Oregon City Goariep. A, W. CHENCY, Publisher. BEGON CITY..... OREGON MS OF THE WEEK Interesting Colleetlon of Current Events In Condensed Form From llotli Continents. An advance of 5 cents a pound on tar iron 1ms been announced. This is the flrHt tondenoy toward recuperation that bar iron has shown in six montln. A terrible explosion of a torpedo on the Mexican International, near Eagle Pass, Tex., completely wrecked a loco motive and killed the engineer and fire- A sidewalk collapsed in Chicago and 100 people, mostly children were thrown to the ground, ten feet below. A number were seriously injured and one fatally. Mrs. Know, wife of J. W. Know, living near Latah, Wash., gave birth to three girls and one boy. Euoli child ia well formed and woighs i pounds. Mother and children are doing well. The walls of a saloon gave way with out warning in Watertown, S. D., bury ing number of persons in the ruins. The place was crowded at the time. The work of olearing away the debris resulted in the finding of one body. JTive others were seriously injured. It has been discovered that the act of the last session of the.Colorado legisla ture in regard to negotiable instru ments, repealed the statute establish ing the Fourth of Jnly, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, Washington'! "birthday and Memorial day as legal liolidays. A mob of 800 infuriated peasants at Odessa, Russia, seized and savagely lynched one Dunkirk, a murderer, who was being conveyed by the' police to jail. Dunkirk was charged with the commission of 13 murders. The po lice have arrested 85 ringleaders of the lynching party. Alma Fallmer, 10 years old, has been convicted of theft, and ordered Bent to the reform school at Whittier, Cal. From the bottom of a mortar box she took an old plank, with which to build a playhouse. She was convicted of petty larceny by an Alameda judge, and now she is behind the bars await ing her removal to the reform school. A telegram received in Seattle from United States Senator Wilson says that plans for the fortifications at Magnolia bluff, the army post near Seattle, have been approved, and an assignment of 400,000 made. General Weeks, quari termaster-general United States army, has been ordered to Seattle, and direct ed to proceed with the work immediately. The basement and entire lower por tion of the poetoffloe building in Port land, Or., wasVreoked by a terrific ex plosion of gas Monday. The head jani tor, whose thoughtlessness caused the explosion by taking a lighted candle into the basement, was severely burned about the head and arms. A clerk in the stamp department was also hurt, lint not seriously. FREE LIST REACHED. The Annate I Making- Rapid Progress on the Tariff mil. Washington, June 23. The senate made giant stretches on the tariff bill today, covering 66 pages and establish ing a record for progress during this tariff debate. The last two schedules of the dutiable list, covering paper and manufactured sugars, were comploted with the exception of the paragraphs on hides, gloves, coal and some lessor articles, which went over. This ad vanoed the senate to the free list, which was taken up at 2 P. M. and completed in three hours. Early in the day the wool and silk schedules went ovor with an agreement that wool would be taken up tomorrow. After that the tobacco schedule, the reciprocity provisions and the internal revenue portions of the bill, as well as many isolated para graphs passed over, remain to be con sidered. The progress was so marked, however, that for the first time there was a feeling that the end was not far off. There was little debate today, the main topic of discussion being matches and fuses. On the latter item an amendment by Pottigrew, reduoing the rate to 10 per cent, came within one vote of passing, against the protest of the finance committee, the vote being a tie, 24 to 24. While the free list was under consideration Bacon gave no tice or an amendment placing cotton ties on the free list, and McLaunn gave notice of another amendment tuk ing raw cotton from the free list, thui completing the action heretofore taken of placing a duty of 20 per cent on cot ton. ENTIRE STATE SHAKEN! THE PREMIER DENOUNCED. Rouae Proceedings. Washington, June 23. After the ap proval of the journal the house, under a special rule, adopted a bill appropri ating $100,000 for the repair of drydock No. 8. at New York, which recently was discovered to be leaking badly. Latimer asked unanimous consent to have considered a hill declaring a state capable of entirely controlling the liquor traffic. This W. A. Stone said was an outgrowth of a local fight in South Carolina, in which the courts had made a decision, and was not a proper matter lor consideration by the house, lie objected to its consideration. Dingley, from the committee on ways and means, presented a favorable report on joint resolution providing that for eign exhibitors at the Omaha exposition in 1898 may bring to this country laborers to prepare and have charge of exhibits. Two amendments provide that the secretary of the treasury shall fix the number of laborers to enter the country, and they shall leave the Uni ted States within three months of the