, scalp di 8 eases,
falling and grayness of the hair apocar,
do not neglect them, but apply a proper
remedy and tonic like Hall's Hair Re
ne we r.
After ficknessi'f any kind, comple'e
and speedy r c very is insured by tl e
use of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. It expels
all diseasex'erms which may be lurking
Recitation Elsie Li m an I in the ystcm, and lestues tone and
"How theLeaveg Come Down'Arta Kirk
Recitation , Mary Jones
"The Respected Guest". . .Dota Hughes
Recitation Bertha Thoina
"Good Bye Old Arm".. .Marie Herman
"Take Care of the Minuta" Maria Daniel
"Nobody's child" Annie Thomas
Recitation M;iud Daniels
Buy now in Sunset before the rise.
F. E. DonalaVn, Agent
Wiles y.u need legal advice, ynn g
o a lawyer, and pay for it. Why?
Sun ply because the lawyer keep in
forriiMl on law matter ly reading
reliable reports on new lawi ail
decisions hy the courts on iimt-rs of
law in gt-netal. Laishi business; he
keeps irfnimed on it.' Yoti, y.iu as a
larmei. need lo ke"u equally well in
formed on yoor b isint-e-i. T,r i Rirai.
New-Ycrkeb gives yon lliein ormatiou
ItCMU only $1 a year. We can enri
it and tiie Coi kiek b'llh one year for Z.
Choice Baking Powders at 15 cents
per pound can, several kinds, at Horton
k Gibson's.
efficiency to every organ of the body.
It is the best summer medicine.
If you would have solt, silky, and
abundant hair, take good care of it.
Use for a dressing Ayer's Hair Vigor
only, tl at licit g Ihe mi st reliable and
scientific ai tic e, and without hii;h no
toilet is coinphtu. It keeps the scalp
clean, co il, and healthy.
You can't celebrate the Fourth with
out a new hat. To enable everybody to
anticipate, I will greatly reduce the
price of lints and bonnets from now on.
Coti'ie w hile we are well Blocked and gel
your choice. Mrs. elade 'a Millinery
Foil July 5th The Jimo lu'iln of the '
O. C. T. Cos. sleHiners Aliomt tt'.nl
Riitiioua fi.r July 5ih is us follows:
Leaves Oregon Ciiy 7:3J. 9:30 and
11:30. m and 12:.90. 2:0 3:30. 5:00,
0:30 and 8:0J p. m. Leaves Pottlaml
7. 30. 0:30 and II :M) a. m and 12:30,
2 :u0. 3 :30. 5 :0t.'. C :3J, 10 :C0 and 1 1 :3J p.
m Round trip 25c.
Prof Herilpge is in the citv drilling
thrte nights a week on Ine Old Folk's
concert ir (he Ch;iutaui'm RHSembly .
At ibereheiii'spl Tuesday evening over
50 of the best singers of the city were
present. Tim professor is stirring up
iinihii'ial interests generally and has
already started private lessons at Gliau
taiiijuii rates with Mi's. C, II. Caulield,
Mrs. J. W.Gray, Mrs. W. B Wiggins,
Miss K ite Warde, Mm. Mabel Trepi.agun
of Poitland and Herbert Bestow as pupils
This is an extraordinary opp irlutiity for
our inuit;.il people who can find the pro
fessor at his h-jadiitiarten at the Y. M.
C. A. ronnm. . ,
"Only nervous" is a sine indication
that Ihe blood is not pure. Hood's
Sars&purilU purifies the blood and cures
Practise Economy in buying medicines
as in oilier motters. It li economy to
get Hood's Harsaparilla because it con
tains more medicinal value than any
other 101 doses one dolbir.
Hood's Pills are Ihe only pills to take
wit li Hood's Sarsapaiilla. Cure all
liver Ills.
Ik you have a piece of ground as large
a p ir'or fl "r. it will puv ymi lo have
The Hi ha i. New Yokkkii Smd for a
free samp e pv 'o New 1 otk and see
We will simmI ii and the C"t'iMi:ir bolii
one yenr (or "12.
f leotrio Bitters.
Eiectrlc Bitters is a medicine suiteil
for any season, but perhaps more gener
ally needed in Ihe Spring, when the
languid exhausted feeling prevails, when
the liver is torpid and sluggish anil the
need of a tonic and alterative is lelt. A
prompt use of Ibis medicine has olten
averted long and perhaps fatal bilious
fevers. No medicine will act more
surely in counteracting and freeing Ihe
system from the malarial poison. Head
ache, Indiuestion, Constipation, Dir.
zihesi yield to Electric Bitters. Only
50c and tl per bottle atChartniin ttCo's
Drug Store.
Stands at the Head.
Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of
Shreveport, Lit., svs: "Dr King's New
Discovery is Ihe only thing that cures
my cough, and it is the best seller I
have." J. F. Campbell, merchant of
KaHord, Ariz., writes; "Dr King's
New Discovery is all that Is claimed for
i. ; it never fails, and is a sure cure for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I
cannol say enough for its merits " Dr.
Kinn's New I 'iscoveri' for Consumption,
Coughs and 0 J I is not an experiment.
It h s been tried, for a ipnirter of a
century, and to-dav stands at the head.
it never illsapoomlM. l'ree trial bottle
at Charinxn it Co.' Drng Store
Mrs. Jacob Koljer has oiiened an
employment bureau ut 7th St Bakery to
nrnish female be'n.
K'tuliir Bf:tl
Hrim I .-Tw" n
Okkxis City Cornm anil hub Yur
H ci kly Or'-iriiiHn .......a M 2 in
Thrlw W'-i-K N- V. World 2 !in 2 (
Thrlw u-Wwli VtMtm i urnul 2 Mi 2 m
Jiew f iwMliinii -. .. i ! 2 li
Knrnl New Yorker '.. So 2 im
Contitrv ntlvruen.. ......-.-I ea 2 W
Frnirle Furmr- 2 fin 2 on
lrlliV We. kljr 'lit
AmerK-nn Aiirj nllunl ....2 2 ll
rpe,rod for ll rrt lrcnini rtn-nrth nit l"n Jimnin .. 1 ii 1 m
heHlifnliiii. Atmrro ihe Iwsl rairtBt alum 'MillT M'ntiiiy.. .... tw
an4 all lt-n ol a'tiiUf raiii n common lo Uit I Amri'" foiillry J.Hirnal 2 OH (0
ebeap limn I". I Thlf ar pH.-a to new ntsu.-ribcn or old une
(OVAL s.m.io ruwbM Co., KKW Toek. payiug lu advaoce.
Absolutely Pure.
Will Make Dally Trip Bi-Uvtcn
VAKK for It on ml Trip,
T :m A. .
12 ) M.
l:au f. M.
l A. M.
2 -i) P. !'.
8:UI 1'. M.
l-':l P. M.
i It V. M.
t.tl V. M.
Ior0t A. M
2:1m I'. l
: P. M
l .V V. M
Dkmokkst's Maoaing for July is a
Victorian Diamond Jubilee number, and
bcidi-H numerous portraits of the (ueen.
repre.n'ing tier at different ages, it
contain an interesting biography of
Her Majesty which is very valuable.