termination of the exposition. California Visited By a vere Earthquake. Se- 0CCURRED SHORTLY AFTER NOOS The Old Mission at Monterey Was Dam aged, and the III- Hotel Swayed The Loss at Holllster. San Francisco, June 22. Two sharp and severe shocks of earthquake were felt here today, the official time of the first as taken by the United States weather bureau, being 12:14:04. It was followed almost immediately by a second shock. The vibrations were from west to east. Clocks were stopped, and suspended lamps and dec orations were broken in some places, but no real damage is reported. The shocks were the most severe experienced here for many years. The earthquake was general throughout the state. tha Monterey Mission-Hotel Del Monte Monterey, Cal., June 22. An earth quake shock was felt at noon today. It caused a panio among the congregation of the San Carlos mission church. A portion of the adobe wall was thrown down among the frightened worship pers, and several fainted. Other dam age was done to the historic adobo building. At Del Monte, three distinct shocks preceded the rumbling noise. The ho' tel creaked and swayed, and the guests rushed from their rooms. Pictures and glassware were thrown down. At Pacific Orove, a decided earth quake shock was felt at 12:15 P. M. It continued for several seconds, and was preoeded by a deep, prolonged rumbling noise. A panic was threatened among the congregation of the Methodist church, but was averted by the min ister's presence of mind. Persons in all parts of town were terrified. The president has appointed J. B. Brady, of Alaska, to the governorship of that territory. George J. Hackett, a miner, was crushed to death, as the result of an ocident in the Brown Beur mine at Dead wood, Cal. James P. Harlan, brother of Asso ciate Justice Harlan, was accidentally tilled by being run down by a truin iu Louisville, Ky. Reports from nil portions of Wash ington and Oregon, east of the Cas cades, tell of tlie rainfall the past week, which has been general in this section. Tho correspondents all agree that the last vestige of danger to the '07 wheat crop is removed. Tho crop yield will be enhanced 25 per cent. The rain has caused additional benefit by wiping out the grasshopper pest. Senator McBride, of Oregon, has been making an effort to secure the restora tion of the houso rate of $3 per 1,000 on lumber, planed, grooved and tonguod, instead of $3. 00- us reported by tiio senate committee on finance lie says that the lumber dressed in this manner is worth ut least twice as much in the Portland market as the sawed lumber, which pays a duty of $3 under the bill, as agreed to. Senator Mo Hrido says that tho importations of dressed lumber will quite seriously in terfere with industries in Oregon and Washington. The universal postal congress, the fifth convention of the kind in the world, has finished its labors in Wash ington, D. C. The sixth congress will be held in Koine in lt)03. All the countries ot the world were represented at the congress just closed, with the exception of Corea ami theOrango Free State, and these two sent word thut they hoped soon to enter the postul union. The congress, among other things, succeeded in establishing uni form colors for jxwtage stamps, ar ranged for facilitating intermediary transit rates and diminishing the tariff quite materially on a graduated scale for the ensuing six years. The Salt Lake Tribune has published a story that a party of desperadoes from the notorious KolilH-rs' Roost," in Southern Utah, have gone to Wyo ming and are located at Wumsutta, a small station east of Rock Springs. Their purpose, it is claimed, was to bold up the Union Pacific express train or else to rob the paymaster of the Sweetwater mines. Their Plot Frustrated. San Francisco, June 23. Twioe each day Convict William Prekie, serv ing a sentence at Folsom, is triced up by his thumbs. He is also on a bread and water diet. This treatment has been resorted to in order to force Prekie to tell the prison officials where a nuin her of firearms that were to have been used in an attempt to escape from prison are concealed. The prisoners besides Prekie involved in the attempted break for freedom are Robert Kelly, who when sent to San Quentin for burglary murdered a fellow oonviot, for which he was sentenced to 20 years and transferred to Folsom; John Wilson, alias "Shy Red," one of the most desperate of criminals, sent from this city to serve 40 years for burglary, and James Morton. The men arranged to dig into the yard from a dungeon, seize a number of guns thut had been cached by gym pathizers and tight their way to free dom, but the warden obtained know! edge of the plot. Earthquake In Mexico. Oaxaoa, Mexico, June 23. Earth- quake shocks and heavy rains have seriously interrupted telegraph commu nication with the isthmus of Tehauiite- pec during the last threo days. Advices were received hore lust night that the otnclal commission sent to the city of Tehanntepeo by President Diaz to investigate the reported formation of a volcano and the extent of the earth quake damages, has arrived at its desti nation and found the condition of affairs muoh worse than they had ex pected. The town of Tehanntepeo con tained about 15,000 inhabitants, and is completely destroyed so fur us houses and buildings are concerned, not one remaining standing. There were a number of substanital and costly build ings in tho town. The people are iv ing in tents and in tho opeu air on the outskirts of the place. Tho earthquake shocks continue to be felt at frequent intervals, and the people are terrified. The heavy smoke and other indications of an active volcano to the west of Tehttitntepeo is no longer visible. - Much Damage In Holllster. Hollister, Cal., June 22. Shortly after noon today, the most severe earth quake shock since 18G8 did many thou sand dollars dumage to buildings and their contents, Nocausaltiesoccurred, though several narrow escapes are re corded. Every brick building in town has suffered, and in the courthouse the walls and ceilings have lost -most of their plaster. Immediately after the earthquake, a firewall of the McMahon house fell upon the adjoining buildings. Hundreds of window panes were cracked or broken, and in some instances entire window sashes were thrown into the street from the second-story of the buildings. Every House III Gllroy Felt It. Gilroy, Cal.. June 22. The heaviest earthquake ever felt here lasted only a few seconds, but did muoh damage. Numerous chimneys were toppled over, house walls cracked, heavy plate-glass store windows shattered, and a general wreokage of bottle and sholfware in houses and stores caused. People rushed out of their homes, thinking the last trumpet had sounded in earnest. In some houses blinds were wrenohed from their hangings, and an unusual scene of petty destruction is presented in nearly every house and store in town. Hams Fell at Deeoto. Decoto, Cal., .June 22. There were two heavy shocks of earthquake at 12:13 today. The vibrations seemed to be from north to south. One or two old barns in the neighborhood fell to the ground. There was another shock at 12:55 P. M. lighter than the first. Spanish Manifesto Demands That Cuban Itelgii of Terror Cease London, June 23. Tho Madrid cor respondent of the Times says: Tho Spanish liberals have adopted an atti tude, which will probablv create a pro round sensation, both here and in the United States, but which is little cal culated to improve the sittiution. At a meeting of ex-ministers of tho liberal party on Sunday Scnor Sugastu mado an energetio speech, denouncing the home and foreign policy of the premier and his conduct during the recent crisis, which Sagastu insisted had led the peo ple to oritioise the decision of the crown. The meeting resolved to issue a man ifesto, declaring that the liberals would persist in abstaining from all relations with the government, so long as the Duke of Tetuan is retained in the cab inet. The manifesto will also assert that the liberals were the authors of the first colonial reform scheme in 1894, but curtailed it in 1895 in order to ob tain the support of the conservatives. The manifesto will characterize the proposed reforms of Canovas as inade quate and suggest the replacement of Captain-General Weyler by a governor who will continue the war in accord ance with civilized practices, the stop ping of the reign of terror and devasta tion of property in Cuba, and the ap pointment of a civilian as royal com missioner, with full powers distinct from the military authorities, to exe cute reiorms oi the widest autonomy in political, administrative, economical, tariff and legislative matters, compati ble with the preservation of the im perial sovereignty. The manifesto will promise to go very far in the direction of a sacrifice of Spanish commercial interests, and of sharing the burden of colonial war debts in order to secure peace. (PRESIDENT TO SENATE CUBANS TAKE A FORT. Full Text of the Hawaiian Annexation Message. PAST NEGOTIATIONS REVIEWED History Is Cited to Show Annesatlot to lie the Logleal Destiny of the Island. PLAN TO END THE WAR. Some Vlsallans Frightened. Visalia, Cal., June 22. Two severe earthquake shocks were felt at 12 o'clock. The vibrations were from west to east. Suspended lumps vibra ted for 15 minutes, houses were shaken and some people ran out of doors. The shock was the most severe felt here in years. Cracked a Newman Brlrk Building Modesto, Cal., Juno 22. A shock of earthquake was felt about noon. Many people in tho upper stories of brick buildings ran into the streets in alarm. EJAt Newman, this county, a brick building of one story was cracked slightly. Their Hralns to Science. Chicago, June 23. Professor Fred, crick Starr's devoted pupils, forming the grewsome autopsy of the university of Chicago, have entered into a secret compact to give their brains to science when they die. Accompanying the oerehral tissue will be a minute mental history of the subject. This will in clude a truthful statement of the per sonal virtues and vices. By a careful examination of the brain tissue and tha written key it is believed that manifold shades of character may be located in their respective parts of the brain. Henry L. Buehler, of Baltimore, Md., the oldest Odd Fellow in the world, is dead. Roth Bides I'repared to fight. Topeka, Kan., June 23. Both sides in the suit filed by the federal govern ment against the Kansas City Livestock Exchange to dissolve it under the anti trust law, have filed briefs in the United States court for Judge Foster to read. It is expected a decision in the case involving the charges for yardage and feed by the Kansas City Stockyards Company will not be handed down un til August or September. Defended His Home. San Francisco, June 23. John Shin- fck, who the police say is on ex-convict, lies in the receiving hospital with a fractured skull, the result of a blow from a hatchet wielded bv Paul Jon kins, a peddler. This afternoon, Shin ick called on Mrs. Jenkins, during the absence ot her husband. Aocording to her story, he insulted her and knocked her down. At this juncture Jenkins appeored, and seeing his wife covered with blood, demanded an explanation. For a reply, Shinick seized Jenkins by the throat and proceeded to strangle him. After a desperate struggle, Jen kins managed to free himself from Shinick's grasp, anil pickimr un a hatchet, struck his assailant over the head, fracturing the skull. Shinick renewed the attack and vainly endeav ored to get possession i.f tho weapon. During the struggle Jenkins apiin struck him with the hatchet, inflicting an ugly scalp wound. Jenkins was ar rested and charged with assault to mur der. KUe Children Frightfully Burned. Buffalo, N. Y., June 22. Fire last night partly destroyed the home of Joseph Metanski, in South Buffalo, anil five children were frightfully burned. Sophie, aged 10, died in a hospital this morning. Key, aged 12; Brown, aged 7: Verona, aged 8, and Cecilia, aged 8, are lying on cots at the hospital, and the attending physicians say there is little chance for their recovery. Me tanski is also in the hospital. His arms and face were burned in the attempt t save bis children. Sugar Trust Would Buy Cuban Island From Spain. New York, June 23. A dispatch to the Herald from Washington says: A story is current that the sugar trust has evolved or accepted an ambitious sug gestion that Cuba is substantially for sale, and might as well become a sugar plantation for a gigantic corporation supported by the sympathy and interest of our country. In other words, that we might have a West Indian Com pany, as England had, and a Hudson Bay Company, each of which aided in the extension of British empire. It is said the Spanish minister to the United States cabled recently to Madrid reports of the disppsititon of our gov ernment to decline to interfere by force and also to support Cuban auton omy, and that this cable prevented the recall of v eyler, when a change in the Spanish ministry was in the air, and prevented sending to Cuba Campos, who, having closed the ten years' war with cash in hand, might do the same job now by the same means much oheaper than Spain can keep 200,000 eoliders in the field. ' Colonel J. J. Cook is the gentleman credited with the imagination to con ceive the capture of Cuba with cash as a measure of peace. In the House of Commons. London, June 23. The house of comomns was crowded yesterday, when the first lord of the treasury, Mr. Bal four, moved, and Sir AVilliam Vernon Harcourt, liberal leader, seconded, an address of congratulation to the queen. Dillon, chairman of the Irish parlia mentary party, protested. John Redmond, a Pamellite leader, amid laughter from the conservatives and unionists, moved an amendment to the address, and caused an animated scene. Redmond protested against Great Britain's rule in Ireland, and asked that house to adopt an amendment to the effect that it deemed it a duty to place on reoord that during the 00 years of her majesty's reign Ireland had suf fered grievously from famine, depopu lation, poverty and continued suspen sion of constitutional liberties, with the result that tho Irish are discon tented and are unable to join in the celebration. On Sun Nicholas Inland. Long Beach, Cal., June 23. After nearly three weeks' sojourn on the barren island of San Nicholas, a party of relic-hunters reached Long Beach today, loaded with skeletons.skulls and ancient implements and ornaments of stone and shells, the remains of pre historic tribes. The party found 87 skulls buried in the sand of the island, but were onlv able to secure three entire. They mado one excavation 20 feet square in" which they found nine skeletons in a crouch ing attitude, us though men, women and children had been buried alive. In another place they found the remains of hundreds of bodies that had been burned. Evidence was found that the island was inhabited by two or more different races, one of which was of great size, a peculiar characteristic being gigantic jawbones. Lees Thinks Flgel Is Guilty. San Francisco, June 23. Chief ol Police Lees has made the statement that from the evidence so far brought out at the coroner's inquest, it is. in his opinion, fair to conclude that Theo dore Figel was immediately connected with the death of Isaac Hoffman. The following is the text of the mes sage sent to the United States senate by the president to accompany the Hawaiian treaty: "I transmit hereby to the senate, In order that after due consideration the constitutional function of advice and consent may be exercised by that body, a treaty for annexation of the republic of Hawaii to the United Stutes, Bigned by plenipotentiaries of the parties on June 16. For a better understanding of the subject I transmit in uddition the report of the secretary of state, re viewing negotiations which have led to this important result. "The incorporation of the Hawaiiun islands into a body poltious is a neces sary and fitting sequel to the chain ot events which from an early period of our history has controlled the inter course and prescribed the associations of the United States and the Hawaiiun islands. The predominance of Amerie can interests in that neighboring terri tory was first asserted in 1820 by send ing to the islands a representative of the United States. It found further expression by the signature of a treaty of friendship, commerce and navigation with the king in 1826. It was signally annouoed in 1843, when the interven tion of the United States caused the British government to disavow the seizure of the Sandwich islands by a British naval commander, and to recog nize them by treaty as an independent state, renouncing forever any purpose of annexing the islands or exerting a protectorate over them. In 1851 the cession of the Hawaiian kingdom to the United States was for mally offered, and although not then accepted, this government proclaimed t its duty to preserve alike the honor and dignity of the United States and safety of the government of the Ha waiian islands. From this time until the outbreak of the war of 1861 the policy of the United States toward Ha waii and the Hawaiian sovereign towards the United States was exem plified by continued negotiations for annexation or for a reciprocal commer cial union. The latter alternative was at length accomplished by the reciproc ity treaty of 1875, the provisions of which were renewed by the convention of 1884, embracing the perpetual cession to the United States of the harbor of Pearl river. "In 1888 a proposal for a joint guar anty of the neutrality of the Hawaiian islands by the United States, Germany and Great Britain was declined on the announced ground that the relation of the United States to the islands was sufficient for the end in view. In brief. from 1820 to 1898 the course of the United States toward the islands has consistently favored their autonomous welfare with the exolusion of all for eign influences save our own to the ex tent of upholding eventual annexation as a necessary outcome of that policy. Not only is a union of the Ha waiian territory to the United States no new scheme, but it is the inevit able consequence of the relation stead fastly maintained with that mid-Pacific domain for three-quarters of a century. Its accomplishment has been merely a question of time. While its failure in 1893 may not be a cause for congratula tion, it is certainly a proof of the dis interestedness of the United States, the delay of four years having abundantly sufficed to establish the right and abil ity of the republic to enter as a sov ereign government into a conventional union with the United States, thus realizing a purpose held by the Ha waiian people and proclaimed by suc cessive Hawaiian governments through some 70 years of their virtual depend ence upon the benevolent protection of the United States. "The report of the secretary of state exhibits the character and course of re cent negotiations and features of the treaty itself. The organization and administrative details of incorporation are necesasrily left to the wisdom of congress, and I cannot donbt that when the funeiton of the constitutional treaty making power shall be performed with the largest regard for the interest of this rich domain and for the welfare of the inhabitants thereof. ( "(Signed) WM. M'KINLEY. "Executive Mansion, Washington, D. 'J., June 16." Nearly All the Spaniards Killed or Else Taken Prisoners. Havana, Juno 22. A few days ago a party of soldierg arrived her from Fort Mogoloa, five leagues from the city of Santa Clara. They say that an ottaok was made upon the fort by a band of insurgents and that most of the garrison died defending the fort. All the am munition was captured and all the sur vivors of the garrison exoepting them selves were taken prisoners by the insur gents. Official advices state that a hot en gagement occurred at Mantua, Pinar del Iiio. The Spanish murines and in fantry forces were largely outnumbered by the insurgents, and after several hours' fierce fighting, the regulars were compelled to seek refuge in a near-by town. ' They met with large losses in killed and wounded, many of whom were left on the field. From the Curaooa trocha come re- -ports that large forces of insurgents have approached the trocha with the intention of crossing. They are be lieved to be under command of Gomez. Captain-General Weyler will go to Santiago do Cuba by the end of the present month to assume command of military operations. He will take with him 40,000 men. The firm of Alejandra Gonzales, pur veyors to the military hospital in Santa Clara, have refused to furnish the hos pital with supplies of provisions, owing to tho fact thut they have not received payment for their goods for seven months. They claim the government now owes them over $100,000. There are actually 16,000 siok sol diers now in the government hospitals and the authorities have been compelled to reopen the Regla sugar warehouses for the purpose of receiving the sufier ing troops. PUT OUT OF THE CHURCH. A Woman Ejected When She Attempted to Defend Her Husband. New York, June 22. Herman Wars cawiak, the Christianized Hebrew who has been seeking admission into the Presbyterian church as a minister, and who for a long time had the support of Rev. Dr. John Hull, of the Fifth-avenue Presbyterian church, was today publicly denounced before the congre gation of thut church as an immoral person and guilty of gambling. He was also suspended from the com munion of the church. When the judgment was read to the fashionable congregation, Mrs. Warszawiak, who was present, declared in a loud voice that her husband was innocent. She was put out of the church, while the pastor announced a hymn to quiet the congregation. Mrs. Warszawiak said: "My husband is innocent. I cannot hear him harshly spoken of before so many people and not defend him." The ushers, at a signal from Dr. Pritchard, of Alexander chapel, who had taken Dr. Hall's place for the day, led Mrs. Warszawiak from the church. The congregation had begun to sing ,th hymn. The lady at first resisted, but was prevailed upon to leave. Not withstanding the singing of the hymn, the excitement, though suppressed, was intense. After the incident the serv ices went on as usual. DRAGOONS IN THE AIR. Successful Trials of Flying Machine In Germany. Berlin, June 22. Naval experts at Kiel are now testing the practical use of dragon-shaped airships, which may be put on board vessels for use during naval engagements and in reconnoiter ing. Some of the balloons rose COO feet, remaining fust to the deck of the torpedo boat steaming 14 knots an hour, enabling the balloonists to make obser vation of stations of vessels at great dis tances. The observations made were communicated by telegraph or tele phone from the balloons to persons on the decks of the vessels below, enabling them to change the course of the latter accordingly. The whole series of experiments occupied a fortnight, and were eminently successful. Half-Breed's Inheritance. Seattle, Wash., June 23. Emma Kronier, a half-breed Indian girl, pov erty-stricken and an inmate of the refuge home in this city, today fell heir to $35,000 through the death of a brother In California, of consumption. She is the daughter of a Boston, Mass., white man named Kromer, who cume West years ago to avoid a scandal in bis family affairs, and settled on 160 acres of land at Port Gardner, now the present townsite of Everett. Interested In Filigree's Scheme. Lansing, Mich., June 21. Governor Pingree's fame as the originator of the potato-patch scheme for the poor has crossed the ocean, and his plan is being adopted in several European countries. Letters have been received at the ex ecutive office from Budapest, Hungary, and from Nottingham, England, re questing information regarding the plan. Copies of the message which the governor delivered to the Detroit com mon council upon the subject when he was mayor of that city, were sent to the inquirers. Oakland Bookkeeper Held Hp. Oakland, Cal., June 22. Edward Eliason, a bookkeeper, was within a few doors of his home last night, when a tall man leaped at him from behind a clump of trees. The young man was grabbed by the throat and thrown down before he could give a cry. Then the footpad searched his victim's clothing, taking all his money and val uables. The robbery was committed about midnight, in a thickly settled portion of the city, which is well light ed by electric lights. As soon as the robber had secured his plunder he re leased the man and watched him start for his residence, having warned him to make no outcry. Queen Begins Her Jubilee. London, June 22. Queen Victoria began the celebration of her jubilee Sunday, as was befitting her entire car eer, before the altar of her fathers. Throughout London, the United King dom and tha empire, in every cathe dral, church or chapel of the Estab lished Church of England, were held services similar to those at St George's chapel, Windsor, where her majesty paid her devotions and offered solmen thanks to God. , Dals Will a Forgery. " San Francisco, June 19. During the trial of the Davis will contest todav, a sensation was created by G. R. E. Max well, paying teller of the First National bank, of this city, who was called as an expert to pass upon the signature of the alleged will, by declaring the signature a forgery and expressing the conviction that the forgery was committal Kr Window Glass Factory Destroyed. Muncie, Ind., June 23. The window glass faotory at Orestes, 18 miles west of Muncie, burned tonight. The fac tory employed 400 men, and the loss will be about flOO.OOO. A Fatal "X" R,y Operation. Boston, June 22. Franklin R. TWn. of Med ford, died at the Massachusetts AltXaniiPr Rnvil narrna a lA .1 ' 11 . 1 .' 1 s sut us iiic iiraTM vrurrHi nivniTU a a at vAani dent who holds the same relation to tion guided by "X"-ray photographs for me removal ol a bullet from his brain.